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作者 李树林 《通化师范学院学报》 2016年第9期97-104,共8页
前227年燕太子丹密谋"荆轲刺秦王"行动失败,激怒秦王将统一战争矛头由亡赵转攻燕。前226年弃蓟都后"燕王喜、太子丹等尽率其精兵东保于辽东"途中,"李信追丹,丹匿衍水中,燕王乃使使斩太子丹,欲献于秦",引... 前227年燕太子丹密谋"荆轲刺秦王"行动失败,激怒秦王将统一战争矛头由亡赵转攻燕。前226年弃蓟都后"燕王喜、太子丹等尽率其精兵东保于辽东"途中,"李信追丹,丹匿衍水中,燕王乃使使斩太子丹,欲献于秦",引发出"丹匿衍水中"为辽东何地的问题。自明清学者臆测辽阳太子河为古"衍水"至今,史学界似成定论。作者依据《战国策》《史记》《汉书》等史料,结合考古新发现的"辽阳—通化—集安—长白"燕秦汉辽东长城"真番障塞"线,运用史料分类法、二重证据法、逻辑推理法等研究方法 ,进一步否定"衍水"为太子河的旧论;考证"丹匿衍水中"当为燕塞要城——今通化浑江、哈尼河所夹的治安山城,前222年秦军俘燕王喜亦于此;提出《汉书》所载的"盐难水"实为"燕难水"之谐音。 展开更多
关键词 太子丹 秦始皇 衍水 太子河 盐难 燕难 通化治安山城
太子河名称考实——兼论衍水 被引量:4
作者 梁志龙 《北方文物》 北大核心 2006年第2期84-88,共5页
太子河是辽宁境内较大的河流,汉唐时期称大梁水或简称梁水,辽时始称太子河。关于太子河得名缘由,明代至今,说者多认为与燕太子丹有关。本文通过考证,认为太子河得名与燕太子丹无关,它的含义非常简单,就是大河。燕太子丹死于衍水,衍水是... 太子河是辽宁境内较大的河流,汉唐时期称大梁水或简称梁水,辽时始称太子河。关于太子河得名缘由,明代至今,说者多认为与燕太子丹有关。本文通过考证,认为太子河得名与燕太子丹无关,它的含义非常简单,就是大河。燕太子丹死于衍水,衍水是太子河的古称几乎已成定论,其实,衍水应是盐难水,亦称掩滞水等,应是今天的浑江。 展开更多
关键词 太子河 大梁 燕太子丹 衍水 盐难 浑江
作者 王普通 郭晋阁 《岁月(推理)(下半月)》 2016年第5期92-123,共32页
关键词 故事 衍水怪谈》 中国 王普通
作者 張鳳周 田宗禹 《中国劳动》 1955年第9期20-22,共3页
从今年四月七日開始,大連水泥廠在採石、原料、燒成等生產車間進行了定員工作。通过定員,僅在六個車間內即减少了百分之一五·二三的人員,全年可節省工資八万七千多元,工人勞動生產率已提高百分之一六·五,同時也改善了職工福利... 从今年四月七日開始,大連水泥廠在採石、原料、燒成等生產車間進行了定員工作。通过定員,僅在六個車間內即减少了百分之一五·二三的人員,全年可節省工資八万七千多元,工人勞動生產率已提高百分之一六·五,同時也改善了職工福利,解决了一部份職工的住宅問題。現在,全廠各車間科室都正在普遍地開展定员工作。一大連水泥廠一九五四年全員勞動生產率較一九五○年增加了百分之三二·九,同時期職工總數却增加了百分之四六·六一(到一九五五年三月更增加到百分之六五·一二)。由於人員增長速度超过了勞動生產率的增長速度,人力使用上是存在着不少嚴重浪費現象。例如: 1.非工業生產人員增加速度快於工業生產人員:如以一九五二年為一○○,一九五五年三月工業生產人員增加了百分之三三·一六。 展开更多
关键词 四台 巢生 工作能力 蒙毅 工案 工作方法 舒定 衍水 三到 老弱
作者 银欣 《中国劳动》 1956年第1期34-35,共2页
在实行计件工资制度中,用以正确地衡量和计算劳动者的劳动量以及报酬并适当地考虑企业应有的积累,首要的问题是如何正确地制定定额(产量定期或时间定额).因为定额在计件工资制度中不仅是规定产品计件单价和计算工人劳动报酬的基础,而且... 在实行计件工资制度中,用以正确地衡量和计算劳动者的劳动量以及报酬并适当地考虑企业应有的积累,首要的问题是如何正确地制定定额(产量定期或时间定额).因为定额在计件工资制度中不仅是规定产品计件单价和计算工人劳动报酬的基础,而且是推动生产发展与增加企业积累的重要动力.因此定额就直接关系到生产的发展、企业的盈余和工人的实际收入.我们知道,采用落后的定额不但易于增高产品的成本及造成工资分配中的平均主义,且由于其本身已失掉了对生产的刺激与调节作用。 展开更多
关键词 计件单价 企业积累 工资分配 劳动报酬 舒定 针刻 特简 择脸 衍水
《中国劳动》 1953年第5期11-12,共2页
蘇聯人民在列宁斯大林黨的领導下胜利地進行着伟大的斯大林共产主义建設綱领。我们的社会主义生產逐年高涨和改進;蘇聯人民的物质福利及文化水平逐年提高。在和平的創造性的勞動中獲得卓越的胜利使蘇聯的爱国主义者衷心感到應有的骄傲... 蘇聯人民在列宁斯大林黨的领導下胜利地進行着伟大的斯大林共产主义建設綱领。我们的社会主义生產逐年高涨和改進;蘇聯人民的物质福利及文化水平逐年提高。在和平的創造性的勞動中獲得卓越的胜利使蘇聯的爱国主义者衷心感到應有的骄傲。共产主义建設的最重要任務之一就是提高工人文化技術水平至工程技術人员的水平。 偉大的斯大林在其经典著作‘蘇聯社會主义經濟問題’中指示: ‘为什么社會主义競賽具有了群眾性呢?因为在工人中间有了整批整批的同志,他們不僅掌握了基本的技術知識,而且更前進了,與技術人员站在同一水平上,开始纠正技師和工程師的缺點,打破已經陳舊的現行定额,採用新的更加現代化的定额等等。假如不是少數工人,而是大多数工人都把自己的文化技術水平提高到了工程技術人员的水平,結果會怎么樣呢?那我國的工業就會提高列其他各国工業所不能達到的高度。因而,不能否認。 展开更多
关键词 工人 工资劳动者 衍水 斯大林
劳动经济讲座 第六讲 提高人民文化技术和物质福利的水平是劳动生产率增长的因素
作者 张绪生 《中国劳动》 1956年第8期43-46,共4页
关键词 人民文化 机器设备 劳动经济 衍水 多种产品 文化 福利 干部决定一切 函授学校 牛奶制品
作者 马连明 《兰台世界(上旬)》 1993年第5期35-36,共2页
《千华山志》作者刘伟,名荣甫,号伟华,1894年出生于辽阳县小黄金屯一个农民家庭。其祖籍本河北省乐亭县,先人闯关东落户于辽阳县。小黄金屯坐落在辽阳县北,千山南峙,衍水西流,环境十分优美。刘家“开门便见千山……,春雨苍松滴翠,夏云... 《千华山志》作者刘伟,名荣甫,号伟华,1894年出生于辽阳县小黄金屯一个农民家庭。其祖籍本河北省乐亭县,先人闯关东落户于辽阳县。小黄金屯坐落在辽阳县北,千山南峙,衍水西流,环境十分优美。刘家“开门便见千山……,春雨苍松滴翠,夏云奇峰幻影,秋霜木叶殷红,冬雪岩壑皎浩”①。灵山胜境,陶冶情趣,他在孩提时代即对千山充满了向往,常常缠绕叔伯讲述“四时演变”的千山风景名胜。是时,刘家三代同堂(30多口人)以种地为主,家境十分贫寒,为谋衣食,刘伟华很小就给人放牧。 展开更多
关键词 华山志 刘伟华 辽阳县 灵山胜境 孩提时代 秋霜 农民家庭 风景名胜 三代同堂 衍水
襄平书院:文脉悠长 弦歌不辍
作者 虞之 《共产党员》 2022年第24期58-59,共2页
沿着蜿蜒的太子河行走,一座古香古色的青砖灰瓦的四合院迎面而立,它就是襄平书院。衍水河畔百年书院襄平书院坐落于碧水荡漾的太子河(古称衍水)左岸、白塔区刚家胡同28号的辽阳市第四高中院内。书院为三进四合院建筑,坐北朝南,建有仪门... 沿着蜿蜒的太子河行走,一座古香古色的青砖灰瓦的四合院迎面而立,它就是襄平书院。衍水河畔百年书院襄平书院坐落于碧水荡漾的太子河(古称衍水)左岸、白塔区刚家胡同28号的辽阳市第四高中院内。书院为三进四合院建筑,坐北朝南,建有仪门、垂花门、中厅、后厅及东西配房42间,内设讲堂、山长室、斋长室、监院、斋舍、书房等。正门南向是高大的照壁,门前有上马石、下马石及一对石狮。整个院落环境清幽,安静祥和,四周是灰色墙瓦、暗红窗棂。 展开更多
关键词 襄平 垂花门 白塔区 书院 环境清幽 上马石 四合院 衍水
作者 苗露 《教育家》 2016年第22期49-51,共3页
衍水河畔,龙鼎山下,盛开着一朵基础教育的奇葩,她迎着新世纪的曙光,沐浴着课程改革的春风,徐徐绽放,散发着诱人的芬芳,她就是辽宁省辽阳石油化纤公司第三小学。学校始建于1978年,原隶属辽阳石油化纤公司厂办子弟小学,占地面积20025平方... 衍水河畔,龙鼎山下,盛开着一朵基础教育的奇葩,她迎着新世纪的曙光,沐浴着课程改革的春风,徐徐绽放,散发着诱人的芬芳,她就是辽宁省辽阳石油化纤公司第三小学。学校始建于1978年,原隶属辽阳石油化纤公司厂办子弟小学,占地面积20025平方米,建筑面积9365平方米,绿化面积980平方米,校园环境优雅整洁,是一个培养人才的摇篮。 展开更多
关键词 衍水 占地面积 鼎山 绿化面积 现代教育技术 德育实践 体育艺术 教育理念 省级科研课题 电子白板
作者 田晓聪 《民心》 2014年第8期16-17,共2页
辽阳市第三高级中学教师刘先生通过民心网留言,"随着河东经济开发区的发展,衍水大桥来往车辆频繁,特别是途经第三高中十字路口路段,大小车辆混行且没有信号灯装置,对广大师生通行构成安全隐患,建议交警部门能尽快在此处安装信号灯... 辽阳市第三高级中学教师刘先生通过民心网留言,"随着河东经济开发区的发展,衍水大桥来往车辆频繁,特别是途经第三高中十字路口路段,大小车辆混行且没有信号灯装置,对广大师生通行构成安全隐患,建议交警部门能尽快在此处安装信号灯……"辽阳市交警支队组织召开专门会议研究刘先生所提建议,决定对全市中小学校十字路口进行排查并增设信号灯。市交警支队计划在三高中岗、青年街小学岗、体育中学岗、四高中岗新建4处信号灯岗,在二道街小学岗。 展开更多
关键词 中学教师 河东经济 来往车辆 二道街 衍水 回复率 平行志愿 抗美援朝纪念馆 城市公用事业 夜间施工
作者 超级玛丽 sun 《潇洒》 2008年第1期152-152,共1页
关键词 调查时间 电影情节 HTTP 加长版 网上购买 上卿 衍水 调直 主寺 三兰
《中国绿色画报》 2012年第11期8-9,共2页
【北京地铁设饮料瓶回收机投空瓶可为一卡通充值】喝完的空饮料瓶,不要丢入垃圾箱,而选择投入回收机,可获得5分到1毛钱的返利,充值到一卡通里。本月,市民将在地铁十号线劲松站和芍药居站见到一种形似饮料自动售卖机的空饮料瓶智能回收... 【北京地铁设饮料瓶回收机投空瓶可为一卡通充值】喝完的空饮料瓶,不要丢入垃圾箱,而选择投入回收机,可获得5分到1毛钱的返利,充值到一卡通里。本月,市民将在地铁十号线劲松站和芍药居站见到一种形似饮料自动售卖机的空饮料瓶智能回收机了。这样的想法,越多越好哦! 展开更多
关键词 回收机 虎鞭 饮料瓶 燃煤发电 族箱 洲口 北京地铁 功千 衍水 机钻
Effects of Exogenous Salicylic Acid Derivative on the Resistance to TMV and Activity of Defense Enzymes of Tobacco 被引量:2
作者 朱艳娜 刘明杨 +1 位作者 顾建强 马新颖 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第4期661-662,683,共3页
[Objective] This study aimed to evaluate the effects of exogenous salicylic acid derivatives on tobacco resistance to TMV and activity of defense enzymes. [Method] The tobboco leaves were treated by exogenous salicyli... [Objective] This study aimed to evaluate the effects of exogenous salicylic acid derivatives on tobacco resistance to TMV and activity of defense enzymes. [Method] The tobboco leaves were treated by exogenous salicylic acid derivatives. Then, the disease occurrence was observed, and the activity of phenylalanin ammo- nia lyase (PAL) and peroxidase (POX) were measured. [Result] Exogenous salicylic acid derivative increased the activities of PAL and POX, while did not influence the resistance to TMV. [Conclusion] The result provides a theoretical basis for the study of plant disease resistance mechanisms. 展开更多
关键词 Salicylic acid derivative TMV Induced resistance Defense enzymes
Encapsulated Ni-Co alloy nanoparticles as efficient catalyst for hydrodeoxygenation of biomass derivatives in water 被引量:3
作者 Dongdong Wang Wanbing Gong +6 位作者 Jifang Zhang Miaomiao Han Chun Chen Yunxia Zhang Guozhong Wang Haimin Zhang Huijun Zhao 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第11期2027-2037,共11页
Catalytic hydrodeoxygenation(HDO)is one of the most promising strategies to transform oxygen-rich biomass derivatives into high value-added chemicals and fuels,but highly challenging due to the lack of highly efficien... Catalytic hydrodeoxygenation(HDO)is one of the most promising strategies to transform oxygen-rich biomass derivatives into high value-added chemicals and fuels,but highly challenging due to the lack of highly efficient nonprecious metal catalysts.Herein,we report for the first time of a facile synthetic approach to controllably fabricate well-defined Ni-Co alloy NPs confined on the tip of N-CNTs as HDO catalyst.The resultant Ni-Co alloy catalyst possesses outstanding HDO performance towards biomass-derived vanillin into 2-methoxy-4-methylphenol in water with 100%conversion efficiency and selectivity under mild reaction conditions,surpassing the reported high performance nonprecious HDO catalysts.Impressively,our experimental results also unveil that the Ni-Co alloy catalyst can be generically applied to catalyze HDO of vanillin derivatives and other aromatic aldehydes in water with 100%conversion efficiency and over 90%selectivity.Importantly,our DFT calculations and experimental results confirm that the achieved outstanding HDO catalytic performance is due to the greatly promoted selective adsorption and activation of C=O,and desorption of the activated hydrogen species by the synergism of the alloyed Ni-Co NPs.The findings of this work affords a new strategy to design and develop efficient transition metal-based catalysts for HDO reactions in water. 展开更多
关键词 Ni-Co alloy nanoparticles Carbon nanotubes HYDRODEOXYGENATION Biomass derivatives H_(2)O solvent
Comparison of microbial communities in three different mine drainages and their bioleaching efficiencies to low grade of chalcopyrite 被引量:6
作者 尹华群 邱冠周 +4 位作者 王淀佐 曹琳辉 戴志敏 王杰伟 刘学端 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2007年第4期460-466,共7页
Microbial community diversities in the drainage from three mines(Dexing Copper Mine,Qibaoshan Copper Mine and Yaogangxian Tungsten Mine,China)were analyzed using 16S rDNA PCR-RFLP approach.The efficiencies of chalcopy... Microbial community diversities in the drainage from three mines(Dexing Copper Mine,Qibaoshan Copper Mine and Yaogangxian Tungsten Mine,China)were analyzed using 16S rDNA PCR-RFLP approach.The efficiencies of chalcopyrite bioleaching were compared using enrichment of the three cultures.Phylogenetic analysis indicates that the dominant microorganisms are clustered with the Proteobacteria,the remaining is affiliated with Nitrospira,Acidobacteria and Actinobacteria.At the genus level,Acidithiobacillus is the dominant group in both YTW and QBS samples,while Spingomonas is dominant in YGX sample.Moreover,the principal component analysis(PCA)reveals that QBS and YTW have similar geochemical character and microbial communities.The results also show that pH value and tungsten concentration play a key role in microbial community distribution and relative abundance.The bioleaching efficiency of the enrichment cultures from YTW and QBS is similar.After 15 d,the bioleaching rates of low grade chalcopyrite(0.99%)are both up to 99.5% when using 10 g/L pulp density due to the similar microbial composition of YTW and QBS.Moreover,the leaching efficiencies of enrichment cultures containing multiple bioleaching microorganisms are higher than that of pure culture Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans. 展开更多
关键词 microbial community diversity PCR-RFLP principal component analysis CHALCOPYRITE BIOLEACHING
Development of 101 Novel EST-Derived Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Markers for Zhikong Scallop (Chlamys farreri) 被引量:2
作者 LI Jiqin BAO Zhenmin +3 位作者 LI Ling WANG Xiaojian WANG Shi HU Xiaoli 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2013年第3期403-412,共10页
Zhikong scallop(Chlamys farreri) is an important maricultured species in China.Many researches on this species,such as population genetics and QTL fine-mapping,need a large number of molecular markers.In this study,ba... Zhikong scallop(Chlamys farreri) is an important maricultured species in China.Many researches on this species,such as population genetics and QTL fine-mapping,need a large number of molecular markers.In this study,based on the expressed sequence tags(EST),a total of 300 putative single nucleotide polymorphisms(SNPs) were selected and validated using high resolution melting(HRM) technology with unlabeled probe.Of them,101(33.7%) were found to be polymorphic in 48 individuals from 4 populations.Further evaluation with 48 individuals from Qingdao population showed that all the polymorphic loci had two alleles with the minor allele frequency ranged from 0.046 to 0.500.The observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.000 to 0.925 and from 0.089 to 0.505,respectively.Fifteen loci deviated significantly from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and significant linkage disequilibrate was detected in one pair of markers.BLASTx gave significant hits for 72 of the 101 polymorphic SNP-containing ESTs.Thirty four polymorphic SNP loci were predicted to be non-synonymous substitutions as they caused either the change of codons(33 SNPs) or pretermination of translation(1 SNP).The markers developed can be used for the population studies and genetic improvement on Zhikong scallop. 展开更多
关键词 Zhikong scallop Chlamysfarreri SNP EST HRM
Exploration of the active phase of the hydrotalcite-derived cobalt catalyst for HCHO oxidation 被引量:1
作者 Mengya Lin Xiaolin Yu +2 位作者 Xueqin Yang Xiuyun Ma Maofa Ge 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第5期703-712,共10页
A series of Co-based oxide catalysts were prepared by calcining hydrotalcite precursors in different atmospheres and studied for HCHO catalytic oxidation. The N2-calcined catalyst exhibits enhanced HCHO oxidation and ... A series of Co-based oxide catalysts were prepared by calcining hydrotalcite precursors in different atmospheres and studied for HCHO catalytic oxidation. The N2-calcined catalyst exhibits enhanced HCHO oxidation and superior stability. On the basis of H2-TPR, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and Raman characterizations, this can be ascribed to better redox ability, octahedrally coordinated Co2+ ions derived from the CoO phase, and other surface oxygen species, such as O2– or O–. The extra octahedrally coordinated Co2+ ions may reside in a more open framework site than the inactive tetrahedrally coordinated Co2+ ions. This species of Co2+ can easily make contact with oxygen and oxidize. The surface oxygen species, along with the octahedrally coordinated Co2+ ions, and a part of the Co3+ species constitute the Co2+-oxygen species-Co3+ sites, which enhance the catalytic activities. According to DRIFTS, Co2+-oxygen species-Co3+ makes oxidation of HCHO and conversion of DOM to formate easier. 展开更多
关键词 HCHO Hydrotalcite derivate Active phase Cobalt oxide
Chemical probing reveals insights into the signaling mechanism of inflammasome activation 被引量:5
作者 Yi-Nan Gong Xiaoming Wang +6 位作者 Jiayi Wang Zhenxiao Yang Shan Li Jieling Yang Liping Liu Xiaoguang Lei Feng Shao 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第12期1289-1305,共17页
Caspase-1-mediated IL-1β production is generally controlled by two pathways. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) recognize pathogen-derived products and induce NF-KB-dependent pro-IL-1β transcription; NOD-like receptors (... Caspase-1-mediated IL-1β production is generally controlled by two pathways. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) recognize pathogen-derived products and induce NF-KB-dependent pro-IL-1β transcription; NOD-like receptors (NLRs) assemble caspase-l-activating inflammasome complexes that sense bacterial products/danger signals. Through a targeted chemical screen, we identify bromoxone, a marine natural product, as a specifc and potent inhibitor of the caspase-1 pathway. Bromoxone is effective over diverse inflammatory stimuli including TLR ligands plus ATP/nigeri- cin, cytosolic DNA, flagellin and Bacillus anthracis lethal toxin. Bromoxone also efficiently suppresses easpase-1 acti- vation triggered by several types of bacterial infection. Bromoxone acts upstream or at the level of the inflammasome in a transcription-independent manner. Bromoxone also inhibits pro-IL-1β expression by targeting components up- stream of IKK in the TLR-NF-kB pathway. The unique dual activities of bromoxone are shared by the known TAK1 inhibitor that specifically blocks Nalp3 inflammasome activation. Hinted from the mechanistic and pharmacological properties of bromoxone, we further discover that several known NF-KB inhibitors that act upstream of IKK, but not those targeting IKK or IKK downstream, are potent blockers of different NLRs-mediated caspase-1 activation. Our study uncovers a possible non-transcriptional molecular link between the NLR (Nalp3)-mediated inflammasome pathway and TLR-NF-kB signaling, and suggests a potential strategy to develop new anti-inflammatory drugs. 展开更多
关键词 innate immunity INFLAMMASOME NOD-like receptors chemical biology signal transduction
Preparation of microsized single-crystalline Co_3O_4 by high-temperature hydrolysis
作者 李启厚 刘智勇 +1 位作者 刘志宏 胡雷 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第4期993-997,共5页
Microsized single-crystalline Co3O4 has been synthesized by high-temperature hydrolysis of CoCD2H20 at 600℃. The samples were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) an... Microsized single-crystalline Co3O4 has been synthesized by high-temperature hydrolysis of CoCD2H20 at 600℃. The samples were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results reveal that the as-prepared powders are microsized single-crystalline CO3O4 with cubic spinel structure. An increase in the high-temperature hydrolysis time results in the evolution of particle shapes from cube to quasi-sphere, and then to octahedron. The effect of NaCl additive on the surface morphologies of Co3O4 particles was experimentally investigated. The results indicate that the NaCl additive acts as an inert disperse phase in the high-temperature hydrolysis, and prevents the aggregation of Co3O4 particles effectively. 展开更多
关键词 CO3O4 crystal structure HYDROLYSIS surface morphology
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