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作者 郗伟华 刘任涛 +5 位作者 刘佳楠 赵娟 常海涛 罗雅曦 张静 马继 《水土保持研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第2期162-169,共8页
为了深入了解沙区柠条灌丛对土壤动物时空分布的影响规律,在宁夏盐池沙地依据土壤立地条件选择柠条(Caragana korshinskii)灌丛林地为研究对象,于春、夏和秋季,采用相对相互作用强度指数(RⅡ)比较分析了不同立地条件下3个季节沙地灌丛&q... 为了深入了解沙区柠条灌丛对土壤动物时空分布的影响规律,在宁夏盐池沙地依据土壤立地条件选择柠条(Caragana korshinskii)灌丛林地为研究对象,于春、夏和秋季,采用相对相互作用强度指数(RⅡ)比较分析了不同立地条件下3个季节沙地灌丛"虫岛"效应分布特征,旨在为沙地生境人工林建设与管理、沙漠化防治和退化生态系统恢复提供依据。结果表明:(1)两种土壤立地条件柠条林地的地面节肢动物群落相似性指数随着季节更替而逐渐增加,达到中等相似水平。并且3个季节2种立地条件生境中,只有11个节肢动物类群表现出了"虫岛"特征。随着立地条件和季节变化,不同节肢动物类群表现出了相似或相反的灌丛"虫岛"分布特征;(2)只在夏季,步甲科类群表现为无沙覆盖柠条林地RⅡ值显著高于有沙覆盖柠条林地(p<0.05)。随着立地条件和季节变化,拟步甲科和蚁科类群RⅡ值分布呈现出作用方向的差异性;(3)只有夏季且只有节肢动物个体数的RⅡ值表现为无沙覆盖柠条林地显著高于有沙覆盖林地(p<0.05),并且节肢动物个体数RⅡ值春季和秋季间表现为正负相反作用方向。不同立地条件节肢动物丰富度RⅡ值作用方向受到季节变化的调控,而Shannon指数和优势度指数的RⅡ值作用方向不受立地条件和季节变化的影响。研究表明,立地条件对基于节肢动物个体数的灌丛"虫岛"效应分布影响较大,并受季节变化的调控。基于节肢动物丰富度的灌丛"虫岛"效应分布主要受到季节变化影响,而受立地条件的影响较小。柠条灌丛对地面节肢动物多样性分布呈现正向性作用,受季节变化和立地条件的影响较小。 展开更多
关键词 虫岛 灌丛 干旱风沙区 立地条件 季节变化
科尔沁沙地灌丛的“虫岛”效应及其形成机理 被引量:18
作者 赵哈林 刘任涛 +2 位作者 周瑞莲 赵学勇 张铜会 《生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第12期2990-2995,共6页
为了了解沙地灌丛对于土壤动物是否存在聚集作用,于2008—2009年在科尔沁沙地调查了流动沙地小叶锦鸡儿和黄柳灌丛内外大型土壤动物的群落特征。结果表明:流动沙地灌丛内大型土壤动物类群数量、密度和Shannon多样性指数较灌丛外流沙地... 为了了解沙地灌丛对于土壤动物是否存在聚集作用,于2008—2009年在科尔沁沙地调查了流动沙地小叶锦鸡儿和黄柳灌丛内外大型土壤动物的群落特征。结果表明:流动沙地灌丛内大型土壤动物类群数量、密度和Shannon多样性指数较灌丛外流沙地分别高125.0%~175.0%、52.8%~263.9%和34.6%~57.1%,显现出明显的"虫岛"效应,其中小叶锦鸡儿灌丛的"虫岛"效应大于黄柳灌丛;灌丛内外土壤优势动物类群虽然相同,并有少量共有类群,但灌丛下聚集了多个流沙裸地没有的大型土壤动物类群,群落功能群结构也发生明显改变;流动沙地灌丛的"虫岛"效应主要源于灌丛的小气候效应和肥岛效应,其降风滞尘、遮蔽暴晒、改善土壤质地和养分条件的作用是导致流动沙地灌丛"虫岛"效应形成的主要机理。 展开更多
关键词 科尔沁沙地 灌丛 大型土壤动物 虫岛效应 机制
科尔沁和毛乌素沙地灌丛“虫岛”效应比较 被引量:6
作者 刘任涛 王少昆 周娟 《中国沙漠》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期1599-1606,共8页
选择科尔沙地和毛乌素沙地豆科与非豆科灌丛为研究对象,以灌丛外裸沙地为对照,通过手拣法调查了不同灌丛微生境中土壤动物群落组成与多样性,依据相对相互作用强度指数(RII)分析比较了不同水热地带沙地灌丛"虫岛"差异性及影响... 选择科尔沙地和毛乌素沙地豆科与非豆科灌丛为研究对象,以灌丛外裸沙地为对照,通过手拣法调查了不同灌丛微生境中土壤动物群落组成与多样性,依据相对相互作用强度指数(RII)分析比较了不同水热地带沙地灌丛"虫岛"差异性及影响机制。结果表明:(1)在科尔沁沙地和毛乌素沙地分别获得36和28个类群,平均个体数分别为76只·m-2和125只·m-2。优势类群分别包括拟步甲科及其幼虫和步甲科、蚁科,常见类群分别为12和20个类群,稀有类群分别为22个和6个类群。(2)土壤动物个体数、丰富度和Shannon指数的灌丛"虫岛"RII值,均表现为毛乌素沙地显著高于科尔沁沙地(p<0.05),并且2种类型灌丛均呈现出正向作用(即聚集作用,RII>0)。(3)在2个沙地所有样地中,只有园蛛科、鳃金龟科幼虫和拟步甲科幼虫3个类群完全表征出灌丛"虫岛"现象。园蛛科和拟步甲科幼虫的灌丛"虫岛"RII值不同地带沙地间无显著差异性(p>0.05),而鳃金龟科幼虫RII值则均存在显著差异性(p<0.05)。豆科与非豆科灌丛在不同地带沙地中对"虫岛"表现出相反的作用结果。(4)群落水平上,毛乌素沙地灌丛"虫岛"作用强度高于科尔沁沙地,与水热等沙地气候条件密切相关,而与灌丛功能特性无关。种群水平上,不同土壤动物类群具有不同的灌丛"虫岛"现象,灌丛功能特性、沙地水热条件或者二者交互作用是其原因。 展开更多
关键词 沙地 灌丛 虫岛 气候条件 土壤动物
基于群落与种群水平的沙地柠条灌丛“虫岛效应”随林龄的变化 被引量:3
作者 刘任涛 朱凡 《应用与环境生物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期689-694,共6页
以宁夏盐池沙地不同年龄柠条灌丛为研究对象,利用响应比率(Response ratio,RR)和相对互相作用强度指数(Relative interaction intensity,RII),在群落与种群2个水平上分析沙地灌丛"虫岛效应"的变化规律.结果显示:在群落水平上... 以宁夏盐池沙地不同年龄柠条灌丛为研究对象,利用响应比率(Response ratio,RR)和相对互相作用强度指数(Relative interaction intensity,RII),在群落与种群2个水平上分析沙地灌丛"虫岛效应"的变化规律.结果显示:在群落水平上,RR与RII在表征基于节肢动物个体数和丰富度的不同年龄灌丛"虫岛效应"间差异性时完全相同,但在表征节肢动物Shannon指数和均匀度指数时存在较大差异性.在种群水平上表征柠条灌丛"虫岛效应"时RII值反映的类群数超过RR值的17%以上,在24年生灌丛林地达到38%以上,更好地反映了灌丛与节肢动物类群间的作用关系.利用RR值分析群落水平灌丛"虫岛效应",在6年生林地只有节肢动物个体数表现出灌丛"虫岛效应",在15年生林地基于Shannon指数与均匀度指数的灌丛"虫岛效应"显著增强(P<0.05),而基于节肢动物个体数的灌丛"虫岛效应"减弱,但在之后的24年和36年林地基于Shannon指数与均匀度指数的灌丛"虫岛效应"急剧减弱,而基于节肢动物个体数的灌丛"虫岛效应"又逐渐增强(P<0.05).利用RII值分析种群水平灌丛"虫岛效应",不同年龄林地均有超过50%的动物类群受到灌丛影响而呈现出"虫岛"现象,反映了灌丛对节肢动物的聚集作用.本研究表明,响应比率RR在分析节肢动物群落指数效果较好,而相对互相作用强度指数RII可以完整地表征节肢动物种群在灌丛内外的空间分布;随着灌丛年龄增加,灌丛"虫岛"对灌丛间节肢动物多样性分布具有辐射作用,灌丛"虫岛效应"有利于沙化草地生态系统结构与功能的有效恢复. 展开更多
关键词 虫岛 灌丛林龄 沙地 地面节肢动物 生态系统恢复
沙地灌丛“虫岛”:概念、方法与模型构建 被引量:1
作者 刘任涛 《生物数学学报》 2016年第3期344-350,共7页
沙地灌丛与节肢动物间的作用关系可以用"虫岛"来表示,但是关于灌丛"虫岛"的概念、分析方法与模型构建,研究较少.通过定量化界定灌丛"虫岛"的概念与内涵,筛选计算灌丛"虫岛"的分析函数,旨在确... 沙地灌丛与节肢动物间的作用关系可以用"虫岛"来表示,但是关于灌丛"虫岛"的概念、分析方法与模型构建,研究较少.通过定量化界定灌丛"虫岛"的概念与内涵,筛选计算灌丛"虫岛"的分析函数,旨在确立定量分析灌丛与节肢动物间作用关系的数学模式.结果表明,沙地灌丛"虫岛"是流沙生境中节肢动物群落和种群水平上在灌丛内外的统计性差异分布.种群水平上相对邻近影响指数RNE=(B-A)/max(A,B)与相对互相作用强度指数RII=(A-B)/(A+B)表达的内涵更为全面、准确(A,B分别表示灌丛内外平均量值),而在群落水平上5个指数均适用,但需实际情况检验.确立了群落和种群水平上灌丛与节肢动物间的定量作用模型:RII=α/(α+2B),α为灌丛对节肢动物的定量作用强度. 展开更多
关键词 灌丛 虫岛 概念 数学模型
Involvement of genes required for synaptic function in aging control in C.elegans
作者 沈露露 汪洋 王大勇 《Neuroscience Bulletin》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第1期21-29,共9页
Objective To identify new genes required for neurosecretory control of aging in C. elegans. Methods In view of the importance of nervous system in aging regulation, we performed the screen for genes involved in the ag... Objective To identify new genes required for neurosecretory control of aging in C. elegans. Methods In view of the importance of nervous system in aging regulation, we performed the screen for genes involved in the aging regulation from genetic loci encoding synaptic proteins by lifespan assay and accumulation of lipofuscin autofluorescence. We further investigated the dauer formation phenotypes of their corresponding mutants and whether they were possibly up-regulated by the insulin-like signaling pathway. Results The genetic loci of unc-10, syd-2, hlb-1, dlk-1, mkk-4, scd- 2, snb-1, ric-4, nrx-1, unc-13, sbt-1 and unc-64 might be involved in the aging control. In addition, functions of unc-10, syd-2, hlb-1, dlk-1, mkk-4, scd-2, snb-1, ric-4 and nrx-1 in regulating aging may be opposite to those of unc-13, sbt-1 and unc-64. The intestinal autofluorescence assay further indicated that the identified long-lived and short-lived mutants were actually due to the suppressed or accelerated aging. Among the identified genes, syd-2, hlb-1, mkk-4, scd-2, snb-1, ric-4 and unc-64 were also involved in the control of dauer formation. Moreover, daf-2 mutation positively regulated the expression of syd-2 and hlb-1, and negatively regulated the expression of mkk-4, nrx-1, ric-4, sbt-1, rpm-1, unc-10, dlk- 1 and unc-13. The daf-16 mutation positively regulated the expression of syd-2 and hlb-1, and negatively regulated the expression of mkk-4, nrx-1, sbt-1, rpm-1, unc-10, dlk-1 and unc-13. Conclusion These data suggest the possibly important status of the synaptic transmission to the animal' s life-span control machinery, as well as the dauer formation control. 展开更多
关键词 AGING NEUROTRANSMISSION SYNAPSE dauer formation insulin pathway C. elegans
Notes on Two Marine Ciliates from the Yellow Sea,China:Placus salinus and Strombidium apolatum(Protozoa,Ciliophora) 被引量:3
作者 XUDapeng SONGWeibo HUXiaozhong 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2005年第2期137-144,共8页
The living morphology and infraciliature of two rare marine ciliates, Placussalinus Dietz, 1964 and Strombidium apolatum Wilbert and Song, 2005, collected from the coastalwaters near Qingdao, China, were investigated ... The living morphology and infraciliature of two rare marine ciliates, Placussalinus Dietz, 1964 and Strombidium apolatum Wilbert and Song, 2005, collected from the coastalwaters near Qingdao, China, were investigated by in vivo observation and protargol impregnationtechnique. The improved diagnosis for Placus salinus is as follows: medium-sized marine Placus, invivo (50-60) μm X (30-40) μm; cell elliptical to barrel-shaped; 28-31 somatic kineties; singlemacronucleus usually ellipsoid and one micronucleus located in the indention of the macronucleus;one contractile vacuole posteriorly positioned. Strombidium apolatum is characterized by: marinestrombidium (40-60) μm X (30-45) μm in vivo, cordiform in shape with somewhat pointed posteriorend and conspicuous apical protrusion; extrusomes prominent, about 15 μm in length and evenlyarranged along the circle kinety; about 16 collar and 5-6 buccal membranelles; one elongatemacronucleus and one micronucleus; circle and ventral kineties consisting of about 53 and 45dikinetids respectively. 展开更多
关键词 marine ciliates Placus salinus Strombidium apolatum
Nematode Diversity of Qingdao Coast Inferred from the 18S Ribosomal RNA Gene Sequence Analysis 被引量:3
作者 SHEN Xiquan YANG Guanpin LIU Yongjian 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2007年第2期132-136,共5页
The 18S ribosomal DNA gene (18S rDNA) sequences (approxtmately 1300 bp in length) were amplified from the DNA extracted from the free-living marine nematodes collected from the inter-tidal sediment of Qingdao coas... The 18S ribosomal DNA gene (18S rDNA) sequences (approxtmately 1300 bp in length) were amplified from the DNA extracted from the free-living marine nematodes collected from the inter-tidal sediment of Qingdao coast in bulk with nematode specific primers. The PCR products were cloned, re-amplified, digested with Rsa I and Hin61 restriction endonucleases and separated in agarose gel. Among 17 restriction fragment length types, types 1, 2 and 6 covered 61.2%, 14.4% and 9.3% of the clones analyzed, respectively, while the remaining 14 only covered 21 clones, which accounted for 15.1% of the total. Twenty-four representative clones were sequenced and phylogenetically analyzed by referring to those currently available in RDP and GenBank databases. Although it was hard to assign these sequences to known species or genera due to the lack of the 18S rDNA sequence data of known marine free-living nematodes, the obtained sequences were assigned to the nematodes of Adenophorea. Among them, twelve sequences were close to Pontonema vulgate and Adoncholaimus sp., four to Daptonema procerus and two (identical) to Enoplus brews. Our results showed that free-living marine nematode diversities could be determined by PCR retrieving and analysis of the 18S rDNA sequences and an 18S rDNA sequence could be assigned to a species or a genus only if the 18S rDNA sequences of the free-living marine nematodes were accumulated to some extent. 展开更多
关键词 NEMATODE DIVERSITY 18S ribosomal RNA gene RDNA
Taxonomic Studies on a New Marine Ciliate, Apocoleps magnus gen. nov., spec. nov. (Ciliophora, Colepidae), Isolated from Qingdao, China 被引量:1
作者 CHEN Xiangrui Alan Warren SONG Weibo 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2009年第4期317-321,共5页
The morphology and infraciliature of a new marine colepid ciliate, A'pocoleps magnus gen. nov., spec. nov., are de- scribed based on living observations and silver impregnations. The new genus Apocoleps is characteri... The morphology and infraciliature of a new marine colepid ciliate, A'pocoleps magnus gen. nov., spec. nov., are de- scribed based on living observations and silver impregnations. The new genus Apocoleps is characterized by having 8 (vs. 6 in most other related genera) armour tiers, spines at both ends of the cell, 3 adoral organelles and plates with 4 reniform uni-windows. Apo- coleps magnus spec. nov. is defined by the following features: body elongated and slightly curved, about 100-120p.mx 3545 lam in vivo; anterior tertiary tier plate with four uni-windows, most secondary and main tier plates with four uni-windows, posterior tertiary tier plate with two uni-windows; left plate margin slightly serrated; on average 23 transverse and 22 longitudinal ciliary rows; one terminal contractile vacuole; marine habitat. 展开更多
关键词 marine ciliates new genus new species taxonomy
Fitness of Hybrids between Gossypium barbadense and Upland Cotton and Resistance to Pectinophora gossypiella and Alabama argillacea
作者 Lucia Vieira Hoffmann Paulo Augusto Vianna Barroso +1 位作者 Jair Moises de Sousa Flora Ismail Tibazarwa 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2013年第8期820-826,共7页
Measuring fitness is essential for understanding the potential impacts of hybridisation between transgenic crops and their wild relatives. Transgenic CrylAc cotton Gossypium hirsutum and G. barbadense hybridise, the l... Measuring fitness is essential for understanding the potential impacts of hybridisation between transgenic crops and their wild relatives. Transgenic CrylAc cotton Gossypium hirsutum and G. barbadense hybridise, the latter being valued as backyard cotton and an important genetic resource. G. barbadense was outcrossed to G. hirsutum containing the gene CrylAc and the isoline and the offspring evaluated for fitness as a measure of resistance to common pests and other growth parameters, Resistance to Pectinophora gossypiella and Alabama argillacea were greater in transgenic plants. Number of seeds per plant was higher in the F1 hybrids and G. hirsutum, F2 populations were intermediary; G. barbadense produced the least seeds per plant during the period of analysis. Anthesis of the first flower and opening of the first boll occurred earlier for G. hirsutum and Ft hybrids than F2; latest for G. barbadense. The observed-performance of resistance to the worms in the hybrids suggests that among FI and F2 populations transgenic hybrids may exhibit a competitive advantage over non-transgenic plants as a result of gene flow. 展开更多
关键词 BIOSAFETY pink bollworm cotton leaf worm gene flow.
流动沙地灌丛内外地面/地下土居节肢动物空间分布及其影响因素 被引量:5
作者 刘任涛 朱凡 +1 位作者 辛明 陈林 《干旱区研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期410-416,共7页
在宁夏盐池沙地选择花棒和油蒿灌丛为研究对象,以灌丛外流动沙地为对照,采用陷阱诱捕法和挖土直接手拣法,分别调查了地面和地下土居节肢动物群落,依据灌丛内外节肢动物数量相对比率(R),分析了灌丛内外节肢动物空间分布规律及其影响因素... 在宁夏盐池沙地选择花棒和油蒿灌丛为研究对象,以灌丛外流动沙地为对照,采用陷阱诱捕法和挖土直接手拣法,分别调查了地面和地下土居节肢动物群落,依据灌丛内外节肢动物数量相对比率(R),分析了灌丛内外节肢动物空间分布规律及其影响因素。结果表明:1 97.7%(42/43动物类群数)的节肢动物类群主要生存于灌丛下。尽管一些地面土居动物如蠼螋科、步甲科在灌丛外亦有分布,但其R值均高于1。地下土居动物除鳖甲属动物主要分布于灌丛外(R值小于1),其余多分布于灌丛下。2除地面土居动物个体数R值小于1之外,节肢动物丰富度和地下土居动物个体数的R值均高于1,且地下土居动物个体数和丰富度的R值均高于8。3无论是地面还是地下土居动物,节肢动物个体数和丰富度的R值均表现为油蒿高于花棒(P<0.05)。4流动沙地对地面土居动物个体数分布影响较大,而灌丛下生境对节肢动物丰富度影响较大。油蒿灌丛对土壤节肢动物分布的影响高于花棒,特别是对地下土居动物,呈现出显著灌丛"虫岛"现象。 展开更多
关键词 虫岛 流动沙地 灌丛 土壤节肢动物 空间分布 宁夏
Genotype identification of Orientia tsutsugamushi isolated from Nan Peng Lie Islands in China 被引量:1
作者 彭桂福 王志斌 +5 位作者 王珊珊 黄佳亮 姜普林 曾年华 刘金华 朱少凡 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第12期1881-1882,155,共2页
OBJECTIVE: To identify genotype of eight strains of Orientia tsutsugamushi (O. tsutsugamushi) isolated from Nan Peng Lie Islands in China and establish tsutsugamushi disease nature foci for this region. METHODS: The n... OBJECTIVE: To identify genotype of eight strains of Orientia tsutsugamushi (O. tsutsugamushi) isolated from Nan Peng Lie Islands in China and establish tsutsugamushi disease nature foci for this region. METHODS: The nested polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) were used. Three primers were selected from the DNA sequence of the gene encoding type-specific 56-kDa protein of the Karp strain. The positive products were digested by Hine II and Pst I, meanwhile profiles specific to each strain were analyzed. RESULTS: Three genotypes of O. tsutsugamushi including Karp, Kato and a new strain existed on Nan Peng Lie Islands. CONCLUSION: Nan Peng Lie Islands is tsutsugamushi disease nature foci. 展开更多
关键词 ANIMALS China DNA Bacterial GENOTYPE Mice Orientia tsutsugamushi Polymorphism Restriction Fragment Length Rats
Natural foci of tsutsugamushi disease in the Nan Peng Lie Islands in China 被引量:2
作者 王珊珊 黄佳亮 +5 位作者 彭桂福 姜普林 曾年华 刘金华 朱少凡 王志斌 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第2期272-275,157,共4页
OBJECTIVE: To investigate natural foci of tsutsugamushi disease whose incidence has increased in the Nan Peng Lie Islands in China, an area where this disease has not been previously recorded. METHODS: We recorded the... OBJECTIVE: To investigate natural foci of tsutsugamushi disease whose incidence has increased in the Nan Peng Lie Islands in China, an area where this disease has not been previously recorded. METHODS: We recorded the natural foci and isolated Orientia tsutsugamushi (O. tsutsugamushi) organism. We also studied prevention measures. RESULTS: These islands had the natural foci of a south subtropical zone. The main host and vector were Rattus norvegicus and Leptotrombidium deliens (L. deliens), respectively. The seasonal quantity trends of Rattus norvegicus and Leptotrombidium deliens were consistent with the incidence of human infection. Thirty-five strains of O. tsutsugamushi were isolated from Rattus norvegicus and L. deliense. The identification of 7 strains showed that most strains were Karp. Seroepidemiology showed a high prevalence of antibody against O. tsatsugamushi among local people. After prevention measures were used, the incidence was decreased. CONCLUSION: This was the first successful confirmation that the Nan Peng Lie Islands were natural foci of tsutsugamushi disease. 展开更多
关键词 Animals Antibodies Bacterial CATTLE China DNA Bacterial GEOGRAPHY Humans Incidence Orientia tsutsugamushi Polymorphism Restriction Fragment Length Rats Scrub Typhus SEASONS Sheep Species Specificity Tropical Climate
Changes in Philornis infestation behavior threaten Darwin's finch survival 被引量:2
作者 Sonia KLEINDORFER Katharina J. PETERS +2 位作者 Georgina CUSTANCE Rachael Y. DUDANIEC Jody A. O'CONNOR 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第4期542-550,共9页
The conservation behavior framework is useful to identify key linkages between behavior and conservation practice. We apply this framework to a novel host-parasite system on the Galapagos Islands and ask if there have... The conservation behavior framework is useful to identify key linkages between behavior and conservation practice. We apply this framework to a novel host-parasite system on the Galapagos Islands and ask if there have been changes in parasite oviposition behavior and host mortality patterns across the first decade (2004-2013) of its known association. The Dipteran parasite Philornis downsi was first discovered in Darwin's finch nests in 1997 and is the biggest threat to the survival of Galapagos land birds. Host mortality has increased over the past decade. In Dipterans, pupation and pupae size are determined by access to host resources. Here, we test the hypothesis that P downsi flies are laying eggs in finch nests earlier in the nestling phase to maximize larval feeding time and therefore chance of pupation success before host death. The results show fewer 1st instar larvae later in the host nesting cycle in support of earlier egg laying behavior by female flies. Between 2004 and 2013, parasite intensity increased from -28 to -48 parasites per nest, host mortality increased from -50% to -90%, and host age at death decreased from -11 to -5 days. The earlier age at host death was correlated with fewer pupae (from -50% to -20%) and smaller pupae size (-10% decrease). Changes in parasite behavior reveal new fitness costs to both the parasite and Darwin's finches. These findings un- derscore the need for urgent conservation action to save Darwin's finches from extinction due to a novel, lethal and introduced parasite [Current Zoology 60 (4): 542-550, 2014]. 展开更多
关键词 Host mortality Parasite size Darwin's finches ECTOPARASITISM Camarhynchus Geospiza
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