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耕海牧渔 打造“蓝色粮仓”
作者 秋慈 《科学之友》 2022年第6期6-7,共2页
2022年5月1日早上7时30分,在山东省青岛市鲁海丰海洋牧场码头,养殖队队长薛光忠带着20多名同事将150袋饵料码到船上,驾驶4条养殖操作管理船向海中驶去。海洋牧场腹地,圆形养殖网箱星罗棋布。“网箱里有鲈鱼、黄鱼等,过不了几天就可以出... 2022年5月1日早上7时30分,在山东省青岛市鲁海丰海洋牧场码头,养殖队队长薛光忠带着20多名同事将150袋饵料码到船上,驾驶4条养殖操作管理船向海中驶去。海洋牧场腹地,圆形养殖网箱星罗棋布。“网箱里有鲈鱼、黄鱼等,过不了几天就可以出一批鱼了。”薛光忠说,“我们从10多年前开始建设海洋牧场,耕海牧渔,现在年产各类海珍品3000余吨。” 展开更多
关键词 海洋牧场 海珍品 耕海牧渔 薛光 山东省青岛市 蓝色粮仓
作者 薛光延 《通信企业管理》 1994年第1期28-28,共1页
发展乡村公用电话大有可为薛光延一、乡村开办公用电话的必然性乡村开办公用电话是必然趋势,是客观现实所决定的。从电话发展史看,无论是经济发达国家,还是发展中国家,电话业的发展大都经历了公务电话、公用电话、住宅电话三个阶段... 发展乡村公用电话大有可为薛光延一、乡村开办公用电话的必然性乡村开办公用电话是必然趋势,是客观现实所决定的。从电话发展史看,无论是经济发达国家,还是发展中国家,电话业的发展大都经历了公务电话、公用电话、住宅电话三个阶段,也就是说,电话起步于公务,发展于... 展开更多
关键词 薛光 积累资金 部门投资 仓库保管员 交换设备 南康 安远县 拿得出 通信电路 用化
作者 章金荣 《汽车与驾驶维修(汽车版)》 1994年第8期19-20,共2页
1993年12月4日,轰动昆明的"十一"交通肇事逃逸案终于画上了句号。昆明市中级人民法院的法庭里座无虚席。红色的帷幕衬托着庄严的国徽,被告席上案犯陈绍明虽身裹大衣,仍掩饰不住全身的颤抖。旁听席上的几百名群众正满怀激情地... 1993年12月4日,轰动昆明的"十一"交通肇事逃逸案终于画上了句号。昆明市中级人民法院的法庭里座无虚席。红色的帷幕衬托着庄严的国徽,被告席上案犯陈绍明虽身裹大衣,仍掩饰不住全身的颤抖。旁听席上的几百名群众正满怀激情地聆听着法庭的宣判:经法院审理,依法判处案犯陈绍明死刑。驾驶员队伍中的败类,人性泯灭的故意杀人犯陈绍明饮下了正义的子弹。两个为虎作伥的杀人帮凶张德付、薜光位将分别在铁网高墙内渡过5年和3年的囚犯劳改生涯。这个结果,顺乎民意,大快人心。被3名杀人犯活埋的年轻大学生应新平如九泉有知,当予瞑目了。 展开更多
关键词 交通肇事逃逸案 故意杀人 驾驶员队伍 光位 薛光 竹园村 医院门口 过失行为 拼命挣扎 康复医院
Advancing Hierarchical Equations of Motion for Efficient Evaluation of Coherent Two-dimensional Spectroscopy 被引量:2
作者 许健 徐瑞雪 +2 位作者 Darius Abramavicius 张厚道 严以京 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第5期497-506,I0003,共11页
To advance hierarchical equations of motion as a standard theory for quantum dissipative dynamics, we put forward a mixed Heisenberg-SchrSdinger scheme with block-matrix implementation on efficient evaluation of nonli... To advance hierarchical equations of motion as a standard theory for quantum dissipative dynamics, we put forward a mixed Heisenberg-SchrSdinger scheme with block-matrix implementation on efficient evaluation of nonlinear optical response function. The new approach is also integrated with optimized hierarchical theory and numerical filtering algorithm. Different configurations of coherent two-dimensional spectroscopy of model excitonic dimer systems are investigated, with focusing on the effects of intermolecular transfer coupling and bi-exciton interaction. 展开更多
关键词 Hierarchical equations of motion Two-dimensional spectroscopy Mixed Heisenberg-Schrodinger scheme
Dynamics of Optically Driven Exciton and Quantum Decoherence 被引量:1
作者 JINGuang-Ri LIUYu-Xi +1 位作者 ZHOUDuan-Lu SUNChang-Pu 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第6期723-728,共6页
By using the normal ordering method, we study the state evolution of an optically driven excitons in a quantum well immersed in a leaky cavity, which was introduced by Yu-Xi Liu et al. [Phys. Rev. A 63 (2001) 033816].... By using the normal ordering method, we study the state evolution of an optically driven excitons in a quantum well immersed in a leaky cavity, which was introduced by Yu-Xi Liu et al. [Phys. Rev. A 63 (2001) 033816]. The influence of the external laser field on the quantum decoherence of a mesoscopically superposed state of the excitons is investigated. Our result shows that, the classical field can compensate the energy dissipation of the excitons. Although the decoherence rate of the excitonic Schr?dinger cat state does not depend on the external field, the phase of the decoherence factor can be well controlled by adjusting the amplitude of the external field as well as the detuning between the field and the transition frequency of the atom. 展开更多
关键词 EXCITON quantum decoherence
Alternative Scheme for Generation of Atomic Schrdinger Cat States and Entangled Coherent States in an Optical Cavity 被引量:1
作者 林秀 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第5期927-930,共4页
We propose an alternative scheme for generation of atomic Schrodinger cat states in an optical cavity. In the scheme the atoms are always populated in the two ground states and the cavity remains in the vacuum state. ... We propose an alternative scheme for generation of atomic Schrodinger cat states in an optical cavity. In the scheme the atoms are always populated in the two ground states and the cavity remains in the vacuum state. Therefore, the scheme is insensitive to the atomic spontaneous emission and cavity decay. The scheme may be generalized to the deterministic generation of entangled coherent states for two atomic samples. In contrast with the previously proposed schemes of [Commun. Theor. Phys. 40 (2003) 103 and Chin. our scheme is greatly shortened and thus the deeoherence can Phys. B 18 (2009) 1045], the required interaction time in be effectively suppressed. 展开更多
关键词 Schrodinger cat state entangled coherent state atomic sample three-level atom
Solving Master Equation for Two-Mode Density Matrices by Virtue of ThermalEntangled State Representation
作者 FANHong-Yi LIChao 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第1期21-24,共4页
We extend the approach of solving master equations for density matrices by projecting it onto the thermal entangled state representation(Hong-Yi Fan and Jun-Hua Chen,J.Phys.A35(2002)6873)to two-mode case.In this appro... We extend the approach of solving master equations for density matrices by projecting it onto the thermal entangled state representation(Hong-Yi Fan and Jun-Hua Chen,J.Phys.A35(2002)6873)to two-mode case.In this approach the two-photon master equations can be directly and conveniently converted into c-number partial differential equations.As an example,we solve the typical master equation for two-photon process in some limiting cases. 展开更多
关键词 thermal entangled state master equation
Dissipation-Managed Bright Soliton in a 1D Bose-Einstein Condensate in an Optical-Lattice Potential
作者 周政 俞慧友 +1 位作者 敖胜美 颜家壬 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第7期98-100,共3页
We study the formation of a dynamically-stabilized dissipation-managed bright soliton in a quasi-onedimensional Bose-Einstein condensate by including an imaginary three-body recombination loss term and an imaginary li... We study the formation of a dynamically-stabilized dissipation-managed bright soliton in a quasi-onedimensional Bose-Einstein condensate by including an imaginary three-body recombination loss term and an imaginary linear feeding one in the Gross Pitaevskii equation, trapped in a shallow optical-lattice potential. Based on the direct approach of perturbation theory for the nonlinear Schroedinger equation, we demonstrate that the height (as well as width) of bright soliton may have little change through selecting experimental parameters. 展开更多
关键词 SOLITON perturbation approach optical-lattice potential
New Cnoidal and Solitary Wave Solutions of Coupled Higher-Order Nonlinear SchrSdinger System in Nonlinear Optics
作者 HAN Zhao-Xiu 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第1期10-14,共5页
The coupled higher-order nonlinear Schroedinger system is a major subject in nonlinear optics as one of the nonlinear partial differential equation which describes the propagation of optical pulses in optic fibers. By... The coupled higher-order nonlinear Schroedinger system is a major subject in nonlinear optics as one of the nonlinear partial differential equation which describes the propagation of optical pulses in optic fibers. By using coupled amplitude-phase formulation, a series of new exact cnoidal and solitary wave solutions with different parameters are obtained, which may have potential application in optical communication. 展开更多
关键词 coupled higher-order nonlinear SchrSdinger system Jacobi elliptic function solitary wave
Elliptic Function Waves of Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates in an Optical Lattice 被引量:2
作者 XIE Yuan-Dong 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第3期445-449,共5页
An improved nonlinear Schrodinger equation different from usual one of spinor Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) in an optical lattice are obtained by taking into account a nonlinear term in the equation of motion for... An improved nonlinear Schrodinger equation different from usual one of spinor Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) in an optical lattice are obtained by taking into account a nonlinear term in the equation of motion for probability amplitude of spins carefully. The elliptic function wave solutions of the model are found under specific boundary condition, for example, the two ends of the atomic chain are fixed. In the case of limit the elliptic function wave solutions are reduced into spin-wave-like or solitons. 展开更多
关键词 spinor Bose Einstein condensates optical lattice elliptic tunction wave solution SOLITON
Double-Pole Solution and Soliton-Antisoliton Pair Solution of MNLSE/DNLSE Based upon Hirota Method
作者 LUO Runjia ZHOU Guoquan 《Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences》 CAS CSCD 2024年第5期430-438,共9页
Hirota method is applied to solve the modified nonlinear Schrodinger equation/the derivative nonlinear Schrodinger equation(MNLSE/DNLSE) under nonvanishing boundary conditions(NVBC) and lead to a single and double-pol... Hirota method is applied to solve the modified nonlinear Schrodinger equation/the derivative nonlinear Schrodinger equation(MNLSE/DNLSE) under nonvanishing boundary conditions(NVBC) and lead to a single and double-pole soliton solution in an explicit form. The general procedures of Hirota method are presented, as well as the limit approach of constructing a soliton-antisoliton pair of equal amplitude with a particular chirp. The evolution figures of these soliton solutions are displayed and analyzed. The influence of the perturbation term and background oscillation strength upon the DPS is also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 nonlinear partial differential equation integrable system Hirota's bilinear derivative method soliton solution the derivative Schrodinger equation nonlinear optics
作者 颖超 《党史纵横》 1992年第2期1-1,共1页
关键词 妇女日报 自由体诗 薛光 一青
《全国新书目》 1994年第1期54-54,共1页
学校管理学/张彩芬主编.-太原:山西高校联合出版社,1992.6.-411页;大32开.-ISBN 7-81032-172-2:6.20元教育会计工作达标升级指导/杨伦主编.-南宁:广西民族出版社,1992.4.-135页;32开.-ISBN 7-5363-1652-6:2.
关键词 学校管理 山西高校 会计工作 民族出版社 开一 工作手册 科学技术出版社 薛光 卫生管理 丽华
作者 丘岭 《法律与生活》 1994年第6期2-6,共5页
萧墙之祸 黑龙潭公园,位于云南省昆明市北郊。 这里古木参天,绿荫匝地,幽潭深邃,繁花似锦,历来以优美的民间传说和旖旎的迷人风光吸引着难以数计的中外游客,也是昆明人游山玩水的绝好去处。 1993年的国庆之夜,夜色把一块黑纱轻轻地抛向... 萧墙之祸 黑龙潭公园,位于云南省昆明市北郊。 这里古木参天,绿荫匝地,幽潭深邃,繁花似锦,历来以优美的民间传说和旖旎的迷人风光吸引着难以数计的中外游客,也是昆明人游山玩水的绝好去处。 1993年的国庆之夜,夜色把一块黑纱轻轻地抛向了黑龙潭公园。喧闹拥挤了一天的黑龙潭公园,此刻犹如一位待嫁的处子,显得那么温文尔雅,安静迷人。 晚10许,一辆客车停在了公园门口,走下一群晚归的游客。其中7位学生模样的年轻人,一边仍兴致勃勃地高谈阔论,一边沿着公路向不远处的云南农业大学校门走去。 展开更多
关键词 黑龙潭公园 云南农业大学 古木参天 肇事车 车辆管理所 竹园村 副大队长 舆论大哗 学校大门 薛光
Properties and Generation of Photon-Added Schrdinger Cat States 被引量:1
作者 王中结 张晓东 李聪 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第3期459-462,共4页
We have investigated the intensity squeezing of superposition of two photon-added coherent states and proposed a new method for preparation of photon-added coherent states and their superposition states.This method is... We have investigated the intensity squeezing of superposition of two photon-added coherent states and proposed a new method for preparation of photon-added coherent states and their superposition states.This method is based on interaction of the trapped ion with the traveling wave light fields with different frequencies. 展开更多
关键词 photon-added Schr6dinger cat states trapped ion intensity squeezing
作者 Li DENG Pengfei YAO 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2009年第4期749-776,共28页
This paper considers the existence of global smooth solutions of semilinear schrSdinger equation with a boundary feedback on 2-dimensional Riemannian manifolds when initial data are small. The authors show that the ex... This paper considers the existence of global smooth solutions of semilinear schrSdinger equation with a boundary feedback on 2-dimensional Riemannian manifolds when initial data are small. The authors show that the existence of global solutions depends not only on the boundary feedback, but also on a Riemannian metric, given by the coefficient of the principle part and the original metric of the manifold. In particular, the authers prove that the energy of the system decays exponentially. 展开更多
关键词 Boundary feedback energy decay Riemannian metric semilinear schr6dinger equation.
Exact Soliton Solutions for the (2+1)-Dimensional Coupled Higher-Order Nonlinear Schr¨odinger Equations in Birefringent Optical-Fiber Communication 被引量:1
作者 蔡跃进 白成林 罗清龙 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第3期273-279,共7页
In birefringent optical fibers, the propagation of femtosecond soliton pulses is described by coupled higherorder nonlinear Schrodinger equations. In this paper, we will investigate the bright and dark soliton solutio... In birefringent optical fibers, the propagation of femtosecond soliton pulses is described by coupled higherorder nonlinear Schrodinger equations. In this paper, we will investigate the bright and dark soliton solutions of(2+1)-dimensional coupled higher-order nonlinear Schrodinger equations, with the aid of symbolic computation and the Hirota method. On the basis of soliton solutions, we test and discuss the interactions graphically between the solitons in the x-z, x-t, and z-t planes. 展开更多
关键词 (2+1)-dimensional coupled higher-order nonlinear SchrSdinger equations soliton solutions symbolic computation Hirota method interactions
A novel two-stage spectral compression structure em-ploying a logarithmic DIF interconnected with an HNLF- NOLM
作者 陈颖 俞夏琼 +1 位作者 郭连鹏 陈向宁 《Optoelectronics Letters》 EI 2014年第5期329-331,共3页
A novel two-stage spectral compression structure which employs a logarithmic dispersion increasing fiber (DIF) in- terconnected with a highly nonlinear linear fiber-nonlinear optical loop mirror (HNLF-NOLM) is pro... A novel two-stage spectral compression structure which employs a logarithmic dispersion increasing fiber (DIF) in- terconnected with a highly nonlinear linear fiber-nonlinear optical loop mirror (HNLF-NOLM) is proposed and dem- onstrated by numerical simulation. The numerical simulation is implemented by solving the generalized nonlinear SchrOdinger equation using split-step Fourier method, where the soliton number is in the range of 0.5≤N≤1.4. The re- suits show that the spectra are well-compressed and low-pedestal, and the maximum spectral compression ratio (SCR) can reach 10.93 when N=l.4. 展开更多
关键词 Compression ratio (machinery) Computer simulation Numerical models SOLITONS
Multi-Solitons and Combined Solitons with Self-Similar Behaviors in a Birefringent Fiber with Higher-Order Effects
作者 吴红玉 蒋黎红 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第6期721-726,共6页
A coupled variable-coefficient higher-order nonlinear Schrodinger equation in birefringent fiber is studied, and analytical multi-solton, combined bright and dark soliton, W-shaped and M-shaped soliton solutions are o... A coupled variable-coefficient higher-order nonlinear Schrodinger equation in birefringent fiber is studied, and analytical multi-solton, combined bright and dark soliton, W-shaped and M-shaped soliton solutions are obtained. Nonlinear tunnelling of these combined solitons in dispersion barrier and dispersion well on an exponential background is discussed, and the decaying or increasing, even lossless tunnelling behaviors of combined solitons are decided by the decaying or increasing parameter. 展开更多
关键词 coupled higher-order nonlinear SchrSdinger equation self-similar combined solitons nonlinear tunnelling
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