To describe an infrequent presentation of ocular tuberculosis. Retrospective o bservational case report. A 61-year-old woman presented with decreased vision in her right eye and cystoid macular edema resistant to peri...To describe an infrequent presentation of ocular tuberculosis. Retrospective o bservational case report. A 61-year-old woman presented with decreased vision in her right eye and cystoid macular edema resistant to periocular corticosteroi d treatment. There were no other findings. Diagnosis of probable underlying tube rculosis uveitis with macular edema as the only ocular manifestation was establi shed based on a clinical history of possible tuberculosis during her infancy. Ad ditionally, there were residual findings in the patient’s chest x-ray, a positive Mantoux reaction, and Mycobacterium tu berculosis in sputum. Specific treatment was implemented for nine months. Cystoi d macular edema resolved completely, visual acuity improved (20/20), and no remi ssion occurred during two years of followup. In cases of idiopathic cystoid macu lar edema, tuberculosis should be considered as a potential cause. When treated, both are curable.展开更多
病例介绍患者,女,16岁。2013年6月,患者因“左眼葡萄膜炎”于当地医院就诊,并局部使用消炎散瞳等药物治疗,无好转。2周后患者于上级医院就诊时发现左眼视盘视网膜水肿,2013年6月25日行眼眶MRI提示左眼视网膜脱离(图1),并于当地接受了“...病例介绍患者,女,16岁。2013年6月,患者因“左眼葡萄膜炎”于当地医院就诊,并局部使用消炎散瞳等药物治疗,无好转。2周后患者于上级医院就诊时发现左眼视盘视网膜水肿,2013年6月25日行眼眶MRI提示左眼视网膜脱离(图1),并于当地接受了“左眼玻璃体切除+硅油填充术”治疗。术后3 d,患者出现左眼胀痛,于2013年7月2日至四川大学华西医院眼科就诊。患者既往有肺结核病史。专科体格检查示:左眼视力无光感,眼压30.1 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa),眼睑肿胀,球结膜高度充血水肿,角膜雾状混浊,前房内见大量白色絮状渗出物,下方少量积血,虹膜纹理不清,瞳孔不圆,部分后粘连,对光反射迟钝,晶状体混浊,眼后段窥不清。右眼未见明显异常(图2)。血常规提示:白细胞计数增高(14.21×109/L),中性粒细胞比例增高(84.5%)。初步诊断为:左眼全葡萄膜炎,左眼硅油眼,左眼继发性青光眼,左眼并发性白内障。住院期间治疗情况见表1及图3、4。展开更多
文摘To describe an infrequent presentation of ocular tuberculosis. Retrospective o bservational case report. A 61-year-old woman presented with decreased vision in her right eye and cystoid macular edema resistant to periocular corticosteroi d treatment. There were no other findings. Diagnosis of probable underlying tube rculosis uveitis with macular edema as the only ocular manifestation was establi shed based on a clinical history of possible tuberculosis during her infancy. Ad ditionally, there were residual findings in the patient’s chest x-ray, a positive Mantoux reaction, and Mycobacterium tu berculosis in sputum. Specific treatment was implemented for nine months. Cystoi d macular edema resolved completely, visual acuity improved (20/20), and no remi ssion occurred during two years of followup. In cases of idiopathic cystoid macu lar edema, tuberculosis should be considered as a potential cause. When treated, both are curable.
文摘病例介绍患者,女,16岁。2013年6月,患者因“左眼葡萄膜炎”于当地医院就诊,并局部使用消炎散瞳等药物治疗,无好转。2周后患者于上级医院就诊时发现左眼视盘视网膜水肿,2013年6月25日行眼眶MRI提示左眼视网膜脱离(图1),并于当地接受了“左眼玻璃体切除+硅油填充术”治疗。术后3 d,患者出现左眼胀痛,于2013年7月2日至四川大学华西医院眼科就诊。患者既往有肺结核病史。专科体格检查示:左眼视力无光感,眼压30.1 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa),眼睑肿胀,球结膜高度充血水肿,角膜雾状混浊,前房内见大量白色絮状渗出物,下方少量积血,虹膜纹理不清,瞳孔不圆,部分后粘连,对光反射迟钝,晶状体混浊,眼后段窥不清。右眼未见明显异常(图2)。血常规提示:白细胞计数增高(14.21×109/L),中性粒细胞比例增高(84.5%)。初步诊断为:左眼全葡萄膜炎,左眼硅油眼,左眼继发性青光眼,左眼并发性白内障。住院期间治疗情况见表1及图3、4。