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东天山西滩浅成低温热液金矿床地质特征及成因分析 被引量:19
作者 丰成友 姬金生 +1 位作者 薛春纪 张连昌 《新疆地质》 CAS CSCD 1999年第1期2-8,共7页
西滩金矿床主要赋存在下石炭统阿奇山组的中酸性火山岩-火山碎屑岩中,典型蚀变矿物包括绢云母、冰长石、玉髓、绿泥石、浊沸石、水白云母等。流体包裹体和稳定同位素研究表明:δD=-119.4‰~-90.2‰,δ18OH2O=... 西滩金矿床主要赋存在下石炭统阿奇山组的中酸性火山岩-火山碎屑岩中,典型蚀变矿物包括绢云母、冰长石、玉髓、绿泥石、浊沸石、水白云母等。流体包裹体和稳定同位素研究表明:δD=-119.4‰~-90.2‰,δ18OH2O=-12.74‰~-1.65‰,δ34S=0.11‰~2.31‰,成矿温度集中于150~200℃,含盐度很低(0.8‰~6.7‰),成矿压力为2.68×107~3.26×107Pa,pH值平均为6.7,由此推断成矿流体以大气降水为主,成矿物质具深源性,直接来自赋矿火山岩。 展开更多
关键词 西滩金矿 浅成低温热液 大气降水 矿床成因
新疆西滩金矿床同位素年代学研究 被引量:7
作者 薛春纪 姬金生 +2 位作者 张连昌 丰成友 杨建国 《西安工程学院学报》 1999年第4期6-10,共5页
东天山西滩金矿床是近年发现的重要金矿床。它具有较长的成岩成矿过程,石炭纪岛弧火山作用形成了矿体的围岩———安山岩(330 Ma) ,随后,特别是在碰撞造山期岩浆活动形成了英云闪长岩(293 Ma)、二长花岗斑岩(281 ... 东天山西滩金矿床是近年发现的重要金矿床。它具有较长的成岩成矿过程,石炭纪岛弧火山作用形成了矿体的围岩———安山岩(330 Ma) ,随后,特别是在碰撞造山期岩浆活动形成了英云闪长岩(293 Ma)、二长花岗斑岩(281 Ma) 、钾长花岗斑岩(266 Ma) 、流纹斑岩(256 Ma) 等。这种幕式发生的热动力,也导致288 ~285 Ma 青盘岩化及L1 号金矿脉276 Ma、L2 号含金贫矿脉261 Ma、热液爆破角砾岩244 Ma、L3 号金矿脉等成矿( 及相关热液活动) 演化过程( 大约持续44 Ma) 。工业金矿体是成矿流体热动力地质构造三者的最佳耦合。矿床属造山期低温浅成热液矿床。 展开更多
关键词 西滩金矿 同位素年代 成岩 成矿幕 金矿床
西滩围垦对伶仃航道影响的试验研究 被引量:2
作者 吴明阳 《水运工程》 北大核心 1995年第12期29-34,共6页
关键词 航道 伶仃航道 影响 西滩围垦 试验
作者 姚景强 李立政 《学习论坛》 2009年第5期63-65,共3页
"关关雎鸠,在河之洲。窈窕淑女,君子好逑"。这首名曰《关雎》的诗见于我国第一部诗歌总集——《诗经》,是《诗经》开篇"国风"里的第一首诗,也是我国最早反映爱情主题的情谣恋歌,其艺术成就在我国文学史上占有很高... "关关雎鸠,在河之洲。窈窕淑女,君子好逑"。这首名曰《关雎》的诗见于我国第一部诗歌总集——《诗经》,是《诗经》开篇"国风"里的第一首诗,也是我国最早反映爱情主题的情谣恋歌,其艺术成就在我国文学史上占有很高的地位。那么,诗中的"在河之洲"指何地呢?多年来,从教科书到《诗经》的多种版本,均未明确注释。经笔者考证,它就在黄河中游的河南省济源市坡头镇西滩村。西滩四面环水,素有"万里黄河第一滩"之称。西滩面积近千公顷,自古而今,是黄河上唯一一处有人类居住的滩涂绿洲。 展开更多
关键词 西滩 诗经 在河之洲
作者 王金莲 《农技服务》 2011年第7期1038-1038,1052,共2页
关键词 节水高效农业 效益 综合评价 宁夏盐池 盐池县城西滩灌区
作者 姚景强 李立政 《黄河水利职业技术学院学报》 2009年第1期86-89,共4页
综合采用地缘分析(周南考证)、史迹分析(河名考证)、物人分析(荇菜与人物考证)方法,证明《诗经·关雎》诞生之地的"河之洲"就是黄河中游今河南省济源市坡头镇西滩村。黄河西滩面积万亩有余,四面环水,自古就是人类居住的... 综合采用地缘分析(周南考证)、史迹分析(河名考证)、物人分析(荇菜与人物考证)方法,证明《诗经·关雎》诞生之地的"河之洲"就是黄河中游今河南省济源市坡头镇西滩村。黄河西滩面积万亩有余,四面环水,自古就是人类居住的滩涂绿洲,地近洛邑而民风淳朴,是产生优美情歌的上佳土壤。如今,随着黄河小浪底水利枢纽工程和西霞院反调节水库的建成,在西滩实施堆岛工程,再造了一个200余亩新西滩。 展开更多
关键词 黄河济源段 西滩 诗经·关雎 河之洲
作者 蒋瑞金 神学慧 +1 位作者 李叶芳 陈祥平 《热带病与寄生虫学》 2012年第3期161-163,共3页
江苏镇江市丹徒区曾是血吸虫病重疫区,全区通过20 余年的不懈防治,于1978 年达到血吸虫病控制标准.但从二十世纪80年代初期以来,血吸虫病疫情又呈现回升,是江苏省较重的血吸虫病流行区之一[1].丹徒区目前有近80%的有螺面积分布于江滩,... 江苏镇江市丹徒区曾是血吸虫病重疫区,全区通过20 余年的不懈防治,于1978 年达到血吸虫病控制标准.但从二十世纪80年代初期以来,血吸虫病疫情又呈现回升,是江苏省较重的血吸虫病流行区之一[1].丹徒区目前有近80%的有螺面积分布于江滩,江滩灭螺由于受经费、自然环境、长江洪水频发等多种因素的制约使局部地区钉螺难以彻底控制,造成江滩钉螺面积、阳性螺面积和疫情呈现回升趋势[2~4].为有效遏制螺情和疫情增长势头,我们于2006 年初选择高桥镇西滩,开展了综合治理控制血吸虫病传播的研究工作,并进行了5 年的效果观察,现将结果分析如下. 展开更多
关键词 控制血吸虫病 阳性钉螺 急性血吸虫病 有螺面积 西滩 丹徒区 镇江市 高桥镇
犊牛急性病毒性腹泻/粘膜病的调查 被引量:1
作者 田文学 孙淑清 +4 位作者 周爱萍 李德义 张彩霞 刘佩兰 王永珍 《兽医导刊》 1993年第1期12-13,共2页
本病于1946年由 Olafso 等在纽约奶牛中首次发现后,现已广泛传播世界各地。自1980年我国已有本病存在。笔者就包头地区奶犊牛急性病毒性腹泻/粘膜病作如下报告:一、流行情况:1990年包头市合作奶牛场4个分场均发生新生犊牛因拉血而死亡,... 本病于1946年由 Olafso 等在纽约奶牛中首次发现后,现已广泛传播世界各地。自1980年我国已有本病存在。笔者就包头地区奶犊牛急性病毒性腹泻/粘膜病作如下报告:一、流行情况:1990年包头市合作奶牛场4个分场均发生新生犊牛因拉血而死亡,其中受害最严重的是西滩奶牛分场。 展开更多
关键词 粘膜病 病毒性腹泻 包头地区 出生后 病牛 西滩 鼻甲骨 真胃 急性经过 育成牛
运城池盐生产技术初探 被引量:9
作者 吉成名 《盐业史研究》 1989年第4期42-46,共5页
近来,笔者对唐代的池盐生产技术进行了探讨,但史籍上对古代运城池盐生产技术的记载很不充分,如果单从史籍记载来分析,则有很多地方想不通。柴继光、卫斯、张正明诸先生对古代运城池盐生产技术有过研究,但仍有一些问题没有得到解决。柴... 近来,笔者对唐代的池盐生产技术进行了探讨,但史籍上对古代运城池盐生产技术的记载很不充分,如果单从史籍记载来分析,则有很多地方想不通。柴继光、卫斯、张正明诸先生对古代运城池盐生产技术有过研究,但仍有一些问题没有得到解决。柴继光《运城盐池的演变和发展》一文认为直到唐代才出现垦畦浇晒法,在此之前,一直采用集工捞采的生产方法(原文作“生产方式”,按其本意当作“生产方法”)。卫斯《河东盐池开发时代考》一文认为河东盐池(即运城盐池) 展开更多
关键词 运城池盐 生产技术 张正明 生产方法 运城盐湖 《太平寰宇记》 七里 西滩 蒸发池 过滤池
作者 张雅妮 《图书馆理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期23-23,共1页
(本刊讯)1月15日,宁夏吴忠市图书馆参加了吴忠市委宣传部在金银滩镇开展的文化科技卫生"三下乡"活动,为农民免费发放种植养殖方面的图书。当天,图书馆工作人员早早来到镇上,将精心挑选的粮食种植、蔬菜栽培、家畜养殖、病虫害防治... (本刊讯)1月15日,宁夏吴忠市图书馆参加了吴忠市委宣传部在金银滩镇开展的文化科技卫生"三下乡"活动,为农民免费发放种植养殖方面的图书。当天,图书馆工作人员早早来到镇上,将精心挑选的粮食种植、蔬菜栽培、家畜养殖、病虫害防治等方面的科普图书免费发放到前来赶集的农民手中。 展开更多
关键词 宁夏吴忠市 马存 西滩 科普图书 文化科技卫生 金银滩 蔬菜栽培 病虫害防治 养殖技术
作者 朱幼棣 陈坚发 车薪 《今日中国》 1989年第1期75-77,共3页
本刊将于今年开始选发一些在国内较有影响的报告文学、纪实文学、以养海外广大读者。本期选发的反映经济改革、开放的一个侧面的《温州大爆发》(原刊一九八八年第九、十期《报告文学》),即是开端。这篇报告文学全文六万多字,不久将以二... 本刊将于今年开始选发一些在国内较有影响的报告文学、纪实文学、以养海外广大读者。本期选发的反映经济改革、开放的一个侧面的《温州大爆发》(原刊一九八八年第九、十期《报告文学》),即是开端。这篇报告文学全文六万多字,不久将以二十二万字的容量由广西滩江出版社出版。在中国东部最活跃的开放地带,有一座正在喷发着的「火山」:温州。这是与亿万人休戚相关的中国经济大结构上发生的强烈震动。三十多年来,中国的经济结构一直处于「超稳定」状态。然而,这种「超稳定」的海底已经出现了扩张。中国的经济板块、与之相关的世界经济板块,发生了令人震惊的栘位和挤压! 展开更多
关键词 温州大爆发 纪实文学 经济改革 西滩 文六 一九 超稳定 世界经济 八年 令人
作者 花木嵯 《农产品加工》 2014年第12期53-53,共1页
青海省德令哈市怀头他拉镇有了第1家集体企业,该镇西滩村有了第1个畜牧养殖专业合作社……今年,青海省积极探索金融扶贫新路,通过"补改贷",用财政资金撬动更多银行贷款支持贫困地区的项目建设和产业发展。这不仅实现了从"输血式"扶... 青海省德令哈市怀头他拉镇有了第1家集体企业,该镇西滩村有了第1个畜牧养殖专业合作社……今年,青海省积极探索金融扶贫新路,通过"补改贷",用财政资金撬动更多银行贷款支持贫困地区的项目建设和产业发展。这不仅实现了从"输血式"扶贫向"造血式"扶贫的转变,更激发起广大农牧民脱贫致富奔小康的内生动力。 展开更多
关键词 怀头他拉镇 扶贫贷款 德令哈市 扶贫资金 内生动力 银行贷款 风险补偿金 养殖专业 西滩 集体企业
作者 姚景强 《黄河.黄土.黄种人》 2015年第3X期22-23,共2页
翻阅《中国历史地图集》,在唐代的版图上寻觅,偶然发现济源与洛阳之间的黄河上,有一个特殊的地理标志——河阳桥。初阅时心疑,古代黄河上真有桥吗?后来仔细阅读该地图说明,方知《中国历史地图集》是中国社会科学院20世纪50年代遵照毛泽... 翻阅《中国历史地图集》,在唐代的版图上寻觅,偶然发现济源与洛阳之间的黄河上,有一个特殊的地理标志——河阳桥。初阅时心疑,古代黄河上真有桥吗?后来仔细阅读该地图说明,方知《中国历史地图集》是中国社会科学院20世纪50年代遵照毛泽东主席的指示,组织数十名专家学者,历时20多年修编完成的,是目前最为权威的一部中国历史地图集。于是,便信而无疑了。虽然河阳桥的标志。 展开更多
关键词 中国历史地图集 地理标志 阳桥 李商隐 上真 中国社会科学院 河阳三城 在河之洲 薛季昌 西滩
作者 赵登义 张项加 +1 位作者 刘启云 雷有珍 《青海畜牧兽医杂志》 1993年第5期23-23,共1页
1993年初,我县部分村社不同程度地流行着一种猪病,以西滩乡宝积湾村流行较严重.笔者于1993年3月去该村进行调查,现将调查结果报告于下.1 猪病流行情况:猪只从1993年1月下旬开始发病,不分大小、品种都可患病.据了解,最初为杜某家买了3只... 1993年初,我县部分村社不同程度地流行着一种猪病,以西滩乡宝积湾村流行较严重.笔者于1993年3月去该村进行调查,现将调查结果报告于下.1 猪病流行情况:猪只从1993年1月下旬开始发病,不分大小、品种都可患病.据了解,最初为杜某家买了3只甘肃张掖仔猪,没过几天全部死亡,从此猪病在该村蔓延,发病率达77%,死亡率达到50.8%,治愈率为13%. 展开更多
关键词 猪链球菌病 猪病流行 宝积 甘肃张掖 临床病状 西滩 带菌猪 流行性传染病 后躯 染色镜检
Rise and Fall of Recent Chinese Coastal Resort Development:Case of Beihai Silver Beach, Guangxi, China 被引量:1
作者 LIU Jun BAO Jigang 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第2期245-254,共10页
Based upon a case study of Silver Beach coastal resort of Beihai, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, this article examines the rise and fall of Chinese coastal tourist resort development since the 1980s. It explores th... Based upon a case study of Silver Beach coastal resort of Beihai, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, this article examines the rise and fall of Chinese coastal tourist resort development since the 1980s. It explores the causes for and responses to the decline of Chinese coastal resorts. The data were collected through in-depth interviews with twelve local key information providers, and secondary information sources such as government archives, survey reports, and resort plans. It was found that the rise and fall of Chinese coastal resorts in the last three decades is closely linked to the transitional reform from a central planned economy to a market economy. Three stages of coastal tourism development were identified in a sequence of rapid growth, decline and redevelopment. It was government financial funds and high local government involvement that promoted the rapid expansion of coastal resorts during the 1980s. However, coastal resort decline occurred when transitional reform was intensified and deflationary policy executed af- ter 1992. Institutional failure is found to be the main reason of Chinese coastal resorts decline since the mid-1990s. The government-dominated pattern could not be sustained and should be restructured in forthcoming coastal tourism de- velopment in China. Revival strategies should emphasize enhancing market-oriented reform in the declining resorts on both suoolv and demand sides. 展开更多
关键词 coastal resort transitional decline Silver Beach Beihai
Spatio-temporal Variability of Soil Water at Three Seasonal Floodplain Sites: A Case Study in Tarim Basin,Northwest China 被引量:3
作者 Sven GRASHEY-JANSEN Martin KUBA +2 位作者 Bernd CYFFKA müt HALIK Tayierjiang AISHAN 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第6期647-657,共11页
The floodplain -egetation of the Tarim River in Northwest China is strongly influenced by irrigated agriculture. The abstrac- tion of river water disturbs; the natural dynamics of the floodplain ecosystem. The human i... The floodplain -egetation of the Tarim River in Northwest China is strongly influenced by irrigated agriculture. The abstrac- tion of river water disturbs; the natural dynamics of the floodplain ecosystem. The human impact on the hydrological system by bank dams and the irrigation of cotton plantings have caused adverse changes of the Tarim River and its floodplains, so the current stocks of the typical Tugai vegetation show significant signs of degradation. Field studies of soils and statistical analysis of soil moisture data have shown that the vitality of the Tugai vegetation is primarily determined by its position to the riverbank and the groundwater. There exist complex interactions between soil hydrological conditions and the vitality of the vegetation. But the availability of water is not only influenced by the groundwater level and seasonal flood events. The spatial distribution of stocks at different states of vitality seems also to be decisively influenced by physical soil properties. Our results show that the water supply of plant communities is strongly in- fluenced by the soil texture. Spatial differences of soil moisture and corresponding soil water tensions may be the decisive factors for the zonafion of vegetation. Physical soil properties control the water retention and rising of capillary water from deeper soil layers and the phreatic zone and may supply the root systems of the phreatophytic vegetation with water. Keywords: soil moisture;soil texture; soil water tensions; Tarim River; water retention 展开更多
关键词 soil moisture soil texture soil water tensions Tarim River water retention
Geochronology, petrogenesis and tectonic significance of Dahongliutan pluton in Western Kunlun orogenic belt, NW China 被引量:11
作者 DING Kun LIANG Ting +5 位作者 YANG Xiu-qing ZHOU Yi FENG Yong-gang LI Kan TENG Jia-xin WANG Rui-ting 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第12期3420-3435,共16页
The Dahongliutan granitic pluton,in the eastern part of the West Kunlun orogenic belt,provides significant insights for studying the tectonic evolution of West Kunlun.This paper presents a systematic study of LA-ICP-M... The Dahongliutan granitic pluton,in the eastern part of the West Kunlun orogenic belt,provides significant insights for studying the tectonic evolution of West Kunlun.This paper presents a systematic study of LA-ICP-MS zircon U Pb age,major and trace elements,Sr-Nd-Hf isotopes,and the first detailed Li isotope analysis of the Dahongliutan pluton.LA-ICP-MS zircon U Pb dating shows that the Dahongliutan granites were emplaced in the Late Triassic((213±2.1)Ma).Geochemical data show relatively high SiO2 contents(68.45 wt%73.62 wt%)and aluminum saturation index(A/CNK=1.111.21)indicates peraluminous high-K calc-alkaline granite.The Dahongliutan granites are relatively high in light rare earth elements(LREE)and large ion lithophile elements(LILEs)(e.g.,Rb,K,Th),and relatively depleted in high field strength elements(HFSEs)(e.g.,Nb,Ta,P,Ti).TheεNd(t)values range from 8.71 to 4.73,and(87Sr/86Sr)i=0.70870.71574.Zircons from the pluton yield 176Hf/177Hf values of 0.2826181 to 0.2827683,andεHf(t)values are around 0;the two-stage Hf model ages range from 0.974 to 1.307 Ga.Theδ7Li values are 0.76‰3.25‰,with an average of 2.53‰.Isotopic compositions of the pluton suggest a mixed trend between the partial melting of the Middle Proterozoic ancient crustal material and a juvenile mantle-derived material.This study infers that the Dahongliutan rock mass is formed in the post-collisional extension environment,when the collision between South Kunlun and the Tianshuihai terranes results in the closure of the Palaeo-Tethys.The mantle-derived magma results in partial melting of the lower crust. 展开更多
关键词 LA-ICP-MS zircon U Pb age petrogeochemistry Li-Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic composition Dahongliutan pluton West Kunlun orogen China
Relocation and Genetic Analysis of Earthquakes in the West of Xietan Area of Three Gorges Reservoir
作者 Li Hai'ou Ma Wentao Xu Xiwei Yuan Jingli Xu Changpeng 《Earthquake Research in China》 2011年第3期286-292,共7页
136 earthquakes,taking place in the west of Xietan area,recorded by portable stations deployed in the Three Georges reservoir area were relocated using the double difference algorithm.The relocations show that the roo... 136 earthquakes,taking place in the west of Xietan area,recorded by portable stations deployed in the Three Georges reservoir area were relocated using the double difference algorithm.The relocations show that the root-mean-square deviations of the relocations in the directions of E-W,N-S and U-D are 0.38km,0.33km and 0.98km,respectively.The earthquakes in clasolite area with focal depths of about 4km~5km take on linear distributions from the shallow to deep parts.These earthquakes were deduced to be reservoir-induced earthquakes of fault fracture type.In contrast,the earthquakes in limestone pavement with the focal depths about 2km~3km take on slightly divergent distributions and have the characteristics of reservoir-induced earthquakes of the karst collapse type. 展开更多
关键词 Three Gorges reservoir Double-difference algorithm Reservoir-inducedearthquake Karst collapse Fault fracturing
Determination of Epibionts of the Marine Turtle Lepidochelys Ofivacea (Eschscholtz, 1829) Nesting in Ceuta Beach, Sinaloa, Mexico
作者 Ingmar Sosa-Comejo Dulce Italivi Montano-Valdez +3 位作者 Marcos Bucio-Pacheco Fernando Enciso-Saracho Jorge Guillermo Sanchez-Zazueta Estela Fierros-Perez 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第11期1190-1194,共5页
Epibionts are floristic and faunistic benthonic organisms living attached to the skin of another animal; this phenomenon is well known as epibiosis and has been documented for all species of marine turtles. The intera... Epibionts are floristic and faunistic benthonic organisms living attached to the skin of another animal; this phenomenon is well known as epibiosis and has been documented for all species of marine turtles. The interaction between the turtle and epibiotic organisms is to provide substrate for the epibionts communities, their presence are based mainly in the shell and in other anatomical structures in lower intensity. It has been registered that some epibionts affect growth, and can cause diverse damage in anatomical structures like the eyes, mouth, and limbs. They are usually vectors of disease. For such reasons the objective of the present work is to determinate the epibionts species associated with the marine turtle Lepidochelys olivacea in Ceuta beach, Sinaloa, Mexico. During the nesting season May-December of 2008-2009, the female turtles nesting and strandings were monitored and epibionts were collected. Eleven species distributed in the following taxa were obtained: fishes of the family Echeneidae, Hirudineos (Ozobranchus branchiatus, Ozobranchus margoi), Arthropods (Chelonibia testudinaria, Lepas sp., Conchoderma virgatum) and the first registry of Stephanolepas muricata for Lepidochelys olivacea. According to the records from Ceuta Beach the species of epibionts are still being registered with the exception of Ozobranchus margoi, and Stephanolepas muricata, thus, suggesting further research on epibiont organisms. 展开更多
关键词 EPIBIONT Ceuta Lepidochelys olivacea turtles.
Study on the S-wave Splitting Characteristics in the Longtan Reservoir Area,Guangxi,China
作者 Shi Haixia Zhao Cuiping 《Earthquake Research in China》 2011年第2期213-226,共14页
In this paper,the shear wave splitting features of the Longtan reservoir area are studied by adopting the traditional cross-correlation coefficient method and polarization analysis,using the data recorded by the seism... In this paper,the shear wave splitting features of the Longtan reservoir area are studied by adopting the traditional cross-correlation coefficient method and polarization analysis,using the data recorded by the seismic network founded by a project under the National Science and Technology Pillar Program from April 2009 to April 2010.We found that most of polarization directions at seismic stations are consistent with the direction of the overall regional stress field,but local structures and faults may control or influence the fast shear-wave polarization direction.The time-delay normalized to source-station path is between 10 to 25ms/km,and among them,the time-delay is about 10ms/km at the LIL and XIL sites,which are farther away from the dam.The water depth is relatively shallow and seismic activity relatively weak after water storage,indicating the effect of reservoir water penetration,or loading,on the state of cracks in the reservoir area.We also found that the delay time changes consistently with the water level at stations DPD and GAL.It may be related to crack expansion and water penetration caused by the reservoir impoundment. 展开更多
关键词 Longtan reservoir Seismic anisotropy Shear-wave splitting Fast shear-wavepolarization direction Delay time
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