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考虑基因表达过程的进化算法 被引量:5
作者 周晴 李衍达 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第1期114-117,共4页
生物的进化过程是在其基因层与表型层上同时进行的 .表型层上的进化是以环境为参考的自然选择过程 ,而在基因层上则是一个带随机性的自我更新、自我优化的过程 ,而且在某种程度上具有自组织趋向 .基于这种新的进化观点 ,本文提出了一种... 生物的进化过程是在其基因层与表型层上同时进行的 .表型层上的进化是以环境为参考的自然选择过程 ,而在基因层上则是一个带随机性的自我更新、自我优化的过程 ,而且在某种程度上具有自组织趋向 .基于这种新的进化观点 ,本文提出了一种新的进化算法并将其应用于各种函数优化问题中 .此算法不但考虑了表型层上的自然选择作用 ,还考虑了生物在基因层上的进化过程及两个层次间的相互映射关系 .仿真结果表明 ,此算法不论在收敛速度、参数鲁棒性还是全局搜索能力上 。 展开更多
关键词 进化算法 基因表达过程 人工智能 遗传算法
作者 赵昌彦 武俊 《洛阳师范学院学报》 2018年第6期92-94,共3页
翻译活动通常由三部分组成,即理解过程、表达过程、校对过程。影响一篇高质量译文的因素是多方面的,要翻译出既忠实于原作又符合目标语语言表达习惯的译文,需要正确处理好表达过程中忠实与通顺、内容与形式、克己与创造的矛盾关系,方能... 翻译活动通常由三部分组成,即理解过程、表达过程、校对过程。影响一篇高质量译文的因素是多方面的,要翻译出既忠实于原作又符合目标语语言表达习惯的译文,需要正确处理好表达过程中忠实与通顺、内容与形式、克己与创造的矛盾关系,方能译出佳作。 展开更多
关键词 翻译 表达过程 矛盾关系
根据教学表达过程的特点 培养高师生的表达能力
作者 张启伟 《丽水学院学报》 1999年第2期35-37,共3页
我们认为高师生的口头表达能力是必须具备的从教技能之一,也是我们中学化学教学法教学中必须着重培养的技能.本文探讨了教学语言表达过程的特点,并以此为依据,结合化学学科教学,联系中学化学教学实际,制订表达能力培养的分段训练计划,... 我们认为高师生的口头表达能力是必须具备的从教技能之一,也是我们中学化学教学法教学中必须着重培养的技能.本文探讨了教学语言表达过程的特点,并以此为依据,结合化学学科教学,联系中学化学教学实际,制订表达能力培养的分段训练计划,积极开展训练,给高师生创造尽可能多的动脑、动手、动口的机会,使能力的培养落在实处.通过几年的教学实践,取得较好的效果. 展开更多
关键词 表达能力培养 教学表达过程特点 分段训练计划
作者 宛金章 《日语学习与研究》 2007年第2期9-13,共5页
在20世纪40年代初,当语言学界在索绪尔语言学的引导下,不断地对语言结构进行研究时,日本国语学界时枝诚记对此发出了不同的声音,提出了“语言是思想的表达和理解”和“语言过程说”观点。时枝的这种见解,一方面来自于他敏锐的洞察力和... 在20世纪40年代初,当语言学界在索绪尔语言学的引导下,不断地对语言结构进行研究时,日本国语学界时枝诚记对此发出了不同的声音,提出了“语言是思想的表达和理解”和“语言过程说”观点。时枝的这种见解,一方面来自于他敏锐的洞察力和学术批判精神;同时也是由于他继承了日本传统的学术研究方法所致。对时枝诚记语言观的观察有助于了解他对语言本质的认识,对语言与文化关系的认识。 展开更多
关键词 时枝诚记 索绪尔 语言过程 语言观 思想表达过程 思想理解
前庭代偿过程中脑干相关c-Fos/NADPH-d的表达 被引量:1
作者 蒋子栋 温彦华 《中国医学科学院学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期655-658,I0005,共5页
目的通过研究大鼠前庭神经损伤后,分别在静止、角加速度刺激状态下,c-Fos/NADPH-d阳性神经元在脑干的前庭神经内核、舌下神经前置核分布的改变,探讨前庭代偿机制。方法将60只SD大鼠分为无手术组、单耳前庭神经切断手术组和双耳前庭神经... 目的通过研究大鼠前庭神经损伤后,分别在静止、角加速度刺激状态下,c-Fos/NADPH-d阳性神经元在脑干的前庭神经内核、舌下神经前置核分布的改变,探讨前庭代偿机制。方法将60只SD大鼠分为无手术组、单耳前庭神经切断手术组和双耳前庭神经切断手术组3组,每组20只。每组一半在静止状态,另一半接受角加速度刺激。用NADPH-d组织化学和c-Fos免疫组织化学双染法观察c-Fos/NADPH-d阳性神经元分别在前庭神经核、舌下神经前置核区分布的改变。结果静止状态下的无手术组、双耳前庭神经切断手术组鼠和旋转刺激后的双耳前庭神经切断手术组鼠在双侧前庭神经内核、舌下神经前置核无c-Fos/NADPH-d阳性神经元。单耳前庭神经切断手术组鼠在同侧前庭神经内核、对侧舌下神经前置核有c-Fos/NADPH-d阳性神经元分布。旋转刺激后的无手术组鼠和单耳前庭神经切断手术组鼠在双侧前庭神经内核、舌下神经前置核有大量的c-Fos/NADPH-d阳性神经元。结论一侧前庭损伤后,同侧前庭神经内核、对侧舌下神经前置核内c-Fos阳性神经元在前庭代偿早期可能起启动作用,一氧化氮为关键神经递质。 展开更多
关键词 前庭代偿过程中脑干相关c-Fos/NADPH-d的表达
小学数学语言转换中表达能力的培养 被引量:5
作者 陈旺富 《中小学教学研究》 2018年第12期78-80,共3页
小学数学中高年级学生具备了一定的文字理解能力和表达能力,在教材呈现的素材逐渐增加了数学语言的比重。假如学生能准确理解并熟练转换数学语言,其就能掌握数学思维、表达和交流的工具。结合教学实例,从初次转换中唤醒表达经验,再次转... 小学数学中高年级学生具备了一定的文字理解能力和表达能力,在教材呈现的素材逐渐增加了数学语言的比重。假如学生能准确理解并熟练转换数学语言,其就能掌握数学思维、表达和交流的工具。结合教学实例,从初次转换中唤醒表达经验,再次转换中掌握表达方法,末次转换中形成表达技能这三个循序教学过程中逐步培养学生的表达能力。 展开更多
关键词 小学数学 中高年级 文字语言转换 表达过程学习
非回转体CAPP系统结构与工艺过程自动生成研究 被引量:2
作者 刘持平 董成 《新技术新工艺》 2011年第9期81-83,共3页
针对非回转体零件种类多、形状各异和加工复杂的特点,设计了适用于生产企业应用的CAPP系统结构和系统工作流程,探讨了以零件类型模块化为基础,解决CAPP系统工具化的途径;根据非回转体零件的典型加工工艺,对加工方法进行了编码,利用编码... 针对非回转体零件种类多、形状各异和加工复杂的特点,设计了适用于生产企业应用的CAPP系统结构和系统工作流程,探讨了以零件类型模块化为基础,解决CAPP系统工具化的途径;根据非回转体零件的典型加工工艺,对加工方法进行了编码,利用编码来描述工序内容,并根据工艺内容代码形成了用代码体现的工艺过程表达方法;在上述基础上研究了工艺代码自动生成的程序流程。 展开更多
关键词 非回转体零件 模块化CAPP 工序内容代码 工艺过程表达
知识库的知识表达方式探讨 被引量:28
作者 鄢珞青 《情报杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第4期63-64,共2页
就知识库建设中如何进行知识表达进行了探讨 ,并对不同表达方式进行比较。
关键词 知识库 知识表达方式 类型 可视化知识表达 综合性知识表达 过程性知识表达
湿地堵塞缓解及其过程可测技术研究 被引量:2
作者 吴浩 江成 曹文平 《水处理技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第10期20-25,共6页
基于人工湿地在水处理领域的广泛应用,尤其是潜流式湿地应用的广泛性、重要性,因此对于湿地堵塞问题的研究愈加显示出必要性及紧迫性。从湿地堵塞的诱发因素出发,结合堵塞的影响机制,深入分析了堵塞过程可测技术的应用性,并对现阶段堵... 基于人工湿地在水处理领域的广泛应用,尤其是潜流式湿地应用的广泛性、重要性,因此对于湿地堵塞问题的研究愈加显示出必要性及紧迫性。从湿地堵塞的诱发因素出发,结合堵塞的影响机制,深入分析了堵塞过程可测技术的应用性,并对现阶段堵塞缓解技术的进展进行了深入探讨。同时,基于作者现阶段的湿地堵塞研究进展,对湿地堵塞亟待解决的瓶颈问题提出了些许见解,以期能为后续湿地堵塞问题的研究提供方向性的建议。 展开更多
关键词 湿地 堵塞问题 过程表达 可测技术 缓解过程
作者 侯钰 张文耀 《华中建筑》 2024年第6期38-42,共5页
关键词 设计思维 过程表达 军人文化
作者 许建平 杨小丽 《消费导刊》 2007年第3期143-144,共2页
口语表达是一个过程,这个过程不仅仅是说话时候的那个瞬间,应该包括说话前的准备,还应该追溯表达者长期的心理积淀。口语表达的主体是表达者,口语表达活动从根本上说是表达者的思维活动。因此口才学的研究对象应该是口语表达过程中表达... 口语表达是一个过程,这个过程不仅仅是说话时候的那个瞬间,应该包括说话前的准备,还应该追溯表达者长期的心理积淀。口语表达的主体是表达者,口语表达活动从根本上说是表达者的思维活动。因此口才学的研究对象应该是口语表达过程中表达者的思维活动。探讨思维特点,揭示思维规律,通过培养思维能力来提高说话的水平。 展开更多
关键词 口才学 研究对象 口语表达过程 思维
创面愈合过程中创缘表皮干细胞的再分布 被引量:1
作者 李建福 付小兵 +1 位作者 盛志勇 孙同柱 《感染.炎症.修复》 2002年第3期180-180,共1页
目的:研究皮肤干细胞在全层皮肤创面愈合过程中的分布与增殖分化特征,以及该特征在创面愈合过程中的作用。方法:10只Wistar大鼠背部各制备4个面积为2.54cm^2的全层皮肤创面,将创面随机分为2组,即银锌霜治疗组(20个创面),空白对照组(20... 目的:研究皮肤干细胞在全层皮肤创面愈合过程中的分布与增殖分化特征,以及该特征在创面愈合过程中的作用。方法:10只Wistar大鼠背部各制备4个面积为2.54cm^2的全层皮肤创面,将创面随机分为2组,即银锌霜治疗组(20个创面),空白对照组(20个创面)。分别于伤后3d、1周、2周和3周以组织学检查动态观察各组治疗效果,并以β_1整合素、角蛋白19(K19)免疫组化法检测表皮干细胞在创面愈合过程中的表达情况。结果:两面创面愈合率为银锌霜组80%(16/20)。两组创面肉芽组织于各时相点均未见β_1整合素、K19阳性细胞出现,但于创缘表皮的层或颗粒层出现了散在的β_1整合和K19同时染色阳性细胞。且越接近创面这些阳性细胞越密集,组织学上与基底层的阳性细胞无直接联系,其数量随着创面的缩小渐渐增加,直到创面愈合。上皮化后,这些阳性细胞逐渐减少,并随着愈合创面表皮脚的出现而消失,而感染创面的阳性细胞数量明显少于未感染创面的阳性细胞数。结论:表皮干细胞能动地与创面的修复,创缘表皮干细胞再分布的主要功能可能促进创面再上皮化。 展开更多
关键词 目的:研究皮肤干细胞在全层皮肤创面愈合过程中的分布与增殖分化特征 以及该特征在创面愈合过程中的作用.方法:10只 Wistar 大鼠背部各制备4个面积为2.54cm^2的全层皮肤创面 将创面随机分为2组 即银锌霜治疗组(20个创面) 空白对照组(20个创面).分别于伤后3d、1周、2周和3周以组织学检查动态观察各组治疗效果 并以β_1整合素、角蛋白19(K19)免疫组化法检测表皮干细胞在创面愈合过程中的表达情况.结果:两组创面愈合率为银锌霜组80%(16/20) 对照组60%(12/20).两组创面肉芽组织于各时相点均未见β_1整合素、K19阳性细胞出现 但于创缘表皮的棘层或颗粒层出现了散在的β_1整合素和 K19同时染色阳性细胞.且越接近创面这些阳性细胞越密集 组织学上与基底层的阳性细胞无直接联系 其数量随着创面的缩小渐渐增加 直到创面愈合.上皮化后 这些阳性细胞逐渐减少 并随着愈合创面表皮脚的出现而消失 而感染创面的阳性细胞数量明显少于未感染创面的阳性细胞数.结论:表皮干细胞能动地参与创面的修复 创缘表皮干细胞再分布的主要功能可能促进创面再上皮化.
Expression Profile Changes of Genes Involved in Lipid Metabolism Pathway During Liver Regeneration in Mice 被引量:1
作者 袁运生 张夕原 +3 位作者 严德珺 杨婷旭 郜尽 俞雁 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第2期41-45,共5页
[ Objective ] The aim of the research was to study the expression profile changes of genes involved in lipid metabolism pathway during liver regeneration in mice. [ Method] The CCI4 induced mouse model of liver regene... [ Objective ] The aim of the research was to study the expression profile changes of genes involved in lipid metabolism pathway during liver regeneration in mice. [ Method] The CCI4 induced mouse model of liver regeneration was established and the total RNA was isolated from liver tissue of mouse. Then the changes of genes involved in lipid metabolism pathway during different stages of liver regeneration were detected through micro-array chip gene technique and their specific functions were also analyzed. [ Result] Dudng the process of liver regeneration, the expression level of 98 genes involved in lipid metabolism pathway changed, which were divided into eight groups according to change trend. In the mass, the expression of genes was inhibited in the early stage and up-regulated in the late phase. And the gene expression associated with fatty acid synthesis pathway was mainly up-regulated while the catabolic pathway did not change significantly. Most of genes involved in bile acid synthesis pathway were suppressed before 4.5 d and up-regulated after 4.5 d or 7 d. [ Conclusion] During the process of liver regeneration, the genes associated with lipid metabolism are expressed in different trends, and this data should provide a specific range of genes for further studying the regulation effect of lipid metabolism related pathway on liver regeneration. 展开更多
关键词 Upid metabolism Gene expression profiles Liver regeneration Micro-array chip
作者 周爱琴 《湖北经济学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2010年第5期175-176,共2页
不同文化下,人们认知图式不同,认知图武在汉英文化翻译研究中具有广泛的应用前景和价值。从认知图武的三种类型:内容图武、语法图式和形式图式出发,解析屯堡文化负载词的主要翻译过程,提出要准确理解文化负载词,激发已有的语言、... 不同文化下,人们认知图式不同,认知图武在汉英文化翻译研究中具有广泛的应用前景和价值。从认知图武的三种类型:内容图武、语法图式和形式图式出发,解析屯堡文化负载词的主要翻译过程,提出要准确理解文化负载词,激发已有的语言、内容和形式认知图式,重现文化负载词的理解和表达过程,构建新的认知图式等路径,实现文化负载词的英译。 展开更多
关键词 认知图武 文化负载词 理解和表达过程
Identification of Differentially Expressed Genes in Grape Skin at Veraison and Maturity and Construction of Co-expression Network 被引量:3
作者 Pengfei WANG Xilong JIANG +5 位作者 Xinying WU Ling SU Lei GONG Hongmei SHI Fengshan REN Yongmei WANG 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第11期1993-2000,共8页
The ripening process of grape is an important stage during grape growth and development. During this process, color of grape skin is the most obvious change. The molecular mechanism for the ripening of grape(a non-cli... The ripening process of grape is an important stage during grape growth and development. During this process, color of grape skin is the most obvious change. The molecular mechanism for the ripening of grape(a non-climacteric fruit, which ripens without ethylene and respiration bursts) is still unclear. Although numerous studies have been done on the changes in the contents of metabolites during grape ripening, the differentially expressed genes at veraison and maturity stages have not been systematically analyzed. In this study, 1 524 genes that are significantly differentially expressed in grape(Pinot Noir) skin at veraison and maturity stages were identified, and a co-expression network of these genes was built. Some of the eight co-expression modules we identified may be closely related to the synthesis or metabolism of anthocyanins, sugar acids, and other flavor substances. The transcription factor families WRKY, b ZIP, HSF and WOX may play an important role in the regulation of anthocyanin synthesis or metabolism. The results provide a foundation for further study of the molecular mechanism of grape ripening. 展开更多
关键词 GRAPE Fruit ripening Co-expression network Co-expression module ANTHOCYANIN Transcription factor
Pepsinogen C Gene Expression in Epithelial Cells of Rat Stomach During Development
作者 戈应滨 《Developmental and Reproductive Biology》 2002年第2期88-94,共7页
Pepsinogens are zymogens of pepsins,aspecific proteases working as digestive enzymes in vertebrate stomach,of which biological and molecular properties have been extensively studied.Several exhaustive studies have bee... Pepsinogens are zymogens of pepsins,aspecific proteases working as digestive enzymes in vertebrate stomach,of which biological and molecular properties have been extensively studied.Several exhaustive studies have been performed in the pepsinogen producing cells in developing rat stomachs,but little is known about the expression of pepsinogen gene in these cells.In this study,the ontogeny of pepsinogen producing cells in rat fundic glands was studied by in situ hybridization using a digoxigenin-labeled RNA probe.The rat gastric epithelium was stratified but was morphologically undifferentiated at the stage of 18.5 days of gestation.The pepsinogen mRNA was expressed both in chief cells and mucous neck cells in adult rats,which was first detected by in situ hybridization in the stomach of the rats at 3.5 days after birth.The development of pepsinogen producing cells could be classified into four stages:(1) 18.5 days of gestation to 0.5 day after birth;(2) 3.5 days to 2 weeks after birth;(3) 3~4 weeks after birth;(4) 8 weeks after birth.Pepsinogen expression is strictly limited to these cells,the distribution of which shown a developmental stage-specific manner.We concluded the pepsinogen C could offer excellent molecular markers of differentiation during stomach epithelial cellulur development. 展开更多
关键词 pepsinogen C ONTOGENY gene expression fundic gland in situ hybridization RAT
Screening Helicobacter pylori genes induced during infection of mouse stomachs 被引量:5
作者 Aparna Singh Nathaniel Hodgson +9 位作者 Ming Yan Jungsoo Joo Lei Gu Hong Sang Emmalena Gregory-Bryson William G Wood Yisheng Ni Kimberly Smith Sharon H Jackson William G Coleman 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第32期4323-4334,共12页
AIM:To investigate the effect of in vivo environment on gene expression in Helicobacter pylori(H.pylori) as it relates to its survival in the host.METHODS:In vivo expression technology(IVET) systems are used to identi... AIM:To investigate the effect of in vivo environment on gene expression in Helicobacter pylori(H.pylori) as it relates to its survival in the host.METHODS:In vivo expression technology(IVET) systems are used to identify microbial virulence genes.We modified the IVET-transcriptional fusion vector,pIVET8,which uses antibiotic resistance as the basis for selection of candidate genes in host tissues to develop two unique IVET-promoter-screening vectors,pIVET11 and pIVET12.Our novel IVET systems were developed by the fusion of random Sau3A DNA fragments of H.pylori and a tandem-reporter system of chloramphenicol acetyltransferase and beta-galactosidase.Additionally,each vector contains a kanamycin resistance gene.We used a mouse macrophage cell line,RAW 264.7 and mice,as selective media to identify specific genes that H.pylori expresses in vivo.Gene expression studies were conducted by infecting RAW 264.7 cells with H.pylori.This was followed by real time polymerase chain reaction(PCR) analysis to determine the relative expression levels of in vivo induced genes.RESULTS:In this study,we have identified 31 in vivo induced(ivi) genes in the initial screens.These 31 genes belong to several functional gene families,including several well-known virulence factors that are expressed by the bacterium in infected mouse stomachs.Virulence factors,vacA and cagA,were found in this screen and are known to play important roles in H.pylori infection,colonization and pathogenesis.Their detection validates the efficacy of these screening systems.Some of the identified ivi genes have already been implicated to play an important role in the pathogenesis of H.pylori and other bacterial pathogens such as Escherichia coli and Vibrio cholerae.Transcription profiles of allivi genes were confirmed by real time PCR analysis of H.pylori RNA isolated from H.pylori infected RAW 264.7 macrophages.We compared the expression profile of H.pylori and RAW 264.7 coculture with that of H.pylori only.Some genes such as cag A,vac A,lpx C,mur I,tlp C,trx B,sod B,tnp B,pgi,rbf A and inf B showed a 2-20 fold upregulation.Statistically significant upregulation was obtained for all the above mentioned genes(P < 0.05).tlp C,cag A,vac A,sod B,rbf A,inf B,tnp B,lpx C and mur I were also significantly upregulated(P < 0.01).These data suggest a strong correlation between results obtained in vitro in the macrophage cell line and in the intact animal.CONCLUSION:The positive identification of these genes demonstrates that our IVET systems are powerful tools for studying H.pylori gene expression in the host environment. 展开更多
关键词 Helicobacter pylori In vivo expression technology Virulence genes Mice Infection
Improvement of the riboflavin production by engineering the precursor biosynthesis pathways in Escherichia coli 被引量:3
作者 徐志博 林振泉 +1 位作者 王智文 陈涛 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第11期1834-1839,共6页
3,4-Dihydroxy-2-butanone 4-phosphate (DHBP) and GTP are the precursors for riboflavin biosynthesis. In this research, improving the precursor supply for riboflavin production was attempted by overexpressing ribB and... 3,4-Dihydroxy-2-butanone 4-phosphate (DHBP) and GTP are the precursors for riboflavin biosynthesis. In this research, improving the precursor supply for riboflavin production was attempted by overexpressing ribB and engineering purine pathway in a riboflavin-producing Escherichia colt strain. Initially, ribB gene was overexpressed to increase the flux from ribulose 5-phosphate (Ru-5-P) to DHBP. Then ndk and grnk genes were overexpressed to enhance GTP supply. Subsequently, a R419L mutation was introduced into purA to reduce the flux from IMP to AMP. Finally, co-overexpression of mutant purF and prs genes further increased riboflavin production. The final strain RF18S produced 387.6 mg riboflavin · L-1 with a yield of 44.8 mg riboflavin per gram glucose in shake-flask fermentations. The final titer and yield were 72.2% and 55.6% higher than those of RF01S, respectively. It was concluded that simultaneously engineering the DHBP synthase and GTP biosynthetic pathway by rational metabolic engineering can efficiently boost riboflavin production in E. coll. 展开更多
关键词 Escherichia coilRiboflavin3A-Dihydroxy-2-butanone 4-phosphatesynthasePurine pathwayGTPMetabolic engineering
Effect of Temperature on Gene Expression in the Pearl Oyster Pinctada fucata 被引量:2
作者 LIU Wenguang HUANG Xie +1 位作者 LIN Jianshi HE Maoxian 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2014年第3期509-515,共7页
In this study, we examined the effect of elevated temperature on the expression patterns of genes, i.e., nacrein, irr, n16, n19, and hsp70 in the pearl oyster Pinctada fucata. The experiment was carried out at 4 tempe... In this study, we examined the effect of elevated temperature on the expression patterns of genes, i.e., nacrein, irr, n16, n19, and hsp70 in the pearl oyster Pinctada fucata. The experiment was carried out at 4 temperatures, i.e., 20℃(ambient, control), 24, 28℃, and 32℃. The expression levels of target genes in P. fucata were assayed at 0, 6, 24, 48, and 96 h via real-time polymerase chain reaction. Results showed that the expression levels of nacrein and irr had no significant variations among different time points below 28℃, but significantly increased over time at 32℃. The expression levels of n16 and n19 did not change markedly at 20℃. The former increased significantly at 6 h and 24 h while the latter substantially decreased during 6–96 h at 24, 28 and 32℃. Among different temperatures, the level of n16 was significantly lower at 20℃ than at other temperatures during 6–96 h, and the level of n19 significantly varied among different temperatures at 48 h and 96 h. The expression level of hsp70 was significantly higher at 32℃ than at 20, 24 and 28℃ at 24 h. These results demonstrated that elevated temperature impacted the physiological processes of P. fucata and potentially influenced its adaptability to thermal stress. 展开更多
关键词 seawater temperature heat shock protein gene expression pattern Pinctadafucata
Expressions of cyclin D1 and p27^(kip1) in carcinogenesis of stomach mucosa
作者 Qunqing Liu Guiying Zhang 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2008年第8期469-472,共4页
Objective: To evaluate the relationship between the expressions of cyclin D1 and p27^kip1 in the canceration course of the stomach. Methods: The immunohistochemical staining technique (SP method) was used to detec... Objective: To evaluate the relationship between the expressions of cyclin D1 and p27^kip1 in the canceration course of the stomach. Methods: The immunohistochemical staining technique (SP method) was used to detect the expressions of cyclin D1, p27^kip1 in chronic superficial gastritis (CSG), chronic atrophic gastritis (CAG), intestinal metaplasia (IM), dysplasia (DYS), gastric carcinoma (GCA) biopsy specimens. Results: The positive cyclin D1 expression rates increased with the progressing from CAG--,IM--,DYS--,GCA respectively, and those in IM, DYS and GCA were different from those in CSG, P 〈 0.05, while DYS group was indifferent from GCA group, P 〉 0.05. The positive p27^kip1 expression rates decreased with the mucosa progressing from CAG→IM→DYS→GCA. There was a negative correlation between the expression cyclin D1 and p27^kip1 (y = -0.53, P = 0.000). Conclusion: Expression rates of cyclin D1 in the canceration course of the stomach mucosa trend were increased and those of p27^kip1 were decreased; the abnormal expressions of them were found in the early term of the canceration course of the stomach mucosa, and the inverse expression suggests there may be a negative feedback regulatory loop between cyclin D1 and p27^kip1. 展开更多
关键词 stomach neoplasms/pathology cyclin D1 protein p27^kip1 immunohistochemistry CARCINOGENESIS
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