AP1000核电厂第一跨空间内布置了设备冷却水系统(component cooling water system,CCS)驱动泵,能够保证核电厂事故工况下设备冷却水系统、余热排出系统等关键安全系统的正常运行,从而保证核电厂安全。然而在蒸汽发生器主给水管道双端断...AP1000核电厂第一跨空间内布置了设备冷却水系统(component cooling water system,CCS)驱动泵,能够保证核电厂事故工况下设备冷却水系统、余热排出系统等关键安全系统的正常运行,从而保证核电厂安全。然而在蒸汽发生器主给水管道双端断裂事故下,大量的水会泄放到第一跨空间内,对第一跨空间内的关键设备造成严重威胁。因此,对AP1000核电站蒸汽发生器主给水管道双端断裂事故下第一跨空间内泄放流体三维流动特性进行数值模拟。采用ANSYS系列软件,建立第一跨空间三维模型,基于流体体积模型(volume of fluid model,VOF)计算冷却剂喷放事故下,第一跨空间内流动特性及水位变化规律。计算结果表明,破口水从入口进入第一跨空间后在5.334 m层漫流,绝大部分泄放水通过该层设置的预留开孔流出,部分水在该层堆积。但是,由于设置挡水沿,泄洪水并未漫流到0 m层与-3.8 m层,随着冷却剂喷放引发给水泵跳泵,第一跨空间内水位将逐渐下降,不会造成重要设备防水台的漫流淹没。计算结果对核电厂主要泄洪途径、关键设备布置设计与优化提供了数值参考。展开更多
Parallel turbine-driven feedwater pumps are needed when ships travel at high speed. In order to study marine steam generator feedwater control systems which use parallel turbine-driven feed pumps, a mathematical model...Parallel turbine-driven feedwater pumps are needed when ships travel at high speed. In order to study marine steam generator feedwater control systems which use parallel turbine-driven feed pumps, a mathematical model of marine steam generator feedwater control system was developed which includes mathematical models of two steam generators and parallel turbine-driven feed pumps as well as mathematical models of feedwater pipes and feed regulating valves. The operating condition points of the parallel ttu-bine-driven feed pumps were calculated by the Chebyshev curve fit method. A water level controller for the steam generator and a rotary speed controller for the turbine-driven feed pumps were also included in the model. The accuracy of the mathematical models and their controllers was verified by comparing their results with those from a simulator.展开更多
文摘AP1000核电厂第一跨空间内布置了设备冷却水系统(component cooling water system,CCS)驱动泵,能够保证核电厂事故工况下设备冷却水系统、余热排出系统等关键安全系统的正常运行,从而保证核电厂安全。然而在蒸汽发生器主给水管道双端断裂事故下,大量的水会泄放到第一跨空间内,对第一跨空间内的关键设备造成严重威胁。因此,对AP1000核电站蒸汽发生器主给水管道双端断裂事故下第一跨空间内泄放流体三维流动特性进行数值模拟。采用ANSYS系列软件,建立第一跨空间三维模型,基于流体体积模型(volume of fluid model,VOF)计算冷却剂喷放事故下,第一跨空间内流动特性及水位变化规律。计算结果表明,破口水从入口进入第一跨空间后在5.334 m层漫流,绝大部分泄放水通过该层设置的预留开孔流出,部分水在该层堆积。但是,由于设置挡水沿,泄洪水并未漫流到0 m层与-3.8 m层,随着冷却剂喷放引发给水泵跳泵,第一跨空间内水位将逐渐下降,不会造成重要设备防水台的漫流淹没。计算结果对核电厂主要泄洪途径、关键设备布置设计与优化提供了数值参考。
文摘Parallel turbine-driven feedwater pumps are needed when ships travel at high speed. In order to study marine steam generator feedwater control systems which use parallel turbine-driven feed pumps, a mathematical model of marine steam generator feedwater control system was developed which includes mathematical models of two steam generators and parallel turbine-driven feed pumps as well as mathematical models of feedwater pipes and feed regulating valves. The operating condition points of the parallel ttu-bine-driven feed pumps were calculated by the Chebyshev curve fit method. A water level controller for the steam generator and a rotary speed controller for the turbine-driven feed pumps were also included in the model. The accuracy of the mathematical models and their controllers was verified by comparing their results with those from a simulator.