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积石山县蛋皮核桃产业发展与新思考 被引量:2
作者 杨生海 《甘肃科技》 2013年第7期5-7,共3页
积石山县是蛋皮核桃的原产地,至今已有2000余年的栽培历史,据《续修导河县志》记载:"刘家集、居民200多户,产核桃,年出市约30万kg",大河家鸡蛋皮核桃以皮薄味甜和较强的保健功能被誉为"陇上名品",畅销省内外。1999... 积石山县是蛋皮核桃的原产地,至今已有2000余年的栽培历史,据《续修导河县志》记载:"刘家集、居民200多户,产核桃,年出市约30万kg",大河家鸡蛋皮核桃以皮薄味甜和较强的保健功能被誉为"陇上名品",畅销省内外。1999年调查发现,积石山县蛋皮核桃百年以上的大树仅存7株,每株年产核桃150kg左右,蛋皮核桃留床嫁接苗木1.33hm2,蛋皮核桃优良物种处于频临灭绝的境地,保护和发展蛋皮核桃优良物种势在必行。 展开更多
关键词 核桃产业 蛋皮核桃 积石山
临夏州大河家蛋皮核桃离体快繁技术的初步研究 被引量:1
作者 刘小琅 白小娟 +1 位作者 王晓华 徐国平 《农业科技通讯》 2011年第1期84-86,共3页
研究了临夏州大河家蛋皮核桃诱导生芽、增殖培养、诱导生根的培养基及配方,结果表明,DKW+6-BA 1.0 mg/L是适宜的生芽诱导培养基,DKW+6-BA1mg/L+IBA 0.001 mg/L是适宜的增殖培养基,1/2DKW+IBA 5 mg/L+活性炭1 mg/L+间苯三酚1 mg/L+蔗糖30... 研究了临夏州大河家蛋皮核桃诱导生芽、增殖培养、诱导生根的培养基及配方,结果表明,DKW+6-BA 1.0 mg/L是适宜的生芽诱导培养基,DKW+6-BA1mg/L+IBA 0.001 mg/L是适宜的增殖培养基,1/2DKW+IBA 5 mg/L+活性炭1 mg/L+间苯三酚1 mg/L+蔗糖30 g/L是较适宜的生根培养基,并为其他核桃组培快繁提供了技术参数。 展开更多
关键词 大河家蛋皮核桃 组培快繁 培养基及配方 临夏州
作者 李瑞英 王思悦 +3 位作者 翟雯怡 赵萌萌 闫琛 仝其根 《农产品加工》 2019年第2期20-22,28,共4页
为了增加蛋制品的新品种、提高鸡蛋的附加值,利用鸡蛋液通过流平加热的方式研发了一种油蛋皮。以酶种类、反应时间、酶添加量、反应温度、磷酸盐添加量为因素,以蛋皮的拉伸强度作为油蛋皮品质指标,确定制作油蛋皮的最佳条件。结果表明,... 为了增加蛋制品的新品种、提高鸡蛋的附加值,利用鸡蛋液通过流平加热的方式研发了一种油蛋皮。以酶种类、反应时间、酶添加量、反应温度、磷酸盐添加量为因素,以蛋皮的拉伸强度作为油蛋皮品质指标,确定制作油蛋皮的最佳条件。结果表明,当TG-N添加量0.25%,磷酸钠添加量0.3%,反应时间50 min,反应温度47℃时,油蛋皮的拉伸强度最大,达到1.67 MPa,所得到的蛋皮色泽金黄、晶莹剔透,有良好的柔软性和较好的韧性。该技术通过进一步完善可以用于工业化生产。 展开更多
关键词 谷氨酰胺转氨酶 蛋皮 磷酸盐 流平
作者 林传和 《烹调知识》 1989年第7期4-4,共1页
关键词 饮食 烹饪法 蛋皮 制作 食用法
《开卷有益(求医问药)》 2012年第10期62-62,共1页
关键词 蛋皮 生活常识 家庭生活
作者 乔发存 杨生海 《农业与技术》 2013年第8期66-67,共2页
中国是核桃(Juglans regia L)的原产地,栽培面积约91.75万hm2、2亿株左右,其中结果树约6000万株,面积和株数都居世界第1位。蛋皮核桃是临夏州积石山县大河家地区一个优良的地方栽培品种,是甘肃省最优良的类型之一,由于人为和历史原因,... 中国是核桃(Juglans regia L)的原产地,栽培面积约91.75万hm2、2亿株左右,其中结果树约6000万株,面积和株数都居世界第1位。蛋皮核桃是临夏州积石山县大河家地区一个优良的地方栽培品种,是甘肃省最优良的类型之一,由于人为和历史原因,蛋皮核桃破坏严重,发展缓慢。据1996调查,本区仅剩7株百年左右的大树,这个优良物种处于濒临灭绝的境地。本文通过积石山县自然环境、蛋皮核桃发展现状以及存在的问题等方面的分析,提出了一些加快核桃产业发展的对策措施,这对今后积石山县蛋皮核桃产业发展将起到积极的推动作用。 展开更多
关键词 蛋皮核桃 发展现状 制约因素 对策措施
HACCP在蛋皮月饼加工中的应用研究 被引量:1
作者 任睿敏 鞠国泉 《食品工业》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第3期92-95,共4页
关键词 蛋皮月饼 安全影响因素 HACCP
作者 万从文 《西南农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 1995年第4期5-8,共4页
将115头哺乳仔猪随机分成两组,分别按4.5%的比例加入皮屑蛋白粉和优质蚕蛹粉于相同基础日粮中,进行日增重比较研究,结果皮屑蛋白组日增重为329.6g,对照组为322g,两者差异不显著(P>0.05)。将40头生长肥育猪分成两组,分别按5%的比例... 将115头哺乳仔猪随机分成两组,分别按4.5%的比例加入皮屑蛋白粉和优质蚕蛹粉于相同基础日粮中,进行日增重比较研究,结果皮屑蛋白组日增重为329.6g,对照组为322g,两者差异不显著(P>0.05)。将40头生长肥育猪分成两组,分别按5%的比例加入皮屑蛋白粉和优质蚕蛹粉于相同基础日粮中,进行日增重、料肉比、经济效益比较研究,结果皮屑蛋白组与对照组日增重和料向比差异不显著(P>0.05),皮屑蛋白组每增重1kg的饲料成本比对照组降低5.6%。 展开更多
关键词 仔猪 生长肥育猪 白粉 饲喂试验
作者 龚雪娟 李正旭 房林波 《轻工科技》 2020年第9期5-7,共3页
根据蛋挞生产工艺特点,油脂用量对蛋挞皮口感影响较大。但是,食品教科书只给出了蛋挞皮制作的一般性配比关系,最佳口感的配方则深藏于食品企业内部不能公开。为此,以猪油作为蛋挞皮油心开展实验研究,逐级调整面粉和猪油的比例关系,通过... 根据蛋挞生产工艺特点,油脂用量对蛋挞皮口感影响较大。但是,食品教科书只给出了蛋挞皮制作的一般性配比关系,最佳口感的配方则深藏于食品企业内部不能公开。为此,以猪油作为蛋挞皮油心开展实验研究,逐级调整面粉和猪油的比例关系,通过添加量的变化对蛋挞皮成品效果影响的对比以及相应的感官评价的综合分析,最终确定蛋挞皮油心中猪油与面粉的比例在160%-170%之间,为最优配方。 展开更多
关键词 猪油 标准化 感官评价
作者 龚雪娟 《江苏调味副食品》 2020年第2期25-27,共3页
关键词 猪油 标准化 感官评价
作者 王力 《冷饮与速冻食品工业》 1998年第4期8-8,11,共2页
关键词 冰淇淋 保脆性 配方 工艺分析 理论研究
Isolation and Identification of the Pathogen Causing Skin Ulcer Disease in Cynoglossus semilaevis Günther and Its Sensitivity to Chinese Herbal Medicine 被引量:2
作者 高桂生 张艳英 +5 位作者 史秋梅 高光平 韩红升 黄晓媛 缴宝丰 常瑶瑶 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第10期2221-2224,2276,共5页
In this study, the pathogen causing skin ulcer disease in Cynoglossus semilaevis Gunther was isolated for morphological observation, physiological and bio- chemical identification. According to the result, the isolate... In this study, the pathogen causing skin ulcer disease in Cynoglossus semilaevis Gunther was isolated for morphological observation, physiological and bio- chemical identification. According to the result, the isolated pathogen was identified as Vibrio harveyi. The results of recurrent infection of C. semilaevis Gonther showed that the pathogen was strongly pathogenic to C. semilaevis Gunther. In or- der to explore the pathogenesis, outer membrane protein (OMP) gene of C. semi- laevis Gunther was detected by PCR. The results showed that all the three repre- sentative strains harbored OMP gene. According to the results of sensitivity test of the pathogen to Chinese herbal medicine, Galla Chinensis, Fructus Mume, Fructus Hippophae and Lignum Sappan exerted strong antibacterial effects against V. harveyr, Pericarpium Granati exhibited slight antibacterial effect against V. harveyi; Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae, Rhizoma Acori GramineL Herba Houttuyniae, Herba Portulacae, Herba Andrographis, Eucalyptus globulus Labill. and Herba Menthae Heplocalycis had little effect on V. harveyi. Galla Chinensis, Fructus Mume, Fructus Hippophae and Lignum Sappan were prepared into three prescriptions, among which prescription 1 (Galla Chinensis + Fructus Mume) exhibited the strongest antibacterial effect. 展开更多
关键词 Cynoglossus semilaevis Gunther Skin ulcer disease PATHOGEN Outer membrane protein Chinese herbal medicine
作者 郝俊华 申瑞兵 《四川烹饪》 2003年第8期39-39,共1页
关键词 西米 蛋皮 石榴状 油炸 奇味石榴果 菜肴 制法
作者 赵国禄 《四川烹饪》 2005年第5期44-44,共1页
关键词 豉椒蛋皮牛肉 鸡里蹦 炮三样 菜谱 做法
Spectrin-like Protein in the Phloem of Cucumis sativus
作者 邢立静 花宝光 娄成后 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第4期391-394,共4页
Spectrin-like protein has been found in a variety of plant cells. In this study, electron microscopic observation of immuno-gold labelled preparations from the leaf petiole of cucumber ( Cucumis sativus L.) shows that... Spectrin-like protein has been found in a variety of plant cells. In this study, electron microscopic observation of immuno-gold labelled preparations from the leaf petiole of cucumber ( Cucumis sativus L.) shows that it also exists in the sieve element-companion cell (SE-CC) complex, being widely distributed in P-protein filaments and sieve element reticulum (SER), in the cytoplasm and mitochondrial membrane of companion cell (CC) and in the branched plasmodesmata between sieve element (SE) and CC as well. The results suggest that this protein could be synthesized in CC and transferred to SE through plasmodesmata. Western blotting showed that spectrin-like protein existed in the protein of phloem exudate of cucumber, and its molecular weight was about 260 kD. 展开更多
关键词 SPECTRIN sieve element companion cell Cucumis sativus
Sustained Contraction of Isolated Rabbit Thoracic Aortic Rings in Endothelial-dependent Manner Induced by βγ-CAT 被引量:3
作者 刘树柏 何英英 +1 位作者 钱金桥 张云 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期493-502,共10页
In vertebrates, non-lens βγ-crystallins are widely expressed in various tissues and their functions are not well known. The molecular mechanisms of trefoil factors (TFFs), which involved in mucosal healing and tum... In vertebrates, non-lens βγ-crystallins are widely expressed in various tissues and their functions are not well known. The molecular mechanisms of trefoil factors (TFFs), which involved in mucosal healing and tumorigenesis, have remained elusive. βγ-CAT is a novel multifunctional protein complex of non-lens βγ-crystallin and trefoil factor from frog skin secretions. Here we report that βγ-CAT could induce sustained contraction of isolated rabbit aortic rings in dosage (2-35nmol/L) and endothelium dependent manners (P〈0.01 ). In addition, in situ immunofluorescence indicated that positive TNF-α signals were mainly detected at the endothelial cell layer of βγ-CAT (25nmol/L) treated rings. Furthermore, βγ-CAT induced primary cultured rabbit thoracic aortic endothelial cells (RAECs) rapidly to release TNF-α. After βγ-CAT (25nmol/L) treated for 10 and 30min, the levels of the endothelial cells released TNF-ct were 34.17±5.10 pg/mL and 98.01±4.67 pg/mL (P〈0.01), respectively. In conclusion, βγ-CAT could induce sustained contraction of isolated aortic rings, and the contractile effect might be partially explained by the release of TNF-α. These findings will give new insight into understanding the functions and physiological roles of non-lens βγ-crystallins and trefoil factors. 展开更多
关键词 Tumor necrosis factor-a Trefoil factor Non-lens βγ-crystallin Endothelium-dependent aorta vasoconstriction βγ-CAT
Molecular Cloning and Bioinformatical Analysis of a cDNA Encoding Mitochondrial 50S Ribosomal Protein L21 from Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg.
作者 邹智 杨礼富 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第6期1203-1206,共4页
[Objective] "Tapping panel dryness (TPD)", a syndrome known as tapping incision blocked partly or entirely during latex exploiting, has become the most important factor causing great losses for rubber production. ... [Objective] "Tapping panel dryness (TPD)", a syndrome known as tapping incision blocked partly or entirely during latex exploiting, has become the most important factor causing great losses for rubber production. Aiming to elucidate the molecular mechanism of tapping panel dryness occurrence, this study carried out molecular cloning and bioinformatical analysis of a mRPL21 cDNA sequence, a gene associated with TPD. [Method] In a preliminary study, an expressed sequence tag (EST) encoding a deduced protein homologous to mitochondrial 50S ribosomal protein L21 (mRPL21), which showed to be down-regulated in the latex of TPD-affected rubber trees, was isolated by suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH). After ESTs assembling and RT-PCR validation, an 853 bp cDNA sequence with an open reading frame (ORF) was cloned, which was named as HbmRPL21 under GenBank accession number of HM230670. [Result] Bioinformatical analysis suggests that HbmRPL21 encodes a deduced polypeptide of 271 amino acids with a theoretical molecular weight (Mw) of 30.52 kDa and isolectric point (pI) of 8.40, and HbmRPL21 is a mitochondrion-targeted protein with a conserved domain of Ribosomal_L21p involving translation. Homology analysis reveals high amino acid sequence identity of mRPL21 from plants, while diversity of that between plant and animal kingdom. [Conclusion] This study laid the basis for further revealing the biological functions of mRPL21 in TPD-affected rubber trees. 展开更多
关键词 Hevea brasiliensis Tapping panel dryness syndrome Mitochondrial 50S ribosomal protein L21
Effect of recombinant human interleukin-11 on expressions of interleukin-11 receptorα-chain and glycoprotein 130 in intestinal epithelium cell line-6 after neutron irradiation 被引量:4
作者 Rui-Juan Wang Rui-Yun Peng Kai-Fei Fu Ya-Bing Gao Rui-Gang Han Wen-Hua Hu Qing-Liang Luo Jun-Jie Ma 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第19期3055-3059,共5页
AIM: To explore the effect of recombinant human interleukin-11 (rhIL-11) on the expressions of interleukin-11 receptor α-chain (IL-11Rα) and an additional signal transducer glycoprotein 130 (gp130) in intesti... AIM: To explore the effect of recombinant human interleukin-11 (rhIL-11) on the expressions of interleukin-11 receptor α-chain (IL-11Rα) and an additional signal transducer glycoprotein 130 (gp130) in intestinal epithelium cell line-6 (IEC-6) after neutron irradiation. METHODS: Cultured IEC-6 cells were exposed to 4.0Gy neutron and treated with 100 ng/mL rhIL-11 12 h prior to or immediately after irradiation. The apoptosis and necrosis rates and expressions of IL-11Rα and gp130 were observed by flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, Western blot and image analysis. RESULTS: The apoptosis rate of IEC-6 cells was increased by irradiation at 6 h (P 〈 0.01), IL-11 stimulation resulted in a decreased apoptosis rate in irradiated IEC-6 cells (P 〈 0.05). In normal control IEC-6 cells, intense immunoreactivity of IL-11Rα was located within the cell membrane and cytoplasm. The level of IL-11Rα expression significantly decreased at 6 h after irradiation (P 〈 0.01) and restored at 24 h after irradiation. In IEC-6 cells treated with both radiation and rhIL-11, the level of IL- 11Rα expression was higher than that of irradiated cells (P 〈 0.05). When it came to gp130 protein, it was located in the cytoplasm of IEC-6 cells. After irradiation, we found a progressive decrease in the expression of gp130 protein (P 〈 0.05) in 48 hours post-radiation, while in rhIL-11-stimulated cells, it came back to normal level at 24 h after irradiation and decreased at 48 h, but was still higher than that of only irradiated cells (P 〈 0.05). CONCLUSION: rhIL-11 can protect IEC-6 cells from neutron irradiation. The protective effect of rhIL-11 might be connected with its ability to up-regulate the expressions of specific ligand-binding subunit IL-11Rα and signal-transducing subunit gp130. 展开更多
关键词 Neutron IEC-6 INTERLEUKIN-11 IL-11Rα GP130
Plasmodesmata: Dynamic Channels for Symplastic Transport 被引量:3
作者 马丰山 Carol A.PETERSON 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2001年第5期441-460,共20页
Plasmodesmata (PDs) are cytoplasmic structures that link adjacent cells to form the symplast of a plant. PDs are involved extensively in a plant's life by mediating symplastic transport of a wide range of ions and... Plasmodesmata (PDs) are cytoplasmic structures that link adjacent cells to form the symplast of a plant. PDs are involved extensively in a plant's life by mediating symplastic transport of a wide range of ions and molecules. Major components of a plasmodesma (PD) include a plasma membrane, a desmotubule, and a cytoplasmic annulus, all of which are readily detectable by electron microscopy. Both the plasma membrane and the desmotubule contain proteinaceous particles, thought to be involved in altering the size of the cytoplasmic annulus. Cytoskeleton elements (actin and myosin) are essential for maintaining the integrity of PDs. Together with these elements, calcium_binding proteins probably play a significant role in regulating PD function. Symplastic transport occurs through the cytoplasmic annulus for the great majority of solutes, while other substances may traverse through the desmotubule internal compartment, the desmotubule shell, or the plasma membrane. The symplast is subdivided into several domains with varying molecular size exclusion limits (ranging from <1 kD to >10 kD). Plasmodesmata can be either primary or secondary; the former are developed during new wall formation and the latter are made in existing walls. The dynamic nature of plasmodesmata is also reflected by their changing frequencies, which, in turn, depend on the developmental and physiological status of the tissue or the entire plant. While diffusion is the major mechanism of symplastic transport, plasmodesmata are selective for certain ions and molecules. Upon viral infection, viral movement proteins interact with PD receptor proteins and, as a result of yet unknown mechanisms, the plasmodesmata are remarkably dilated to allow viral movement proteins and the bound viral genome to enter healthy cells. Some proteins of plant origin are also able to traverse plasmodesmata, presumably in ways similar to viral movement proteins. Some of these plant proteins are probably signal molecules contributing to cell differentiation and other activities. Other proteins move cell_to_cell in a non_specific manner. 展开更多
关键词 CYTOSKELETON movement protein PHLOEM PLASMODESMATA protein size exclusion limit symplastic transport VIRUS
Inhibition of PMA-induced endothelial cell activation and adhesion by over-expression of domain negative IκBα protein 被引量:2
作者 Jian-FengWei KeSun +2 位作者 Shi-GuoXu Hai-YangXie Shu-SenZheng 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第20期3080-3084,共5页
AIM: NF-κB, regulate the expression of cytokine-inducible genes involving immune and inflammatory responses, will be potential therapy approach for allograft from rejection. In this study, we use pCMV-IκBαM vector ... AIM: NF-κB, regulate the expression of cytokine-inducible genes involving immune and inflammatory responses, will be potential therapy approach for allograft from rejection. In this study, we use pCMV-IκBαM vector to inhibit NF-κB activation and investigate the effect of pCMV-IκBαM in inhibition of T cells adhesion to endothelial cells. METHODS: The NF-κB activity was detected with pNF-κB reporter gene and electrophoretic mobility shift assay. Expression of cell surface molecules was detected by RT-PCR and flow cytometer. The cell-cell adhesion assay was performed to determine the effect of pCMV-IκBαM in inhibition of T cells adhesion to endothelial cells. RESULTS: We could find that NF-κB activity is inhibited by over-expression of non-degraded IκBα protein. Expression of adhesion molecules like ICAM-1, VCAM-1, and P-selectin as well as cell-cell adhesion were inhibited significantly by transfection of the pCMV-IκBαM vector. CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that the pCMVIκBαM, which inhibit the activity of NF-κB through over-expression of non-degraded IκBα protein, can be used for gene therapy in diseases involving NF-κB activation abnormally like organ transplantation via inhibiting cell adhesion. 展开更多
关键词 Cytokine-inducible genes Endothelial cells
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