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榆林地区蓝炭产业发展现状及其前景 被引量:24
作者 虎锐 李波 张秀成 《中国煤炭》 北大核心 2008年第5期69-72,共4页
关键词 蓝炭 低温干馏 榆林地区
蓝炭在冶炼钼铁中的应用试验研究 被引量:2
作者 杨双平 孙超 贺峰 《铁合金》 2016年第1期21-24,共4页
提出一种使用蓝炭作为部分还原剂进行钼铁冶炼试验研究的方法。通过试验研究,重点探索了不同蓝炭替代比例(0%、20%、50%、80%、100%)和粒度(原始粒度<5 mm、<1.25 mm)对钼金属回收率、钼铁化学成分和渣铁比的影响。研究结果表明... 提出一种使用蓝炭作为部分还原剂进行钼铁冶炼试验研究的方法。通过试验研究,重点探索了不同蓝炭替代比例(0%、20%、50%、80%、100%)和粒度(原始粒度<5 mm、<1.25 mm)对钼金属回收率、钼铁化学成分和渣铁比的影响。研究结果表明使用蓝炭替代焦炭冶炼钼铁完全能满足产品要求。 展开更多
关键词 钼铁 蓝炭 冶炼 回收率
使用蓝炭搭配冶金焦冶炼高碳铬铁 被引量:3
作者 王志强 姜德鹤 《铁合金》 2017年第1期1-3,共3页
关键词 蓝炭 高碳铬铁 冶金焦 生产成本
使用蓝炭生产电石的试验 被引量:1
作者 吴魏民 《浙江化工》 CAS 1996年第1期30-33,共4页
关键词 蓝炭 电石 碳化钙 还原剂
使用大同蓝炭冶炼75%硅铁的降铝和节电效果 被引量:3
作者 黄乃昌 王青 +1 位作者 王二焕 魏长生 《铁合金》 1983年第4期17-20,共4页
还原剂的选择对铁合金生产具有非常重要的意义,良好的还原剂不仅能使冶炼顺利进行,而且对提高产品质量、降低电耗和改善各项技术经济指标都有着重要的作用。1981年,我厂在生产出口的75%硅铁时,遇到了硅铁含铝量高的难关。经过研究和分析... 还原剂的选择对铁合金生产具有非常重要的意义,良好的还原剂不仅能使冶炼顺利进行,而且对提高产品质量、降低电耗和改善各项技术经济指标都有着重要的作用。1981年,我厂在生产出口的75%硅铁时,遇到了硅铁含铝量高的难关。经过研究和分析,我们选择了大同蓝炭作还原剂进行冶炼,取得了很好的效果,使75%硅铁中的铝含量由35左右降到1.5%以下。 展开更多
关键词 蓝炭 太钢 冶金焦 还原剂 含铝量 焦炭 硅铁 山西 大同 节电效果
作者 马金山 赵守国 +1 位作者 耿俊玲 徐秀莲 《煤炭加工与综合利用》 CAS 2009年第6期37-39,共3页
关键词 褐煤 中温干馏 蓝炭 甲醇 联产 优越性
作者 廖坤 《甘肃化工》 1997年第1期32-34,共3页
关键词 蓝炭 灰份 比电阻活性 成本 焦炭 碳化钙 燃料
作者 戴化震 陈建中 +4 位作者 沈丽娟 李晓英 赵卫彬 聂倩倩 胡言凤 《选煤技术》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第1期49-51,共3页
文章对我国弱粘煤现有利用途径进行了综述;通过对窑街海石湾矿煤质特征的分析,并结合周边市场需求情况,对该矿煤炭资源优化利用途径进行了探讨,得出:海石湾矿弱粘煤经分选后的低灰、特低硫精煤适宜用于炼焦配煤或低温干馏,尤其是低温干... 文章对我国弱粘煤现有利用途径进行了综述;通过对窑街海石湾矿煤质特征的分析,并结合周边市场需求情况,对该矿煤炭资源优化利用途径进行了探讨,得出:海石湾矿弱粘煤经分选后的低灰、特低硫精煤适宜用于炼焦配煤或低温干馏,尤其是低温干馏得到的蓝炭、煤焦油和煤气可广泛用于多个行业,市场前景广阔;分选得到的混煤、煤泥可供周边热电厂、水泥厂等作动力用煤。 展开更多
关键词 弱粘煤 煤质特征 利用途径 炼焦配煤 低温干馏 蓝炭
作者 李树楷 陈松江 《铁合金》 北大核心 2005年第2期8-10,33,共4页
随着近年来冶金焦大幅涨价,采购也较困难,严重制约锰硅合金的生产。通过冶金性能分析,对蓝炭、无烟煤等碳质还原剂在有渣法锰硅合金冶炼上的应用进行了论证,认为采用蓝炭或无烟煤与冶金焦相互搭配使用,可以取得较好的技术经济指标和经... 随着近年来冶金焦大幅涨价,采购也较困难,严重制约锰硅合金的生产。通过冶金性能分析,对蓝炭、无烟煤等碳质还原剂在有渣法锰硅合金冶炼上的应用进行了论证,认为采用蓝炭或无烟煤与冶金焦相互搭配使用,可以取得较好的技术经济指标和经济效益。 展开更多
关键词 还原剂 蓝炭 无烟煤 应用
工业硅生产中碳质还原剂的选择 被引量:14
作者 陈达 《铁合金》 北大核心 2008年第4期14-20,共7页
介绍了工业硅生产中常用的木炭、石油焦、烟煤及蓝炭等碳质还原剂的物理化学性质,并对烟煤和蓝炭作为木炭替代品做了可行性分析,得出:在工业硅生产中,根据具体情况选择几种合适的碳质还原剂替代单一的还原剂,是一种行之有效的办法,并在... 介绍了工业硅生产中常用的木炭、石油焦、烟煤及蓝炭等碳质还原剂的物理化学性质,并对烟煤和蓝炭作为木炭替代品做了可行性分析,得出:在工业硅生产中,根据具体情况选择几种合适的碳质还原剂替代单一的还原剂,是一种行之有效的办法,并在生产践中取得了良好的效果。 展开更多
关键词 工业硅 还原剂 木炭 石油焦 烟煤 蓝炭
作者 王培东 唐喜文 +1 位作者 浦生良 刘宪成 《铁合金》 北大核心 2007年第3期6-8,共3页
通过对冶金焦与蓝炭的主要成分、性能、价格进行对比分析,并结合硅铬合金生产工艺的特点,对还原剂进行了重新选择,即优先选择性价比高的还原剂(100%使用蓝炭)生产工艺的特点,对还原剂进行了重新选择,即:优先选择价比高的还原剂(100%... 通过对冶金焦与蓝炭的主要成分、性能、价格进行对比分析,并结合硅铬合金生产工艺的特点,对还原剂进行了重新选择,即优先选择性价比高的还原剂(100%使用蓝炭)生产工艺的特点,对还原剂进行了重新选择,即:优先选择价比高的还原剂(100%使蓝炭)生产硅铬合金,实现了降低电耗,提高经济效益的目的。 展开更多
关键词 工艺特点 蓝炭 冶金焦 性价比 优选
《中国氯碱》 CAS 2007年第6期35-35,共1页
关键词 价格上涨 电石 国内 华中地区 西南地区 报价 出厂 蓝炭
Colorectal cancer lymph node staining by activated carbon nanoparticles suspension in vivo or methylene blue in vitro 被引量:42
作者 Hong-Ke Cai Hai-Fei He Wei Tian Mei-Qi Zhou Yue Hu Yong-Chuan Deng 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第42期6148-6154,共7页
AIM:To investigate whether activated carbon nanoparticles suspension(ACNS) or methylene blue(MB) can increase the detected number of lymph nodes in colorectal cancer.METHODS:Sixty-seven of 72 colorectal cancer patient... AIM:To investigate whether activated carbon nanoparticles suspension(ACNS) or methylene blue(MB) can increase the detected number of lymph nodes in colorectal cancer.METHODS:Sixty-seven of 72 colorectal cancer patients treated at our hospital fulfilled the inclusion criteria of the study which was conducted from December 2010 to February 2012.Seven patients refused to participate.Eventually,60 patients were included,and randomly assigned to three groups(20 in each group):ACNS group(group A),MB group(group B) and non-stained conventional surgical group(group C).In group A,patients received subserosal injection of 1 mL ACNS in a 4-quadrant region around the mass.In group B,the main artery of specimen was identified and isolated after the specimen was removed,and 2 mL MB was slowly injected into the isolated,stretched and fixed vessel.In group C,no ACNS and MB were injected.All the mesentery lymph nodes were isolated and removed systematically by visually inspecting and palpating the adipose tissue.RESULTS:No difference was observed among the three groups in age,gender,tumor location,tumor diameter,T-stage,degree of differentiation,postoperative complications and peritoneal drainage retention time.The total number of detected lymph nodes was 535,476 and 223 in the three groups,respectively.The mean number of detected lymph nodes per patient was significantly higher in group A than in group C(26.8 ± 8.4 vs 12.2 ± 3.2,P < 0.001).Similarly,there were significantly more lymph nodes detected in group B than in group C(23.8 ± 6.9 vs 12.2 ± 3.2,P < 0.001).However,there was no significant difference between group A and group B.There were 50,46 and 32 metastatic lymph nodes dissected in 13 patients of group A,10 patients of group B and 11 patients of group C,without significant differences among the three groups.Eleven of the 60 patients had insufficient number of detected lymph nodes(< 12).Only one patient with T 4a rectal cancer had 10 lymph nodes detected in group B,the other 10 patients were all from group C.Based on the different diameter categories,the number of detected lymph nodes in groups A and B was significantly higher than in group C.However,there was no statistically significant difference between group A and group B.The metastatic lymph nodes were not significant different among the three groups.Similarly,tumor location,T stage and tumor differentiation did not affect the staining results.Body mass index was a minor influencing factor in the two different staining methods.The stained lymph nodes can easily be identified from the mesenteric adipose tissues,and the staining time for lymph nodes was not significantly different compared with unstained group.None of the patients in groups A and B had drug-related complications.CONCLUSION:Both activated carbon nanoparticles suspension in vivo and methylene blue in vitro can be used as tracers to increase the detected number of lymph nodes in colorectal cancer. 展开更多
关键词 NANOTECHNOLOGY Activated carbon nanoparticles suspension Methylene blue Lymph nodes Colorectal cancer
Characteristics of activated carbon prepared from Chinese fir sawdust by zinc chloride activation under vacuum condition 被引量:4
作者 丘克强 杨素文 杨娟 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2009年第3期385-391,共7页
The preparation of activated carbon from Chinese fir sawdust by zinc chloride activation under both nitrogen atmosphere and vacuum conditions was carded out in a self-manufactured vacuum pyrolysis reactor. The effects... The preparation of activated carbon from Chinese fir sawdust by zinc chloride activation under both nitrogen atmosphere and vacuum conditions was carded out in a self-manufactured vacuum pyrolysis reactor. The effects of the system pressure and the activation condition (nitrogen or vacuum) on pore development were investigated. The results show that both high quality activated carbon and high added-value bio-oil can be obtained simultaneously via vacuum chemical activation. The characteristics of the activated carbons produced under vacuum conditions are better than those prepared under nitrogen atmosphere. The performance parameters of the activated carbon obtained under vacuum conditions are as follows: the pore size distribution is mainly microporous, the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area is 1 070.59 m^2/g, the microporous volume is 0.502 4 cm^3/g, the average pore size is 2.085 nm, and the iodine adsorption value and the methylene blue adsorption value are 1 142.92 and 131.34 mg/g, respectively. The activated carbon from vacuum chemical activation has developed micropores, and the N2 adsorption equilibrium constant of the corresponding activated carbon gradually increases with the decrease of reaction system pressure. 展开更多
关键词 activated carbon BIO-OIL Chinese fir sawdust system pressure vacuum chemical activation
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