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作者 廖冬梅 《南昌师范学院学报》 2015年第1期116-119,共4页
20世纪80年代中期以来女性小说潮流的发生,深受全球化语境中西方理论话语的影响。文章试图论述德里达的解构主义、福柯的权力话语理论、拉康的有关后现代文化心理理论、海登·怀特的新历史主义理论以及西苏和依利格瑞的女性主义理... 20世纪80年代中期以来女性小说潮流的发生,深受全球化语境中西方理论话语的影响。文章试图论述德里达的解构主义、福柯的权力话语理论、拉康的有关后现代文化心理理论、海登·怀特的新历史主义理论以及西苏和依利格瑞的女性主义理论对中国当代女性小说创作潮流的影响。 展开更多
关键词 西方理论话语 中国当代女性小说潮流 发生
作者 李艳 《哲学进展》 2025年第1期312-318,共7页
20世纪以来,由著名语言学家索绪尔提出的结构主义语言学理论发展至由巴赫金得出的超语言学理论,语言学由过去的系统以及抽象的探讨逐渐朝认知以及具体的探讨方向进行转变。实现了从语言到话语的转变。随后,在“语言学转向”背景下,哲学... 20世纪以来,由著名语言学家索绪尔提出的结构主义语言学理论发展至由巴赫金得出的超语言学理论,语言学由过去的系统以及抽象的探讨逐渐朝认知以及具体的探讨方向进行转变。实现了从语言到话语的转变。随后,在“语言学转向”背景下,哲学重心由研究本体论和形而上学转向探讨语言与人类思维、现实世界之间的复杂关系的语言哲学,由此话语逐渐走向开放,与社会、权力、霸权等现实社会不同方面相互交织的复杂关系。法国哲学家米歇尔·福柯则通过话语权力理论揭示了话语与权力之间的紧密联系,挑战了传统的主体观念。德国社会学家尤尔根·哈贝马斯则提出了交往行为理论,强调通过对话达成共识的重要性,进一步丰富了话语理论的内涵。随着资本主义生产方式的不断演变和社会结构的复杂化,传统的阶级分析方法面临着越来越多的挑战。在这一背景下,拉克劳和墨菲作为后马克思主义的重要代表人物,提出了话语霸权构建的理论转变,为理解当代社会的主体构建提供了新的视角。本文第一部分主要通过巴赫金话语与行为理论对索绪尔的语言学理论的继承与不同,表明了从语言到话语的转变过程。第二部分则阐述在20世纪“语言学转向”背景下,话语逐渐与现实社会因素相互交织影响。In the 20th century, from the structuralist linguistic theory proposed by the famous linguist Saussure to the super-linguistic theory derived by Bakhtin, linguistics has gradually shifted from a systematic and abstract approach to a cognitive and concrete approach. The shift from language to discourse was realized. Subsequently, in the context of the “linguistic turn”, the center of philosophical gravity shifted from the study of ontology and metaphysics to the philosophy of language, which explores the complex relationship between language, human thinking, and the real world, and as a result, the discourse has gradually become open to the complex intertwining of different aspects of the real society, such as society, power, hegemony, and so on. French philosopher Michel Foucault, on the other hand, revealed the close connection between discourse and power through the theory of discursive power, challenging the traditional concept of the subject. German sociologist Jürgen Habermas, on the other hand, put forward the theory of interactional behavior, emphasizing the importance of reaching consensus through dialogue, further enriching the connotation of discourse theory. With the continuous evolution of the capitalist mode of production and the complication of social structure, the traditional method of class analysis faces more and more challenges. Against this background, Laclau and Murphy, as important representatives of post-Marxism, have proposed a theoretical shift in the construction of discursive hegemony, which provides a new perspective for understanding the construction of the subject in contemporary society. The first part of this paper shows the process of transformation from language to discourse mainly through the inheritance and difference of Bakhtin’s theory of discourse and behavior to Saussure’s linguistic theory. The second part of the paper explains that in the context of the “linguistic turn” in the 20th century, discourse is gradually intertwined with real social factors. 展开更多
关键词 西方话语理论 言语到话语 索绪尔 巴赫金 福柯 哈贝马斯 拉克劳和墨菲
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