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“另类力量”的张力与收缩:青年亚文化视角下的粉丝行动 被引量:3
作者 曾昕 沙垚 《当代传播》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第4期63-70,共8页
“饭圈”是近年来饱受争议的青年文化现象,各类粉丝组织表现出强大的组织力、行动力甚至战斗力,各种反转行为在网络中被不断发酵和热议。本文聚焦于饭圈行动如何由娱乐议题引发公共探讨,以及在行动过程中其组织性力量的变化及与主流文... “饭圈”是近年来饱受争议的青年文化现象,各类粉丝组织表现出强大的组织力、行动力甚至战斗力,各种反转行为在网络中被不断发酵和热议。本文聚焦于饭圈行动如何由娱乐议题引发公共探讨,以及在行动过程中其组织性力量的变化及与主流文化的互动方式。研究发现,粉丝在维护偶像的行动中不断介入公共领域,甚至借助公权力来实现行动目的,与主流文化的传统关系发生重大改变。粉丝行动已突破了娱乐文化表达的领域,具备了形成自组织的能力,有潜力形成一种社会动员的民间机制。行动过程中一方面突破娱乐话语权,以正义为名介入公共领域,建构公共意义;另一方面,其行为动因和手段并不足以支撑其名义的公共性,又导致行动过程中公共性的消解与自我反噬。 展开更多
关键词 青年亚文化 粉丝文化 行动 社会融合 公共参与
作者 高冉 《科技传播》 2023年第6期125-128,共4页
社交工具的出现,降低了人类旧有“结圈”行为的成本,成为人类组织旧行动的新杠杆。圈层不仅是区分群体的边界,更是一种社会关系。本研究中的数字圈层指向一种由异质传播主体生成的动态信息聚合网络。信息高频收发者作为基于认知基模展... 社交工具的出现,降低了人类旧有“结圈”行为的成本,成为人类组织旧行动的新杠杆。圈层不仅是区分群体的边界,更是一种社会关系。本研究中的数字圈层指向一种由异质传播主体生成的动态信息聚合网络。信息高频收发者作为基于认知基模展开信息转译行动的人类行动者,使得圈中的信息交互通常处于语境坍塌的状态。在这种信息流动的断裂语境中,自我披露的分享行动、认知一致性的连接行动和差序格局的集体行动共同构建了数字圈层异质传播网络。 展开更多
关键词 数字 信息流动秩序 行动 异质网络
作者 张靖 赵心 《图书与情报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第5期100-110,共11页
针对文献保护研究的理论不足、视角单一问题,将文献保护视作一种实践并在社会实践理论的框架下给予关系视角的关照,能够为文献保护及其研究提供新的思路。文章以建构文献保护实践的场域为重点,设计了社会实践理论框架下的文献保护研究... 针对文献保护研究的理论不足、视角单一问题,将文献保护视作一种实践并在社会实践理论的框架下给予关系视角的关照,能够为文献保护及其研究提供新的思路。文章以建构文献保护实践的场域为重点,设计了社会实践理论框架下的文献保护研究的步骤和方法。研究发现,文献保护实践在进入21世纪之后发生了场域位移,从原来的文化遗产保护场域逐渐位移到了中华优秀传统文化传承发展场域。伴随着这一场域位移,文献保护实践措施日益多元,文献保护类型学框架得以重构;而围绕着文献这一保护对象的保护行动圈不断拓展,行动圈中原有或新进的行动者,都需要重新思考如何才能在新的场域中保持或者获得更佳的位置。 展开更多
关键词 社会实践理论 文献保护实践 场域位移 类型学框架 行动圈 行动
Influence of social upbringing on the activity pattern of captive lion Panthera leo cubs:Benefits of behavior enrichment 被引量:1
作者 Sibonokuhle NCUBE Hilton Garikai Taambuka NDAGURWA 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期389-394,共6页
The influence of social upbringing on the activity pattern of lion Panthera leo cubs was investigated at three sites. In this study, stimulus objects such as sticks, grass, fresh dung (elephant Loxondota africana, ze... The influence of social upbringing on the activity pattern of lion Panthera leo cubs was investigated at three sites. In this study, stimulus objects such as sticks, grass, fresh dung (elephant Loxondota africana, zebra Equus quagga, impala Aepyceros melampus, duiker Sylvicapra grimmia, kudu Tragelaphus strepsiceros, giraffe Giraffa camelopardalis and wildebeest Connochaetes taurinus) and cardboard boxes, were utilized in an enrichment program aimed at encouraging active behaviors of captive lion cubs at Antelope Park and Masuwe. Lion cubs at Chipangali were not behaviorally enriched. Activity patterns were recorded for 10 days at each site. We recorded moving, resting, playing, grooming, visual exploration and display of hunting instincts. We found that behavioral enrichment enhanced the active behaviors of captive lion cubs. Orphan-raised cubs spent more time moving, playing and displaying hunting instincts than mother-raised cubs, but the time spent grooming was similar across areas and suggests that grooming is not influenced by enrichment. Mother-raised cubs spent more time engaged in visual exploration than orphan-raised cubs and this could be a behavior acquired from mothers or a result of confidence to explore because of their presence. Activity patterns were different among time treatments across our three study sites. Based on these findings, we suggest that lion cubs raised in captivity could benefit from behavioral enrichment to encourage active behaviors essential for eventual reintroduction into the wild 展开更多
关键词 Activity pattern Panthera leo Lion cub Behavioral enrichment Orphan raised Mother raised
Differences in hoarding behavior between captive and wild sympatric rodent species 被引量:2
作者 Hongmao ZHANG Yu WANG 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期725-730,共6页
In hand reared birds and mammals, it is generally considered that the development of hoarding behavior is the result of an interaction between the development and maturation of the nervous system and learning from ind... In hand reared birds and mammals, it is generally considered that the development of hoarding behavior is the result of an interaction between the development and maturation of the nervous system and learning from individual experience. How- ever, few studies have been done on wild animals. We tested differences in hoarding behavior between captive reared and wild individuals of two sympatric small rodents, Korean field mice Apodemus peninsulae and Chinese white-bellied rats Niviventer confucianus. Our aim was to identify if lack of experience from the wild would result in poorly developed hoarding behavior. The Korean field mice perform scatter- and larder-hoarding behaviors whereas Chinese white-bellied rats hoard food in larders only. Within outdoor enclosures we compared seed-hoarding behavior in reared juveniles (RJ, 40-50 d old, pregnant mothers were captured in the wild), wild juveniles (WJ, as young as the RJ) and wild adults (WA, over-winter animals). We found that a lack of experience from the wild had significant effects on seed-hoarding behavior for both species. The RJ-group removed and hoarded fewer seeds than the WJ- and WA-groups. The two latter groups hoarded seeds in a similar way. In the Korean filed mouse the ILl-group placed more seeds on the ground surface than other groups. These findings suggest that wild experience is important for the acquisition of an appropriate food-hoarding behavior (especially for scatter-hoarding) in these species 展开更多
关键词 Behavioral ontogeny Food-hoarding behavior INSTINCT Learning Practice Social experience
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