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作者 闫志刚 《人民周刊》 2016年第10期28-29,共2页
关键词 巴马 行受 美国传统 中东政策 启本 小布什 戴维营 特朗普 中东局势 王锦
作者 陈强 《农家致富》 2015年第6期14-14,共1页
今年春节前小麦市场较为低迷,业内人士对节后小麦行情看好的并不多,尤其在市场供给充足、需求不旺的大环境下,今春小麦市场难言乐观。小麦市场供给充足一是农户、贸易商小麦上市量或会增加。随着天气转暖,春耕生产将会陆续开始,为准备... 今年春节前小麦市场较为低迷,业内人士对节后小麦行情看好的并不多,尤其在市场供给充足、需求不旺的大环境下,今春小麦市场难言乐观。小麦市场供给充足一是农户、贸易商小麦上市量或会增加。随着天气转暖,春耕生产将会陆续开始,为准备农用物资,农户小麦变现欲望或会增强。从目前情况看,一些企业仍有一定存量的小麦,迫于资金成本压力及对后市看好预期的降低,估计会有较高的出库积极性。 展开更多
关键词 供给充足 需求不旺 资金成本 行受 农用物资 价格走向 越冬期 中央储备 北方冬麦区 存储时间
“动人以言”兼“动人以行”:中国共产党关于传播的重要理念 被引量:1
作者 张唐彪 《新闻与传播评论》 2023年第4期5-14,共10页
依据现代传播学的专业视野,传播可整体理解为传播主体通过媒介、符号来分享或交流信息的专门性活动。中国传统“言-行”传受智慧基于实用理性,肯定实际行动或事实的示范性说服作用。中国共产党于百年传播实践中一面遵循专业原则,坚持专... 依据现代传播学的专业视野,传播可整体理解为传播主体通过媒介、符号来分享或交流信息的专门性活动。中国传统“言-行”传受智慧基于实用理性,肯定实际行动或事实的示范性说服作用。中国共产党于百年传播实践中一面遵循专业原则,坚持专业传播模式,另一面继承传统“言-行”传受智慧,重视实际行动和事实本身的说服作用,从而形成了一种“双轨传播观”:思想内核上专业原则与实用理性兼顾,行为模式上“动人以言”与“动人以行”并举。这在一定程度上回应了构建中国特色马克思主义传播理论的理论议题,并有利于更加明确和坚定我国国内、国际传播总体实践的基本策略。 展开更多
关键词 传播 “言-”传智慧 双轨传播观 中国共产党
篱式果园最佳行向探讨 被引量:5
作者 刘永朝 《山东农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期393-398,共6页
在篱式果园中,行向对光照条件的影响是一重要问题。该文利用天文三角公式计算太阳在不同纬度地区某日各时刻的位置,同时计算树体的影长并确定影长系数,绘出太阳方位角A与影长系数ctgα的关系图。再根据设计的五种行向,取三行树篱在A^ct... 在篱式果园中,行向对光照条件的影响是一重要问题。该文利用天文三角公式计算太阳在不同纬度地区某日各时刻的位置,同时计算树体的影长并确定影长系数,绘出太阳方位角A与影长系数ctgα的关系图。再根据设计的五种行向,取三行树篱在A^ctgα关系图中求得不同纬度、不同行向、树冠两个面的冠底部与冠中部受光时数,以确定果园在不同纬度地区的最佳行向。 展开更多
关键词 果树 篱式果园
密植果园最佳行向探讨 被引量:3
作者 刘永朝 《邯郸农业高等专科学校学报》 1999年第2期6-9,共4页
在果树矮化密植中,行向与光照的关系是一重要问题。本文利用天文三角公式计算太阳在不同纬度地区某日各时刻的位置,并计算树体的影长,确定影长系数,绘出太阳方位角A与影长系数ctgα的关系图,再根据设计的五种行向,两个冠间距与树... 在果树矮化密植中,行向与光照的关系是一重要问题。本文利用天文三角公式计算太阳在不同纬度地区某日各时刻的位置,并计算树体的影长,确定影长系数,绘出太阳方位角A与影长系数ctgα的关系图,再根据设计的五种行向,两个冠间距与树冠不同部位高的比值,取三行树篱在A~ctgα关系留中求得不同纬度、不同行向、树冠两个面的冠底部与冠中部受光时数,以确定果园在不同纬度地区的最佳行向。 展开更多
关键词 果树 密植果园 光照条件
把握机遇 携手前行
作者 徐爱香 《中学政史地(初中适用)》 2015年第12期5-12,共8页
【时政热点】10月19日至23日,国家主席习近平应英女王伊丽莎白二世邀请,对英国进行国事访问。10月19日,习近平主席抵达伦敦,有一个150人的企业家代表团随行。中国国际贸易促进委员会负责组建的此代表团以金融、基建、能源、汽车、航空... 【时政热点】10月19日至23日,国家主席习近平应英女王伊丽莎白二世邀请,对英国进行国事访问。10月19日,习近平主席抵达伦敦,有一个150人的企业家代表团随行。中国国际贸易促进委员会负责组建的此代表团以金融、基建、能源、汽车、航空、保险、文化、投资等行业为主。10月20日,习近平主席英伦之行受到了超高规格礼遇:下榻白金汉宫,女王举行盛大欢迎仪式,103响礼炮响彻伦敦上空。 展开更多
关键词 伊丽莎白二世 时政热点 欢迎仪式 行受 孔子学院 和平与发展 日至 卡梅伦 中国外交 经济全球化
作者 姜爱华 《中国矫形外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 1992年第2期104-105,共2页
1989年5月~1991年9月,作者对48例下肢延长术后的患肢进行功能锻炼。本组中左股骨延长1例,胫骨延长47例,随访38例,优16例(跛行明显改善,步态近正常,步行8~10公里无不适),良12例(跛行改善,步行3~8公里无不适),尚可6例(轻度跛行,步行1~... 1989年5月~1991年9月,作者对48例下肢延长术后的患肢进行功能锻炼。本组中左股骨延长1例,胫骨延长47例,随访38例,优16例(跛行明显改善,步态近正常,步行8~10公里无不适),良12例(跛行改善,步行3~8公里无不适),尚可6例(轻度跛行,步行1~3公里需休息),无效4例(跛行及耐力均无改善,伴膝关节僵硬,步行受限1例),有效率89.5%。48例中男34例, 展开更多
关键词 延长术 功能锻炼 股骨延长 轻度跛 膝关节僵硬 静力性肌肉收缩 中男 行受 伸屈活动 骨痴形成
Capacity model of on-rampmerging section of urban expressway 被引量:3
作者 曲昭伟 曹宁博 +2 位作者 陈永恒 白乔文 孙磊 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2016年第2期226-232,共7页
To establish the empirical capacity model of an on- ramp merging section, the Erlang distribution is first selected to define the time headway distribution, and then the gap acceptance theory is applied to develop the... To establish the empirical capacity model of an on- ramp merging section, the Erlang distribution is first selected to define the time headway distribution, and then the gap acceptance theory is applied to develop the basic capacity model of the on-ramp merging section. Since not all the time headways on the shoulder lane can be made full use of by on- ramp vehicles, a modified capacity model is developed, which takes the usage probability of time headway into consideration. Then, a model of capacity discount coefficient ~: is developed. Finally, based on the modified capacity model and the model of capacity discount coefficient, an empirical merge capacity model which contains the shoulder lane volume, critical gap, and the distance from nose to merging point, is constructed. Results show that, compared with other models, the proposed model is more reasonable since it takes merging section geometry into consideration, and it is easy to apply. The merge capacity varies with the shoulder lane volume, the critical gap, the distance between the nose and the merging point, and the design velocity of the shoulder lane and ramp. 展开更多
关键词 merging section empirical capacity model urbanexpressway gap acceptance
作者 璐璐 《学生之友(最作文)》 2015年第Z1期8-8,共1页
人称是文章当中不可或缺的写作要素,不要认为它只是一个简单的称谓,在一篇作品中人称的妙用会使文章增色不少。"我或我们"作为第一人称,常常出现在记叙、抒情一类文章中,"我"是事件的亲历者或见证者,可以是作者本人... 人称是文章当中不可或缺的写作要素,不要认为它只是一个简单的称谓,在一篇作品中人称的妙用会使文章增色不少。"我或我们"作为第一人称,常常出现在记叙、抒情一类文章中,"我"是事件的亲历者或见证者,可以是作者本人,也可是杜撰人物,描述的是"我"的所闻所见,抒发的是"我"的真情实感。于作者,因亲于事、出于口、诚于心,叙述的内容真实可信,行文的语言亲切自然。 展开更多
关键词 你我 有我之境 表达观点 行受 法言 地文
洪水滔滔 尽显风流——三明市各级人大代表抗洪救灾追忆
作者 周国斌 《人民政坛》 1994年第8期30-31,共2页
6月11日至19日,我们一行受省人大常委会领导委托,赴三明市三元、梅列、将乐、泰宁、永安、尤溪等县市区和部分人大代表处,了解各级人大代表、人大干部在"5·2"特大洪灾中抗灾、救灾、受灾的情况,并进行慰问。在这期间,我... 6月11日至19日,我们一行受省人大常委会领导委托,赴三明市三元、梅列、将乐、泰宁、永安、尤溪等县市区和部分人大代表处,了解各级人大代表、人大干部在"5·2"特大洪灾中抗灾、救灾、受灾的情况,并进行慰问。在这期间,我们又遇上了三明市的第二次洪灾。 展开更多
关键词 泰宁县 梅列 日至 人民重托 行受 副主任 被困群众 梅口乡 彭坑 并肩战斗
玉米月报:现货窄幅震荡 6月或难成市场分水岭
作者 清朗 《今日养猪业》 2015年第6期24-25,共2页
国内玉米价格整体平稳运行,局部震荡调整。但就目前市场供需形势来看,后期玉米市场消费需求上升动能不足。1现货市场回顾5月国内玉米市场整体震荡前行。港口方面,北港受东北产区2013年临储拍卖量起价高、到港成本高于当前收购价的影响,... 国内玉米价格整体平稳运行,局部震荡调整。但就目前市场供需形势来看,后期玉米市场消费需求上升动能不足。1现货市场回顾5月国内玉米市场整体震荡前行。港口方面,北港受东北产区2013年临储拍卖量起价高、到港成本高于当前收购价的影响,港口购销提价,其中鲅鱼圈、锦州港分别上涨40元/吨。南港前期受库存持续减少影响,贸易商报价上调,但港口替代火热加上需求一般,玉米价格整体上行受制约,后期持稳为主,截至月底,蛇口港上涨70~80元/吨。 展开更多
关键词 东北产区 蛇口港 锦州港 行受 鲅鱼圈 拍卖价 东北粮 企业库存 政策支撑 因素分析
New aspects in celiac disease 被引量:10
作者 MI Torres MA López Casado A Ríos 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第8期1156-1161,共6页
Celiac disease (CD) is a common autoimmune disorder characterized by an immune response to ingested gluten and has a strong HLA association with HLA- DQ2 and HLA-DQ8 molecules, but human HLA-DQ risk factors do not exp... Celiac disease (CD) is a common autoimmune disorder characterized by an immune response to ingested gluten and has a strong HLA association with HLA- DQ2 and HLA-DQ8 molecules, but human HLA-DQ risk factors do not explain the entire genetic susceptibility to gluten intolerance. CD is caused by the lack of immune tolerance (oral tolerance) to wheat gluten. In this sense, the expression of soluble HLA-G in CD is of special interest because the molecule plays an important role in the induction of immune tolerance. The enhanced expression of soluble HLA-G found in CD may be part of a mechanism to restore the gluten intolerance. In this editorial, we review recent progress in understanding CD in relation to its prevalence, diagnosis and possible mechanisms of pathogenesis. 展开更多
关键词 Celiac disease Oral tolerance IL-10 TGF-BETA Gluten intolerance
Epidemiology and clinical course of Crohn's disease:Results from observational studies 被引量:4
作者 istein Hovde Bjrn A Moum 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第15期1723-1731,共9页
The authors review the clinical outcome in patients with Crohn's disease(CD)based on studies describing the natural course of the disease.Population-based studies have demonstrated that the incidence rates and pre... The authors review the clinical outcome in patients with Crohn's disease(CD)based on studies describing the natural course of the disease.Population-based studies have demonstrated that the incidence rates and prevalence rates for CD have increased since the mid-1970s.The authors search for English language articles from 1980 until 2011.Geographical variations,incidence,prevalence,smoking habits,sex,mortality and medications are investigated.An increasing incidence and prevalence of CD have been found over the last three decades.The disease seems to be most common in northern Europe and North America,but is probably increasing also in Asia and Africa.Smoking is associated with an increased risk of developing CD.Age <40 at diagnosis,penetrating/stricturing complications,need for systemic steroids,and disease location in terminal ileum are factors associated with higher relapse rates.A slight predominance of women diagnosed with CD has been found.Ileocecal resection is the most commonly performed surgical procedure,and within the first five years after the diagnosis about one third of the patients have had intestinal surgery.Smoking is associated with a worse clinical course and withincreased risk of flare-ups.In most studies the overall mortality is comparable to the background population.To date,the most effective treatment options in acute flares are glucocorticosteroids and tumor necrosis factor(TNF)-α-blockers.Azathioprine/methotrexate and TNF-α-blockers are effective in maintaining remission. 展开更多
关键词 Crohn's disease EPIDEMIOLOGY Diagnosis SMOKING Extra-intestinal manifestations THERAPY
Microscopic dynamic simulation model for pedestrian at signalized intersection 被引量:2
作者 李珊珊 钱大琳 罗艺 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第11期3351-3362,共12页
Pedestrian's road-crossing model is the key part of micro-simulation for mixed traffic at signalized intersection.To reproduce the crossing behavior of pedestrians,the microscopic behaviors of the pedestrians pass... Pedestrian's road-crossing model is the key part of micro-simulation for mixed traffic at signalized intersection.To reproduce the crossing behavior of pedestrians,the microscopic behaviors of the pedestrians passing through the crosswalk at signalized intersection were analyzed.A pedestrian's decision making model based on gap acceptance theory was proposed.Based on the field data at three typical intersections in Beijing,China,the critical gaps and lags of pedestrians were calibrated.In addition,considering pedestrian's required space,a modification of the social force model that consists of a self-deceleration mechanism prevents a simulated pedestrian from continuously pushing over other pedestrians,making the simulation more realistic.After the simple change,the modified social force model is able to reproduce the fundamental diagram of pedestrian flows for densities less than 3.5 m-2 as reported in the literature. 展开更多
关键词 communication and transportation system pedestrian simulation social force model decision making model fimdamental diagram mixed traffic
Issues in the Influence of Ito-type Noise on the Oscillation of Solutions of Delay Differential Pantograph Equations 被引量:3
作者 Augustine O. Atonuje 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2015年第11期480-487,共8页
In this paper, a deterministic delay differential pantograph equation (DDPE) with an unbounded memory is stochastically perturbed by an Ito-type noise. The contribution of white noise to the oscillatory behaviour of... In this paper, a deterministic delay differential pantograph equation (DDPE) with an unbounded memory is stochastically perturbed by an Ito-type noise. The contribution of white noise to the oscillatory behaviour of the new stochastic delay differential pantograph equation (SDDPE) is investigated. It is established that under certain conditions and with a highly positive probability, the new stochastic delay differential pantograph equation has an oscillatory solution influenced by the presence of the noise. This is not possible with the original deterministic system which has a non-oscillatory solution due to the absence of noise. 展开更多
关键词 Delay differential pantograph equation unbounded memory Ito-type noise oscillatory behaviour stochastic delaydifferential pantograph equation.
A review of light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation in oil and gas well drilling 被引量:4
作者 OLALEYE B M 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2010年第5期752-757,共6页
The prospect of employing Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation(LASER) for well drilling in oil and gas industry was examined.In this work,the experimental works carried out on various oil well drill... The prospect of employing Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation(LASER) for well drilling in oil and gas industry was examined.In this work,the experimental works carried out on various oil well drilling operations was discussed.The results show that,LASER or LASER-aided oil and gas well drilling has many potential advantages over conventional rotary drilling,including high penetration rate,reduction or elimination of tripping,casing,bit costs,enhanced well control,as well as perforating and side-tracking capabilities.The investigation also reveals that modern infrared LASERs have a higher rate of rock cuttings removal than that of conventional rotary drilling and flame-jet spallation.It also reveals that LASER can destroy rock without damaging formation permeability but rather,it enhances or improves permeability and that permeability and porosity increases in all rock types.The paper has therefore provided more knowledge on the potential value to drilling operations and techniques using LASER. 展开更多
关键词 LASER OIL GAS well drilling simulation specific energy SPALLATION
Normalized Design of Multi-channel LIF Digital Receiver
作者 方航锋 郁发兴 汪海航 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2004年第1期68-72,共5页
A design method for parallel processing application on multi-channel low-intermediate-frequency(LIF) digital receiver was presented. It is based on the DSP sub-array with a simple topology and operation timing to eval... A design method for parallel processing application on multi-channel low-intermediate-frequency(LIF) digital receiver was presented. It is based on the DSP sub-array with a simple topology and operation timing to evaluate and determine the processing capability and then construct the parallel processing array for multi-channel signals according to the restriction of operation timing. Using this method, the design of multi-channel digital receiver may be simplified. Finally, a design example was used to show how to apply this method. 展开更多
关键词 parallel processing digital receiver low intermediate frequency(LIF)
Possible effect of fluid shear stress on osteoclastogenesis 被引量:1
作者 Tong Xiaoyu Xia Yayi 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2010年第2期103-109,共7页
Bone remodeling is performed under the joint action of osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Since the effect of osteoclasts has been gradually recognized on bone and joint diseases, targeted researches toward osteoclasts have... Bone remodeling is performed under the joint action of osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Since the effect of osteoclasts has been gradually recognized on bone and joint diseases, targeted researches toward osteoclasts have become a hot research field. This article reviews the relevant medical literature concerning the possible effects of the fluid shear stress (FSS) on the osteoclastogenesis chiefly from the aspects of RANKL-RANK-OPG system, the macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF), and calcitonin receptor (CTR). On the basis of the changes of the expression of osteoclastic activities, it is suggested that FSS is a potent, important regulator of bone metabolism. 展开更多
Modeling and gender difference analysis of acceptance of autonomous driving technology 被引量:2
作者 Chen Yuexia Zha Qifen +2 位作者 Jing Peng Cheng Hengquan Shao Danning 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2021年第2期216-221,共6页
In order to deeply analyze the differences in the acceptance of autonomous driving technology among different gender groups,a multiple indicators and multiple causes model was constructed by integrating a technology a... In order to deeply analyze the differences in the acceptance of autonomous driving technology among different gender groups,a multiple indicators and multiple causes model was constructed by integrating a technology acceptance model and theory of planned behavior to comprehensively reveal the gender differences in the influence mechanisms of subjective and objective factors.The analysis is based on data collected from Chinese urban residents.Among objective factors,age has a significant negative impact on women's perceived behavior control and a significant positive impact on perceived ease of use.Education has a significant positive impact on men's perceived behavior control,and has a strong positive impact on women's perceived usefulness(PU).For men,income and education are found to have strong positive impacts on perceived behavior control.Among subjective factors,perceived ease of use(PEU)has the greatest influence on women's behavior intention,and it is the only influential factor for women's intention to use autonomous driving technology,with an influence coefficient of 0.72.The influencing path of men's intention to use autonomous driving technology is more complex.It is not only directly affected by the significant and positive joint effects of attitude and PU,but also indirectly affected by perceived behavior controls,subjective norms,and PEU. 展开更多
关键词 autonomous vehicle acceptance of autonomous driving technology technology acceptance model theory of planned behavior multiple indicators and multiple causes model
作者 张唐彪 《传媒观察》 2023年第12期28-36,共9页
西方主流传播学基于专业原则,将传播认知逐渐固化为一种“专业传播观”:传播专指传播主体通过诉诸媒介、符号来分享或交流信息的专门性活动。中国传统思想中的“言-行”传受智慧,以及中国共产党的百年传播实践,滋养、印证了一种发源于... 西方主流传播学基于专业原则,将传播认知逐渐固化为一种“专业传播观”:传播专指传播主体通过诉诸媒介、符号来分享或交流信息的专门性活动。中国传统思想中的“言-行”传受智慧,以及中国共产党的百年传播实践,滋养、印证了一种发源于中国智慧、根植于中国经验的“双轨传播观”:在“言-行”双轨框架下,一方面基于专业原则坚决通过诉诸媒介和符号“以言语说话”,另一方面基于崇实精神通过诉诸行为和事实“以事实说话”。从“专业传播观”到“双轨传播观”的转向,具有一定程度的“重构传播学想象力”意义。 展开更多
关键词 传播 专业传播观 “言-”传智慧 中国共产党百年传播实践
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