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额济纳绿洲草地蒸散系数研究 被引量:1
作者 侯兰功 肖洪浪 《水土保持研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期126-129,共4页
联合国粮农组织推荐的蒸散计算方法中,蒸散系数是计算实际蒸散必不可少的参数。本文从蒸散系数的定义出发,在2005年额济纳绿洲生长季连续观测的基础上,运用波文比能量平衡法计算额济纳绿洲草地的实际蒸散量,利用FAO 56Penman-Monteith... 联合国粮农组织推荐的蒸散计算方法中,蒸散系数是计算实际蒸散必不可少的参数。本文从蒸散系数的定义出发,在2005年额济纳绿洲生长季连续观测的基础上,运用波文比能量平衡法计算额济纳绿洲草地的实际蒸散量,利用FAO 56Penman-Monteith模型计算草地的参考蒸散,将实际蒸散与参考蒸散相除即得到额济纳绿洲草地的蒸散系数。通过研究发现:生长季草地的蒸散量(ETc)为446.96mm,从生长季初期开始,草地的蒸散量开始增加,在6月后半月达到最大值6.724mm/d,此后蒸散量开始快速下降,在生长季末期达到最低值1.215mm/d;蒸散系数(Kc)呈现出与蒸散量(ETc)相同的变化趋势,自生长季初期开始蒸散系数快速上升,在6月后半月达到生长季最大值0.623,之后随着草地生长减缓,蒸散系数快速下降,直至生长季末期草地停止生长。对额济纳绿洲草地蒸散系数的计算可以为该地区准确估算草地生态需水量提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 额济纳绿洲 生长季 蒸散系数 蒸散
干旱区人工绿洲间作农田蒸散研究 被引量:24
作者 吴锦奎 丁永建 +2 位作者 王根绪 山崎佑介 田隆平 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第9期16-20,共5页
在黑河流域中游的张掖绿洲区建立了大田环境下的春小麦和夏玉米间作农田能水平衡研究观测点,以气象观测资料为基础,采用波文比能量平衡法(BREB)和参考作物蒸散量-作物系数法(ET0-Kc)对作物的蒸散进行了计算。结果表明:在一个完... 在黑河流域中游的张掖绿洲区建立了大田环境下的春小麦和夏玉米间作农田能水平衡研究观测点,以气象观测资料为基础,采用波文比能量平衡法(BREB)和参考作物蒸散量-作物系数法(ET0-Kc)对作物的蒸散进行了计算。结果表明:在一个完整的生长期内,利用波文比能量平衡法得到的间作作物蒸散量为688mm,日均3.4mm/d,用参考作物蒸散量作物系数法得到的作物蒸散量为666mm,日均3.3mm/d,两种计算方法得到的蒸散量总值差别小。同期,水文平衡法计算结果为733mm。利用波文比能量平衡法所得结果的分析表明,试验地在不同生长阶段,ET变化剧烈,生长初期、中期、末期分别为1.19、4.41和2.58mm/d,其蒸散量分别占全年蒸散总量的7.79%、78.73%和13.48%。ET月变化显示,3月维持在一个较低水平;4月和5月剧烈增加;6月达到最大;此后的7月和8月降低,但仍维持在一个高水平;9月,随着作物进入生长末期,蒸散急剧减小。对ET日内变化分析可知,作物蒸散开始于早晨7:00~8:00,在14:00左右达到最大,19:00~20:00趋于0mm/d。不同生长阶段蒸散强度差异明显。 展开更多
关键词 蒸散 间作作物 波文比能量能量法 参考作物蒸散量-作物系数 绿洲
干旱区制种玉米农田蒸散研究 被引量:12
作者 吴锦奎 丁永建 +2 位作者 王根绪 山崎佑介 窩田隆平 《灌溉排水学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期14-17,共4页
在黑河流域中游的张掖绿洲区建立了大田环境下的制种玉米农田蒸散研究观测点,以气象观测资料为基础,采用波文比能量平衡法(BREB)和参考作物蒸散量作物系数法(ET0Kc)对制种玉米的蒸散进行了计算。结果表明,在一个完整的生长期内,利用波... 在黑河流域中游的张掖绿洲区建立了大田环境下的制种玉米农田蒸散研究观测点,以气象观测资料为基础,采用波文比能量平衡法(BREB)和参考作物蒸散量作物系数法(ET0Kc)对制种玉米的蒸散进行了计算。结果表明,在一个完整的生长期内,利用波文比能量平衡法得到的蒸散量为513.2 mm,日均3.2 mm/d,用参考作物蒸散量作物系数法得到的作物蒸散量为486.2 mm,日均3.1 mm/d,2种计算方法得到的蒸散量总值差别小。利用波文比能量平衡法所得结果的分析表明,试验地在不同生长阶段,ET变化剧烈,生长初期、发育期、中期、末期分别为2.3、2.9、4.1和3.0 mm/d,其蒸散量分别约占全年蒸散总量的13%、22%、50%和16%。ET月变化显示,4月和5月维持在一个较低水平,平均为2.1-2.3 mm/d;6月剧烈增加到3.6 mm/d;7月达到最大,平均为4.6mm/d;8月蒸散有所降低,为3.3 mm/d;9月,随着作物进入生长末期,蒸散急剧减小到2.8 mm/d。 展开更多
关键词 蒸散 制种玉米 波文比能量平衡法 参考作物蒸散量-作物系数 干旱区
三江平原寒地稻田蒸散量估算研究 被引量:2
作者 聂晓 王毅勇 刘兴土 《湖北农业科学》 2016年第10期2525-2528,共4页
基于非称重式蒸渗仪测定的寒地稻田实际蒸散量,探讨波文比能量平衡法和Penman-Monteith参考作物蒸散-作物系数法(PM-Kc模型)在寒地稻田蒸散量计算中的适用性。结果表明,波文比能量平衡法估算的蒸散量较实测蒸散量偏低9.1%,但总体有较好... 基于非称重式蒸渗仪测定的寒地稻田实际蒸散量,探讨波文比能量平衡法和Penman-Monteith参考作物蒸散-作物系数法(PM-Kc模型)在寒地稻田蒸散量计算中的适用性。结果表明,波文比能量平衡法估算的蒸散量较实测蒸散量偏低9.1%,但总体有较好的相关性(R2=0.87);校正后的PM-Kc模型低估了水稻生长中期和后期的累积ET,但其相对误差均小于10%,而生长初期,PM-Kc模型得到的累积ET比实测的累积ET_a高19.34%,以生长初期为例进一步分析PM-Kc模型与实际蒸散ET_a的关系,展现了随着间隔日数的增加,RMSE、MAE有降低的趋势,一致性系数d有提高的趋势,PM-Kc模型得到的7日平均模拟实际蒸散与实测蒸散数据最为接近。 展开更多
关键词 寒地稻田 蒸散 估算 波文比能量平衡法 Penman-Monteith参考作物蒸散-作物系数
作者 曲建和 《山东气象》 1989年第S1期25-28,共4页
关键词 帕尔默 Palmer 蒸散系数 动态演变 蒸散 持水量 水量平衡 气象灾害 生态因子 作物生长季
Water Requirements of Sugar Beet Beta vulgaris under Heavy Cracking Clay Soils
作者 Abdelhadi Abdel Wahab Ahmed Ali Salih 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第8期865-874,共10页
Crop coefficients (Kc) of sugar beet were determined for accurate calculation of water requirements (CWR) and better irrigation water management. Three irrigation treatments were used during two seasons to measure... Crop coefficients (Kc) of sugar beet were determined for accurate calculation of water requirements (CWR) and better irrigation water management. Three irrigation treatments were used during two seasons to measure actual crop water use (ETc) under no soil stress treatment using gravimetric sampling. In the second season (SS), the method was modified to target 8 temporal points during crop growth for smooth calculation of ETc under sufficient moisture supply to avoid the distortion that was created by the continuous gravimetric sampling after, before and during each irrigation cycle on the experimental plots. Water was stopped when each targeted sampling point was reached using large plots where intensive sampling continues until the crop reaches severe water stress or permanent wilting point (PWP). The actual crop water use was extracted from the soil moisture depletion curve which allowed the identification of two clear segments. The first segment indicated crop water use during no water stress while the change of the slope indicated the beginning of the water stress. The reference crop evapotranspiration (ET0) was determined on daily basis using appropriate weather data that coincides with the ETc measurement and consequently the crop Kc were calculated. The results showed that the method used during the SS is easy and provides a better understanding of actual crop water use and better estimation of crop Kc. The calculated 10-day Kc values for sugar beet under heavy cracking clay soil conditions were: 0.46, 0.49, 0.53 and 0.60; for the initial stage: 0.69, 0.78, 0.88 and 0.97; for the development stage: 1.05, 1.11, 1.13, 1.11 and 1.04; for mid-season stage and for late season stage: 0.92, 0.74 and 0.60. Yield and other sugar related parameters were also presented for the two seasons. 展开更多
关键词 Sugar beet crop water requirements cracking clay gravimetric sampling.
Water Consumption of Seven Forage Cultivars under Different Climatic Conditions in the North China Plain 被引量:1
作者 潘国艳 欧阳竹 +2 位作者 罗群英 于强 王吉顺 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2011年第1期74-82,共9页
The objectives of this study were to determine the characteristics of water consumption of seven forage cultivars, ryegrass (Secale cereale L.), triticale (×Triticosecale Wittmack), sorghum hybrid sudangrass ... The objectives of this study were to determine the characteristics of water consumption of seven forage cultivars, ryegrass (Secale cereale L.), triticale (×Triticosecale Wittmack), sorghum hybrid sudangrass (Sorghum biolor× Sorghum Sudanense c.v.), ensilage corn (Zea mays L.), prince’s feather (Amaranthus paniculatus L.), alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), and cup plant (Silphium perfoliatum L.), in response to climate variability (especially precipitation). Field experiments were conducted at Yucheng Integrated Experiment Station from 2005 to 2009. Fifteen irrigated lysimeters were used to measure evapotranspiration (ET) and crop coefficient (Kc) of these seven forage varieties under ample water supply. The mean Kc for alfalfa is 1.08, and the mean Kc for other forage varieties ranges from 0.79 to 0.94. Kc for hibernating forage is higher in wet years than that in dry years, followed by normal years, while for annual forage, Kc is higher in dry years than in normal years, and is the lowest in wet years. For perennial varieties the order is normal years, dry years, and wet years. Among the annual varieties, ensilage corn is the first choice due to its highest average forage N yield and water use efficiency (WUE). Sorghum hybrid sudangrass is another forage cultivar that grows well under all climatic conditions. It can achieve 1.08-2.31 t ha-1 y-1 N yield under all circumstances. Prince’s feather is sensitive to climate change and its N yield dropped below half even when ample water was applied in dry and normal years. Ryegrass and triticale have the advantage of growing in the fallow phase after cotton is harvested in the North China Plain (NCP) and the latter performed better. For perennial varieties, alfalfa performed better than cup plant in dry years. With ample irrigation, alfalfa can achieve higher biomass and WUE under arid climate condition, but excessive rain caused reduction in production. 展开更多
关键词 forage cultivars EVAPOTRANSPIRATION crop coefficient water use efficiency climatic patterns
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