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践行好区域发展总体战略 实现城市发展新跨越 被引量:11
作者 郭先登 《环渤海经济瞭望》 2016年第4期3-9,共7页
如何在新常态经济社会发展形态下,践行好国家实施的区域发展总体战略和实现城市发展新跨越呢?这是一个决定中国未来发展的重大理论与实践问题。践行好国家实施的区域发展总体战略和实现城市发展新跨越,需要透彻认识指导区域发展和城市... 如何在新常态经济社会发展形态下,践行好国家实施的区域发展总体战略和实现城市发展新跨越呢?这是一个决定中国未来发展的重大理论与实践问题。践行好国家实施的区域发展总体战略和实现城市发展新跨越,需要透彻认识指导区域发展和城市发展新跨越科学全面缜密的理性逻辑;全面深度对接国家发展战略体系,深入对接国家实施区域发展计划大工程;需要以"五大理念"指导"五个统筹",实现"城市管理"向"城市治理"的伟大跨越;需要精准把握国家"供给侧结构性改革"成果的落地,创新符合域情的"供给侧结构性改革"的具体操作模式。 展开更多
关键词 区域发展 总体战略 行好 城市发展 新跨越
作者 梁凱 《华文教学与研究》 CSSCI 2024年第2期82-88,共7页
文章主要对表制止的话语标记“可以了”的语用功能、形成过程及其动因与机制进行考察。考察发现,话语标记“可以了”具有话语组织、制止受话人和礼貌委婉功能。“可以了”由助动词“可以”和语气词“了”作肯定性应答语的用法发展而来,... 文章主要对表制止的话语标记“可以了”的语用功能、形成过程及其动因与机制进行考察。考察发现,话语标记“可以了”具有话语组织、制止受话人和礼貌委婉功能。“可以了”由助动词“可以”和语气词“了”作肯定性应答语的用法发展而来,在语用推理、类推机制和语境影响下逐渐规约化为一个表制止的话语标记。最后,文章对“可以了”与相关话语标记“好了”“行了”进行比较分析,发现它们在话语否定指向、主观情态、礼貌程度以及是否具有开启话题功能等方面存在差异。 展开更多
关键词 话语标记 “可以了” “好了” “行了” 制止
作者 江南尘 《奋斗》 2014年第1期62-63,共2页
关键词 杂文 文学作品 现代文学 《但行好事》
作者 橘子的味道 蓝色创可贴(图) 飞翔舞(图) 《博客族》 2012年第9期41-48,共8页
【镇定啊,木微微!】 人倒霉的时候,喝凉水都会塞牙!谁说不是呢? 因为妈妈的一句“ 小衰以后住我们家了”,
关键词 小说 文学作品 现代文学 《衰神少爷行行好
《老年世界》 2012年第10期11-11,共1页
关键词 杂文 文学作品 现代文学 《但行好 莫问前程》
作者 姚兰 《中国市场》 2016年第14期215-216,共2页
关键词 体育特长生 行好 莫问前程 做足过程 看淡结果
The Social Limitations in the Development of Asian American Literature
作者 LIANG Ying 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第11期886-897,共12页
This paper traces the social limitations in the development of Asian American literature. The label "Asian American literature" is so instrumental in instituting the literature, can also regulate creativity. As a st... This paper traces the social limitations in the development of Asian American literature. The label "Asian American literature" is so instrumental in instituting the literature, can also regulate creativity. As a strategic term and group identification, "Asian American" lends itself to the illusion of unity and homogeneity. Scholars differ in the way they elect to demarcate Asian American literature. One of the fundamental barriers to understanding and appreciating Asian American literary expression has been the existence of race stereotypes about Asians in American popular culture. For many Asian American writers, ethnic authenticity is a necessary but weak choice Most early immigrant writers write to challenge the negative view of Asia in the West and see themselves as ambassadors of goodwill to the West. The purpose is to mark difference as exotica and appeal to the benign curiosity of the Western readers while appeal to notions of universal humanity. This type of strong ethnic quotient writing continues to exist in various guises even today. The trade publishers have a predilection for Asian American personal narratives that stress the "model minority" discourse, "good workers" image, and Asian Americans' ability to accommodate to the basic rules of American society. Asian American writers never stop attempting to build bridges. But we should remind ourselves that boundary crossing must not be merely an aesthetic and intellectual exercise . 展开更多
关键词 ambassadors of goodwill HOMOGENEITY ethnic authenticity artistic freedom
Handedness found in a wild group of moor monkeys Macaca maurus in the Karaenta Nature Reserve, South Sulawesi,Indonesia
作者 Kunio WATANABE 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期209-212,共4页
Hand preference of wild moor monkeys Macaca maurus was investigated in food reaching situations at the Karaenta Nature Reserve, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The frequency picking up sweet-corn grains to take into the mo... Hand preference of wild moor monkeys Macaca maurus was investigated in food reaching situations at the Karaenta Nature Reserve, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The frequency picking up sweet-corn grains to take into the mouth by either hand of monkeys was counted directly at the feeding ground where sweet-corn grains were scattered for monkeys. Among the 20 monkeys examined, 8 were right-handed, 8 were left-handed, and 4 were ambilateral. The results indicated the prevailed hand preference on individual level but not either trends of left- or right-hand preference on population level. The trend toward a higher proportion of left-handed monkeys found in Japanese and rhesus monkeys was not found. Some other characteristics found in moor monkeys are discussed in comparison with those previous findings in Japanese and Tibetan macaques in order to evaluate variations within the genus Macaca 展开更多
关键词 Moor macaque Macaca maurus HANDEDNESS LATERALITY SULAWESI
嬗变的醮会:河北赵县豆腐庄皇醮会调查报告 被引量:4
作者 王学文 岳永逸 《民俗研究》 CSSCI 2009年第1期190-208,共19页
河北省赵县豆腐庄长期有着皇醮会,这一群体性的祭典在改革开放后得以公开恢复。在当地,豆腐庄与学界持续关注的龙牌会所在地范庄是"对子村"。在历史上,皇醮会与龙牌会之间有着紧密的关系,目前两个会仍然友好往来。根据村民的... 河北省赵县豆腐庄长期有着皇醮会,这一群体性的祭典在改革开放后得以公开恢复。在当地,豆腐庄与学界持续关注的龙牌会所在地范庄是"对子村"。在历史上,皇醮会与龙牌会之间有着紧密的关系,目前两个会仍然友好往来。根据村民的口述和参与观察,本文追述了皇醮会的历史,详细描述了2003年皇醮会的盛况,希望借此能深化学界对龙牌会、醮会以及乡村庙会、民间信仰的研究。 展开更多
关键词 民间信仰 乡村庙会 醮会 对子村 行好
内丘七月七庙会仪式剪纸研究——关于天棚地棚剪纸活态流变的田野调查 被引量:1
作者 苏欢 《中国民族美术》 2015年第3期70-75,共6页
牛郎织女故事传说在河北省内丘县广泛流传,但在七月七这天,内丘县东关庙妇女齐聚寺院跪拜“天棚地棚”却并不为颂扬牛郎织女的爱情故事,而是为共同的民间信仰习俗。同一时间框架内,牛郎织女故事与当地民间信仰习俗互相渗透,两种传统习... 牛郎织女故事传说在河北省内丘县广泛流传,但在七月七这天,内丘县东关庙妇女齐聚寺院跪拜“天棚地棚”却并不为颂扬牛郎织女的爱情故事,而是为共同的民间信仰习俗。同一时间框架内,牛郎织女故事与当地民间信仰习俗互相渗透,两种传统习俗在偶遇中发生文化边界的模糊、交融。天棚地棚剪纸图示在传人的独特天赋与自我理解中填加、丰富;而天棚地棚成为“非遗”后,传承人的荣誉带来的传人之争与相关研究者对地方文化的解释,改变了剪纸的图像解释、传承方式和活态流变。本文记录了天棚地棚剪纸三代传人间的传承与流变。 展开更多
关键词 七月七庙会 行好 仪式剪纸 天棚地棚 牛郎织女传说
全面实行村党组织书记县级党委备案管理 被引量:4
作者 中共湖北省委组织部 《党建研究》 2019年第5期25-26,共2页
为贯彻落实习近平总书记关于加强农村基层党组织书记队伍建设的重要指示精神,湖北省在2018年村“两委”换届中,探索建立县委主导、县乡联动、全程把关的村党组织书记县级党委备案管理机制。换届后,全省村党组织书记、村委会主任“一肩... 为贯彻落实习近平总书记关于加强农村基层党组织书记队伍建设的重要指示精神,湖北省在2018年村“两委”换届中,探索建立县委主导、县乡联动、全程把关的村党组织书记县级党委备案管理机制。换届后,全省村党组织书记、村委会主任“一肩挑”达98.5%,新调整村党组织书记10877人,调整面达47.9%,村党组织书记队伍质量得到全面优化提升。坚持县级党委定向,严把选人标准。 展开更多
关键词 政治素质 队伍 备案 县乡 选人 书记 行好
上党庙会书艺人的市场竞争及生存策略 被引量:1
作者 刘重麟 《艺术与民俗》 2021年第3期59-68,共10页
上党地区的"庙会书"是一种在民间信仰活动中表演的说唱艺术,依据表演形式的不同,可以分为地摊书、搭棚书、舞台书等。庙会书具有一套完整而稳定的仪式程序和说唱结构,考察整个订书流程,可以发现说唱市场呈现为三种基本关系:... 上党地区的"庙会书"是一种在民间信仰活动中表演的说唱艺术,依据表演形式的不同,可以分为地摊书、搭棚书、舞台书等。庙会书具有一套完整而稳定的仪式程序和说唱结构,考察整个订书流程,可以发现说唱市场呈现为三种基本关系:以香客信任为基础的还愿交换关系、以庙宇经济为核心的集体供养关系、以村落共同体为主体的商业雇佣关系。其中,说书艺人作为庙会活动中的文化主体与经济主体,运用"垫话技巧""班主轮动制度""线上社交圈"等方式最大限度地增加个人收入。从民间曲艺的市场化过程可以看出,礼俗社会是维持仪式性说唱神圣感的基础要素,而艺人缘际成为曲艺展演生活化的变量,两者在民间"行好"的行动逻辑中维持着动态的平衡关系。 展开更多
关键词 庙会书 说书艺人 生计方式 行好 市场关系
作者 佚名 《北方人》 2019年第10期39-39,共1页
那天,我驾车上班,在十字路口等红灯。过来一位老者,约莫六七十岁,胡子拉碴,满脸沧桑,穿一件破旧棉袄,胸前挂一黑色人造革挎包,脏兮兮的手上攥着几张一元纸币。'老板,行行好,实在没有办法了。'通常,遇见乞讨的老人我都乐意施舍... 那天,我驾车上班,在十字路口等红灯。过来一位老者,约莫六七十岁,胡子拉碴,满脸沧桑,穿一件破旧棉袄,胸前挂一黑色人造革挎包,脏兮兮的手上攥着几张一元纸币。'老板,行行好,实在没有办法了。'通常,遇见乞讨的老人我都乐意施舍。凑巧,硬币盒里的硬币刚好用完,摸了摸口袋,也没有零钱。我歉意地笑了笑,'不好意思,今天没带零钱。''哦,这样啊,要不我给你找零?' 展开更多
关键词 盒里 黑色 硬币 零钱 老板 老者 行好
作者 林清玄 《读写月报(初中版)》 2019年第1期64-64,共1页
一个富人,正在自家的花园里赏梅花。那是冬日寒冷的清晨,艳红的梅花正以最美丽的姿容吐露,富人颇为自己的花园里能开出这样美丽的梅花,而感到无比的快慰。突然,门外传来敲门的声音。富人去开了门,发现一个衣衫褴褛的乞丐,在寒风里冻得... 一个富人,正在自家的花园里赏梅花。那是冬日寒冷的清晨,艳红的梅花正以最美丽的姿容吐露,富人颇为自己的花园里能开出这样美丽的梅花,而感到无比的快慰。突然,门外传来敲门的声音。富人去开了门,发现一个衣衫褴褛的乞丐,在寒风里冻得直打抖。那乞丐已在这开满梅花的园外冻了一夜,他说:“先生,行行好,可不可以给我一点东西吃。” 展开更多
关键词 先生 艳红 姿容 乞丐 美丽 富人 行好
作者 张长弓 《朔方》 2014年第9期130-135,共6页
一 回到故乡,逢集,我便非常愉快地在集市上遛弯儿。七月的边塞小城是金色的。金色的老玉米,金色的大番瓜,金色的鱼——这些耀眼的东西都是农民汗水的河流浇灌出来的金色的花圃!集市是这样繁华,新鲜的蔬菜呈现出鹅黄、嫩绿、紫红,羊肉... 一 回到故乡,逢集,我便非常愉快地在集市上遛弯儿。七月的边塞小城是金色的。金色的老玉米,金色的大番瓜,金色的鱼——这些耀眼的东西都是农民汗水的河流浇灌出来的金色的花圃!集市是这样繁华,新鲜的蔬菜呈现出鹅黄、嫩绿、紫红,羊肉挂在钩上,猪肉摆在案头,小猪崽吱哇乱叫,大白鹅伸长脖子饶有兴味地望着喜气洋洋的人们。 展开更多
关键词 行好积德 眉梢眼角 上跳 群山环抱 野孩子 小说选 大狱 事要 我一 给你
Impact of Tourist Environmental Awareness on Environmental Friendly Behaviors: A Case Study from Qinghai Lake, China 被引量:5
作者 曾瑜皙 钟林生 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2017年第5期502-513,共12页
This paper examines the influence environmental awareness and recreation experience has on the environmentally-friendly behavior of tourists, and identifies the function of perceived quality as an intermediary variabl... This paper examines the influence environmental awareness and recreation experience has on the environmentally-friendly behavior of tourists, and identifies the function of perceived quality as an intermediary variable. By providing a conceptual framework based on the combination of environmental awareness theory and tourist perception theory, and a SEM-based methodology, an in-depth analysis of the influence mechanism was carried out in the Qinghai Lake area of Qinghai province. Results show that there exist differences in the ways environmental awareness influences perceived gains and perceived losses, and the influence coefficient of the former is higher than that of the latter. The perceived gains may promote environmentally friendly behaviors, while the perceived losses have an adverse impact on such behaviors. Moreover, the strength of the adverse impact of the latter is less than the strength of the positive impact of the former. The mediating effect of perceived quality was confirmed in the EA(environmental awareness)-EB(environmental behavior) nexus, within which the influence of tourist environmental awareness on environmentally friendly behavior could be transformed. The mediating effect of perceived quality in the perceived-gains model was more obvious than that in the perceived-losses model. This study highlights the importance of understanding the foundations of environmental behavior related to environmental awareness and tourist perceptions. 展开更多
关键词 TOURISTS environmentally-friendly-index (EFI) environmental awareness perceived quality Qinghai Lake
Innate preference in Drosophila melanogaster 被引量:2
作者 GONG ZheFeng 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2012年第1期8-14,共7页
Innate preference behaviors are fundamental for animal survival. They actually form the basis for many animal complex behaviors. Recent years have seen significant progresses in disclosing the molecular and neural mec... Innate preference behaviors are fundamental for animal survival. They actually form the basis for many animal complex behaviors. Recent years have seen significant progresses in disclosing the molecular and neural mechanism underlying animal innate preferences, especially in Drosophila. In this review, I will review these studies according to the sensory modalities adopted for preference assaying, such as vision, olfaction, thermal sensation. The behavioral strategies and the theoretic models for the formation of innate preferences are also reviewed and discussed. 展开更多
关键词 DROSOPHILA innate preference tactic behavior SENSATION
Effect of thermal acclimation on thermal preference, resistance and locomotor performance of hatchling soft-shelled turtle 被引量:2
作者 Mei-Xian WU Ling-Jun HU +2 位作者 Wei DANG Hong-Liang LU Wei-Guo DU 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第6期718-724,共7页
The significant influence of thermal acclimation on physiological and behavioral performance has been documented in many ectothermic animals, but such studies are still limited in turtle species. We acclimated hatchli... The significant influence of thermal acclimation on physiological and behavioral performance has been documented in many ectothermic animals, but such studies are still limited in turtle species. We acclimated hatchling soft-shelled turtles Pelodiscus sinensis under three thermal conditions (10, 20 and 30~C) for 4 weeks, and then measured selected body temperature (Tsel), critical thermal minimum (CTMin) and maximum (CTM^x), and locomotor performance at different body temperatures. Thermal acclimation significantly affected thermal preference and resistance of P sinensis hatchlings. Hatchling turtles accli- mated to 10~C selected relatively lower body temperatures and were less resistant to high temperatures than those acclimated to 20~C and 30~C. The turtles' resistance to low temperatures increased with a decreasing acclimation temperature. The thermal re- sistance range (i.e. the difference between CTM^x and CTMin, TRR) was widest in turtles acclimated to 20~C, and narrowest in those acclimated to 10~C. The locomotor performance of turtles was affected by both body temperature and acclimation tem- perature. Hatchling turtles acclimated to relatively higher temperatures swam faster than did those acclimated to lower temperatures. Accordingly, hatchling turtles acclimated to a particular temperature may not enhance the performance at that temperature. Instead, hatchlings acclimated to relatively warm temperatures have a better performance, supporting the "hotter is better" hypothesis. 展开更多
关键词 Pelodiscus sinensis Thermal acclimation Thermal resistance Locomotor performance
Exploring Factors Affecting Farmers' Implementation of Wildlife-friendly Farming on Sado Island, Japan 被引量:5
作者 中村慧 柘植隆宏 +2 位作者 大久保悟 武内和彦 西川潮 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2014年第4期370-380,共11页
Implementing wildlife-friendly farming (WFF) practices is a sound approach to sustain ecological restoration of farmland. The aims of the study were to explore factors affecting farmers’ implementation of WFF pract... Implementing wildlife-friendly farming (WFF) practices is a sound approach to sustain ecological restoration of farmland. The aims of the study were to explore factors affecting farmers’ implementation of WFF practices on Sado Island, Japan and to consider the policy implications of disseminating such practices. All 5010 farming households on Sado Island, who are distributing rice to Japan Agricultural Cooperatives (JA), were surveyed. In total, 2231 households responded to the questionnaire (response 44.5%). By comparing the attitudes, beliefs, and attributes of non-certiifed versus certiifed farmers, we identiifed key factors affecting farmers’ implementation of WFF practices. Compared with non-certified farmers, certified farmers: (i) showed a greater interest in biodiversity and the ifnancial beneifts of WFF; (i) had a larger number of certiifed farmer friends; (ii) felt many more pressures and expectations from consumers, in particular; and (iv) were not hampered by bad labor or farmland conditions when implementing WFF practices. To further disseminate WFF practices in Sado, we suggest that the information on the effectiveness of WFF on paddy ifeld biodiversity is used in public education, and opportunities for interchanging opinions are set up between non-certiifed and certiifed farmers, as wel as between farmers and consumers. 展开更多
关键词 environmentally friendly farming theory of planned behavior Globally-Important Agricultural HeritageSystems (GIAHS) crested ibis ECO-LABEL
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