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《书品》 2003年第6期72-74,共3页
关键词 行素斋杂记》 清朝 笔记小说 继昌 满洲家族
基于局部行像素对比度的红外弱小目标检测 被引量:2
作者 苗晓孔 王春平 付强 《电光与控制》 北大核心 2016年第12期5-9,13,共6页
针对天空背景下云层对弱小目标的干扰,以及靶场实验中观测设备所产生的拖影现象对目标检测所带来的干扰等问题,提出了一种基于局部行像素对比度的空中红外弱小目标检测算法,用于检测低信噪比条件下的空中红外弱小目标。该方法利用中值... 针对天空背景下云层对弱小目标的干扰,以及靶场实验中观测设备所产生的拖影现象对目标检测所带来的干扰等问题,提出了一种基于局部行像素对比度的空中红外弱小目标检测算法,用于检测低信噪比条件下的空中红外弱小目标。该方法利用中值滤波和形态滤波获取滤波图像,结合目标区域像素特点提取滤波图像中感兴趣区域,然后利用局部行像素对比度的方法检测目标位置,极大提高了检测效率,缩短了检测时间。从理论上介绍和分析了该算法对红外弱小目标图像检测算法的有效性,并通过Matlab仿真实验与其他检测算法进行了对比。实验结果表明,所提算法能够在低信噪比条件下更加有效地检测出空中红外弱小目标,检测精度更高、效果更好。 展开更多
关键词 目标检测 红外弱小目标 局部 对比度检测
作者 徐州市农行课题组 《江苏农村金融》 1992年第3期8-9,共2页
银行素以制度严格而著称。可近些年来,在执行制度中,却时有有章不循,违章不究等现象,既影响银行的声誉,也给国家资财造成了损失,同时又毁掉了一批干部。那么,如何切实贯彻执行银行各项管理制度呢? 1.职责明确。农业银行有多项管理制度,... 银行素以制度严格而著称。可近些年来,在执行制度中,却时有有章不循,违章不究等现象,既影响银行的声誉,也给国家资财造成了损失,同时又毁掉了一批干部。那么,如何切实贯彻执行银行各项管理制度呢? 1.职责明确。农业银行有多项管理制度,但哪些管理制度由哪些科、股负责贯彻执行的,由哪些科、股负责检查、考核、监督的,均应明确。行长与副行长。 展开更多
关键词 行素 管理制度 会计部门 审计部门 分管部门 藐视法庭罪 监察部门 至亲好友 个人感情 使人
捕捉灵感 悟性先行——写作教学探索一二三
作者 陈渝 《写作》 2015年第3期11-13,共3页
清代作家袁宏道在《行素园存稿引》中说:“机境偶触,文忽生焉。”形象地说,就像某一个偶然的情景,如同电光火石一样闪耀到人的性灵上,使人顿生感悟,写作灵感忽然展现,达到“大音希声”的境界。写作是需要悟性的,也需要灵感,需要冲动。... 清代作家袁宏道在《行素园存稿引》中说:“机境偶触,文忽生焉。”形象地说,就像某一个偶然的情景,如同电光火石一样闪耀到人的性灵上,使人顿生感悟,写作灵感忽然展现,达到“大音希声”的境界。写作是需要悟性的,也需要灵感,需要冲动。如果一个好的作文题能像鲜花吸引蜜蜂那样吸引学生,那么,学生见到作文题后就会眼睛为之一亮,精神为之一振,思想上就会撞击出耀眼的火花。于是写作欲望顿生, 展开更多
关键词 写作欲望 写作灵感 感受生活 电光火石 行素 大音希声 存稿 发现美 问渠那得清如许 使人
一本新发现的《聊斋诗集》抄本 被引量:3
作者 赵蔚芝 张庆林 《蒲松龄研究》 1991年第1期234-247,共14页
关键词 聊斋诗集 张庆林 入禅 行素 华子冈 原诗 朝市 乐府体 雪因 樵唱
Oxidation behavior of Zr-containing Ti_2AlNb-based alloy at 800°C 被引量:2
作者 党薇 李金山 +1 位作者 张铁邦 寇宏超 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第3期783-790,共8页
The oxidation behavior of Ti?22Al?(27?x)Nb?xZr (x=0, 1, 6) alloys at 800 °C for exposure time up to 100 h was examined. It is shown that oxidation rate of experimental alloys obeys the parabolic kinetics. Ti?22Al... The oxidation behavior of Ti?22Al?(27?x)Nb?xZr (x=0, 1, 6) alloys at 800 °C for exposure time up to 100 h was examined. It is shown that oxidation rate of experimental alloys obeys the parabolic kinetics. Ti?22Al?26Nb?1Zr alloy demonstrates more excellent oxidation resistance than the other two alloys. The main oxidation products are TiO2, Al2O3 and AlNbO4 phases for all these alloys. For the Ti?22Al?26Nb?1Zr alloy, Zr addition can modify the growth mechanism of oxide scale, which can effectively hinder the diffusion of oxygen. Whereas, reaction of Zr with oxygen leads to the formation of ZrO2 precipitates for the Ti?22Al?21Nb?6Zr alloy, which promotes the oxygen ingress into the substrate. Meanwhile, oxidation affected zones, including internal-oxidation layer and oxygen-enriched zone, are present beneath the outmost oxide scale. The difference in these zones is derived from the phase constitution in the starting Ti?22Al?(27?x)Nb?xZr (x=0, 1, 6) alloys. 展开更多
关键词 oxidation behavior Ti2AlNb-based alloy ZR oxide scale oxidation affected zone
古诗词中寻“美食” 被引量:1
作者 魏咏柏 《烹调知识》 2015年第6期7-7,共1页
唐代诗人杜甫虽不是美食家,但写了不少关于美食的诗。《丽人行》中有"紫驼之峰出翠釜,水精之盘行素鳞;犀箸餍饫久未下,鸾刀缕切空纷纶;黄门飞不动尘,御厨络绎送八珍。"的诗句,即为"八珍"。在《赠卫八处士》中,杜甫写道:"问答未及... 唐代诗人杜甫虽不是美食家,但写了不少关于美食的诗。《丽人行》中有"紫驼之峰出翠釜,水精之盘行素鳞;犀箸餍饫久未下,鸾刀缕切空纷纶;黄门飞不动尘,御厨络绎送八珍。"的诗句,即为"八珍"。在《赠卫八处士》中,杜甫写道:"问答未及已,儿女罗酒浆。夜雨剪春韭,新炊间黄梁。"在《观打鱼歌》中写道:"饔子左右挥双刀,脍飞金盘白雪高。徐州秃尾不足忆,汉阴槎头远遁逃。鲂鱼肥美知第一,既饱欢娱亦萧瑟。" 展开更多
关键词 行素 赠卫八处士 古诗词 秃尾 双刀 鸾刀 夜雨 玉脍 水精 御厨
Community-based Survey of Prevalence and Risk Factors of Syphilis among Injection Drug Users in Sichuan Province, China 被引量:2
作者 阮玉华 何益新 +11 位作者 周枫 刘石柱 秦光明 孙乔 刘刚 陈康林 陈显煌 郝沁宁 洪坤学 陈建平 刑辉 邵一鸣 《Chinese Journal of Sexually Transmitted Infections》 2004年第1期1-6,62,共7页
Objectives: To investigate prevalence and risk fac-tors of syphilis infection among injection drug users(IDUs) in Lianshan Yizu Autonomous Region ofSichuan province, China.Methods: From November 8th 2002 to November29... Objectives: To investigate prevalence and risk fac-tors of syphilis infection among injection drug users(IDUs) in Lianshan Yizu Autonomous Region ofSichuan province, China.Methods: From November 8th 2002 to November29th 2002, a community-based cross-sectional surveywas conducted to investigate the demographic charac-teristics and sexual behaviors of a population of IDUs.Blood samples were collected to test for syphilisinfection. A total of 379 subjects were recruitedfor the study through community outreach and peerrecruiting methods.Results: Of 379 IDUs, the syphilis prevalence amongIDUs was 15.3% (58/379). Gender, years of education,history of unprotected sex with non-steady sex part-ner in the last month, number of sex partners in thelast 6 months, frequency of sex with non-steady sexpartner in the last 6 months, and number of any newsex partner(s) in the last 6 months were associatedwith syphilis infection after univariate analysis usingthe chi-squared test. Multivariate logistic regressionanalysis showed that ethnicity (OR, 2.85; 95% CI,1.55-5.25), marriage (OR, 1.94; 95% CI, 1.04-3.62)and receiving money for sex in the last 6 months (OR, ,5.60; 95% CI, 2.65-11.85) were significantly associ-ated with syphilis infection among IDUs.Conclusions: This study found that receiving moneyfor sex in the last 6 months was significantly associ-ated with syphilis prevalence among IDUs. It isrecommended that further health education andintervention campaigns be focused on IDUs to promotesafe sexual practices. 展开更多
关键词 SYPHILIS STI HIV condom use sexualbehavior IDUS
作者 林敬姜 《小学教学参考(语文版)》 1998年第6期5-5,共1页
兴趣是学生学习的内驱力,是推动学生探求知识和获得知识的一种强烈的内在因素.培养学生的作文兴趣,激发学生作文的积极性、主动性,不仅代克服学生对作文的畏难情绪,解除思想负担、使学生在一种跃跃欲试的心态下作文,而且能增强作文训练... 兴趣是学生学习的内驱力,是推动学生探求知识和获得知识的一种强烈的内在因素.培养学生的作文兴趣,激发学生作文的积极性、主动性,不仅代克服学生对作文的畏难情绪,解除思想负担、使学生在一种跃跃欲试的心态下作文,而且能增强作文训练的动力,提高作文训练的质量. 展开更多
关键词 作文兴趣 思想负担 讨论交流 凡卡 内驱力 写作欲望 姐弟俩 身临其境之感 行素 森林公园
作者 王丽琴 《江苏农村金融》 1991年第12期48-49,共2页
银行素以规章制度严密、核算手续严格著称。然而近几年来,银行内部各种经济案件屡屡发生,从而暴露出了内部管理上尤其是会计工作中的不少问题,有的甚至十分严重,应引起各级领导和会计工作人员的重视。一、印、押、证分管制度流于形式。... 银行素以规章制度严密、核算手续严格著称。然而近几年来,银行内部各种经济案件屡屡发生,从而暴露出了内部管理上尤其是会计工作中的不少问题,有的甚至十分严重,应引起各级领导和会计工作人员的重视。一、印、押、证分管制度流于形式。基层所社虽然都配备了联行专职人员,但有时仍存在着印、押、证兼管的问题。有的所社印、押、证虽然都是按规定分人进行管理,但遇到有人请假休息时便常常兼管,下班时各自入箱加锁分管,上班时共用共管。 展开更多
关键词 会计工作 行素 会计 记帐规则 人员业务 检查制度 加锁 资金周转 结算业务
作者 李炳军 刘思峰 任盈盈 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2005年第1期78-83,共6页
The grey quasi-preferred analysis (GQPA) is one of important methods for realizing system analysis to conquer the limitations of the existing GQPA model, without any considerations to the difference of the different b... The grey quasi-preferred analysis (GQPA) is one of important methods for realizing system analysis to conquer the limitations of the existing GQPA model, without any considerations to the difference of the different behavioral factor′s importance. It could not be used to analyze the complex system with multi-hierarchy correlation factors, the weighted synthetic method for calculating abstract incidence degrees between the system beha-vioral characteristics and correlative factors in different hierarchies is given out,and the hierarchic grey quasi-preferred analysis (HGQPA) model is established. The effectiveness of the HGQPA model is tested by the scientific-technical system of Jiangsu Province. The depth and the range of the application of GQPA are developed, and the HGQPA model is regarded as a new approach to systemically analyze the complex systems with multi-hierarchy correlation factors. 展开更多
关键词 multi-hierarchy quasi-preferred analysis MODEL grey system
作者 贵体谦 《湖南教育(上旬)(A)》 1993年第11期5-7,共3页
一古城常德的西端,有一排如驼峰的古代建筑阵列于狂涛奔腾的沅江北岸,这就是常德人引为自豪的象征——笔架城。相传这笔架城为晋代书法家王羲之搁笔所用。也许是这灵气,使得常德这块古老的土地人杰地灵,人才辈出。林伯渠、帅孟奇、丁玲... 一古城常德的西端,有一排如驼峰的古代建筑阵列于狂涛奔腾的沅江北岸,这就是常德人引为自豪的象征——笔架城。相传这笔架城为晋代书法家王羲之搁笔所用。也许是这灵气,使得常德这块古老的土地人杰地灵,人才辈出。林伯渠、帅孟奇、丁玲等一代光耀后人的革命家、文学家、教育家就是常德人的骄傲。贺大国。 展开更多
关键词 笔架城 育英 帅孟奇 行素 一把伞 咳嗽声 相信你 人民教师 观察日记 教坛
作者 胡泊 《生命与灾害》 1994年第6期18-19,共2页
关键词 外科医生 副主任医师 巡回护士 供血者 神志昏迷 中心血站 行素 丙型肝炎 丙肝抗原 化验报告
作者 蔡奎生 《中国外汇管理》 2003年第11期46-46,共1页
在国际贸易结算中,一些开证行为了缩短收汇线路,在开立信用证时,使用了偿付行和偿付条款。由于一些索偿行的经办人员对URR525不够熟悉,或提前索汇,或逾期索汇,给索偿行带来不必要的利息赔付。索偿行应何时索偿远期偿付信用证款项,下面... 在国际贸易结算中,一些开证行为了缩短收汇线路,在开立信用证时,使用了偿付行和偿付条款。由于一些索偿行的经办人员对URR525不够熟悉,或提前索汇,或逾期索汇,给索偿行带来不必要的利息赔付。索偿行应何时索偿远期偿付信用证款项,下面结合对两个相关案例进行分析。案例一: 索偿行议付了一票单据,开证行承兑到期日为2003年1月17日,索偿行于承兑到期日向偿付行发送索偿要求,2003年1月22日收到索偿款项,起息日为1月21日。 展开更多
关键词 远期偿付信用证 偿付 远期汇票 索偿要求 国际贸易结算
Epidemiological study: Correlation between diet habits and constipation among elderly in Beijing region 被引量:20
作者 Xiao-Jiao Yang Mei Zhang +4 位作者 Hong-Ming Zhu Zhe Tang Dan-Dan Zhao Bang-Yi Li Amanda Gabriel 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2016年第39期8806-8811,共6页
AIM To investigate correlations between diet and prevalence of constipation among elderly people in Beijing.METHODS A total of 2776(≥ 60 years) were selected in Beijing region for investigation. Data regarding consti... AIM To investigate correlations between diet and prevalence of constipation among elderly people in Beijing.METHODS A total of 2776(≥ 60 years) were selected in Beijing region for investigation. Data regarding constipation and diet habits was collected via hierarchical status, segmentation and random cluster sampling. Investigation included constipation-related demographic indicators and diet habits. Door-to-door questionnaires and surveys included daily staple food intakes, frequency of fish, egg, fruits and vegetables consumption. Constipation was defined according to the China Chronic Constipation Diagnosis and Treatment Guideline(2013), with the following constipation judgment indicators: decreased defecation frequency, dry and hard stool, and difficulty in defecation.RESULTS The prevalence of constipation among elderly people in Beijing region was 13%. There was a positive correlation between prevalence of constipation and age, but negative correlations between prevalence of constipation and staple food, fish and dietary fibres(fruits and vegetables) intakes. These differences were all statistically significant.CONCLUSION The prevalence of elderly constipation in Beijing region is closely related to diet habits, and is significantly decreased by high staple foods intake, fish eating and high dietary fibres(fruits and vegetables) consumption. 展开更多
Depression and chronic heart failure in the elderly: an intriguing relationship 被引量:17
作者 Ilaria Liguori Gennaro Russo +8 位作者 Francesco Curcio Giuseppe Sasso David Della-Morte Gaetano Gargiulo Flora Pirozzi Francesco Cacciatore Domenico Bonaduce Pasquale Abete Gianluca Testa 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第6期451-459,共9页
Chronic heart failure and depressive disorders have a high prevalence and incidence in the elderly. Several studies have shown how depression tends to exacerbate coexisting chronic heart failure and its clinical outco... Chronic heart failure and depressive disorders have a high prevalence and incidence in the elderly. Several studies have shown how depression tends to exacerbate coexisting chronic heart failure and its clinical outcomes and vice versa, especially in the elderly. The negative synergism between chronic heart failure and depression in the elderly may be approached only taking into account the multifaceted pathophysiological characteristics underlying both these conditions, such as behavioural factors, neurohormonal activation, inflammatory mediators, hypercoagulability and vascular damage. Nevertheless, the pathophysiological link between these two conditions is not well established yet. Despite the high prevalence of depression in chronic heart failure elderly patients and its negative prognostic value, it is often unrecognized especially because of shared symptoms. So the screening of mood disorders, using reliable questionnaires, is recommended in elderly patients with chronic heart failure, even if cannot substitute a diagnostic interview by mental health professionals. In this setting, treatment of depression requires a multidisciplinary approach including: psychotherapy, antidepressants, exercise training and electroconvulsive therapy. Pharmacological therapy with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, despite conflicting results, improves quality of life but does not guarantee better outcomes. Exercise training is effective in improving quality of life and prognosis but at the same time cardiac rehabilitation services are vastly underutilized. 展开更多
关键词 Chronic heart failure DEPRESSION The elderly
Intraperitoneal administration of gonadotropin-releasing hormone-PE40 induces castration in male rats 被引量:4
作者 Li Yu Zhong-Fang Zhang +1 位作者 Chun-Xia Jing Feng-Lin Wu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第13期2106-2109,共4页
AIM: To evaluate the long-term effects of gonadotropinreleasing hormone (GnRH)-based vaccine on levels of GnRH antibody and testosterone, and vaccine-induced immunocastration on sexual behavior of male rats. METHOD... AIM: To evaluate the long-term effects of gonadotropinreleasing hormone (GnRH)-based vaccine on levels of GnRH antibody and testosterone, and vaccine-induced immunocastration on sexual behavior of male rats. METHODS: The rats were treated with GnRH-PE40 intraperitoneally every other day for 12 wk. GnRH antibody and testosterone level in rat blood were determined by EUSA and radioimmunoassay, respectively. Morphological changes in testes and sexual behavior of rats were evaluated. RESULTS: GnRH-PE40 induced a high production in GnRH antibody, decreased the serum testosterone level, testis atrophy and sexual function in rats. CONCLUSION: Intraperitoneal administration of GnRH- PE40 produces structural and functional castration of male rat reproductive system by inducing anti-GnRH antibody. 展开更多
关键词 GONADOTROPHIN Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin A Sexual behavior Testis atrophy
All Single Traveling Wave Solutions to (3+1)-Dimensional Nizhnok-Novikov-Veselov Equation 被引量:12
作者 LIU Cheng-Shi 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第6期991-992,共2页
Using elementary integral method, a complete classification of all possible exact traveling wave solutions to (3+1)-dimensional Nizhnok-Novikov-Veselov equation is given. Some solutions are new.
关键词 (3+1)-dimensional Nizhnok-Novikov-Veselov equation traveling wave solution elementary integral method
Behaviours of Main Elements in Soil-Forming Processesof Fildes Peninsula, the Maritime Antarctic 被引量:1
作者 CHENJIE H.P.BLUME 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1999年第2期113-122,共10页
Nine horizon samples of three soil profiles representative of Dystri-gelic Cambisol, Fibri-gelic Histosoland Relic Ornithosol were taken from Fildes Peninsula of King George Island, Antarctica, to quantitativelydemons... Nine horizon samples of three soil profiles representative of Dystri-gelic Cambisol, Fibri-gelic Histosoland Relic Ornithosol were taken from Fildes Peninsula of King George Island, Antarctica, to quantitativelydemonstrate the enrichment, migration and loss of the elements (Si, Al, Fe, Ca, Mg, Mn, K, Na and P) insoil horizons and their behaviours within profiles by application of the concept of the enrichment coefficientcalculated in terms of the abundance of Ti. Besides, six horizon samples of 4 other profiles randomly takenfrom the studied area were examined for calculation of the redistributing enrichment coefficient, which wasapplied for a better understanding of the element redistribution between soil and clay fraction along with soildevelopment. The results showed that the enrichment, migration and redistribution of the elements variedstrongly among the investigated soils and horizons, due to the differences of weathering degrees and moisturestatus, influences of sea bird activities, etc. 展开更多
关键词 ELEMENTS ENRICHMENT migration soil-forming process the maritime Antarctic
Multidimensional health literacy profiles and health-related behaviors in the elderly:A cross-sectional survey 被引量:3
作者 Ying Xie Wenhong An +2 位作者 Chunyuan Zheng Di Zhao Honghong Wang 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2022年第2期203-210,I0006,I0007,共10页
Objectives:To investigate health literacy profiles using a multidimensional tool in the elderly,analyze the factors related to health literacy,and explore the relationships between health literacy and health-related b... Objectives:To investigate health literacy profiles using a multidimensional tool in the elderly,analyze the factors related to health literacy,and explore the relationships between health literacy and health-related behaviors.Methods:A cross-sectional survey including 440 participants was conducted at a community health center and a village health center in Changsha,Hunan Province,between June 2020 and August 2020.We used the Health Literacy Questionnaire(HLQ)to assess the elderly’s health literacy.Sociodemographic data and health-related behaviors of them were surveyed with a self-designed questionnaire.Latent profile analysis,Pearson’s chi-squared and ordinal logistic regression were used to analyze the data.Results:The median age of the 440 respondents was 68 years.The participants had the lowest scores in the“appraisal of health information”subscale(2.22±0.52),followed by“navigating the healthcare system”subscale(2.89±0.81)of HLQ.Based on the analysis of three profiles,respondents who were 60 e74 years(OR=2.06,95%CI:1.23e3.42,P=0.006),living in urban areas(OR=3.28,95%CI:2.17e4.94,P<0.001),with secondary education or above(OR=2.86,95%CI:1.92e4.27,P<0.001),and having health insurance(OR=1.89,95%CI:1.02e3.51,P=0.042)were significantly associated with health literacy.Statistically significant associations were found between health literacy level and health-related behaviors,including medical service-seeking behavior(χ^(2)=25.14,P<0.001),exercising regularly(χ^(2)=34.08,P<0.001),and taking a medical examination in the past 12 months(χ^(2)=24.76,P<0.001).Conclusion:The multidimensional health literacy survey has identified the low health literacy level among the elderly in community settings.It revealed the relationships of sociodemographic character-istics,including age,education level and residence,with health literacy.These findings emphasized the importance of health literacy in promoting health behaviors,guiding a profound understanding of the Chinese elderly’s health needs and health literacy to develop community-based health promotion interventions. 展开更多
关键词 Aged China Community health centers Health behavior Health literacy Surveys and questionnaires
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