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不同颜色和材料覆盖措施对越冬期库尔勒香梨树干形成层温度及融冻交替的影响 被引量:4
作者 艾克来木.艾合买提 阿不来提.买买提 +3 位作者 巴特尔.巴克 阿丽腾.吐尔孙哈力 萨吉旦.阿卜杜克日木 祖力克艳.麻那甫 《中国农学通报》 2016年第31期74-78,共5页
为了解释越冬期不同冻害防治措施对树干形成层温度和融冻交替的影响,通过不同颜色和不同材料覆盖处理后,利用热电偶传感探头监测树干形成层温度的变化。结果表明,不同颜色处理和不同材料覆盖措施对树干形成层温度变化和融冻交替有明显... 为了解释越冬期不同冻害防治措施对树干形成层温度和融冻交替的影响,通过不同颜色和不同材料覆盖处理后,利用热电偶传感探头监测树干形成层温度的变化。结果表明,不同颜色处理和不同材料覆盖措施对树干形成层温度变化和融冻交替有明显的影响,树干颜色处理融冻交替大小顺序为:刮树皮〉涂黑〉对照(CK)〉涂白;覆盖处理融冻交替大小顺序为:对照〉麻绳〉反光膜〉绒毡片〉稻草;覆盖处理形成层温度日较差均低于颜色处理,涂白形成层温度日较差比稻草和绒毡片处理平均高3~5℃。树干融冻交替和冻害防治效果最好的防治措施是涂白、稻草和绒毡片覆盖处理。 展开更多
关键词 越冬期 冻害 防治措施 形成层温度 融冻交替
作者 艾克来木.艾合买提 阿不来提.买买提 +3 位作者 巴特尔.巴克 阿丽腾.吐尔孙哈力 萨吉旦.阿卜杜克日木 祖力克艳.麻那甫 《干旱地区农业研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期215-221,共7页
为了探讨越冬期树干形成层温度变化对形成层组织生理参数的影响,以库尔勒香梨为实验材料,在太阳辐射和气温达到日最大值的时间段,利用控温红外灯将实验组树干阳面形成层温度分别增温达到16℃、19℃、22%、25℃、28℃、31℃、34℃,采用... 为了探讨越冬期树干形成层温度变化对形成层组织生理参数的影响,以库尔勒香梨为实验材料,在太阳辐射和气温达到日最大值的时间段,利用控温红外灯将实验组树干阳面形成层温度分别增温达到16℃、19℃、22%、25℃、28℃、31℃、34℃,采用热电偶温度传感器同时连续监测形成层温度并结合主要生理参数的变化,分析越冬期间树干形成层温度变化引起的融冻交替对树干组织主要生理参数的影响。结果表明,增温达到最大阳面形成层温度日较差的处理条件下,SOD、POD和CAT活性比对照分别降低了83.60%、84.62%、47.56%,相对电导率和可溶性蛋白含量分别升高了41.46%、46.81%;生理指标和形成层温度均呈负相关,其中CAT、可溶性蛋白和相对电导率呈显著性负相关。形成层温度日较差或融冻交替幅度与各生理参数均呈负相关,其中CAT、可溶性蛋白和相对电导率呈显著性负相关。保护酶系中,SOD对形成层温度变化最为敏感;虽然POD保护作用稍微迟钝,但在较强烈的形成层温度变化的条件下起到最好的保护作用;在形成层温度强烈波动的情况下,CAT保持最小变化幅度;可溶性蛋白通过调节渗透势,减轻细胞伤害程度。 展开更多
关键词 库尔勒香梨 越冬期 红外增温 树干形成层温度 生理参数 融冻交替
Analyses of concrete microcosmic structure in multi-media environment
作者 闫波 姜安玺 +2 位作者 王幼青 刘丽艳 徐桂芹 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2004年第3期286-290,共5页
The structure of concrete generally serves in multi-media environments; various environments act differently on concrete. The compound action of some severe environments will threaten the duration of concrete and decr... The structure of concrete generally serves in multi-media environments; various environments act differently on concrete. The compound action of some severe environments will threaten the duration of concrete and decrease the service life of a concrete structure if improperly handled. In this paper the microstructure of concrete is observed by using Scanned Electric Microscope (SEM) through contrasting experiments in media of acid, alkali and salt with that of freezing-thawing in the same medium environment. This study is to supply a certain basis for changing traditional thinking of mechanical design and to combine construction reliability design with durability of concrete design. 展开更多
关键词 medium environment freezing-thawing acid erosion freezing-(thawing) alkali erosion freezing-thawing salt erosion alternate freezing-thawing microcosmic structure
Non-cropping period accounting for over a half of annual nitric oxide releases from cultivated calcareous-soil alpine ecosystems with marginally low emission factors
作者 LIN Fei LIU Chun-Yan +5 位作者 HU Xiao-Xia FU Yong-Feng ZHENG Xunhua ZHANG Wei WANG Rui CAO Guang-Min 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2018年第4期338-344,共7页
Nitric oxide(NO)emissions from alpine ecosystems conventionally being long-term cultivated with feed crops are not well quantified.The authors attempted to address this knowledge gap by performing a year-round experim... Nitric oxide(NO)emissions from alpine ecosystems conventionally being long-term cultivated with feed crops are not well quantified.The authors attempted to address this knowledge gap by performing a year-round experimental campaign in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau.Fertilized(F)and unfertilized(UF)treatments were established within a flat calcareous-soil site for the long-term cultivation of feed oats.NO fluxes and five soil variables were simultaneously measured.A single plow tillage accounted for approximately 54%–73%of the NO releases during the cropping period(CP);and the non-cropping period(NCP)contributed to 51%–58%of the annual emissions.The direct NO emissions factor(EFd)was 0.021%±0.021%.Significantly lower Q10 values(p<0.01)occurred in the F treatment during the CP(approximately 3.6)compared to those during the other period or in the other treatment(approximately 4.9?5.1),indicating a fertilizer-induced reduction in the temperature sensitivity.The selected soil variables jointly accounted for up to 72%(p<0.01)of the variance for all the fluxes across both treatments.This finding suggests that temporally and/or spatially distributed fluxes from alpine calcareous-soil ecosystems for feed crop production may be easily predicted if data on these soil variables are available.Further studies are needed to test the hypothesis that the EFd is larger in alpine feed-oat fields than those in this study if the soil moisture content is higher during the period following the basal application of ammoniumor urea-based fertilizer. 展开更多
关键词 Nitric oxide(NO)emissions direct NO emissions factor alpine meadow cultivation non-growing season freeze– thaw period plow tillage effect temperature sensitivity(Q10)
作者 周瑞莲 王艳杰 +2 位作者 朱露英 王爱兰 左进程 《生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第8期1968-1976,共9页
通过对冬季室内和室外分别生长30d的冬小麦在节律性和非节律性融冻变温过程中抗氧化酶活力和渗透调解物含量变化的分析,揭示其在冬小麦适应日融冻胁迫中的作用。结果表明:生育期不同的室内(均温11℃,拔节期)和室外(均温1℃,分蘖静滞期)... 通过对冬季室内和室外分别生长30d的冬小麦在节律性和非节律性融冻变温过程中抗氧化酶活力和渗透调解物含量变化的分析,揭示其在冬小麦适应日融冻胁迫中的作用。结果表明:生育期不同的室内(均温11℃,拔节期)和室外(均温1℃,分蘖静滞期)冬小麦叶片抗氧化酶和脯氨酸对日光强和温度节律变化的响应趋势是一致的,即随日出而增高,中午气温较高时最高,日落而降低;在非节律性变温处理中,室外冬小麦抗氧化酶活力和脯氨酸含量随气温上升至18℃而增高,气温迅速下降到-2.5℃而降低,经历冻-融-冻胁迫冬小麦生长良好。室内冬小麦抗氧化酶活力随气温降低到-6℃,叶片结冻,迅速下降,气温升高到18℃而增加,经历融-冻-融胁迫后植株死亡;室外冬小麦光合速率(Pn)和比室内的低,而抗氧化酶活力高于室内;冬小麦快速提高抗氧化酶活力和脯氨酸含量,抑制氧自由基积累、维护细胞水分平衡,这在适应冬季节律性融冻胁迫中起重要作用;暖冬中冬小麦较高的Pn和较低的抗氧化酶活力可能是引起冬小麦在"倒春寒"中死亡的生理原因。 展开更多
关键词 冬小麦 融冻交替 日变化 抗氧化系统 渗透调节
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