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基尔霍夫衍射积分公式中虚系数的解释 被引量:4
作者 关智武 《郑州工业大学学报》 1998年第4期112-113,116,共3页
关键词 衍射 虚系数 基尔霍夫衍射 积分公式
作者 魏方方 董建宏 +3 位作者 张倩 矫欣雨 檀朝东 吴浩达 《石油机械》 北大核心 2023年第1期95-102,共8页
针对湿天然气计量和实际应用工况展开虚高研究很少的问题,利用Fluent软件仿真模拟了单气相、单液相、气液两相在文丘里管内流动特性,提出了文丘里管内湿天然气测量虚高的数值模拟方法。运用ANSYS Fluent,参照现场工况设置模拟试验参数,... 针对湿天然气计量和实际应用工况展开虚高研究很少的问题,利用Fluent软件仿真模拟了单气相、单液相、气液两相在文丘里管内流动特性,提出了文丘里管内湿天然气测量虚高的数值模拟方法。运用ANSYS Fluent,参照现场工况设置模拟试验参数,仿真模拟不同工况下湿天然气通过文丘里管时的压差Δptp和等量的单相天然气单独通过时的压差Δpg,计算虚高系数,分析了虚高系数的影响因素,比较了数值模拟虚高值与现有不同虚高模型的计算结果的差异。CFD仿真研究表明:湿气文丘里的虚高系数值主要受压力与液相含量的影响,虚高修正系数随洛玛参数XLM的增大而增大,两参数成正相关。在工况压力较低时,虚高与洛玛参数XLM呈线性关系;当工况压力增加,虚高与洛玛参数XLM不单为简单的线性关系。研究结果可为湿天然气的计量提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 湿天然气 气液两相计量 文丘里管 数值模拟 系数
作者 施昊彤 《石油石化节能与计量》 CAS 2024年第6期76-81,共6页
为实现湿天然气的在线不分离计量,取代现有分离器的单独计量方式,在梳理湿天然气计量模型的基础上,通过CFD技术模拟单一气相、单一液相和等量气液两相流经文丘里管压差流量计时的压力分布和速度分布,考察不同气相流量和液相流量下的静... 为实现湿天然气的在线不分离计量,取代现有分离器的单独计量方式,在梳理湿天然气计量模型的基础上,通过CFD技术模拟单一气相、单一液相和等量气液两相流经文丘里管压差流量计时的压力分布和速度分布,考察不同气相流量和液相流量下的静压参数,以此计算虚高系数,并通过非线性拟合得到虚高系数与气相流量、液相流量和管道内压的关系,最后通过湿气流量计现场对比测试撬完成效果验证。结果表明:单一液相的轴向压降较小,气液两相在收缩段和喉道处的压降最大,单一气相流量计的计量结果存在虚高现象;气相和液相流量越大,虚高现象越明显,虚高流量值与实际值的差异越大;在线湿气流量计的气相计量误差范围为-0.8%~6.3%,液相计量误差范围为-22.1%~-0.3%,准确度基本满足现场计量需求,具有较高的实用价值。 展开更多
关键词 湿天然气在线计量 系数 CFD 文丘里管 气相流量 液相流量
湿蒸汽流量测量虚高模型的实验研究 被引量:1
作者 彭兴建 何灿阳 +3 位作者 袁德文 黄彦平 白雪松 张妍 《核动力工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期128-131,共4页
关键词 湿蒸汽 喉径比 系数 两相流量测量
基于喷嘴虚高的气液两相在线计量模型的实验方法 被引量:3
作者 魏方方 张倩 +2 位作者 吴浩达 矫欣雨 檀朝东 《油气井测试》 2022年第5期12-16,共5页
针对湿天然气流量因虚高影响难以准确计量的问题,开展了基于喷嘴的气液两相在线计量模型的实验。通过实验测量分析了压差波动与气相含率、液相含率、干度的关系,利用压差波动数据拟合湿气干度-差压相关式,得到虚高相关式和修正后的气相... 针对湿天然气流量因虚高影响难以准确计量的问题,开展了基于喷嘴的气液两相在线计量模型的实验。通过实验测量分析了压差波动与气相含率、液相含率、干度的关系,利用压差波动数据拟合湿气干度-差压相关式,得到虚高相关式和修正后的气相流量计量模型,降低计量误差,提高湿气在线计量结果的准确性和可靠性。实验结果表明,湿气流经喷嘴计量装置时,液相含量对压差波动的影响占主导地位,气相含率在0.97以上时,压差波动的整体趋势随着气相体积含率增加而减小。经过虚高实验拟合修正的气相流量计量模型的计算结果与实验实测结果误差仅为8.7%,为油气生产过程中气液两相实时测量提供了一种新方法。 展开更多
关键词 湿气 气液两相 气相含率 液相含量 喷嘴节流元件 系数 在线计量 实验方法
基于文丘里的湿气流量测量实验研究 被引量:5
作者 何灿阳 顾嘉祺 +2 位作者 胡桁聚 昝元锋 闫晓 《计算机测量与控制》 2019年第4期222-229,共8页
对可应用于民用湿天然气流量测量的小口径文丘里管进行了实验研究;通过一台气流式雾化器用氮气把水雾化成湿气,再通过一台入口直径6mm,直径比0.567的文丘里管进行在线流量测量,获得了一定工况参数范围内不同压力、气体密度弗鲁德系数和... 对可应用于民用湿天然气流量测量的小口径文丘里管进行了实验研究;通过一台气流式雾化器用氮气把水雾化成湿气,再通过一台入口直径6mm,直径比0.567的文丘里管进行在线流量测量,获得了一定工况参数范围内不同压力、气体密度弗鲁德系数和洛克哈特-马蒂内利参数下的湿气虚高特性数据;分析了洛克哈特-马蒂内利参数、气液密度比、气体密度弗鲁德系数、韦伯数和液气体积比对湿气虚高修正系数的影响;调研了基于差压流量计的7种虚高指数修正关系式,并根据实验数据改进了R-H关系式;提出了针对小口径文丘里测量湿气的气相流量计算模型;实验结果表明,在压力0.5~2.0 MPa,气体密度弗鲁德系数1.0~8.5,洛克哈特-马蒂内利参数0~0.34,气相体积比95%~100%范围内,该模型修正的气相流量相对误差小于士2.1%,气相均方根误差为1.2%,优于其他模型的修正结果。 展开更多
关键词 湿气 文丘里 高修正系数 两相流量测量
雷诺相似船模预报实船推进因子的数值方法 被引量:11
作者 刘志华 熊鹰 韩宝玉 《哈尔滨工程大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第7期658-662,共5页
为了克服船模预报实船推进因子中的尺度效应,通过引入虚流体运动粘性系数,在数值计算中实现了缩尺船模与实船的雷诺数相似.根据船体兴波作用对推进因子影响甚小的基本分析结论,运用RANS方程和RNGk-ε湍流模型,对一条缩尺比为20的雷诺相... 为了克服船模预报实船推进因子中的尺度效应,通过引入虚流体运动粘性系数,在数值计算中实现了缩尺船模与实船的雷诺数相似.根据船体兴波作用对推进因子影响甚小的基本分析结论,运用RANS方程和RNGk-ε湍流模型,对一条缩尺比为20的雷诺相似船模进行了不考虑船体兴波影响的自航数值试验计算,通过对数值相似自航船模自航点和推进因子的数值计算,预报了实船的实效伴流分数和推力减额分数,所得结果与试验吻合较好,表明了该文的实船推进因子预报方法可以消除船模与实船之间固有的尺度效应,具有较强的工程实用性. 展开更多
关键词 雷诺相似 流体运动粘性系数 船模自航数值试验 推进因子
补偿性下沉气流对积云发展影响的数值模拟 被引量:1
作者 李如祥 《气象科学》 CSCD 北大核心 1990年第1期92-101,共10页
关键词 积云 补偿性下沉气流 数值模拟 参数化 质量系数模式
油气两相文丘里流量计测量灵敏度分析 被引量:1
作者 李双喜 宋仁龙 +1 位作者 薛才红 郑娆 《石油机械》 北大核心 2018年第2期95-101,共7页
油气两相文丘里流量计对气液两相流的流型有很好的调整作用,测量结果准确,且能适应苛刻的操作环境。然而关于流量计测量灵敏度的研究却很少。为此,在介绍文丘里流量计工作原理的基础上,建立了文丘里流量计流场数值计算模型,分析了流速... 油气两相文丘里流量计对气液两相流的流型有很好的调整作用,测量结果准确,且能适应苛刻的操作环境。然而关于流量计测量灵敏度的研究却很少。为此,在介绍文丘里流量计工作原理的基础上,建立了文丘里流量计流场数值计算模型,分析了流速、压力、收缩锥角、直径比和喉部取压位置对压差比和虚高修正系数的影响;借助正交试验综合分析了结构参数对文丘里流量计灵敏度的影响,得出了流量计的最优结构参数。分析结果表明:流体在文丘里管的入口直管段静压值缓慢降低;进入收缩段后静压值迅速下降,在喉管末端压力最低;流经出口直管段后压力趋于稳定;流速不影响流量计的测量灵敏度,其他参数对压差比与液相质量分数关系式中的斜率影响显著,从而影响流量计的测量灵敏度。所得结论可为文丘里流量计的结构优化提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 油气两相 文丘里管 压差之比 高修正系数 灵敏度 正交试验
Virtual test system for permanent-magnet DC motor 被引量:1
作者 崔淑梅 王悦 +3 位作者 柴凤 吴红星 刘宝廷 程树康 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2003年第2期200-204,共5页
In order to obtain the primary parameters and operating characteristics of a DC motor without directly measuring its torque and rational speed, it is proposed to use a PC and a data acquisition card to acquire both th... In order to obtain the primary parameters and operating characteristics of a DC motor without directly measuring its torque and rational speed, it is proposed to use a PC and a data acquisition card to acquire both the dynamic and static data of armature current to establish the performance of a DC permanent magnet motor. The accuracy and validity of this virtual test system proposed were verified by comparing the measurements made with the system proposed with the measurements made with conventional torque meters. It is concluded from the results of comparison that from the mathematic model established for the DC permant magnet motors, both major parameters and operating characteristics can be directly established for the DC motors without measuring their torques and rotational speed, a perfect on line measurement and test system has been established for the DC permanent magnet motors using the theory of virtual test system. The system proposed features shorter test time, higher efficiency and lower cost. 展开更多
关键词 virtual system MOTOR test parameter identify
Improving MapReduce Performance by Balancing Skewed Loads 被引量:4
作者 FAN Yuanquan WU Weiguo XU Yunlong CHEN Heng 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第8期85-108,共24页
MapReduce has emerged as a popular computing model used in datacenters to process large amount of datasets.In the map phase,hash partitioning is employed to distribute data that sharing the same key across data center... MapReduce has emerged as a popular computing model used in datacenters to process large amount of datasets.In the map phase,hash partitioning is employed to distribute data that sharing the same key across data center-scale cluster nodes.However,we observe that this approach can lead to uneven data distribution,which can result in skewed loads among reduce tasks,thus hamper performance of MapReduce systems.Moreover,worker nodes in MapReduce systems may differ in computing capability due to(1) multiple generations of hardware in non-virtualized data centers,or(2) co-location of virtual machines in virtualized data centers.The heterogeneity among cluster nodes exacerbates the negative effects of uneven data distribution.To improve MapReduce performance in heterogeneous clusters,we propose a novel load balancing approach in the reduce phase.This approach consists of two components:(1) performance prediction for reducers that run on heterogeneous nodes based on support vector machines models,and(2) heterogeneity-aware partitioning(HAP),which balances skewed data for reduce tasks.We implement this approach as a plug-in in current MapReduce system.Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed approach distributes work evenly among reduce tasks,and improves MapReduce performance with little overhead. 展开更多
关键词 MAPREDUCE cloud computing skewed loads performance prediction supportvector machines
作者 张仲华 华耀沛 《中国新技术新产品》 2010年第6期142-143,共2页
关键词 含水量 坍落度 平整度 系数
Research on an Integrated Modeling Method of Virtual Ship Assembly 被引量:1
作者 袁华 赵耀 严俊 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2011年第4期447-455,共9页
A new method of virtual ship assembly modeling which integrates ship three-dimensional design and ship construction planning was described in this paper. A workflow model of simulation modeling based on the virtual sh... A new method of virtual ship assembly modeling which integrates ship three-dimensional design and ship construction planning was described in this paper. A workflow model of simulation modeling based on the virtual ship assembly process was also established; furthermore, a method of information transformation between the ship three-dimensional design and ship construction plan was formulated. To meet the requirements of information sharing between different systems in the ship virtual assembly, a simulation database was created by using the software engineering design method and the relational data model. With the application of this database, the information of ship three-dimensional design, construction planning, and virtual assembly can be integrated into one system. Subsequently, this new method was applied as a tool to simulate the virtual assembly of a ship, and the results guarantee its rationality and reliability. 展开更多
关键词 ship virtual assembly simulation modeling workflow model simulation database three-dimensional design construction planning
作者 朱永乐 董建宏 +4 位作者 刘金海 张知斌 矫欣雨 魏方方 吴浩达 《石油化工应用》 CAS 2022年第11期54-58,共5页
差压式流量计应用较为广泛,但应用在湿天然气计量上存在气量计量虚高、误差大等问题。本文研制了一种基于喷嘴的湿气井在线计量装置,建立了气液两相含率的在线计量模型。现场应用表明:以喷嘴为节流元件的计量装置具有结构简单、计量精... 差压式流量计应用较为广泛,但应用在湿天然气计量上存在气量计量虚高、误差大等问题。本文研制了一种基于喷嘴的湿气井在线计量装置,建立了气液两相含率的在线计量模型。现场应用表明:以喷嘴为节流元件的计量装置具有结构简单、计量精度高、性能稳定等特点,两相含率计量精度都可以满足现场单井计量要求。 展开更多
关键词 湿气井 喷嘴 差压波动 系数 计量装置 分相含率模型
Constrained Edge Dynamic Deleting in CD-TIN Based on Influence Domain Retriangulation of Virtual Point
作者 WANG Yanbing WU Lixin SHI Wenzhong 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2007年第3期208-212,共5页
Constrained Delaunay triangulated irregular network is one kind of dynamic data structures used in geosciences. The research on point and edges insertion in CD-TIN is the basis of its application. Comparing with the a... Constrained Delaunay triangulated irregular network is one kind of dynamic data structures used in geosciences. The research on point and edges insertion in CD-TIN is the basis of its application. Comparing with the algorithms of points and constrained edge insertion, there are very a few researches on constrained edge deletion in CD-TIN. Based on the analysis of the polymorphism of constrained edge, virtual points are used to describe the intersection of constrained edges. A new algorithm is presented, called as influence domain retriangulating for virtual point (IDRVP), to delete constrained edges with virtual points. The algorithm is complete in topology. Finally, the algorithm is tested by some applications cases. 展开更多
关键词 CD-TIN data updating constrained edge deletion virtual point influence domain retriangulation
Design of Virtual Simulation Experiment System based on VB and VRML
作者 Jinyu WANG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第5期38-40,共3页
This paper introduces the design and Realization of NC simulation teaching system based on VB and VRML technology. The paper realize functions using the new Parallel development platform launched by Graphics Company f... This paper introduces the design and Realization of NC simulation teaching system based on VB and VRML technology. The paper realize functions using the new Parallel development platform launched by Graphics Company for VRML environment (Cortona SDK), and uses the object oriented programming method based on ActiveX technology in the technical system. Practice has proved that the system has good stability and strong simulation function. 展开更多
关键词 NC simulation VRML technology Cortona SDK
One Step on the Smart Grid Path: Load and Generation Coordination in a Virtual Power System 被引量:2
作者 E. Cagno F. Castelli Dezza +2 位作者 M. Delfanti M. Merlo A. Trianni 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2011年第3期275-282,共8页
Worldwide the introduction of dispersed generators (DG) in the distribution network is assuming a significant importance. There is an increasing relevance of the energy process efficiency improvement; as for electri... Worldwide the introduction of dispersed generators (DG) in the distribution network is assuming a significant importance. There is an increasing relevance of the energy process efficiency improvement; as for electric power systems, the most interesting perspective concerns the capability of the system to increase the exploitation of the renewable resources. The integration of DGs in the electric distribution network requires a revision of this infrastructure, so far designed and developed assuming that power flows in one direction: from the high voltage transmission network to the medium voltage distribution, to reach final customers on the low voltage network. The attention to an efficient operation of distribution networks is increasing all over the world; this interest is becoming higher and higher also in Italy, where the high energy prices push in the direction of fostering efficiency as much as possible. This work describes a study developed in the AlpEnergy project framework: an International Cooperation Program aimed at introducing an efficient operational model for the distributed production and consumption. In particular it is proposed a new model for the integration and the management of the DG in the distribution network. The new model (defined VPS: Virtual Power System) is based on a communication channel between the active users (generators), the loads and, eventually, the Distribution System Operators (DSOs). 展开更多
关键词 Renewable energy sources distributed generation distributed consumption virtual power plant.
Electric Parameter Measurement System Based on Virtual Instrument
作者 戴文 林青 +1 位作者 魏淑艳 曹明革 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS 2011年第1期9-12,共4页
In this paper, virtual instnnnent technology is applied in the development of an electric parameter measta'ement system for mobile power stations. Virtual inset technology is used to lmasure and analyze electric para... In this paper, virtual instnnnent technology is applied in the development of an electric parameter measta'ement system for mobile power stations. Virtual inset technology is used to lmasure and analyze electric parameters of mobile power stations. The whole measurement system is mmpmed of computer, data acquisition card and LabView virtual instnnnent platform. It can be used to monitor, record, and analyze electric parameters of sinusoidal alternating ciroait These parameters include voltage, effective value of ctaxent, phase differences, power, and etc. Experimental results show that this virtual measuring device satisfy the requirement of mobile power station montoring anti dynamic property analysis. Hardware and software design of the system will be discussed in detail. 展开更多
关键词 virtual inset electric parameter measnt data acquisition mobile power station
渠道衬砌机械化施工控制技术 被引量:3
作者 梁斌 杜恩松 +1 位作者 华耀佩 徐宏 《河南水利与南水北调》 2010年第5期28-29,共2页
关键词 含水量 坍落度 平整度 系数
Serendipity Virtual Elements for General Elliptic Equations in Three Dimensions
作者 Lourenco BEIRAO DA VEIGA Franco BREZZI +2 位作者 Franco DASSI Luisa Donatelia MARINI Alessandro RUSSO 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第2期315-334,共20页
The authors study the use of the virtual element method(VEM for short) of order k for general second order elliptic problems with variable coefficients in three space dimensions. Moreover, they investigate numerically... The authors study the use of the virtual element method(VEM for short) of order k for general second order elliptic problems with variable coefficients in three space dimensions. Moreover, they investigate numerically also the serendipity version of the VEM and the associated computational gain in terms of degrees of freedom. 展开更多
关键词 Virtual element methods Polyhedral decompositions Linear ellipticproblems Serendipity
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