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作者 尤广杰 《大连民族大学学报》 CAS 2024年第4期346-350,共5页
通过分析索尔·贝娄中篇小说《堂表亲戚们》的人物和情节,阐释贝娄的共同体思想——个体在共同体内部寻求和构建自己的身份认同和归属感、文化与智慧传统在塑造共同体认同中发挥核心作用、共同体成员共享责任和互助关怀,论证贝娄笔... 通过分析索尔·贝娄中篇小说《堂表亲戚们》的人物和情节,阐释贝娄的共同体思想——个体在共同体内部寻求和构建自己的身份认同和归属感、文化与智慧传统在塑造共同体认同中发挥核心作用、共同体成员共享责任和互助关怀,论证贝娄笔下的共同体不仅仅是基于血缘或地理位置的联系,更是建立在共享文化、历史和价值观上的紧密结合。指出贝娄的共同体思想在维护文化连续性、深化个体与共同体之间的联系以及促进全人类共同福祉方面的重要性。 展开更多
关键词 索尔·贝娄 《堂表亲戚们》 共同体思想
认而不亲 差而有序:赣南畲族“认表亲”研究 被引量:2
作者 蓝希瑜 《思想战线》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期21-25,共5页
"认表亲"是赣南畲族的一种民俗事象。从亲属称谓来看,认表亲既综合了姻亲的"表"又结合了血亲的"亲",它所建构的是一种拟制亲属关系,"认而不亲"是其特点。通过认表亲,"生人"变"... "认表亲"是赣南畲族的一种民俗事象。从亲属称谓来看,认表亲既综合了姻亲的"表"又结合了血亲的"亲",它所建构的是一种拟制亲属关系,"认而不亲"是其特点。通过认表亲,"生人"变"亲属",个体间的关系仅"家人"、"熟人",没有"陌生人"。而作为畲族"大帮好事"的人群分类,屋下人、内亲、家庭、百客的划分并非社会等级结构的区辨。这样的分类客观上会影响、规范、引导、调整人们之间的生活交往和社会交换,最终形成结构意义上的"差序格局"。不过,这里的"差序"是指通过寻横向分类之"差",立纵向等级之"序",由此建构"差而有序"的社会,以安天下。 展开更多
关键词 赣南畲族 表亲 认而不亲 寻差立序 差而有序
认表亲:赣南畲族拓展“社会圈子”的实践 被引量:3
作者 蓝希瑜 《贵州民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2012年第1期46-50,共5页
"认表亲"是赣南畲族的一民俗事象,究其本质它是赣南畲人扩展"社会圈子"的实践,更是"小姓"畲人的一种社会适用策略。通过认表亲,畲人与"非亲非戚"的陌生世界建构起一种基于血亲和姻亲的拟制亲... "认表亲"是赣南畲族的一民俗事象,究其本质它是赣南畲人扩展"社会圈子"的实践,更是"小姓"畲人的一种社会适用策略。通过认表亲,畲人与"非亲非戚"的陌生世界建构起一种基于血亲和姻亲的拟制亲属关系,与他群建立起"亲属般"的族群关系。 展开更多
关键词 赣南畲族 “认表亲 拟制亲属关系 “社会圈子”
作者 田新科 牛亚卿 《作家》 北大核心 2013年第07X期28-29,共2页
享誉世界的美国作家索尔·贝娄在叙事艺术上成就巨大,他创作的中长篇小说引人入胜且极具批判性,而其短篇小说则极富哲理意蕴,呈现给读者不一样的文学世界。作为一名美籍犹太人,贝娄经历了在俄国浓郁犹太教氛围的生活,也娴熟掌握了... 享誉世界的美国作家索尔·贝娄在叙事艺术上成就巨大,他创作的中长篇小说引人入胜且极具批判性,而其短篇小说则极富哲理意蕴,呈现给读者不一样的文学世界。作为一名美籍犹太人,贝娄经历了在俄国浓郁犹太教氛围的生活,也娴熟掌握了美国现代生活方式,他所看到的社会和文化都是双重性的,并且通过文本创作的形式记录下来,完成了个人精神和文学艺术的完美结合。本文通过深入了解贝娄创作的《堂表亲戚们》、《银碟》、《人间天堂》等作品,挖掘了贝娄在作品中的各类叙事艺术。 展开更多
关键词 《堂表亲戚们》叙事艺术 索尔·贝娄
作者 高福阵 《乾陵文化研究》 2018年第1期234-239,共6页
表亲婚作为一种婚姻形态自先秦以来即一直存在,它是指姑表、姨表兄弟姐妹之间联姻的婚姻形式。这一婚姻态发展到唐代尤为显著并为时人所接受和法律所承认。《唐律疏议》卷十四'同姓为婚'条:'其外姻虽有服,非尊卑者为婚,不禁... 表亲婚作为一种婚姻形态自先秦以来即一直存在,它是指姑表、姨表兄弟姐妹之间联姻的婚姻形式。这一婚姻态发展到唐代尤为显著并为时人所接受和法律所承认。《唐律疏议》卷十四'同姓为婚'条:'其外姻虽有服,非尊卑者为婚,不禁。'[1]甚者即使尊卑、长幼间也有婚配,我们所熟悉的大诗人白居易,他的父母便是舅甥关系。由于法律允许,表亲婚在唐代存在也就不足为奇。 展开更多
关键词 表亲 门阀政治 婚姻形态
从古汉字透视古代的婚俗文化 被引量:1
作者 李都荣 《语文知识》 2013年第2期7-9,共3页
关键词 汉字文化 群婚 买卖婚 表亲
采用ITO法鉴定母亲为姐妹的特殊半同胞关系 被引量:2
作者 邵诚臣 姚以宁 +4 位作者 周月琴 刘志萍 徐红梅 谢建辉 孙宽 《法医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2021年第6期836-840,共5页
目的鉴定张A、张B、张C和张X之间的关系是母亲为姐妹的同父异母半同胞关系(以下简称特殊半同胞)还是普通的一代表亲关系,探讨ITO法在判别特殊亲缘关系中的应用。方法提取4名被鉴定人的血痕DNA,使用PowerPlex®21系统和21+1 STR荧光... 目的鉴定张A、张B、张C和张X之间的关系是母亲为姐妹的同父异母半同胞关系(以下简称特殊半同胞)还是普通的一代表亲关系,探讨ITO法在判别特殊亲缘关系中的应用。方法提取4名被鉴定人的血痕DNA,使用PowerPlex®21系统和21+1 STR荧光检测试剂盒检测常染色体STR遗传标记,使用Investigator®Argus X-12 QS试剂盒检测X染色体STR遗传标记,使用ITO法计算特殊半同胞关系指数(special half sibling index,SHSI)与一代表亲关系指数(first cousin index,FCI)及两者的似然比。结果基于常染色体STR基因分型结果计算SHSI与FCI的似然比,结合X染色体STR基因分型结果进行分析,提示倾向于认为张A、张B、张C与张X的关系为特殊半同胞。结论对于特殊亲缘关系的鉴定,需要依照案情综合应用各种遗传标记,在分析共享等位基因得到不排除的结论后,可进一步采用ITO法根据案情建立判别假设,得到客观可靠的鉴定意见。 展开更多
关键词 法医遗传学 ITO法 短串联重复 同胞关系 似然比 半同胞关系指数 一代表亲关系指数
“舅姑”称谓论略 被引量:1
作者 方川 《珠海城市职业技术学院学报》 2006年第4期45-51,共7页
中国称谓文化复杂多变。“舅姑”本称“母之兄弟”、“父之姐妹”,但古代又用来称公婆。中国最古老的婚俗——表亲婚是导致舅姑称公婆的最主要原因。这种称谓在书面语出现之前就存在于人类的口语中。由于政治、法律、宗族、习俗的影响... 中国称谓文化复杂多变。“舅姑”本称“母之兄弟”、“父之姐妹”,但古代又用来称公婆。中国最古老的婚俗——表亲婚是导致舅姑称公婆的最主要原因。这种称谓在书面语出现之前就存在于人类的口语中。由于政治、法律、宗族、习俗的影响强化了这种婚俗,导致中国历史上“舅姑称公婆”的巩固。“舅姑称公婆”还有姑嫜(章)、姑蚣(忪、锺)、姑翁(公)的异称。与此相关,“舅姑”还用来称“岳父母”。 展开更多
关键词 称谓 舅姑 公婆 岳父母 表亲
昭通回族穆斯林婚俗趣谈 被引量:1
作者 马仲全 《中国穆斯林》 CSSCI 北大核心 1999年第6期43-44,共2页
关键词 回族穆斯林 新娘 表亲 饮食文化 传统美德 少数民族 一夫一妻制 伊斯兰教规 老年人 传统服饰
作者 李凤能 《文史杂志》 2023年第4期92-93,共2页
关键词 宗亲 表亲 亲属称谓 庞杂泛滥
作者 吴秋林 《六盘水师范学院学报》 1995年第3期53-61,共9页
关键词 婚姻研究 族内婚 仡佬族 社会科学版 一夫一妻制 师专学报 平均结婚年龄 表亲 六盘水 李明珍
作者 萧乾 《中国民政》 1996年第3期41-41,共1页
关键词 第二战场 纳粹德国 中国抗战 接二连三地 山姆大叔 罗斯托夫 互不侵犯 表亲 对日宣战 苏联红军
作者 耿艳杰 《农家之友》 2009年第31期46-46,F0003,共2页
及时流感预防极为重要。流感是严重危害野生动物以及人类健康的急性病毒性呼吸道传染病,流感不光在人类中传播,而且还在我们"表亲"猩猩中传播,猩猩发生流感的症状和人类的症状基本相似。猩猩是濒危野生动物,因此对猩猩流感的... 及时流感预防极为重要。流感是严重危害野生动物以及人类健康的急性病毒性呼吸道传染病,流感不光在人类中传播,而且还在我们"表亲"猩猩中传播,猩猩发生流感的症状和人类的症状基本相似。猩猩是濒危野生动物,因此对猩猩流感的治疗不仅关乎人类的健康,也是为保护濒危野生动物出了份力。本文就猩猩的流感病症作了一些研究和探讨。 展开更多
关键词 流感 表亲 治疗
作者 郑莹 《江苏实用心电学杂志》 1999年第2期100-100,共1页
患婴男,3个月。因发现心率快,心律不齐1天而入院。出生后吮奶较费力,常呛奶,但无发绀,抽搐尖叫、感染史。第2胎预产期前10d剖宫娩出。无产伤,无窒息史。出生体重4000g,母乳喂养,生长发育正常。表亲结婚,母亲在孕期体健,未服过任何药物,... 患婴男,3个月。因发现心率快,心律不齐1天而入院。出生后吮奶较费力,常呛奶,但无发绀,抽搐尖叫、感染史。第2胎预产期前10d剖宫娩出。无产伤,无窒息史。出生体重4000g,母乳喂养,生长发育正常。表亲结婚,母亲在孕期体健,未服过任何药物,否认X线接触史。患儿体检:除心律不齐外。 展开更多
关键词 心房扑动 心房颤动 婴儿 表亲结婚 吮奶 心率快 心律不齐 心房肌 预产期 室上性
Human intestinal acyl-CoA synthetase 5 is sensitive to the inhibitor triacsin C 被引量:3
作者 Elke Kaemmerer Anne Peuscher +4 位作者 Andrea Reinartz Christian Liedtke Ralf Weiskirchen Jürgen Kopitz Nikolaus Gassler 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第44期4883-4889,共7页
AIM:To investigate whether human acyl-CoA synthetase 5(ACSL5) is sensitive to the ACSL inhibitor triacsin C.METHODS:The ACSL isoforms ACSL1 and ACSL5 from rat as well as human ACSL5 were cloned and recombinantly expre... AIM:To investigate whether human acyl-CoA synthetase 5(ACSL5) is sensitive to the ACSL inhibitor triacsin C.METHODS:The ACSL isoforms ACSL1 and ACSL5 from rat as well as human ACSL5 were cloned and recombinantly expressed as 6xHis-tagged enzymes.Ni 2+-affinity purified recombinant enzymes were assayed at pH 7.5 or pH 9.5 in the presence or absence of triacsin C.In addition,ACSL5 transfected CaCo2 cells and intestinal human mucosa were monitored.ACSL5 expression in cellular systems was verified using Western blot and immunofluorescence.The ACSL assay mix included TrisHCl(pH 7.4),ATP,CoA,EDTA,DTT,MgCl 2,[9,103 H] palmitic acid,and triton X-100.The 200 μL reaction was initiated with the addition of solubilized,purified recombinant proteins or cellular lysates.Reactions were terminated after 10,30 or 60 min of incubation with Doles medium.RESULTS:Expression of soluble recombinant ACSL proteins was found after incubation with isopropyl betaD-1-thiogalactopyranoside and after ultracentrifugation these were further purified to near homogeneity with Ni 2+-affinity chromatography.Triacsin C selectively and strongly inhibited recombinant human ACSL5 protein at pH 7.5 and pH 9.5,as well as recombinant rat ACSL1(sensitive control),but not recombinant rat ACSL5(insensitive control).The IC50 for human ACSL5 was about 10 μmol/L.The inhibitory triacsin C effect was similar for different incubation times(10,30 and 60 min) and was not modified by the N-or C-terminal location of the 6xHis-tag.In order to evaluate ACSL5 sensitivity to triacsin C in a cellular environment,stable human ACSL5 CaCo2 transfectants and mechanically dissected normal human intestinal mucosa with high physiological expression of ACSL5 were analyzed.In both models,ACSL5 peak activity was found at pH 7.5 and pH 9.5,corresponding to the properties of recombinant human ACSL5 protein.In the presence of triacsin C(25 μmol/L),total ACSL activity was dramatically diminished in human ACSL5 transfectants as well as in ACSL5-rich human intestinal mucosa.CONCLUSION:The data strongly indicate that human ACSL5 is sensitive to triacsin C and does not compensate for other triacsin C-sensitive ACSL isoforms. 展开更多
关键词 Acyl-CoA synthetase 5 Fatty acid metabolism Mitochondria Triacsin C
High affinity mouse-human chimeric Fab against Hepatitis B surface antigen 被引量:1
作者 Biplab Bose Navin Khanna +1 位作者 Subrat K Acharya Subrata Sinha 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第48期7569-7578,共10页
AIM: Passive immunotherapy using antibody against hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) has been advocated in certain cases of Hepatitis B infection. We had earlier reported on the cloning and expression of a high af... AIM: Passive immunotherapy using antibody against hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) has been advocated in certain cases of Hepatitis B infection. We had earlier reported on the cloning and expression of a high affinity scFv derived from a mouse monoclonal (5S) against HBsAg. However this mouse antibody cannot be used for therapeutic purposes as it may elicit anti-mouse immune responses. Chimerization by replacing mouse constant domains with human ones can reduce the immunogenicity of this antibody.METHODS: We cloned the VH and V, genes of this mouse antibody, and fused them with CH1 domain of human IgG1 and C, domain of human kappa chain respectively. These chimeric genes were cloned into a phagemid vector. After initial screening using the phage display system, the chimeric Fab was expressed in soluble form in E. coli.RESULTS: The chimeric Fab was purified from the bacterial periplasmic extract. We characterized the chimeric Fab using several in vitro techniques and it was observed that the chimeric molecule retained the high affinity and specificity of the original mouse monoclonal. This chimeric antibody fragment was further expressed in different strains of E. coli to increase the yield.CONCLUSION: We have generated a mouse-human chimeric Fab against HBsAg without any significant loss in binding and epitope specificity. This chimeric Fab fragment can be further modified to generate a fulllength chimeric antibody for therapeutic uses. 展开更多
关键词 Chimeric Fab Hepatitis B surface antigen Phage display
Affinity and fluorescent detection of surfactants/ssDNA and single-walled carbon nanotube 被引量:1
作者 周姣 李娟萍 +2 位作者 聂钰洪 李继山 杨金凤 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第2期456-461,共6页
A new biosensor platform was explored for detection of surfactant based on fluorescence changes from single strand DNA (ssDNA) and single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs). Thermodynamics assay was performed to valu... A new biosensor platform was explored for detection of surfactant based on fluorescence changes from single strand DNA (ssDNA) and single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs). Thermodynamics assay was performed to value the stability of probe. The affinities of SWNT to five common surfactants (SDS, DBS, Triton X-100, Tween-20 and Tween-80) were investigated by real-time fluorescence method. The effects of Mg^2+ and pH on the fluorescence intensity of self-assembled quenched sensor were performed. The fluorescent emission spectra were used to measure the responses of self-assembled quenched fluorescent of ssDNA/SWNTs to different concentration surfactant(Triton X-100). The FAM-DNA wrapped SWNTs probe was stable in a wide temperature range (5 ℃ to 80℃). The binding strength of surfactants and single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) on SWNTs surfaces was shown as follows: Triton X-100〉DBS〉Tween-20〉Tween-80〉ssDNA〉SDS, and the optimized reaction conditions included pH 7.4 and 10 mmol/L Mg2+. The fluorescence of FAM-ssDNA wrapped SWNTs was proportionally recovered as a result of adding different concentrations of Triton X- 100, which realizes the quantitative detection of Triton X- 100. 展开更多
关键词 single-stranded DNA single-walled carbon nanotubes SURFACTANT fluorescent sensor AFFINITY
Droplet Contact Angle Measurement on Microstructures of Octocoral Sclerites-ESEM Image Analysis
作者 Barkay Zahava Golombick Roy +1 位作者 Yasmin Gabay Benayahu Yehuda 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2016年第1期42-47,共6页
This work explores the methodology for micron-scale water droplet contact angle derivation for the warty surface of octocoral sclerites. The calcite-made sclerites of the Red Sea octocoral Dendronephthya hemprichi hav... This work explores the methodology for micron-scale water droplet contact angle derivation for the warty surface of octocoral sclerites. The calcite-made sclerites of the Red Sea octocoral Dendronephthya hemprichi have been chosen as a model for this study. Water droplet condensation on the sclerites has been in-situ investigated using Quanta 200 FEG (field emission gun) ESEM (environmental scanning electron microscope) under wet environmental conditions. Two different analysis methods of droplet top and side views have been applied to determine the contact angle based on the secondary electron images. The ESEM image analysis for the sclerites indicates that their surface is hydrophilic. The microscopic contact angle is measured to be 45.3°±6.3°. The macroscopic contact angle has been calculated by using the Wenzel model for the surface texturing of the sclerites. 展开更多
关键词 DROPLET contact angle octocorals Dendronephthya hemprichi ESEM.
Hydrodeoxygenation of anisole over different Rh surfaces
作者 Nhung N. Duong Darius Aruho +1 位作者 Bin Wang Daniel E. Resasco 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第11期1721-1730,共10页
The cleavage of the alkoxy(Ar-O-R) ether bond present in anisole is an interesting hydrodeoxygenation(HDO) reaction, since this asymmetric group contains two different C–O bonds, Caryl–O or Calkyl–O, which could po... The cleavage of the alkoxy(Ar-O-R) ether bond present in anisole is an interesting hydrodeoxygenation(HDO) reaction, since this asymmetric group contains two different C–O bonds, Caryl–O or Calkyl–O, which could potentially cleave. Recent work on the HDO of anisole over Pt, Ru, and Fe catalysts has shown that a common phenoxy surface intermediate is formed on all three metals. The subsequent reaction path of this intermediate varies from metal to metal, depending on the metal oxophilicity. Over the less oxophilic Pt, phenol is the only primary product. By contrast, on the more oxophilic Fe catalyst, the sole primary product is benzene instead of phenol. On Ru, with intermediate oxophilicity, both benzene and phenol are primary products. In this contribution, we have investigated Rh catalysts of varying surface nanostructures. A combination of experimental measurements and computational calculations was used to explore the effects of varying metal coordination number, an additional parameter that can be used to control the oxophilicity of a metal. The results confirm that metal oxophilicity is a good descriptor for HDO performance of metal catalysts and it can be controlled via selection of metal type and/or metal extent of coordination. Small Rh metal clusters with low coordination metal sites are more active for the deoxygenation pathway but also quickly deactivated while large clusters with high coordination sites are more active toward hydrogenation and more stable. 展开更多
作者 ZHANG Bo LI Aimin +1 位作者 TAO Weihua YANG Weiben 《Chinese Journal of Reactive Polymers》 2008年第1期12-17,共6页
The systematical study about side reactions have revealed the formation mechanism of oxygen-containing groups of hypercrosslinked polymers. Surface chemistry and functionality of the polymers are characterized by Four... The systematical study about side reactions have revealed the formation mechanism of oxygen-containing groups of hypercrosslinked polymers. Surface chemistry and functionality of the polymers are characterized by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), solid state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and contact angle. The results showed that the ether groups were from chloromethylated reaction, and the alcohol groups arose from partial hydrolysis of chloromethyl groups during the post-crosslinking reaction, and the carbonyl functionality was formed by further oxidation of the alcohol groups. Catalyst and solvent used in the postcrosslinking reaction would greatly influence the surface chemistry of the polymer. 展开更多
关键词 Hypercrosslinked polymer Surface chemistry Oxygen-containing groups Hydrophilicity.
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