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不同培养条件对甘薯芽菜生长和营养品质的影响 被引量:9
作者 衣申艳 陆国权 《浙江农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期209-214,共6页
为筛选甘薯芽菜生产的专用甘薯品种,以24份甘薯品种为材料,通过采用暗培养发芽技术获取商用薯芽,并通过薯芽食味评价,鉴定参试品种薯芽品质的优劣;为确定薯芽的最佳栽培方法,以所选最佳品种为材料,在不同介质、光照和培养基等条件下,对... 为筛选甘薯芽菜生产的专用甘薯品种,以24份甘薯品种为材料,通过采用暗培养发芽技术获取商用薯芽,并通过薯芽食味评价,鉴定参试品种薯芽品质的优劣;为确定薯芽的最佳栽培方法,以所选最佳品种为材料,在不同介质、光照和培养基等条件下,对薯芽生长特性和营养品质展开研究。结果表明,不同品种甘薯薯芽生长和品质均不同,其中‘金玉’被筛选成为最佳薯芽专用品种;在不同培养条件下,‘金玉’品种薯芽品质有显著差异;在暗培养条件下,采用自制培养基(LD)进行培养可获得最佳薯芽品质的生产效果。 展开更多
关键词 薯芽 暗培养 食用品质 栽培方法 营养品质
作者 许庆芬 张洪亮 +1 位作者 徐宁 张荣华 《吉林农业科学》 2015年第5期10-13,共4页
本试验以黑龙江省主栽品种克新18的40 g左右的微型薯为试验材料,通过设置不同温度和光照条件处理,研究最佳的催长芽条件,即:将种薯出窖后置于24℃室内、遮光、保湿条件下催芽,待多数薯芽长至2.5 cm以上时照散射光5-10 d。
关键词 马铃 薯芽 微型
作者 吕柯兰 陆春辉 +2 位作者 王白露 陆国权 蒋玉蓉 《浙江农业科学》 2013年第9期1113-1116,共4页
以7个芽菜型甘薯品种为材料,研究在5种不同光照强度及3种不同温度条件下薯芽的生长情况及品质特性。结果表明,30℃是薯芽最佳的生长温度;15 W灯光的光照强度下,薯芽生长最好;渝苏8号在35℃和25 W条件下,薯芽的蛋白质含量最高,25℃和15 ... 以7个芽菜型甘薯品种为材料,研究在5种不同光照强度及3种不同温度条件下薯芽的生长情况及品质特性。结果表明,30℃是薯芽最佳的生长温度;15 W灯光的光照强度下,薯芽生长最好;渝苏8号在35℃和25 W条件下,薯芽的蛋白质含量最高,25℃和15 W条件下,薯芽的花青素含量最高,30℃和5 W条件下,薯芽的Vc含量最高。 展开更多
关键词 薯芽 培养方法 温度 光照 生长特点 营养品质
武陵山区春马铃薯的育芽带薯移栽技术 被引量:1
作者 罗耀美 朱诗汉 +3 位作者 徐静 向杜鹃 李娜 李鹏飞 《科技信息》 2009年第23期380-380,395,共2页
笔者在武陵山区湖北的咸丰县.利川市和重庆市石柱县.忠县等地调查到马铃薯生产上缺苗短垄现象较为严重,一般大田缺苗占23.1—31.5%。主要原因是受梦生薯(抱窝)和肥害所致,导致产量不高。大力推广马铃薯薯育芽带薯移栽技术能有效解决大... 笔者在武陵山区湖北的咸丰县.利川市和重庆市石柱县.忠县等地调查到马铃薯生产上缺苗短垄现象较为严重,一般大田缺苗占23.1—31.5%。主要原因是受梦生薯(抱窝)和肥害所致,导致产量不高。大力推广马铃薯薯育芽带薯移栽技术能有效解决大田全苗和早追芽肥问题,达到提高单产的目的。 展开更多
关键词 马铃 移栽技术
作者 李锡志 张及 +2 位作者 韩政君 谢彦琳 王凤彩 《作物杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第1期22-24,共3页
关键词 春马铃 薯芽 出苗期 产量
作者 邹宗成 刘绍喜 +4 位作者 舒荣春 田代华 满延砚 秦光才 朱诗汉 《中国马铃薯》 2004年第1期30-33,共4页
马铃薯育芽带薯移栽比传统直播增产 ,主要原因是充分发挥了顶芽优劳。在恩施自治州不同海拔高度的地区 12月下旬至元月上旬育芽 ,芽长控制在 1~ 3cm以内 ,栽前保留顶壮芽 3~ 4根。大田套作栽植密度 2 5 0 0~ 35 0 0穴 / 6 6 7m2 ,5 8... 马铃薯育芽带薯移栽比传统直播增产 ,主要原因是充分发挥了顶芽优劳。在恩施自治州不同海拔高度的地区 12月下旬至元月上旬育芽 ,芽长控制在 1~ 3cm以内 ,栽前保留顶壮芽 3~ 4根。大田套作栽植密度 2 5 0 0~ 35 0 0穴 / 6 6 7m2 ,5 8%的甲霜灵锰锌防治晚疫病。在现蕾期每 6 6 7m2 用15 %的多效唑 30 g兑水 4 0kg喷施。覆盖地膜能进一步提高产量 。 展开更多
关键词 马铃 移栽技术 产量 栽植密度 晚疫病防治 多效唑
作者 邹宗成 舒荣春 +1 位作者 刘绍喜 卓静萍 《中国马铃薯》 2002年第3期158-160,共3页
恩施自治州推广应用马铃薯育芽带薯移栽技术,对提高马铃薯单位面积产量起到了极大的作用.为进一步完善这一栽培技术,我们在海拔1500 m建始县龙坪乡连续两年进行了育芽带薯移栽覆盖地膜、育芽带薯移栽和直插等几种栽培方法的比较试验.
关键词 马铃 移栽覆盖地膜 熟期 产量结构 经济效益 增产原理
基于机器视觉的种薯自动切块机设计 被引量:7
作者 邢作常 田素博 +2 位作者 刘思瑶 白雪卫 张祖立 《农机化研究》 北大核心 2016年第10期69-73,共5页
现阶段中国市场没有成熟的种薯切块机,薯农主要依靠手工切块。其主要原因是种薯切削需要控制切削位置以保留薯芽的顶端优势,普通机器不能识别薯芽,并控制切刀切削方位。为此,使用数字图像处理技术,实现了薯芽及其位姿的实时识别,开发了... 现阶段中国市场没有成熟的种薯切块机,薯农主要依靠手工切块。其主要原因是种薯切削需要控制切削位置以保留薯芽的顶端优势,普通机器不能识别薯芽,并控制切刀切削方位。为此,使用数字图像处理技术,实现了薯芽及其位姿的实时识别,开发了相应的控制系统,设计了基于机器视觉的薯种自动切块机。试验表明:薯芽识别正确率达100%,位姿识别正确率达98.5%,耗时107.431ms,满足使用要求。 展开更多
关键词 切块机 机器视觉 位姿判断 薯芽识别
作者 张余芳 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)农业科学》 2021年第10期102-103,共2页
关键词 马铃 移栽 高产栽培
作者 曹振 《农村实用技术》 2002年第2期52-52,共1页
关键词 果酱 速冻薯芽 食品加工
恩施州马铃薯连年增产原因及潜力分析 被引量:3
作者 刘介民 余柏胜 +5 位作者 袁明山 覃大吉 田恒林 刘胜军 舒荣春 刘绍喜 《中国马铃薯》 2001年第1期34-36,共3页
关键词 马铃 增产原因 增产潜力 恩施州 脱毒种 晚疫病防治 移栽 施肥 良种推广
作者 杨孝楫 张茂南 蒲正兵 《中国马铃薯》 2004年第1期50-51,共2页
关键词 秦巴山区 马铃 保种技术 留种技术 脱毒种 单株系选种技术 单株系留种技术 夏播掰苗留种技术 短壮播种技术
作者 杨再辉 陈继富 《农业与技术》 2017年第22期128-128,共1页
关键词 马铃 高产 移栽 栽培技术
作者 《山东农机化》 1997年第10期27-27,共1页
一项可使单产增加20%以上的马铃薯栽培新技术在湖北省恩施土家族苗族自治州试验成功。这项由土家族青年农民邓祥光历经14年探索出的马铃薯育芽带薯移栽技术日前通过了科技成果验收鉴定。 据专家介绍.这项新技术合理控制了种薯芽数,
关键词 栽培新技术 马铃 移栽 恩施土家族 青年农民 苗族 单产 自治州 合理控制 探索出
冬种马铃薯 时间短收益大
作者 陈家宏 《南方农业学报》 CAS 1979年第9期23-23,共1页
社坡公社加惠大队第五生产队素有冬种马铃薯的习惯,去年冬全队共种马铃薯18.5亩,收获马铃薯72,000多斤,平均亩产4000斤。他们除了留足今冬发展种植40亩(占水田面积的35%)的薯种之外,出售马铃薯一项的收入可达8,500多元,平均每人收入44... 社坡公社加惠大队第五生产队素有冬种马铃薯的习惯,去年冬全队共种马铃薯18.5亩,收获马铃薯72,000多斤,平均亩产4000斤。他们除了留足今冬发展种植40亩(占水田面积的35%)的薯种之外,出售马铃薯一项的收入可达8,500多元,平均每人收入44元多。他们认为冬种马铃薯是投资少、时间短、收益大的一项冬种作物。他们的主要栽培经验是: 1.自留薯种。 展开更多
关键词 马铃 土豆 茄属 薯芽 粪水 收益 财政管理
Effects of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Biofertilizer on Tea Yield and Quality 被引量:3
作者 白志辉 周晨光 +3 位作者 曹建喜 徐圣君 吴尚华 李德生 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第11期1883-1887,共5页
[Objective] This study was aimed to explore the effects of Bacil us amy-loliquefaciens biofertilizer on tea yield and quality. [Method] The field plot experiment was conducted with the biofertilizer treatments and con... [Objective] This study was aimed to explore the effects of Bacil us amy-loliquefaciens biofertilizer on tea yield and quality. [Method] The field plot experiment was conducted with the biofertilizer treatments and control to investigate 100-bud weight and main biochemical components. [Result] The treatments by Bacil us amy-loliquefaciens biofertilizer, which was fermented using sweet potato starch wastewa-ter (SPSW) as culture medium, improved 100-bud weight and tea quality significant-ly under the concentration of 0.8×108, 1.6×108 and 3.2×108 cfu/ml with the dose of 1 L/m2 for 4 times. At the optimum concentration of 1.6 ×108 cfu/ml, the biofertilizer treatment increased the 100-bud weight by 22.3%, water extracting materials by 21.9%, amino acids content by 8.83%, tea polyphenol content by 9.76%, and de-creased theine content by 8.32%, respectively. Compared with the control, there was no significant difference between the SPSW treatment and the control. [Con-clusion] The production of the B. amyloliquefaciens biofertilizer could consume SP-SW, and the application of the biofertilizer could improved the tea yield and quality, which provided references for the development of ecological agriculture. 展开更多
关键词 Bacil us amyloliquefaciens Sweet potato starch wastewater Tea 100-bud weight Amino acid
Preliminary Study on Garlic Root Exudates Influences to the Growth of Pomegranate Wilt Pathogen(Ceratocystis fimbriata)and Bacillus subtilis 被引量:5
作者 汤东生 王斌 +1 位作者 毛忠顺 何霞红 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第2期237-240,共4页
[Objectives] This paper aims to explore the possibility to intercrop garlic with pomegranate tree to control pomegranate wilt.[Methods] Root exudates of garlic is cultivated in 1/5 concentration of MS solution and dis... [Objectives] This paper aims to explore the possibility to intercrop garlic with pomegranate tree to control pomegranate wilt.[Methods] Root exudates of garlic is cultivated in 1/5 concentration of MS solution and distilled water is examined in lab to test their effect to growth of mycelia of pomegranate wilt pathogen(Ceratocystis fimbriata)and multiplication of Bacillus subtilis.[Results] The result shows that garlic root exudates whatever cultivated in MS solution or distilled water could not inhibit or promote mycelia growth of C.fimbriata.However,garlic root exudates cultivated in both methods effectively promote multiplication of B.subtilis.[Conclusions] It is suggested that intercropping garlic with pomegranate tree by combining application B.subtilis could be a promising way to prevent pomegranate wilt spread in practice. 展开更多
关键词 GARLIC Pomegranate wilt Ceratocystis fimbriata Bacillus subtilis Root exudates
Effects of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Biofertilizer on Brassica juncea var. multiceps Growth and N_2O Emission from Soil 被引量:2
作者 白志辉 王璠 +3 位作者 曹建喜 吴尚华 徐圣君 马双龙 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第4期727-732,749,共7页
In this study, Bacil us amyloliquefaciens A3 was continual y incubated in shake fIasks contalning wastewater from sweet potato starch production as an ef-fective biofertiIizer for cuItivation of Brassica juncea var. m... In this study, Bacil us amyloliquefaciens A3 was continual y incubated in shake fIasks contalning wastewater from sweet potato starch production as an ef-fective biofertiIizer for cuItivation of Brassica juncea var. multiceps(XueIihong). Based on pot experiments in the greenhouse, the effects of chemical fertiIizers (CN), biofertiIizer (BF), inactivated broth (BI), starch wastewater (SW) and the combination of biofertiIizer and chemical fertiIizer (BC) on the yield, NO3- content and NO2- con-tent of XueIihong, soiI physicochemical properties and N2O emission were investi-gated. The resuIts showed that the yield of XueIihong in BC and CN treatments was improved by five times compared with CK; BF and SW treatments had insignifi-cant impact on the yield of XueIihong. Compared with CN treatment, BCL treatment exhibited simiIar improving effects on the yield of XueIihong, in which NO3- content of XueIihong and soiI was reduced by 16.4%-73.6% and 22%-29%, which reduced the risk of nitrogen eIuviations in soiI; average N2O fIux (FPV30) in BCL treatment was reduced by 58.3%-73.1% compared with CN treatment. In concIusion, B. amy-loliquefaciens is a feasibIe Iow-cost biofertiIizer for sustalnabIe vegetabIe farming with a great potential for starch wastewater utiIization. 展开更多
关键词 Bacil us amyloliquefaclens Wastewater from sweet potato starch pro-ductlon Brassica juncea var. multiceps Blofertliizer N2O emisslon
Overwintering Safe Storage Methods and Regional Division of Seed-stem of Cassava in China
作者 刘斌 申章佑 +8 位作者 甘秀芹 韦本辉 李艳英 胡泊 宋勇 袁展汽 季志仙 吴延勇 劳承英 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第2期330-335,共6页
[Objective] In this study,the climatic features and overwintering sage storage methods of seed-stem of cassava in cassava-planting areas were investigated aiming at providing a technical guidance for sustainable devel... [Objective] In this study,the climatic features and overwintering sage storage methods of seed-stem of cassava in cassava-planting areas were investigated aiming at providing a technical guidance for sustainable development of cassava industry in China.[Method] The seed-stem of cassava was overwintered through keeping in field,piling up in the open air,burying in soil or piling up in greenhouses in Hepu,Nanning and Laibin of Guangxi,Hunan and Zhejiang.After the beginning of spring,the survival buds in seed stem of cassava were counted.And then the survival rates of buds were calculated for different storage methods.[Result] In Hepu,where the seed-stem of cassava was piled up in the open air for overwintering,the survival rates of buds were all higher than 90.00%.In particular,the survival rate of buds in seed-stem of cassava that was buried shallowly in the open field was highest(94.38%).In Nanning,the seed-stem of cassava that was stored in greenhouses had the highest survival rate(94.98%) of buds.In Laibin,the seed-stem of cassava was usually stacked in greenhouses.Thus the survival rates of buds were almost all higher than 89.60%.Particularly,the survival rate of buds in seed-stem of cassava that was buried horizontally in soil and covered with sugarcane leaves reached the peak(98.79%).In Jiangyong and Hangzhou,the seedstem of cassava was stored in specific facilities.So the survival rates of buds were relatively high.[Conclusion] In the frost-free areas south of 21.6° N(south of Maoming(Guangdong)-Hepu(Guangxi)-Jinghong(Yunnan)),the seed-stem of cassava can be buried shallowly in the open air or stacked and covered with film.In the light to heavy-frost areas(21.6° N-23.8° N,south of Qingyuan(Guangdong)-Laibin(Guangxi)-Lincang(Yunnan)),the seed-stem of cassava can be stacked in greenhouses,stacked and covered with film in the open air or buried vertically in greenhouses.In the heavy-frost areas and low-temperature areas north of 23.8° N(north of Qingyuan(Guangdong)-Laibin(Guangxi)-Lincang(Yunnan) to HunanJiangxi-Zhejiang),the seed-stem of cassava can be stored in coldness-resistant caves or cellars or stacked vertically in greenhouses along with small sheds. 展开更多
关键词 CASSAVA Seed-stem STORAGE OVERWINTER Survival rate of buds China
Changes in biochemical constituents and induction of early sprouting by triadimefon treatment in white yam(Dioscorea rotundata Poir.) tubers during storage 被引量:1
作者 JALEEL Cheruth Abdul GOPI Ragupathi +3 位作者 MANIVANNAN Paramasivam KISHOREKUMAR Ashok GOMATHINAYAGAM Muthiah PANNEERSELVAM Rajaram 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第4期283-288,共6页
The ability of triadimefon (TDM), a triazolic fungicide, to alter the biochemical constituents and thereby minimizing the days required for sprouting in white yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir.) tubers during storage ... The ability of triadimefon (TDM), a triazolic fungicide, to alter the biochemical constituents and thereby minimizing the days required for sprouting in white yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir.) tubers during storage under (30±2) ℃ in the dark, was studied. TDM at 20 mg/L was given to tubers by dipping the tubers in treatment solution containing 20 mg/L TDM on 10, 25 and 40 d after storage (DAS). Starch, sugars, protein, amino acid contents as well as protease and a-amylase activities were estimated on 15, 30 and 45 DAS from two physiological regions viz., apical and basal regions of the tubers. In normal conditions (control) sprouting occurred on 70 to 80 DAS. The starch content decreased, while protein, amino acid, sugar contents and protease and a-amylase activities were increased due to TDM treatment and led to early sprouting. 展开更多
关键词 Biochemical constituents Enzyme activities Dioscorea rotundata SPROUTING STORAGE Triadimefon (TDM)
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