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苯并咪唑类对钩虫感染的疗效及虫群分布的观察 被引量:1
作者 章涛 沈一平 +2 位作者 杨维平 邵靖鸥 董恺 《寄生虫与医学昆虫学报》 CAS 1996年第1期30-35,共6页
试点A组和B组人群钩虫感染率分别为49.2%和28.2%,阳性人群平均EPG分别为623.5和190.4。阳性者分别以200mgMBZ+100mgABZ一天两次(A组)和一天三次(B组)治疗,阴转率分别为75.3%和... 试点A组和B组人群钩虫感染率分别为49.2%和28.2%,阳性人群平均EPG分别为623.5和190.4。阳性者分别以200mgMBZ+100mgABZ一天两次(A组)和一天三次(B组)治疗,阴转率分别为75.3%和97.9%,EPG分别下降92.7%和97.9%。提示疗效受剂量和感染度影响,适当增加剂量和服药次数可取得更好疗效,宿主每天排虫结果表明两组每天排虫趋势相似,服药后第三天开始排虫,第四天排虫率最高。提示每天排虫率不依赖于剂量和疗程,而整个排虫过程却是时间依赖的。钩虫在人群中的分布高度聚集、符合负二项分布,参数K值分别为0.289(A组)和0.206(B组)。以平均虫荷为感染度的年龄-感染度曲线随年龄增长而上升。 展开更多
关键词 感染 苯并咪唑 虫群分布
作者 郑发科 李玉杰 杨丽红 《动物分类学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期491-494,共4页
记述中国四川颊脊隐翅虫属Quedius比桑颊脊隐翅虫群(beesoni group) 3新亚种,北川颊脊隐翅虫Q. (M.)noboruitoi beichuanensis,片口颊脊隐翅虫Q. (M.)noboruitoi piankouatilis,二郎山颊脊隐翅虫Q.(M.)noboruitoi erlangshanus。首次记... 记述中国四川颊脊隐翅虫属Quedius比桑颊脊隐翅虫群(beesoni group) 3新亚种,北川颊脊隐翅虫Q. (M.)noboruitoi beichuanensis,片口颊脊隐翅虫Q. (M.)noboruitoi piankouatilis,二郎山颊脊隐翅虫Q.(M.)noboruitoi erlangshanus。首次记录来自中国重庆的比桑颊脊隐翅虫Q. (M.)beesoni Cameron。列出了比桑颊脊隐翅虫群中国已知种和亚种检索表。 展开更多
关键词 颊脊隐翅 比桑颊脊隐翅虫群 新亚种 中国
作者 郑发科 《昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1998年第2期171-173,共3页
中国布里隐翅虫属初记*1.巨布里隐翅虫群(鞘翅目:隐翅虫科,异形隐翅虫亚科)郑发科(四川师范学院生物系南充637002布里隐翅虫属(Bledius)由Leach(1819)建立,模式种为Blediusarmatus(... 中国布里隐翅虫属初记*1.巨布里隐翅虫群(鞘翅目:隐翅虫科,异形隐翅虫亚科)郑发科(四川师范学院生物系南充637002布里隐翅虫属(Bledius)由Leach(1819)建立,模式种为Blediusarmatus(Panzer),1799。属征:体... 展开更多
关键词 布城隐翅 巨布里隐翅 鞘翅日 虫群
作者 王思奇 《电子竞技》 2013年第16期6-9,共4页
自7月17日,《虫群之心》在中国大陆上市以来,已经过去了一个月之久。对于中国玩家来说,《虫群之心》是一个RTS游戏的矛盾体。它既是自由之翼的完美继承者,又是电竞精神传统的延续,可是它在中国发展的似乎并不如人意,并且由于审批等原因... 自7月17日,《虫群之心》在中国大陆上市以来,已经过去了一个月之久。对于中国玩家来说,《虫群之心》是一个RTS游戏的矛盾体。它既是自由之翼的完美继承者,又是电竞精神传统的延续,可是它在中国发展的似乎并不如人意,并且由于审批等原因,在国外玩家都已经畅玩《虫群之心》半年之后,中国玩家才得以感受到这款《星际争霸2》最新篇章的魅力。 展开更多
关键词 电子竞技 网络游戏 开发 游戏产业 虫群之心》
作者 郑发科 《四川师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 2002年第3期245-248,共4页
喜马拉雅隐翅虫群喜马拉雅地区(包括中国)迄今已报道11种,其中,中国6种,喜马拉雅其它地区5种,Quedius(Raphirus)assamensis既分布在喜马拉雅其它地区,也分布在中国.本文记述并图示中国重庆市一新种,竹颊脊隐翅虫Quedius(Raphirus)luae.... 喜马拉雅隐翅虫群喜马拉雅地区(包括中国)迄今已报道11种,其中,中国6种,喜马拉雅其它地区5种,Quedius(Raphirus)assamensis既分布在喜马拉雅其它地区,也分布在中国.本文记述并图示中国重庆市一新种,竹颊脊隐翅虫Quedius(Raphirus)luae.本种虽为喜马拉雅群成员,但雄性外生殖器与该群的所有种都有差异. 展开更多
关键词 鞘翅目 隐翅 喜马拉雅颊脊隐翅虫群 新种 中国 重庆 形态差异
作者 郑发科 《四川师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 2002年第2期106-109,共4页
变点颊脊隐翅虫群目前已知 10种 ,都生活在东亚和东南亚地区 (Smetana ,1998) ,其中 ,来自越南北部1种 ,尼泊尔 1种 ,日本 1种 ,中国 7种 .本文记述并图示中国四川一新种 ,卢氏颊脊隐翅虫 ,Quedius (Raphirus)luae ,该种与Q .(R .)jind... 变点颊脊隐翅虫群目前已知 10种 ,都生活在东亚和东南亚地区 (Smetana ,1998) ,其中 ,来自越南北部1种 ,尼泊尔 1种 ,日本 1种 ,中国 7种 .本文记述并图示中国四川一新种 ,卢氏颊脊隐翅虫 ,Quedius (Raphirus)luae ,该种与Q .(R .)jindrai相似 ,但除雄性外生殖器的差异外 ,腹部第 1背板两侧无金色毛簇 ,触角和足的颜色也与之有别 . 展开更多
关键词 中国 四川 隐翅 为点颊脊隐翅虫群 卢氏颊脊隐翅 雄性外生殖器 腹部
多王取虫群的组织与利用 被引量:1
作者 姜云光 游全福 《中国蜂业》 2007年第6期24-24,共1页
关键词 组织 多王取虫群 蜜蜂 蜂王浆 利用
藏北阿木岗群、查桑群和鲁谷组放射虫的发现及有关问题讨论 被引量:72
作者 李日俊 吴浩若 +1 位作者 李红生 孙东立 《地质论评》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1997年第3期250-256,T002,共8页
通常人们一直认为阿木岗(戈木日)群是所谓“羌塘地块”的前寒武纪或前泥盆纪基底,曾发现古生物化石的“中泥盆统”查桑群和“下二叠统”鲁谷组等是其上的晚古生代盖层沉积。本次工作在阿木岗群和鲁谷组中分别发现中-晚三叠世放射虫化石... 通常人们一直认为阿木岗(戈木日)群是所谓“羌塘地块”的前寒武纪或前泥盆纪基底,曾发现古生物化石的“中泥盆统”查桑群和“下二叠统”鲁谷组等是其上的晚古生代盖层沉积。本次工作在阿木岗群和鲁谷组中分别发现中-晚三叠世放射虫化石组合;在查桑群中发现二叠纪中-晚期放射虫化石组合。结合野外实际考察和前人研究成果,本文就有关问题作了讨论。 展开更多
关键词 查叠 放射 生物地层 三叠世
作者 郑发科 王振吉 刘志萍 《动物分类学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期667-673,共7页
记述中国颊脊隐翅虫属Quedius附点颊脊隐翅虫亚属Distichalius 3新种,王氏附点颊脊隐翅虫Quedius(Distichalius)wangi sp.nov.,仙附点颊脊隐翅虫Quedius(D.)xiansp.nov.,和卧龙附点颊脊隐翅虫Quedius(D.)wolong sp.nov.。俯附点颊脊隐翅... 记述中国颊脊隐翅虫属Quedius附点颊脊隐翅虫亚属Distichalius 3新种,王氏附点颊脊隐翅虫Quedius(Distichalius)wangi sp.nov.,仙附点颊脊隐翅虫Quedius(D.)xiansp.nov.,和卧龙附点颊脊隐翅虫Quedius(D.)wolong sp.nov.。俯附点颊脊隐翅虫Q.(D.)lin Smetana和日本附点颊脊隐翅虫Q.(D.)pretiosus Sharp分别在中国大陆和重庆市是首次记录。3新种都隶属克什米尔附点颊脊隐翅虫群thekashmirensis group,该群为中国新纪录群。2新纪录种,俯附点颊脊隐翅虫和日本附点颊脊隐翅虫,分别是连附点颊脊隐翅虫群theannectens group和查特附点颊脊隐翅虫群thechaterjeei group的成员。 展开更多
关键词 隐翅 颊脊隐翅 附点颊脊隐翅亚属 克什米尔附点颊脊隐翅虫群 连附点颊脊隐翅虫群 查特附点颊脊隐翅虫群 新种 中国
作者 郑发科 肖凡 李君 《动物分类学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期301-307,共7页
记述中国颊脊隐翅虫属Quedius二点颊脊隐翅虫亚属Microsaurus和一点颊脊隐翅虫亚属Raphirus 3新种,李氏二点颊脊隐翅虫Quedius(Microsaurus)lii sp.nov.,肖氏二点颊脊隐翅虫Quedius(Microsaurus)xiaoae sp.nov.,和粪一点颊脊隐翅虫Quedi... 记述中国颊脊隐翅虫属Quedius二点颊脊隐翅虫亚属Microsaurus和一点颊脊隐翅虫亚属Raphirus 3新种,李氏二点颊脊隐翅虫Quedius(Microsaurus)lii sp.nov.,肖氏二点颊脊隐翅虫Quedius(Microsaurus)xiaoae sp.nov.,和粪一点颊脊隐翅虫Quedius(Rphirus)coprobius sp.nov.。李氏二点颊脊隐翅虫至今未归入任何种群,可能代表一个新群,肖氏二点颊脊隐翅虫隶属二点颊脊隐翅虫亚属的穆柯颊脊隐翅虫群mukuensis,粪一点颊脊隐翅虫为一点颊脊隐翅虫亚属的里颊脊隐翅虫群intricatus的成员。 展开更多
关键词 隐翅 颊脊隐翅 二点颊脊隐翅亚属 一点颊脊隐翅亚属 穆柯颊脊隐翅虫群 里颊脊隐翅虫群 新种 中国
作者 黄益民 《蜜蜂杂志》 2013年第8期11-13,共3页
关键词 夏秋季 继箱
求解TSP的改进混合蛙跳算法 被引量:16
作者 骆剑平 李霞 《深圳大学学报(理工版)》 EI CAS 北大核心 2010年第2期173-179,共7页
重新定义表示青蛙移动距离和位置的数据结构及运算符意义,提出混合蛙跳算法(shuffled frogleaping algorithm,SFLA)求解旅行商问题(traveling salesman problem,TSP)基于交换序的实现方法.把具有极强局部搜索能力的幂律极值动力学优化(p... 重新定义表示青蛙移动距离和位置的数据结构及运算符意义,提出混合蛙跳算法(shuffled frogleaping algorithm,SFLA)求解旅行商问题(traveling salesman problem,TSP)基于交换序的实现方法.把具有极强局部搜索能力的幂律极值动力学优化(power law extremal optim ization,τ-EO)融合于SFLA,并针对TSP对τ-EO过程进行设计和改进.改进后的τ-EO采用新颖的组元适应度计算方法,通过定义边置换增益能量,结合模拟退火控制过程,并采取幂律定律用概率的方式选取2-opt置换产生邻域解.为避免每个族群最优解的趋同性,提出最优样本差异控制策略.通过求解TSPLIB数据库中的实例,证明该改进算法有效. 展开更多
关键词 人工智能 智能计算 虫群智慧 混合蛙跳算法 极值动力学优化 模拟退火
Soil nematode community structure on the northern slope of Changbai Mountain, Northeast China 被引量:6
作者 佟富春 肖以华 王庆礼 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第1期93-98,I0004,共7页
Soil nematode communities were investigated in the Changbai Mountain in Broad-leaved Korean Pine forest, Korean Pine and spruce-fix mixed forest, Dark Coniferous forest, Erman's birch forest and Alpine tundra along d... Soil nematode communities were investigated in the Changbai Mountain in Broad-leaved Korean Pine forest, Korean Pine and spruce-fix mixed forest, Dark Coniferous forest, Erman's birch forest and Alpine tundra along different altitude gradients from 762 m to 2 200 m a.s.l. Soil animal samples were collected from the litter layer and the soil depth of 0-5 cm, 5-10 cm and 10-20 cm at each site in the spring of 2001 and 2002. In total 27 nematode families and 60 genera were observed. The dominant genera were Plectus Bastian and Tylenchus Bastian and most of them live in litter layer. The total number of soil nematode was significantly correlated with soil moisture (r=0.357; p〈0.01). Nematodes were classified in bacterivores, fungivores, plant parasites, omnivores-predators, and omnivores according to known feeding habitats or stoma and esophageal morphology. Species richness of fungivorous nematode was higher than others in different vegetation communities and soil depths. The total number of soil nematode and trophic groups varied significantly (o〈0.05) in response to different soil depths. The fungivore/bacterivore ratio (F/B) and the ratio of (fungivores + bacterivores)/plant-parasites (WI) also changed significantly (p〈0.05) in different soil depths. In conclusion, soil moisture is proved to be one of the most important variables affecting nematode density and trophic composition, and the altitude gradient does not significantly affect the ecological indices of soil nematode such as trophic diversity (TD) and the Shannon index (H'). 展开更多
关键词 Changbai Mountain community structure nematode community
Advances in Research on the Structure and Diversity Variation of Insect Communities in Wetland 被引量:1
作者 刘佳妮 张瑜愉 +5 位作者 徐松萍 赵晓红 尹利方 华金珠 姚丽媛 郭丽红 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第5期914-917,956,共5页
The species diversity, structure and dynamic rules of insect communities in wetland can provide data of the insects for the protection, utilization and monitor- ing of wetland, which is an essential link to maintain t... The species diversity, structure and dynamic rules of insect communities in wetland can provide data of the insects for the protection, utilization and monitor- ing of wetland, which is an essential link to maintain the healthy ecological system of the wetland and protect the biodiversity in the wetland. A systematic study on the composition and succession of insect communities in the wetland, as well as the indication of insect groups can provide a theoretical basis for wetland protection and management, and thus promote the development of regional economy and en- vironmental protection. 展开更多
Feature Extraction of Stored-grain Insects Based on Ant Colony Optimization and Support Vector Machine Algorithm 被引量:1
作者 胡玉霞 张红涛 +1 位作者 罗康 张恒源 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第2期457-459,共3页
[Objective] The aim was to study the feature extraction of stored-grain insects based on ant colony optimization and support vector machine algorithm, and to explore the feasibility of the feature extraction of stored... [Objective] The aim was to study the feature extraction of stored-grain insects based on ant colony optimization and support vector machine algorithm, and to explore the feasibility of the feature extraction of stored-grain insects. [Method] Through the analysis of feature extraction in the image recognition of the stored-grain insects, the recognition accuracy of the cross-validation training model in support vector machine (SVM) algorithm was taken as an important factor of the evaluation principle of feature extraction of stored-grain insects. The ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm was applied to the automatic feature extraction of stored-grain insects. [Result] The algorithm extracted the optimal feature subspace of seven features from the 17 morphological features, including area and perimeter. The ninety image samples of the stored-grain insects were automatically recognized by the optimized SVM classifier, and the recognition accuracy was over 95%. [Conclusion] The experiment shows that the application of ant colony optimization to the feature extraction of grain insects is practical and feasible. 展开更多
关键词 Stored-grain insects Ant colony optimization algorithm Support vector machine Feature extraction RECOGNITION
Study on the Comparison of Arthropod Communities in Three Kinds of Cruciferous Vegetable Fields at High Mountainous Area 被引量:7
作者 王香萍 李传仁 王福莲 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2008年第1期8-10,共3页
[Objective]This research aimed to compare arthropod communities in different cruciferous vegetable fields at high mountainous area and provide guidance for pest control. [Method] The main arthropod species in 3 kinds ... [Objective]This research aimed to compare arthropod communities in different cruciferous vegetable fields at high mountainous area and provide guidance for pest control. [Method] The main arthropod species in 3 kinds of erueiferous vegetable fields at high mountainous area were investigated, the composition of arthropod community in different vegetable fields were analyzed. [Result] The main arthropod species in erueiferous vegetables fields at high mountainous area were similar, but had different quantity compositions. The richness was the highest in radish field. [Conclusion] Crop species had great influence on biological community; we should focus on the main pests in the process of pest control. 展开更多
关键词 Cruciferous vegetable ARTHROPOD COMMUNITY
Species and Diversity Analysis of Flower-visiting Insects of Asian Sacred Lotus in Jiangxi, Hunan and Hubei Provinces 被引量:3
作者 张旭凤 邵有全 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第2期269-274,共6页
[Objective]This study aimed to investigate the community structure, species and quantities of flower-visiting insects of seed lotus in main producing ar-eas of Jiangxi, Hunan and Hubei provinces. [Method] Using sample... [Objective]This study aimed to investigate the community structure, species and quantities of flower-visiting insects of seed lotus in main producing ar-eas of Jiangxi, Hunan and Hubei provinces. [Method] Using sample area survey and netting method in the fixed points to investigate species and quantities of Asian sacred lotus, the species diversity of different locations was evaluated by diversity indices (H′), evenness indices (J) and dominant concentration indices (C). [Result] Apis mel ifera, Apis cerana cerana, Xylocopa (Koptortosoma) sinensis, Xylocopa (s.str.) valga and Xylocopa (Al oxylocopa) appendiculata, al of which belong to order Hy-menoptera were the main pol inators of lotus. Temperature was the main factor which influenced the foraging behaviors of flower-visiting insects. The daily activities of X. (s.str.) valga and X. (Al oxylocopa) appendiculata were bimodal, and that of A. mel-lifera, A. cerana cerana and X. (s.str.) valga were unimodal. The percentage of wild pol inators in Linxiang of Hunan Province and Xianning of Hubei Province were only 20.59% and 3.90% respectively, and there were six species of flower-visiting insects in Linxiang and three in Xianning. The percentages of wild pol inators in Shicheng of Jiangxi Province and the lotus garden in Huazhong Agricultural University were 55.61% and 90.40% respectively, and the flower-visiting insects belonged to 13 and 12 species respectively. The diversity index (H′) and evenness index (J) were listed here in a decreasing order: Shicheng of Jiangxi &gt;lotus garden in Huazhong Agricul-tural University&gt;Linxiang of Hunan &gt;Xianning of Hubei. The sequence of dominant concentration indices (C) was Shicheng of Jiangxi &lt;the lotus garden in Huazhong Agricultural University&lt;Linxiang of Hunan&lt;Xianning of Hubei. The diversity indices (H′), evenness indices (J) and dominant concentration indices (C) of each sample location were consistent. [Conclusion] The species and quantities of Asian sacred lotus vary in different ecological areas. The species and quantities of Linxiang in Hunan Province and Xianning in Hubei Province are rare. The increase of lotus production must depend on bee pol ination. 展开更多
关键词 Nelumbo nucifera Flower-visiting insect Daily activity Community di-versity Bee pollination
Construction of Early-warning Model for Plant Diseases and Pests Based on Improved Neural Network 被引量:2
作者 曹志勇 邱靖 +1 位作者 曹志娟 杨毅 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第6期135-137,154,共4页
By studying principles and methods related to early-warning model of plant diseases and using PSO method, parameter optimization was conducted to backward propagation neural network, and a pre-warning model for plant ... By studying principles and methods related to early-warning model of plant diseases and using PSO method, parameter optimization was conducted to backward propagation neural network, and a pre-warning model for plant diseases based on particle swarm and neural network algorithm was established. The test results showed that the construction of early-warning model is effective and feasible, which will provide a via- ble model structure to establish the effective early-warning platform. 展开更多
关键词 Backward propagation neural network Particle swarm algorithm Plant diseases and pests Early-warning model
Diversity and Dynamics of Soil Free-Living Nematode Populations in a Mediterranean Agroecosystem 被引量:22
作者 LIANGWen-Ju I.LAVIAN +1 位作者 S.PEN-MOURATOV Y.STEINBERGER 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第2期204-215,共12页
To determine the effect of agricultural management on the dynamics and functional diversity of soil nematode communities in a carrot field at Kibbutz Ramat Hakovesh, Israel, soil samples from 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm dept... To determine the effect of agricultural management on the dynamics and functional diversity of soil nematode communities in a carrot field at Kibbutz Ramat Hakovesh, Israel, soil samples from 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm depths were collected during the growing season of carrot. Indices were used to compare and assess the response of soil free-living nernatode communities to agricultural management. Eighteen nematode families and 20 genera were observed during the growing period, with Cephalobus, Rhabditidae, Aphelenchus, Tylenchus, and Dorylaimus being the dominant genera/families. During the planting, mid-season and post-harvest periods the total number of nematodes at both depths was significantly lower (P < 0.01) in the carrot treatment than in the control plots, while during the harvest period at both depths total nematodes and bacterivores were significantly higher in the treatment plots (P < 0.01). The values of the maturity index (MI) at both depths were found to be significantly lower in the treatment plots than in the control plots during the pre-planting period (P < 0.05). Overall, WI, MI and PPI were found to be more sensitive indicators than other ecological indices for assessing the response of nematode communities to agricultural management in a Mediterranean agroecosystem 展开更多
关键词 agricultural management carrot-growing season DIVERSITY maturity index nematode community
Responses of Nematode Communities to Inorganic Fertilizer Disturbance in a Farmland Ecosystem 被引量:21
作者 LIANGWENJU CHENLIJIE 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第3期193-200,共8页
Nematode communities were monitored in a field study at depths of 0~10 cmand 10~20 cm throughout a corn (Zea mays L.) growing season in the black soil region of NortheastChina. Plots were cropped corn with (IF) and ... Nematode communities were monitored in a field study at depths of 0~10 cmand 10~20 cm throughout a corn (Zea mays L.) growing season in the black soil region of NortheastChina. Plots were cropped corn with (IF) and without (NF) nitrogen fertilization. Fifteen familiesand 16 genera were observed in the nematode suspensions. Cephalobidae, Rhabditidae, Aphelenchus,Filenchus, and Helicotylenchus were found to be dominant genera/families in both plots at bothdepths. Significant differences were found between treatments and corn growing stages in the totalnumbers of nematodes during the study period. The total numbers of nematodes at the 0~10 cm depthwere higher in the inorganic fertilizer plot than in the control plot (no fertilizer applications)across jointing, filling, and mature stages. Bacterivores were the most abundant trophic groupsunder two treatments and at both depths, and the relative abundance averaged 42.8%.Omuivores-predators at both depths were lower in the inorganic fertilizer plot than in the controlplot during the study period, excluding corn jointing stage. Maturity index (MI) and plant parasiteindex (PPI) were used to detect the differences between the two treatments, MI and PPI wereeffective in distinguishing differences in nematode communities during corn growing season. The roleof nematode communities as bioindicators of ecosystem disturbance due to fertilization is noted. 展开更多
关键词 BIOINDICATOR DISTURBANCE inorganic fertilizer maturity index nematodecommunity
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