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作者 田优德 席建元 李玲艳 《中医药导报》 2024年第1期176-178,182,共4页
席建元认为急性感染性荨麻疹不仅有风寒证、风热证、胃肠湿热证和毒热炽盛证4个证型,部分患者的病机同时兼有风寒外束于表和郁热生于半表半里2个要点,治疗时不仅要解在表的风寒之邪,还要清透在半表半里的郁热,因此提出了从风寒郁表证论... 席建元认为急性感染性荨麻疹不仅有风寒证、风热证、胃肠湿热证和毒热炽盛证4个证型,部分患者的病机同时兼有风寒外束于表和郁热生于半表半里2个要点,治疗时不仅要解在表的风寒之邪,还要清透在半表半里的郁热,因此提出了从风寒郁表证论治急性感染性荨麻疹,以柴葛解肌汤化裁治疗。附病案2则以佐证。 展开更多
关键词 急性感染性荨麻疹 瘾疹 风寒 柴葛解肌汤 席建元 名医经验
仝小林从郁论治胃肠病学术思想浅议 被引量:8
作者 王涵 顾成娟 仝小林 《世界中西医结合杂志》 2017年第6期757-759,共3页
金元四大家之一的朱丹溪主张内伤致病理论,其主要学术观点"六郁"学说为内科杂病的认识与辨治做出了重要的贡献。仝小林教授总结临床经验,将丹溪的因郁致病学说充分阐发并应用于胃肠疑难病的辨治中,取得了良好的疗效。从郁论... 金元四大家之一的朱丹溪主张内伤致病理论,其主要学术观点"六郁"学说为内科杂病的认识与辨治做出了重要的贡献。仝小林教授总结临床经验,将丹溪的因郁致病学说充分阐发并应用于胃肠疑难病的辨治中,取得了良好的疗效。从郁论治胃肠病,抓住辨证要点是关键,火郁以热郁于内而体温不高为辨证要点,用"三升阳方"(升阳散火汤、升阳益胃汤、补中益气汤);寒郁常以呕吐清水唾沫为辨证要点,实寒治用吴茱萸汤,虚寒治用四君子汤;食郁以嗳气打嗝为辨证要点,治以保和丸;表郁以肌表热像、上吐下泻为辨证要点,治以藿香正气散;湿、痰、瘀则是诸郁的继发性因素,亦是论治胃肠疾病的重要切入点,临证时应通过舌象及舌下络脉区分病邪的性质以及病情的发展程度。 展开更多
关键词 表郁 胃肠病 仝小林
从“劳汗当风,寒薄为皶,郁乃痤”论治青春期前痤疮 被引量:5
作者 杨明 张勤 +1 位作者 刘晓雁 李媛丽 《北京中医药》 2022年第2期177-178,共2页
青春期前痤疮是青春期体征出现前发生的一种儿童期痤疮,临床表现以粉刺为主。基于《内经》“劳汗当风,寒薄为皶,郁乃痤”理论,认为青春期前痤疮发病机制为风寒湿郁表、郁而化热,治疗应以祛风、散寒、除湿为主,清除郁热为辅,并以此为据... 青春期前痤疮是青春期体征出现前发生的一种儿童期痤疮,临床表现以粉刺为主。基于《内经》“劳汗当风,寒薄为皶,郁乃痤”理论,认为青春期前痤疮发病机制为风寒湿郁表、郁而化热,治疗应以祛风、散寒、除湿为主,清除郁热为辅,并以此为据指导青春期前痤疮的临床诊疗,疗效显著。 展开更多
关键词 痤疮 青春期前 内经 风寒湿 而化热
《伤寒论》“躁烦”辨析 被引量:8
作者 林海雄 王晓彤 +1 位作者 刘牧秋 李赛美 《河南中医》 2015年第1期4-5,共2页
躁烦的出现提示表闭阳郁、里热炽盛、水热互结、热扰于心、阳虚阴盛和传变及转归等。表闭阳郁之躁烦源于发汗不彻,表邪未尽,然病邪并不内传,始终羁留于太阳之表,形成邪微而正虚之表郁轻证。宜选用辛温发散之剂,得小汗即安,服桂枝二麻黄... 躁烦的出现提示表闭阳郁、里热炽盛、水热互结、热扰于心、阳虚阴盛和传变及转归等。表闭阳郁之躁烦源于发汗不彻,表邪未尽,然病邪并不内传,始终羁留于太阳之表,形成邪微而正虚之表郁轻证。宜选用辛温发散之剂,得小汗即安,服桂枝二麻黄一汤,取其微发汗。里热炽盛之躁烦源于太阳病误火后的变证。太阳病二日不应有躁而现躁,故曰反躁,既然有躁,表明表邪未解而里热已盛,当解散表邪,清里透热,切勿用辛温或火攻发汗。水热互结,热扰于心之躁烦源于误下后胃中空虚,邪气乘虚而犯胸膈,致心神不安,甚至懊恼不安。此时宜泻热逐水,方用大陷胸汤。阳虚阴盛之躁烦源于少阳阳气脱绝,残阳外扰,神不守舍。临床需观其脉证,知犯何递,随证治之。 展开更多
关键词 《伤寒论》 躁烦 张仲景 闭阳 里热炽盛 水热互结 热扰于心 阳虚阴盛
《伤寒论》“短气”辨治 被引量:2
作者 李建文 李秀琴 《中医研究》 2003年第2期29-30,共2页
关键词 《伤寒论》 短气 表郁 湿阻 结胸 悬饮 腑实
杨洪涛运用桂枝麻黄各半汤治疗瘙痒验案2则 被引量:3
作者 黄鑫 王学军 杨洪涛 《江苏中医药》 CAS 2015年第5期63-64,共2页
桂枝麻黄各半汤出自张仲景的《伤寒论》,仲景云:"太阳病,得之八九日,如疟状,发热恶寒,热多寒少,其人不呕,清便欲自可,一日二三度发,脉微缓者,为欲愈也。脉微而恶寒者,此阴阳俱虚,不可更发汗、更下、更吐也。面色反有热色者,未欲解也,... 桂枝麻黄各半汤出自张仲景的《伤寒论》,仲景云:"太阳病,得之八九日,如疟状,发热恶寒,热多寒少,其人不呕,清便欲自可,一日二三度发,脉微缓者,为欲愈也。脉微而恶寒者,此阴阳俱虚,不可更发汗、更下、更吐也。面色反有热色者,未欲解也,以其不能得小汗出,身必痒,宜桂枝麻黄各半汤。"方由桂枝、芍药、生姜、炙甘草、麻黄、大枣、杏仁组成,为桂枝汤与麻黄汤的合方。 展开更多
关键词 瘙痒 邪气 桂枝麻黄各半汤 验案
作者 杨舒淳 李龑 +3 位作者 吴芳 王艺颖 李玉贤 金明月 《福建中医药大学学报》 2014年第2期46-49,共4页
李玉贤主任属国家第五批老中医专家,从医济世40余年,在内科杂病诊治方面积累了丰富的临床经验。李师临证重视四诊合参、中西互鉴、经方时方并用;强调疑难病诊治,慎遵八纲;杂病用药,次第更迭,认准经纬。循前贤之主张'一病必有一主方... 李玉贤主任属国家第五批老中医专家,从医济世40余年,在内科杂病诊治方面积累了丰富的临床经验。李师临证重视四诊合参、中西互鉴、经方时方并用;强调疑难病诊治,慎遵八纲;杂病用药,次第更迭,认准经纬。循前贤之主张'一病必有一主方、一方必有一主药'。对外感热病治疗更有独到之处,下面将其灵活应用'银翘散'的临床经验总结整理如下。银翘散源于清代吴鞠通的《温病条辨》[1],是吴氏总结叶天士治疗温病表证之主方。 展开更多
关键词 银翘散 肺系疾病 皮肤病
Tulip bundle technique and fibrin glue injection:Unusual treatment of colonic perforation 被引量:2
作者 Filippo Mocciaro Gabriele Curcio +4 位作者 Ilaria Tarantino Luca Barresi Marco Spada Sergio Li Petri Mario Traina 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第8期1088-1090,共3页
We report a case of a 63-year-old male who experienced an iatrogenic sigmoid perforation repaired combining three endoscopic techniques.The lesion was large and irregular with three discrete perforations,therefore,we ... We report a case of a 63-year-old male who experienced an iatrogenic sigmoid perforation repaired combining three endoscopic techniques.The lesion was large and irregular with three discrete perforations,therefore,we decided to close it by placing one clip per perforation,and then connecting all the clips with two endoloops.Finally we chose to use a fibrin glue injection to obtain a complete sealing.Four days after the colonoscopy the patient underwent a laparoscopic right hemicolectomy due to evidence of a large polyp of the caecum with high grade dysplasia and focal carcinoma in situ.Inspection of the sigma showed complete repair of the perforation.This report underlines how a conservative approach,together with a combination of various endoscopic techniques,can resolve complicated iatrogenic perforations of the colon. 展开更多
关键词 Colonic perforation Endoscopic treatment Fibrin glue injection Tulip bundle technique
Integrated traditional and Western medicine for treatment of depression based on syndrome differentiation:a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials based on the Hamilton depression scale 被引量:12
作者 寇美静 陈家旭 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第1期1-5,共5页
OBJECTIVE:To systematically review the benefits of integrated traditional and Western medicine therapies based on the Hamilton depression scale(HAMD) following syndrome differentiation of depression.METHODS:We searche... OBJECTIVE:To systematically review the benefits of integrated traditional and Western medicine therapies based on the Hamilton depression scale(HAMD) following syndrome differentiation of depression.METHODS:We searched six English and Chinese electronic databases for randomized clinical trials(RCTs) on integrated traditional and Western medicine for treatment of depression.Two authors extracted data and independently assessed the trial quality.RevMan 5 software was used for data analyses with an effect estimate presented as weighted mean difference(WMD) with a 95% confidence interval(CI).RESULTS:Seven RCTs with 576 participants were identified for this review.All trials were eligible for the meta-analysis and were evaluated as unclear or having a risk of bias.Meta-analysis showed,compared with Western medicine alone,integrated traditional and Western medicine based on syndrome differentiation could improve the effect of treatment represented by the HAMD [WMD=-2.39,CI(-2.96,-1.83),Z=8.29,P<0.00001].There were no reported serious adverse effects that were related to integrated traditional and Western medicine based therapies in these trials.CONCLUSIONS:Integrated traditional and Western medicine based therapies for the syndrome differentiation of depression significantly improved the HAMD,illustrating that combining therapies from integrated traditional and Western medicine for treatment of depression is better than Western medicine alone.However,further large,rigorously designed trials are warranted due to the insufficient methodological rigor seen in the trials included in this study. 展开更多
关键词 Syndrome differentiation DEPRESSION Integrated traditional and western medicine META-ANALYSIS Randomized controlled trials
Clinical study on acupuncture plus auricular point sticking for tension-type headache 被引量:2
作者 Fei Ke Wang Feng 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 CSCD 2021年第1期49-55,共7页
Objective:To observe the clinical efficacy of acupuncture plus auricular point sticking for tension-type headache(TTH).Methods:A total of 90 TTH patients were divided into an acupuncture group,an auricular point stick... Objective:To observe the clinical efficacy of acupuncture plus auricular point sticking for tension-type headache(TTH).Methods:A total of 90 TTH patients were divided into an acupuncture group,an auricular point sticking group and an observation group by random number table method,with 30 cases in each group.Patients in the observation group received acupuncture plus auricular point sticking for treatment,while those in the acupuncture group only received acupuncture and those in the auricular point sticking group only received auricular point sticking for treatment.The headache attack frequency and the scores of visual analog scale(VAS),self-rating anxiety scale(SAS)and self-rating depression scale(SDS)were observed before treatment,after treatment and 3 months after treatment.The clinical efficacy was evaluated at the follow-up of 3 months after treatment.Results:At follow-up,there were significant differences in clinical efficacy among the three groups(P<0.01 or P<0.05),and the clinical efficacy ranking from high to low was the observation group,the acupuncture group and the auricular point sticking group.After treatment and at follow-up,the VAS score,headache attack frequency,SAS and SDS scores in the three groups were significantly lower than those before treatment(all P<0.01).The above four results in the observation group were lower than those in the acupuncture group and the auricular point sticking group at the same time point(all P<0.01);VAS score in the acupuncture group was lower than that in the auricular point sticking group(both P<0.05).At follow-up,the headache frequency in the acupuncture group was lower than that in the auricular point sticking group(P<0.05).Conclusion:Either using acupuncture and auricular point sticking together or separately can reduce the headache degree of TTH patients,reduce the number of headache attacks,and relieve anxiety and depression.The efficacy of acupuncture plus auricular point sticking is most significant. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Therapy Auricular Point Sticking Visual Analog Scale Pain Measurement ANXIETY DEPRESSION Tension-type Headache
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