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作者 杜鑫豪 刘志华 +3 位作者 张智雷 杜策之 隋建波 王成勇 《金刚石与磨料磨具工程》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第2期206-220,共15页
制备功能性表面是提升医疗器械治疗性能和安全性的重要方法之一。当前,基于激光加工的功能性表面微纳结构制造技术在优化医疗器械表面性能方面应用广泛。综述了医疗植入器械和手术器械表面激光加工功能性微纳结构在细胞功能调控、抗菌... 制备功能性表面是提升医疗器械治疗性能和安全性的重要方法之一。当前,基于激光加工的功能性表面微纳结构制造技术在优化医疗器械表面性能方面应用广泛。综述了医疗植入器械和手术器械表面激光加工功能性微纳结构在细胞功能调控、抗菌性、耐蚀性、摩擦特性、抗黏附性等方面的研究现状,剖析了当前医疗器械功能性表面激光加工的优势和局限,展望了医疗器械功能性表面激光加工技术的发展前景。 展开更多
关键词 激光加工 微纳结构 功能性表面 植入器械 手术器械
面向功能表面的激光仿生制造技术研究进展 被引量:1
作者 沈洪 任浩东 李海东 《空天防御》 2023年第2期12-22,共11页
为了提升飞行器的综合性能,疏水、防冰、防腐、减阻及吸波等功能表面受到研究者的广泛关注。激光加工技术由于其材料适用范围广、加工精度高等特点,在材料加工、复杂形貌构建、微纳尺度制造等领域有着巨大的应用潜力。总结近年来采用激... 为了提升飞行器的综合性能,疏水、防冰、防腐、减阻及吸波等功能表面受到研究者的广泛关注。激光加工技术由于其材料适用范围广、加工精度高等特点,在材料加工、复杂形貌构建、微纳尺度制造等领域有着巨大的应用潜力。总结近年来采用激光制造技术在不同材料上制备功能性仿生表面的研究进展,包括疏水、防冰、综合防腐、抗菌、减阻以及吸波等仿生表面的研究。从仿生制造角度出发,展示了自然界中拥有独特功能特性的生物表面,介绍了其实现具体功能的内在原理,并列举了使用激光加工技术进行仿生表面制造的相关研究,然后对该领域所面临的挑战与发展趋势进行了讨论与展望。 展开更多
关键词 仿生制造 功能性表面 激光技术 微纳加工 飞行器
特种表面活性剂和功能性表面活性剂(ⅩⅩⅢ) 被引量:6
作者 张桂菊 徐宝财 《日用化学工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期457-464,共8页
对特种表面活性剂和功能性表面活性剂的分类进行了简要介绍,重点概述了这大类表面活性剂的性能及应用。由于特种表面活性剂和功能性表面活性剂具有常规表面活性剂无可比拟的独特性能,可满足某些行业的特殊应用需求。最后总结了特种表面... 对特种表面活性剂和功能性表面活性剂的分类进行了简要介绍,重点概述了这大类表面活性剂的性能及应用。由于特种表面活性剂和功能性表面活性剂具有常规表面活性剂无可比拟的独特性能,可满足某些行业的特殊应用需求。最后总结了特种表面活性剂和功能性表面活性剂的发展概况。 展开更多
关键词 特种表面活性剂 功能性表面活性剂 性能及应用 发展概况
松香基功能性表面活性剂的研究进展 被引量:5
作者 林海霞 詹舒辉 +4 位作者 李娟 李保同 徐永霞 韩春蕊 查显俊 《化工进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第9期2912-2919,共8页
综述了松香基功能性表面活性剂的合成和应用研究进展;根据功能性表面活性剂的功能性特征,系统概括了可分解型、可反应型、螯合型、Bola型以及双子型5类松香基功能性表面活性剂的研究状况;并根据合成反应原理和分子结构,从合成方法、反... 综述了松香基功能性表面活性剂的合成和应用研究进展;根据功能性表面活性剂的功能性特征,系统概括了可分解型、可反应型、螯合型、Bola型以及双子型5类松香基功能性表面活性剂的研究状况;并根据合成反应原理和分子结构,从合成方法、反应难易程度、收率、表面活性等方面详细分析归纳了松香基功能性表面活性剂的合成研究现状;根据松香基功能性表面活性剂优异的生物降解、金属螯合、反应活性等功能性性能,总结了其在生物医药、电子信息、功能材料等方面的应用进展;最后对松香基功能性表面活性剂的合成及应用研究趋势进行了展望,指出在合成类型、微观形态等基础研究和功能性性能开发利用领域的研究空白和发展潜力。 展开更多
关键词 功能性表面活性剂 松香基 合成 应用
作者 常致成 《广东化工》 CAS 2001年第6期7-9,共3页
关键词 功能性表面活性剂 分子设计 官能团设计 发展趋势
超短脉冲激光加工超疏水功能性微结构表面 被引量:3
作者 姜涛 杨宏青 +2 位作者 董志伟 樊喜刚 赵清亮 《工具技术》 北大核心 2015年第5期51-53,共3页
典型微结构的制备,尤其是具备特定功能性微结构表面的高效加工已成为加工制造业的研究热点。以超快皮秒脉冲激光为加工手段,实现超疏水功能性微结构表面的高效制备。试验结果显示,采用脉冲宽度为8.1ps、波长为532nm的超短皮秒脉冲激光... 典型微结构的制备,尤其是具备特定功能性微结构表面的高效加工已成为加工制造业的研究热点。以超快皮秒脉冲激光为加工手段,实现超疏水功能性微结构表面的高效制备。试验结果显示,采用脉冲宽度为8.1ps、波长为532nm的超短皮秒脉冲激光可以一次构造出具有微纳双重结构的超疏水功能性微结构表面,其静态接触角可以高达158°,滚动角小于5°。该试验为此类功能性微结构表面的加工及应用开拓了全新的技术方法,应用前景广阔。 展开更多
关键词 皮秒激光 微纳双重结构 超疏水 功能性微结构表面
矿物掺合料对聚合物改性多孔水泥混凝土的性能影响研究 被引量:7
作者 徐方 朱婧 +1 位作者 陈建平 周明凯 《混凝土》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期41-44,共4页
为有效改善聚合物改性多孔水泥混凝土(PMPC)的力学性能,在混合料中加入粉煤灰、硅灰等矿物掺和料。优化了PMPC中矿物掺和料的掺量,研究了矿物掺和料对其强度性能、透水性能、表面功能性的影响,并提出了PMPC的结构模型,揭示了PMPC的强度... 为有效改善聚合物改性多孔水泥混凝土(PMPC)的力学性能,在混合料中加入粉煤灰、硅灰等矿物掺和料。优化了PMPC中矿物掺和料的掺量,研究了矿物掺和料对其强度性能、透水性能、表面功能性的影响,并提出了PMPC的结构模型,揭示了PMPC的强度形成机理。试验结果表明:在混合料中加入10%掺量的粉煤灰或6%掺量的硅灰,其28 d抗压强度分别达到23、47 MPa,28 d抗折强度分别达到5.2、5.9 MPa,透水系数分别达到0.36、0.34 cm/s,其表面构造深度可达到1 mm以上,表面抗滑摆值可达到40 BPN以上。 展开更多
关键词 聚合物改性多孔水泥混凝土 矿物掺合料 力学性能 透水性能 表面功能性
微细辊对平板辊压成形工艺建模与尺度效应分析 被引量:4
作者 高照阳 彭林法 +1 位作者 易培云 来新民 《机械工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期179-186,共8页
带有功能性表面微细结构特征的金属构件在诸多领域得到越来越多的应用。当微细特征的尺寸小于1 mm时,成形模具的模腔几何尺寸和材料的晶粒尺寸决定着金属材料的流动行为,微特征的成形质量受到尺度效应的严重影响。传统的工艺设计方法难... 带有功能性表面微细结构特征的金属构件在诸多领域得到越来越多的应用。当微细特征的尺寸小于1 mm时,成形模具的模腔几何尺寸和材料的晶粒尺寸决定着金属材料的流动行为,微特征的成形质量受到尺度效应的严重影响。传统的工艺设计方法难以有效指导微细成形工艺参数的设计。研究一种高效的金属构件表面微细结构加工方法——微细辊对平板(Roll-to-plate,R2P)辊压成形工艺。针对不同晶粒尺度的铜试样,研究晶粒尺度对材料力学性能的影响规律;构建R2P微细辊压成形工艺仿真模型,分析辊压模腔尺寸、材料晶粒尺寸等工艺参数对微特征成形质量的影响规律;基于自主开发的R2P微细辊压成形原型系统,进行辊压成形试验研究,验证仿真预测模型的有效性。研究结果显示,在模腔几何尺寸中,模槽宽度对材料的流动行为有着显著地影响。而且,不同的晶粒尺寸也显著影响着微特征的形成过程。 展开更多
关键词 介观成形 尺度效应 辊对平板压印工艺 功能性表面微特征
作者 徐俊英 滕大勇 《天津化工》 CAS 2013年第1期16-18,共3页
本文设计合成了一系列功能性表面活性剂,并将其应用于聚丙烯酰胺反相微乳液的制备。实验表明,所合成的表面活性剂均可与常规表面活性剂在一定复配条件下得到稳定的微乳液体系,且在这种新型乳化体系下所得部分聚合物的固含量及相对分子... 本文设计合成了一系列功能性表面活性剂,并将其应用于聚丙烯酰胺反相微乳液的制备。实验表明,所合成的表面活性剂均可与常规表面活性剂在一定复配条件下得到稳定的微乳液体系,且在这种新型乳化体系下所得部分聚合物的固含量及相对分子质量优于常规乳化体系下的聚合物。 展开更多
关键词 功能性表面活性剂 反相微乳液 常规表面活性剂 固含量 分子量
Bone integration properties of antibacterial biomimetic porous titanium implants 被引量:2
作者 Guo-hui WANG Hua FU +2 位作者 Yan-zhong ZHAO Ke-chao ZHOU Shai-hong ZHU 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第9期2007-2014,共8页
A novel antibacterial biomimetic porous titanium implant with good osseointegration was prepared by freeze-casting and thermal oxidation.Bone integration properties of the porous titanium implant were evaluated by cel... A novel antibacterial biomimetic porous titanium implant with good osseointegration was prepared by freeze-casting and thermal oxidation.Bone integration properties of the porous titanium implant were evaluated by cell proliferation assay,alkaline phosphatase activity assay,X-ray examination and hard bone tissue biopsy.The in vitro cell proliferation and the level of differentiation of the group with a modified nano-porous implant surface were significantly higher than those in the group without surface modification and the dense titanium control group(P<0.05).In vivo,bone growth and osteogenesis were found in the experimental groups with modified and unmodified porous titanium implants;osteoblasts in the modified group had more mature differentiation in the pores compared to the unmodified group.Such implants can form solid,biologically compatible bone grafts with bone tissues,exhibiting good osseointegration. 展开更多
关键词 antibacterial function surface modification porous titanium implant OSSEOINTEGRATION freeze-casting
Laser surface functionalization to achieve extreme surface wetting conditions and resultant surface functionalities 被引量:3
作者 WANG Qing-hua WANG Hui-xin 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第10期3217-3247,共31页
Wetting condition of micro/nanostructured surface has received tremendous attention due to the potential applications in commercial,industrial,and military areas.Surfaces with extreme wetting properties,e.g.,superhydr... Wetting condition of micro/nanostructured surface has received tremendous attention due to the potential applications in commercial,industrial,and military areas.Surfaces with extreme wetting properties,e.g.,superhydrophobic or superhydrophilic,are extensively employed due to their superior anti-icing,drag reduction,enhanced boiling heat transfer,self-cleaning,and anti-bacterial properties depending on solid-liquid interfacial interactions.Laser-based techniques have gained popularity in recent years to create micro/nano-structured surface owing to their high flexibility,system precision,and ease for automation.These techniques create laser induced periodic surface structures(LIPSS)or hierarchical structures on substrate material.However,micro/nanostructures alone cannot attain the desired wettability.Subsequent modification of surface chemistry is essentially needed to achieve target extreme wettability.This review paper aims to provide a comprehensive review for both laser texturing techniques and the following chemistry modification methods.Recent research progress and fundamental mechanisms of surface structure generation via different types of lasers and various chemistry modification methods are discussed.The complex combination between the laser texturing and surface chemistry modification methods to decide the final wetting condition is presented.More importantly,surface functionalities of these surfaces with extreme wetting properties are discussed.Lastly,prospects for future research are proposed and discussed. 展开更多
关键词 laser surface modification extreme wettability chemistry modification surface functionality
Genetic Function Approximation Based QSPR Models for Predicting the Wetting Ability of Lubricants onto Rolled Copper Foil Surface 被引量:1
作者 Xiong Sang Sun Jianlin 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2018年第2期79-89,共11页
The contact angle phenomena and wetting behavior of fatty acids,alcohols and ester used as additives in lubricants onto the rolled copper foil(RCF)surface were studied by the static sessile drop method.Semi-empirical ... The contact angle phenomena and wetting behavior of fatty acids,alcohols and ester used as additives in lubricants onto the rolled copper foil(RCF)surface were studied by the static sessile drop method.Semi-empirical quantum-chemical method studies on the contact angle of these compounds onto surface using several structural parameters were carried out.Molecular refractivity as well as several structural parameters were adopted in the development of quantitative structure-property relationships(QSPR)using genetic function approximation(GFA)statistical analysis method.The results show that quantum parameters are a better choice when predicting the contact angle and wettability of lubricants onto the RCF surface.Contact angle of the compounds serves as a function of their viscosity,interfacial tension,and physicochemical parameters.Alog P,molecular refractivity,molecular flexibility,total molecular mass,solvent surface area,element count,total energy and dipole are the most sensitive ones among the major contributing parameters.Notably,studies of lubricants on the RCF surfaces allow wetting theories to be tested down to the microcosmic scale,which can bring about new insight to predict wettability of lubricants onto RCF surface. 展开更多
关键词 lubricants WETTING contact angle MODELLING QSPR
First Principles Study of Half Metallic Properties of VSb Surface and VSb/GaSb (001) Interface 被引量:1
作者 A.Boochani M.R.Abolhasani +1 位作者 M.Ghoranncviss M.Elahi 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第7期148-158,共11页
The structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of VSb in zincblende, and NiAs phases, VSb (001) film surfaces and its interfaces with GaSh (001) have been investigated within the framework of the density func... The structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of VSb in zincblende, and NiAs phases, VSb (001) film surfaces and its interfaces with GaSh (001) have been investigated within the framework of the density functional theory using the FPLAPW+lo approach. The NiAs structure is more stable than the ZB phase, ZB VSb is found to a half-metallic ferromagnetic. The V-terminated surfaces retain the half-metallic character, while the half-metallicity is destroyed for Sb-terminated surfaces due to surface states, which originate from p electrons. The phase diagram obtained through the ab-initio atomistic thermodynamics shows that the formation energy of ZB VSb is about 0.1 Ryd. The half-metallicity character is also preserved at VSb/GaSb (001) interface. The conduction band minimum (CBM) of VSb in the minority spin case lies about 0.47 eV above that of GaSb, suggesting that the majority spin can be injected into GaSb without being flipped to the conduction bands of the minority spin. 展开更多
关键词 SPINTRONIC SURFACE interlace density lunctional theory
《日用化学工业》第41卷(2011年)目次 被引量:2
《日用化学工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期I0001-I0006,共6页
关键词 特种表面活性剂 功能性表面活性剂 双季铵盐表面活性剂 日用化学工业 催化合成 表面活性剂复配 开关型表面活性剂 目次
Forming technology of boiling structure on evaporation surface of phase-change heat sink for high-power light emitting diode 被引量:1
作者 向建化 叶邦彦 +2 位作者 汤勇 周伟 胡志华 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第3期544-548,共5页
Boiling structures on evaporation surface of red copper sheet with a diameter (D) of 10 mm and a wall thickness (h) of 1 mm were processed by the ploughing-extrusion (P-E) processing method, which is one part of... Boiling structures on evaporation surface of red copper sheet with a diameter (D) of 10 mm and a wall thickness (h) of 1 mm were processed by the ploughing-extrusion (P-E) processing method, which is one part of the phase-change heat sink for high power (HP) light emitting diode (LED). The experimental results show that two different structures of rectangular- and triangular-shaped micro-grooves are formed in P-E process. When P-E depth (ap), interval of helical grooves (dp) and rotation speed (n) are 0.12 ram, 0.2 mm and 100 r/min, respectively, the boiling structures of triangular-shaped grooves with the fin height of 0.15 mm that has good evaporation performance are obtained. The shapes of the boiling structures are restricted by dp and ap, and dp is determined by n and amount of feed (f). The ploughing speed has an important influence on the formation of groove structure in P-E process. 展开更多
关键词 phase-change heat sink boiling structure high power light emitting diode ploughing-extrusion
作者 Yin Shengyi Peng Zhen +1 位作者 Zheng Qiang Wang Yu 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2013年第4期417-422,共6页
In order to obtain higher emission performance than that of a traditional M-type cathode, we have developed a new type impregnated dispenser cathode. The new cathode is impregnated with a new active substance with mol... In order to obtain higher emission performance than that of a traditional M-type cathode, we have developed a new type impregnated dispenser cathode. The new cathode is impregnated with a new active substance with molar ratio of 26BaO·29SrO·8Sc2O3 ·7CaO·Al2O3 . This paper introduces the emission performance, surface active material, and work function of the new cathode. At 1100℃B , the DC current density and pulse current density are 30.6±1.0 A/cm2 and 171.6±2.8 A/cm2 , respectively, 2.1 and 5.4 times of that of an M-type cathode. The work function of the new cathode is 1.668± 0.002 eV. High concentration O-Al-Sc-Sr-Ba and O-Al-Sc-Ba are found in the pores and at pore edges, respectively. By comparing the emission performances and surface characteristics of as-polished and as-cleaned cathodes, it is proposed that, the emission around pore ends forms the major part of the total emission for the new cathodes. 展开更多
关键词 Dispenser cathode M-type cathode Sc2O3 SRO Emission performance
Quantitative Surface Chirality Detection with Sum Frequency Generation Vibrational Spectroscopy: Twin Polarization Angle Approach
作者 Feng Wei Yan-yan Xu +2 位作者 Yuan Guo Shi-lin Liu Hong-fei Wang 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第6期592-600,J0001,共10页
Here we report a novel twin polarization angle (TPA) approach in the quantitative chirality detection with the surface sum-frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy (SFG-VS). Generally, the achiral contributio... Here we report a novel twin polarization angle (TPA) approach in the quantitative chirality detection with the surface sum-frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy (SFG-VS). Generally, the achiral contribution dominates the surface SFG-VS signal, and the pure chiral signal is usually two or three orders of magnitude smaller. Therefore, it has been difficult to make quantitative detection and analysis of the chiral contributions to the surface SFG- VS signal. In the TPA method, by varying together the polarization angles of the incoming visible light and the sum frequency signal at fixed s or p polarization of the incoming infrared beam, the polarization dependent SFG signal can give not only direct signature of the chiral contribution in the total SFG-VS signal, but also the accurate measurement of the chiral and achiral components in the surface SFG signal. The general description of the TPA method is presented and the experiment test of the TPA approach is also presented for the SFG-VS from the S- and R-limonene chiral liquid surfaces. The most accurate degree of chiral excess values thus obtained for the 2878 cm^-1 spectral peak of the S- and R-limonene liquid surfaces are (23.7±0.4)% and (-25.4±1.3)%, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Sum-frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy Twin polarization angle approach SURFACE CHIRALITY LIMONENE
《日用化学工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期I0001-I0006,共6页
关键词 功能性表面活性剂 特种表面活性剂 烷基糖苷 日用化学工业 目次
Study on the fitting ways of artificial neural networks
作者 邵良杉 王军 孙韶光 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2008年第2期334-337,共4页
Function simulation,which is called virtual reality too,is popularly applied to solve uncertain problems.Good performance of hidden layers and perfect capability of function simulation make artificial neural networks ... Function simulation,which is called virtual reality too,is popularly applied to solve uncertain problems.Good performance of hidden layers and perfect capability of function simulation make artificial neural networks one of the best choices to simulate functions with form unknown.Inputs and outputs were used to train the structure of the ar- tificial neural network to make the outputs of network vary with the given inputs and keep consistent with the original data within tolerance.However,we couldn't get expected re- sults by using samples of a simple two-variable-model for the cause of dimensional differ- ence.The way of artificial neural networks to fit functions,which uses 'multi-dimensional surface' of high dimension to fit 'multi-dimensional line' of low dimension,was proved;the conclusion that good effects of fitting don't mean good function modeling when a dimen- sional difference exists was provided,and a suggestion of 'surface collecting' in practical engineering application was proposed when collecting useful data. 展开更多
关键词 neural networks surface collecting linear transmission function
《日用化学工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期I0001-I0006,共6页
关键词 功能性表面活性剂 特种表面活性剂 α-癸基甜菜碱 日用化学工业 目次
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