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大直径MCT晶体的双晶衍射回摆曲线测量 被引量:1
作者 韩庆林 李全保 +1 位作者 吴刚 马庆华 《红外技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2000年第3期45-48,共4页
采用加压改进Bridgman法生长出大直径 ( =40mm)MCT晶体。对所生长的晶体进行了双晶衍射回摆曲线测量 ,所测量样品的双晶衍射回摆曲线的半峰宽最小值为1 4.4″~ 1 6.2″。测试结果表明 :大直径MCT晶体质量优良 。
关键词 MCT晶体 双晶衍射回摆曲线 红外探测器
用计算机演示多缝衍射图样的缺级现象 被引量:2
作者 周莉英 董慎行 钱忠华 《物理与工程》 2003年第5期28-31,34,共5页
利用计算机的图形功能 ,采用振幅矢量法演示多缝衍射光强分布曲线的动态变化过程及对应的振幅矢量合成图形 。
关键词 多缝衍射图样 缺级现象 振幅矢量法 多缝衍射光强分布曲线 演示实验 计算机 缝间干涉
煤系不同类型高岭岩中高岭石结晶度的区别 被引量:35
作者 刘钦甫 许红亮 张鹏飞 《煤炭学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第6期576-580,共5页
根据X射线衍射曲线特征及亨克利结晶度指数 (Hi) ,将华北石炭 -二叠纪煤系高岭岩中高岭石结晶度划分为 4级 :高度有序 (Hi≥ 1 3) ;有序 ( 1 3 >Hi≥ 1 1) ;较无序 ( 1 1>Hi≥0 8) ;无序 (Hi<0 8) .与风化煤共生的软质高岭... 根据X射线衍射曲线特征及亨克利结晶度指数 (Hi) ,将华北石炭 -二叠纪煤系高岭岩中高岭石结晶度划分为 4级 :高度有序 (Hi≥ 1 3) ;有序 ( 1 3 >Hi≥ 1 1) ;较无序 ( 1 1>Hi≥0 8) ;无序 (Hi<0 8) .与风化煤共生的软质高岭土中高岭石结晶度最高 ,为高度有序类型 ;煤层夹矸隐晶高岭岩和火山灰蚀变晶粒高岭岩中高岭石的有序度中等 ,为有序至较无序类型 ;由陆源搬运沉积作用形成的鲕粒和球粒高岭岩、隐晶高岭岩、碎屑和团块状高岭岩、砂质高岭岩中高岭石的结晶度较低 ,为较无序至无序类型 . 展开更多
关键词 高岭石 亨克利指数 成因 结晶度 煤系高岭岩 X射线衍射曲线特征
作者 马海伟 栾坤祥 陈良 《测绘通报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期171-175,共5页
针对海底管缆铺设及掩埋情况复杂、细小掩埋管缆定位及埋深探测困难等情况,本文介绍了线性调频声呐及波束角调节技术在海底管缆探测中的优势,结合EdgeTech3400 OTS浅地层剖面仪在海上风电场小管径电缆探测和沿海航道掩埋输气管探测中的... 针对海底管缆铺设及掩埋情况复杂、细小掩埋管缆定位及埋深探测困难等情况,本文介绍了线性调频声呐及波束角调节技术在海底管缆探测中的优势,结合EdgeTech3400 OTS浅地层剖面仪在海上风电场小管径电缆探测和沿海航道掩埋输气管探测中的应用案例,针对浅地层剖面仪在海底埋深管缆探测识别中的技术难点,分析了管缆探测影响因素与优化措施,对航道通航安全管理、港航工程项目建设及海上风电场建设运维等具有积极意义。 展开更多
关键词 线性调频声呐 波束角调节技术 浅地层剖面仪 衍射曲线 海底管线探测
丝胶湿热变性变质的研究 被引量:2
作者 陈文兴 尤奇 《纺织学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1992年第8期21-23,2,共4页
本文研究丝胶在不同温湿度条件和水中的变性变质问题。丝胶在湿热环境中发生变性,聚集态结构致密化。丝胶在70℃以上的水溶液中可明显发生水解。丝胶在较高温度和相对湿度的条件中也可发生水解,但水解速度比在水溶液中慢。丝胶经湿热处... 本文研究丝胶在不同温湿度条件和水中的变性变质问题。丝胶在湿热环境中发生变性,聚集态结构致密化。丝胶在70℃以上的水溶液中可明显发生水解。丝胶在较高温度和相对湿度的条件中也可发生水解,但水解速度比在水溶液中慢。丝胶经湿热处理后溶解度的变化是变性和变质两者作用的结果。 展开更多
关键词 湿热处理 水解速度 聚集态结构 热变性 温湿度条件 衍射曲线 湿热环境 溶解性 光密度 鲜茧
晶面偏角对利用Voigt函数法计算硅单晶本征晶格应变的影响 被引量:1
作者 朱杰 姬梦 马爽 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期176-184,共9页
研究并制备了不同晶面偏角的Si(111)单晶,经过研磨和抛光使表面粗糙度低至3.4?达到超光滑水平,消除了表面和亚表面损伤层以及其所产生的应力变化.利用高精度X射线衍射仪分别测定了在不同晶面偏角条件下衍射曲线的半高全宽和积分宽度.应... 研究并制备了不同晶面偏角的Si(111)单晶,经过研磨和抛光使表面粗糙度低至3.4?达到超光滑水平,消除了表面和亚表面损伤层以及其所产生的应力变化.利用高精度X射线衍射仪分别测定了在不同晶面偏角条件下衍射曲线的半高全宽和积分宽度.应用Voigt函数法分析计算了微观应变,通过理论计算和实验对比可知,Si(111)单晶在晶面偏角达到0.749o时,偏角本身所带来的衍射峰半高全宽变化使计算出的应变值误差大于5%.研究结果为其他晶体类似研究提供了重要参考. 展开更多
关键词 晶面偏角 应变 衍射曲线
作者 黎少桦 杨始堃 潘鉴元 《聚酯工业》 CAS 1989年第Z1期25-31,共7页
对于半结晶体系的纤维,非结晶相的分子链排布也是高度取向的。因此分子链的 X 射线散射在空间也是择优取向的。下面我们定性地讨论这个问题。一、引论式子表达:I(b)Nf_a^2+f_a^2 sum from j to j sum from k to ≠k EXP.
关键词 子链 结晶结构 半结晶 散射强度 结晶相 衍射峰强度 衍射强度 衍射曲线 衍射 非晶区
中间变形对Bi-2223/Ag超导带材织构的影响 被引量:3
作者 林东 易汉平 +2 位作者 宋秀华 刘伟 刘庆 《金属热处理》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第8期1-4,共4页
借助于扫描电镜和X射线衍射分析摇摆曲线 ,研究了Bi 2 2 2 3/Ag单芯超导带材制备过程中中间变形对Bi 2 2 2 3超导相织构的影响。结果表明 ,织构度与中间变形量的关系曲线呈现峰值变化规律。采用轧制进行中间变形 ,Bi 2 2 2 3/Ag单芯带... 借助于扫描电镜和X射线衍射分析摇摆曲线 ,研究了Bi 2 2 2 3/Ag单芯超导带材制备过程中中间变形对Bi 2 2 2 3超导相织构的影响。结果表明 ,织构度与中间变形量的关系曲线呈现峰值变化规律。采用轧制进行中间变形 ,Bi 2 2 2 3/Ag单芯带材的变形量εopt为 14 3%时Bi 2 2 2 3相织构最佳 ;采用压制进行中间变形 ,变形量εopt为10 7%时Bi 2 2 2 3相织构最佳。中间变形后的带材经过最终热处理 ,其Bi 2 2 2 3相的织构得到进一步改善。四引线法临界电流密度测量结果表明 。 展开更多
关键词 BI-2223/AG超导带材 Bi-2223超导相 中间变形 X射线衍射分析摇摆曲线
《中国光学》 EI CAS 1995年第1期69-71,共3页
O484.1 95010481GaAs上热壁外延Cd<sub>8.96</sub>Zn<sub>0.04</sub>Te薄膜=Growth ofCd<sub>0.96</sub>Zn<sub>0.04</sub>Te films on GaAs substrates byhot wall epitaxy[刊,中]/... O484.1 95010481GaAs上热壁外延Cd<sub>8.96</sub>Zn<sub>0.04</sub>Te薄膜=Growth ofCd<sub>0.96</sub>Zn<sub>0.04</sub>Te films on GaAs substrates byhot wall epitaxy[刊,中]/陶长远,刘达清(南开大学物理系.天津)//红外与激光技术.—1994,(3).—15—17首次报道用热壁外延技术在(100)GaAs衬底上生长出Cd<sub>0.96</sub>Zn<sub>0.04</sub>Te(111)薄膜,结果表明,薄膜在15—20μm厚时X射线双晶衍射回摆曲线半高宽在100弧秒以下,其位错腐蚀坑密度等于甚至小于10<sup>3</sup>cm<sup>-2</sup>薄膜组分,层厚均匀,表面光亮如镜。 展开更多
关键词 金刚石薄膜 激光技术 双晶衍射回摆曲线 首次报道 热壁外延 新技术 腐蚀坑密度 超导薄膜 外延技术 脉冲激光
Preparation High-Temperature Behavior of Conversion Coating of Alumina Film on FeCrAI (Ce) Stainless Steel
作者 H. Essom 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2012年第12期1083-1092,共10页
FeCrAI (Ce) stainless steel was functionalized by a conversion treatment in order to allow alumina by diffusion coatings with strong interfacial bonding. The very porous conversion coating produced in a pack alumini... FeCrAI (Ce) stainless steel was functionalized by a conversion treatment in order to allow alumina by diffusion coatings with strong interfacial bonding. The very porous conversion coating produced in a pack aluminization technique had excellent adhesion and was conductive enough to permit conditions favorable for the precipitation of alumina oxyhydroxide during aluminum diffusion coatings. In this work, the bed was prepared as a mixture of A1, NH4C1 and A1203. In the high-activity bed were heat-treated at 1,173 K in an atmosphere made up of team with subsequent air-cooling. The effect of the bed content on the coating was examined. With the high-activity, the desired Fe2Al5 was formed as the outermost coating layer. The coating presented chemical composition gradients suitable for strong adhesion. The improvement of the thermal oxidation behaviour was studied at 1,373 K. Two different aqueous environments, which are (1) NaC1 and (2) H2SO4, are employed for using the technique of potentiodynamic polarization curve. The obtained experimental electrochemical parameters (Ecorr, Jcorr etc,) were used to compare the corrosion resistance of the tested steel state complemented by MEB (electronic scanning microscopy) in combination with dispersive analysis X in energy (EDS) or X ray diffraction indicated that the elements concentration maximum was located in the vicinity of the interface especially in the FeCrAI (Ce) coated by spherical A1203 powder. These results an discussed in terms of an addition effect on the development of the microstructure of oxide films. 展开更多
关键词 COATING ALUMINA corrosion MORPHOLOGY heat treatment adhesion.
Determination of deferasirox particle size distribution via laser diffraction and its application in establishing a correlation between particle size and drug dissolution in vitro 被引量:2
作者 Yuyuan Chen Song Wu +5 位作者 Liqing Chen Yuanyuan Zhang Zhonggao Gao Tianlei Li Wei Huang Qingyun Yang 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS CSCD 2021年第11期912-923,共12页
Deferasirox is the first-line drug for iron overload due to thalassemia in adults and pediatric patients. It is classified as a type II compound in the Biopharmaceutics Classification System, and thus the particle siz... Deferasirox is the first-line drug for iron overload due to thalassemia in adults and pediatric patients. It is classified as a type II compound in the Biopharmaceutics Classification System, and thus the particle size of its active pharmaceutical ingredient(API) should be strictly controlled during the manufacturing process. In the present study, laser diffraction was adopted to measure the particle size distribution of deferasirox API. We also developed and validated an accurate and convenient method by investigating important optical parameters and sample dispersing conditions. The relative standard deviation values, namely, d(0.1), d(0.5), d(0.9), and d(4,3), measured via methodology validation and actual sample measurement were < 3%. The dissolution curves of several batches of dispersible tablets prepared using deferasirox with different particle sizes were compared in the four dissolved media to investigate the influence of particle size on drug dissolution in vitro. Results indicated that the particle size distribution of deferasirox API significantly affected the release of its dispersible tablet. 展开更多
关键词 DEFERASIROX Particle size distribution Laser diffraction Dissolution curve
Diffractive Interaction for Short Pulses in 2×2 System
作者 袁明生 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2008年第4期499-508,共10页
This paper studies the asymptotic behavior of the diffractive interaction of pulses with two linear phases of length ε ≤ 1 in 2 × 2 semilinear strictly hyperbolic system with constant coefficiients. By a formal... This paper studies the asymptotic behavior of the diffractive interaction of pulses with two linear phases of length ε ≤ 1 in 2 × 2 semilinear strictly hyperbolic system with constant coefficiients. By a formal analysis, it derives problems of profiles in the expansion of the pulse like solution with respect to the length s, and obtains that the leading profile satisfies a nonlinear Schrodinger type system. The problems of profiles are solved, and the formal expansion is justified. It is observed that there is interaction between two phases starting at the third order profiles. 展开更多
关键词 short pulses diffractive interaction 2 × 2 system
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