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作者 秦雄 孙俊 +2 位作者 张明 骆青 韩孝义 《大众考古》 2024年第7期16-17,共2页
墓葬位于孝感高新区潘家墙湾,2023年10月,经国家文物局批准,湖北省文物考古研究院联合孝感市博物馆对已暴露出的这座双室券顶砖室墓(M1)进行了抢救性清理。M1由墓圹、封门、墓室、墓顶组成。墓圹平面呈长方形,四壁陡直,长3.3米,宽2.92米... 墓葬位于孝感高新区潘家墙湾,2023年10月,经国家文物局批准,湖北省文物考古研究院联合孝感市博物馆对已暴露出的这座双室券顶砖室墓(M1)进行了抢救性清理。M1由墓圹、封门、墓室、墓顶组成。墓圹平面呈长方形,四壁陡直,长3.3米,宽2.92米,深1.64米。双墓室并列,东室券顶保存较完整,西室早年垮塌,券顶大部分已不存,仅存南端的部分券顶。中部有一方形“过仙洞”联通东、西墓室。东室平面呈长方形,长2.62米,宽1.02米,高1.3米。西室平面亦呈长方形,长2.52米,宽1.04米,高1.3米。东室和西室北壁上均设有两个长方形壁龛。墓室的东、西壁上均设有7个方孔,其中东室一孔下方出有一釉陶盏,这些方孔可能是宗教思想或特殊葬俗的表现形式。 展开更多
关键词 券顶 砖室墓 国家文物局 西室 抢救性 孝感 潘家 博物馆
作者 范常喜 《古文字研究》 2020年第1期397-402,共6页
一包山楚简,1987年出土于湖北省荆门市包山二号战国楚墓,计有278枚竹简和1枚竹牍,包括司法文书简、卜筮祭祷简、遣册简、赗书牍四种。遣册简共27枚(含断简,不含无字简),分别出土于椁室的东室、西室和南室。其中编号为267—277的11支遣... 一包山楚简,1987年出土于湖北省荆门市包山二号战国楚墓,计有278枚竹简和1枚竹牍,包括司法文书简、卜筮祭祷简、遣册简、赗书牍四种。遣册简共27枚(含断简,不含无字简),分别出土于椁室的东室、西室和南室。其中编号为267—277的11支遣册简发现于专门放置车马器、兵器的南室,并置于该室西南部的1件车壁皮饰上,较整齐地呈束状堆放,所记内容为墓主丧葬"用车"。赗书竹牍1枚,出自南室东部的1件马甲之上,所记内容为赗赠"正车"。 展开更多
关键词 椁室 遣册 西室 墓主 车马器 包山楚简 司法文书 湖北省荆门市
作者 徐淑洁 《紫禁城》 1989年第6期32-32,38,共2页
关键词 要亭行宫 康熙时期 祖仁 内大臣 佛室 城南 西室 三虚 北七 巢生
作者 田海峰 《文博》 1990年第3期30-36,共7页
湖北省隋县擂鼓墩出土的曾侯乙编钟,面世已经十年了,在纪念曾侯乙编钟出土十年之际,湖北省对外文化交流协会举办了“曾侯乙编钟国际文化交流专题学术讨论会”,会议期间,来自日本、美国、英国和加拿大等国的学者们从各个角度对古编钟所... 湖北省隋县擂鼓墩出土的曾侯乙编钟,面世已经十年了,在纪念曾侯乙编钟出土十年之际,湖北省对外文化交流协会举办了“曾侯乙编钟国际文化交流专题学术讨论会”,会议期间,来自日本、美国、英国和加拿大等国的学者们从各个角度对古编钟所反映出来的古代音乐律制、音阶、冶金工艺等进行了探讨,一致认为古编钟表现出了楚文化的高度水平,既是中华民族历史文明的实物见证,也是全人类的共同文化财富。现就学术讨论中对曾侯乙编钟所反映出来的几个有关问题,谈谈个人的粗浅意见,以求教于各位学者。早在十年前,曾侯乙编钟刚出土,即运往北京,在中国历史博物馆展出时,就曾引起国内外历史、考古、音乐、冶金铸造、生物化学、绘画艺术、天文物理、民族民俗等各界学者的关注和惊叹。 展开更多
关键词 曾侯乙 擂鼓墩 古代音乐 对外文化交流 楚昭王 冶金铸造 文化财富 中华民族历史 学术讨论会 西室
作者 汪莱茵 《紫禁城》 1989年第6期6-8,10-13+38,共8页
关键词 延春阁 建福宫 民国年间 历史资料 西南隅 紫禁城宫殿 中正殿 徐世昌 载洵 西室
作者 兰翔英 《邮政研究》 2015年第3期36-36,共1页
日本邮政集团是全球最大的金融机构之一,净资产约为13.8万亿日元(合1 150亿美元)。据报道,该集团将于2015年下半年正式启动期待已久的首次公开募股,其旗下两大分支机构日本邮政储蓄银行以及日本邮政保险公司也将同时进行部分募股,而... 日本邮政集团是全球最大的金融机构之一,净资产约为13.8万亿日元(合1 150亿美元)。据报道,该集团将于2015年下半年正式启动期待已久的首次公开募股,其旗下两大分支机构日本邮政储蓄银行以及日本邮政保险公司也将同时进行部分募股,而集团处于亏损状态下的邮政业务单元——邮政事业公司仍将主要由政府控股。此次将邮政储蓄银行、邮政保险公司与控股公司同步上市,旨在对整个集团及旗下两大金融业务部门进行合理估值。 展开更多
关键词 邮政业务 储蓄银行 金融机构 业务单元 银行储蓄 政府债券 金融业务 西室 盈利能力 基金经理
《科学之友》 2014年第3期66-77,共12页
揭秘死亡真相,解析离奇现象,寻找、还原古代不同身份地位的人死亡的重重疑团……古墓下的亡灵,封存千百年前的秘密,考古中的侦探,要做的自然是还原他们死亡前最后时刻的真相。面对死亡,无论是名门望族还是平民百姓,无论古人还是今人,都... 揭秘死亡真相,解析离奇现象,寻找、还原古代不同身份地位的人死亡的重重疑团……古墓下的亡灵,封存千百年前的秘密,考古中的侦探,要做的自然是还原他们死亡前最后时刻的真相。面对死亡,无论是名门望族还是平民百姓,无论古人还是今人,都一样的孤独无助且无处躲避。对考古研究而言,识别墓主人的身份、还原死亡真相,是全面了解古墓的开始,也是尊敬亡灵、 展开更多
关键词 墓主人 最后时刻 滇王 身份地位 平民百姓 陪葬品 内蒙古文物 西室 探方 滇国
Responses of Greenhouse Tomato and Pepper Yields and Nitrogen Dynamics to Applied Compound Fertilizers 被引量:8
作者 ZHUJian-Hua LIXiao-Lin +3 位作者 ZHANGFu-Suo LIJun-Liang P,CHRISTIE P.CHRISTIE 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第2期213-222,共10页
Yield and N uptake of tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) and pepper(Capsicum annuum L.) crops in five successive rotations receiving two compound fertilizers (12-12-17and 21-8-11 N-P_2O_5-K_2O) were studied to det... Yield and N uptake of tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) and pepper(Capsicum annuum L.) crops in five successive rotations receiving two compound fertilizers (12-12-17and 21-8-11 N-P_2O_5-K_2O) were studied to determine 1) crop responses, 2) dynamics of NO_3-N andNH_4-N in different soil layers, 3) N balance and 4) system-level N efficiencies. Five treatments (2fertilizers, 2 fertilizer rates and a control), each with three replicates, were arranged in thestudy. The higher N fertilizer rate,300 kg N ha^(-1) (versus 150 kg N ha^(-1)), returned highervegetable fruit yields and total aboveground N uptake with the largest crop responses occurring forthe low-N fertilizer (12-12-17) applied at 300 kg N ha^(-1) rather than with the high-N fertilizer(21-8-11). Ammonium-N in the top 90 cm of the soil profile declined during the experiment, whilenitrate-N remained at a similar level throughout the experiment with the lower rate of fertilizer N.At the higher rate of N fertilizer there was a continuous NO_3-N accumulation of over 800 kg Nha^(-1). About 200 kg N ha^(-1) was applied with irrigation to each crop using NO_3-contaminatedgroundwater. In general, about 50% of the total N input was recovered from all treatments. Pepper,relative to tomato, used N more efficiently with smaller N losses, but the crops utilized less than29% of the fertilizer N over the two and a half-year period. Local agricultural practices maintainedhigh residual soil nutrient status. Thus, optimization of irrigation is required to minimizenitrate leaching and maximize crop N recovery. 展开更多
关键词 greenhouse vegetables N dynamics N efficiency N uptake N utilization
Improvement of thermal performance of envelopes for traditional wooden vernacular dwellings of Tujia Minority in Western Hunan,China 被引量:6
作者 李哲 石磊 余志武 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第2期479-483,共5页
Thermal performance of envelopes and indoor thermal environment were technologically improved for traditional wooden vernacular dwellings of Tujia Minority in Western Hunan, China, on the premise of protecting their c... Thermal performance of envelopes and indoor thermal environment were technologically improved for traditional wooden vernacular dwellings of Tujia Minority in Western Hunan, China, on the premise of protecting their conventional styles. Thermal insulation boards and wooden boards were added to the interior side of external walls of vernacular dwellings to form two layers of air cavities, so as to gain excellent thermal performance. The indoor temperature of such dwellings after reconstruction was apparently improved compared with the data before reconstruction both in winter and summer, which verified the feasibility and the effectiveness of the reconstruction technologies proposed. 展开更多
关键词 traditional wooden vemacular dwellings thermal performance reconstruction
Biogas Perspectives in Livestock Sector in Brazil and the United States: Electric, Thermal and Vehicular Energy Use
作者 Janaina Camile Pasqual Harry Alberto Bollmann Christopher Scott 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2017年第4期258-273,共16页
The demand for energy, water and food will continuously increase, as the prediction states that 2.5 billion people will be added to the world population by 2050, representing not only an increase in the consumption bu... The demand for energy, water and food will continuously increase, as the prediction states that 2.5 billion people will be added to the world population by 2050, representing not only an increase in the consumption but also more waste production, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and depletion of natural resources. Taking into account that renewable sources of energy can help to overcome these challenges and diversify the energy matrix in the countries, this paper aims at analyzing the biogas potential in Brazil and the United States, especially in the livestock sector, and its benefits in the environmental, social and economic aspects. Both countries are among the top five countries globally in terms of water availability, energy consumption and food production. Until 2050, the world consumption of meat will have a significant increase: 206% of poultry meat, 56% of pork meat and 47% of beef meat, augmenting the need for sustainable management of waste and manure. This scenario can become a sustainable opportunity for biogas implementation, which provides multiple economic, environmental and social benefits for farmers, businesses and communities, including production of electrical, thermal and vehicular energy, production of high-quality biofertilizer, reduction of ground and surface water pollution and reduction of GHG emissions, and foments new income for the farmers, among others. A new concept is presented in this article to make biogas systems feasible, i.e., biogas condominiums, as small and medium-scale farms by themselves usually would not be able to afford the investments. This arrangement can bring benefits for the whole biogas supply chain that includes farmers, agroindustry, providers and local community. 展开更多
关键词 Biogas condominiums BIOMETHANE LIVESTOCK climate changes.
Impact of Global Warming on Water Resource in Arid Area of Northwest China 被引量:4
作者 LU Aigang DING Yongjian +2 位作者 PANG Hongxi YUAN Lingling HE Yuanqing 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2005年第4期313-318,共6页
As the unprecedented global warming is under way, the glacier retreat is getting more and more serious. In the inland arid area of Northwest China, due to very scarce precipitation, where there is water, there are oas... As the unprecedented global warming is under way, the glacier retreat is getting more and more serious. In the inland arid area of Northwest China, due to very scarce precipitation, where there is water, there are oases. And the glacier melt water amounts to 22 % of the total direct supply of the inland river water and is of crucial importance to the survival and development of the oases. In this paper, using both the observed data and the previous research achievements of the glaciers in the inland valley of Northwest China where the oasis depending on the glacier is the only location suitable for human living, the authors describe the glacier retreat trend over the past half century, focusing on discussing the possible impact of the glacier retreat on the melt water runoff that is almost the only water resource efficient to nourish the oases. The authors find that even with increasing amount of water from the glacier with global warming, the water shortage is getting more and more serious and the environment is under a degrading way due to the accelerating economical development. The water shortage is bound to be more serious if the glacier retreat keeps on, especially after the glacier melt water is over its top for the degradedglacier scale. So suggestions are stressed in the end that a new water-saving pattern should be adopted in the area for a sustainable development due to the warming-up induced continuous glacier retreat. 展开更多
关键词 Global warming glacier retreat arid area water shortage sustainable development
Long-term kinematics and mechanism of a deep-seated slow-moving debris slide near Wudongde hydropower station in Southwest China 被引量:2
作者 JIANG Shu WANG Yi-feng +1 位作者 TANG Chuan LIU Ke 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第2期364-379,共16页
Long-term kinematic research of slow- moving debris slide is rare despite of the widespread global distribution of this kind. This paper presents a study of the kinematics and mechanism of the Jinpingzi debris slide l... Long-term kinematic research of slow- moving debris slide is rare despite of the widespread global distribution of this kind. This paper presents a study of the kinematics and mechanism of the Jinpingzi debris slide located on the Jinsha river bank in southwest China. This debris slide is known to have a volume of 27×106 ms in active state for at least one century. Field survey and geotechnical investigation were carried out to define the structure of the landslide. The physical and mechanical properties of the landslide materials were obtained by in-situ and laboratory tests. Additionally, surface and subsurface displacements, as well as groundwater level fluctuations, were monitored since 2005. Movement features, especially the response of the landslide movement to rainfall, were analysed. Relationships between resisting forces and driving forces were analysed by using the limit equilibrium method assuming rigid-plastic frictional slip. The results confirmed a viscous comoonent in the long-term continuous movement resulting in the quasioverconsolidated state of the slip zone with higher strength parameters than some other types of slowmoving landslides. Both surface and subsurface displacements showed an advancing pattern by the straight outwardly inclined (rather than gently or reversely inclined) slip zone, which resulted in low resistance to the entire sliding mass. The average surface displacement rate from 2005 to 2016 was estimated to be 0.19-0.87 mm/d. Basal sliding on the silty clay seam accounted for most of the deformation with different degrees of internal deformation in different parts. Rainfall was the predominant factor affecting the kinematics of Jinpingzi landslide while the role of groundwater level, though positive, was not significant. The response of the groundwater level to rainfall infiltration was not apparent. Unlike some shallow slow-moving earth flows or mudslides, whose behaviors are directly related to the phreatic groundwater level, the mechanism for Jinpingzi landslide kinematics is more likely related to the changing weight of the sliding mass and the downslope seepage pressure in the shallow soil mass resulting from rainfall events. 展开更多
关键词 KINEMATICS Slow-moving debris slide Shear strength Rainfall infiltration Viscouscomponent
Status of CCS Technology in Japan and Brazil: A Comparative Analysis
作者 George Augusto Batista Camara Jose Ce1io Andrade +1 位作者 Jose Puppim de Oliveira Paulo Sergio Rocha 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2013年第3期155-176,共22页
This article presents a comparative analysis of the technology status of CCS (carbon capture and storage) in Japan and Brazil. Japan's GHG (greenhouse Gas) emissions are declining while Brazil's are increasing. ... This article presents a comparative analysis of the technology status of CCS (carbon capture and storage) in Japan and Brazil. Japan's GHG (greenhouse Gas) emissions are declining while Brazil's are increasing. Among ESTs (environmentally sound technologies) the potential of GHG mitigation of CCS has gained prominence. The research identifies the main activities and positions of the actors involved in CCS technology implementation in Japan and Brazil, and contrasts and compares reasons for the large-scale use of the CCS technologies in the two countries. This analysis is based on a literature review and a field survey done to collect primary data via visits to organizations and experts. This data was enhanced by an analysis of patent deposits in the area of CCS in the two countries in last 20 years. As regards the legal framework for climate change, and for CCS in particular, while responses to the main international decisions can be found in Japan, in Brazil this is not the case. In Japan the public sector has an effective participation together with private sector and civil society. In Brazil CCS activities are conducted by the private sector which is in turn putting pressure on civil society in particular academia. Currently, Japan is focusing on CCS capture technologies, while Brazil is focusing on CCS storage technologies. In summary, the CCS framework is being more efficiently carried out in Japan than in Brazil. 展开更多
关键词 CCS technology environmentally sound technologies climate change Japan and Brazil.
Treatment of perianal infection in acute leukemia hematopoietic stem celltransplantation with Xiongzhen ointment mixed with furacilin powder
作者 Yang Song 《TMR Integrative Nursing》 2017年第2期45-49,共5页
Objective: To investigate the effect of Xiongzhen ointment mixed with furaicillin powder on perianal care of patientswith acute myeloid leukemia M2a hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.Methods: A case of acute m... Objective: To investigate the effect of Xiongzhen ointment mixed with furaicillin powder on perianal care of patientswith acute myeloid leukemia M2a hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.Methods: A case of acute myeloid leukemia M2a hematopoietic stem cell transplantation was used as the research object.The method and effect of peristaltic nursing were recorded in the patients with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation byusing Xiongzhen ointment mixed with furazolidone powder.Results: After treatment with Xuelong ointment mixed with furacilin powder, the patients did not show obvious perianalinfection during the transplantation process. After 24 days, the transplant was successfully transferred into thetransitional ward.Conclusion: In the perianal care of laminar flow chamber, the addition of Xiongzhen ointment mixed with furaicillinpowder can reduce the incidence of perianal infection. 展开更多
关键词 Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation Xiongzhen ointment Furanicillin powder Laminar flow chamber Perianal care
Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Background and Perspectives for Brazil and the United States by 2050
作者 Janaina Camile Pasqual Harry Alberto Bollmann Christopher Scott 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2016年第2期108-120,共13页
Rapid economic growth, increasing populations and emergent prosperity are driving up demand tor energy, water anu food, especially in developing countries. In this scenario, the analysis of these three elements has ga... Rapid economic growth, increasing populations and emergent prosperity are driving up demand tor energy, water anu food, especially in developing countries. In this scenario, the analysis of these three elements has gained the increasing attention globally in research, business and policy spheres. This paper aims to provide an analysis of the perspectives of this nexus for Brazil and the United States, using current and predicted scenario for 2050. Considering the importance of renewable sources of energy to overcome these challenges and diversify the energy matrix in both countries, the paper will also present the biogas potential for both countries, which provides multiple economic, environmental and social benefits, such as electrical, thermal and vehicular energy, high-quality biofertilizer, reduction of odor and pathogenic vectors in the farms, decrease of ground and surface water pollution, promotion of new income for the farmers, reduction of the greenhouse gases emissions, among others. 展开更多
关键词 Water-energy-food nexus sustainability renewable energy biogas.
Tidal Current Energy Resource Assessment Technique and Procedure Applied in Western Coastal Region, South Korea 被引量:1
作者 Chul Hee Jo Su Jin Hwang Kang Hee Lee 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2015年第4期358-366,共9页
After the nuclear power plant accident in Japan, Korean government has set the national goal to produce the electricity by renewable energy sources up to 11% by 2035 which is not easy to achieve without ocean energy d... After the nuclear power plant accident in Japan, Korean government has set the national goal to produce the electricity by renewable energy sources up to 11% by 2035 which is not easy to achieve without ocean energy development. The demand on the clean energy supply has been increased recently and there are many renewable energy development projects and plans announced worldwide. The ocean energy can be produced from tidal current, wave, tidal barrage and ocean thermal sources. The first step is to estimate the resource assessment for each energy source. There are several assessment methods introduced from IEA (International Energy Agency), IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency), NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory), EU ERENE (European Community for Renewable Energy), Bonn University, DLR (German Aerospace Center), etc.. Even these known methods have some sort of similarity; there are different definitions and classifications among them. In this paper, the four-step energy potentials are defined and introduced as theoretical, geographical, technical and market potentials. The theories for each step are presented for ocean energies together with clear definitions. As the tidal current energy research and development are active in Korea having very strong tidal current speed along the west and south coastal regions, the detail procedure for each step of energy potential assessment is introduced for tidal current energy. The paper will illustrate the case study of tidal current power assessment in western coastal region, South Korea with highlighting the key aspects in determining the resource potentials. 展开更多
关键词 TCP (tidal current power) resource assessment API (averaged power intercepted) tidal current farm planning.
Co-benefits of Local Air Pollutants and Greenhouse Gas Reduction Achieved by Hydropower Development in Xizang(Tibet) Autonomous Region, China 被引量:1
作者 ZHAO Wei KONG Fan'e SHEN Weishou 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第3期304-313,共10页
Hydropower development in Xizang(Tibet) Autonomous Region plays a vital role in co-control of local air pollutants and greenhouse gas(GHG) in China. According to emission factors of local air pollutants and GHG of coa... Hydropower development in Xizang(Tibet) Autonomous Region plays a vital role in co-control of local air pollutants and greenhouse gas(GHG) in China. According to emission factors of local air pollutants and GHG of coal-fired power industry in different hydropower service regions, we estimate the effect and synergy of local air pollutants and GHG reduction achieved by hydropower development in Tibet, examine the main factors constraining the effect and synergy, using correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. The results show that: 1) During the period from 2006 to 2012, the effect of local air pollutants and GHG reduction achieved by hydropower development in Tibet decreased as a whole, while the synergy increased first and decreased afterwards. 2) The effect and synergy of local air pollutants and GHG reduction achieved by hydropower development in Tibet vary significantly across different hydropower service regions. The effect based on emission levels of Central China power grid(CCPG) and Northwest China power grid(NCPG) was more significant than that based on emission level of national power grid(NPG) from 2006 to 2012, and the synergy based on emission levels of CCPG and NCPG was also more significant than that based on emission level of NPG from 2010 to 2012. 3) The main factors constraining the effect and synergy based on emission levels of NCPG and CCPG included SO2 removal rate and NOx removal rate, the effect and synergy based on emission level of NPG was mainly influenced by net coal consumption rate. 4) Transferring hydropower from Tibet to NCPG and CCPG, and substituting local coal-fired power with hydropower can greatly help to co-control local air pollutants and GHG, transform the emission reduction pattern of the power industry and optimize energy structure. 展开更多
关键词 hydropower development co-control synergy Tibet China
Office Channeling and Its Impact on the Growth of Indonesian Islamic Banking Industry
作者 M. Nur Rianto Al Arif 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2014年第2期210-217,共8页
The purpose of this paper is to analyze that the office channeling policy that based on Bank Indonesia's rule No. 8/3/PBI/2006 had an impact on the growth of Islamic banking industry in Indonesia. This research used ... The purpose of this paper is to analyze that the office channeling policy that based on Bank Indonesia's rule No. 8/3/PBI/2006 had an impact on the growth of Islamic banking industry in Indonesia. This research used ordinary least square regression to analyze the impact of office channeling policy on the growth of Indonesian Islamic banking industry. The variable used in this paper is office channeling which is used as a dummy variable, and margin deposit and non-performing financing (NPF) are also used as control variables. The indicators of the growth of Indonesian Islamic banking industry are asset and third-party funds. The result shows that office channeling does not have an impact on the growth of Islamic banking industry which is measured by asset growth and third-party funds growth. According to this result, Bank Indonesia should have an innovative policy to stimulate the Islamic banking industry growth in Indonesia. 展开更多
关键词 office channeling asset third-party funds margin deposit non-performing financing (NPF)
Medical Virology in Malaysia
作者 Kaw Bing Chua 《Virologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第2期81-92,共12页
Virology is a branch of biological science dealing with the study of viruses,and medical virology focuses on the study and control of diseases due to viruses that is of medical importance. The development of medical v... Virology is a branch of biological science dealing with the study of viruses,and medical virology focuses on the study and control of diseases due to viruses that is of medical importance. The development of medical virology in Malaysia has its beginning in the Institute for Medical Research(IMR) ,following the establishment of the Division of Medical Zoology and Virus Research in the institute on 23 March 1953. The second institution in the country to establish diagnostic and research work in medical virology was Department of Medical Microbiology,Faculty of Medicine,University Malaya. This was followed by University Kebangsaan Malaysia,University Sains Malaysia and University of Sarawak Malaysia. The National Public Health Laboratory(NPHL) is the latest institution to establish a laboratory in 2003 for virus isolation and services to support country surveillance and outbreak investigation of infectious diseases due to viruses. In the field of medical virology,Malaysia contributed substantially in the areas of virus diagnostic services,development and research ranging from survey and documentation on the existence and prevalence of viruses causing diseases in Malaysia,clinical presentation and epidemiological features of virus diseases,evaluation of new diagnostic tests to pathogenesis of viral diseases. Malaysia contributed to the discoveries of at least 12 new viruses in the world. ASEAN plus Three(China,Japan,Republic of Korea) Emerging Infectious Programme was established to overcome the challenges and impact of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases in this region. Malaysia as the co-ordinator of the laboratory component of the programme,contributed to strengthen the regional laboratory capability,capacity,laboratory-based surveillance and networking. The future of medical virology in Malaysia in terms of integration of diagnostic,reference and research to support the country's need will be enhanced and strengthened with the on-going development of the National Centre for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC Malaysia) which also incorporates a futuristic Special Diagnostic and Reference Laboratory. 展开更多
关键词 Medical Virology MALAYSIA
General Economic Analysis about the Wind Farms Repowering in Spain
作者 Laura Castro-Santos Almudena Filgueira Vizoso +1 位作者 Eugenio Munoz Camacho Luigi Piegiari 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2012年第7期1158-1162,共5页
Environmental pollution and emissions from greenhouse gases caused by fossil fuel use are a threat to sustainable development. With renewable energy sources, no polluting emissions are released into the atmosphere. Th... Environmental pollution and emissions from greenhouse gases caused by fossil fuel use are a threat to sustainable development. With renewable energy sources, no polluting emissions are released into the atmosphere. Therefore, using these sources on a large-scale is a key to reducing emissions and meeting the commitments established by Kyoto Protocol. Moreover, EU wants that the 20% of energy consumption is renewable in 2020. This study describes economic aspects, such as net present value and internal profitability rate, of the repowering process for the wind farms. Repowering can generate considerably more power with fewer facilities. This process was the result of a growing demand for renewable energies, facilitated by the great potential of wind energy in the north of Spain. The wind farms studied in this work were set up before 1998 and they had obsolete machinery with low power. There are strong indications that repowering is a profitable endeavour. 展开更多
关键词 Repowering viability study wind farms sensibility analysis energy.
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