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作者 刘汉忠 《广西地方志》 2019年第3期35-40,共6页
真仙岩(老君洞)赋名源于道教文化进入岭南,至宋代时以儒释道为代表的文化景观极盛一时。长期以来,真仙岩文化景观因宋代文献缺残遗失,存世明清地方志少有记载,新修地方志以及史学相关论著多未涉及。本文以淳祐二年(1242年)杜应然《融州... 真仙岩(老君洞)赋名源于道教文化进入岭南,至宋代时以儒释道为代表的文化景观极盛一时。长期以来,真仙岩文化景观因宋代文献缺残遗失,存世明清地方志少有记载,新修地方志以及史学相关论著多未涉及。本文以淳祐二年(1242年)杜应然《融州老君洞敕赐真仙岩之图》、淳祐五年(1245年)甘有立《融州老君洞图》为据,并参考有关文献,对真仙岩赋名由来、文化景观兴衰等考证阐述,为广西古代(尤其是宋代)文化发展状况揭示缺略或从未认识的典型事证。 展开更多
关键词 融州 真仙岩 文化景观 考释
作者 刘汉忠 《广西地方志》 2019年第1期33-38,共6页
杜应然《融州老君洞敕赐真仙岩之图》绘刻真仙岩自然胜迹和建筑景观,内容涉及宗教、民俗、教育、建筑、园林诸单元,为宋代岭南文化景观之典型。本文释读《图碑》(及附刻诗),并参考有关石刻和典籍文献,考察真仙岩文化构成要素及内涵,复... 杜应然《融州老君洞敕赐真仙岩之图》绘刻真仙岩自然胜迹和建筑景观,内容涉及宗教、民俗、教育、建筑、园林诸单元,为宋代岭南文化景观之典型。本文释读《图碑》(及附刻诗),并参考有关石刻和典籍文献,考察真仙岩文化构成要素及内涵,复原因文献传承缺失而长期以来未曾揭示且极为丰富的宋代融州文化景象。 展开更多
关键词 杜应然 融州老君洞敕赐真仙岩之图 文化景观 释读
作者 刘汉忠 《广西地方志》 2020年第3期13-17,共5页
本文考证宋代融州志,明代融县志编纂年代、存佚时期等内容:融州《图经》出版年代不晚于北宋大观年间。融州《郡志》与融州《图经》各为专名。南宋融州《图经》刊行下限不晚于嘉定年间。明代天顺年间编纂《融县志》,为之前未经发现的佚... 本文考证宋代融州志,明代融县志编纂年代、存佚时期等内容:融州《图经》出版年代不晚于北宋大观年间。融州《郡志》与融州《图经》各为专名。南宋融州《图经》刊行下限不晚于嘉定年间。明代天顺年间编纂《融县志》,为之前未经发现的佚志。万历《融县志》至清康熙时尚存。以总志、地方志、石刻等文献综合互证,补考广西旧志研究著述未详或缺略之事实,以个例探讨反映旧志研究尚有诸多可利用文献和深入研究的学术空间。 展开更多
关键词 融州《图经》《郡志》《玉志》 天顺《县志》 万历《县志》
作者 祁元军 《全媒体探索》 2022年第1期38-39,共2页
青海省海北藏族自治州州级融媒体中心建设现处于筹备立项阶段。本文以海北藏族自治州四个县级融媒体中心为例,通过分析这四个县级融媒体中心的建设成效和发展现状,来探讨州级融媒体中心发展路径,为边远少数民族地区州级融媒体中心建设... 青海省海北藏族自治州州级融媒体中心建设现处于筹备立项阶段。本文以海北藏族自治州四个县级融媒体中心为例,通过分析这四个县级融媒体中心的建设成效和发展现状,来探讨州级融媒体中心发展路径,为边远少数民族地区州级融媒体中心建设提供经验借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 边远地区 媒体中心 建设成效
作者 丁海艳 《元史及民族与边疆研究集刊》 2011年第1期69-77,共9页
一瑶民,自唐宋以来,其反抗活动就不曾间断过,其中尤以元代为甚。元代瑶民起义活动频繁,规模亦不小,《元史》本纪中有比较系统的记载,但往往十分简略。不过,有幸保存下来的碑刻资料中倒有一些比较翔实的记载。有关元代瑶民起义的碑刻资料... 一瑶民,自唐宋以来,其反抗活动就不曾间断过,其中尤以元代为甚。元代瑶民起义活动频繁,规模亦不小,《元史》本纪中有比较系统的记载,但往往十分简略。不过,有幸保存下来的碑刻资料中倒有一些比较翔实的记载。有关元代瑶民起义的碑刻资料,比较明确的记载主要有以下四种:《新州宣慰使阿里元帅平徭碑》、《大田峒摩崖平徭碑》、《融州平徭记》、《广西道平蛮记》。这四种碑刻均分布于今两广地区。 展开更多
关键词 广西瑶民起义 《元史》 宣慰 融州 达鲁花赤 平摇 行中书省 也先帖木儿 广西通志 斡儿朵
二、旅游篇 大苗山:回归自然追寻真情的好去处
作者 达汉吉 《社科与经济信息》 1994年第2期31-36,共6页
关键词 真仙岩 大苗山 老君洞 广西苗族 重阳酒 贝江 民族地区 融州 徐霞客
《华中电力》 1992年第S1期109-113,共5页
关键词 技术参数 宝墨 落塔 虿毒 融州 扩链 中世 善导
《当代体育(扣篮)》 2005年第6期65-65,共1页
我形我塑,在纷繁中保持简单;在奢华中创造舒适;在运动中寻找时尚;叙述每一个经典的故事,将精彩生活创造到极致,这是时尚的生活状态,2005,许自己一个灿烂的未来! 新生年代--自信、张扬、时尚、出位,不愿受束缚,在着装上更希望能突显个性。
关键词 形我 洗水 融州 流行趋势 美式橄榄球 街头文化 系列产品 日印
Regional Financial Development and Regional Economic Growth: An Empirical Analysis of Suzhou City, China 被引量:2
作者 LIU Yong LI Weiping 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第3期269-274,共6页
There are many defects in researches on the relationship of the regional financial development (FD) and economic growth of China, such as simply assuming the causality direction, not highlighting financial institution... There are many defects in researches on the relationship of the regional financial development (FD) and economic growth of China, such as simply assuming the causality direction, not highlighting financial institution, using incomplete financial indicator, etc. This article, taking Suzhou City of Jiangsu Province, China as a case, builds a simple model to study the level of FD from three aspects of financial scale, structure and institution. Three original indicators of PRIVY (private investment/aggregate investment), DEPTH (aggregate loan/GDP) and FDIVG (FDI/GDP) are used to construct the FD economic indicator through Principal Component Analysis approach. Then we use Granger method to analyze the relationship between the FD and the economic growth of Suzhou. Empirical test results show that the FD of Suzhou is the Granger reason of economic growth, while economic growth is not the reason for FD, because the relationship between the FD and the economic growth of Suzhou is just in the ″supply-leading″ period. In terms of Suzhou experiences, the local government should strengthen the protection of private investment, improve the institutional environment, and establish the reasonable financial structure. So we can concluded that FD could play a great role in promoting economic growth at the economy takeoff stage. 展开更多
关键词 financial development regional economic growth INSTITUTION Granger Causality Analysis
Counteracting the Effects of Sea Level Rise in Southeast Florida 被引量:1
作者 F. Bloetscher B.N. Heimlich T. Romah 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第11期1507-1525,共19页
Over the past 100 years, worldwide surface temperatures have increased at an unprecedented rate, contributing to warming of the oceans, melting ice fields and glaciers, and other adverse climatic effects. Southeast Fl... Over the past 100 years, worldwide surface temperatures have increased at an unprecedented rate, contributing to warming of the oceans, melting ice fields and glaciers, and other adverse climatic effects. Southeast Florida's vulnerability derives from its geographic location, low elevation, porous geology, unusual ground and surface water hydrology, subtropical weather patterns, and proximity to the Atlantic Ocean. The region is especially susceptible to sea level rise. After several millennia of stable sea levels prior to the 20th century, sea levels have been rising at accelerating rates due to thermal expansion of the oceans and from land-based ice melt The Everglades ecosystem and the water supplies for southeast Florida are particularly vulnerable as neither can be protected without significant expenditures of public dollars, and even these efforts may not prove to be successful. New approaches may be required to improve the resilience and prolong the sustainability of the region's water resources and ecosystem. The efforts to adapt to sea level changes in both the urban area and ecosystem as outlined herein are date and incident based-climate changes may occur earlier or later so instead of spending limited public dollars early, expenditures can be adjusted given future information. 展开更多
关键词 Sea level rise water supply EVERGLADES
Green's Relations on Semigroups of Transformations Preserving Two Equivalence Relations 被引量:5
作者 SUN Lei PEI Hui Sheng 《Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition》 CSCD 2009年第3期415-422,共8页
Let Tx be the full transformation semigroup on a set X. For a non-trivial equivalence F on X, letTF(X) = {f ∈ Tx : arbieary (x, y) ∈ F, (f(x),f(y)) ∈ F}.Then TF(X) is a subsemigroup of Tx. Let E be ano... Let Tx be the full transformation semigroup on a set X. For a non-trivial equivalence F on X, letTF(X) = {f ∈ Tx : arbieary (x, y) ∈ F, (f(x),f(y)) ∈ F}.Then TF(X) is a subsemigroup of Tx. Let E be another equivalence on X and TFE(X) = TF(X) ∩ TE(X). In this paper, under the assumption that the two equivalences F and E are comparable and E lohtain in F, we describe the regular elements and characterize Green's relations for the semigroup TFE(X). 展开更多
关键词 transformation semigroup EQUIVALENCE regular element Green's relations.
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