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中国传统行会在近代的发展演变 被引量:12
作者 朱英 《江苏社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第2期94-102,共9页
行会作为在中国经济生活中发挥重要功能与作用的传统工商组织,进入近代以后由于受西方资本主义入侵,以及中国传统经济结构逐渐发生变化的影响,开始面临前所未有的挑战;行会以往限制同业开店设厂、招收学徒,划一产品规格和价格等行规,在... 行会作为在中国经济生活中发挥重要功能与作用的传统工商组织,进入近代以后由于受西方资本主义入侵,以及中国传统经济结构逐渐发生变化的影响,开始面临前所未有的挑战;行会以往限制同业开店设厂、招收学徒,划一产品规格和价格等行规,在实施过程中屡遭同业反对,难以为继。一部分固守成规陋俗的行会因此而衰落,另一部分行会则被动或主动地顺应时代进行变革,在组织制度、结构功能等许多方面都加以调整,从而得以继续发挥不可忽视的重要作用,并逐渐向新型同业组织———近代同业公会演变。 展开更多
关键词 中国 传统行会 近代 发展演变 经济结构 民族资本主义 行会组织制度
互助与合作:广州大元帅府时期的工商关系 被引量:3
作者 霍新宾 《社会科学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第5期146-154,共9页
因广州大元帅府社会整合能力衰微而导致的整个社会经济生态恶化,极大地制约着工商间的阶级分野。针对政府的经济压力,工商两界多联合努力抗争,传统行会理念“劳资互助”遂为其拓展生存空间的主要取向,这在抵税运动中表现颇为典型。与之... 因广州大元帅府社会整合能力衰微而导致的整个社会经济生态恶化,极大地制约着工商间的阶级分野。针对政府的经济压力,工商两界多联合努力抗争,传统行会理念“劳资互助”遂为其拓展生存空间的主要取向,这在抵税运动中表现颇为典型。与之相应,工商间的劳资纠纷多呈温和态势发展,且其调解亦循“工商协调”的基本模式运作。这与国民党“阶级协调”的政治统治逻辑及广州传统的社会经济结构亦有着密切关联。考察广州大元帅府时期工商关系与社会经济的互动,能为我们客观评估国民革命阵营中的阶级变动提供典型的例证。 展开更多
关键词 互助合作 大元帅府 工商关系 行会传统
继承与转型:法国大学教师评价体系研究 被引量:1
作者 公钦正 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第1期113-128,共16页
院校与学科是基于高等教育系统的矩阵结构认识和评价学术职业的双重维度。法国大学教师评价体系由“标准化”“弱激励”的制度设计和“重教学”“强定性”的范式选择构成,在制度和理念层面存在聘任制度不适当、激励问责与退出机制不健全... 院校与学科是基于高等教育系统的矩阵结构认识和评价学术职业的双重维度。法国大学教师评价体系由“标准化”“弱激励”的制度设计和“重教学”“强定性”的范式选择构成,在制度和理念层面存在聘任制度不适当、激励问责与退出机制不健全,评价内容侧重尚未理顺、评价方法选择仍不协调等一系列亟待解决的问题。法国大学教师评价体系今日之形态及问题,仍保留着国家主义政治哲学在评价制度设计中的深刻痕迹和中世纪行会传统在学术评价中的浓厚影响。尽管积弊重重的庞大体系仍在以渐进方式缓慢变革,但从短期评价到长期考察、从政府主导到多方参与的转型方向正在重塑大学教师评价制度,从学术自治到学术自律、从科教分离到科教融合的变革趋势正在夯实学术共同体实施同行评议的合法性基础,为我国提供了超越国家边界和民族特质的普遍参考。 展开更多
关键词 法国 大学教师评价 评价改革 国家主义 行会传统
Forensic Accounting: A Checkmate for Corporate Fraud
作者 Lakshmi P Ganesh Menon 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2016年第9期453-460,共8页
Forensic accounting gained importance due to increasing number of financial frauds and scams. This new area in accounting encompasses accounting, auditing, and investigative skills, thus emerged to detect frauds. They... Forensic accounting gained importance due to increasing number of financial frauds and scams. This new area in accounting encompasses accounting, auditing, and investigative skills, thus emerged to detect frauds. They involve themselves in different areas like employee-related frauds, settlement and arbitrations, etc.. A forensic accountant has a financial sixth sense. Despite the fact that forensic accounting can bridge the gap between conventional accounting and auditing, this profession has not been able to gain the needed momentum due to some hassles. This paper tries to shed light on the theoretical concept, nature, practice, need, role of forensic accounting in preventing fraud, and the practical difficulties faced by forensic accountants. The study is based on information collected from interviewing practicing forensic accounting in India during 2011-12. The paper was able to assess the importance and rising scope of forensic accounting as a job. It also understood the practical difficulties they faced like lack of organized databases in Indian scenario which makes it difficult to access all needed information. Expectation level of the clients is very high and at times even unreasonable. This paper fulfills an identified need to study the important rising field of forensic accounting in India. 展开更多
关键词 forensic accounting accounting frauds AUDITING internal audit accounting scams
What Communication Strategy Adopted for the Promotion of Cultural Heritage? Example: The Case of Madagascar
作者 Marie Jeanne Razanamanana 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2014年第11期713-728,共16页
Part of the article is to study the intersection of two areas: the study of conservation facts oral traditions, intercultural dimensions and social dynamics induced by ICT. On the one hand, oral traditions, their pop... Part of the article is to study the intersection of two areas: the study of conservation facts oral traditions, intercultural dimensions and social dynamics induced by ICT. On the one hand, oral traditions, their popular character, manifest themselves in public in well-defined circumstances. All the techniques of literary invention and social diffusion contribute to evoke a legendary past but also to think about the present. On the other hand, the latest ICT developments may cause contrasting effects: on the one hand, they give unexpected ways ("a historic opportunity") to fight the inevitable decline of oral traditions and to bring the collection and transmission of these oral traditions to a level they had never met; on the other hand, ICTs are a part of a modernity that speeds to abandon ancient traditions and convenes content and modes of narration and representation based on a worldview defined. The set highlights a participatory strategy. This is part of an action research. In other words, it tends to work on the complexity of the situations, the dynamics of the process, the comprehensiveness, and the systemic, social, technological, and cultural forms. 展开更多
关键词 oral traditions strategy interaction PICTURE PHOTOS video film INNOVATION
Commercial Bank's Changes on the Background of the Development of the Internet Finance
作者 Li Weitao 《Review of Global Academics》 2014年第6期418-422,共5页
Currently, an unprecedented financial craze is sweeping the Internet nationwide and bringing impact to traditional banking business model, and commercial banks face constant change response options. This paper argues ... Currently, an unprecedented financial craze is sweeping the Internet nationwide and bringing impact to traditional banking business model, and commercial banks face constant change response options. This paper argues that change is inevitable, and may promote the developments of commercial banks, but maintaining the current situation may be a good strategy. So, According to their own conditions and the environment, the Internet finance choose their own mode of development, in order to acquire social and economic benefits. 展开更多
关键词 commercial bank intemet finance REFORM E-BUSINESS
鸦片战争后通商口岸行会的近代化 被引量:17
作者 虞和平 《历史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1991年第6期122-135,共14页
在现代化的过程中,传统与现代是一种怎样的关系?解剖鸦片战争后通商口岸行会的近代化过程,有助于理解这一问题。行会原本是一种传统的工商业社会组织,属于封建生产关系的范畴。自鸦片战争之后,随着通商口岸的开辟、增加,对外贸易的发展... 在现代化的过程中,传统与现代是一种怎样的关系?解剖鸦片战争后通商口岸行会的近代化过程,有助于理解这一问题。行会原本是一种传统的工商业社会组织,属于封建生产关系的范畴。自鸦片战争之后,随着通商口岸的开辟、增加,对外贸易的发展,城市经济结构和功能的外向化和资本主义化,使通商口岸特别是上海、汉口、广州、天津等外贸中心城市的传统行会走上了近代化的历程,逐步向适应对外经济往来和本国资本主义经济发展需要的方向转化,并在辛亥革命之前普遍成为近代资产阶级社团——商会的成员和基层组织。通商口岸行会的这一近代化过程。 展开更多
关键词 传统行会 通商口岸 近代化 鸦片战争后 对外贸易 行会组织 传统与现代 组织形式 商会 城市经济结构
商事裁判与商会——论晚清苏州商事纠纷的调处 被引量:43
《历史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1996年第1期30-43,共14页
商事裁判与商会——论晚清苏州商事纠纷的调处马敏随着近代中国从传统的农业社会向近代工商业社会转型,大量的商事纠纷逐渐构成为城镇民事诉讼的重要组成部分。近代商会档案为我们研究这些纷纭的商事纠纷提供了丰富的第一手资料。本文... 商事裁判与商会——论晚清苏州商事纠纷的调处马敏随着近代中国从传统的农业社会向近代工商业社会转型,大量的商事纠纷逐渐构成为城镇民事诉讼的重要组成部分。近代商会档案为我们研究这些纷纭的商事纠纷提供了丰富的第一手资料。本文拟利用晚清苏州商会档案中大量的商会... 展开更多
关键词 商事纠纷 苏州商会 商务局 调处息讼 商事诉讼 清政府 商事公断处 传统行会 裁判权 官府
Understanding association of spleen system with earth on Traditional Chinese Medicine theory 被引量:7
作者 Xiaoyuan Yang Chunhua Jia 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第1期134-136,共3页
OBJECTIVE: The association of spleen system including both spleen and stomach with earth, one of the five elements, is a part of the theory of five elements. Practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) used th... OBJECTIVE: The association of spleen system including both spleen and stomach with earth, one of the five elements, is a part of the theory of five elements. Practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) used the theory as a reasoning tool to illustrate the Zang-Fu organs' physiological functions and the interaction among them.The exploration of how the theory of that spleen system is associated with earth was created may provide insights into how five-element theory is applied to TCM practice. METHODS: Using analogism as a method to explore the relationship between earth and spleen system inTCM. RESULTS: Chinese ancestors experienced and observed the features of earth from agricultural practice and used the knowledge for the explanation ofspleen system functions including physiological functions, pathological characteristics and for the treatment of related illnesses. CONCLUSION: The theory of the five elements in TCM is a kind of metaphor, which depends on observation and exploration of the natural world and experience of human beings. 展开更多
关键词 EARTH Spleen system METAPHOR COGNITION Source domain Target domain
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