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半干旱沙地小叶锦鸡儿种子虫害及其对种子质量的影响 被引量:2
作者 胡鸿姣 刘新平 +7 位作者 刘伟春 林会全 杨春宇 张铜会 何玉惠 孙姗姗 程莉 徐远志 《草业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第1期48-56,共9页
种子虫害严重阻碍了我国北方锦鸡儿属(Caragana)灌木造林和产业化利用工作的开展。为此,本研究通过探究科尔沁沙地结实初期(6月9日)、结实中期(6月18日)、结实后期(6月27日)和结实末期(7月6日)小叶锦鸡儿(Caragana microphylla)植株不... 种子虫害严重阻碍了我国北方锦鸡儿属(Caragana)灌木造林和产业化利用工作的开展。为此,本研究通过探究科尔沁沙地结实初期(6月9日)、结实中期(6月18日)、结实后期(6月27日)和结实末期(7月6日)小叶锦鸡儿(Caragana microphylla)植株不同部位(东、南、西和北)的种子虫害情况及其对种子质量的影响,分析虫害发生特点并制定专向防治措施。结果表明:结种量、虫害率和种子质量在不同部位间均差异不显著(P>0.05)。结种量在结实初期后显著下降(P<0.05),之后在结实中期趋于稳定。植株成功结种率稳定为89.2%。虫害率由结实初期的7.4%急剧上升至结实中期的19.3%,并在结实后期之后稳定为22.8%。虫害对种子质量存在显著的负面影响(P<0.05),其中千粒重、发芽率和发芽势分别降低了30.7%、17.2%和34.7%,出苗率与发芽率差异不显著(P>0.05)。本研究明确了小叶锦鸡儿种子害虫的为害程度和发生特点,有助于我国北方干旱和半干旱地区锦鸡儿属灌木种子虫害的调查和防治工作。 展开更多
关键词 小叶锦鸡儿 结实期 植株部位 种子质量 虫害率 种子害虫 虫害发生规律
杨树新品种苗期及造林主要生长指标分析与评价 被引量:1
作者 李小华 佘生斌 +1 位作者 李海俊 黄志刚 《湖北林业科技》 2012年第1期5-8,共4页
笔者对所引进的品种按定向培育目的和林网化建设选育方向分别对苗期、生长增量、期间生长进行了随机区组差异显著性检验和对比法分析比较,结果表明:苗期差异均显著,造林后2003~2006年树高增量差异不显著,胸径增量差异显著,期间5年后树... 笔者对所引进的品种按定向培育目的和林网化建设选育方向分别对苗期、生长增量、期间生长进行了随机区组差异显著性检验和对比法分析比较,结果表明:苗期差异均显著,造林后2003~2006年树高增量差异不显著,胸径增量差异显著,期间5年后树高和胸径差异均显著,结合对比法进一步分析表明,鲁山杨、中林2025两品种表现最好,同时,以近地侧枝张角和虫害率为参考指标,对表现较好的品种进行了评价,优选出宜林网化品种为中林美荷、林常绿、欧美108,宜定向培育平川造林品种为中林2025,而鲁山杨适宜区域较广。 展开更多
关键词 品种 定向培育 林网化 侧枝张角 虫害率
广西灵山县甘蔗木蠹蛾的发生及防治建议 被引量:3
作者 黄诚华 王伯辉 +3 位作者 何远兰 潘雪红 魏吉利 黄冬发 《南方农业学报》 CAS CSCD 2011年第3期277-279,共3页
【目的】了解广西灵山县蔗区甘蔗木蠹蛾发生及为害情况,为防治甘蔗木蠹蛾提供参考。【方法】采用田间调查方法,结合文献资料及实践经验,分析灵山县甘蔗木蠹蛾发生为害特点及发生原因。【结果】灵山县甘蔗平均虫害株率达25.63%,其中木蠹... 【目的】了解广西灵山县蔗区甘蔗木蠹蛾发生及为害情况,为防治甘蔗木蠹蛾提供参考。【方法】采用田间调查方法,结合文献资料及实践经验,分析灵山县甘蔗木蠹蛾发生为害特点及发生原因。【结果】灵山县甘蔗平均虫害株率达25.63%,其中木蠹蛾平均为害株率占总虫害株率的58.94%。【结论】灵山县蔗区甘蔗木蠹蛾为害比较严重,已给当地甘蔗生产造成严重威胁。应采取蔗种调运检疫、农业防治、灯光诱杀、人工捕蛾和药剂防治等综合措施加以防治。 展开更多
关键词 甘蔗 木蠹蛾 虫害 防治建议 灵山县
基于无人机影像和半变异函数的玉米螟空间分布预报方法 被引量:8
作者 吴才聪 胡冰冰 +2 位作者 赵明 寇志宏 张丽君 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第9期84-91,共8页
空间变异拟合是实现小区域亚洲玉米螟变量防治和药剂减施的工作基础。该文以建立玉米螟空间分布最优半变异拟合函数和预测模型为研究目的,选择半径为2 km的圆形区域作为核心研究区,开展无人机高清影像获取、受虫害株率人工调查、越冬虫... 空间变异拟合是实现小区域亚洲玉米螟变量防治和药剂减施的工作基础。该文以建立玉米螟空间分布最优半变异拟合函数和预测模型为研究目的,选择半径为2 km的圆形区域作为核心研究区,开展无人机高清影像获取、受虫害株率人工调查、越冬虫源基数调查、村庄网格划分等数据获取与处理,研究玉米螟空间扩散影响因子及空间变异特征。研究表明,受虫害株率空间变异显著,服从对数正态分布;经地统计学交叉验证,0阶指数模型为拟合受虫害株率空间分布的最优半变异函数模型;越冬玉米螟虫源数量与受虫害株率相关系数为0.61。因此,通过受虫害株率人工调查,基于指数模型利用克里格插值方法,可以生成受虫害株率空间分布图;由于影响因素众多,仅依据越冬虫源数量尚难以准确预测玉米螟发生严重程度。该文所探索的技术路线可以为玉米螟小区域变量防治提供实现途径,据此可以达到药剂节约和环境保护的目的。 展开更多
关键词 无人机 虫害控制 图像分析 玉米螟 小区域管理 虫害 半变异函数
作者 何凡 吉训聪 《海南农业科技》 2000年第1期11-12,共2页
关键词 杨桃 保果护果方法 套袋 生长素喷施 虫害
作者 贾学苏 王永生 《邯郸农业高等专科学校学报》 2004年第3期42-,48,共2页
侧柏(platycladus orientalis cl)适应性强,是我国园林应用最广泛的树种之一.但2003年春季在赵苑景区新植的1286株侧柏却出现了大范围的针叶枯黄、小枝干枯、树干表皮隆起干裂、边才上有明显的扁平虫道的现象.部分侧柏已经死亡.
关键词 侧柏 新植 双条杉天牛 虫害率
A New Strain of Entomopathogenic Bacillus of the Tea Pest, Eterusia magnifica (Butl.) (Zyganiidae: Lepidoptera) from Darjeeling Foothill Region of India 被引量:4
作者 D. De A. Mukhopadhyay 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》 2011年第3期359-365,共7页
An entomopathogenic strain of Bacillus sp. was isolated from diseased red slug caterpillars of the leaf-feediug pest of tea, Eterusia magnifica, from the Darjeeling foothill region. Analysis of the bacterimn based on ... An entomopathogenic strain of Bacillus sp. was isolated from diseased red slug caterpillars of the leaf-feediug pest of tea, Eterusia magnifica, from the Darjeeling foothill region. Analysis of the bacterimn based on polyphasic approach such as growth phase, biochemical tests, whole body" protein, crystal protein profiles along with bioassay (i.e. LC50 and LT50 values) established it as a different strain but close to Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki (Btk), the commercial microbial pesticides of lepidopterans. Among biochemical parameters differences were noted between the new strain and Btk in ONPG, lysine decarboxylase, omithin decarboxylase, urease, nitrate reduction, V-P and glucose utilization tests. PAGE analysis of the whole body protein for the new strain recorded a 34 kDa band which was absent in Btk (used as reference). Crystal protein profile of the newly isolated bacterial strain showed 53 and 49 kDa bands whereas in Btk only 52 kDa band was evident. Although the LC50 values of the new strain and Btk were close, their LT50 values were much different, the new strain showing a lower value than Btk. In light of the above differences and in absence of any report of entomopathogenic bacterial strain of E. magnifica, the isolated strain of Bacillus appeared to be new to science and hence was designated as RS01. The new strain opens up the possibility of its futttre use as microbial pesticide after standardizing its formulation and checking its safety aspects. 展开更多
关键词 Etentsia magnifica Bacillus sp. RS01 Camellia sinensis tea Darjeeling.
Utilization of Fungi for the Biological Control of Insect Pests and Ganoderma Disease in the Indonesian Oil Palm Industry
作者 Hari Priwiratama Agus Susanto 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2014年第2期103-111,共9页
Biological control is usually the first choice of control and prevention method for integrated pest management (IPM) strategies and has now been widely implemented by Indonesian oil palm plantations. Entomopathogeni... Biological control is usually the first choice of control and prevention method for integrated pest management (IPM) strategies and has now been widely implemented by Indonesian oil palm plantations. Entomopathogenic fungus, i.e., Metarhizium anisopliae, Cordyceps militaris and Beauveria bassiana have been demonstrated to control renowned pests of oil palm. Metarhizium has been used to control Oryctes larvae and the mortality has ranged from 91.67% to 100% in laboratory and 7.4% to 88.75% in the field. Metarhizium has been applied in combination with a termite baiting system (TBS) to control termites in the field for preventive and curative action as well. In many oil palm plantations in Indonesia, Cordyceps has been used to reduce the field moth population ofSetothosea asigna. Application of Cordyceps within the oil palm circle was able to infect S. asigna pupae up to 80%. Meanwhile, Beauveria in an effervescent formulation was demonstrated to have better efficacy on Darna trima larvae. A significant finding on the biological control of basal stem rot disease (Ganoderma) was the isolation of Trichoderma sp. and Gliocladium sp.. The efficacy was conducted with promising result and techniques on the application of Triehoderma have been developed, i.e., hole-in-hole system, surgery and a mounding method. However, as the roots developed, Trichoderma was no longer able to protect the palm from Ganoderma. In spite of that, the use of Trichoderma still prolonged the life ofoil palms by up to 2-3 years. Another fungi belonging to vesicular arbuscular mychorrhiza (VAM) has been developed to control Ganoderma. The efficacy in the nursery showed promising results and the Ganoderma incidence remained low compared to the untreated control. Large scale field trials are ongoing. Challenges on the implementation of biological control in oil palm plantations are because of application and availability of biopesticides/natural enemies. Therefore, advances in research on the formulation of biological control agents are still needed. 展开更多
关键词 Entomopathogenic fungus biological control mixture formula GANODERMA VAM
Effects of Different Agroecosystems on Prevalence of Different Species of Pests and Coccinellid Predators
作者 Robert W. Nyukuri Fred M. E. Wanjala +2 位作者 Evelyn Cheramgoi Jared O. Odhiambo Stella C. Kirui 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第6期776-783,共8页
This study was aimed at determining the effects of mixed and single cropping agroecosystems on the prevalence of different species of insect pests and coccinellids. It involved six growing crops: maize Zea mays L., b... This study was aimed at determining the effects of mixed and single cropping agroecosystems on the prevalence of different species of insect pests and coccinellids. It involved six growing crops: maize Zea mays L., beans Phaseolus vulgaris L. and cowpeas Vignaunguiculata L. Walp in single and mixed stands and sampling throughout the phenology of the crops. Eight insect pest species were recorded on maize grown alone, while thirty seven insect species were endemic on cowpea mono cropped and were of six orders whereas twenty two insect pest species occurred on beans. The predator population was most abundant in the mixed stands of maize and beans (2.33 predators per 30 aphids) as compared to their occurrence in pure stands of cowpeas (0.85 predators per 30 aphids) as there were numerous aphids on beans at pre-flowering phase that supported a higher population level of coccinellids. Also, predator population was at the peak during the tussling stage of maize as they fed on the pollen grains while aphids on cowpeas co-existed mutualistically with black ants that protected them against predation. The genus Cheilomenes spp. was the most ubiquitous predator with a mean of 4.00 individuals per 30 aphids while Hippodamiavariegata was the least abundant predator species with a mean of 0.92 individuals per 30 aphids in all the agroecosystems as the Cheilomenes spp. had a faster discovery rate, range of perception, effective capture efficiency and a shorter handling time of a prey. 展开更多
关键词 PHENOLOGY STANDS Zea mays L. Phaseolus vulgaris L. Vignaunguiculata L. Walp AGROECOSYSTEM
Development and reproduction of ‘B' biotype Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) on four ornamentals 被引量:2
作者 LILIN SHUN-XIANGREN 《Insect Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第2期137-142,共6页
Effects of four commercial ornamentals on the development, survivorship and reproduction of the whitefly B biotype Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) were studied in the laboratory (temperature 26 ±1℃; relative humidity... Effects of four commercial ornamentals on the development, survivorship and reproduction of the whitefly B biotype Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) were studied in the laboratory (temperature 26 ±1℃; relative humidity 75%-90%; L: D 14:10). The total survivorship from egg to adult on hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.), poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima Will), cottonrose hibiscus (Hibiscus mutabilis L.) and variegated leafcroton (Codiaeum variegatum ‘Aucubaefolium') were 33.69%, 40.55%, 79.11%, and 29.39%,respectively. The developmental periods from egg to adult varied from 23.12 days on cottonrose hibiscus to 32.13 days on hibiscus. The average longevity of adult females ranged from 6.87 days on variegated leafcroton to 21.07 days on poinsettia. The average numbers of eggs laid per female were 9.20, 25.13, 54.45, and 26.79 on the above respective hosts. The intrinsic rates of natural increase (rm) for B biotype B. tabaci on cottonrose hibiscus was the highest. Based on life table analyses of whitefly populations, cottonrose hibiscus was the most suitable host for B biotype B. tabaci in this study. 展开更多
The impact of attractants on pocket gopher trapping 被引量:2
作者 Roger A. BALDWIN Ryan MEINERZ Steve B. ORLOFF 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第4期472-478,共7页
Pocket gophers (Geomyidae) have an extensive impact on both natural and agricultural systems. Trapping is a tech- nique often used to sample and manage these populations. The identification of an attractant that inc... Pocket gophers (Geomyidae) have an extensive impact on both natural and agricultural systems. Trapping is a tech- nique often used to sample and manage these populations. The identification of an attractant that increases capture rates of pocket gophers would greatly assist researchers and pest management professionals alike. Therefore, we tested the attractiveness of four attractants (peanut butter, anise, grapefruit attractant, and carrot) plus a control (no attractant) using uncovered and covered trap sets to determine what impact they have on visitation and capture rates of pocket gophers. We also determined how the impact of cover status and attractants differ across varying weights and gender of pocket gophers. We found no direct effect of any attracrant on visitation and capture rates of pocket gophers, nor on the gender of captured individuals. However, when no attractant was used, the mtmber of pocket gophers captured per 100 trap nights was greater when trap sets were uncovered vs. when covered, and capture rates were generally high and consistent when using peanut butter as an attractant. Additionally, we noted that covered trap sets that were baited with peanut butter yielded heavier pocket gopher captures than uncovered trap sets using this same attractant. This is key, given the difficulty associated with capturing older, more experienced individuals. Combined with data from a previous investigation, this suggests that there is no advantage to using any attractant when utilizing uncovered trap sets, but there is likely some benefit to using peanut butter in covered trap sets [Current Zoology 60 (4): 472-478, 2014]. 展开更多
关键词 ATTRACTANT Demographics Pocket gopher Thomomys bottae Thomomys talpoides TRAPPING
Investigation on Effect of Forestation by Mixing Pinus massoniana with Schima superba
作者 HUANGWenchao HUANGLili 《Chinese Forestry Science and Technology》 2004年第2期26-33,共8页
Since forestation of pure forest of Pinus massoniana is liable to suffer from pest calamity, soilerosion, decrease of soil fertility, and difficulty in wood production in the hilly areas of southern China, weconducted... Since forestation of pure forest of Pinus massoniana is liable to suffer from pest calamity, soilerosion, decrease of soil fertility, and difficulty in wood production in the hilly areas of southern China, weconducted an investigation on the three types of forests in Gaoan County of Jiangxi Province, namely, thepure forest of Pinus massoniana, the pure forest of Schima superba, and the mixed forest consisting of thetwo species, setting up standard stand, measuring and studying the growing stock, biomass, leaf area, roots,soil, vegetation, pests, litters, soil erosion, microclimate, etc., with the following results. ① The averageheight, diameter at chest height, and volume of the mixed forest are higher than those of the pure forest ofPinus massoniana by 30.9%, 31.7% and 10.6%, respectively. ② The biomass of the mixed forest is 2.24times as much as that of the pure forest of Pinus massoniana. ③ The litters of the mixed forest is 3.37 timesand 1.96 times as much as the litters of the pure forest of Pinus massoniana and the pure forest of Schimasuperba respectively. ④ The occurrence of pest calamity per tree is lower and the conditions of soil erosionand microclimate are better than those of the pure forest of Pinus massoniana. ⑤ The mixed forest of the twospecies is an excellent mixed type of needle-leaf and deciduous forest worth being popularized in Chinassubtropical areas, especially in the low hilly areas. It is recommended in plantation that the mixed patterns bebetween trees, lines, small blocks, or scattered-dots, the ratio of mixture of Pinus massoniana and Schimasuperba be 5 to 1, or 3 to 1, and the initial space between trees be 1.2, 1.5, or 2.0 m while the initial densitybe 6 944 to 4 440 trees per square hectare. 展开更多
关键词 Pinus massoniana Schima superba mixed forest effect of forestation
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