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由“蝇头小事”到“国民公敌”——晚清民国时期国人的蝇害认知与灭蝇运动 被引量:2
作者 马春霞 朱煜 《浙江学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第1期148-157,共10页
晚清至民国,在新的公共卫生话语中,苍蝇的形象由过去的"渺然小物""蝇头小事"变成了"社会大害""国民公敌"。这一认知转变与当时的卫生启蒙密不可分。清末,多数国人对微菌世界毫无感知,对苍蝇传... 晚清至民国,在新的公共卫生话语中,苍蝇的形象由过去的"渺然小物""蝇头小事"变成了"社会大害""国民公敌"。这一认知转变与当时的卫生启蒙密不可分。清末,多数国人对微菌世界毫无感知,对苍蝇传疫不以为意。北京政府时期,苍蝇不断被宣传者放大、展示和描摹,以帮助民众理解细菌致病之原理、苍蝇传疫之危害,进而配合灭蝇运动的推进。南京国民政府时期,随着国家全面介入公共卫生活动,苍蝇不仅是个人健康之害,亦被视为整个民族之害,国人与苍蝇展开了一场争夺生存空间的"战争"。以灭蝇运动为代表的现代卫生启蒙从民间组织到政府主导,从针对知识群体到面向普罗大众,从公共空间到家庭空间,经历了一个渐次递进和不断深化的传播与认知过程。 展开更多
关键词 晚清民国 传疫 蝇害宣传 运动 卫生启蒙
药物防治蝇害的研究进展 被引量:2
作者 严凤 何国声 《中国兽医寄生虫病》 2004年第1期37-40,共4页
蝇害已经成为危害规模化畜禽养殖的重要问题。文章回顾了防治蝇害的三代杀虫剂的发展过程和存在的问题 ;展望了作为新一代环境友好防治蝇害药物的昆虫生长调节剂的开发前景。
关键词 药物防治 蝇害 杀虫剂 昆虫生长调节剂
上海市环卫垃圾运输船队蝇害调查 被引量:1
作者 冷培恩 顾玉祥 +1 位作者 顾俊明 王宝兴 《中国媒介生物学及控制杂志》 CAS CSCD 1997年第3期184-185,共2页
目的:全面了解环卫垃圾运输船队的蝇类危害情况。方法:用捕蝇笼、粘蝇纸及蝇蟑宁毒饵3种方法调查蝇类密度。结果:7月份垃圾运输船的蝇密度是市区的26.6倍,船上苍蝇活动高峰在14~19时,蝇种以家蝇为主。以2.5%增效敌敌畏喷洒,可... 目的:全面了解环卫垃圾运输船队的蝇类危害情况。方法:用捕蝇笼、粘蝇纸及蝇蟑宁毒饵3种方法调查蝇类密度。结果:7月份垃圾运输船的蝇密度是市区的26.6倍,船上苍蝇活动高峰在14~19时,蝇种以家蝇为主。以2.5%增效敌敌畏喷洒,可使蝇密度维持在较低水平。结论:以蝇蟑宁毒饵监测蝇密度,可提高监测效果。 展开更多
关键词 垃圾运输船 苍船 蝇害 调查
猪场蝇害的分析和管防措施 被引量:1
作者 边建辉 《兽医导刊》 2018年第8期231-231,共1页
当在受控环境中进行猪群的饲养时,各种蝇、蜘蛛、蟑螂等昆虫也已经在这些温暖的地方建立了安身之所.其中最重要的是家蝇,又分为2种:常见的家蝇和不常见的家蝇.其他偶尔会带来问题的蝇类包括:青蝇(丽蝇)、厩蝇(厩螫蝇)和果蝇.了解... 当在受控环境中进行猪群的饲养时,各种蝇、蜘蛛、蟑螂等昆虫也已经在这些温暖的地方建立了安身之所.其中最重要的是家蝇,又分为2种:常见的家蝇和不常见的家蝇.其他偶尔会带来问题的蝇类包括:青蝇(丽蝇)、厩蝇(厩螫蝇)和果蝇.了解从卵到成虫的生活史的不同阶段对于控制蝇类很重要. 展开更多
关键词 猪场 蝇害 疾病 管理 预防
作者 张捷 《国外畜牧学(猪与禽)》 2006年第3期29-30,共2页
本文介绍了丹麦应用古铜黑蝇防治猪舍中有害蝇类的做法,目的是让读者通过此文的介绍更多地了解畜牧生产中苍蝇的有效控制方法,尤其是苍蝇的生物控制方法,以便从中受到一定启示,为解决畜牧生产中的蝇害问题找到一种合适的方法,而决不是... 本文介绍了丹麦应用古铜黑蝇防治猪舍中有害蝇类的做法,目的是让读者通过此文的介绍更多地了解畜牧生产中苍蝇的有效控制方法,尤其是苍蝇的生物控制方法,以便从中受到一定启示,为解决畜牧生产中的蝇害问题找到一种合适的方法,而决不是照搬国外的相同做法。据资料介绍,古铜黑蝇(Ophyraaenescens)隶属于双翅目(Diptera)蝇科(Muscidae)黑蝇属(O phyra),原产于美洲,分布于欧洲(丹麦,挪威,德国,捷克,波兰,匈牙利,法国,罗马尼亚,希腊,马耳他,意大利,西班牙及其加那利群岛)、美洲(美国,墨西哥)、中美洲、南美洲、大洋洲(基里巴斯,瑙鲁,马克萨斯岛及社会群岛,伊斯特岛)。我国在20世纪90年代尚未有记载,最早于2001年3月在上海浦东机场地区发现,之后在上海的部分地区调查中也采集到该种,上海出入境检验检疫局2003年l2月22日从美国和2005年4月22日从澳大利亚的入境废纸中截获该蝇成虫,初步证实确有从国外传入的可能。本文中提到的古铜黑蝇也有其有害的一面。国外报道,该种成蝇可被尸体、畜粪以及人粪诱致,幼虫可在上述物质中孳生,繁殖力强。该蝇可携带脊髓灰质炎病毒和艾柯病毒、多种沙门氏菌和赤痢志贺氏菌等重要病原微生物,是一种重要的卫生害虫。因此,是口岸检疫中必检的外来医学媒介生物。所以,古铜黑蝇也像其他黑蝇一样具有两面性,既是病媒性蝇类,又是家蝇、厕蝇的天敌。其Ⅲ龄幼虫行捕食生活,当古铜黑蝇和家蝇孳生在一处时,家蝇尤其是雌蝇会遭受到高的死亡率。在美国,该蝇幼虫是捕食鸡粪中厕蝇幼虫的天敌。 展开更多
关键词 生物控制 控制法 蝇害 防治 出入境检验检疫局 脊髓灰质炎病毒 养猪场 20世纪90年代 加那利群岛 上海浦东
作者 樊素 刘志英 +1 位作者 卢新燕 孙良彦 《河北果树》 2024年第3期14-15,共2页
针对近年来行唐核桃产区黑核桃比例逐年上升,通过对黑核桃果实的剖析观察发现里面有蝇类幼虫,于是进行了为期1年的核桃果实害蝇成虫态养成观察试验。发现有2种害蝇,小型蝇类为双鬃尖尾蝇,大型蝇类为厕蝇。成蝇出现的时间正值核桃果实发... 针对近年来行唐核桃产区黑核桃比例逐年上升,通过对黑核桃果实的剖析观察发现里面有蝇类幼虫,于是进行了为期1年的核桃果实害蝇成虫态养成观察试验。发现有2种害蝇,小型蝇类为双鬃尖尾蝇,大型蝇类为厕蝇。成蝇出现的时间正值核桃果实发育期,归纳出了针对核桃果实害蝇的指导性防治建议。 展开更多
关键词 黑核桃 成虫 观察试验
作者 张翠红 李霞 +1 位作者 王春霞 李安荣 《现代种业》 2004年第4期22-22,共1页
美洲斑潜蝇(Liriomyza sativae Blanchard)属双翅目潜蝇科斑潜蝇属,是一种食性杂、危害大、适应性极强的检疫性害虫,其寄主植物达19科52种。自1993年在我国首次发现后,迅速在国内蔓延,对我国蔬菜产业造成严重威胁。尤其是近几年来... 美洲斑潜蝇(Liriomyza sativae Blanchard)属双翅目潜蝇科斑潜蝇属,是一种食性杂、危害大、适应性极强的检疫性害虫,其寄主植物达19科52种。自1993年在我国首次发现后,迅速在国内蔓延,对我国蔬菜产业造成严重威胁。尤其是近几年来由于温室的大面积应用和蔬菜大量调运,使其对多处蔬菜造成毁灭性危害。 展开更多
关键词 美洲斑潜蝇害 发生特点 防治
作者 李伟立 《特种经济动植物》 2004年第10期10-10,共1页
关键词 家蚕 室外养殖 蛤蟆 蝇害 防治
作者 张永志 《内蒙古林业》 2005年第2期47-47,共1页
关键词 西红柿 驱蚊花卉 蝇害 茎叶 气味 摆设
作者 黄建海 《农村新技术》 2003年第7期26-26,共1页
关键词 家蚕 夏秋蚕期 饲育技术 蝇害 高温 防御措施
《中国科技信息》 2003年第16期39-39,共1页
关键词 绿色饲养 蝇害 畜牧业 环丙氨嗪预混剂 外在昆虫抑制素 生物学控制技术
Current Status of Population Density of Mediterranean Fruit Fly (Ceratitis capitata) in Fruit Orchards in Central Iraq 被引量:1
作者 M. Z. Khalaf B. H. Hassan A. K. Shbar F. H. Naher A.H Salman N. F. Jabo 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第5期773-777,共5页
In the recent years The Mediterranean Fruit fly Ceratitis capitata is distributed in the orchards of central Iraq and caused highly economic losses. This study was conducted in orchards in central Iraq during 2009 and... In the recent years The Mediterranean Fruit fly Ceratitis capitata is distributed in the orchards of central Iraq and caused highly economic losses. This study was conducted in orchards in central Iraq during 2009 and 2010 and made field survey of the insect in four types of orchards (Citrus, Apricot, Figs & Citrus and A mixture of fruit trees) and used for this purpose Tephri Traps supplied with Q-Lure and dimethyl dichloroviny phosphate (DDVP). The present preliminary study has shown that the Mediterranean fruit fly C. capitata has a year round presence in fruit orchards in central Iraq and reached its highest ntunerical density of the pest in citrus orchards during of November and December were 345 and 363 insect/trap per month in citrus orchards and the least numerical density during of January and February while the highest numerical density of the insect in orchards of Apricot in March 2010, Figs & Citrus in August 2009 and a Mixture of fruit trees in November 2009 were 45, 116, 311 insect/trap per month respectively. The population density of the pest was highest is started 2010 compared with 2009, but the high temperature degree (46-51℃) in August 2010 caused decreasing the population density of this pest. C. capitata caused highly economic losses in citrus reached 68% and 71% of the Mandarin and Kaki fruits respectively Currently in Iraq to fight no control method to reduce the economic losses caused by this pest except the use of pesticides GF-120. 展开更多
关键词 Fruit fly (Cerattis capitata) SURVEY Iraq population density fruit orchards.
Harmfulness of Leaf Miners (Agromyzidae) on Winter Wheat Plantations in Poland
作者 Kamila Roik Felicyta Walczak 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第3期417-422,共6页
The aim of the study was to determine the harmfulness of leaf miners and their species composition on winter wheat for the improvement of methods to control them. In order to determine the dates of the treatments, it ... The aim of the study was to determine the harmfulness of leaf miners and their species composition on winter wheat for the improvement of methods to control them. In order to determine the dates of the treatments, it was necessary to catch adult flies. The researchers used yellow 25 x 40 cm sticky traps placed on three control plots to catch the adults. Monitoring of cereal leaf miners flights in winter wheat was carried out in Babor6wko (greater Poland voivodeship). Yellow traps were placed above the tops of wheat during vegetation period. The number of damaged wheat stems was recorded. Fluctuations in weather conditions during the research affected the dynamics of leaf miner flies considerably. The maximum flights of leaf miner flies on winter wheat crops in years of the studies took place in May. The dynamics of leaf miners flights were different in growing season 2008 and 2009. The most common species were: Chromatomyia nigra (Ztt.), Chromatomyia fuscula (Ztt.) and Poemyza superciliosa (Ztt.). It was also discovered that the species composition of Agromyzidae damaging the winter wheat, changes in particular years. The results differ from the results of the previous research, which the dominant species were Phytomyza nigra (Mg.) and Agromyza ambiqua (FII.). 展开更多
关键词 Leaf miners AGROMYZIDAE winter wheat MONITORING yellow traps.
Weaver Ant, Oecophylla Ionginoda (Latreille) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Activity Reduces Fruit Fly Damage in Citrus Orchards
作者 Isaac Newton Ativor Kwame Afreh-Nuamah +1 位作者 Maxwell Kelvin Billah Daniel Obeng-Ofori 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第4期449-458,共10页
Fruit flies are causing extensive socio-economic losses in citrus orchards in Ghana. The flies as quarantine pests have detrimental effects on the export market due to international trade regulations. Oecophylla speci... Fruit flies are causing extensive socio-economic losses in citrus orchards in Ghana. The flies as quarantine pests have detrimental effects on the export market due to international trade regulations. Oecophylla species have been tested as biological control agents on other crops, and have shown great potential in reducing the effects of pests. The effectiveness of Oecophylla as a biocontrol agent of fruit flies was compared with insecticide, Cypermethrin + Dimethoate (Cydim super~) at Forest and Horticultural Crops Research Centre, Kade, in the Eastern Region of Ghana. The results have shown that trees colonized by Oecophylla had between 6%-10% fly infestation and Cypermethrin + Dimethoate (1614 mg a.i. mL~ tree"1) recorded 3.0% infestation. Cypermethrin + Dimethoate treatment recorded 3.50 ~ 0.87 dropped fruits, and Oecophylla colonized-trees recorded 15 to 19.20 -4- 3.61. Oecophylla colonized-trees recorded yield values from 12.90 to 15.20 tons ha-~ whilst Cypermethrin + Dimethoate treatment recorded 27.90 tons hat fruit yield. Total number of fly landings in the presence of Oecophylla (72.00) was significantly lower than the absence of Oecophylla (114.20). Set-up with no Oecophylla recorded the highest infestation index (71.17) while the presence recorded 45.83. These results suggest that Oecophylla longinoda can be used as a biocontrol agent for IPM programs in citrus orchards. 展开更多
关键词 Oecophylla longinoda biological control fruit flies Ceratitis ditissima CITRUS Ghana.
Remediation of Fly Ash Dumpsites Through Bioenergy Crop Plantation and Generation: A Review
作者 Madhumita ROY Roopali ROYCHOWDHURY Pritam MUKHERJEE 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第4期561-580,共20页
Utilization of fly ash, a byproduct of coal combustion in thermal power plants, is a sustainable use of waste for power generation.Discarding fly ash as waste in landfills/ash ponds may not only be regarded as a loss ... Utilization of fly ash, a byproduct of coal combustion in thermal power plants, is a sustainable use of waste for power generation.Discarding fly ash as waste in landfills/ash ponds may not only be regarded as a loss of valuable land and essential nutrients, but also pose a significant health hazard due to fine air-borne particles and leaching of heavy metals. The presence of essential macro-and micronutrients and its porosity make fly ash an excellent soil amendment for plant growth as an organic nitrogen(N) and carbon(C)supplementation. As harmful heavy metals make fly ash unsafe for agronomy, bioenergy crop plantation and energy generation from different thermochemical conversions of the biomass would be an ideal method for coal fly ash utilization through which carbon-neutral fuel can be generated from fossil fuel, thus reducing climate change impact. This review summarizes the development of bioenergy plantation and silviculture at fly ash dumpsites with an integrated phyto-bio-rhizo-mycoremediation approach and assesses utilization of the valuable biomass for thermal energy, electricity, and biofuel generation with inclusion of a SWOT analysis(a strategic technique typically used to help identify the strength, weakness, opportunities, and threat). Bioenergy crop production through integrated phytomanagement can generate billions of dollars of wealth from waste and provides a sustainable solution for fly ash management,with environmental, economic, and social benefits. 展开更多
关键词 biofuel production biomass-generating crops carbon-neutral fuel health risk heavy metal land use PHYTOREMEDIATION soil amendment
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