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“所由”试补——兼释五代的节级 被引量:1
作者 姜芊 《兰州学刊》 CSSCI 1991年第2期108-111,114,共5页
南北朝隋唐五代时期,史书中多见“所由”一词,周一良先生在他的大著《魏晋南北朝史札记》中有专条考证,本文只就隋唐“所由”的旨义作点小小补充,不妥之处,敬请指正。 (一) 《隋书》卷二《高祖纪》开皇九年诏: 京邑庠序,爰及州县,生... 南北朝隋唐五代时期,史书中多见“所由”一词,周一良先生在他的大著《魏晋南北朝史札记》中有专条考证,本文只就隋唐“所由”的旨义作点小小补充,不妥之处,敬请指正。 (一) 《隋书》卷二《高祖纪》开皇九年诏: 京邑庠序,爰及州县,生徒受业,升进于朝,未有灼然明经高第。此则教训不笃,考课未精,明勒所由,隆兹儒训。 又卷二五《刑法志》云: 令殿内去杖,欲有决罚,各付所由此事又见《资治通鉴》卷一七七隋文帝开皇十年。胡注云:“所由,言所主也”。胡氏对“所由”的解释,我们还可举出下列几条:《通鉴》卷二二○肃宗至德二载:其府县所由,祇承人等受贼驱使追捕者,皆收系之。胡注:所由人,有所监典。 展开更多
关键词 节级 所由 《资治通鉴》 然明 隋唐五代 于朝 邑庠 胡注 《通鉴》
作者 黄燕妮 《陇东学院学报》 2009年第6期7-9,共3页
关键词 《汉语大词典》 “白”字条词语
《经济研究参考》 1997年第69期52-52,共1页
关键词 定深 大型企业集团 点工作 国务院 点企业 体改委 补试 国家经贸委 名单 国家计委
《冶金财会》 1998年第2期25-25,共1页
为深化企业集团试点,国家有关部门根据国务院1997年4月份颁布的有关文件精神,最近已初步拟定了11个与试点集团配套政策相关的文件。这些文件确定的企业集团政策主要分为三类。第一类是在以前试点中已经采用现仍继续实行的政策。如设立... 为深化企业集团试点,国家有关部门根据国务院1997年4月份颁布的有关文件精神,最近已初步拟定了11个与试点集团配套政策相关的文件。这些文件确定的企业集团政策主要分为三类。第一类是在以前试点中已经采用现仍继续实行的政策。如设立财务公司,汇总缴纳所得税和外事审批权等。第二类是不实行或原则上不再扩大实行范围的政策。 展开更多
关键词 配套政策 汇总缴纳 物资计划 行范围 列和 审批权 国有企业集团 补试 所得税
作者 黄士华 《温州大学学报(自然科学版)》 1990年第1期89-89,共1页
读《温州师院学报》1989年第3期《宋代温州的学校教育》一文,获益良多。然所举乐清县书院、书塾的情况,与史志载录有一些出入,现不嫌肤浅,试补述如下。一、文中将“雁山书院”列入宋代学校中,在年代上不符史实。雁山书院的旧址,在大龙... 读《温州师院学报》1989年第3期《宋代温州的学校教育》一文,获益良多。然所举乐清县书院、书塾的情况,与史志载录有一些出入,现不嫌肤浅,试补述如下。一、文中将“雁山书院”列入宋代学校中,在年代上不符史实。雁山书院的旧址,在大龙湫谷口大锦溪北岸天柱村中。《广雁荡山志》和明、清的《乐清县志》都记载,宋太平兴国二年建天柱寺,熙宁元年(?)额,为雁山十八古刹之一。元季毁于兵燹。《广志》中。 展开更多
关键词 乐清县 广雁荡山志 太平兴国 学校教育 史志 熙宁 天柱寺 雁山 锦溪
南宋太学的重建与管理制度初探 被引量:2
作者 林正秋 《杭州师范学院学报》 1991年第5期13-19,共7页
关键词 补试 生员 太学生 学规 经义 绍兴 诗赋 临安 高宗 州学
明治初中期政局与日本文官官僚制度的确立 被引量:2
作者 王铁军 《日本研究》 2007年第2期53-59,共7页
本文以太政官时期的官僚的任用、《文官试验试补及见习规则》以及《文官任用令》为线索,探讨和研究了近代日本文官制度的确立与明治初中期政局中藩阀、政党以及日本内阁建立的内在联系,并提出了近代日本文官集团,从一开始就与日本的政局... 本文以太政官时期的官僚的任用、《文官试验试补及见习规则》以及《文官任用令》为线索,探讨和研究了近代日本文官制度的确立与明治初中期政局中藩阀、政党以及日本内阁建立的内在联系,并提出了近代日本文官集团,从一开始就与日本的政局-藩阀政治、政党制度以及议会和内阁制度有着密切的联系的观点;近代日本文官不仅仅包含有经过文官考试而成为职业文官的集团,也包括着随政局变动而更迭的文官官僚。 展开更多
关键词 明治期的藩阀政治 党人 《文官及见习规则》 《文官任用令》
寰通与SEEBURGER结成战略合作伙伴关系 为企业提供供应链管理无缝整合
作者 李卫忠 《微型机与应用》 北大核心 2008年第7X期16-16,共1页
关键词 战略合作伙伴 SEEBURGER 供应链 集成领域 无缝整合 服务资源 集成解决方案 向斌 未山 补试
作者 张淑珍 《武汉财会》 1986年第5期48-,共1页
武汉市会计学会《会计证》辅导学习班,四个办学点共有学员1,854人,从元月开课至四月五日,按省财政厅规定的教学计划和教材内容.已学完政治经济学和会计学原理两门课程,于四月六日根据省财政厅审定的命题对全体学员进行了考试.考试分上... 武汉市会计学会《会计证》辅导学习班,四个办学点共有学员1,854人,从元月开课至四月五日,按省财政厅规定的教学计划和教材内容.已学完政治经济学和会计学原理两门课程,于四月六日根据省财政厅审定的命题对全体学员进行了考试.考试分上下午各考一门课。学员凭准考证对号入场,每个考场25-30人,单人单座,考场设有主考和监考各一人,考场纪律严明,学员态度严肃认真,出现了很多感人场面. 六十八中考场的学员邓南青,曾于三月下旬患胃大出血,经住院抢救脱险.他躺在病床上得到考试的消息后,心急如焚,来信说:“ 展开更多
关键词 会计学会 会计学原理 单座 考场纪律 办学点 教学计划 及格率 补试 接受组织 女学员
作者 盛仲达 邓恒道 《大学数学》 1991年第Z1期67-71,共5页
在随机规划中,有一类机会约束问题。文[1]、[2]作了一些论述。笔者又作了下述工作: 设矩阵A<sub>max</sub>=(a<sub>ij</sub>) (i=1,2,…m,j=1,2,…n)的第一列a(w)=(a<sub>11</sub>(w)a<su... 在随机规划中,有一类机会约束问题。文[1]、[2]作了一些论述。笔者又作了下述工作: 设矩阵A<sub>max</sub>=(a<sub>ij</sub>) (i=1,2,…m,j=1,2,…n)的第一列a(w)=(a<sub>11</sub>(w)a<sub>21</sub>(w)…a<sub>m1</sub>(w))T服从m维相互独立地联合威布尔分布: 展开更多
关键词 随机规划 机会约束 威布尔分布 二止 题设 凸函数 凸集 工科数学 补试 孟二
《全国商情》 2015年第1期70-71,共2页
鸽子搬家一只鸽子老是不断地搬家。它觉得每次新窝住了没多久,就有一种浓烈的怪味,它觉得很困扰,就跟一只经验丰富的老鸽子诉苦。老鸽子说:"你搬了这么多次家根本没有用啊,因为那种让你困扰的怪味并不是从窝里面发出来的,而是你自... 鸽子搬家一只鸽子老是不断地搬家。它觉得每次新窝住了没多久,就有一种浓烈的怪味,它觉得很困扰,就跟一只经验丰富的老鸽子诉苦。老鸽子说:"你搬了这么多次家根本没有用啊,因为那种让你困扰的怪味并不是从窝里面发出来的,而是你自己身上的味道啊。"悟语:与团队格格不入。 展开更多
关键词 彭教 管理执行 江西吉水 有所成就 创造才能 野战机场 第二年 简单模仿 补试 镇国公
作者 聂伟 《共产党员(河北)》 2015年第4期10-10,共1页
辞旧迎新之际,我们从众多年度"新闻人物"中遴选了几位大学生村官,对他们工作、学习、生活的最新情况予以回访,真实呈现村官经历的点滴变化,全景记录基层历练的铿锵步履。从他们身上,每一位村官朋友或许都能看到自己的影子,感... 辞旧迎新之际,我们从众多年度"新闻人物"中遴选了几位大学生村官,对他们工作、学习、生活的最新情况予以回访,真实呈现村官经历的点滴变化,全景记录基层历练的铿锵步履。从他们身上,每一位村官朋友或许都能看到自己的影子,感悟到将平凡的工作做出不平凡业绩的真谛。 展开更多
关键词 新闻人物 王卡 王印 福泉市 补试 村主任助理 夜路 心理疏导 武汉市江夏区 可真
Dynamic compensation and its application of shock wave pressure sensor 被引量:3
作者 夏永乐 翟永 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2016年第1期48-53,共6页
In order to correct the test error caused by the dynamic characteristics of pressure sensor and avoid the influence of the error of sensor's dynamic model on compensation results,a dynamic compensation method of the ... In order to correct the test error caused by the dynamic characteristics of pressure sensor and avoid the influence of the error of sensor's dynamic model on compensation results,a dynamic compensation method of the pressure sensor is presented,which is based on quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization(QPSO)algorithm and the mean square error(MSE).By using this method,the inverse model of the sensor is built and optimized and then the coefficients of the optimal compensator are got.This method is verified by the dynamic calibration with shock tube and the dynamic characteristics of the sensor before and after compensation are analyzed in time domain and frequency domain.The results show that the working bandwidth of the sensor is extended effectively.This method can reduce dynamic measuring error and improve test accuracy in actual measurement experiments. 展开更多
关键词 pressure sensor dynamic compensation quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization(QPSO) shock wave test band expansion
Design and implementation of model test installation of heave compensation system of deepsea mining 被引量:2
作者 胡琼 刘少军 郑皓 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第3期642-649,共8页
In order to validate the simulation model and develop heave compensation control strategy,heave compensation model tests were performed.The model test installation includes themining ship motion simulator,the heave co... In order to validate the simulation model and develop heave compensation control strategy,heave compensation model tests were performed.The model test installation includes themining ship motion simulator,the heave compensation system,the lifting pipe simulator,the buffer simulator and the water pool.The tests ofmining ship motion simulator show that it is able to perform under the predetermined attitude path smoothly and can meet the requirements of themining ship motions.The heave compensation effect is more than 60% under random wave and the goal is set to be 50%.The model test results indicate that this heave compensation system is effective and feasible. 展开更多
关键词 deepsea mining heave compensation model test installation mining ship motion simulator gimbal
作者 李松增 温穗 《华南预防医学》 1989年第2期50-52,共3页
关键词 毒效 灭虫 广州军区 爱卫办 卫生消毒 可信限 致倦库蚊幼虫 药液浓度 空白对照
第八讲 句子(三)
作者 杨理 《小学教学研究》 1990年第9期19-20,共2页
在前两讲中,向老师们重点介绍的是单句;从这一讲起开始介绍复句。一、什么是复句? 复句是由两个或两个以上的单句组合而成的,组合成复句的各个单句必须是意义上帘切相关而结构上又互相独立的句子。组成复句之后的单句改称分句,在分句与... 在前两讲中,向老师们重点介绍的是单句;从这一讲起开始介绍复句。一、什么是复句? 复句是由两个或两个以上的单句组合而成的,组合成复句的各个单句必须是意义上帘切相关而结构上又互相独立的句子。组成复句之后的单句改称分句,在分句与分句之间常用表示句中停顿的逗号或分号隔开,表示它们之间有语音上的短暂的停顿。有些复句是由两个或两个以上的单句直接组合而成的;但多数复句在组合时需要关联词语的帮助。 展开更多
关键词 假设复句 递进复句 选择复句 因果复句 救中国 条件复句 我爱 并列复句 雷锋日记
Tracer Testing Strategies for Effective Design and Implementation of in Situ Groundwater Remediation
作者 Anil Waduge Elizabeth Cohen Craig Divine 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2013年第12期759-769,共11页
The effectiveness of an injection-based remediation strategy is primarily governed by accurate understanding of reagent delivery and ensuring uniform distribution within the reactive zone. In IRZ (in situ reactive z... The effectiveness of an injection-based remediation strategy is primarily governed by accurate understanding of reagent delivery and ensuring uniform distribution within the reactive zone. In IRZ (in situ reactive zone) design, the required reagent strength, injection volumes, injection rates, injection frequency, injection and monitoring well spacing, and the cost and time to achieve remediation goals are governed by the hydrogeology of the site. A properly designed tracer test is capable of providing critical above mentioned site-specific information, to assist with full scale design of an IRZ. This paper describes that implementing tracer testing to support remedial design can result in enhanced design efficiency, added assurance in full-scale implementation and ultimately resulted in substantial cost savings. Therefore, it is recommended that the broader practitioner community adopt this technique as a best practice for effective and optimum in situ remediation system design. 展开更多
关键词 Tracer testing mobile porosity in situ remediation system design.
Moving object detection method based on complementary multi resolution background models 被引量:2
作者 屠礼芬 仲思东 彭祺 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第6期2306-2314,共9页
A novel moving object detection method was proposed in order to adapt the difficulties caused by intermittent object motion,thermal and dynamic background sequences.Two groups of complementary Gaussian mixture models ... A novel moving object detection method was proposed in order to adapt the difficulties caused by intermittent object motion,thermal and dynamic background sequences.Two groups of complementary Gaussian mixture models were used.The ghost and real static object could be classified by comparing the similarity of the edge images further.In each group,the multi resolution Gaussian mixture models were used and dual thresholds were applied in every resolution in order to get a complete object mask without much noise.The computational color model was also used to depress illustration variations and light shadows.The proposed method was verified by the public test sequences provided by the IEEE Change Detection Workshop and compared with three state-of-the-art methods.Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method is better than others for all of the evaluation parameters in intermittent object motion sequences.Four and two in the seven evaluation parameters are better than the others in thermal and dynamic background sequences,respectively.The proposed method shows a relatively good performance,especially for the intermittent object motion sequences. 展开更多
关键词 moving object detection complementary Gaussian mixture models intermittent object motion thermal and dynamic background
Parameter Test and Analysis for Dynamic Compensation Devices in Wind Power Farms
作者 Bai Runqing Qin Rui Zhi Yong Zhou Xichao Yang Yong 《Electricity》 2012年第4期20-24,共5页
The dynamic reactive power compensation equipment in Jiuquan Wind Power Base of above 10 GW consists of three different types of compensation devices, including: static var generator (SVG), thyristor controlled com... The dynamic reactive power compensation equipment in Jiuquan Wind Power Base of above 10 GW consists of three different types of compensation devices, including: static var generator (SVG), thyristor controlled compensator (TGR) and magnetically controlled reactor (MGR). The lack of experimental verification of performance is not conducive to voltage/var management or full utilization of device capaci- ties. In order to solve the above problems, the compensation device performance test was performed. The test items and procedures were selected based on related national standards with the consideration for different grid structures and wind farm operation modes. The testing contents included dynamic regulating range, active power loss, dynamic response time, and harmonic voltage level. Three types of compensation devices installed in different wind farms, namely SVG, TCR and MCR, were chosen and tested. The performances were compared and analyzed according to the field test results. 展开更多
关键词 wind power farm reactive power compensation parameter test
Hybridisation Potentials for Heavy Trucks Considering Route Topography
作者 Oliver Zim Stephan Krauth Michael Ahlborn 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2016年第7期326-333,共8页
Based on dynamometer test cycles or plain motorway operation, heavy truck hybridisation must be considered as uneconomic if only the kinetic vehicle energy can be recuperated. In mountainous regions, micro hybridizati... Based on dynamometer test cycles or plain motorway operation, heavy truck hybridisation must be considered as uneconomic if only the kinetic vehicle energy can be recuperated. In mountainous regions, micro hybridization by a 48V-belt generator or mild parallel hybridisation by a large high voltage electric drive can result in considerable fuel consumption savings as well as additional benefits for heavy load utility vehicles. Additional electric power and battery size are still critical design parameters as well as critical cost factors considering the limited space and depreciation time as well as the need for maximum payload. Based on vehicle model simulations, this contribution quantifies fuel consumption savings, recuperation energy harvesting and battery requirements for different truck sizes with test cycles based on realistic route topography. The main route topography parameter for the recuperation benefit is the effective incline that integrates all downhill sections that overcompensates the vehicle resistance by tire friction and air resistance. The simulation parameter studies lead to an analytical benefit estimation, based on load cycle parameters like effective velocity, effective incline as well as the vehicle parameters mass, drag coefficient and cross sectional area. Thus, the return on investment can be assessed by an analytic rule of thumb, based on tracked cycles of existing vehicles. 展开更多
关键词 HYBRIDISATION vehicle model SIMULATION test cycles route topography.
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