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作者 郭方云 徐妮 《外语研究》 北大核心 2024年第5期104-112,共9页
《老水手行》的航海叙事乃英美学界的热门话题,但其寓言航图暗藏的空间悖论却鲜有论及。本研究以文学地图学和空间伦理学作为概念框架,聚焦柯尔律治诗歌航图与空间伦理的融通关系及深刻寓意。研究发现,老水手所象征的帝国殖民者通过“... 《老水手行》的航海叙事乃英美学界的热门话题,但其寓言航图暗藏的空间悖论却鲜有论及。本研究以文学地图学和空间伦理学作为概念框架,聚焦柯尔律治诗歌航图与空间伦理的融通关系及深刻寓意。研究发现,老水手所象征的帝国殖民者通过“空白化”与“条纹化”的地图空间策略,试图掩盖其暴力扩张与殖民征服的世俗空间伦理面目及帝国衰落焦虑情绪,而以柯尔律治为代表的浪漫主义者在水蛇、神怪、仙灵等造物多样性和仙灵天籁之音的图说描绘中,彰显了有机和谐统一的神圣空间伦理观。两者共同塑造了世俗与神圣的空间悖论,凸显了启蒙理性主义与浪漫感性主义的时代争锋主题。 展开更多
关键词 柯尔律治 水手 航海图 空间伦理
作者 陈豪 乔雪笛 《山东外语教学》 北大核心 2023年第2期78-87,共10页
本文以浪漫主义诗人柯尔律治代表作《老水手行》中的政治隐喻为切入点,将诗歌置于18至19世纪之交英国殖民策略调整期的历史语境中,重新梳理诗中信天翁之死和老水手赎罪情节的现实指涉。诗人用信天翁之死的情节隐射奴隶贸易中大西洋流散... 本文以浪漫主义诗人柯尔律治代表作《老水手行》中的政治隐喻为切入点,将诗歌置于18至19世纪之交英国殖民策略调整期的历史语境中,重新梳理诗中信天翁之死和老水手赎罪情节的现实指涉。诗人用信天翁之死的情节隐射奴隶贸易中大西洋流散共同体犯下的残暴行径,揭示出该共同体已成为英国民众心中不可摆脱的道德包袱和历史罪责。本文同时阐述诗人如何借黄热病的象征意象表现老水手赎罪行为的徒劳,暗指英帝国的政治转型将以失败告终。 展开更多
关键词 柯尔律治 水手 流散共同体 黄热病
柯勒律治《老水手行》中的生态观 被引量:2
作者 宋礼慧 盖芳鹏 《聊城大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第2期332-333,共2页
柯勒律治是英国的湖畔派诗人之一,人们普遍认为他的诗歌具有浓厚而深刻的道德主题。但是如果从生态批评的角度解读他的《老水手行》可以发现诗歌中体现了他对人类与自然关系的思考。《老水手行》中所表现的人与自然关系的变化可以代表... 柯勒律治是英国的湖畔派诗人之一,人们普遍认为他的诗歌具有浓厚而深刻的道德主题。但是如果从生态批评的角度解读他的《老水手行》可以发现诗歌中体现了他对人类与自然关系的思考。《老水手行》中所表现的人与自然关系的变化可以代表其生态观。 展开更多
关键词 柯勒律治 水手 人类写玎然 生态意识
作者 王苹 张建颖 《南京师范大学文学院学报》 CSSCI 2014年第2期108-114,共7页
柯尔律治作为19世纪英国文化意识形态和保守主义的代表,其思想丰富并影响深远。运用新历史主义和后殖民理论,解读他的诗歌《老水手行》可以探讨文学如何参与帝国越洋殖民扩张,可以梳理海外冒险与帝国主义、浪漫主义与奴隶贸易、基督教... 柯尔律治作为19世纪英国文化意识形态和保守主义的代表,其思想丰富并影响深远。运用新历史主义和后殖民理论,解读他的诗歌《老水手行》可以探讨文学如何参与帝国越洋殖民扩张,可以梳理海外冒险与帝国主义、浪漫主义与奴隶贸易、基督教与废奴运动等纠葛,可以看到帝国主义的贪婪和残暴不仅给殖民地带来灾难,也给殖民者带来瘟疫和精神堕落。《老水手行》体现了诗人"同一"、"差异"和"大同殖民地"的构想。 展开更多
关键词 水手 殖民主义
作者 谭永 《湖南第一师范学院学报》 2010年第3期114-117,共4页
19世纪浪漫主义思潮席卷了整个世界,相同的文学背景以及诗人相似的宗教信仰和情怀,使某些诗歌从思想内容和艺术形式上都有着可比性。由于创作背景的影响,《老水手行》和《泰尔耶·维根》从思想内容和艺术形式两个方面存在差异,是社... 19世纪浪漫主义思潮席卷了整个世界,相同的文学背景以及诗人相似的宗教信仰和情怀,使某些诗歌从思想内容和艺术形式上都有着可比性。由于创作背景的影响,《老水手行》和《泰尔耶·维根》从思想内容和艺术形式两个方面存在差异,是社会环境不同,浪漫主义思潮所处阶段的不同,诗人所受思想的不同。 展开更多
关键词 柯尔律治 易卜生 水手 《泰尔耶·维根》
作者 沈黎明 《湖北第二师范学院学报》 2010年第5期14-16,共3页
关键词 柯勒律治 疏离 回归 水手
作者 杨文秀 《教育教学论坛》 2010年第26期189-190,共2页
中学思想政治教育,是以马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、"三个代表"以及科学发展观为主要内容的教育。它不仅引导着中学生形成正确的人生观、世界观,而且在整个教育教学的过程中起着统领教育教学全局的重要作用。根据西藏... 中学思想政治教育,是以马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、"三个代表"以及科学发展观为主要内容的教育。它不仅引导着中学生形成正确的人生观、世界观,而且在整个教育教学的过程中起着统领教育教学全局的重要作用。根据西藏中学思想政治教育工作的实际,应当在其中加入至关重要的"老西藏"精神,并让教育工作者和接受教育的西藏中学生践行之。 展开更多
关键词 思想政治教育 教育方针 西藏”精神
作者 刘莉 李世林 《黑河学院学报》 2022年第8期124-126,172,共4页
科尔律治是英国浪漫主义时期诗歌的代表人物之一。其诗歌以神秘、怪诞著称,富有传奇色彩和梦幻感。在其三首长诗中,尤以《老水手行》(The Rime of the Ancient Mariner)最为人称道,代表了科尔律治的最高艺术成就。诗中作者运用隐喻、象... 科尔律治是英国浪漫主义时期诗歌的代表人物之一。其诗歌以神秘、怪诞著称,富有传奇色彩和梦幻感。在其三首长诗中,尤以《老水手行》(The Rime of the Ancient Mariner)最为人称道,代表了科尔律治的最高艺术成就。诗中作者运用隐喻、象征等手法,使作品充满神秘且恐怖的情景,同时有不少超自然的神力笼罩着万物。这些恐怖的场景和超自然的神灵等无不带有明显的哥特式风格。这些哥特元素的出现也再次验证文学作品总是那个时代社会和文化的产物。 展开更多
关键词 科尔律治 水手 哥特特征
作者 余秋兰 张文 《滁州学院学报》 2016年第3期57-60,共4页
朱湘在外国诗歌翻译中通过灵活运用"亦归亦异"的翻译策略,完美兼顾了中西诗歌文化的特质。他的《老舟子行》译本就较为完整地展现了这一特色。一方面,为了借鉴外国诗歌的长处,他以异化为主,大胆将西诗中丰富的形式特征,如音... 朱湘在外国诗歌翻译中通过灵活运用"亦归亦异"的翻译策略,完美兼顾了中西诗歌文化的特质。他的《老舟子行》译本就较为完整地展现了这一特色。一方面,为了借鉴外国诗歌的长处,他以异化为主,大胆将西诗中丰富的形式特征,如音韵、格律、节奏、诗行等,移植到译文中,使其译诗充满音乐美和形式美。另一方面,在语言表达和文化传递方面,遵循了以中国文化为取向的归化策略,对原诗意象往往进行创作性改写,让译文接近读者,展现了其传承和弘扬我国古典文学精神的立场。 展开更多
关键词 朱湘译诗 舟子 异化 归化
作者 高灿灿 任刚 《戏剧丛刊》 2008年第2期71-71,共1页
柯勒律治是英国著名的湖畔派三诗人之一,其诗歌以神秘、怪诞著称,富有传奇色彩和梦幻感。他与华兹华斯不同,华兹华斯主张去拥抱自然,认为自然能给人以启迪:柯勒律治却从超自然的角度看待自然,神秘主义色彩更加地浓烈。正是凭借这... 柯勒律治是英国著名的湖畔派三诗人之一,其诗歌以神秘、怪诞著称,富有传奇色彩和梦幻感。他与华兹华斯不同,华兹华斯主张去拥抱自然,认为自然能给人以启迪:柯勒律治却从超自然的角度看待自然,神秘主义色彩更加地浓烈。正是凭借这股神秘的想象力,在1797年,当时才25岁的柯勒律治诗才横溢,写下了三首至今传诵的名篇,即《克利斯托贝尔》第一部分,《老水手行》和《忽必烈汗》。在英国诗史上,没有一个重要诗人的声誉是建立在比他更少的作品上的了。在这三首诗中,《老水手行》是唯一一首完整的杰作。 展开更多
关键词 原型 柯勒律治 神秘主义 传奇色彩 华兹华斯 诗人 湖畔派 水手” 水手
以自然风景呈现为基础的立体创构——《老水手行》主题表达与自然地理的关系 被引量:9
作者 邹建军 邓岚 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期59-68,共10页
《老水手行》以一个从远洋回来的老水手讲述自己的航海经历,从而表现了多重主题,包括人类自身的命运、基督教反省与忏悔思想、生态灾难等;然而,诗中存在的大量南北半球三大海洋与天地之间自然风景的精彩呈现,不仅成为上述多重主题及其... 《老水手行》以一个从远洋回来的老水手讲述自己的航海经历,从而表现了多重主题,包括人类自身的命运、基督教反省与忏悔思想、生态灾难等;然而,诗中存在的大量南北半球三大海洋与天地之间自然风景的精彩呈现,不仅成为上述多重主题及其诗艺表达的基础,自然主题与自然地理也具有本位的意义。如果说《老水手行》是世界文学史上一部不可多得的艺术精品,那是基于对人类有史以来种种精神形态的探索;如果说《老水手行》是世界文学史上少有的立体艺术创构,那么诗中所有的思想与艺术境界的存在,都是以宽广而深厚的自然世界为基本条件的。因此,地理因素是解读《老水手行》的重要路径,文学地理学批评是探讨经典文学作品思想与艺术价值的基本方法。 展开更多
关键词 水手 自然地理 多重主题 艺术创构 文学地理学
隐秘的自况——《老水手行》旁注者身份探析 被引量:1
作者 梅申友 《国外文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第1期96-107,共12页
1817版《老水手行》的旁注者长期被认为是一个迥异于诗人本人、备受嘲讽的虚构形象。本文首先聚焦于最重要的几则旁注,结合柯勒律治的写作习惯、阅读主张和哲学宗教观,认为旁注者跟爱写旁注的诗人本人十分相似:看重理性分析,也强调想象... 1817版《老水手行》的旁注者长期被认为是一个迥异于诗人本人、备受嘲讽的虚构形象。本文首先聚焦于最重要的几则旁注,结合柯勒律治的写作习惯、阅读主张和哲学宗教观,认为旁注者跟爱写旁注的诗人本人十分相似:看重理性分析,也强调想象认同;博学好古,但并不迂执盲信;是柏拉图主义的拥趸,同时也是从未背离上帝的基督徒。进一步考察诗歌正文和诗人在1817年之前的经历,我们会发现诗人坎坷的人生经历让他对老水手产生了体认,而老水手这个人物形象在酝酿之初就有诗人自己的影子。旁注看似只是在给诗歌正文提供阅读指导,却在不经意间透露了诗人隐秘的心声。 展开更多
关键词 柯勒律治 水手 旁注
忧郁的信天翁与诗性的想象力——从《老水手行》看旅行文学对浪漫主义诗歌的影响 被引量:1
作者 张德明 《外国文学评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期59-71,共13页
柯尔律治的《老水手行》在借用17和18世纪旅行文学提供的实录材料的基础上,充分发挥了诗性想象力,在写实的航海日志和浪漫的抒情诗中找到了平衡的支点和内在的统一性。诗篇自由翱翔于内在与外在、历史与现实、陆地与海洋、忧郁与梦想、... 柯尔律治的《老水手行》在借用17和18世纪旅行文学提供的实录材料的基础上,充分发挥了诗性想象力,在写实的航海日志和浪漫的抒情诗中找到了平衡的支点和内在的统一性。诗篇自由翱翔于内在与外在、历史与现实、陆地与海洋、忧郁与梦想、罪责与忏悔、神恩与天谴之间。诗人在信天翁中发现了事物的内在本质和"自然精神";从老水手的射杀行为中,追溯到人类远古的历史和罪行;在婚礼与独身的两极中发现了人类最深层的欲望与梦想。全诗完满地体现了柯尔律治带有神秘主义色彩的诗学观点。 展开更多
关键词 柯尔律治 水手 文学 浪漫主义诗歌
作者 迟浩田 《人民周刊》 2017年第21期84-85,共2页
关键词 糠菜半年粮 我的母亲 迟浩田 思想斗争 对我说 行老 饱饭 日本鬼子 中排 一拳
作者 叶乔甫 《四川统一战线》 2006年第9期18-20,共3页
关键词 周恩来 行老 章士钊 章文晋
Validation of Veterans Specific Activity Questionnaire to assess exercise tolerance of Chinese elderly with coronary heart disease 被引量:4
作者 Yan WANG Jing-Jing SHI Bo-Zhong WANG 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第12期973-977,共5页
Objective The Veterans Specific Activity Questionnaire (VSAQ) has been used to assess exercise tolerance. Nevertheless, there is no val- idated Chinese version. The aim of this study is to determine whether a questi... Objective The Veterans Specific Activity Questionnaire (VSAQ) has been used to assess exercise tolerance. Nevertheless, there is no val- idated Chinese version. The aim of this study is to determine whether a questionnaire-based method using the Chinese version of VSAQ (the modified VSAQ) is a practical tool to assess exercise tolerance of Chinese elderly with coronary heart disease. Methods One hundred thirty consecutive elderly patients who were diagnosed with coronary heart disease (CHD) (mean age 68.9 -4- 6.0 years) referred for treadmill exercise testing (TET) for clinical reasons were included in the study. They were asked to complete a questionnaire for clinical characteristics information on age, sex, history, exercise habits, medications, the original VSAQ and the modified VSAQ. We investigated the relationship between exer- cise tolerance in metabolic equivalents (METs) estimated by VSAQ and that obtained by TET. Results The METs by the original VSAQ and the modified VSAQ did not difference significantly (P = 0.528). The modified VSAQ scores were significantly correlated with the METs oh- mined by TET (r = 0.819, 95% CI: 0.7534).873, P 〈 0.01), and the scores of original VSAQ also correlated with the METs by TET (r = 0.804, 95% CI: 0.7454).854, P 〈 0.01). The Bland-Altman graph analysis showed few values outside the limits of agrcement, suggesting good precision between the METs estimated by questionnaire and the METs obtained by TET. Conclusions The Chinese version of the VSAQ confirmed its validity and equivalence to the original version, especially when evaluating individuals with coronary heart disease and older adults. The results showed that the VSAQ is a valuable tool to assess the exercise tolerance. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese Elderly Coronary heart disease Exercise tolerance Veterans Specific Activity Questionnaire
Effects of total soy saponins on free radicals in the quadriceps femoris,serum testosterone,LDH,and BUN of exhausted rats 被引量:8
作者 Zhigang Liu Ruixin Nie +3 位作者 Yun Liu Zhouhong Li Chenxi Yang Zhengying Xiong 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2017年第3期359-364,共6页
Purpose:The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of total soy saponins(TS) on the free radical metabolism from the quadriceps femoris muscle,serum testosterone,lactate dehydrogenase(LDH),and blood urea nitr... Purpose:The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of total soy saponins(TS) on the free radical metabolism from the quadriceps femoris muscle,serum testosterone,lactate dehydrogenase(LDH),and blood urea nitrogen(BUN) in rats exercised to exhaustion.Methods:A one-time exhausted treadmill exercise session was used.Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into 4 groups:a control group—animals receiving no TS and no exercise(NTSNE),animals receiving TS but no exercise group(TSNE),animals receiving no TS but exercised to exhaustion group(NTSE),and animals receiving TS and exercised to exhaustion group(TSE).The TSNE and TSE groups were fed TS at a dosage of 20 mg/kg body weight once per day for 2 weeks.The NTSE group was given a placebo,and the NTSNE group was not given any treatment.The NTSE and TSE groups were exercised at speed of 30 m/min on treadmill until exhausted.The exercise time and exercise distance were recorded when the rats became exhausted and the rats were then decapitated and anatomized immediately.A 10% homogenate of the quadriceps femoris tissue was prepared.The levels of superoxide dismutase(SOD),catalase(CAT),malondialdehyde(MDA),glutathione peroxidase(GSH-Px),glutathione reductase(GR),reduced glutathione(GSH),total antioxidant capacity(T-AOC),LDH,BUN,and serum testosterone were tested.Results:TS significantly increased the exercise time to exhaustion by 20.62%(p < 0.05).The MDA levels were decreased significantly in the TSNE group than in NTSNE group(p < 0.05);the T-AOC levels increased significantly in the TSNE group than in the other 3 groups(p < 0.01,p < 0.05,p < 0.05).The LDH activity significantly increased in the NTSE group than in TSNE group(p < 0.05).The BUN levels significantly increased in the NTSE group than in the other 3 groups(p < 0.01,p < 0.01,p < 0.05),and significantly increased in the TSE group than in NTSNE and TSNE groups(both p < 0.01).The serum testosterone levels increased significantly in the TSNE group than in the other 3 groups(all p < 0.01).SOD,CAT,GSH-Px,GR,and GSH were not statistically different among the groups.Conclusion:TS can significantly improve the exercised rats' serum testosterone level and antioxidant activity in their quadriceps femoris to varying degrees,decrease MDA and serum LDH and BUN levels,increase the exercise time,and delay the occurrence of the fatigue. 展开更多
关键词 Exercised rat Free radical Quadriceps femoris Serum enzymes TESTOSTERONE Total soy saponins
Influencing factors analysis of spontaneous knee joint osteoarthritis among middle aged and old aged pople in Xi'an 被引量:4
作者 王伟 王坤正 +4 位作者 党晓谦 柏传毅 王春生 时志斌 马树强 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2007年第3期179-184,共6页
Objective:To explore the prevalence rate of knee joint osteoarthritis and its pathogenetic fea- tures among the middle-aged and old aged people in the urban and rural area of Xi'an.Methods:From May to October 2005... Objective:To explore the prevalence rate of knee joint osteoarthritis and its pathogenetic fea- tures among the middle-aged and old aged people in the urban and rural area of Xi'an.Methods:From May to October 2005,1538 Han nationality above 40 years in Xi'an were investigated according to strati- fied and cluster random sampling.The same questionnaire was delivered to subjects who had been given normotopia and lateral position radiographic examination in both knees.Excluded from etiological arthri- tis,some subjects with clinical symptoms and a radiographic grade (beyond Kellgren & Lawrence gradeⅡ) were finally diagnosed as spontaneous knee joint osteoarthritis.All analyses were performed with SPSS 13.0 and t test,U test.Single factor analysis and multiple logistic regression analysis were used to analyze dates.Results:The total prevalence of spontaneous knee joint osteoarthritis was 12.1% with 2.5% and 2.1% for right and left knees,respectively.The prevalence of knee joint osteoarthritis in wom- en was 2.5 times of that in men (17.2% vs 6.8%,P=0.000).the osteophyte prevalence in women was 2.3 times of that in men (26.5% vs 11.4%,P=0.000).The prevalence of knee joint osteoarthritis and osteophyte increased with the growth of age.So did the symptomatic knee,except for the age group of 56- 60 years and 66-70 years.The prevalence of symptomatic knee joint for urban area was significantly higher than that for rural area (56.3% vs 45.3%,P=0.003).In women,the prevalence of knee joint os- teoarthritis increased significantly with the increasing of body mass index,which had not been observed in men.Female and obesity are the risk factors for osteoarthritis,but bean and its products and meat could prevent the osteoarthritis.Conclusion:Old age,female and obesity serve as risk factors for knee joint os- teoarthritis. 展开更多
Impact of miRNAs on cardiovascular aging 被引量:6
作者 Seahyoung Lee Eunhyun Choi +3 位作者 Min-Ji Cha Ae-Jun Park Cheesoon Yoon Ki-Chul Hwang 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第5期569-574,共6页
Aging is a multidimensional process that leads to an increased risk of developing severe diseases, such as cancer and cardiovascular, neurodegenerative, and immunological diseases. Recently, small non-coding RNAs know... Aging is a multidimensional process that leads to an increased risk of developing severe diseases, such as cancer and cardiovascular, neurodegenerative, and immunological diseases. Recently, small non-coding RNAs known as microRNAs (miRNAs) have been shown to regulate gene expression, which contributes to many physiological and pathophysiological processes in humans. Increasing evidence suggests that changes in miRNA expression profiles contribute to cellular senescence, aging and aging-related diseases. However, only a few miRNAs whose functions have been elucidated have been associated with aging and/or aging-related diseases. This article reviews the currently available findings regarding the roles of aging-related miRNAs, with a focus on cardiac and cardiovascular aging. 展开更多
关键词 Aging heart Cardiovascular aging miRNA SENESCENCE Vascular aging
Epidemiological study: Correlation between diet habits and constipation among elderly in Beijing region 被引量:20
作者 Xiao-Jiao Yang Mei Zhang +4 位作者 Hong-Ming Zhu Zhe Tang Dan-Dan Zhao Bang-Yi Li Amanda Gabriel 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2016年第39期8806-8811,共6页
AIM To investigate correlations between diet and prevalence of constipation among elderly people in Beijing.METHODS A total of 2776(≥ 60 years) were selected in Beijing region for investigation. Data regarding consti... AIM To investigate correlations between diet and prevalence of constipation among elderly people in Beijing.METHODS A total of 2776(≥ 60 years) were selected in Beijing region for investigation. Data regarding constipation and diet habits was collected via hierarchical status, segmentation and random cluster sampling. Investigation included constipation-related demographic indicators and diet habits. Door-to-door questionnaires and surveys included daily staple food intakes, frequency of fish, egg, fruits and vegetables consumption. Constipation was defined according to the China Chronic Constipation Diagnosis and Treatment Guideline(2013), with the following constipation judgment indicators: decreased defecation frequency, dry and hard stool, and difficulty in defecation.RESULTS The prevalence of constipation among elderly people in Beijing region was 13%. There was a positive correlation between prevalence of constipation and age, but negative correlations between prevalence of constipation and staple food, fish and dietary fibres(fruits and vegetables) intakes. These differences were all statistically significant.CONCLUSION The prevalence of elderly constipation in Beijing region is closely related to diet habits, and is significantly decreased by high staple foods intake, fish eating and high dietary fibres(fruits and vegetables) consumption. 展开更多
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