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作者 王海喻 《价格月刊》 北大核心 1995年第5期30-31,共2页
“明码虚价”几时休王海喻1994年我国先后实施的《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》和《关于商品和服务实行明码标价的规定》,都确立了"明码标价"的制度。然而,"明码标价"制度的效果并不尽人意,价格标实不符,造成了"明码... “明码虚价”几时休王海喻1994年我国先后实施的《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》和《关于商品和服务实行明码标价的规定》,都确立了"明码标价"的制度。然而,"明码标价"制度的效果并不尽人意,价格标实不符,造成了"明码虚价"。消费者深感不满,"上帝"大... 展开更多
关键词 明码虚价 治理对策 成因 格管理 中国
对“明码虚价”的经济学思考 被引量:1
作者 李艳波 《经营与管理》 北大核心 2001年第2期6-6,共1页
关键词 明码虚价 明码实 机会成本 商品销售 经济学
作者 沈浩 《价格月刊》 北大核心 1998年第12期36-36,共1页
明码虚价,亦即在商品销售过程中,利用标价签标示高价,标示价格中掺杂水分,最终成交价要看购买者所掌握价格信息的多少和讨价还价的水平。可以说,明码虚价既不符合我国古代商业历来强调的“货真价实、童叟无欺、言不二价、义中取利... 明码虚价,亦即在商品销售过程中,利用标价签标示高价,标示价格中掺杂水分,最终成交价要看购买者所掌握价格信息的多少和讨价还价的水平。可以说,明码虚价既不符合我国古代商业历来强调的“货真价实、童叟无欺、言不二价、义中取利”的优秀传统,又不反映现代市场经济... 展开更多
关键词 明码实 明码虚价 格法 中国
作者 刘霞 《质量探索》 2010年第Z1期43-43,共1页
"原价1 468、特价499","全场折上折、尽享4.5折","卫浴套餐价省60%"……细心的人们不难发现,这些超低折扣在卫浴市场上并不罕见。高标价、低折扣,似乎已经成为卫浴产品市场的销售特点。
关键词 消费者 误导消费 服务水平 产品 虚价 明码 售后服务 格体系 行业 导购员
虚阶Bessel函数的计算 被引量:3
作者 范国新 杨弃疾 《计算物理》 CSCD 北大核心 1994年第4期444-450,共7页
关键词 计算 虚价 贝塞尔函数
作者 范传武 《价格月刊》 北大核心 1997年第6期37-37,共1页
小议明码实价●范传武1993年国家计委颁发的《关于商品和服务实行明码标价的规定》和《实施细则》,规范了市场价格行为,促进了公开、公平交易,遏制了漫天要价,质价不符、欺诈顾客等不法行为,维护了广大消费者的合法权益。实施... 小议明码实价●范传武1993年国家计委颁发的《关于商品和服务实行明码标价的规定》和《实施细则》,规范了市场价格行为,促进了公开、公平交易,遏制了漫天要价,质价不符、欺诈顾客等不法行为,维护了广大消费者的合法权益。实施几年来,经过各地物价部门的共同努力... 展开更多
关键词 明码虚价 格欺诈 格监督
作者 王亚平 《中外企业家》 1998年第1期34-35,共2页
价格是消费者最敏感的一个话题,一分钱一分货,谁也不希望多花钱做冤大头。但由于形形色色的商家无视上帝的权利和市场经济的道德规范,任意挥动价格魔棒胡搅乱动,以混乱的价格刺激、挑逗、引诱、欺骗消费者,越来越多的消费者在令人眼花... 价格是消费者最敏感的一个话题,一分钱一分货,谁也不希望多花钱做冤大头。但由于形形色色的商家无视上帝的权利和市场经济的道德规范,任意挥动价格魔棒胡搅乱动,以混乱的价格刺激、挑逗、引诱、欺骗消费者,越来越多的消费者在令人眼花缭乱的价格面前,越来越感到无所适从了。 展开更多
关键词 消费者 消费环境 商品质量 合理利润 衡阳市 心理健康 虚价 商业 国有 分货
“双十一”电商失信原因及其治理对策 被引量:2
作者 李媛媛 何斌 谢亚捷 《中国集体经济》 2018年第4期56-57,共2页
以"双十一"涌现的电商失信问题为研究对象,剖析造成这些问题的原因,并据此提出相应的治理对策。调查显示:"双十一"电商存在虚价行为、商品质量差和虚假营业额等失信问题,原因有内部原因和外部原因。外部原因包括电... 以"双十一"涌现的电商失信问题为研究对象,剖析造成这些问题的原因,并据此提出相应的治理对策。调查显示:"双十一"电商存在虚价行为、商品质量差和虚假营业额等失信问题,原因有内部原因和外部原因。外部原因包括电商特性问题;内部原因包括人为操纵、未考虑退货量和"刷单"等。相应地,外部治理对策包括建立电商诚信机制、完善电商法律制度等;内部治理对策包括加强电商自身诚信意识和电商平台管理等。 展开更多
关键词 电商失信 “双十一” 虚价行为 治理对策
汉唐之际五铢钱制衰落与变革新论 被引量:1
作者 刘建国 《东南文化》 CSSCI 1989年第2期25-34,共10页
五铢钱制,自西汉元狩五年(公元前118年)开始确立,至唐代武德四年(公元621年)改行通宝钱制被取代为止,统治货币界长达700余年之久,在我国古代货币史上有着极为重要的地位和影响。然而,它的存在也有一个发展变化的过程:即两汉时期是... 五铢钱制,自西汉元狩五年(公元前118年)开始确立,至唐代武德四年(公元621年)改行通宝钱制被取代为止,统治货币界长达700余年之久,在我国古代货币史上有着极为重要的地位和影响。然而,它的存在也有一个发展变化的过程:即两汉时期是这一钱制的鼎盛阶段,及至三国魏晋南北朝时期,已出现明显的衰落趋势。今天来探讨这一衰落现象的成因和特征,以及它与唐代通宝钱制之间的内在联系,应是货币史研究中一项具有重要意义的课题。笔者试图对此提出一些个人的认识和看法,以期求教于大家,并希塑能引起同好的注意和讨论的深入。 一、五铢钱制的衰落 五铢钱是属于称量货币的一种类型。它以形制划一,轻重均衡。 展开更多
关键词 减重 公元 革新论 五铢钱 汉唐 虚价 货币史 钱币 宋书 货币经济
浅析三国蜀、吴“大钱” 被引量:1
作者 何红英 《文史杂志》 1999年第1期17-19,共3页
浅析三国蜀、吴“大钱”何红英三国时期,社会动荡不安,货币流通混乱,货币经济的发展受到严重阻碍。由于政治上的分裂,全国统一的货币制度也随之发生分裂,鼎立各政权的币制由于不同的经济状况而形成各自的特点。曹魏一度废除旧钱,... 浅析三国蜀、吴“大钱”何红英三国时期,社会动荡不安,货币流通混乱,货币经济的发展受到严重阻碍。由于政治上的分裂,全国统一的货币制度也随之发生分裂,鼎立各政权的币制由于不同的经济状况而形成各自的特点。曹魏一度废除旧钱,以谷帛交易,魏明帝初年(公元227... 展开更多
关键词 五铢钱 金属货币 货币流通 实际 大泉 《三国志集解》 实物货币 货币危机 虚价 蜀汉政权
一枚“得壹元宝”钱新品——兼谈史思明铸钱 被引量:1
作者 刘昭棣 《内蒙古金融研究》 2003年第S4期263-264,共2页
这枚"得壹元宝"钱(见拓图),直径3.65、穿宽0.8、缘厚0.21、外郭宽0.5厘米,重14.96克,传世品,通体黑漆古。此枚"得壹元宝"钱的笔画较常见品纤细,"得"字较小,"彳"旁作行书状,且第一笔特重;"... 这枚"得壹元宝"钱(见拓图),直径3.65、穿宽0.8、缘厚0.21、外郭宽0.5厘米,重14.96克,传世品,通体黑漆古。此枚"得壹元宝"钱的笔画较常见品纤细,"得"字较小,"彳"旁作行书状,且第一笔特重;"宝"字最后两笔画长,即所谓"长足宝";光背,钱背内郭有错范。 展开更多
关键词 史思明 元宝 货币流通 开元通宝 唐朝前期 改铸 黑漆古 新唐书 虚价 唐玄宗
作者 胡星林 《语文知识》 1996年第10期62-64,共3页
蜀贾三人,皆卖药于市。其一人专取良,计入以为出,不虚价,亦不过取赢。一人良不良皆取焉,其价之贱贵,惟买者之欲,而随以其良不良应之。一人不取良,惟其多,卖则贱其价,请益则益之,不较,于是争趋之,其门之限月一易,岁余而大富。其兼取者,... 蜀贾三人,皆卖药于市。其一人专取良,计入以为出,不虚价,亦不过取赢。一人良不良皆取焉,其价之贱贵,惟买者之欲,而随以其良不良应之。一人不取良,惟其多,卖则贱其价,请益则益之,不较,于是争趋之,其门之限月一易,岁余而大富。其兼取者,趋稍缓,再期亦富。其专取良者,肆日中如宵,旦食而昏不足。 展开更多
关键词 卖药 虚价 四川省 商人 计入 解释 不足 不良 选出 买者
A Quantitative Security Metric Model for Security Controls:Secure Virtual Machine Migration Protocol as Target of Assessment 被引量:1
作者 Tayyaba Zeb Muhammad Yousaf +1 位作者 Humaira Afzal Muhammad Rafiq Mufti 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第8期126-140,共15页
Quantitative security metrics are desirable for measuring the performance of information security controls. Security metrics help to make functional and business decisions for improving the performance and cost of the... Quantitative security metrics are desirable for measuring the performance of information security controls. Security metrics help to make functional and business decisions for improving the performance and cost of the security controls. However, defining enterprise-level security metrics has already been listed as one of the hard problems in the Info Sec Research Council's hard problems list. Almost all the efforts in defining absolute security metrics for the enterprise security have not been proved fruitful. At the same time, with the maturity of the security industry, there has been a continuous emphasis from the regulatory bodies on establishing measurable security metrics. This paper addresses this need and proposes a relative security metric model that derives three quantitative security metrics named Attack Resiliency Measure(ARM), Performance Improvement Factor(PIF), and Cost/Benefit Measure(CBM) for measuring the performance of the security controls. For the effectiveness evaluation of the proposed security metrics, we took the secure virtual machine(VM) migration protocol as the target of assessment. The virtual-ization technologies are rapidly changing the landscape of the computing world. Devising security metrics for virtualized environment is even more challenging. As secure virtual machine migration is an evolving area and no standard protocol is available specifically for secure VM migration. This paper took the secure virtual machine migration protocol as the target of assessment and applied the proposed relative security metric model for measuring the Attack Resiliency Measure, Performance Improvement Factor, and Cost/Benefit Measure of the secure VM migration protocol. 展开更多
关键词 attack resiliency measure cost-benefit measure performance improvement factor security assessment formal verification security controls security metrics virtual machine migration protocol
Semi-reference image quality metric for virtual view images in free-viewpoint television
作者 杨铀 Jiang Gangyi +2 位作者 Yu Mei Shao Feng Zhang Yun 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2009年第4期394-400,共7页
A semi-reference image quality assessment metric based on similarity measurement for synthesized virtual viewpoint image (VVI) in free-viewpoint television system (FFV) is proposed in this paper. The key point of ... A semi-reference image quality assessment metric based on similarity measurement for synthesized virtual viewpoint image (VVI) in free-viewpoint television system (FFV) is proposed in this paper. The key point of the proposed metric is taking resemblant information between VVI and its neighbor view images for quality assessment to make our metric to be extended to multi-semi-reference image quality assessment easily. The proposed metric first extracts impact factors from image features, then combines an image synthesis technique and similarity functions, in which, disparity information are taken into account for registering the resemblant regions. Experiments are divided into three phases. Phase I is to verify the validation of the proposed metric by taking impaired images and original reference into account. The experimental results show the agreement between evaluation scores and bio-characteristic of human visual system. Phase II shows the accordance with Phase I by taking neighbor view as reference. The proposed metric can be taken as a full reference one to evaluate the image quality even though the original reference is absent. Phase III is then performed to evaluate the quality of WI. Evaluation scores in the experimental results are able to evaluate the quality of VVI. 展开更多
关键词 image quality assessment virtual view image (VVI) free-viewpoint television (FTV) semi-relerence image quality metric
Comparison and discovery of potential non-covalent CD38 inhibitors by virtual screening strategy based on natural substrates and known inhibitors 被引量:1
作者 薛喜文 朱文杰 +2 位作者 张亮仁 赵永娟 刘振明 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS CSCD 2015年第9期572-580,共9页
As a type II or III transmembrane glycoprotein, human CD38 is ubiquitously expressed in all mammalian tissues. CD38 is a multi-functional enzyme and a member of the ADP-ribosyl cyclase family, and it catalyzes nicotin... As a type II or III transmembrane glycoprotein, human CD38 is ubiquitously expressed in all mammalian tissues. CD38 is a multi-functional enzyme and a member of the ADP-ribosyl cyclase family, and it catalyzes nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD^+) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP+) to two distinct Ca^2+ messengers as follows: cyclic ADP-ribose (cADPR) and nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP), respectively. Moreover, both cADPR and NAADP mediate mobilization of intracellular Ca^2+ targeting endoplasmic stores and the lysosomes, respectively. In this study, we combined ligand-based and structure-based virtual screening strategies to compare the inhibitor discovery efficacy based on natural substrates and the known inhibitors. The similarity queries towards SPECS database were carried out using ROCS and EON modules of OpenEye software. The hits were further docked to CD38 using AutoDock 4.05 program. In addition, ADME studies were also processed considering solubility in water and membrane permeability. Finally, we identified 17 compotmds-based on natural substrates and 10 compounds based on known inhibitor models. The results showed that the known inhibitor H2-based model was more efficient in virtual screening of CD38 non-covalent inhibitors. 展开更多
关键词 CD38 Virtual screening Natural substrate Non-covalent inhibitor
The Dilemma of International Financial Reporting Standards and the Optimization of Financial Reporting——From the Perspective of Marx’s Theory of Fictitious Capital
作者 Zhou Hua Gong Huayan 《Social Sciences in China》 2019年第2期23-40,共18页
Following the outbreak of the subprime financial crisis,international accounting standards came under heavy fire for being strongly pro-cyclical.Under those standards,financial reporting mixes financial statement data... Following the outbreak of the subprime financial crisis,international accounting standards came under heavy fire for being strongly pro-cyclical.Under those standards,financial reporting mixes financial statement data with financial analysis data,seriously weakening the public interest function of financial reporting.An analysis using Marx’s fictitious capital theory shows that fair value accounting and asset impairment accounting are both defective.In line with the principle of“accounting based on legal fact,”we use the methodology of“historical cost accounting plus fair value disclosure”to distinguish between legal fact and financial expectations in financial reporting.This is a viable means of appropriately resolving the contradiction between ensuring that enterprise financial reporting observes domestic law and ensuring that it accords with international trends. 展开更多
关键词 International Accounting Standards fair value fictitious capital historical cost legal fact
Green's Relations on a Kind of Semigroups of Linear Transformations
作者 PEI Hui Sheng LU Feng Mei 《Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition》 CSCD 2009年第5期931-944,共14页
Let V be a linear space over a field F with finite dimension,L(V) the semigroup,under composition,of all linear transformations from V into itself.Suppose that V = V1⊕V2⊕···⊕Vm is a direct sum decomp... Let V be a linear space over a field F with finite dimension,L(V) the semigroup,under composition,of all linear transformations from V into itself.Suppose that V = V1⊕V2⊕···⊕Vm is a direct sum decomposition of V,where V1,V2,...,Vm are subspaces of V with the same dimension.A linear transformation f ∈ L(V) is said to be sum-preserving,if for each i(1 ≤ i ≤ m),there exists some j(1 ≤ j ≤ m) such that f(Vi) ■Vj.It is easy to verify that all sum-preserving linear transformations form a subsemigroup of L(V) which is denoted by L⊕(V).In this paper,we first describe Green's relations on the semigroup L⊕(V).Then we consider the regularity of elements and give a condition for an element in L⊕(V) to be regular.Finally,Green's equivalences for regular elements are also characterized. 展开更多
关键词 linear spaces linear transformations SEMIGROUPS Green's equivalence regular semigroups.
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