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八字地老虎血球细胞系的建立 被引量:5
作者 李长友 郑桂玲 +2 位作者 王晓云 宋捷 李国勋 《昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第2期279-282,共4页
由八字地老虎Xestiac nigrum血细胞建立了一株细胞系 ,命名为NEAU Xc 96 0 716H ,原代培养 90余天 ,现已传至 70余代。细胞多为圆形 ,部分梭形 ,细胞群体倍增时间约为 6 3h。具有典型的鳞翅目昆虫染色体特征 ,数量多 ,形态为短杆状和球... 由八字地老虎Xestiac nigrum血细胞建立了一株细胞系 ,命名为NEAU Xc 96 0 716H ,原代培养 90余天 ,现已传至 70余代。细胞多为圆形 ,部分梭形 ,细胞群体倍增时间约为 6 3h。具有典型的鳞翅目昆虫染色体特征 ,数量多 ,形态为短杆状和球形。酯酶同工酶谱为 5条主带 ,与同种昆虫 (八字地老虎 )的胚胎细胞系 (NEAU Xc 730E)酯酶图谱稍有不同 ,而与草地夜蛾细胞系 (IPLB SF 2 1)的酯酶图谱完全不同。该细胞系可以被八字地老虎核型多角体病毒XcNPV感染 ,但感染率较低。 展开更多
关键词 八字地老虎 血球细胞 建系 细胞 昆虫 组织培养
作者 马维原 王鸿儒 +5 位作者 文宗曜 陈生 李玉梅 徐家鸰 栗刚 曲勤 《生物物理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1992年第1期66-70,共5页
通常认为悬浮介质中的大分子物质促进RBC聚集的桥联作用,使RBC聚集,但在高浓度时,大分子物质反而抑制RBC聚集。过去认为主要是高浓度大分子物质影响了RBC表面势能,但我们在研究中发现,在一定条件下低浓度的大分子物质也能抑制红细胞聚... 通常认为悬浮介质中的大分子物质促进RBC聚集的桥联作用,使RBC聚集,但在高浓度时,大分子物质反而抑制RBC聚集。过去认为主要是高浓度大分子物质影响了RBC表面势能,但我们在研究中发现,在一定条件下低浓度的大分子物质也能抑制红细胞聚集。这说明:大分子物质对RBC聚集的抑制效应,不仅能通过改变RBC膜表面势能实观,还能通过其它途径实现,这种途径之一就是影响RBC膜的力学性质。 展开更多
关键词 血球细胞 聚集 电导法 悬浮介质
作者 岳冬梅 王林美 +4 位作者 李树英 范琦 叶博 赵振军 张波 《辽宁农业科学》 2012年第3期7-10,共4页
分别采用Grace、TC-100和MGM-448加20%胎牛血清和10%苯基硫尿做为细胞原代培养基,在27℃,pH 6.2~6.4的条件下,对5龄柞蚕(Antheraea pernyi)幼虫血球细胞进行体外培养,发现细胞在培养1 h后基本贴壁,在相差倒置显微镜下观察三种培养基细... 分别采用Grace、TC-100和MGM-448加20%胎牛血清和10%苯基硫尿做为细胞原代培养基,在27℃,pH 6.2~6.4的条件下,对5龄柞蚕(Antheraea pernyi)幼虫血球细胞进行体外培养,发现细胞在培养1 h后基本贴壁,在相差倒置显微镜下观察三种培养基细胞形态各异,原代培养的细胞主要是椭圆形、梭形和不规则形,进行了45 d培养试验,观察结果表明:三种培养基中Grace培养基优于其他两种,其新生细胞增殖较快,细胞透明,大约10 d左右即基本长满瓶底,15 d进行第一次传代,传代培养细胞主要以园形和椭圆形为主。利用Grace培养基培养传代第2代的细胞进行柞蚕核型多角体病毒(ApNPV)的感染实验,通过相差倒置显微镜和电子显微镜观察呈现出典型的细胞病理变化,感染7 d细胞感染率可达75%。 展开更多
关键词 柞蚕 血球细胞 细胞培养 核型多角体病毒
作者 崔洪圭 谷合斡代子 孙京臣 《广东蚕业》 1996年第3期89-92,共4页
使用含桑蚕血球细胞(主要是颗粒细胞和浆细胞)的离体培养系,经各种刺激物诱导后,对蛋白激酶C(下称PKC)和蛋白激酶A(PKA,需cAMP型)的活性进行了试验。血球细胞经大肠杆菌中的类脂多糖(lipopolysaccharide,LPS)、离子霉素、霍乱弧菌产生... 使用含桑蚕血球细胞(主要是颗粒细胞和浆细胞)的离体培养系,经各种刺激物诱导后,对蛋白激酶C(下称PKC)和蛋白激酶A(PKA,需cAMP型)的活性进行了试验。血球细胞经大肠杆菌中的类脂多糖(lipopolysaccharide,LPS)、离子霉素、霍乱弧菌产生的霍乱毒素或笨基乙酸汞(杀菌剂)(4β—phorbor 12—myristate 13 acetate)(PMA)处理后便可清楚地检测到PKC的活性,而没有上述刺激物诱导时,其活性情况没试验过。结果表明,不仅LPS而且Ca^(2+)和一种G蛋白均可能参与了PKC活性诱导的信号转导。同样用LPS、dcAMP、离子霉素或霍乱毒素处理血球细胞,对PKA的活性进行了类似的检测,而不经处理的对照细胞没有PKA活性,而且LPS、cAMP、Ca^(2+)和G蛋白很可能也参与了PKA活性诱导过程中的信号转导。用抗兔脑PKC—α的单克隆抗体进行蛋白质印迹分析,结果以LPS处理的血球细胞样品中有一种与单抗有交叉反应的90KDa蛋白质,而未经LPS处理的对照样品不存在这种蛋白。桑蚕血球细胞内的PKC和PKA被细菌感染后的LPS激活后,可以诱导自身防御反应,例如抗菌蛋白基因的表达。 展开更多
关键词 桑蚕 蛋白激酶C和A 类脂多糖 血球细胞 信号转导
《当代医学》 2003年第12期60-60,共1页
关键词 人体 血球细胞 细胞 胚胎 再生障碍性贫血
作者 熊文瑗 《大众科技》 2001年第2期36-37,共2页
欢迎来到"器官专卖店"!您缺耳朵吗?我们可以为您定做各式形状的产品;您需要一个更强的心脏吗?我们也能让您拥有千匹马力般强壮的产品.我们不是可怕的杀人狂,也不是施魔法的巫师,我们是合法经营的生物科技股份有限公司,卖的可... 欢迎来到"器官专卖店"!您缺耳朵吗?我们可以为您定做各式形状的产品;您需要一个更强的心脏吗?我们也能让您拥有千匹马力般强壮的产品.我们不是可怕的杀人狂,也不是施魔法的巫师,我们是合法经营的生物科技股份有限公司,卖的可都是高科技的生物科技产品喔!这样神奇的技术是如何办到的呢?这得从一种很特殊的细胞谈起了. 展开更多
关键词 细胞 血液 解剖学 耳朵 血球细胞
家蚕翅原基的一些发育规律研究 被引量:8
作者 周庆祥 易咏竹 +3 位作者 张志芳 陈寅 何家禄 吕鸿声 《蚕业科学》 CAS CSCD 2004年第1期44-49,共6页
为进一步解明家蚕的生长发育机制 ,调查了家蚕 5龄幼虫及蛹期翅原基的大小和形态变化 :翅原基在 5龄前期生长缓慢 ,变态前生长最快 ,2~ 3d及 8~ 11d为形态变化最大的两个时期 ;蛹期翅芽基本不变 ,3d始见初生鳞毛 ,5d时已经呈浓密的毛... 为进一步解明家蚕的生长发育机制 ,调查了家蚕 5龄幼虫及蛹期翅原基的大小和形态变化 :翅原基在 5龄前期生长缓慢 ,变态前生长最快 ,2~ 3d及 8~ 11d为形态变化最大的两个时期 ;蛹期翅芽基本不变 ,3d始见初生鳞毛 ,5d时已经呈浓密的毛状 ,8d时翅面鳞毛发育成柳叶状 ,之后逐渐出现分叉 ,9d花纹清晰可见 ,化蛾后翅面鳞片呈现棕榈叶状。进行翅原基摘除和异位移植发现 :4个翅原基全部摘除后家蚕仍能正常生长并发育成蛹和具有交配及产卵能力的蛾 ,表明家蚕血球和造血器官有很强的再生能力 ,家蚕血球细胞的生成可能具有更复杂的机制 ,由此证明了家蚕翅原基异位移植的可行性。 展开更多
关键词 家蚕 翅原基 发育规律 血球细胞生成 异位移植 造血器官 再生能力
《中国科技财富》 2003年第7期94-94,共1页
关键词 美国 光能 慢性肺部疾病 氧气需求量 血球细胞 氧气含量 治疗方式 医疗器械
作者 悠悠 《青海科技》 2014年第6期58-59,共2页
1/沙门氏菌融化人体骨骼沙门氏菌是世界上最著名的病原菌之一,通常人们食用鸡肉时可能感染沙门氏菌,它们会逗留在肠胃区域,导致多日腹泻和胃绞痛,但有时它们会抵达人体骨骼,尤其是支持血液供应的腿骨,感染导致患有骨髓炎,“融化”骨骼,... 1/沙门氏菌融化人体骨骼沙门氏菌是世界上最著名的病原菌之一,通常人们食用鸡肉时可能感染沙门氏菌,它们会逗留在肠胃区域,导致多日腹泻和胃绞痛,但有时它们会抵达人体骨骼,尤其是支持血液供应的腿骨,感染导致患有骨髓炎,“融化”骨骼,或者分解骨细胞成液体。2/布鲁氏菌缓慢地分离人体脊椎人体感染布鲁氏菌通常是通过食用软质乳酪和未杀菌牛奶,感染这种病菌的概率很低,如果人们饮用巴氏杀菌奶,感染概率极低。但不幸感染的话,一种可怕的慢性病将持续终生,最终将使你的脊椎分成两半。 展开更多
关键词 巴氏杀菌奶 感染概率 人体骨骼 细胞 腿骨 异尖线虫病 血球细胞 耶尔森 雪卡毒素 嗜酸性粒细胞
作者 Zhi-gangZhang Xue-guangLiu Guang-pingChen Xiu-rongZhang Mu-yiGuo 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2004年第2期84-88,共5页
Objective To study the expressions of MMP-2 and TIMP-2 mRNA on cultured rat mesangial cells (MsC) and in human diseased glomeruli, and to explore their significance in the development of glomerulosclerosis. Methods Th... Objective To study the expressions of MMP-2 and TIMP-2 mRNA on cultured rat mesangial cells (MsC) and in human diseased glomeruli, and to explore their significance in the development of glomerulosclerosis. Methods The expressions of MMP-2, TIMP-2, and Col ⅣmRNA on cultured rat MsC stimulated by IL-1 or/and TGF-β1were investigated through Northern blot analysis. The levels of MMP-2 and TIMP-2 mRNA expressions and immunoreacti-vity of PCNA and Col Ⅳin human diseased glomeruli from renal biopsies of lupus nephritis (LN) patients were examined by insituhybridization and immunohistochemistry, respectively. Results The levels of MMP-2, TIMP-2, and Col ⅣmRNA expressions were markedly increased on cultured rat MsC stimulated by IL-1 or/and TGF-β1. Meanwhile, upregulation of MMP-2 and TIMP-2 mRNA expressions was confirmed in diseased glomeruli from patients with various subtypes of LN, and was closely related to the positive cell number of PCNA presentation and deposition of Col Ⅳin glomeruli. Conclusion The results suggest that the over-expressions of MMP-2 and TIMP-2 mRNA on glomerular cells might play a critical role in the development of glomerulosclerosis. 展开更多
关键词 matrix metalloproteinase tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase mesangial cell human lupus nephritis
Effect of lead exposure on the immune function of lymphocytes and erythrocytes in preschool children 被引量:3
作者 赵正言 李荣 +2 位作者 孙鹂 历志玉 杨茹莱 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 CSCD 2004年第8期1001-1004,共4页
Objective: To investigate the influence of lead exposure on the immune function of lymphocytes and erythrocytes in preschool children. Materials and methods: A group of 217 children three to six years of age from a ru... Objective: To investigate the influence of lead exposure on the immune function of lymphocytes and erythrocytes in preschool children. Materials and methods: A group of 217 children three to six years of age from a rural area were given a thorough physical examination and the concentration of lead in blood samples taken from each subject was determined. The indices of lymphocyte immunity (CD^+3CD^+4, CD^+3CD^+8, CD^+4CD^+8, CDˉ3CD^+19) and erythrocyte immunity (RBC-C3b, RBC-IC, RFER, RFIR, CD35 and its average fluorescence intensity) of 40 children with blood lead levels above 0.483 μmol/L were measured and compared with a control group. Results: The blood lead levels of the 217 children ranged from 0.11 μmol/L to 2.11 μmol/L. The CD^+3CD^+4and CD^+4CD^+8 cells were lower (P<0.01) and the CD^+3CD^+8 cells were higher in the lead-poisoned subjects than those in the control group (P<0.05). CD^+3 and CDˉ3CD^+19 did not show significant differences. Although the RBC-C3b rosette forming rate was lower and the RBC-IC rosette forming rate was higher in the lead-poisoned group, this difference could not be shown to be statistically significant (P>0.05). RFIR was found to be lower in the lead-poisoned group (P<0.01). Compared with the control group, the positive rate of CD35 was not found to be significantly different in a group of 25 lead-poisoned children (P>0.05), while the average fluorescence intensity was lower in the lead-poisoned group (P<0.05). Conclusion: Lead exposure can result in impaired immune function oft lymphocytes and erythrocytes in preschool children. 展开更多
关键词 CHILDREN Lead exposure Lymphocyte immunity Erythrocyte immunity
Protective effects of erythropoietin against acute lung injury in a rat model of acute necrotizing pancreatitis 被引量:8
作者 Oge Tascilar Güldeniz Karadeniz Cakmak +10 位作者 Ishak Ozel Tekin Ali Ugur Emre Bulent Hamdi Ucan Burak Bahadir Serefden Acikgoz Oktay Irkorucu Kemal Karakaya Hakan Balbaloglu Gürkan Kertis Handan Ankarali Mustafa Comert 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第46期6172-6182,共11页
AIM: TO investigate the effect of exogenous erythro- poietin (EPO) administration on acute lung injury (ALI) in an experimental model of sodium taurodeoxycholate- induced acute necrotizing pancreatitis (ANP). M... AIM: TO investigate the effect of exogenous erythro- poietin (EPO) administration on acute lung injury (ALI) in an experimental model of sodium taurodeoxycholate- induced acute necrotizing pancreatitis (ANP). METHODS: Forty-seven male Wistar albino rats were randomly divided into 7 groups: sham group (n = 5), 3 ANP groups (n = 7 each) and 3 EPO groups (n = 7 each). ANP was induced by retrograde infusion of 5% sodium taurodeoxycholate into the common bile duct. Rats in EPO groups received 1000 U/kg intramuscular EPO immediately after induction of ANP. Rats in ANP groups were given 1 mL normal saline instead. All animals were sacrificed at postoperative 24 h, 48 h and 72 h. Serum arnilase, IL-2, IL-6 and lung tissue malondialdehyde (MDA) were measured. Pleural effusion volume and lung/body weight (LW/BW) ratios were calculated. Tissue levels of TNF-a, IL-2 and IL-6 were screened immunohistochemically. Additionally, ox-LDL accumulation was assessed with immune-fluorescent staining. Histopathological alterations in the lungs were also scored.RESULTS: The mean pleural effusion volume, calculated LW/BW ratio, serum IL-6 and lung tissue MDA levels were significantly lower in EPO groups than in ANP groups. No statistically significant difference was observed in either serum or tissue values of IL-2 among the groups. The level of tumor necrosis factor-(~ (TNF-(~) and IL-6 and accumulation of ox-LDL were evident in the lung tissues of ANP groups when compared to EPO groups, particularly at 72 h. Histopathological evaluation confirmed the improvement in lung injury parameters a^er exogenous EPO administration, particularly at 48 h and 72 h. CONCLUSION: EPO administration leads to a significant decrease in ALI parameters by inhibiting polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMNL) accumulation, decreasing the levels of proinflammatory cytokines in circulation, preserving microvascular endothelial cell integrity and reducing oxidative stress-associated lipid peroxidation and therefore, can be regarded as a cytoprotective agent in ANP-induced ALI. 展开更多
关键词 ERYTHROPOIETIN Acute pancreatitis Acute lunginjury Acute respiratory distress syndrome CYTOKINE
作者 潘华珍 冯立明 +3 位作者 卢红 许彩民 张平诚 张之南 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 1998年第1期20-23,共4页
Apoptosis of nucleated cells is well known, but how about the unnucleated cells is still not elucidated. In the present paper, the morphological and biochemical features of the aged erythrocytes were observed and comp... Apoptosis of nucleated cells is well known, but how about the unnucleated cells is still not elucidated. In the present paper, the morphological and biochemical features of the aged erythrocytes were observed and compared with the characteristic events of apoptosis. Membrane of aged erythrocytes tends to shrink, protrude, from vesicle and lose lipid asymmetry. Aged erythrocytes were removed by phagocytosis. Both of the events are very similar to the apoptotic nucleated cells. The authors suggested that aging of erythro- cytes is also a process of apoptosis. 展开更多
关键词 aged erythrocytes APOPTOSIS
作者 马文丽 薛社普 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 1995年第1期1-5,共5页
We present a novel approach for making cybrids. By introducing neo gene expression plasmids into rabbit reticulocytes, fusing the gene transferred reticulocytes with K562 cells and selecting in G418 selection medium, ... We present a novel approach for making cybrids. By introducing neo gene expression plasmids into rabbit reticulocytes, fusing the gene transferred reticulocytes with K562 cells and selecting in G418 selection medium, a cybrid strain K-RRneo was established. Whole mount TEM study demonstrated that after cybridization, there was a reorganization of the intermediate filaments which showed a tendency to differentiate towards reticulocytes. SDS-PAGE and western blot analysis verified the above observation, in which the vimentin blot pattern of the cybrids was similar to that of reticulocytes, but totally different from that of K562 cells. Using this model, we reaffirmed the hypothesis that the erythroid differentiation factor (EDF) might be responsible for erythroid differentiation as well as the initiation of denucleation. 展开更多
关键词 gene transfer cell fusion nuclear matrix-intermediate filament
Identification of key genes responsible for cytokine-induced erythroid and myeloid differentiation and switching of hematopoietic stem cells by RAGE
作者 Ling Chen Hong Zhang +3 位作者 Ying Shi Kyung L Chin Delia C Tang Griffin P Rodgers 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第12期923-939,共17页
We utilized a unique culture system to analyze the expression patterns of gene, protein, and cell surface antigen, and the biological process of the related genes in erythroid and myeloid differentiation and switching... We utilized a unique culture system to analyze the expression patterns of gene, protein, and cell surface antigen, and the biological process of the related genes in erythroid and myeloid differentiation and switching of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) in response to cytokine alterations. Gene-specific fragments (266) identified from five populations of cytokine-stimulated HSCs were categorized into three groups: (1) expressed specifically in a single cell population; (2) expressed in two cell populations, and (3) expressed in three or more populations. Of 145 defined cDNAs, three (2%) were novel genes. Protein two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and flow cytometry analyses showed overlapped and distinguished protein expression profiles in the cell populations studied. Biological process mapping of mRNAs expressed in erythroid and myeloid lineages indicated that mRNAs shared by both lineages attended 'core processes,' whereas genes specifically expressed in either lineage alone were related to specific processes or cellular maturation. Data from this study support the hypothesis that committed HSCs (El4 or G14) cells can still be redirected to develop into myeloid or erythroid cells when erythropoietin (EPO) is replaced with granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) under erythroid-cultured condition or G-CSF with EPO in myeloid-cultured environment, respectively. Our results suggest that genes or proteins co-expressed in erythroid and myeloid lineages may be essential for the lineage maintenance and switching in hematopoiesis. 展开更多
关键词 lineage switching hematopoietic stem cells erythroid/myeloid differentiation CO-EXPRESSION biological processes cytokines
The function of T-lymphocyte subtypes of blood in patients with hyper-IgE syndrome
作者 雷小兵 谭升顺 +3 位作者 曾维惠 王俊民 张磐谏 袁媛 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2005年第2期106-109,共4页
Objective: To study the function in cellular immunity of patients with hyper-IgE syndrome (HIE). Methods: T-lymphocyte subtypes of the peripheral blood and cutaneous delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) to two recall a... Objective: To study the function in cellular immunity of patients with hyper-IgE syndrome (HIE). Methods: T-lymphocyte subtypes of the peripheral blood and cutaneous delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) to two recall antigens, tetanus toxoid (TT) and purified protein derivative(PPD), were measured in 5 patients with HIE and 15 healthy controls, respectively. Results: The CD4 + cell counts in HIE group were significantly lower than those in the control group (P<0.01). In contrast, CD8 + cells were significantly higher in HIE group than those in the controls. The induration sizes of DTH to two recall antigens were smaller in HIE group than those in controls (P<0.01). Conclusion: There is an immunologic dysfunction of T lymphocytes in the patients with HIE and T cells play an important role in the pathogenesis. 展开更多
关键词 hyper-IgE syndrome T-lymphocyte subtypes delayed-type hypersensitivity
Adenovirus-mediated gene transfer of TIMP-4 reduces neointimal hyperplasia in balloon-injured rat carotid artery
作者 Ran Boli 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2011年第2期53-62,共10页
Objective:To determine the effects of a recombinant replication-deficient adenovirus encoding human tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-4(Ad.TIMP-4) on vascular smooth muscle cell(VSMC) function in vitro and neointi... Objective:To determine the effects of a recombinant replication-deficient adenovirus encoding human tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-4(Ad.TIMP-4) on vascular smooth muscle cell(VSMC) function in vitro and neointimal development in the injured rat carotid artery.Methods:Western blotting,gelatin zymography and reverse zymography were used to characterize the expression and functional activity of the TIMP-4 secreted by Ad.TIMP-4-infected VSMCs.The migration and proliferation of VSMCs in vitro were separately detected by using Millicell-PCF invasion chambers and [3H]-thymidine incorporation assay.Immunohistochemistry and morphometric analysis were used to determine the local expression of TIMP-4 and its effect on neointima development in a rat carotid artery balloon injury model.Results:VSMCs infected with Ad.TIMP-4 expressed functionally active human TIMP-4 which increased with the duration of infection.TIMP-4 expression inhibited VSMC migration,but not significantly affect VSMC proliferation.In a balloon-injured rat carotid artery model,a significant 62% reduction in neointimal area was found in Ad.TIMP-4-infected vessels at 14 days after injury.Ad.TIMP-4 infection had no effect on medial area.Conclusion:Our results indicated TIMP-4 over expression can significantly inhibit the migration of cultured VSMCs and prevent neointimal formation after vascular injury.Our findings provide additional evidence that TIMP-4 could play an important role in vascular pathophysiology,and may be an important therapeutic target for future drug development. 展开更多
关键词 Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-4 Vascular smooth muscle cells RESTENOSIS Vascular injury
Clinical study on radiofrequency combined with ^(131)I therapy for dedifferentiated thyroid carcinomas
作者 Hengping Li Qinjiang Liu Feng Dong 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2011年第5期274-277,共4页
Objective:The aim of this study was to explore clinical efficiency of radio frequency combined with 131I therapy for dedifferentiated thyroid carcinoma.Methods:All patients have been treated by radiofrequency connecte... Objective:The aim of this study was to explore clinical efficiency of radio frequency combined with 131I therapy for dedifferentiated thyroid carcinoma.Methods:All patients have been treated by radiofrequency connected with 131I in 29 cases of dedifferentiated thyroid carcinoma which performed radionuclide imaging and Ig array of blood serum before and after therapy,respectively.Results:There were 4(4/29) positive cases of radionuclide imaging before treatment and 19(19/29) cases 2 weeks after therapy,25(25/29) cases of overall efficacy and 15(15/29) curative cases. Conclusion: Radiofrequency connected with 131I improve clinical efficacy of 131I treatment for dedifferentiated thyroid cancer of thyroid in view of higher absorbing 131I of thyroid cancerous cell. 展开更多
关键词 carcinoma of thyroid RADIOFREQUENCY 131I treatment
作者 小卡 123RF 《健康之家》 2016年第5期16-17,共2页
美国一位孕妇在11周时通过血检对胎儿进行唐氏综合征筛查,医生没有发现胎儿的DNA异常,却发现了孕妇自身白血球细胞的DNA异常。原来孕妇曾患滤泡性淋巴瘤,在此时又悄然复发了。她不得已立即终止了妊娠,开始接受化疗,虽然失去了宝宝,却"... 美国一位孕妇在11周时通过血检对胎儿进行唐氏综合征筛查,医生没有发现胎儿的DNA异常,却发现了孕妇自身白血球细胞的DNA异常。原来孕妇曾患滤泡性淋巴瘤,在此时又悄然复发了。她不得已立即终止了妊娠,开始接受化疗,虽然失去了宝宝,却"捡回"一条命。要不是因为怀孕检查了血液中的DNA,她可能就会错过最佳的治疗时机。其他人,也能用血检来检查癌症吗? 展开更多
关键词 DNA 滤泡性淋巴瘤 唐氏综合征 血球细胞 基因突变 基因测序技术 前列腺癌患者 复制错误 羊膜穿刺 晚期前列腺癌
Influence of Bushenhuoxue on podocytes of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis mice 被引量:2
作者 Chunxia Zuo Xiaoyue Tan +2 位作者 Shengqin Jia Mianzhi Zhang Daning Zhang 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第5期591-596,共6页
OBJECTIVE: To observe the effects and mechanisms of Bushenhuoxue on desmin and nephrin expression in mice podocytes, and to investigate its effects on wt1 expression in Wilms' tumor.METHODS: Adriamycin(ADR) was us... OBJECTIVE: To observe the effects and mechanisms of Bushenhuoxue on desmin and nephrin expression in mice podocytes, and to investigate its effects on wt1 expression in Wilms' tumor.METHODS: Adriamycin(ADR) was used to induce focal segmental glomerulous sclerosis(FSGS) in mice. Bushenhuoxue was used to treat FSGS for 6 weeks. We measured body mass and right renal mass, and determined serum albumin(ALB) levels,protein content in urine, and urinary protein and albumin creatinine ratio(UACR). Changes in renal tissue morphology were evaluated by microscopy.wt1 and nephrin expression in podocytes were detected using immunofluorescence. Expression levels of desmin, wt1 and nephrin m RNAs in renal tissue were determined using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction assays.RESULTS: Protein levels in urine and UACR were significantly increased in FSGS model mice compared with Bushenhuoxue-treated and control mice.Body mass and ALB levels were decreased in FSGS mice compared with control and Bushenhuoxue-treated mice. Expression of the wt1 protein was observed in control mice. Compared with controls,wt1 expression levels were reduced in Bushenhuoxue-treated mice, and to a greater extent in FSGS mice. Nephrin protein expression was widespread in FSGS mice, and significantly reduced in control and Bushenhuoxue mice. Expression levels of wt1 and nephrin m RNAs in FSGS mice were lower compared with those in control and Bushenhuoxue-treated mice. Desmin m RNA levels in FSGS mice were reduced compared with those in control and Bushenhuoxue-treated mice.CONCLUSION: Bushenhuoxue ameliorated albuminuria in FSGS mice; this was possibly related to the up-regulation of wt1 and nephrin, and down-regulation of desmin. 展开更多
关键词 DOXORUBICIN Glomerulosclerosis focalsegmental PODOCYTES WT1 proteins NEPHRIN Des-min Bushenhuoxue
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