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基于SolidWorks Simulation的万米潜水表耐压表玻璃设计 被引量:1
作者 马涛 张克来 +2 位作者 冯甜甜 乐天献 夏超 《装备制造技术》 2018年第7期9-13,26,共6页
根据结构需要,设计厚度分别为8.0 mm、8.5 mm、9.0 mm、9.5 mm、10.0 mm、10.5 mm的蓝宝石表玻璃。利用Solid Works Simulation软件,经过有限元仿真分析,采用第一强度理论和基于Mohr-Coulomb应力准则进行结构强度分析,优选最佳设计方案... 根据结构需要,设计厚度分别为8.0 mm、8.5 mm、9.0 mm、9.5 mm、10.0 mm、10.5 mm的蓝宝石表玻璃。利用Solid Works Simulation软件,经过有限元仿真分析,采用第一强度理论和基于Mohr-Coulomb应力准则进行结构强度分析,优选最佳设计方案。最后对最优方案进行实际加压测试,验证该方案的实际强度,得到耐压表玻璃的最佳结构。 展开更多
关键词 潜水 有限元 蓝宝石表玻璃
作者 卢小勇 李川 《经贸实践》 2016年第22期251-,共1页
关键词 玻璃起雾 防水膜玻璃 高纯氮 高低温试验 真空
作者 卢小勇 李川 《经贸实践》 2016年第21期342-,共1页
关键词 玻璃起雾 防水膜玻璃 高纯氮 高低温试验 真空
作者 李汉良 沈定坤 +1 位作者 王开泰 陈幼新 《上海建材学院学报》 CSCD 1991年第2期161-167,共7页
用各种系统钾盐对无机表蒙玻璃进行化学增强处理,测试其各项性能并与EPMA结果相对照,获得增强效果很好的KNO_3-KCl系统,若添加少量K_2CO_3,K_3PO_4或K_2SO_4,还可进一步提高增强效果,并使增强时间缩短到1.5h。本文还阐述了阴离子团对增... 用各种系统钾盐对无机表蒙玻璃进行化学增强处理,测试其各项性能并与EPMA结果相对照,获得增强效果很好的KNO_3-KCl系统,若添加少量K_2CO_3,K_3PO_4或K_2SO_4,还可进一步提高增强效果,并使增强时间缩短到1.5h。本文还阐述了阴离子团对增强效果的影响。 展开更多
关键词 化学增强 玻璃 离子交换
锅炉常用玻璃板(管)水位表故障分析、预防及检修 被引量:1
作者 魏惠增 《节能技术》 CAS 2001年第6期23-23,共1页
本文分析了锅炉常用玻璃板 (管 )水位表发生的故障 ,并提出了相应预防措施。
关键词 锅炉 水位 故障分析 故障维修 故障预防 玻璃板水位
作者 李汉良 《特种玻璃》 1990年第4期39-43,共5页
关键词 玻璃 玻璃 离子交换 着色
作者 古进 迟鸿燕 《现代工业经济和信息化》 2017年第15期25-26,共2页
对高可靠玻璃钝化表贴封装低压调整二极管的结构设计和制造方法进行了深入分析,确定了芯片的生产工艺以及后部封装工艺,器件运用合金工艺实现了低压特性,通过选取合适电阻率和厚度的N型硅片,采用多次磷扩散工艺提升了芯片的表面浓度,降... 对高可靠玻璃钝化表贴封装低压调整二极管的结构设计和制造方法进行了深入分析,确定了芯片的生产工艺以及后部封装工艺,器件运用合金工艺实现了低压特性,通过选取合适电阻率和厚度的N型硅片,采用多次磷扩散工艺提升了芯片的表面浓度,降低了产品正向压降水平,采用热钝化清洗工艺降低了器件的表面漏电流,通过选取合适的焊料将轴向产品与电极片进行烧结,实现了表贴封装。 展开更多
关键词 玻璃钝化贴封装 合金工艺 热钝化
作者 盛锦煊 《城镇供水》 1995年第4期17-18,共2页
目前广大自来水用户用的水表绝大多数属于湿式旋翼式或湿式螺翼式水表。此类水表尤其处在北温带的广大地区,一般家中无暖气,每逢严寒天气,如果没有防冻措施或防冻不当,水表冻坏者常见不鲜,且面广量大。有的虽经维修更换,但用户对防冻仍... 目前广大自来水用户用的水表绝大多数属于湿式旋翼式或湿式螺翼式水表。此类水表尤其处在北温带的广大地区,一般家中无暖气,每逢严寒天气,如果没有防冻措施或防冻不当,水表冻坏者常见不鲜,且面广量大。有的虽经维修更换,但用户对防冻仍未引起重视,一个冬季可能数次被冻坏。水表防冻方法在室外大都靠地温,或用简易材料覆盖;室内则一般采用保温材料包扎等简单方法。 展开更多
关键词 防冻方法 自来水 冻坏 防冻措施 保温材料 严寒天气 表玻璃 北温带 简单方法
作者 云文 《产品可靠性报告》 1996年第3期35-35,共1页
石英电子手表俗称电子表,有指针式和数字式两种。目前市场上冒牌、低级石英电子表很多,购买时要千万小心,消费者可按以下步骤进行挑选。 (1)外观新电子手表的表壳、表玻璃很光洁、无划痕,表壳无锈蚀,镀层无脱落;商标和各种符号、字母、... 石英电子手表俗称电子表,有指针式和数字式两种。目前市场上冒牌、低级石英电子表很多,购买时要千万小心,消费者可按以下步骤进行挑选。 (1)外观新电子手表的表壳、表玻璃很光洁、无划痕,表壳无锈蚀,镀层无脱落;商标和各种符号、字母、刻度线清晰。金属表带不生锈,无磨损、 展开更多
关键词 电子手 石英电子 指针式 数字式 表玻璃 消费者 商标 冒牌
Effect of reagent films on coupling relationship between glass surface and particles 被引量:1
作者 李明 吴超 +1 位作者 刘一静 闫晖 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第11期2799-2805,共7页
The experiments were conducted to investigate the behavior of airborne particles adhering to the glass slides which were coated by several reagent films. The results showed that the adhesion level could be significant... The experiments were conducted to investigate the behavior of airborne particles adhering to the glass slides which were coated by several reagent films. The results showed that the adhesion level could be significantly changed by the reagent films. There were no evident rules between the average size of particles and sampling time interval, the placing angle and reagent concentration. The average particle size on the surface coated by composite reagent (2-3 μm) was smaller than that on the single reagent coated surface, while the largest particle size (4-5 μm) was observed on the surface coated with the Tween 60. The experiment also demonstrated that the best adhesive performance was obtained on the surface which was coated with 0.5% SDBS and 0.5% fluorocarbon composite reagents. The experiment results indicated that each reagent had a certain optimum adhesive range to the particle. The composite reagents with different proportion of single reagents exhibited some particular physical and chemical properties, which could effectively change the adhesive performance between the solid surface and the particles. 展开更多
关键词 micro-particles ADHESION glass surface reagent film size distribution
作者 朱忠良 《教学与管理(理论版)》 2003年第7期85-,共1页
关键词 开放型实验室 创新 培养创新人才 废电池 面皿 表玻璃
《河北农业》 1995年第5期31-31,共1页
妙用牙膏14法一、瓷茶杯内壁沉积褐色茶垢,很难洗净,如用细布蘸少量牙膏擦洗便很快除垢。二、衣服上若沾有油迹,只要在油污处涂些1牙膏,擦拭几下,再用清水搓洗,油污可除。三、用牙膏涂擦刮胡须,效果胜过肥皂。因牙膏对皮肤无... 妙用牙膏14法一、瓷茶杯内壁沉积褐色茶垢,很难洗净,如用细布蘸少量牙膏擦洗便很快除垢。二、衣服上若沾有油迹,只要在油污处涂些1牙膏,擦拭几下,再用清水搓洗,油污可除。三、用牙膏涂擦刮胡须,效果胜过肥皂。因牙膏对皮肤无刺激,泡沫又多。律顾问四、手表玻璃... 展开更多
关键词 牙膏 感冒初起 面部痤疮 乌洛托品 消肿止痛 人中穴 表玻璃 化脓感染 避免感染 洗浴水
作者 宋申 《农村新技术》 1995年第4期56-56,共1页
关键词 牙膏 感冒初起 面部痤疮 乌洛托品 消肿止痛 人中穴 表玻璃 化脓感染 避免感染 洗浴水
作者 乔保龙 葛秋云 《中州统战》 1995年第3期19-19,共1页
胡胜之路胡胜和他的汽车仪表配件厂在方圆几十里的博爱县竹乡,可说得上颇有名气。我们慕名前来采访,在验检车间找到了他——粗壮的身材,黝黑的皮肤,朴实的穿着,一个典型;的北方汉子。从他身上似乎看不出什么企业家的派头。然而,... 胡胜之路胡胜和他的汽车仪表配件厂在方圆几十里的博爱县竹乡,可说得上颇有名气。我们慕名前来采访,在验检车间找到了他——粗壮的身材,黝黑的皮肤,朴实的穿着,一个典型;的北方汉子。从他身上似乎看不出什么企业家的派头。然而,正是他,领着一群在泥土(1耕作的农... 展开更多
关键词 汽车仪 企业家 中心打孔 乌鲁木齐 降低成本 内部挖潜 信守合同 跟踪追击 表玻璃
作者 陈永庆 《中国工商》 1994年第6期41-,47,共2页
走在光彩之路上──访全国先进个体劳动者葛星君陈永庆时下,人们习惯地把服务性行业称为光彩的事业,把从事这职业的看成是走光彩之路。葛星君,这位刚步入而立之年的个体钟表修理户,已在这条光彩之路上走了13个春秋。一个春雨绵绵... 走在光彩之路上──访全国先进个体劳动者葛星君陈永庆时下,人们习惯地把服务性行业称为光彩的事业,把从事这职业的看成是走光彩之路。葛星君,这位刚步入而立之年的个体钟表修理户,已在这条光彩之路上走了13个春秋。一个春雨绵绵的日子,我慕名来到浙江蜜桔之乡黄岩... 展开更多
关键词 个体劳动者 表玻璃 免费服务 新长征突击手 石英 固紧螺丝 性能特征 轴承厂 机械钟
Validation of Global Land Surface Satellite (GLASS) Downward Shortwave Radiation Product in the Rugged Surface 被引量:3
作者 JIN Hua-an LI Ai-nong +3 位作者 BIAN Jin-hu ZHANG Zheng-jian HUANG Cheng-quan LI Meng-xue 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第5期812-823,共12页
The downward shortwave radiation(DSR) is an essential parameter of land surface radiation budget and many land surface models that characterize hydrological,ecological and biogeochemical processes.The new Global LAnd ... The downward shortwave radiation(DSR) is an essential parameter of land surface radiation budget and many land surface models that characterize hydrological,ecological and biogeochemical processes.The new Global LAnd Surface Satellite(GLASS) DSR datasets have been generated recently using multiple satellite data in China.This study investigates the performances of direct comparison approach,which is mostly used for validation of surface insolation retrieved from satellite data over the plain area,and indirect comparison approach,which needs a fine resolution map of DSR as reference,for validation of GLASS DSR product in time-steps of 1 and 3 hours over three Chinese Ecosystem Research Network sites located in the rugged surface.Results suggest that it probably has a large uncertainty to assess GLASS DSR product using the direct comparison method between GLASS surface insolation and field measurements over complex terrain,especially at Mt.Gongga 3,000 m station with root mean square error of 279.04 and 229.06 W/m2in time-steps of 1 and 3 hours,respectively.Further improvement for validation of GLASS DSR product in the rugged surface is suggested by generation of a fine resolution map of surface insolation and comparison of the aggregated fine resolution map with GLASS product in the rugged surface.The validation experience demonstrates that the GLASS DSR algorithm is satisfactory with determination coefficient of 0.83 and root mean square error of 81.91W/m2over three Chinese Ecosystem Research Network sites,although GLASS product overestimates DSR compared to the aggregated fine resolution map of surface insolation. 展开更多
关键词 Downward shortwave radiation VALIDATION Complex terrain
Experimental research on bond strength of deformed GFRP rebars with different surface configurations 被引量:2
作者 郝庆多 王言磊 欧进萍 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2009年第4期469-474,共6页
Based on the Canadian Standards Association(CSA) criterion,experiments on 30 pull-out specimens were conducted to study the bond strength of deformed GFRP rebars with 8 different surface configurations.Each rebar was ... Based on the Canadian Standards Association(CSA) criterion,experiments on 30 pull-out specimens were conducted to study the bond strength of deformed GFRP rebars with 8 different surface configurations.Each rebar was embedded in a 150 mm concrete cube,and the test embedded length was four times of the rebar diameter.Relationship between the mode of failure,the average bond strength and the average bond strength-slip for each rebar was analyzed.Results show that the failure mode of all specimens is the shearing off or desquamation of ribs,no splitting cracks appear on the cube specimens.The bond stress of deformed GFRP rebars mainly depends on the mechanical interaction between the ribs of the bar and the surrounding concrete,and the bond strength of deformed GFRP rebars is improved obviously.The optimal rib spacing is less than 2.5 times of the rebar diameter,and the rib height is more than 3% of the rebar diameter. 展开更多
关键词 deformed GFRP rebars concrete bond strength pull-out test rib spacing rib height optimalsurface configuration
Glycogenotic hepatocellular carcinoma with glycogen-ground-glass hepatocytes: A heuristically highly relevant phenotype 被引量:5
作者 Peter Bannasch 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第46期6701-6708,共8页
Glycogenotic hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) with glycogen-ground-glass hepatocytes has recently been described as an allegedly "novel variant" of HCC, but neither the historical background nor the heuristic ... Glycogenotic hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) with glycogen-ground-glass hepatocytes has recently been described as an allegedly "novel variant" of HCC, but neither the historical background nor the heuristic relevance of this observation were put in perspective. In the present contribution, the most important findings in animal models and human beings related to the emergence and further evolution of excessively glycogen storing (glycogenotic) hepatocytes with and without ground glass features during neoplastic development have been summarized. Glycogenotic HCCs with glycogen-ground-glass hepatocytes represent highly differentiated neoplasms which contain subpopulations of cells phenotypically resembling those of certain types of preneoplastic hepatic foci and benign hepatocellular neoplasms. It is questionable whether the occurrence of glycogen-ground-glass hepatocytes in a glycogenotic HCC justifies its classification as a specific entity. The typical appearance of ground-glass hepatocytes is due to a hypertrophy of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum, which is usually associated with an excessive storage of glycogen and frequently also with an expression of the hepatitis B surface antigen. Sequential studies in animal models and observations in humans indicate that glycogen-ground-glass hepatocytes are a facultative, integral part of a characteristic cellular sequence commencing with focal hepatic glycogenosis potentially progressing to benign and malignant neoplasms. During this process highly differentiated glycogenotic cells including ground-glass hepatocytes are gradually transformed via various intermediate stages into poorly differentiated glycogen-poor, basophilic (ribosome-rich) cancer cells. Histochemical, microbiochemical, and molecular biochemical studies on focal hepatic glycogenosis and advanced preneoplastic and neoplastic lesions in tissue sections and laser-dissected specimens in rat and mouse models have provided compelling evidence for an early insulinomimetic effect of oncogenic agents, which is followed by a fundamental metabolic switch from gluconeogenesis towards the pentose-phosphate pathway and the Warburg type of glycolysis during progression from preneoplastic hepatic glycogenosis to the highly proliferative malignant phenotype. 展开更多
关键词 Acquired focal hepatic glycogenosis Inborn hepatic glycogenosis Hepatic preneoplasia Hepatic neoplasia Early metabolic aberrations Progression-linked metabolic switch
Energy saving effect of building envelope in summer 被引量:1
作者 王厚华 郭锐 肖秋连 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第5期1370-1376,共7页
To explore the energy saving effect of building envelope, the experiments were carried out through a comparison of basic cubicle in summer. Experiments show that if energy efficiency measures are applied only in the e... To explore the energy saving effect of building envelope, the experiments were carried out through a comparison of basic cubicle in summer. Experiments show that if energy efficiency measures are applied only in the external walls and windows, the energy saving cubicles have an average energy efficiency ratio of 27.75% and 27.05% when the air change rates are 1.1 and 1.4 h-1 in summer, with both values being over the standard target value by 25%. And the indoor air temperature of the energy saving cubicle is below that of the basic cubicle. The daily mean temperature difference between the interior surface of insulation wall and no insulation reaches 1.47℃, and the mean temperature difference is up to 8.52℃ between the interior surface and exterior surface of insulating glass and single glass. The two cubicles were simulated for energy consumption using VisualDOE4.0 software under real weather conditions in summer. The results show that the mean deviation is 10.02% between experimental and simulated energy efficiency ratio. The correctness and validity of simulation results of the VisualDOE4.0 software are proved. 展开更多
关键词 building energy conservation energy efficiency rate thermal performance air change rate
Fabrication of nanoporous TiO_2 films with novel surface morphology on conducting glass(FTO) substrate 被引量:1
作者 周艺 黄燕 +4 位作者 李荡 何文红 郭长春 吕彩霞 张世英 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第10期2740-2745,共6页
The crystalline structure and surface morphology of TiO2 semiconductor coating play an important role in the conversion efficiency of dye-sensitized solar cells. In order to obtain TiO2 coating with controllable morph... The crystalline structure and surface morphology of TiO2 semiconductor coating play an important role in the conversion efficiency of dye-sensitized solar cells. In order to obtain TiO2 coating with controllable morphology and high porosity, nanoporous TiO2 films were fabricated on conducting glass (FTO) substrates, Ti thin films (1.5-2 gin) were deposited on conducting glass (FTO) substrates via the DC sputtering method, and then electrochemically anodized in NH4F/ethylene glycol solution. The crystalline structure and surface morphology of the samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), respectively. The influences of anodizing potential, electrolyte composition, and pH value on the surface morphology of nanoporous TiO2 films were extensively studied. The growth mechanism of nanoporous TiO2 films was discussed by current density variations with anodizing time. The results demonstrate that nanoporous TiO2 films with high porosity and three-dimensional (3D) networks are observed at 30 V, when the NH4F concentration in ethylene glycol solution is 0.3% (mass fraction) and the electrolyte pH value is 5.0. 展开更多
关键词 nanoporous TiO2 films anodizing potential electrolyte composition pH conducting glass growth mechanism
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