Superior vena cava syndrome is rare in infants, and rarely responds to conser vative treatment. We report a 22- mo- old girl with superior vena cava syndrom e due to the use of a central venous line and/or sepsis. Dop...Superior vena cava syndrome is rare in infants, and rarely responds to conser vative treatment. We report a 22- mo- old girl with superior vena cava syndrom e due to the use of a central venous line and/or sepsis. Doppler study and compu ted tomography angiography of the neck showed thrombosis within the superior ven a cava and jugular veins. She was admitted to a monitored setting and received r ecombinant tissue plasminogen activator for 2 d. The clinical features of superi or vena cava syndrome disappeared completely 3 d after treatment. No complicatio ns were observed and radiological investigations showed blood flow through the t hrombus after treatment. Conclusion: Systemic recombinant tissue plasminogen act ivator may be useful in the treatment of superior vena cava syndrome in children .展开更多
文摘Superior vena cava syndrome is rare in infants, and rarely responds to conser vative treatment. We report a 22- mo- old girl with superior vena cava syndrom e due to the use of a central venous line and/or sepsis. Doppler study and compu ted tomography angiography of the neck showed thrombosis within the superior ven a cava and jugular veins. She was admitted to a monitored setting and received r ecombinant tissue plasminogen activator for 2 d. The clinical features of superi or vena cava syndrome disappeared completely 3 d after treatment. No complicatio ns were observed and radiological investigations showed blood flow through the t hrombus after treatment. Conclusion: Systemic recombinant tissue plasminogen act ivator may be useful in the treatment of superior vena cava syndrome in children .