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作者 何珂意 杨泽粟 《地球科学前沿(汉斯)》 2022年第11期1478-1492,共15页
为进一步研究青藏高原东部陆面地水、热交换过程对本区域乃至全球气候变化与环境变化的影响;通过对四个蒸散产品与三个站点(QMOS, NAMORS, SETORS)的实际观测值,计算得出的决定系数和均方根误差,对比得到最适合高原地区的蒸散产品;再通... 为进一步研究青藏高原东部陆面地水、热交换过程对本区域乃至全球气候变化与环境变化的影响;通过对四个蒸散产品与三个站点(QMOS, NAMORS, SETORS)的实际观测值,计算得出的决定系数和均方根误差,对比得到最适合高原地区的蒸散产品;再通过运用此产品,来分析高原区域的蒸散长期变化特征、平均ET空间分布、变率的空间分布,线性趋势空间分布和高原整体的ET时间变化;再根据实际分析情况,划分出子区域分析子区域30年的时间序列。最后结合气象环境数据来分析其气象要素与蒸散变化的相关性,揭示蒸散变化的主导因素。 展开更多
关键词 青藏高原 蒸散变化 蒸散数据评估
阿克苏河流域灌区土地利用变化对蒸散耗水的影响 被引量:12
作者 王志成 李稚 +2 位作者 张辉 李万江 徐永军 《灌溉排水学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期79-85,共7页
土地利用变化导致蒸散耗水过程和流域水资源供需关系发生变化。【目的】合理估算灌区蒸散耗水量。【方法】以新疆阿克苏河流域灌区为研究对象,结合对土地利用/覆被变化的遥感解译,分析了2000—2014年阿克苏河流域灌区土地利用/覆被变化... 土地利用变化导致蒸散耗水过程和流域水资源供需关系发生变化。【目的】合理估算灌区蒸散耗水量。【方法】以新疆阿克苏河流域灌区为研究对象,结合对土地利用/覆被变化的遥感解译,分析了2000—2014年阿克苏河流域灌区土地利用/覆被变化及其对灌区蒸散耗水量的影响。【结果】(1)2000—2014年,阿克苏河流域灌区土地利用/覆被发生了明显变化,突出表现为耕地面积的显著增加。灌区耕地面积以159.8 km2/a的速度增加,其中,阿克苏河、库河、塔河、托河温宿及托河乌什灌区分别以37.3、37.2、66.1、4.9、20.0 km2/a的速度增加;(2)伴随绿洲耕地面积的扩张,灌区的蒸散发量表现出明显增加趋势。在2000—2014年,阿克苏河流域灌区蒸散耗水量以0.3×108m3/a的速率增加,年内表现为夏季增加最明显;(3)灌区耕地面积的变化直接影响地表蒸散过程。阿克苏河流域灌区的耕地多年平均蒸散发量约为244.3 mm/a,大于天然草地的多年平均蒸散发量150.1 mm/a。【结论】在全球变暖背景下,快速升温和灌区垦植面积的不断扩大,使灌溉引水、蒸散耗水和人类活动用水不断增加,是导致灌区蒸散耗水增加的主要原因。 展开更多
关键词 土地利用 蒸散变化 灌区耕地 耗水 流域
草甸草原区羊草生育期蒸散量变化规律研究 被引量:5
作者 王力飞 朝伦巴根 +1 位作者 王亚娟 王志强 《节水灌溉》 北大核心 2008年第5期1-5,9,共6页
基于2005--2006年羊草生育期气象因子及生理因子野外观测试验数据,用联合国粮农组织FAO-56分册中最新双作物系数法以日为时段计算了羊草2个不同水文年的蒸散量。模拟计算的蒸腾、蒸发量与实际观测值间进行了拟合相关图、拟合优度参数... 基于2005--2006年羊草生育期气象因子及生理因子野外观测试验数据,用联合国粮农组织FAO-56分册中最新双作物系数法以日为时段计算了羊草2个不同水文年的蒸散量。模拟计算的蒸腾、蒸发量与实际观测值间进行了拟合相关图、拟合优度参数法的有效性检验。用羊草生育期生理特性、冠层结构变化、气象要素和根系层土壤含水率变化对计算结果进行了分析,得出生育期各生长阶段蒸散量和日平均蒸散强度及它们的变化规律。 展开更多
关键词 草原 羊草 作物系数法 蒸散变化
基于ERA5-Land产品的黄河流域蒸散时空变化特征 被引量:4
作者 杨扬 王丽娟 +2 位作者 黄小燕 齐月 谢蕊 《干旱气象》 2023年第3期390-402,共13页
近年来,黄河流域气候发生明显变化,对流域地表水文、生态等过程产生显著影响。研究黄河流域蒸散时空变化特征,对加深陆-气相互作用认识及区域水资源管理有重要意义。本文分别在黄河源区、河套地区以及黄河下游地区选取一个代表性站点[... 近年来,黄河流域气候发生明显变化,对流域地表水文、生态等过程产生显著影响。研究黄河流域蒸散时空变化特征,对加深陆-气相互作用认识及区域水资源管理有重要意义。本文分别在黄河源区、河套地区以及黄河下游地区选取一个代表性站点[海北、SACOL(Semi-Arid Climate and Environ⁃ment Observatory of Lanzhou University)和禹城站]的观测资料,检验欧洲中期天气预报中心ERA5-Land产品中蒸散资料在黄河流域的适用性。在此基础上,利用ERA5-Land资料中1980—2021年逐月潜热通量资料,结合经验正交函数分解(Empirical Orthogonal Function,EOF)、功率谱和回归分析研究近42 a黄河流域蒸散时空变化特征。结果表明:ERA5-Land资料能够反映海北、SACOL和禹城站蒸散变化特征,与观测资料的相关性较好,偏差和均方根误差较小,适用于黄河流域蒸散时空变化特征分析。黄河流域不同区域蒸散存在多时间尺度变化,显著振荡周期主要为5、15 a,有明显的年际和年代际变化。黄河流域不同区域年蒸散EOF分解第1模态表现出同位相变化,在2004年前后由增大转为减少趋势;第2模态为偶极子分布,空间分布表现反向变化特征。近42 a黄河流域年蒸散为明显减少趋势,不同区域减幅不同,下游减少速率最快,为-3.74 mm·a^(-1),河套地区为-2.82 mm·a^(-1),黄河源区减少速率相对平缓。夏季蒸散变率最大,河套和下游减少速率较大;冬季蒸散变率较小,黄河源区减少速率最大,为-0.48 mm·a^(-1)。 展开更多
关键词 黄河流域不同区域 蒸散时空变化 ERA5-Land资料
作者 张谋草 赵满来 《干旱气象》 1995年第3期21-24,共4页
利用西峰农业气象试验站1989-1990和1990-1991年度旱作麦田土壤水分观测资料,采用零通量面法计算农田蒸散。结果表明,在旱农地区存在稳定少变的零通量面位置;农田蒸散随时间的变化一般多呈双峰型,但其谷值均在8... 利用西峰农业气象试验站1989-1990和1990-1991年度旱作麦田土壤水分观测资料,采用零通量面法计算农田蒸散。结果表明,在旱农地区存在稳定少变的零通量面位置;农田蒸散随时间的变化一般多呈双峰型,但其谷值均在8月8日。 展开更多
关键词 旱田 零通量面 蒸散变化
北方干旱寒冷地区羊草生育期蒸散量变化规律研究 被引量:3
作者 贾德彬 刘艳伟 朝伦巴根 《干旱区资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期158-165,共8页
基于2005-2006两个不同水文年对羊草、拂子茅、冰草构成的羊草群落生育期生境中气象因子及生理因子野外观测试验数据,用联合国粮农组织FAO-56分册中最新双作物系数法计算分析了羊草群落生育期不同降雨条件的需水量。模拟计算的蒸腾、蒸... 基于2005-2006两个不同水文年对羊草、拂子茅、冰草构成的羊草群落生育期生境中气象因子及生理因子野外观测试验数据,用联合国粮农组织FAO-56分册中最新双作物系数法计算分析了羊草群落生育期不同降雨条件的需水量。模拟计算的蒸腾、蒸发量与实际观测值间进行了拟合相关图、拟合优度参数法的有效性检验。用羊草生育期生理特性、冠层结构变化、气象要素和根系层土壤含水率变化对计算结果进行了分析,得出生育期各生长阶段蒸散量和日平均蒸散强度及其它们的变化规律。 展开更多
关键词 浑善达克沙地 羊草群落 作物系数法 生育期需水量 蒸散变化
Analysis of Reference Evapotranspiration Change and Its Impact Factors in Australia
作者 谢今范 曾丽红 +1 位作者 宋开山 张柏 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第5期30-33,共4页
[ Objective] To discuss regional response of reference evapotranspiration ( ETo ) to global climate change and its influencing factors. [Method] Penman-Monteith equation was adopted to calculate ET0 in Australia fro... [ Objective] To discuss regional response of reference evapotranspiration ( ETo ) to global climate change and its influencing factors. [Method] Penman-Monteith equation was adopted to calculate ET0 in Australia from 1998 to 2007. Spatiotemporal change characteristics were analyzed by using GIS spatial analysis tools and relationships between ETo and main climate factors were also analyzed. [ Resultsl The results showed that multi-year average ET0 increased from the east and south part to the northwest part and inland, and its distribution was consistent with climate zones. Multi-year average ETo of the whole region was 1 750 mm, obtaining minimum and maximum values in 2000 and 2002 respectively. Regional ETo decreased in the order of summer, spring, autumn and winter; January and December got the highest monthly ET0, while June got the lowest value 79.55 mm. ETo positively correlated with mean temperature and solar radiation, R2 for each were 0.83 and 0.94, while the relationship between ETo and average relative humidity was negative, and precipitation had no significant relationship with ET0. [ Conclusion] This research could provide important reference for crop water requirement study and making irrigation method for Australia. 展开更多
关键词 AUSTRALIA Reference evapotranspiration Penman-Monteith equation Spatiotemporal change
Effects of Climatic Change on Evapotranspiration in Zhalong Wetland,Northeast China 被引量:5
作者 WANG Hao XU Shiguo SUN Leshi 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2006年第3期265-269,共5页
Evapotranspiration (ET) process of plants is controlled by several factors. Besides the physiological factors of plants, height, density, LAI (leaf area index), etc., the change of meteorological factors, such as ... Evapotranspiration (ET) process of plants is controlled by several factors. Besides the physiological factors of plants, height, density, LAI (leaf area index), etc., the change of meteorological factors, such as radiation, temperature, wind and precipitation, can influence ET process evidently, thus remodeling the spatial and temporal distribution of ET. In order to illuminate the effects of meteorological factors on wetland ET, the ET of Zhalong Wetland was calculated from 1961 to 2000, the statistical relationships (models) between ET and maximum temperature (Tmax), minimum temperature (Tmin), precipitation (P) and wind speed at 2m height (U2) were established, and the sensitivity analysis of the variables in the model was performed. The results show that Tmax and Tmin are two dominating factors that influence ET markedly, and the difference of rising rate between Tmax and Tmin determines the change trend of ET. With the climatic scenarios of four General Circulation Models (GCMs), the ET from 2001 to 2060 was predicted by the statistical model. Compared to the period of 1961-2000, the water consumption by ET will increase greatly in the future. According to the scenarios, the rise of Tmax (about 1.5℃ to 3.3℃) and Tmin (about 1.7℃ to 3.5℃) will cause an additional water consumotion of 14.0%- 17.8% for reed swami). The ecological water demand in Zhalong Wetland will become more severe. 展开更多
关键词 climate change EVAPOTRANSPIRATION General Circulation Model Zhalong Wetland
Trends in major and minor meteorological variables and their influence on reference evapotranspiration for mid Himalayan region at east Sikkim, India 被引量:1
作者 Shweta YADAV Proloy DEB +2 位作者 Sonu KUMAR Vanita PANDEY Pankaj Kumar PANDEY 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第2期302-315,共14页
Abstract: Estimation of evapotranspiration (ET) for mountain ecosystem is of absolute importance since it serves as an important component in balancing the hydrologic cycle. The present study evaluates the performa... Abstract: Estimation of evapotranspiration (ET) for mountain ecosystem is of absolute importance since it serves as an important component in balancing the hydrologic cycle. The present study evaluates the performance of original and location specific calibrated Hargreaves equation (HARG) with the estimates of Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) Penman Monteith (PM) method for higher altitudes in East Sikkim, India. The results show that the uncalibrated HARG model underestimates ET0 by 0.35 mm day^-1 whereas the results are significantly improved by regional calibration of the model. In addition, this paper also presents the variability in the trajectory associated with the climatic variables with the changing climate in the study site. Non- parametric Mann-Kendall (MK) test was used to investigate and understand the mean monthly trend of eight climatic parameters including reference evapotranspiration (ET0) for the period of 1985 - 2009. Trend of ET0 was estimated for the calculations done by FAO PM equation. The outcomes of the trend analysis show significant increasing (p ≤ 0.05) trend represented by higher Z-values, through MK test, for net radiation (Rn), maximum temperature (Tmax) and minimum temperature (Train), especially in the first months of the year. Whereas, significant (0.01 ≥ p ≤0.05) decreasing trend in vapor pressure deficit (VPD) and precipitation (P) is observed throughout the year. Declining trend in sunshine duration, VPD and ET0 is found in spring (March - May) and monsoon (June - November) season. The result displays significant (0.01≤ p ≤0.05) decreasing ET0 trend between (June - December) except in July, exhibiting the positive relation with VPD followed by sunshine duration at the station. Overall, the study emphasizes the importance of trend analysis of ET0 and other climatic variables for efficient planning and managing the agricultural practices, in identifying the changes in the meteorological parameters and to accurately assess the hydrologic water balance of the hilly regions. 展开更多
关键词 Reference evapotranspiration (ET0) Climatic variables Trend analysis Mann-Kendall's test Monthly variation East Sikkim hilly region
The Impacts of the Interannual Variability of Vegetation on the Interannual Variability of Global Evapotranspiration: A Modeling Study 被引量:1
作者 CHEN Hao ZENG Xiao-Dong 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2012年第3期225-230,共6页
The impact of the interannual variability (IAV) of vegetation on the IAV of evapotranspiration is investigated with the Community Land Model (CLM3.0) and modified Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (DGVM). Two sets of 50... The impact of the interannual variability (IAV) of vegetation on the IAV of evapotranspiration is investigated with the Community Land Model (CLM3.0) and modified Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (DGVM). Two sets of 50-year off-line simulations are used in this study. The simulations begin with the same initial surface-water and heat states and are driven by the same atmospheric forcing data. The vegetation exhibits interannual variability in one simulation but not in the other simulation. However, the climatological means for the vegetation are the same. The IAV of the 50-year annual total evapotranspiration and its three partitions (ground evaporation, canopy evaporation, and transpiration) are analyzed. The global distribution of the evapotranspiration IAV and the statistics of evapotranspiration and its components in different ecosystems show that the IAV of ground evaporation is generally large in areas dominated by grass and deciduous trees, whereas the IAV of canopy evaporation and transpiration is large in areas dominated by bare soil and shrubs. For ground evaporation, canopy evaporation, and transpiration, the changes in IAV are larger than the mean state over most grasslands and shrublands. The study of two sites with the same IAV in the leaf area index (LAI) shows that the component with the smaller contribution to the total evapotranspiration is more sensitive to the IAV of vegetation. The IAV of the three components of evapotranspiration increases with the IAV of the fractional coverage (FC) and the LAI. The ground evaporation IAV shows the greatest increase, whereas the canopy evaporation shows the smallest increase. 展开更多
关键词 interannual variability EVAPOTRANSPIRATION ground evaporation canopy evaporation TRANSPIRATION
Regional applicability of seven meteorological drought indices in China 被引量:23
作者 YANG Qing LI MingXing +1 位作者 ZHENG ZiYan MA ZhuGuo 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第4期745-760,共16页
The definition of a drought index is the foundation of drought research.However,because of the complexity of drought,there is no a unified drought index appropriate for different drought types and objects at the same ... The definition of a drought index is the foundation of drought research.However,because of the complexity of drought,there is no a unified drought index appropriate for different drought types and objects at the same time.Therefore,it is crucial to determine the regional applicability of various drought indices.Using terrestrial water storage obtained from the Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment,and the observed soil moisture and streamflow in China,we evaluated the regional applicability of seven meteorological drought indices:the Palmer Drought Severity Index(PDSI),modified PDSI(PDSI_CN) based on observations in China,self-calibrating PDSI(scPDSI),Surface Wetness Index(SWI),Standardized Precipitation Index(SPI),Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index(SPEI),and soil moisture simulations conducted using the community land model driven by observed atmospheric forcing(CLM3.5/ObsFC).The results showed that the scPDSI is most appropriate for China.However,it should be noted that the scPDSI reduces the value range slightly compared with the PDSI and PDSI_CN;thus,the classification of dry and wet conditions should be adjusted accordingly.Some problems might exist when using the PDSI and PDSI_CN in humid and arid areas because of the unsuitability of empiricalparameters.The SPI and SPEI are more appropriate for humid areas than arid and semiarid areas.This is because contributions of temperature variation to drought are neglected in the SPI,but overestimated in the SPEI,when potential evapotranspiration is estimated by the Thornthwaite method in these areas.Consequently,the SPI and SPEI tend to induce wetter and drier results,respectively.The CLM3.5/ObsFC is suitable for China before 2000,but not for arid and semiarid areas after 2000.Consistent with other drought indices,the SWI shows similar interannual and decadal change characteristics in detecting annual dry/wet variations.Although the long-term trends of drought areas in China detected by these seven drought indices during 1961-2013 are consistent,obvious differences exist among the values of drought areas,which might be attributable to the definitions of the drought indices in addition to climatic change. 展开更多
关键词 Surface sensible heating Tibetan-Iranian Plateau coupling system(TIPS) Water vapor convergence Upper troposphere and lower stratosphere circulation Cooling center at tropopause
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