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藏西南高海拔地区青稞产业发展现状与前景 被引量:1
作者 洛桑次仁 巴桑玉珍 +1 位作者 顿珠加布 旺姆 《农业展望》 2023年第7期87-91,共5页
藏西南频繁的干旱和短期的强降雨使农业条件成为问题,使具有抗寒、抗旱、耐瘠薄等特点的青稞(裸大麦)成为该地区主要的粮食作物,因而青稞产业在该地区农业经济中扮演了十分重要的角色。基于项目组2018—2020年在藏西南高海拔典型代表区... 藏西南频繁的干旱和短期的强降雨使农业条件成为问题,使具有抗寒、抗旱、耐瘠薄等特点的青稞(裸大麦)成为该地区主要的粮食作物,因而青稞产业在该地区农业经济中扮演了十分重要的角色。基于项目组2018—2020年在藏西南高海拔典型代表区——聂拉木县琐作乡实施的“高海拔边境地区青稞绿色增产增效关键技术研究与集成示范项目”及在该地区进一步实施的“西藏高海拔地区青稞优良品种示范与推广”项目相关实地调查的基础上,结合藏西南高海拔地区青稞产业发展实际,梳理当前藏西南青稞产业发展状况,指出了当前藏西南高海拔地区青稞产业发展存在的主要问题,分析其发展制约因素,并以藏西南地区青稞产业协调发展为目标,提出相应的对策建议。 展开更多
关键词 藏西南 青稞产业 高海拔地区 品种
藏西南典型危险性冰湖监测与泥石流溃决模拟 被引量:6
作者 王翔 陈果 +2 位作者 戴晓爱 陈永俊 张诗琪 《山地学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期687-700,共14页
藏西南地区位于喜马拉雅山脉中段,是我国冰湖溃决泥石流频发的重灾区之一。冰湖溃决泥石流数值模拟有助于认识灾害机理和评估灾害风险。冰湖溃决研究大多关注溃决洪水,针对青藏高原冰湖溃决泥石流的仿真模拟较少。本文基于1976—2018年L... 藏西南地区位于喜马拉雅山脉中段,是我国冰湖溃决泥石流频发的重灾区之一。冰湖溃决泥石流数值模拟有助于认识灾害机理和评估灾害风险。冰湖溃决研究大多关注溃决洪水,针对青藏高原冰湖溃决泥石流的仿真模拟较少。本文基于1976—2018年Landsat系列遥感影像、野外调查和FLO-2D水文动力学模型等数据与方法,对藏西南地区典型冰湖强宗克措和吉莱普措开展动态变化分析、地貌调查和溃决泥石流模拟。结果表明:(1)气候变暖使得冰川不断退缩,致使典型冰湖规模持续扩张,强宗克措与吉莱普措的规模在近40 a分别增长了0.61 km^(2)和0.26 km^(2);(2)触发冰湖溃决的地貌环境充分发育,冰湖发生溃决的潜在可能性增大,其中强宗克措尤为明显。因此,需进一步加强对强宗克措等典型冰湖的监测、预防和溃决灾害的治理;(3)FLO-2D模型可有效模拟复杂的冰湖溃决泥石流,有助于评估冰湖溃决灾害对下游的影响,模拟结果可作为制定下游地区灾害防治措施的依据。 展开更多
关键词 藏西南 冰湖溃决 遥感监测 数值模拟
藏西南地区拉日铁路沿线水文计算分析 被引量:4
作者 刘宗峰 《铁道建筑》 北大核心 2014年第4期51-53,共3页
拉萨至日喀则铁路地处藏西南地区,线路跨越雅鲁藏布江干流及其一级支流拉萨河、年楚河,沿线气候及地形较特殊。用不同方法对不同河流洪峰流量进行计算与分析,结果表明:数理统计法在确定本区域大河流流量上较适用,西藏地区经验公式法在... 拉萨至日喀则铁路地处藏西南地区,线路跨越雅鲁藏布江干流及其一级支流拉萨河、年楚河,沿线气候及地形较特殊。用不同方法对不同河流洪峰流量进行计算与分析,结果表明:数理统计法在确定本区域大河流流量上较适用,西藏地区经验公式法在确定小河流流量上较适用。研究结果可为藏西南地区及类似区域的水文计算分析提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 藏西南地区 拉日铁路 水文 计算分析
作者 张振利 李广栋 +5 位作者 孙肖 张计东 刘洪章 专少鹏 李先 魏文通 《贵州地质》 2006年第1期12-19,共8页
于2000-2005年在藏西南地区进行1:25万区域地质调查中,先后发现了古人类活动遗迹点13处,共采集到各类石器、古陶片、骨片等1697件,为雪域高原古人类发展演化研究提供了十分珍贵的资料。经研究认为,主要为中石器文化时代的产物,部分有... 于2000-2005年在藏西南地区进行1:25万区域地质调查中,先后发现了古人类活动遗迹点13处,共采集到各类石器、古陶片、骨片等1697件,为雪域高原古人类发展演化研究提供了十分珍贵的资料。经研究认为,主要为中石器文化时代的产物,部分有新石器文化的叠加,仅个别为旧石器文化时代的产物。 展开更多
关键词 藏西南仲巴一带 古人类活动遗迹 石器 古陶片 骨片
作者 德吉 次仁旺姆 尼玛卓嘎 《农业灾害研究》 2021年第10期47-48,共2页
关键词 藏西南 ENSO 冬季 降水
關於《西南大學新藏墓誌集釋》録文及注釋的幾個問題 被引量:1
作者 何山 《出土文献综合研究集刊》 2020年第1期144-163,共20页
《西南大學新藏墓誌集釋》著録259種北魏至五代新見墓誌文獻,大部分爲首次發表,於文史等相關研究價值突出。該書將拓片、提要、釋文和注釋相結合集中刊布,總體水平較高,堪稱流散碑誌文獻整理的典範之作。但該成果在文字釋讀考辨、字詞... 《西南大學新藏墓誌集釋》著録259種北魏至五代新見墓誌文獻,大部分爲首次發表,於文史等相關研究價值突出。該書將拓片、提要、釋文和注釋相結合集中刊布,總體水平較高,堪稱流散碑誌文獻整理的典範之作。但該成果在文字釋讀考辨、字詞及史事注釋、行文體例、斷句標點等方面存在一些問題甚至錯誤,本文選擇典型實例分十四類進行校理,旨在爲该份材料的科学有效利用、後續相關文献的整理與研究提供參考和借鑒。 展开更多
关键词 西南大學新墓誌 釋讀整理 疏誤 考辨 碑刻文獻與近代漢字研究
《民族学刊》 2014年第4期F0002-F0002,共1页
藏学文献研究中心于2003年9月正式开馆运行,2010年6月藏学文献研究中心更名为藏学文献馆。藏学文献馆以抢救和整理藏文占籍文献为己任,并致力于培养文献研究专业人才,逐步建成"集收集整理、编辑出版、科研教学、网络信息为一体"的现... 藏学文献研究中心于2003年9月正式开馆运行,2010年6月藏学文献研究中心更名为藏学文献馆。藏学文献馆以抢救和整理藏文占籍文献为己任,并致力于培养文献研究专业人才,逐步建成"集收集整理、编辑出版、科研教学、网络信息为一体"的现代藏文文献研究机构。 展开更多
关键词 西南民族大学学文献馆 教育事业 学校管理 教育发展
北部湾盆地涠西南凹陷缓坡类型及油气特征 被引量:3
作者 赵顺兰 赵亚卓 +1 位作者 陈传福 郭璃 《天然气技术与经济》 2018年第1期8-12,共5页
断陷盆地缓坡带是含油气盆地重要的油气聚集带之一,涠西南凹陷南部边缘发育大面积缓坡,紧邻B、C生油洼陷,盆地模拟显示有大量油气向缓坡带运移。通过近年来的勘探,涠西南缓坡发现了多个油田和含油气构造,多以构造油藏为主,目前缓坡带剩... 断陷盆地缓坡带是含油气盆地重要的油气聚集带之一,涠西南凹陷南部边缘发育大面积缓坡,紧邻B、C生油洼陷,盆地模拟显示有大量油气向缓坡带运移。通过近年来的勘探,涠西南缓坡发现了多个油田和含油气构造,多以构造油藏为主,目前缓坡带剩余资源量依然较大,主要为隐蔽圈闭,勘探难度较大。在了解区域构造、沉积背景及石油地质条件的情况下,以钻井、测井、地震及地化等资料为基础,通过对涠西南凹陷缓坡带构造演化的分析,明确了3种缓坡类型:西南缓坡是一个晚渐新世构造缓坡;东南缓坡是一个沉积缓坡;东部缓坡是一个构造—沉积混合缓坡。在此基础上找出不同缓坡类型与油气聚集成藏的关系,期望对于今后提高缓坡带的勘探效益起到一定作用。 展开更多
关键词 西南凹陷缓坡类型油气成特征
作者 楊繼光 《古籍研究》 2023年第1期130-135,共6页
关键词 西南大學新墓誌集釋》 字際關係 字詞關係 校勘
Assessment of Genetic Diversity of Yunnan,Tibetan,and Xinjiang Wheat Using SSR Markers 被引量:25
作者 王海燕 王秀娥 +1 位作者 陈佩度 刘大钧 《Journal of Genetics and Genomics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第7期623-633,共11页
A total of 206 SSR (Simple Sequence Repeats) primer pairs were used to detect genetic diversity in 52 accessions of three unique wheat varieties of western China. A total of 488, 472, and 308 allelic variants were d... A total of 206 SSR (Simple Sequence Repeats) primer pairs were used to detect genetic diversity in 52 accessions of three unique wheat varieties of western China. A total of 488, 472, and 308 allelic variants were detected in 31 Yunnan, 15 Tibetan and 6 Xinjiang wheat accessions with an average of PIC values 0.2764, 0.3082, and 0.1944, respectively. Substantial differences in allelic polymorphisms were detected by SSR markers in all the 21 chromosomes, the 7 homoeologous groups, and the three genomes (A, B, and D) in Yunnan, Tibetan, and Xinjiang wheat. The highest and lowest allelic polymorphisms in all the 21 chromosomes were observed in 3B and 1D chromosomes, respectively. The lowest and highest allelic polymorphisms among the seven homoeologous groups was observed in 6 and 3 homoeologous groups, respectively. Among the three genomes, B genome showed the highest, A the intermediate, and D the lowest allelic polymorphism. The genetic distance (GD) indexes within Yunnan, Tibetan, and Xinjiang wheat, and between different wheat types were calculated. The GD value was found to be much higher within Yunnan and Tibetan wheat than within Xinjiang wheat, but the GD value between Yunnan and Tibetan wheat was lower than those between Yunnan and Xinjiang wheat, and between Tibetan and Xinjiang wheat. The cluster analysis indicated a closer relationship between Yunnan and Tibetan wheat than that between Yunnan and Xinjiang wheat or between Tibetan and Xinjiang wheat. 展开更多
关键词 Yunnan wheat Tibetan wheat Xinjiang wheat genetic diversity SSR markers
Summer-autumn habitat use by Galliformes in a primary forest,southeastern Tibet 被引量:4
作者 卢欣 《Chinese Birds》 2012年第2期113-117,共5页
Habitat use by Galliformes in an ornithologically unexplored region,a forest area in southeastern Tibet,was investigated during the summer and autumn periods of 1995.A total of seven species were recorded,most of whic... Habitat use by Galliformes in an ornithologically unexplored region,a forest area in southeastern Tibet,was investigated during the summer and autumn periods of 1995.A total of seven species were recorded,most of which preferred habitats on south-facing slopes and avoided those on north-facing slopes where conditions were relatively humid.A hybrid population of White (Crossoptilon crossoptilon) versus Tibetan Eared-pheasants (C.harmani) was predominant among the Galliforme community,followed by Blood Pheasants (Ithaginis cruentus) and Chinese Grouse (Bonasa sewerzowi).A further investigation in 2001 showed that on account of little human activity in the distant primary forests,the birds suffered less of a threat from hunting and habitat disturbance. 展开更多
关键词 CONSERVATION GALLIFORMES habitat use primary forest southeastern Tibet
Genetic Diversity of Gli-1,Gli-2 and Glu-1 Alleles Among Chinese Endemic Wheats 被引量:16
作者 魏育明 郑有良 +4 位作者 周永红 刘登才 兰秀锦 颜泽洪 张志清 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2001年第8期834-839,共6页
Genetic diversity at Gli_1, Gli_2 and Glu_1 loci was investigated in 32 accessions of Chinese endemic wheat by using acid polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (APAGE) and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)_PAGE. There were 8 ... Genetic diversity at Gli_1, Gli_2 and Glu_1 loci was investigated in 32 accessions of Chinese endemic wheat by using acid polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (APAGE) and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)_PAGE. There were 8 gliadin and 3 high_molecular_weight (HMW)_glutenin patterns in 14 Yunnan hulled wheat ( Triticum aestivum ssp. yunnanese King) accessions, 9 gliadin and 4 HMW_glutenin patterns in 9 Tibetan weedrace ( T. aestivum ssp. tibetanum Shao ) accessions, and 9 gliadin and 5 HMW_glutenin patterns in 9 Xinjiang rice wheat ( T. petropavlovskyi Udacz. et Migusch.) accessions. One accession (i.e. Daomai 2) carried new subunits 2.1+10.1 encoded by Glu_D1. Among the three Chinese endemic wheat groups, a total of 10, 14 and 11 alleles at Gli_1 locus; 11, 14 and 12 alleles at Gli_2 locus; and 5, 6 and 8 alleles at Glu_1 locus were identified, respectively. Among Yunnan hulled wheat, Tibetan weedrace and Xinjiang rice wheat, the Nei's genetic variation indexes were 0.3798, 0.5625 and 0.5693, respectively. These results suggested that Tibetan weedrace and Xinjiang rice wheat had higher genetic diversity than Yunnan hulled wheat. 展开更多
关键词 Yunnan hulled wheat Tibetan weedrace Xinjiang rice wheat genetic diversity gliadin alleles high_molecular_weight (HMW)_glutenin alleles
作者 金琼 《贵州档案》 1991年第6期38-43,共6页
抗战时期,贵州公路运输枢纽是仰仗西南公路的建设而形成的。抗战爆发后,由于东南沿海相继沦陷,军需民用物资的进口,以及我国农矿产品的出口,不得不依赖印缅和越南的国防通路。于是,西南公路的地位顿显重要。国民党在整个抗战中对西南公... 抗战时期,贵州公路运输枢纽是仰仗西南公路的建设而形成的。抗战爆发后,由于东南沿海相继沦陷,军需民用物资的进口,以及我国农矿产品的出口,不得不依赖印缅和越南的国防通路。于是,西南公路的地位顿显重要。国民党在整个抗战中对西南公路的建设,以及交通运输的整顿曾极为重视,先后设立了一些机构。就贵州而言,分中央和地方两种。属中央系的公路管理机构有:交通部公路总局、中国运输公司、西南公路运输局、川滇东路运输局、西南公路管理局、西南公路工务局等;属地方系的有贵州省公路管理局。 展开更多
关键词 公路管理机构 州公路 公路运输 公路管理局 藏西南 贵州省 交通系统 运输公司 运输枢纽 交通部
唐代碑刻俗字考释十五题 被引量:1
作者 何山 《中国文字研究》 2021年第1期130-135,共6页
《西南大学新藏墓志集释》《西南大学新藏石刻拓本汇释》所收碑刻包含丰富的俗字,部分字形字书未载,其他碑志文罕见,价值十分突出。文章选考唐代碑刻中的十五则误辨误识的典型讹俗字,旨在为汉语俗字、近代汉字及汉字史等相关研究提供实... 《西南大学新藏墓志集释》《西南大学新藏石刻拓本汇释》所收碑刻包含丰富的俗字,部分字形字书未载,其他碑志文罕见,价值十分突出。文章选考唐代碑刻中的十五则误辨误识的典型讹俗字,旨在为汉语俗字、近代汉字及汉字史等相关研究提供实证材料,同时也为汉字信息编码、字书收字和两书的科学利用提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 西南大学新唐代碑刻 讹俗字 考辨 近代汉字研究
Influence of Late Springtime Surface Sensible Heat Flux Anomalies over the Tibetan and Iranian Plateaus on the Location of the South Asian High in Early Summer 被引量:8
作者 Haoxin ZHANG Weiping LI Weijing LI 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第1期93-103,共11页
Variation in the location of the South Asian High (SAH) in early boreal summer is strongly influenced by elevated surface heating from the Tibetan Plateau (TP) and the Iranian Plateau (IP). Based on observationa... Variation in the location of the South Asian High (SAH) in early boreal summer is strongly influenced by elevated surface heating from the Tibetan Plateau (TP) and the Iranian Plateau (IP). Based on observational and ERA-Interim data, diagnostic analyses reveal that the interannual northwestward-southeastwaxd (NW-SE) shift of the SAH in June is more closely correlated with the synergistic effect of concurrent surface thermal anomalies over the TP and IP than with each single surface thermal anomaly over either plateau from the preceding May. Concurrent surface thermal anomalies over these two plateaus in May are characterized by a negative correlation between sensible heat flux over most parts of the TP (TPSH) and IP (IPSH). This anomaly pattern can persist till June and influences the NW-SE shift of the SAH in June through the release of latent heat (LH) over northeastern India. When the IPSH is stronger (weaker) and the TPSH is weaker (stronger) than normal in May, an anomalous cyclone (anticyclone) appears over northern India at 850 hPa, which is accompanied by the ascent (descent) of air and anomalous convergence (divergence) of moisture flux in May and June. Therefore, the LH release over northeastern India is strengthened (weakened) and the vertical gradient of apparent heat source is decreased (increased) in the upper troposphere, which is responsible for the northwestward (southeastward) shift of the SAH in June. 展开更多
关键词 Tibetan Plateau Iranian Plateau surface sensible heat flux latent heat of condensation South Asian High
Characteristics of Rainfall Erosivity Based on Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Data in Tibet, China 被引量:7
作者 FAN Jian-rong CHEN Yang +1 位作者 YAN Dong GUO Fen-fen 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第6期1008-1017,共10页
Rainfall erosivity in Tibet from 2000 to 2OlO was estimated based on simplified erosion prediction model using daily rainfall data derived from the Tropical Rainfall Measurement Misssion (TRMM) 3B42 rainfall measure... Rainfall erosivity in Tibet from 2000 to 2OlO was estimated based on simplified erosion prediction model using daily rainfall data derived from the Tropical Rainfall Measurement Misssion (TRMM) 3B42 rainfall measurement algorithm. Semi- monthly erosive rainfall and rainfall erosivity were validated using weather station data. The spatial distribution of annual rainfall erosivity as well as its seasonal and annual variation in Tibet was also examined. Results showed that TRMM 3B42 data could serve as an alternative data source to estimate rainfall erosivity in the area where only data from sparsely distributed weather stations are available. The spatial distribution of rainfall erosivity in Tibet generally resembles the distribution of multi-year average of annual rainfall. Annual rainfall erosivity in Tibet decreased from the southeast to the northwest. The concentration degree of rainfall erosivity shows an increasing trend from the southeast to the northwest. High rainfall erosivity accompanies low rainfall erosivity concentration degree and vice versa. Rainfall erosivity increased in the middle and western Tibet and decreased in the southeastern Tibet during the 11 years of this study. 展开更多
关键词 Rainfall erosivity TRMM 3B42 data TIBET Temporal distribution Spatial distribution
The Impact of the Eastward Propagation of Convective Systems over the Tibetan Plateau on the Southwest Vortex Formation in Summer 被引量:9
作者 FU Shen-Ming SUN Jian-Hua +1 位作者 ZHAO Si-Xiong LI Wan-Li 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2010年第1期51-57,共7页
Based on the temperature of the black body (TBB),station observed and NCEP reanalysis data,the impacts of the eastward propagation of convective cloud systems over the Tibetan Plateau on the southwest vortex (SWV) for... Based on the temperature of the black body (TBB),station observed and NCEP reanalysis data,the impacts of the eastward propagation of convective cloud systems over the Tibetan Plateau on the southwest vortex (SWV) formation that occurred at 1800 UTC on 29 June 2003 are analyzed by using the Zwack-Okossi (Z-O) equation to diagnose the thermal and dynamic processes.It is found that,in summer,severe convective activities often occur over the Tibetan Plateau due to the abundant supply of moisture.The convective cloud near the east edge of the plateau could move eastward with a shortwave trough in the westerly.The divergent center that is induced by latent heat release,which is associated with severe convective activities,moves out with the convective cloud and contributes to the low level decompression which is favorable for the formation of plateau edge cyclogenesis (PEC).The Z-O equation indicates that,in this case,the latent heat release and convergence are the two most important factors for SWV formation,which amounts to about 42% and 15% of the term TOTAL,respectively.It is implied that the thermal process effect was more important than the dynamic process during SWV formation. 展开更多
关键词 Tibetan Plateau southwest vortex convective system temperature of the black body latent heat release plateau edge cyclogenesis
Contrasting changes in above- and below-ground biomass allocation across treeline ecotones in southeast Tibet 被引量:3
作者 Liu Xin-sheng Nie Yu-qin +1 位作者 Kong Gao-qiang Luo Tian-xiang 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第11期2036-2045,共10页
Under conditions of a warmer climate,the advance of the alpine treeline into alpine tundra has implications for carbon dynamics in mountain ecosystems.However,the above- and below-ground live biomass allocations among... Under conditions of a warmer climate,the advance of the alpine treeline into alpine tundra has implications for carbon dynamics in mountain ecosystems.However,the above- and below-ground live biomass allocations among different vegetation types within the treeline ecotones are not well investigated.To determine the altitudinal patterns of above-/below-ground carbon allocation,we measured the root biomass and estimated the above-ground biomass(AGB) in a subalpine forest,treeline forest,alpine shrub,and alpine grassland along two elevational transects towards the alpine tundra in southeast Tibet.The AGB strongly declined with increasing elevation,which was associated with a decrease in the leaf area index and a consequent reduction in carbon gain.The fine root biomass(FRB) increased significantly more in the alpine shrub and grassland than in the treeline forest,whereas the coarse root biomass changed little with increasing altitudes,which led to a stable below-ground biomass(BGB) value across altitudes.Warm and infertile soil conditions might explain the large amount of FRB in alpine shrub and grassland.Consequently,the root toshoot biomass ratio increased sharply with altitude,which suggested a remarkable shift of biomass allocation to root systems near the alpine tundra.Our findings demonstrate contrasting changes in AGB and BGB allocations across treeline ecotones,which should be considered when estimating carbon dynamics with shifting treelines. 展开更多
关键词 Treeline ecotone Fine root biomass Above-ground biomass Vegetation type Southeast Tibet
Long-term Activity of Earthquake-induced Landslides: A Case Study from Qionghai Lake basin, Southwest of China 被引量:10
作者 WEI Xue-li CHEN Ning-sheng +3 位作者 CHENG Qian-gong HE Na DENG Ming-feng TANOLI Javed Iqbal 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第3期607-624,共18页
Earthquake-triggered landslides are a major geological hazard in the eastern Tibetan Plateau, and have prolonged impact on earth surface processes and fluvial system. To determine how long co-seismic landslides affect... Earthquake-triggered landslides are a major geological hazard in the eastern Tibetan Plateau, and have prolonged impact on earth surface processes and fluvial system. To determine how long co-seismic landslides affect basins, a massive number of landslides existing in Qionghai Lake Basin were investigated for landslide distribution characteristics and geomorphological evidences, with further comparison and analysis using historic seismic analog method. The landslides found in Qionghai Lake Basin showed clear features of seismic triggering with strongly controlled by Zemuhe fault. These landslides are still active at present. Some new slides generally occur in ancient slope failure zones causing serious secondary hazards in recent years. In this study we strengthen the idea that the landslides triggered by the 185o Xichang earthquake (Ms7.5) have long term activity and prolonged impact on the mountain disasters with a period of more than 16o years. Our results support growing evidence that coseismic landslides have a prolonged effect on secondary disasters in a basin, and invite more careful consideration of the relationship between current basin condition and landslide history for a longer period. 展开更多
关键词 Qionghai Lake EARTHQUAKE LANDSLIDE Debris flow Sediment yield
Spatial pattern analysis and associations of different growth stages of populations of Abies georgei var.smithii in Southeast Tibet,China 被引量:3
作者 SHEN Zhi-qiang LU Jie +1 位作者 HUA Min FANG Jiang-ping 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第12期2170-2181,共12页
Abies georgei var.smithii is an important plant species in Southeast Tibet,China.It has high ecological value in terms of biodiversity protection,as well as soil and water conservation.We analyzed the spatial pattern ... Abies georgei var.smithii is an important plant species in Southeast Tibet,China.It has high ecological value in terms of biodiversity protection,as well as soil and water conservation.We analyzed the spatial pattern and associations of A.georgei var.smithii populations at different growth stages by using Ripley's L function for point pattern analysis.The diameter structure was a nearly reverse 'J' shape.The amount of saplings and medium-sized trees accounts for a large part of the entire population,suggesting a high regeneration rate and an expanding population.In the transition from saplings to medium trees or to large trees,saplings show a significant aggregation distribution at small scales,while medium trees and large trees show a random distribution.There are significant inverse associations between saplings and medium trees and large trees at small scales,while there are no obvious associations between medium trees and large trees.The natural regeneration was affected by interspecific competition,and it was also affected by intraspecific competition.The joint effects of biological characteristics and environmental factors contribute to the spatial distribution pattern and associations of this A.georgei var.sm ithii population. 展开更多
关键词 Southeastern Tibet Abies georgei var.smithii Point pattern analysis Distribution pattern Spatial association
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