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作者 占康有 周显华 +1 位作者 陈瑛 吴一民 《建材世界》 2021年第3期52-55,共4页
该文介绍了西门子S7-1500系列PLC和SR-750读码器在碲化镉薄膜发电玻璃生产线中应用。SR-750通过PROFINET通讯读取基板ID传递给控制器,控制器对读取数据做字符串计算处理,确保实际物料和现场设备层传输的基板ID一致性,满足实现系统功能... 该文介绍了西门子S7-1500系列PLC和SR-750读码器在碲化镉薄膜发电玻璃生产线中应用。SR-750通过PROFINET通讯读取基板ID传递给控制器,控制器对读取数据做字符串计算处理,确保实际物料和现场设备层传输的基板ID一致性,满足实现系统功能的要求。 展开更多
关键词 碲化镉薄膜发电玻璃 Data Matrix Code S7-1500 SR-750
《绿色环保建材》 2017年第10期4-5,共2页
融合顶尖薄膜技术有望成为行业新坐标发布会上,李河君以《一片瓦?一棵树》为题发表演讲。他表示,汉能一直围绕住、行两大领域进行重点产品布局,'让建筑的屋顶、墙面都装上薄膜太阳能,一直是我们的目标。'他强调,新发布的汉瓦&#... 融合顶尖薄膜技术有望成为行业新坐标发布会上,李河君以《一片瓦?一棵树》为题发表演讲。他表示,汉能一直围绕住、行两大领域进行重点产品布局,'让建筑的屋顶、墙面都装上薄膜太阳能,一直是我们的目标。'他强调,新发布的汉瓦'一次全新的突破,一次颠覆'。 展开更多
关键词 发布会 薄膜发电 经销商 李河君 太阳能技术
作者 何江川 《电子制作》 2018年第16期25-26,93,共3页
关键词 移动能源 薄膜发电 太阳能电池 应用前景
作者 朱亮亮 《现代建筑电气》 2018年第9期30-32,共3页
关键词 办公楼 薄膜光伏发电 太阳能电池板 光资源
作者 王珍 王兴刚 +2 位作者 王宇 王洪达 朱振国 《建材世界》 2020年第1期48-50,62,共4页
通过对不同行业MES的应用对比,研究薄膜太阳能发电玻璃行业MES的不同之处,并结合实际项目中MES系统使用过程中发现的问题进行研究总结。研究结果表明,在设计MES需求时,必须通过MES对现场操作进行严格的流程管控,尽量减少人工干预,才能... 通过对不同行业MES的应用对比,研究薄膜太阳能发电玻璃行业MES的不同之处,并结合实际项目中MES系统使用过程中发现的问题进行研究总结。研究结果表明,在设计MES需求时,必须通过MES对现场操作进行严格的流程管控,尽量减少人工干预,才能获取更好的数据质量,更好的为数据分析和工艺改善服务,且必须有专业的MES工程师进行前期技术对接和维护,才能使MES在薄膜太阳能行业的设计及应用更加成熟。 展开更多
关键词 薄膜太阳能发电玻璃 MES 流程管控 工艺改善
屋顶敷设薄膜光伏板对室内空调节电和环境效益分析 被引量:2
作者 张志强 康国青 《建筑热能通风空调》 2013年第6期52-54,共3页
通过对典型日屋顶敷设薄膜发电板和晶硅发电板两种情况下由于遮阳而对屋面内表面温度的降低进行量化分析,并对由此带来的空调节能量和环境效益进行量化分析,得出屋顶敷设薄膜发电设施不仅能够充分利用太阳能进行光伏发电,而且由此因遮... 通过对典型日屋顶敷设薄膜发电板和晶硅发电板两种情况下由于遮阳而对屋面内表面温度的降低进行量化分析,并对由此带来的空调节能量和环境效益进行量化分析,得出屋顶敷设薄膜发电设施不仅能够充分利用太阳能进行光伏发电,而且由此因遮阳也带来可观的节电量和环境效益。 展开更多
关键词 薄膜发电 晶硅发电 遮阳 屋面内表面温度 环境效益
“十三五”时期生态文明建设新战略 被引量:3
作者 张孝德 《经济研究参考》 北大核心 2016年第8期3-11,共9页
根据通用技术突破是引爆历次科技革命导火索的规律,"十三五"期间将是中国新能源革命全面爆发的关键时期。新能源革命导致的能源替代,将会导致整个经济系统发生全局性变革。新能源革命引发大规模新兴产业兴起,将会成为中国未... 根据通用技术突破是引爆历次科技革命导火索的规律,"十三五"期间将是中国新能源革命全面爆发的关键时期。新能源革命导致的能源替代,将会导致整个经济系统发生全局性变革。新能源革命引发大规模新兴产业兴起,将会成为中国未来经济增长新引擎。抓住新能源革命时代机遇,大力实施生态经济引领战略,推动中国转型发展,使生态文明建设落地是"十三五"规划必须思考的新思维、大战略。 展开更多
关键词 新能源革命 通用技术 薄膜光伏发电 引领战略
作者 王兰 《汽车观察》 2016年第12期30-31,共2页
与大家已经熟悉的油电混合相比,电电混合是一个笑话,还是一个神话?汉能与李河君从来不缺少话题与亮点。今年夏天,一场李河君个人发家史的演讲将汉能汽车推向了人们的视野。一时间,太阳能汽车像投入中国汽车行业的一枚炸弹,迅速引来铺天... 与大家已经熟悉的油电混合相比,电电混合是一个笑话,还是一个神话?汉能与李河君从来不缺少话题与亮点。今年夏天,一场李河君个人发家史的演讲将汉能汽车推向了人们的视野。一时间,太阳能汽车像投入中国汽车行业的一枚炸弹,迅速引来铺天盖地的质疑。太阳能汽车老百姓能开得起吗?阴天汽车能开吗?太阳能汽车能解决人们的续航里程焦虑吗?这几年把全球薄膜发电技术领先的公司全部买下来的汉能似乎志在必得开创一种全新的电电混合动力新能源汽车。 展开更多
关键词 薄膜发电 太阳能 混合动力 太阳辐射能 气候资源 汽车 续航里程
绿色汉能 全太阳能动力汽车
作者 佚名 《青海科技》 2016年第5期53-55,共3页
智能时代的来临,将带动的不仅仅是技术的进步,还有经济社会形态的创新和变革,最终将提升我们生活和工作的效率、便利和安全。当今的中国正处在经济结构调整和产业转型升级的巨大的变革中,新能源已经成为全球能源可持续发展的战略选择。... 智能时代的来临,将带动的不仅仅是技术的进步,还有经济社会形态的创新和变革,最终将提升我们生活和工作的效率、便利和安全。当今的中国正处在经济结构调整和产业转型升级的巨大的变革中,新能源已经成为全球能源可持续发展的战略选择。未来三年内,中国薄膜发电民用应用市场规模将成为全球第一,中国薄膜发电技术在军工国防、航空航天领域的应用将成为全球第一。 展开更多
关键词 汽车 车重 续航里程 太阳辐射能 气候资源 太阳能 量产车 薄膜发电 砷化镓薄膜
作者 本刊综合 《发明与创新(大科技)》 2016年第12期26-29,共4页
来看看我们身边的'黑科技'吧。它们也许只是过客,带来生活的小惊喜;也许能够攀上塔尖,戳破未来。'黑科技'一词,最早出现在1998年的日本动漫《全金属狂潮》中。那些为使剧情合理而凭空想象出的科学技术,远超人类知识所... 来看看我们身边的'黑科技'吧。它们也许只是过客,带来生活的小惊喜;也许能够攀上塔尖,戳破未来。'黑科技'一词,最早出现在1998年的日本动漫《全金属狂潮》中。那些为使剧情合理而凭空想象出的科学技术,远超人类知识所及。它们像是'魔法',看起来完全不可能存在.不过,当年挥舞着激光剑的二次元青年们肯定不会想到,十几年后,'黑科技'这个字眼正扑面而来,风靡全世界。进入2016年,从C 展开更多
关键词 妖怪 谷歌公司 谢帕德 无人驾驶汽车 人工智能 飞行器 电动汽车 电动车辆 薄膜发电 机器人 地球 行星 玩家 天鹰座
Preparation of Indium Tin Oxide films deposited by reactive evaporation at different substrate-temperature and the properties 被引量:3
作者 LI Lin-na XUE Jun-ming +2 位作者 ZHAO Ying LI Yang-xian GENG Xin-hua 《Optoelectronics Letters》 EI 2007年第6期438-440,共3页
The Indium Tin Oxide films have been prepared at different substrate-temperamre on glass substrates by reactive evaporation of In-Sn alloy with an oxygen pressure of 1.3 × 10^-1Pa and a deposition rate of 10.2 nr... The Indium Tin Oxide films have been prepared at different substrate-temperamre on glass substrates by reactive evaporation of In-Sn alloy with an oxygen pressure of 1.3 × 10^-1Pa and a deposition rate of 10.2 nrrds. The best ITO films obtained have an electrical resistivity of 4.35 × 10^4 Ω.cm, a carrier concentration of 4,02 × 10^2o cm^-3 and a Hall mobility of 67.5 cm2wlsI. The influence of the substrate-temperamre on the structural, optical and electrical properties of the obtained films has been investigated. 展开更多
关键词 薄膜生长 基片 电抗蒸发 温度
Transport and electroluminescence mechanism in Au/(Si/SiO_2)/P-Si film 被引量:1
作者 ZHANG Kai-biao MA Shu-yi MA Zi-jun CHEN Hai-xia 《Optoelectronics Letters》 EI 2006年第1期48-50,共3页
The samples of Au/(Si/SiO2 )/p-Si structure were fabricated by using the R. F magnetron sputtering technique. Its carrier transport and electroluminescence mechanism were studied from the Ⅰ-Ⅴ curves and EL spectra... The samples of Au/(Si/SiO2 )/p-Si structure were fabricated by using the R. F magnetron sputtering technique. Its carrier transport and electroluminescence mechanism were studied from the Ⅰ-Ⅴ curves and EL spectra by using the Configuration Coordinate as a theoretical model. The result indicates that there are two defect centers in SiO2 films. The electron in Au and the hole in p-Si went into SiO2 film by the Fowler-Nordheim tunneling model at a high bias voltage and recombined through these defect centers in SiO2 film. 展开更多
关键词 光致发电 薄膜 Au/(Si/SiO2 )/p-Si 磁电管 电子散射
Study on Flexible Power Generation Device Using Piezoelectric Film 被引量:2
作者 Yoshikazu Tanaka Keitaro Matsumura Hidemi Mutsuda 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2012年第3期353-360,共8页
Various ocean energy technologies have been developed that harness several kinds of renewable energy resources of the ocean. However, these technologies suffer from problems such as high construction and maintenance c... Various ocean energy technologies have been developed that harness several kinds of renewable energy resources of the ocean. However, these technologies suffer from problems such as high construction and maintenance costs, restrictive installation requirements and damage by extraordinary weather conditions. In this paper, we propose a lightweight and FPGD (flexible power generation device) that overcomes these problems. The FPGD essentially consists of piezoelectric films and silicon rubber. Because the FPGD is small and flexible, it is anticipated to efficiently convert fluid energy into electrical energy even when the fluid energy is low. We perform several experiments to confirm the effectiveness of the FPGD and we discuss the results. 展开更多
关键词 Piezoelectric film power generation device ocean energy renewable energy.
Electroluminescent Excitation Mechanism of Erbium-activated Zinc Sulfide Semiconductor Thin Film Devices
作者 LIU Zhaohong WANG Yujiang +1 位作者 CHEN Zhenxiang LIU Ruitang(Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, CHN) 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 1996年第3期175-179,共5页
The electroluminescunce (EL) transient characteristics of erbium-doped zinc sulfide thin film (TF) devices excited by short rectangular pulses are studied, the luminescence delay after de-exciting and the relaxation l... The electroluminescunce (EL) transient characteristics of erbium-doped zinc sulfide thin film (TF) devices excited by short rectangular pulses are studied, the luminescence delay after de-exciting and the relaxation luminance peaks during decay are observed. A model description for energy transfer has been proposed. The experimental results can be theoretically explained with the computer curve fittings. 展开更多
关键词 Semiconductor Materials Thin Film Devices ELECTROLUMINESCENCE EL Displays
作者 张华祝 《国外科技动态》 2004年第7期34-35,共2页
在科纳卡技术公司的测试长凳上,一种新的太阳能电池正在进行测试。跟胶卷儿极其相似的柔性塑料带子正在接受高强度光线的考验。这些带子大约有10厘米长,5厘米宽,正在将光转换为电。将其中一些连线,它们就能够产生足以驱动小风扇的... 在科纳卡技术公司的测试长凳上,一种新的太阳能电池正在进行测试。跟胶卷儿极其相似的柔性塑料带子正在接受高强度光线的考验。这些带子大约有10厘米长,5厘米宽,正在将光转换为电。将其中一些连线,它们就能够产生足以驱动小风扇的电量。 展开更多
关键词 太阳能电池 测试 硅板 发电薄膜 充电
Study on Surface States of Zinc Sulfide Electroluminescence Thin Films
作者 LIU Zhaohong, WANG Yujiang, CHEN Mouzhi, SUN Shunong, LIU Ruitang ( Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005,CHN) 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 1998年第4期253-255,F004,共4页
The zinc sulfide electroluminescence(EL) thin film doped with erbium,fabricated by thermal evaporation with two boats,are made and analyzed by the technology of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.The information of surf... The zinc sulfide electroluminescence(EL) thin film doped with erbium,fabricated by thermal evaporation with two boats,are made and analyzed by the technology of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.The information of surface states of the microcrystalline thin films is obtained.The transient EL spectroscopy of the thin film devices is measured and simulated by the formulae of different energy transfer mechanism.The results indicate that the formula of Gaussian line shape can fit well for description of transient EL process of zinc sulfide thin film doped with erbium.It shows that the surface states have important effect on the relaxation peaks during the decay process of EL for the thin film devices. 展开更多
关键词 El Gaussian formula Relaxation peaks Surface state
Near Infrared Electroluminescence of Er-doped ZnS Thin Film Devices
作者 WANG Yujiang, LIU Zhaohong, CHEN Mouzhi, LIU Ruitang, ZENG Yongzhi (Dept. of Physics,Xiamen University, xiamen 361005, CHN) 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 1998年第4期231-234,共4页
Near infrared electroluminescence characteristics of the Er-doped ZnS thin film devices,fabricated by thermal evaporation with two boats, are reported. The study of the film microstructure has been carried out using X... Near infrared electroluminescence characteristics of the Er-doped ZnS thin film devices,fabricated by thermal evaporation with two boats, are reported. The study of the film microstructure has been carried out using X-ray diffraction. The effects of the Er-doped film microstructure on luminescence are pointed out. 展开更多
关键词 Microstructure Near Infrared Electroluminescence ZnS Thin Film
作者 陈亮 《建设科技》 2015年第20期65-67,共3页
关键词 BIPV 光伏幕墙 曲面屋顶 薄膜光伏发电 柔性光伏组件 光伏敷设优化
Growth and Electronic Properties of Ag Nanoparticles on Reduced CeO2-x(111) Films
作者 Dan-dan Kong Yong-he Pan +2 位作者 Guo-dong Wang Hai-bin Pan Jun-fa Zhu 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第6期713-718,I0004,共7页
Ag nanoparticles grown on reduced CeO2-x thin films have been studied by X-ray plhotoelec- tron spectroscopy and resonant photoelectron spectroscopy of the valence band to understand the effect of oxygen vacancies in ... Ag nanoparticles grown on reduced CeO2-x thin films have been studied by X-ray plhotoelec- tron spectroscopy and resonant photoelectron spectroscopy of the valence band to understand the effect of oxygen vacancies in the CeO2-x thin films on the growth and interracial elec- tronic properties of Ag. Ag grows as three-dimensional particles on the CeO2-x (111) surface at 300 K. Compared to the fully oxidized ceria substrate surface, Ag favors the growth of smaller particles with a larger particle density on the reduced ceria substrate surface, which can be attributed to the nucleation of Ag on oxygen vacancies. The binding energy of Ag3d increases when the Ag particle size decreases, which is mainly attributed to the final-state screening. The interracial interaction between Ag and CeO2_x(lll) is weak. The resonant enhancement of the 4f level of Ce3+ species in RPES indicates a partial Ce4+--+Ce3+ reduction after Ag deposited on reduced ceria surface. The sintering temperature of Ag on CeO 1.85 (111) surface during annealing is a little higher than that of Ag on CeO2 (111) surface, indicating that Ag nanoparticles are more stable on the reduced ceria surface. 展开更多
关键词 Silver CERIA GROWTH Electronic structure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy Resonant photoelectron spectroscopy
Preparation and Characterization of Electron-Beam Evaporated Cu-lnSe Thin Films Using Two Stage Processes
作者 Md. Ariful Islam Md. Nuruzzaman +3 位作者 Ratan Chandra Roy Jaker Hossain Md. Julkamain K. A. Khan 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2016年第3期37-43,共7页
CIS (Cu-InSe) thin films were prepared onto glass substrate by the two stage process--generally called bilayer process. At first, Cu layer was deposited onto glass substrate by electron beam evaporation technique an... CIS (Cu-InSe) thin films were prepared onto glass substrate by the two stage process--generally called bilayer process. At first, Cu layer was deposited onto glass substrate by electron beam evaporation technique and then InSe single layer was deposited on the resulting Cu layer to produce CIS thin film. XRD (X-ray diffraction) analysis revealed that deposited film has an amorphous nature. Electrical resistivity measurements were carried out as a function of temperature during heating and cooling cycles in air. The heating and cooling cycles of the sample are almost reversible after successive heat-treatment in air. In order to consider the influence of the InSe upper layer on the optical properties, the thickness of the InSe upper layer in the CIS films was varied from 50 to 150 nm. Analysis of the transmittance and reflectance spectra, recorded in the wavelength range of 400-1,100 nm, revealed that the CIS films have high absorption coefficient of-104 cm1. The direct band gap varies from 1.40 to 1.22 eV. The refractive index, the extinction coefficient and the dielectric constant of the CIS films depend on the film thickness. 展开更多
关键词 CIS thin film electron beam activation energy absorption coefficient optical band gap.
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