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蜂蜜粉配方及加工工艺的研究 被引量:4
作者 宋瑞霞 薛文通 《食品工业科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第4期106-108,共3页
研 究 了 蜂 蜜 粉 的 加 工 工 艺 ,并 采 用 正 交 实 验 法 ,以 蜂 蜜 的 干 粉 得 率 为 主 要 考 核 指 标 , 确 定 了 蜂 蜜 粉 的 最 优 配 方 组 成 。 实 验 结 果 表 明 ,当 蜂 蜜 、卵 磷 脂 、大 豆 蛋 白 、明 胶 、β... 研 究 了 蜂 蜜 粉 的 加 工 工 艺 ,并 采 用 正 交 实 验 法 ,以 蜂 蜜 的 干 粉 得 率 为 主 要 考 核 指 标 , 确 定 了 蜂 蜜 粉 的 最 优 配 方 组 成 。 实 验 结 果 表 明 ,当 蜂 蜜 、卵 磷 脂 、大 豆 蛋 白 、明 胶 、β- 环 糊 精 、 麦 芽 糊 精 的 含 量 分 别 为 50%、2.5%、1.25%、5%、 3.17%、38.1%时 ,蜂 蜜 粉的 各方 面指 标 最佳 。 展开更多
关键词 蜂蜜粉 配方 加工工艺 正交实验法
蜂蜜粉冷冻干燥工艺参数的研究 被引量:3
作者 周治德 李桂银 章军 《食品工业科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第9期254-255,258,共3页
蜂蜜是一种营养丰富的天然滋补品。为了提高我国蜂蜜的深加工水平,采用正交实验的方法对冷冻干燥工艺参数进行了研究。结果表明:冷冻干燥最佳工艺参数是麦芽糊精比例为30%,可溶性固形物为10%,加热温度为100℃,真空度为50Pa。冷冻干燥前... 蜂蜜是一种营养丰富的天然滋补品。为了提高我国蜂蜜的深加工水平,采用正交实验的方法对冷冻干燥工艺参数进行了研究。结果表明:冷冻干燥最佳工艺参数是麦芽糊精比例为30%,可溶性固形物为10%,加热温度为100℃,真空度为50Pa。冷冻干燥前后蜂蜜中主要营养指标不变。 展开更多
关键词 蜂蜜粉 冷冻干燥 工艺参数
作者 刘彩珍 《蜜蜂杂志》 2014年第5期11-13,共3页
将奶粉、麦芽糊精、β-环糊精等以适当配比添加到蜂蜜中,充分混匀后进行喷雾干燥。采用正交实验的方法,以干粉得率及感官评定分为指标对蜂蜜粉的最佳配比进行考察,经统计分析得出蜂蜜、麦芽糊精、全脂奶粉、β-环糊精,四者质量最佳配比... 将奶粉、麦芽糊精、β-环糊精等以适当配比添加到蜂蜜中,充分混匀后进行喷雾干燥。采用正交实验的方法,以干粉得率及感官评定分为指标对蜂蜜粉的最佳配比进行考察,经统计分析得出蜂蜜、麦芽糊精、全脂奶粉、β-环糊精,四者质量最佳配比为32∶24∶24∶3,在此条件下蜂蜜粉的得率为52.63%,感官评定得分为25.90。该结论对蜂蜜的深加工提供了一定的理论支撑,有利于提高蜂蜜的加工附加值。 展开更多
关键词 蜂蜜粉 喷雾干燥 得率 感官品质
蜂蜜粉的加工工艺 被引量:1
作者 李园园 杨文超 +1 位作者 叶丹榕 李杨 《蜜蜂杂志》 2021年第2期9-13,共5页
蜂蜜是公认的滋补佳品之一,含有丰富的营养物质,能提高人体免疫力,有抗氧化、抗疲劳、降血压血脂的作用。但蜂蜜黏性大,易附着在器壁上,且低温容易结晶,这样都给蜂蜜的包装、运输、贮藏和使用带来了诸多不便。利用芯壁比、固形物含量、... 蜂蜜是公认的滋补佳品之一,含有丰富的营养物质,能提高人体免疫力,有抗氧化、抗疲劳、降血压血脂的作用。但蜂蜜黏性大,易附着在器壁上,且低温容易结晶,这样都给蜂蜜的包装、运输、贮藏和使用带来了诸多不便。利用芯壁比、固形物含量、进风温度、进料量四个因素来考察了喷雾干燥固体蜂蜜粉的加工工艺,以固体蜂蜜粉得率为评价指标。结果表明:当固形物含量为35%,芯壁比0.8:1,进料速度40ml7min,进风温度为190℃时,出风温度为65℃时,固体蜂蜜粉得率最高为64.28%。 展开更多
关键词 蜂蜜 蜂蜜粉 喷雾干燥
作者 宋瑞霞 《食品信息与技术》 2004年第8期44-44,共1页
关键词 蜂蜜粉 配方 加工工艺 得率 大豆蛋白
作者 付梅周 吴珍红 缪晓青 《海峡科学》 2010年第10期220-221,234,共3页
关键词 喷雾干燥工艺 含水率 含水量 蜂蜜粉 金柑 配料 麦芽糊精 料液 溶解性能
真空微波干燥蜂蜜粉配方的研究与优化 被引量:3
作者 刘立彬 崔政伟 《食品科技》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第7期88-93,共6页
在蜂蜜粉中添加抗吸湿剂麦芽糊精和抗结剂磷酸三钙,以解决蜂蜜粉的强吸湿性和结块性而导致其包装贮存困难的问题。通过单因素实验选择蜂蜜粉非水溶性抗结剂和抗吸湿剂的添加范围;以吸湿率和结块度作为评价指标,通过回归分析实验,确... 在蜂蜜粉中添加抗吸湿剂麦芽糊精和抗结剂磷酸三钙,以解决蜂蜜粉的强吸湿性和结块性而导致其包装贮存困难的问题。通过单因素实验选择蜂蜜粉非水溶性抗结剂和抗吸湿剂的添加范围;以吸湿率和结块度作为评价指标,通过回归分析实验,确定线性回归方程和非线性回归方程,优化抗结剂和抗吸湿剂配比。通过实验与分析,得出结果每克固体蜂蜜粉麦芽糊精添加0.42-0.43g,磷酸三钙添加O.023~0.025g,蜂蜜粉结块度和吸湿率分别为:HG=5.40%~5.65%,DC:10.29%~12.93%。 展开更多
关键词 蜂蜜粉 添加剂 结块度 吸湿性 回归分析
蜂蜜茶粉理化性质及营养成分研究 被引量:2
作者 鞠璐宁 缪晓青 《中国蜂业》 2013年第Z4期55-57,共3页
关键词 蜂蜜 喷雾干燥 理化性质 营养成分
作者 邢晶晶 吴珍红 缪晓青 《海峡科学》 2010年第10期232-234,共3页
关键词 蜂蜜 热加工 羟甲基糠醛 HMF 枣花蜜 龙眼蜜 蜂产品 金属压力加工 蜂蜜粉 桂花蜜
蜂蜜喷雾干燥后吸湿性的研究 被引量:8
作者 薛文通 宋瑞霞 张泽俊 《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第z1期59-62,共4页
蜂蜜是一种营养丰富的天然滋补品。为了提高我国蜂蜜的深加工水平,满足国内外市场的需求,增加我国蜂蜜产品的种类和在国际市场的竞争力,本文研制了一种新型的通过喷雾干燥生产的蜂蜜粉产品,并且以吸湿性、粒度、速溶性为指标考察了不同... 蜂蜜是一种营养丰富的天然滋补品。为了提高我国蜂蜜的深加工水平,满足国内外市场的需求,增加我国蜂蜜产品的种类和在国际市场的竞争力,本文研制了一种新型的通过喷雾干燥生产的蜂蜜粉产品,并且以吸湿性、粒度、速溶性为指标考察了不同配料的不同添加量对产品吸湿性的影响。 展开更多
关键词 蜂蜜粉 不同配料 喷雾干燥 吸湿性
蜂蜜红茶泡腾片加工工艺的研究 被引量:4
作者 李园园 杨文超 +1 位作者 叶丹榕 李杨 《粮食与食品工业》 2021年第4期46-50,共5页
本实验研究了蜂蜜红茶泡腾片的加工工艺,选择速溶红茶粉、蜂蜜粉及崩解剂等为原材料,以泡腾片感官评价为评价指标,利用正交实验确定最佳工艺配方,并对产品质量进行评价。结果表明:蜂蜜红茶泡腾片的最佳配方为碳酸氢钠25%、柠檬酸37.5%... 本实验研究了蜂蜜红茶泡腾片的加工工艺,选择速溶红茶粉、蜂蜜粉及崩解剂等为原材料,以泡腾片感官评价为评价指标,利用正交实验确定最佳工艺配方,并对产品质量进行评价。结果表明:蜂蜜红茶泡腾片的最佳配方为碳酸氢钠25%、柠檬酸37.5%、蜂蜜粉20%、速溶红茶粉2%、阿斯巴甜4.5%、聚乙二醇600011%,在最佳配方下制得的蜂蜜红茶泡腾片质量结果符合《中国药典》2015年版要求,所得蜂蜜红茶泡腾片有良好的抗氧化性良好。 展开更多
关键词 速溶红茶 蜂蜜粉 泡腾片 质量检验 抗氧化性
Effect of Apis mellifera on community composition of local pollinator bees and their pollination network in Qinling Mountains and surrounding areas
作者 Cheng'en ZHONG Qingle XIE +1 位作者 Yaoyao SI Yalin ZHANG 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 2024年第3期167-205,共39页
The Qinling Mountains, known for their rich vegetation and diverse pollinating insects, have seen a significant decline in bee species richness and abundance over recent decades, largely due to the introduction and sp... The Qinling Mountains, known for their rich vegetation and diverse pollinating insects, have seen a significant decline in bee species richness and abundance over recent decades, largely due to the introduction and spread of Apis mellifera. This decline has caused cascading effects on the region's community structure and ecosystem stability. To improve the protection of native bees in the natural and agricultural landscape of the Qinling Mountains and its surrounding areas, we investigated 33 sampling sites within three habitats: forest, forest-agriculture ecotones, and farmland. Using a generalized linear mixing model, t-test, and other data analysis methods, we explored the impact of Apis mellifera on local pollinator bee richness, abundance, and the pollination network in different habitats in these regional areas. The results show that(1)Apis mellifera significantly negatively affects the abundance and richness of wild pollinator bees,while Apis cerana abundance is also affected by beekeeping conditions.(2)There are significant negative effects of Apis mellifera on the community structure of pollinator bees in the Qinling Mountains and its surrounding areas: the Shannon-Wiener diversity index, Pielou evenness index, and Margalef richness index of bee communities at sites with Apis mellifera influence were significantly lower than those at sites without Apis mellifera influence.(3)The underlying driver of this effect is the monopolization of flowering resources by Apis mellifera. This species tends to visit flowering plants with large nectar sources, which constitute a significant portion of the local plant community. By maintaining a dominant role in the bee-plant pollination network, Apis mellifera competitively displaces native pollinator bees, reducing their access to floral resources. This ultimately leads to a reduction in local bee-plant interactions, decreasing the complexity and stability of the pollination network. These findings highlight the need for targeted conservation efforts to protect native pollinator species and maintain the ecological balance in the Qinling Mountains. 展开更多
关键词 Apis mellifera Pollinator bees Species richness ABUNDANCE Interaction networks
Species and Diversity Analysis of Flower-visiting Insects of Asian Sacred Lotus in Jiangxi, Hunan and Hubei Provinces 被引量:3
作者 张旭凤 邵有全 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第2期269-274,共6页
[Objective]This study aimed to investigate the community structure, species and quantities of flower-visiting insects of seed lotus in main producing ar-eas of Jiangxi, Hunan and Hubei provinces. [Method] Using sample... [Objective]This study aimed to investigate the community structure, species and quantities of flower-visiting insects of seed lotus in main producing ar-eas of Jiangxi, Hunan and Hubei provinces. [Method] Using sample area survey and netting method in the fixed points to investigate species and quantities of Asian sacred lotus, the species diversity of different locations was evaluated by diversity indices (H′), evenness indices (J) and dominant concentration indices (C). [Result] Apis mel ifera, Apis cerana cerana, Xylocopa (Koptortosoma) sinensis, Xylocopa (s.str.) valga and Xylocopa (Al oxylocopa) appendiculata, al of which belong to order Hy-menoptera were the main pol inators of lotus. Temperature was the main factor which influenced the foraging behaviors of flower-visiting insects. The daily activities of X. (s.str.) valga and X. (Al oxylocopa) appendiculata were bimodal, and that of A. mel-lifera, A. cerana cerana and X. (s.str.) valga were unimodal. The percentage of wild pol inators in Linxiang of Hunan Province and Xianning of Hubei Province were only 20.59% and 3.90% respectively, and there were six species of flower-visiting insects in Linxiang and three in Xianning. The percentages of wild pol inators in Shicheng of Jiangxi Province and the lotus garden in Huazhong Agricultural University were 55.61% and 90.40% respectively, and the flower-visiting insects belonged to 13 and 12 species respectively. The diversity index (H′) and evenness index (J) were listed here in a decreasing order: Shicheng of Jiangxi &gt;lotus garden in Huazhong Agricul-tural University&gt;Linxiang of Hunan &gt;Xianning of Hubei. The sequence of dominant concentration indices (C) was Shicheng of Jiangxi &lt;the lotus garden in Huazhong Agricultural University&lt;Linxiang of Hunan&lt;Xianning of Hubei. The diversity indices (H′), evenness indices (J) and dominant concentration indices (C) of each sample location were consistent. [Conclusion] The species and quantities of Asian sacred lotus vary in different ecological areas. The species and quantities of Linxiang in Hunan Province and Xianning in Hubei Province are rare. The increase of lotus production must depend on bee pol ination. 展开更多
关键词 Nelumbo nucifera Flower-visiting insect Daily activity Community di-versity Bee pollination
Foraging and Pollination Behaviour of Apis mellifera adansonii Latreille (Hymenoptera, Apidae) on Gossypium hirsutum (Malvaceae) Flowers at Dang (Ngaoundere, Cameroon) 被引量:2
作者 Mazi Sanda Tchuenguem Fohouo Femand-Nestor Briackner Dorothea 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2013年第4期267-280,共14页
To evaluate Apis mellifera adansonii Latreille impact on fruit and seed yields of Gossypium hirsutum L., its foraging and pollinating activities were studied in Ngaoundere for two seasons. Observations were made on 34... To evaluate Apis mellifera adansonii Latreille impact on fruit and seed yields of Gossypium hirsutum L., its foraging and pollinating activities were studied in Ngaoundere for two seasons. Observations were made on 340 flowers each year and divided in three treatments. The treatments included unlimited flowers access by all visitors; bagged flowers to deny all visits and limited visits by Apis mellifera adansonii only. The worker bees seasonal rhythm of activity, its foraging behaviour, its pollination efficiency, the fruiting rate, the number of seeds per fruit and the percentage of normal seeds were evaluated. Results show that this bee foraged G. hirsutum flowers throughout the whole blooming period. This bee species intensely harvested pollen and nectar. The mean foraging speed was 9.41 flowers per rain in 2009 and 8.41 flowers per min in 2010. The fruiting rate, the number of seeds per fruit and the percentage of normal seeds of unprotected flowers were significantly higher than those of flowers protected from insects. Through its pollination efficiency, Apis mellifera adansonii provoked a significant increment of the fruiting rate by 60.84% in 2009 and 36.48% in 2010, as well as the number of seeds per fruit by 94.16% in 2009 and 31.41% in 2010, and the percentage of normal seeds by 94.23% in 2009 and 33.49% in 2010. The installation ofA. m. adansonii colonies close to G. hirsutum fields could be recommended to increase fruit, seed and honey yields, and pollen production as a hive product in the region. 展开更多
关键词 Gossypium hirsutum Apis mellifera adansonii FORAGING POLLINATION
A Survey of Pesticide Residues in Pollen Collected by Honey Bees from Four Different Types of Agricultural Production Areas in Slovenia
作者 Peter Kozmus Andrej Simoncic 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2014年第4期335-343,共9页
150 pollen samples collected between the years 2009 and 2011 from 30 locations, divided according to agricultural practice were analysed for the presence of pesticides. In 2009, residues were found in pollen samples f... 150 pollen samples collected between the years 2009 and 2011 from 30 locations, divided according to agricultural practice were analysed for the presence of pesticides. In 2009, residues were found in pollen samples from twelve locations (40%), in 2010, in samples from four locations (13.3%) and in 2011, in samples from three locations (10%). Altogether 15 different residues in pollen were found in 2009, two in year 2010 and five in 2011. Residues found in the pollen samples ranged from 0.001 mg/kg to 76 mg/kg. The highest number (twelve) of residues was found in pollen from the intensive fruit farming locations and from the intensive viticulture locations (eight). The residues were mostly from the fungicide group (69%). Insecticide residues (chlorpyrifos-ethyl, methoxyfenozide, thiacloprid) were found in the pollen samples from eight locations. Residues in the pollen did not statistically influence the development of the honeybee colonies or infestation rate of Nosema (Nosema spp.), or viruses ABPV (acute bee paralysis virus), SBV (sacbrood virus), DWV (deformed wing virus), and BQCV (black queen cell virus)). 展开更多
关键词 Honey bee Apis mellifera PESTICIDES pollen.
Chinese Honey Positioning and Price Trend in Domestic Market
作者 Yun Gao Zhijun Zhao 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第6期1446-1450,共5页
China's bee industry is a small proportion of domestic agriculture with fewer farmers, and the government didn't attach much attention to or give supports to it. Agricultural production sector does not fully r... China's bee industry is a small proportion of domestic agriculture with fewer farmers, and the government didn't attach much attention to or give supports to it. Agricultural production sector does not fully recognize the economic value of honeybee pollination. Chinese beekeepers gain profits only from products such as honey, royal jelly and bee pollen. Because of the production mode that aims at gathering and producing more honey while neglecting the health care of bees and the quality of products; export enterprises lack guidance and knowledge in export inspection and quarantine and technical regulations, and thus, the average price of China's bee honey exports is much lower than that of other countries in the world. Meanwhile, in domestic market, given the sustained development of China's macro economy and increasing incomes of residents, people show increasing interests in the health care function of honey. Based on the survey data of honey market in Beijing, Hangzhou, Qingdao, Zhengzhou and Chengdu from 2012 to 2015, the paper analyzes the price feature of China's honey market and its formulation basis, and also compares prices of honey with the same quality in different markets. Moreover, the paper combines data from fixed observation places of honey products production, which is carried out by the economic research group of bee industry in 11 provinces, to discuss reasons for continuous honey price rising in domestic market. Lastly, the paper uses the honey as an example to analyze pricing strategy of agricultural products with health care functions. The paper hold the opinions that the keys to solve the problem that high quality agricultural material couldn't sell in high price and good and bad are mixed in the market, is to build up quality and price mechanism in the processing of raw material purchasing to the terminal market, publicize more products information and superior customer attractiveness on health care effect. 展开更多
关键词 honey recognize agricultural purchasing Qingdao Hangzhou inspection prices sector customer
Gastric ulcer healing effect of wild honey and its combination with Turmeric(Curcuma domestica Val.) Rhizome on male Wistar rats 被引量:2
作者 I Ketut Adnyana Joseph I.Sigit Larasati A.Kusumawardani 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS CSCD 2014年第12期844-849,共6页
Gastric ulcer is a common disorder in human at any ages. In this research, the antiulcer activity of wild honey produced by Apis dorsata, alone or in combination with Turmeric Rhizome, was evaluated in healing acute g... Gastric ulcer is a common disorder in human at any ages. In this research, the antiulcer activity of wild honey produced by Apis dorsata, alone or in combination with Turmeric Rhizome, was evaluated in healing acute gastric ulcer. Male Wistar albino rats(150–250 g) were induced ulcers with aspirin at 405 mg/kg BW and ethanol. Antiulcer evaluation was done based on the gastric acidity, numbers and diameter of ulcers, ulcer index, healing ratio, histological examinations, and body weight. The results showed that the groups given honey alone, turmeric alone, and combination of turmeric-honey displayed significant ulcer healing compared to the control group. Ulcers in the group administered with combination of turmeric-wild honey was different significantly from the turmeric alone and wild honey alone groups with increased body weight in that group. The result showed that wild honey(2125 mg/kg BW) had the greatest activity in healing ulcers among other groups. The combination of turmeric-wild honey had a good activity in healing ulcers and increased the body weight of the group. 展开更多
关键词 Apis dorsata ASPIRIN Gastric ulcer Turmeric Wild honey
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