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环境群体性事件的后控:发挥“正范立行”的核心作用 被引量:1
作者 程启军 《理论导刊》 北大核心 2017年第8期28-31,共4页
当前,无论是在既成污染型环境群体性事件,还是预防风险型环境群体性事件中,对于事件的控制和应对,基层政府都在不同程度上表现出"被动性"和"人为性"。为此,当务之急是通过规范政府的行动立场,规范政府的生态补偿行... 当前,无论是在既成污染型环境群体性事件,还是预防风险型环境群体性事件中,对于事件的控制和应对,基层政府都在不同程度上表现出"被动性"和"人为性"。为此,当务之急是通过规范政府的行动立场,规范政府的生态补偿行为及干预事件的行政行为,规范环境利益受损方的维权行动,规范传统媒体与新媒体的舆论行为等方式,形成控制环境群体性事件的"制度化"和"法制化"支撑。在环境群体性事件的后控中,应充分发挥"正范立行"的核心作用,避免环境群体性事件向暴力事件的演变,使对其控制尽可能地具有"可预期性"和"可调节性"。 展开更多
关键词 环境群体性事件 后控 “正 依法
幼儿行为“失范”的类型及原因分析 被引量:2
作者 刘冰 《文教资料》 2011年第15期139-140,共2页
关键词 幼儿为“失 界定 类型 原因
试论行政执法中自由裁量行为的失范与规范 被引量:1
作者 王宝明 詹丽靖 《辽宁行政学院学报》 2006年第6期47-48,共2页
行政效率的提高和现有行政立法技术的缺陷需要行政执法人员享有一定的自由裁量权,而立法、监督等环节上的纰漏又常常使得自由裁量权的存在不能体现其真实意义。如何有效解决两者之间的矛盾,本文将从行政执法过程中自由裁量行为的“失范... 行政效率的提高和现有行政立法技术的缺陷需要行政执法人员享有一定的自由裁量权,而立法、监督等环节上的纰漏又常常使得自由裁量权的存在不能体现其真实意义。如何有效解决两者之间的矛盾,本文将从行政执法过程中自由裁量行为的“失范”表现、原因以及如何对其进行规范来对这一问题予以分析。 展开更多
关键词 自由裁量 自由裁量为“失 自由裁量为“规
作者 王娜 《求知导刊》 2018年第11期11-12,共2页
文章通过观察、收集资料等方法对儿童“失范”行为进行分析,找出儿童“失范”行为的真正原因,包括两个方面:一是儿童自身认知水平由于年龄的原因有其局限性;二是儿童外部活动环境、周围成年人的观念和行为的影响。文章作者得出教师... 文章通过观察、收集资料等方法对儿童“失范”行为进行分析,找出儿童“失范”行为的真正原因,包括两个方面:一是儿童自身认知水平由于年龄的原因有其局限性;二是儿童外部活动环境、周围成年人的观念和行为的影响。文章作者得出教师应对儿童行为“失范”的策略:一是不同的情境、不同的教师的应对策略是不同的,应具备充分的机动性、可变性;二是要深刻剖析教师所采取对应策略的特点。 展开更多
关键词 儿童 为“失 “失”情境 策略
作者 严占学 《教书育人(校长参考)》 2022年第2期39-40,共2页
部分学生对于学习英语心生畏惧,一些"失范"情景在英语环境下也时有发生。面对学生的行为"失范",英语教师一要分清学生"失范"情况下的是与非;二要把握学生"失范"情形中的轻与重;三要考量学生&qu... 部分学生对于学习英语心生畏惧,一些"失范"情景在英语环境下也时有发生。面对学生的行为"失范",英语教师一要分清学生"失范"情况下的是与非;二要把握学生"失范"情形中的轻与重;三要考量学生"失范"情境中的得与失;四要化解学生"失范"状态中的矛与盾。如此客观对待、深入分析、考量有度、处理有方,教师才会在思维的高度运转中稳定情绪,在情绪的有效调控中正确处理学生的"失范"行为。 展开更多
关键词 英语环境 为“失 思维运作 情绪调节 策略
一种双按模幂法规范化方法 被引量:3
作者 陈仁华 候风波 《大庆石油学院学报》 EI CAS 北大核心 1995年第3期79-82,共4页
对于n阶方阵A用幂法求按模量最大的特征值及其对应的特征向量问题已得到解决,这里给出并论证了求一类实方阵的2个模最大的特征值及其对应的特征向量的规范化方法,实行规范化措施,使得行范数等于1,在电子计算机上计算不会产生溢出停机,... 对于n阶方阵A用幂法求按模量最大的特征值及其对应的特征向量问题已得到解决,这里给出并论证了求一类实方阵的2个模最大的特征值及其对应的特征向量的规范化方法,实行规范化措施,使得行范数等于1,在电子计算机上计算不会产生溢出停机,这是一种有实用价值的方法。 展开更多
关键词 双按摸 幂法 行范 迭代
求n阶实方阵的任意个模最大的特征值及其相应特征向量的规范化幂法 被引量:2
作者 侯风波 汪永高 《工科数学》 2001年第6期41-45,共5页
本文给出并论证了当 n阶实方阵 A具有 r( 1≤ r≤n)个模最大的特征值及其相应特征向量的方法 .实施规范化措施 ,使得行范数等于 1 ,在电子计算机上不会产生溢出停机 。
关键词 行范 迭代法 实方阵 特征值 特征向量 化幂法
一种求方阵特征值的三按模幂法规范化方法 被引量:4
作者 侯风波 《大学数学》 1996年第2期42-45,共4页
对于n阶实方阵A,用幂法求其一个或二个模最大的特征值(当A只有一个或二个模最大的特征值时)及其相应的特征向量问题已得到解决,这里给出并论证了求一类实方阵A的三个模最大的特征值及其相应的特征向量的规范化方法,实行规范化... 对于n阶实方阵A,用幂法求其一个或二个模最大的特征值(当A只有一个或二个模最大的特征值时)及其相应的特征向量问题已得到解决,这里给出并论证了求一类实方阵A的三个模最大的特征值及其相应的特征向量的规范化方法,实行规范化措施,使得迭代向量的行范数为1,在电子计算机上不会产生溢出停机,这是一种有实用价值的方法。 展开更多
关键词 三按模 幂法 行范 迭代
作者 侯风波 《承德石油高等专科学校学报》 CAS 1996年第1期31-35,共5页
对于n阶实方阵A,用幂法求其一个或二个模最大的特征值(当A只有一个或二个模最大的特征值时)及其相应的特征向量问题已得到解决,这里给出并论证了求一类实方阵A的三个模最大的特征值及其相应的特征向量的规范化方法,实行规范化措施,使得... 对于n阶实方阵A,用幂法求其一个或二个模最大的特征值(当A只有一个或二个模最大的特征值时)及其相应的特征向量问题已得到解决,这里给出并论证了求一类实方阵A的三个模最大的特征值及其相应的特征向量的规范化方法,实行规范化措施,使得迭代向量的行范数为1,在电子计算机上,不会产生溢出停机,是一种有实用价值的方法. 展开更多
关键词 三按模 幂法 行范 迭代
作者 戴平凡 《哈尔滨师范大学自然科学学报》 CAS 2010年第4期40-43,共4页
关键词 弱DB-矩阵 逆矩阵 行范 奇异值
作者 林有苗 《湖州师范学院学报》 2011年第6期98-100,共3页
语言学习和研究过程中,发现两个汉语词语问题颇值得讨论。其一,常见的"第一"一词在特定情形下并不表达通常意义上的顺序义或次第义,而是获得了其它新的含义。如在"第一时间"、"第一速度"、"第一反应... 语言学习和研究过程中,发现两个汉语词语问题颇值得讨论。其一,常见的"第一"一词在特定情形下并不表达通常意义上的顺序义或次第义,而是获得了其它新的含义。如在"第一时间"、"第一速度"、"第一反应"等表达中,其确切义则取决于具体搭配或共现语境。其二,当下多种媒介中不时看到"学为人师,行为世范"被"学为人师,行为示范"所替代之情形。实际上,无论从语言表达约定俗成或从修辞及语义等角度来看,"行为世范"都切不可被"行为示范"所能轻易取代。 展开更多
关键词 第一时间 第一速度 语境顺应 “示 为世
谋特色立教 谱桃李华章——安徽省望江县凉泉中心学校创建心理健康教育特色学校纪实
作者 王海红 汪长明 《中小学校长》 2017年第11期52-54,共3页
凉泉中心学校位于安徽省望江县凉泉乡集镇太阳山畔,是一所中等规模的完全小学。近些年来,学校领导班子精诚团结、身先行范,坚持"人文管理,特色兴教,多维育人"办学理念,以心理健康教育为抓手,"以爱育人,崇文化人,立德树人",积极推进... 凉泉中心学校位于安徽省望江县凉泉乡集镇太阳山畔,是一所中等规模的完全小学。近些年来,学校领导班子精诚团结、身先行范,坚持"人文管理,特色兴教,多维育人"办学理念,以心理健康教育为抓手,"以爱育人,崇文化人,立德树人",积极推进学区教育均衡发展,向管理要质量,以特色塑品牌,通过规范办学行为,不断提升学校内涵建设,办学教育质量稳步提升,办学水平逐年提高,办学特色日益显现, 展开更多
关键词 凉泉 安徽省望江县 心理健康 中心学校 特色学校 学校内涵建设 办学 立德树人 学校领导班子 行范
Wet Compression Performance of a Transonic Compressor Rotor at its Near Stall Point 被引量:3
作者 杨怀丰 郑群 +2 位作者 罗铭聪 孙兰昕 Rakesh Bhargava 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2011年第1期49-62,共14页
In order to study the effects of wet compression on a transonic compressor,a full 3-D steady numerical simulation was carried out under varying conditions.Different injected water flow rates and droplet diameters were... In order to study the effects of wet compression on a transonic compressor,a full 3-D steady numerical simulation was carried out under varying conditions.Different injected water flow rates and droplet diameters were considered.The effect of wet compression on the shock,separated flow,pressure ratio,and efficiency was investigated.Additionally,the effect of wet compression on the tip clearance when the compressor runs in the near-stall and stall situations was emphasized.Analysis of the results shows that the range of stable operation is extended,and that the pressure ratio and inlet air flow rate are also increased at the near-stall point.In addition,it seems that there is an optimum size of the droplet diameter. 展开更多
关键词 wet compression two-phase flow stall boundary transonic compressor
Bank Ethics: An Empirical Investigation of the Banking in China 被引量:1
作者 刘春红 宋玮 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2004年第1期49-55,共7页
Business ethics is considered critical for the reputation and competitive power of banks, especially in China after WTO Entry. This study applied the theory and research on ethical practices of successful managers and... Business ethics is considered critical for the reputation and competitive power of banks, especially in China after WTO Entry. This study applied the theory and research on ethical practices of successful managers and ethics control mechanisms to identify the ethical climates that result in ethical behaviors in the banking. 141 employees from different banks in Shanghai, China, completed measures of all scales in the survey. The results support the theorizing of the value of well-formed business ethics in the banking in China. The correlation and structural equation analysis suggests that ethical practices of successful managers and ethics control mechanisms of banks reinforce three ethical climates of ‘service’, ‘law and rules’ and ‘caring’ that promote the ethical level of employees, and the independence and instrumental climate on the contrary. This study also found that there are three ethics control mechanisms most commonly used in the banking and ethics-focused reward system is believed to be a mostly effective one by the employees of banking in China. 展开更多
关键词 ethical climates ethical behavior ethics control mechanisms
Cultural study on trade disputes between China and the West
作者 陈肖 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2008年第7期57-60,共4页
In recent years, China's international trade has made great actuevements, However, when carefully reviewing its performance in the international market, we have to admit a fact that "Chinese businessmen" and "Made... In recent years, China's international trade has made great actuevements, However, when carefully reviewing its performance in the international market, we have to admit a fact that "Chinese businessmen" and "Made in China" are encountering great challenges, even aversion in many foreign markets. The so-called "Yellow peril theory" and "China threat theory" have caught on once again. Faced with such frequent trade conflicts, we fall into contemplation. Why did trade conflicts so frequently happen? Do these conflicts merely remain at the commercial level? Or, are there any deep-seated conflicts leading to trade conflicts? What are the root causes of these conflicts? How to overcome and avoid these conflicts in the future? With these questions, this paper is designed to inquire into the root cause of trade conflicts and the constructive suggestions to settle trade conflicts from a cultural perspective. 展开更多
关键词 trade conflict cultural conflict CONDUCT way of thinking cultural value
Estimating walking access area for rail transit station based on discrete choice model 被引量:1
作者 Zhang Ning Shi Zhuangbin +1 位作者 Zhang Yunlong Zhang Xiaojun 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2018年第3期377-385,共9页
The discrete choice model is used to estimate the walking access area of rail transit stations while considering the influence of existing competition from other traffic modes. The acceptable walking access area is de... The discrete choice model is used to estimate the walking access area of rail transit stations while considering the influence of existing competition from other traffic modes. The acceptable walking access area is determined according to the willingness of passengers to walk who prefer rail transit compared with bus and automobile. Empirical studies were conducted using the survey data of six stations from the rail transit in Nanjing, China. The results indicate that the rail transit is more preferable compared with bus and private automobile in this case when excluding the influence of individual and environmental factors. It is found that passengers tend to underestimate their willingness to walk. The acceptable walking access area of every rail transit station is different from each other. Suburban stations generally have a larger walking access area than downtown stations. In addition, a better walking environment and a scarcer surrounding traffic environment can also lead to a larger walking area. The model was confirmed to be effective and reasonable according to the model validation. This study can be of benefit to the passenger transportation demand estimation in the location planning and evaluation of rail transit stations. 展开更多
关键词 walking access area urban rail transit discretechoice model walking environment competing trafficmodes passenger transportation demand
Gravitational Contributions to Running of Gauge Couplings
作者 汤勇 吴岳良 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第12期1040-1044,共5页
Gravitational contributions to the running of gauge couplings are calculated by using different regularizationschemes.As the β function concerns counter-terms of dimension four, only quadratic divergences from the gr... Gravitational contributions to the running of gauge couplings are calculated by using different regularizationschemes.As the β function concerns counter-terms of dimension four, only quadratic divergences from the gravitationalcontributions need to be investigated.A consistent result is obtained by using a symmetry-preserving loop regularizationwith string-mode regulators which can appropriately treat the quadratic divergences and preserve non-abelian gaugesymmetry.The harmonic gauge condition for gravity is used in both diagrammatical and background field calculations,the resulting gravitational corrections to the β function are found to be nonzero, which is different from previous resultspresented in the existing literatures. 展开更多
关键词 quantum gravity unification ASYMPTOTIC
Bloggers, Vloggers, and a Virtual Sorority: A Means of Support for African American Women Wearing Natural Hair
作者 Tameka N. Ellington 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2014年第9期552-564,共13页
Non-acceptance of natural African American hair is evident in mainstream media, and within the African American community. As a result, many Afi'ican American women lack knowledge about how to care for their naturall... Non-acceptance of natural African American hair is evident in mainstream media, and within the African American community. As a result, many Afi'ican American women lack knowledge about how to care for their naturally kinky hair because straightened hair has been the standard and norm. Therefore, women wearing natural hair had to seek support and education outside of their immediate community via social networking sites. Through a participatory culture framework via an Afrocentric lens, the results revealed that producers of these sites became the needed support and comfort that the natural hair community was missing. Through communication with these producers and their sites, a space was created where women began to appreciate and love their natural hair. 展开更多
关键词 natural hair social networking sites bloggers vloggers
Nay or Jain Nyay 1: Existence Inferred from Affirmed Assertions
作者 Mahendra Kumar Jain 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2016年第2期55-68,共14页
The Jain logic (Nay) addresses concerns elicited by sense experience of observable and measurable reality. Reality is what it is, and it exists independent of the observer. The last Jain Tirthankar Mahaveer suggeste... The Jain logic (Nay) addresses concerns elicited by sense experience of observable and measurable reality. Reality is what it is, and it exists independent of the observer. The last Jain Tirthankar Mahaveer suggested that organisms interact with such realities for survival needs and become concerned about the consequences. He suggested a code of conduct for reality-based behaviors to address concerns. Perceptions and impressions provide measures (praman) of information in sense experience, and with other evidence guide choices and decisions to act and bear consequences. Ethical behaviors rooted in reality have desirable consequences, and inconsistent and contradictory behaviors are undesirable consequences. Omniscience (God, Brahm) is discarded as a self-referential ad hoc construct inconsistent and contradictory to real world behaviors. This article is survey of assumptions and models to represent, interpret, and validate knowledge that begins with logical deduction for inference (anuman) based on evidence from sense experience (Jain 2011). Secular and atheistic thrust of thought and practice encourages reasoning and open-ended search with affirmed assertions and independent evidence. Individual identity (atm) emerges with consistent behaviors to overcome fallibility and unreliability by minimizing doubt (Syad-Saptbhangi Nay). The first Tirthankar Rishabh Nath (ca. 2700 BC) suggested that the content (sat) of real and abstract objects and concerns during a change is conserved as the net balance of the inputs and outputs (Tatia 1994). Identity and content of assertions and evidence is also conserved during logical manipulations for reasoning. Each assertion and its negation are to be affirmed with independent evidence, and lack of evidence for presence is not necessarily the evidence for either non-absence or non-existence. 展开更多
关键词 Saptbhangi Syad Nay Jain logic evidence-based inference quantum logic
On the Operation and Organization Mode of the Enterprise's E-commerce
作者 Muyou Sun 《Chinese Business Review》 2005年第2期60-63,共4页
The E-business organization of enterprise comes into being due to the demand of era. With the development of the society, it has been developing from H type to U Mode, to the shape of matrix and then to the shape of t... The E-business organization of enterprise comes into being due to the demand of era. With the development of the society, it has been developing from H type to U Mode, to the shape of matrix and then to the shape of the network. The evolution of these modes is derived from the necessity to serve customers and society better. This is the current E-business organization mode. 展开更多
关键词 enterprises E-commerce operation organization mode
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