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“西方中医”之鉴 被引量:2
作者 吴凯 张蕊子 +1 位作者 戴翥 贺霆 《中医药文化》 2018年第2期79-85,共7页
中医自古是在中华文化圈发展完成的,但"西方中医"却是在近现代特殊历史时期,在西方异文化中形成。"西方中医"的文化形态在西方社会存在多样性,但许多奇特的文化现象和文化规则并不为国内学者熟知,而且无合适的名词... 中医自古是在中华文化圈发展完成的,但"西方中医"却是在近现代特殊历史时期,在西方异文化中形成。"西方中医"的文化形态在西方社会存在多样性,但许多奇特的文化现象和文化规则并不为国内学者熟知,而且无合适的名词概念与之相对。基于文献研究基础上,梳理西方中医、西式中医、西传中医和海外中医等新概念并加以阐释,探讨中医走向世界的模式和策略。 展开更多
关键词 西方中医 西式中医 西化中医 文化多样性
西方中医凸显中华文化普世性——兼谈社科研究对中医院校的重要性 被引量:3
作者 祁天培 江南 +1 位作者 吴凯 贺霆 《云南中医学院学报》 2015年第6期86-89,共4页
针灸在英法等西方国家本土化的过程,为我们提供了中医海外传播的特殊案例。刚刚结束的第3届西方中医人类学研究国际论坛展示了这类西方中医形态的多样性、当代西方居民对中国传统中医解读的资源与逻辑、西方中医研究的社会学意义及中医... 针灸在英法等西方国家本土化的过程,为我们提供了中医海外传播的特殊案例。刚刚结束的第3届西方中医人类学研究国际论坛展示了这类西方中医形态的多样性、当代西方居民对中国传统中医解读的资源与逻辑、西方中医研究的社会学意义及中医与中华文化的普世性,为中医文化海外传播的路径、方式、形态提供了借鉴,从而在深度和广度上开拓了中医研究,为中医院校科研提供了新思路、新方法。 展开更多
关键词 中医文化 西方中医 中医人类学 中华文化海外传播 中医社科研究
Evidence-based Clinical Chinese Medicine:What Has Changed Over the Past 20 Years
作者 Charlie Changli Xue Anthony Lin Zhang +2 位作者 Brian H May Louise Pobjoy Iris Wenyu Zhou 《广州中医药大学学报》 CAS 2024年第10期2555-2567,共13页
Chinese medicine has been used for centuries to treat a range of health conditions.This history has produced a wealth of classical literature,case studies and clinical research data detailing its use and effectiveness... Chinese medicine has been used for centuries to treat a range of health conditions.This history has produced a wealth of classical literature,case studies and clinical research data detailing its use and effectiveness.However,high-quality and conclusive evidence that meets modern requirements for clinical decision support is lacking.This evidence gap limits the integration of Chinese medicine with contemporary medicine,which in turn limits global access and acceptance of Chinese medicine as a form of safe and effective health care.Over the past 20 years,researchers and organisations around the world,including the World Health Organization(WHO)and United Nations,have worked to support the integration of traditional medicines,such as Chinese medicine,with conventional medicines to improve global health care.This paper provides an overview of Chinese medicine studies published in the top four general medical journals(BMJ,JAMA,Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine)from February 2005 to February 2024 in the past 20 years to highlight the progress in the development of this evidence base.It also highlights key actions taken to promote evidence-based clinical Chinese medicine,including product and practitioner regulation,formalising education standards,and international collaborations.Research conducted at the China-Australia International Research Centre for Chinese Medicine demonstrates the benefits of such a collaboration.Through development of its unique and inclusive‘whole-evidence’approach,plus clinical studies and systematic reviews,the Centre has significantly contributed to the evidence base for clinical Chinese medicine.In addition,its high-impact papers and groundbreaking monographs have been cited in international conventional medicine guidelines.While progress has certainly been made during the past 20 years to build a stronger evidence base for clinical Chinese medicine,there is still a considerable gap that limits its integration with conventional medicine.Future funding and research are needed to continue this work and achieve to safe,effective and accessible traditional medicine as part of the WHO’s Universal Health Coverage strategy. 展开更多
关键词 evidence-based medicine traditional Chinese medicine whole-evidence approach integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine integrative medicine China-Australia International Research Centre for Chinese Medicine
初探费利克思·曼恩与“西医针灸”的发源 被引量:3
作者 秦雨冬 戴翥 +1 位作者 贺霆 吴永贵 《中医药导报》 2018年第20期12-14,共3页
费利克思·曼恩是英国本土"西医针灸流派"的代表人物,出版过《针刺——古代中国的治疗艺术》《针刺术治疗疾病》《治疗多种疾病的针刺术》《针灸的科学面目》《针灸教材》《重塑针灸——古老医学的新理念》等多本针灸相... 费利克思·曼恩是英国本土"西医针灸流派"的代表人物,出版过《针刺——古代中国的治疗艺术》《针刺术治疗疾病》《治疗多种疾病的针刺术》《针灸的科学面目》《针灸教材》《重塑针灸——古老医学的新理念》等多本针灸相关著作,对英国本土的"西方中医"具有深远的影响力,梳理和总结费利克思·曼恩的学术思想,研究其诊疗技术和特色,有助于进一步了解"西方中医"群体,总结中医药国际化的规律和特点,为中医药海外发展提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 费利克思·曼恩 西方中医 西医针灸 英国
Visual Translations: Medicine, Art, China and the West
作者 Corinna Wagner 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2015年第2期193-234,共42页
In the history of medicine, relatively little attention has been paid to the way medical illustration circulated globally---or to the issues raised by the cultural "translation" of such images. My goal here is to fl... In the history of medicine, relatively little attention has been paid to the way medical illustration circulated globally---or to the issues raised by the cultural "translation" of such images. My goal here is to flesh out some of the history of this circulation and translation by exploring the aesthetic and medical connections be- tween two specific anatomical collections, both housed at the Gordon Pathology Museum at Guy's Hospital, London. The Joseph Towne collection of anatomical waxes and the Lam Qua paintings of the patients of medical missionary Peter Parker were both produced in the nineteenth century. Significantly, the two collections were part of related but culturally specific shifts in the way bodies (and diseased bodies) were viewed, represented, understood and treated. I explore some of the convergences and divergences between Western and Chinese medical and artistic priorities and will address some of the issues raised by them. These two collections are important, I argue, because they demonstrate how aesthetic considerations shape medical knowledge and wider attitudes about the human body. 展开更多
关键词 History of medicine Chinese medicine ART AESTHETICS ANATOMY VISUALITY Pathology Medical illustration Medical humanities Body studies
罗氏正骨 手随心转,法从手出 被引量:1
作者 阮虹 罗震 《世界遗产》 2017年第6期88-91,共4页
骨伤科历史悠久,源远流长,罗氏正骨法传承至今已有300余年的历史。罗氏中医正骨以手法治疗复位扶正、接骨、续筋、固定和用药的独到之处,与西方医学骨科相比有很多超越性的优势,是中国传统医药学骨伤科方面的典型代表。为更好了解这项... 骨伤科历史悠久,源远流长,罗氏正骨法传承至今已有300余年的历史。罗氏中医正骨以手法治疗复位扶正、接骨、续筋、固定和用药的独到之处,与西方医学骨科相比有很多超越性的优势,是中国传统医药学骨伤科方面的典型代表。为更好了解这项国家级非物质文化遗产,我们走进了罗氏正骨的传承之家——第六代传承人罗金印及第七代传承人罗震父子之家,深入了解这项中国传统中医技艺。 展开更多
关键词 正骨法 伤科 金印 西方医学 中医正骨 手法治疗 法从 六代 获奖证书 正骨手法
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