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舰炮对岸区域射击最优表尺分配模型研究 被引量:4
作者 卢发兴 贾正荣 吴威 《系统工程与电子技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期571-576,共6页
舰炮对岸射击问题需要求取表尺梯次差及射击弹丸数量,区域射击方法能够优化求解这些参数。给出舰炮对岸射击毁伤概率模型,引入中间函数通过变分求解最优中间函数,进而提出表尺梯次差求解方法。根据预定毁伤概率要求,构建迭代模型,给出... 舰炮对岸射击问题需要求取表尺梯次差及射击弹丸数量,区域射击方法能够优化求解这些参数。给出舰炮对岸射击毁伤概率模型,引入中间函数通过变分求解最优中间函数,进而提出表尺梯次差求解方法。根据预定毁伤概率要求,构建迭代模型,给出基于预定毁伤概率的射击弹丸数量求解方法。通过数值求解得到典型题设下的表尺梯次差及射击弹丸数量,并与现有方法进行了对比分析。分析结果表明,方法能够给出满足预定毁伤概率要求的舰炮对岸射击方案,与现有方法相比,模型精确性和优化程度更高。同时,在无法确定目标分布特性时,可以假设目标服从均匀分布并进行舰炮对岸射击方案求解,虽然会增加射击弹丸数量消耗,但是可以保证毁伤概率达到预定要求。 展开更多
关键词 表尺分配 舰炮对岸射击 变分
编队舰炮对岸破坏射击表尺分配实用优化 被引量:4
作者 汪德虎 关庆云 《舰船电子工程》 2009年第11期66-69,共4页
关键词 编队 舰炮 表尺分配 优化
某型自动步枪表尺轮无修锉余量的质量问题攻关 被引量:1
作者 余家武 李拂晓 《四川兵工学报》 CAS 2006年第3期61-63,共3页
关键词 表尺 无修锉余量 表尺 质量问题
望山与表尺——古今瞄准具名称对比 被引量:2
作者 杨涤非 《中国科技术语》 2014年第3期48-51,共4页
望山是古代瞄准具的一个组成部分,相当于现代步、机枪上的表尺,两者的功用基本相同。将英文的rear sight意译为表尺比直译为后瞄准具要准确并更具内涵。
关键词 望山 表尺 术语 对比
作者 李挨琪 马志杰 《国防科技》 2003年第10期79-79,共1页
根据步枪、班用轻机枪的战术、技术性能要求,对空射击的最佳距离是500米以内,在这段距离内对空中目标(空中飞机、直升机、巡航导弹、伞兵等)射击时,应该装定表尺“3”(常用表尺)。这是因为:其一,对空射击装定表尺“3”可以获得“直射”... 根据步枪、班用轻机枪的战术、技术性能要求,对空射击的最佳距离是500米以内,在这段距离内对空中目标(空中飞机、直升机、巡航导弹、伞兵等)射击时,应该装定表尺“3”(常用表尺)。这是因为:其一,对空射击装定表尺“3”可以获得“直射”效果,提高命中率。步、机武器对空射击是在有高低角的情况下进行的,由于地心引力使弹头脱离发射线向下降落的量减少了,因而弹道要比水平射击时低伸些,飞行距离也就要远一些。根据计算,自动步枪和班用轻机枪用表尺“3”。 展开更多
关键词 步枪 班用轻机枪 对空射击 表尺
作者 赖宏志 方剑生 王卫红 《西南民兵》 1997年第Z1期59-59,共1页
“匡部长工作标准高,眼光看得远,是一个爱武敬业的好领导”、“匡部长抓工作不仅有预见,更有远见,真不简单。”凡是到成都市龙泉驿区人武部检查工作的上级军区首长,大都会留下这样的赞许。 从匡部长带领人武部官兵新建“龙泉驿区国防教... “匡部长工作标准高,眼光看得远,是一个爱武敬业的好领导”、“匡部长抓工作不仅有预见,更有远见,真不简单。”凡是到成都市龙泉驿区人武部检查工作的上级军区首长,大都会留下这样的赞许。 从匡部长带领人武部官兵新建“龙泉驿区国防教育训练中心”一事中,你就可以看出他的创业精神和远见卓识。 “没有困难,我们当兵干什么?” 匡正祥由人武部军事科长走马上任人武部部长是1993年的事。他接手的是一个什么样的“摊子”啊:人武部办公条件简陋,干部住房紧张,近百万元债务象沉重的巨石压得他喘不过气来。上任伊始,地方有的朋友还常提起5年前人武部官兵“吃便餐”的事情,令他惭愧不已。那是80年代后期,人武部院门有一个旱厕所,每年,部里都将大粪卖给附近生产队,积攒的几百元钱在春节给全体官兵改善一次伙食。因为卖大粪赚的钱少, 展开更多
关键词 龙泉驿区 成都市 新世纪 表尺 部长 国防教育 创业精神 训练中心 旱厕所 80年代后期
舰炮对海上集群小目标射击的毁伤概率 被引量:7
作者 田峰 白江 孙续文 《指挥控制与仿真》 2013年第1期62-66,共5页
海上集群小目标是水面舰艇面临的主要威胁之一。以单管大口径舰炮对海上集群小目标射击作为研究对象,对集群目标进行了等效处理,分析了弹种、引信和装药的选择以及效力射中的表尺分配问题,提出多表尺效力射方法,利用该方法对海上集群小... 海上集群小目标是水面舰艇面临的主要威胁之一。以单管大口径舰炮对海上集群小目标射击作为研究对象,对集群目标进行了等效处理,分析了弹种、引信和装药的选择以及效力射中的表尺分配问题,提出多表尺效力射方法,利用该方法对海上集群小目标射击的毁伤概率进行了分析。结果表明,采用该方法并使用空炸榴弹或杀伤爆破弹,可有效破坏敌运输工具,杀伤其有生力量。 展开更多
关键词 海上集群小目标 表尺面积效力射 毁伤概率
仿古测影探索 被引量:5
作者 崔石竹 李东生 《自然科学史研究》 1987年第4期332-341,共10页
圭表测影是中国古代天文学的主要观测手段之一。为了进一步探讨我国古代天文观测方面的成就,我们利用北京古观象台复原的元代圭表和景符进行了仿古测影工作。自1985年8月28日至1986年8月29日,我们共取得181个日影长度数值,并对全部观测... 圭表测影是中国古代天文学的主要观测手段之一。为了进一步探讨我国古代天文观测方面的成就,我们利用北京古观象台复原的元代圭表和景符进行了仿古测影工作。自1985年8月28日至1986年8月29日,我们共取得181个日影长度数值,并对全部观测数值作了分析、研究和处理,推算了冬、夏至时刻、北京古观象台地理纬度、黄赤交角和时差等值,还对其精度进行了初步分析,兹分述如次: 展开更多
关键词 观象台 黄赤交角 地理纬度 郭守敬 日影 北京时间 圭表 表尺 天文年历 时刻
魏晋南北朝隋唐的度量衡 被引量:24
作者 吴慧 《中国社会经济史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1992年第3期7-18,60,共13页
一、魏晋南北朝至隋代度量衡史上的几件大事 三国魏晋南北朝时期度量衡变化多,增幅大,北方尤比南方为甚。中国历史上度量衡单位值急剧增长,实自这一时期开始形成。 三国时,大体上仍沿用东汉度量衡,单位量值虽有所增长,但尚不算多。当时... 一、魏晋南北朝至隋代度量衡史上的几件大事 三国魏晋南北朝时期度量衡变化多,增幅大,北方尤比南方为甚。中国历史上度量衡单位值急剧增长,实自这一时期开始形成。 三国时,大体上仍沿用东汉度量衡,单位量值虽有所增长,但尚不算多。当时天下大乱,“乐工散亡,法器淹灭,魏武(曹操)始获杜夔,使定音律”。(《隋书·律历志上》)杜夔以制乐的需要制尺,尺长24.185厘米,已较东汉之尺稍长。后世尚存的魏正始弩机亦刻有尺度(上虞罗氏藏,长24.45厘米)与杜夔尺基本相合。魏景元时(公元260—264年)数学家刘徽注《九章算术·商功篇》,对新莽嘉量同魏斛作了比较,结论是魏斛大而尺长,莽斛小而尺短。(《晋书·律历志》)然差得也不太大——尺长4.70,斛大2.63%而已。在这期间,郑玄注《汉书·律历志》,亦有功于度量衡史的研究。 展开更多
关键词 度量衡 铜尺 尺长 魏晋南北朝 律历志 黄钟 北魏 表尺 调律 隋唐
元代圭表复原探索 被引量:6
作者 伊世同 《自然科学史研究》 1984年第2期128-137,共10页
中国古代以农为本,因而对以天象和物候为标志的农时非常注重,用圭表测影的历史也极为悠久,其起源大体与文字形成的时期相当或者还要长些。回顾中国天文学史,不难看出历法改革与天文学进展之间的密切关系。而改历的依据或新历之验证,往... 中国古代以农为本,因而对以天象和物候为标志的农时非常注重,用圭表测影的历史也极为悠久,其起源大体与文字形成的时期相当或者还要长些。回顾中国天文学史,不难看出历法改革与天文学进展之间的密切关系。而改历的依据或新历之验证,往往要靠圭表测影来决定取舍。实际上。 展开更多
关键词 圭表 元代 高表 郭守敬 复原 天文仪器 中国天文学史 景符 表尺 横梁
作者 高霖 童国权 郭勇 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 1999年第2期200-203,共4页
Experimental study has been conducted for an interstitial free(IF) sheet steel on its surface roughness evolution and formability with respect to grain size and sheet thickness effect. The surface roughness of IF she... Experimental study has been conducted for an interstitial free(IF) sheet steel on its surface roughness evolution and formability with respect to grain size and sheet thickness effect. The surface roughness of IF sheet steel is proportional to effective strain, grain size and inversely proportional to sheet thickness; the larger grain reduces the formability by accelerating the surface roughening rate and enhance formability by raising the workhardening rate, while the latter effect plays the dominate role. The grain size effect on surface roughening and formability is more obvious when the sheets are thinner. 展开更多
关键词 surface roughness PLASTICITY grain size FORMABILITY
作者 庞耘 李洪军 刘海洋 《黑龙江粮食》 1995年第4期42-42,共1页
电光天平能够广泛地应用于粮食检验工作中是因为它具有灵敏度高、称量准确的优点,但同时也存在着平衡点不易掌握的缺点。 由于电光天平灵敏度高,称量时,被称物不断吸湿增重。特别是称烘后冷却的物体时,光幕中表尺很难停稳,表尺的走动... 电光天平能够广泛地应用于粮食检验工作中是因为它具有灵敏度高、称量准确的优点,但同时也存在着平衡点不易掌握的缺点。 由于电光天平灵敏度高,称量时,被称物不断吸湿增重。特别是称烘后冷却的物体时,光幕中表尺很难停稳,表尺的走动是较好的匀速运动,而达到平衡点,没有明显标志。因而,易造成称量误差。 展开更多
关键词 平衡点 电光天平 操作方法 卫生监测 称量法 表尺 桦南县 称量误差 速运动 向相反的方向
Evaluation of effect of viscosity changes on bubble size in a mechanical flotation cell 被引量:6
作者 张炜 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第9期2964-2968,共5页
In operating flotation plants, the viscosity of the pulp can vary significantly. Consequently, the resulting impact on bubble size is of interest as many plants experience seasonal changes in water temperature, or par... In operating flotation plants, the viscosity of the pulp can vary significantly. Consequently, the resulting impact on bubble size is of interest as many plants experience seasonal changes in water temperature, or particle size changes as ore hardness, mineralogy and throughput fluctuate. However, given its importance in flotation, there existed no mathematical relationship linking bubble size created in flotation machines to the key process variable of fluid viscosity. In this study, a program of investigation to develop such a model was utilizing a pilot-scale mechanical flotation machine, to investigate the effect of water viscosity due to temperature on bubble size distribution. The bubble sizes were determined using a specific bubble viewer and imaging technology. The temperature itself was varied as a method for introducing significant viscosity change. The viscosity-temperature effect introduced a correspondingly significant change in the water viscosity(1619 to 641 μPa·s). It is suggested that a considerably stronger relationship may exist, yielding D32 versus(μ/μ20)0.776, and hence viscosity becomes an important design consideration for plants operating where pulp temperature fluctuations, very small particles or high solid fractions are present. 展开更多
关键词 FLOTATION bubble size VISCOSITY surface tension frother
A modified method to estimate eddy diffusivity in the North Pacific using altimeter eddy statistics 被引量:3
作者 张志伟 李亚汝 田纪伟 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第4期925-933,共9页
The method proposed by Stammer (1998) is modified using eddy statistics from altimeter observation to obtain more realistic eddy diffusivity (K) for the North Pacific. Compared with original estimates, the modified K ... The method proposed by Stammer (1998) is modified using eddy statistics from altimeter observation to obtain more realistic eddy diffusivity (K) for the North Pacific. Compared with original estimates, the modified K has remarkably reduced values in the Kuroshio Extension (KE) and North Equatorial Counter Current (NECC) regions, but slightly enhanced values in the Subtropical Counter Current (STCC) region. In strong eastward flow areas like the KE and NECC, owing to a large difference between mean flow velocity and propagation velocity of mesoscale eddies, tracers inside the mesoscale eddies are transported outside rapidly by advection, and mixing length L is hence strongly suppressed. The low eddy probability (P) is also responsible for the reduced K in the NECC area. In the STCC region, however, L is mildly suppressed and P is very high, so K there is enhanced. The zonally-averaged K has two peaks with comparable magnitudes, in the latitude bands of the STCC and KE. In the core of KE, because of the reduced values of P and L, the zonally-averaged K is a minimum. Zonally-integrated eddy heat transport in the KE band, calculated based on the modified K, is much closer to the results of previous independent research, indicating the robustness of our modified K. The map of modified K provides useful information for modeling studies in the North Pacific. 展开更多
关键词 eddy diffusivity mesoscale eddy North Pacific
Multiscale Characterization of Automotive Surface Coating Formation for Sustainable Manufacturing 被引量:1
作者 Jie XIAO Jia LI Cristina Piluso Yinlun HUANG 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第3期416-423,共8页
Automotive surface coating manufacturing is one of the most sophisticated and expensive steps in automotive assembly. This step involves generating multiple thin layers of polymeric coatings on the vehicle surface thr... Automotive surface coating manufacturing is one of the most sophisticated and expensive steps in automotive assembly. This step involves generating multiple thin layers of polymeric coatings on the vehicle surface through paint spray and curing in a multistage, dynamically changing environment. Traditionally, the quality control is solely post-process inspection based, and process operational adjustment is only experience based, thus the manufacturing may not be (highly) sustainable. In this article, a multiscale system modeling and analysis methodology is introduced for achieving a sustainable application of polymeric materials through paint spray and film curing in automotive surface coating manufacturing. By this methodology, the correlations among paint material, application processes and coating performance can be identified. The model-based analysis allows a comprehensive and deep study of the dynamic behaviors of the material, process, and product in a wide spectrum of length and time. Case studies illustrate the efficacy of the methodology for sustainable manufacturing. 展开更多
关键词 sustainable manufacturing multiscale modeling and analysis automotive surface coating
Surface property variations in flotation performance of calcite particles under different grinding patterns 被引量:6
作者 XU Peng-yunq LI Jing +4 位作者 HU Cong CHEN Zhou YE Hong-qi YUAN Zhong-quan CAI Wen-ju 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第6期1306-1316,共11页
Based on the working principles of particle bed comminution, particles produced by high-pressure grinding rolls (HPGR) have surface properties different from particles produced by other grinding patterns, which exer... Based on the working principles of particle bed comminution, particles produced by high-pressure grinding rolls (HPGR) have surface properties different from particles produced by other grinding patterns, which exert great influence on mineral flotation. Flotation performances of calcite particles under different grinding patterns involving the use of HPGR, a jaw crusher, a dry ball mill, a wet ball mill, and a wet rod mill were studied using single mineral flotation tests. The surface properties of the particles under different grinding patterns were characterized to determine the flotation performance variation in terms of specific surface area, particle size distribution, AFM, XPS, and zeta potential. The results show that particles ground by HPGR exhibited improved flotation performance within the lower range of grinding fineness in both NaOL and dodecyl amine flotation systems compared to the particles prepared using other grinding patterns. Specific surface area, particle size distribution, surface roughness, Fe(III) contamination, binding energy, and zeta potential are greatly influenced by grinding patterns, which is the main cause of the flotation performance variation. 展开更多
关键词 CALCITE surface property grinding patterns high-pressure grinding rolls flotation performance
Ship Hull Form Optimization by Evolutionary Algorithm in Order to Diminish the Drag 被引量:2
作者 Hassan Zakerdoost Hassan Ghassemi Mahmoud Ghiasi 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2013年第2期170-179,共10页
This study presents a numerical method for optimizing hull form in calm water with respect to total drag which contains a viscous drag and a wave drag. The ITTC 1957 model-ship correlation line was used to predict fri... This study presents a numerical method for optimizing hull form in calm water with respect to total drag which contains a viscous drag and a wave drag. The ITTC 1957 model-ship correlation line was used to predict frictional drag and the corrected linearized thin-ship theory was employed to estimate the wave drag The evolution strategy (ES) which is a member of the evolutionary algorithms (EAs) family obtains an optimum hull form by considering some design constraints. Standard Wigley hull is considered as an initial hull in optimization procedures for two test cases and new hull forms were achieved at Froude numbers 0.24, 0.316 and 0.408. In one case the ES technique was ran for the initial hull form, where the main dimensions were fixed and the only variables were the hull offsets. In the other case in addition to hull offsets, the raain dimensions were considered as variables that are optimized simultaneously. The numerical results of optimization procedure demonstrate that the optimized hull forms yield a reduction in total drag. 展开更多
关键词 OPTIMIZATION evolutionary algorithms drag thin-shiptheory
Performance evaluation of minimum quantity lubrication by vege-table oil in terms of cutting force,cutting zone temperature,tool wear,job dimension and surface finish in turning AISI-1060 steel 被引量:3
作者 KHAN M.M.A. DHAR N.R. 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第11期1790-1799,共10页
In all machining processes, tool wear is a natural phenomenon and it leads to tool failure. The growing demands for high productivity of machining need use of high cutting velocity and feed rate. Such machining inhere... In all machining processes, tool wear is a natural phenomenon and it leads to tool failure. The growing demands for high productivity of machining need use of high cutting velocity and feed rate. Such machining inherently produces high cutting temperature, which not only reduces tool life but also impairs the product quality. Metal cutting fluid changes the performance of machining operations because of their lubrication, cooling and chip flushing functions, but the use of cutting fluid has become more problematic in terms of both employee health and environmental pollution. The minimization of cutting fluid also leads to economical benefits by way of saving lubricant costs and workpiece/tool/machine cleaning cycle time. The concept of minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) has been suggested since a decade ago as a means of addressing the issues of environmental intru- siveness and occupational hazards associated with the airborne cutting fluid particles on factory shop floors. This paper deals with experimental investigation on the role of MQL by vegetable oil on cutting temperature, tool wear, surface roughness and dimen- sional deviation in turning AISI-1060 steel at industrial speed-feed combinations by uncoated carbide insert. The encouraging results include significant reduction in tool wear rate, dimensional inaccuracy and surface roughness by MQL mainly through reduction in the cutting zone temperature and favorable change in the chip-tool and work-tool interaction. 展开更多
关键词 Minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) Cutting force Chip-tool interface temperature Tool wear Surface roughness Dimensional deviation
Preparation of highly active MCM-41 supported Ni_2P catalysts and its dibenzothiophene HDS performance 被引量:1
作者 Hua Song Qi Yu +2 位作者 Yanguang Chen Yuanyuan Wang Ruixia Niu 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第3期540-544,共5页
Highly active MCM-41 supported nickel phosphide catalysts for hydrodesulfurization (HDS) were synthesized by two different phosphorus sources, in which the surface of Ni2P catalysts were modified by air instead of b... Highly active MCM-41 supported nickel phosphide catalysts for hydrodesulfurization (HDS) were synthesized by two different phosphorus sources, in which the surface of Ni2P catalysts were modified by air instead of being passivated by O2/N2 mixture. In addition, the catalysts need not be activated with flowing H2 (30 ml·min^-1) at 500℃ for 2 h prior to reaction as traditional method. X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectro spectroscopy (XPS), N2-adsorption specific surface area measurements and CO chemisorption were used to characterize the resulting catalysts. The effect of modification with air on the surface of the catalysts for HDS performance was investigated. Results showed that the surface modification with air can promote the formation of smaller Ni2P particles and more active Ni sites on surface of catalysts. At 3.0 MPa and 613 K, the dibenzothiophene (DBT) conversion of the catalysts modified with air was 98.7%, which was 7.1% higher than that of catalyst passivated by O2/N2 mixture. The higher activities of Ni2P(x)/M41-O catalysts can be attributed to the smaller Ni2P particles sizes and the increased hydrogen dissociation activity due to the surface modification. 展开更多
关键词 Ni2P Hydrodesulfurization Passivation Surface modification Dibenzothiophene
Impact of Preceding Summer North Atlantic Oscillation on Early Autumn Precipitation over Central China 被引量:3
作者 XU Han-Lie FENG Juan SUN Cheng 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2013年第6期417-422,共6页
This study examined the impact of the preceding boreal summer(June–August) North Atlantic Oscillation(NAO) on early autumn(September) rainfall over Central China(RCC). The results show that a significant positive cor... This study examined the impact of the preceding boreal summer(June–August) North Atlantic Oscillation(NAO) on early autumn(September) rainfall over Central China(RCC). The results show that a significant positive correlation exists between the preceding summer NAO and the early autumn RCC on the interannual timescale. In order to understand the physical mechanism between them, the role of ocean was investigated. It was found that the strong summer NAO can induce a tripole sea surface temperature anomaly(SSTA) in the North Atlantic; this SSTA pattern can persist until early autumn. The diagnostic analysis showed that the tripole SSTA pattern excites a downstream Atlantic-Eurasian(AEA) teleconnection, which contributes to an increase in RCC. The circulation anomalies related to SSTA caused by the weak NAO are opposite, so the RCC is less than normal. The results imply that the preceding summer NAO may be regarded as a forecast factor for the early autumn RCC. 展开更多
关键词 North Atlantic Oscillation early autumn rainfall tripole sea surface temperature anomaly Atlantic-Eurasian teleconnection atmospheric-oceanic coupled bridge
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