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电火花沉积涂层厚度及表面光洁度分析 被引量:1
作者 赵树萍 《国外金属热处理》 2001年第6期35-36,共2页
电火花沉积表面处理是近期发展起来的新技术.它是利用短持续时间,高电流脉冲把电极材料沉积在某种基体金属或合金上.电火花沉积工艺的主要优点之一是用非常低的热量传入基体金属,在接近环境温度下,使电极与之接触,并熔融,以冶金结合的... 电火花沉积表面处理是近期发展起来的新技术.它是利用短持续时间,高电流脉冲把电极材料沉积在某种基体金属或合金上.电火花沉积工艺的主要优点之一是用非常低的热量传入基体金属,在接近环境温度下,使电极与之接触,并熔融,以冶金结合的方式把涂层涂敷在金属表面上.根据涂敷的电极材料,基体金属及选择的工艺参数可获得具有不同特性和不同厚度的涂层.但是涂层到底多厚为宜?机械零件和构件涂敷涂层之后到底能达到什么样的表面光洁度?是否还要继续机械加工?加工量多大?等等问题是电火花沉积前后值得考虑的问题.所以,仔细分析电火花沉积涂层的厚度及表面光洁度很有必要. 展开更多
关键词 表面处理 电火化沉积 涂层厚度 表面光洁
玻璃纤维复合材料的发展及其着色 被引量:4
作者 王冬春 《化工新型材料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第7期66-67,共2页
关键词 玻璃纤维复合材料 纤维缠绕成型技术 表面光洁 生产工艺 着色处理
Ultra-precision machining of reflector array for laser diode beam shaping 被引量:4
作者 FANG F. Z. XIONG Z. HU X. T. 《Optoelectronics Letters》 EI 2007年第2期141-143,共3页
Ultra-precision machining is an effective approach to achieve high dimension accuracy and surface finish required in optical and laser components. An extensive study using a two-axis diamond turning machine is conduct... Ultra-precision machining is an effective approach to achieve high dimension accuracy and surface finish required in optical and laser components. An extensive study using a two-axis diamond turning machine is conducted to machine the reflector arrays used for laser diode beam shaping. To position the workpiece precisely, theoretical analysis is made so that the dimensional accuracy can be achieved. Investigations into machining burr reduction are carried out. With the process developed, reflectors with optical surface finish of 8 nm in Ra and minimized burr size of less than 0.5 μm have been achieved. 展开更多
关键词 激光二极管射束成形 反射镜阵列 超精密机械加工 表面光洁
《中国高校科技》 1997年第3期28-28,共1页
关键词 内容要求 强度试验 皮下气孔 具备条件 缩孔 球墨铸铁 表面光洁 渗漏现象 静水压 开发内容
《税收与企业》 1994年第1期32-32,共1页
怎样挑选新鲜年货Δ肉:可采用一看二摸三闻的方法,即看到肉色鲜红、有光泽,表面有层微微干燥的膜、不发粘,为鲜肉;摸到肉的肉质紧密、富有弹性、指压后不留指印,是鲜肉,新鲜的肉闻起来有一种清淡的自然香味。Δ禽:新鲜家禽喙部... 怎样挑选新鲜年货Δ肉:可采用一看二摸三闻的方法,即看到肉色鲜红、有光泽,表面有层微微干燥的膜、不发粘,为鲜肉;摸到肉的肉质紧密、富有弹性、指压后不留指印,是鲜肉,新鲜的肉闻起来有一种清淡的自然香味。Δ禽:新鲜家禽喙部有光泽、干燥、无粘液。眼球充满眼窝... 展开更多
关键词 肌肉结实 口腔粘膜 表面干燥 角膜 表面光洁 鲜肉 富有弹性 玫瑰色 粘液 润滑
作者 赵英昌 《农村经济与科技》 1996年第5期37-37,共1页
油桃又叫光桃,是普通毛桃之变种,其最大优点是果面光洁无毛,没有普通桃密被绒毛的缺陷.是桃中珍品。甜油桃不仅具有表面光洁艳丽之优点。而且风味甘甜可口,解决了一般油桃"酸"的难题,成为油桃家族中新秀,是取代其他油桃和普... 油桃又叫光桃,是普通毛桃之变种,其最大优点是果面光洁无毛,没有普通桃密被绒毛的缺陷.是桃中珍品。甜油桃不仅具有表面光洁艳丽之优点。而且风味甘甜可口,解决了一般油桃"酸"的难题,成为油桃家族中新秀,是取代其他油桃和普通桃最佳的换代品种,值得大力推广。一、品种来源及特性为解决一般油桃美中不足"酸"的难题,多年来。 展开更多
关键词 甜油桃 普通桃 幼树生长 优点 坐果率 表面光洁 平均单果重 风味 节间长 品种
作者 王义勇 《河南林业》 1997年第2期38-38,共1页
朋友,当你从纷乱嘈杂空气混浊的城市里,走进美丽的大森林,森林中清新的空气,柔和的阳光,青青的小草,鲜艳的野花,清澈的山泉、欢唱的小鸟,调皮的小松鼠,给你的感觉是多么的舒畅和惬意。当你和亲朋好友带着易拉罐、啤酒、火腿肠在森林中... 朋友,当你从纷乱嘈杂空气混浊的城市里,走进美丽的大森林,森林中清新的空气,柔和的阳光,青青的小草,鲜艳的野花,清澈的山泉、欢唱的小鸟,调皮的小松鼠,给你的感觉是多么的舒畅和惬意。当你和亲朋好友带着易拉罐、啤酒、火腿肠在森林中野餐小憩,充分享受大自然给予的快乐时,你是否想到,如果随便把空易拉罐、啤酒瓶乱扔,会给森林带来什么样的隐患吗?易拉罐表面光洁明亮,底面就是一块标准凹面镜。 展开更多
关键词 森林旅游 易拉罐 啤酒瓶 森林带 火腿肠 森林火灾 表面光洁 森林风光 火灾隐患 大森林
作者 村喜 《风景名胜》 1994年第5期14-14,共1页
隐形碑有两块,均立在四川省仁寿县龙滩风景区内的唐宋文化遗址上。碑面字画出自宋代书法家、画家文与可之手。碑石表面光洁,无丝毫刀刻墨写的痕迹,但当以水泼之,右面碑石则立现行行风格雄劲、清晰可辨的楷书大字,左面碑石则显一幅功力... 隐形碑有两块,均立在四川省仁寿县龙滩风景区内的唐宋文化遗址上。碑面字画出自宋代书法家、画家文与可之手。碑石表面光洁,无丝毫刀刻墨写的痕迹,但当以水泼之,右面碑石则立现行行风格雄劲、清晰可辨的楷书大字,左面碑石则显一幅功力深厚的《墨竹图》。两碑奇特之处还在于,碑上字画见水立现,水消则隐;如现再泼则再显,堪称中华一绝。禁赌碑 "禁赌牧放碑"在河南省偃师县城南顾县安家滩村,高1.46米,宽0.57米。石碑首身一体,正面额首为"慎始慎终"四字。背面镌刻"赌博禁规"及罚款数额。碑文全篇共300余字,列举赌博之公害私患。 展开更多
关键词 文化遗址 碑石 四川省 风景区 仁寿县 河南省 表面光洁 书法家 禁赌 宋代
作者 周明 《农村百事通》 2002年第19期19-19,共1页
鲜枣经过酒浸泡加工后,既可避开产品大量上市的时间,又可以增加储藏期,还能提高附加值,增加收入,一举三得,何乐而不为?醉枣加工相当简单。选无虫蛀、表面光洁干净的半红或全红鲜枣,在酒中过一下,然后放入坛子或无毒塑料袋中密封,20天左... 鲜枣经过酒浸泡加工后,既可避开产品大量上市的时间,又可以增加储藏期,还能提高附加值,增加收入,一举三得,何乐而不为?醉枣加工相当简单。选无虫蛀、表面光洁干净的半红或全红鲜枣,在酒中过一下,然后放入坛子或无毒塑料袋中密封,20天左右就能食用。如果不开封,醉枣可储存4-5个月。 展开更多
关键词 储藏期 高附加值 增加收入 鲜枣 塑料袋 表面光洁 酒浸 三得
《企业科技与发展》 1995年第3期24-24,共1页
不锈钢是一种具有特殊性能的钢料,它表面有一层致密的氧化膜,因此它的表面光洁平整,不易生锈并且无毒、卫生。因此,不锈钢厨具可存放酸、甜等食物,但不锈钢制品并不是绝不生锈。如当大气中含有的气体杂质及盐类物质过多侵蚀,其表面就会... 不锈钢是一种具有特殊性能的钢料,它表面有一层致密的氧化膜,因此它的表面光洁平整,不易生锈并且无毒、卫生。因此,不锈钢厨具可存放酸、甜等食物,但不锈钢制品并不是绝不生锈。如当大气中含有的气体杂质及盐类物质过多侵蚀,其表面就会受腐蚀。如使用不当,也会使其表面产生小麻点。因此在使用时需注意以下几方面: 展开更多
关键词 不锈钢厨具 不锈钢制品 盐类物质 气体杂质 氧化膜 特殊性能 表面光洁 不锈钢表面 使用不当 食物
作者 肖定奇 《通讯世界》 2014年第12期206-207,共2页
关键词 水轮机汽蚀 汽蚀破坏 电弧喷焊 表面光洁 硬度高 抗蚀抗磨能力
作者 田凤阁 邱培琪 《铸造设备与工艺》 2009年第6期8-9,共2页
关键词 V法铸造 表面光洁 复杂铸件 国产化
Electrical discharge machining of 6061 aluminium alloy 被引量:2
作者 A.PRAMANIK A.K.BASAK +1 位作者 M.N.ISLAM G.LITTLEFAIR 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第9期2866-2874,共9页
The wire electrical discharge machining(EDM) of 6061 aluminium alloy in terms of material removal rate,kerf/slit width,surface finish and wear of electrode wire for different pulse on time and wire tension was studi... The wire electrical discharge machining(EDM) of 6061 aluminium alloy in terms of material removal rate,kerf/slit width,surface finish and wear of electrode wire for different pulse on time and wire tension was studied.Eight experiments were carried out in a wire EDM machine by varying pulse on time and wire tension.It is found that the material removal rate increases with the increase of pulse on time though the wire tension does not affect the material removal rate.It seems that the higher wire tension facilitates steady machining process,which generates low wear in wire electrode and better surface finish.The surface roughness does not change notably with the variation of pulse on time.The appearance of the machined surfaces is very similar under all the machining conditions.The machined surface contains solidified molten material,splash of materials and blisters.The increase of the pulse on time increases the wear of wire electrode due to the increase of heat input.The wear of wire electrode generates tapered slot which has higher kerf width at top side than that at bottom side.The higher electrode wear introduces higher taper. 展开更多
关键词 wire electrical discharge machining(EDM) 6061 aluminium alloy material removal rate kerf width surface finish
Surface finish effect on dry sliding wear behavior of thermally oxidized commercially pure zirconium
作者 A.ALANSARI Y.SUN 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第1期88-97,共10页
The effect of surface polishing on the wear behavior of thermally oxidized commercial pure zirconium (CP-Zr) under dry sliding conditions was investigated. Surface ground CP-Zr with a roughness of 0.21 μm (Ra) was th... The effect of surface polishing on the wear behavior of thermally oxidized commercial pure zirconium (CP-Zr) under dry sliding conditions was investigated. Surface ground CP-Zr with a roughness of 0.21 μm (Ra) was thermally oxidized (TO) at 650 °C for 6 h. After TO, some samples were polished to smoothen the surface with a finish of 0.04 μm (Ra). The response of the polished and unpolished TO samples to dry sliding wear was investigated under unidirectional sliding conditions. The results show that surface polishing after TO affects the dry sliding wear behavior of TO CP-Zr in several aspects, including coefficient of friction, wear rate, crack formation and oxide layer breakdown. In particular, it is found that smoothening the TO surface favors the formation of semi-circular cracks in the wear track and accelerates oxide layer breakdown during dry sliding. A slightly rough TO surface helps to reduce the tendency of the oxide layer towards cracking and to increase the wear resistance at high contact loads. The mechanisms involved are discussed in terms of asperity contacts, crack formation, propagation and final fracture. 展开更多
关键词 ZIRCONIUM thermal oxidation zirconium oxide surface finish FRICTION WEAR
Influence of surface finish and annealing treatment on oxidation behavior of Ti-48Al-8Cr-2Ag alloy
作者 席艳君 刘泳俊 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2009年第4期541-545,共5页
The effect of surface finish and annealing treatment on the oxidation behavior of Ti-48Al-8Cr-2Ag (molar fraction, %) alloy was investigated at 900 and 1 000 ℃, respectively in air. Thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA)... The effect of surface finish and annealing treatment on the oxidation behavior of Ti-48Al-8Cr-2Ag (molar fraction, %) alloy was investigated at 900 and 1 000 ℃, respectively in air. Thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) was conducted for the characterization of oxidation kinetics. The microstructures of oxide scales were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission election microscopy (TEM) techniques. Unfavorable effect of the annealing treatment on the oxidation behavior of the coating was also investigated. The results indicate that the oxidation behavior of the alloy is influenced by surface finish and annealing treatment. The oxidation rate of ground sample is lower than that of the polished alloy at 1 000 ℃ in air. The former forms a scale of merely Al2O3, and the latter forms a scale of the mixture of Al2O3 and TiO2. Annealing can improve the formation of TiO2. 展开更多
关键词 Ti-48Al-8Cr-2Ag alloy COATING surface finish ANNEALING oxidation behavior
Internal Defect Measurement of Scattering Media by Optical Coherence Microscopy
作者 ZHUYong-kai ZHAOHong +1 位作者 WANGZhao WANGJun-li 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 2005年第2期142-144,共3页
Optical coherence microscopy is applied to measure scattering media'sinternal defect, which based on low coherence interferometry and confocal microscopy. Opticalcoherence microscopy is more effective in the rejec... Optical coherence microscopy is applied to measure scattering media'sinternal defect, which based on low coherence interferometry and confocal microscopy. Opticalcoherence microscopy is more effective in the rejection of out of focus and multiple scatteredphotons originating further away of the focal plane. With the three-dimension scanning, the internaldefect is detected by measuring the thickness of different points on the sample. The axialresolution is 6 μm and lateral resolution is 1. 2 μm. This method is possessed of the advantagesover the other measurement method of scattering media, such as non-destruction and high-resolution. 展开更多
关键词 optical coherence microscopy scattering media internal defect
3D Surface Morphology Measurement and Auto-focusing System
作者 CHEN Qi ZANG Huai-pei 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 2005年第3期208-211,共4页
When interference microscope measures the surface rough of the micromechanical device, as soon as the work distance of interference microscope and the depth of field is shortened, the interference images become slur f... When interference microscope measures the surface rough of the micromechanical device, as soon as the work distance of interference microscope and the depth of field is shortened, the interference images become slur for the measured object if there has small interference after clear focus. The auto-focusing system is introduced into the interference microscope, the system can obtain high definition interference image rapidly,and can improve the measuring velocity and measuring precision. The system is characterized by auto-focusing range of ±150 μm, auto-focusing precision of ±0.3 μm, auto-focusing time of 4~8 s. 展开更多
关键词 3D surface morphology Interference microscope AUTO-FOCUSING
A Study on Modelling Surface Finish in Electrical Discharge Machining Tablet Shape Punches Using Response Surface Methodology
作者 Le Xuan Hung Tran Thanh Hoang Vu Ngoc Pi 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2017年第7期387-390,共4页
This paper introduces a study on modelling surface finish in EDM (Electrical Discharge Machining) of tablet shape punches when using copper as electrode material. In this study, 27 experiments were performed based o... This paper introduces a study on modelling surface finish in EDM (Electrical Discharge Machining) of tablet shape punches when using copper as electrode material. In this study, 27 experiments were performed based on BBD (Box-Behnken Design) and the work-piece material was 9CrSi steel. The input process parameters were the current, the pulse on time, the pulse off time and the voltage. The effects of the input parameters on the surface finish were evaluated by analysing variance. Besides, from the results of the experiments, a regression equation for determining the surface roughness is introduced. Also, the optimum input parameter values were found in order to get the minimum surface roughness. 展开更多
关键词 EDM (Electrical Discharge Machining) EDM sinking surface roughness RSM (Response Surface Methodology) BBD(Box-Behken Design).
Influence of Interference Fit and Surface Roughness on Contact Resistance of Tubing Connections
作者 Hirpa Gelgele Lemu 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2011年第4期285-292,共8页
Within offshore installations, making tubing connections conduct electricity is a developing interest. Being able to use tubing structures to carry the drive power needed downhole avoids installation of cables and lin... Within offshore installations, making tubing connections conduct electricity is a developing interest. Being able to use tubing structures to carry the drive power needed downhole avoids installation of cables and lines. The challenge is making the connection good enough with minimum possible power loss. At the same time, the connection has to secure the transfer of the rated power without any danger of overheating. An overheating can eventually result in a welded connection. Previous studies on contact design have mainly focused on low level contact force, while this study aims to find out the influence of surface roughness and connection strength, at macro level, on contact resistance of tubing connections so as to know the power transfer capability of the connection. First, the connection is simplified by "rolling out" the tubes to flat sheet metals and the voltage drop at rated current was measured at various loads. Then experiment was conducted on contact pairs with two different surface finish qualities and three different contact fits. The results show that smoother surfaces ease the flow of current while high interference fit increases the contact stability. The influence of surface topography becomes insignificantly low at high connection interference. 展开更多
关键词 Contact resistance surface roughness interference fit contact design.
作者 冯沂 《考古》 CSSCI 北大核心 1999年第5期43-43,共1页
关键词 银锭 宋代 出土 山东临沂 砖厂 蜂窝状 临沂市 表面光洁 山东平邑 浇铸
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