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作者 张昊翀 《东方电影》 2010年第4期138-139,共2页
西班牙国家馆的外形远看就像一只用藤条编制而成的大篮子。环保和传统是它给人的第一印象,但它的建筑手法又不失先锋。这座以"我们世代相传的城市"为主题的西班牙国家馆将通过其内部的三个展厅,从不同的视角向游客讲述西班牙... 西班牙国家馆的外形远看就像一只用藤条编制而成的大篮子。环保和传统是它给人的第一印象,但它的建筑手法又不失先锋。这座以"我们世代相传的城市"为主题的西班牙国家馆将通过其内部的三个展厅,从不同的视角向游客讲述西班牙城市所经历的变迁。 展开更多
关键词 西班牙国 第一印象 比格斯 山东 手工编制 利亚
跟随比格斯·鲁纳Bigas Luna进入西班牙国家馆
《东方电影》 2010年第4期140-140,共1页
2010年上海世博会西班牙国家馆的第一展厅将由西班牙著名电影导演比格斯·鲁纳执导。他将通过自己的影片,带领游客感受西班牙与众不同的文化:弗拉明戈与奔牛节的热情;篮球运动员保罗·加索尔和网球运动员拉斐尔·纳达尔的力... 2010年上海世博会西班牙国家馆的第一展厅将由西班牙著名电影导演比格斯·鲁纳执导。他将通过自己的影片,带领游客感受西班牙与众不同的文化:弗拉明戈与奔牛节的热情;篮球运动员保罗·加索尔和网球运动员拉斐尔·纳达尔的力量;还有阿尔塔米拉洞窟壁画与科尔多瓦清真寺的历史厚重。鲁纳说:"这个展厅诉说的是起源,其中有着一些始终令我着迷的元素,它们是如此本质、远祖与尘世……" 展开更多
关键词 西班牙国 Bigas Luna 比格斯 网球运动员 加索尔 纳达尔 著名电影导演 弗拉明 拉斐尔
作者 徐飞 《贵州师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 1986年第4期64-68,共5页
都铎王朝(1485-1603)是英国历史上的一个重要王朝,轰轰烈烈的英国宗教运动也是在这一时期进行的。在都铎王朝的五个君主中,玛丽·都铎(Mary Tudor)是第四位君主(1553-1558),在她执政的五年里,英国的对内对外政策一度出现逆转。玛丽... 都铎王朝(1485-1603)是英国历史上的一个重要王朝,轰轰烈烈的英国宗教运动也是在这一时期进行的。在都铎王朝的五个君主中,玛丽·都铎(Mary Tudor)是第四位君主(1553-1558),在她执政的五年里,英国的对内对外政策一度出现逆转。玛丽上台后不久,天主教在英国复辟了,许多国教徒领袖如克兰麦(Cranmer)等和一些忠于国教的信徒遭到屠杀,据统计,被害者达三百余人。1554年7月,玛丽和未来的西班牙国王菲方普。 展开更多
关键词 玛丽 新贵族 都铎王朝 西班牙国 克兰 宗教运动 对内对外 十六世纪 伊丽莎白一世 托马斯
荷兰的漳州窑贸易 被引量:3
作者 甘淑美 《福建文博》 2012年第1期12-22,共11页
在16世纪,荷兰位于欧洲西北部的十七个省隶属于西班牙哈布斯堡帝国[2]。1568年西班牙国王菲利普二世(1556~1598)入侵这一地区平息新教改革,导致北部七省反抗[3]。1585年,成为葡萄牙国王的菲利普二世(1580),作为他对七省联盟的经济战争... 在16世纪,荷兰位于欧洲西北部的十七个省隶属于西班牙哈布斯堡帝国[2]。1568年西班牙国王菲利普二世(1556~1598)入侵这一地区平息新教改革,导致北部七省反抗[3]。1585年,成为葡萄牙国王的菲利普二世(1580),作为他对七省联盟的经济战争的一部分[4],在整个伊比利亚半岛对荷兰实施贸易禁令。在此之前,荷兰利用他们的地理位置,作为北欧和南欧之间的中间人,通过倒卖葡萄牙进口的亚洲奢侈品牟取暴力[5]。 展开更多
关键词 漳州窑 荷兰人 伊比利亚半岛 西班牙国 哈布斯堡 利普 王菲 白狮 葡萄牙人 克拉克瓷
作者 麦婉华 张玉荣 《小康》 2015年第7X期84-85,共2页
"银"是墨西哥的灵魂和心脏。墨西哥用"银"这一贵重金属,讲述了如何打造出一个白银圣境,并描绘了一幅四个多世纪以来它与中国贸易往来和文化交流的图画。略微幽暗的灯光下萦绕着舒缓的古典音乐,人们驻足在一件件充... "银"是墨西哥的灵魂和心脏。墨西哥用"银"这一贵重金属,讲述了如何打造出一个白银圣境,并描绘了一幅四个多世纪以来它与中国贸易往来和文化交流的图画。略微幽暗的灯光下萦绕着舒缓的古典音乐,人们驻足在一件件充满历史意义的银器面前细细欣赏,犹如穿越到了远在南美洲的墨西哥大地,映入眼帘的仿佛是那些辛勤的工匠们精心打造银器的画面。 展开更多
关键词 工匠们 贸易 文化交流 圣境 贵重金属 杯托 艺业 形体语言 卡里翁 西班牙国
作者 佚名 《数学教学通讯(初等教育)》 2009年第3期9-9,共1页
关键词 编辑文档 拼写错误 突破重围 斯坦福 事件营销 西班牙国 网络域名 勒克斯 股票市场 礼品券
作者 艳子 《新经济》 2015年第27期90-91,共2页
关键词 弗拉明 太阳门 霓虹灯广告 西班牙国 马约尔 咖啡香 斯蒂法诺 服务周到 建筑风格 地铁线路
作者 江晨 《当代体育(扣篮)》 2007年第37期10-11,共2页
打小就听说过"外来的和尚会念经",这话是有一定科学道理的,我们的大学和我们的国家队里到处可以寻觅到外国人的身影,当然,这句有道理的名言并不是狭隘的,俄罗斯队的主帅是荷兰人希丁克,葡萄牙队的主帅是巴西人斯科拉里,希腊... 打小就听说过"外来的和尚会念经",这话是有一定科学道理的,我们的大学和我们的国家队里到处可以寻觅到外国人的身影,当然,这句有道理的名言并不是狭隘的,俄罗斯队的主帅是荷兰人希丁克,葡萄牙队的主帅是巴西人斯科拉里,希腊队的主帅是德国人雷哈格尔……在这样的大环境下,谁也不会对意大利豪门国米到处都是阿根廷人感到奇怪,对英格兰劲旅利物浦拥有多名西班牙国脚指手画脚,对阿森纳曾经排出清一色"雇佣兵"首发阵容感到惊讶……往往都是这样,物以稀为贵,那些重用本土球员的俱乐部便显得曲高和寡、孤芳自赏了,他们一直坚持一个坐标:自己人不会死! 展开更多
关键词 希腊队 意大利队 斯科拉 欧洲杯 俄罗斯队 阿斯顿维拉 瓦伦西亚 西班牙国 阿森纳 阿根廷人
作者 紫菱 《当代体育(扣篮)》 2006年第31期57-57,共1页
在2002年和2004年两次夺魁之后,西班牙U19国家队继续保持着自己在青少年足球领域内的绝对优势。7月30日,在波兰落下帷幕的欧洲U19青年足球锦标赛决赛中,西班牙队以2比1力克苏格兰队获得冠军,从而在五年内第三次获得此项殊荣。说起来,西... 在2002年和2004年两次夺魁之后,西班牙U19国家队继续保持着自己在青少年足球领域内的绝对优势。7月30日,在波兰落下帷幕的欧洲U19青年足球锦标赛决赛中,西班牙队以2比1力克苏格兰队获得冠军,从而在五年内第三次获得此项殊荣。说起来,西班牙国青队在世界范围内实在是威名赫赫,如果国际足联为欧洲青少年足球做一个排名,那么西班牙队肯定轻松赢得头名。在过去的20年时间里,来自伊比利亚半岛的小斗牛士们要么进入欧洲青少年赛事的决赛,要么就是与其他球队争夺世界青少年赛事的冠军。 展开更多
关键词 青少年足球 西班牙 际足联 西班牙国 曼联 伊比利亚半岛 巴萨 跑位 红魔
作者 王秀梅 张树春 《环境科学导刊》 1993年第2期46-48,共3页
“吸烟会使未来35年内第三世界有700万人丧生”这是WHO的警告,并把其比喻为“20世纪的鸦片战争”来提醒第三世界警惕西方跨国公司的烟草商。吸烟首例是1492年在美洲,首传西班牙国。首次种植商业烟草是在美国弗吉尼亚州。首台卷烟机诞生... “吸烟会使未来35年内第三世界有700万人丧生”这是WHO的警告,并把其比喻为“20世纪的鸦片战争”来提醒第三世界警惕西方跨国公司的烟草商。吸烟首例是1492年在美洲,首传西班牙国。首次种植商业烟草是在美国弗吉尼亚州。首台卷烟机诞生于1881年,其日产卷烟12万支。吸烟对人体健康有影响首篇文章登在1924年读者文摘上。 展开更多
关键词 西班牙国 西方跨公司 读者文摘 人体健康 因果关系 弗吉尼亚州 被动吸烟 吸烟危害 烤烟叶 世界无烟日
作者 雨人 《当代体育(扣篮)》 2006年第31期20-21,共2页
至今为止,皇马拥有28个联赛冠军,巴塞罗那17次折桂,有“蝙蝠军团”之称的瓦伦西亚仅仅6次问鼎,但从这个赛季开始,西班牙国家队主帅经常光顾的不是伯纳乌,也不是诺坎普,而是瓦伦西亚的主场梅斯塔利亚球场。原因简单明了,巴塞罗那队中只... 至今为止,皇马拥有28个联赛冠军,巴塞罗那17次折桂,有“蝙蝠军团”之称的瓦伦西亚仅仅6次问鼎,但从这个赛季开始,西班牙国家队主帅经常光顾的不是伯纳乌,也不是诺坎普,而是瓦伦西亚的主场梅斯塔利亚球场。原因简单明了,巴塞罗那队中只有普约尔、哈维和伊涅斯塔3名西班牙国脚,皇马目前也仅存萨尔加多、拉莫斯、卡西利亚斯、劳尔4名西班牙现役国脚, 展开更多
关键词 瓦伦西亚 西班牙国 比利亚雷亚尔 欧洲杯 斯塔 坎普 约尔 毕尔巴鄂竞技 世界杯 马德里竞技
作者 江晨 《当代体育(扣篮)》 2005年第27期28-29,共2页
斯蒂法谱Stefano当巴塞罗那准备把斯蒂法诺从阿根廷带到西班牙时,在佛朗哥的帮助下,一项法案的出台阻止了这起转会,当斯蒂法诺最终被皇家马德里签走时,直接导致了俱乐部主席卡列托的下课。两个星期后,斯蒂法诺在5比0击溃加泰罗尼亚人的... 斯蒂法谱Stefano当巴塞罗那准备把斯蒂法诺从阿根廷带到西班牙时,在佛朗哥的帮助下,一项法案的出台阻止了这起转会,当斯蒂法诺最终被皇家马德里签走时,直接导致了俱乐部主席卡列托的下课。两个星期后,斯蒂法诺在5比0击溃加泰罗尼亚人的比赛中攻进4球。斯蒂法诺1926年生于布宜诺斯艾利斯郊区的一个农民家庭,祖籍意大利,但父母都是阿根廷人。 展开更多
关键词 皇家马德里 斯蒂法诺 库巴拉 斯托伊奇科夫 西班牙国 伊比利亚 佛朗哥 阿根廷人 世界足球 农民家庭
Comparison of reflux esophagitis and its complications between African Americans and non-Hispanic whites 被引量:5
作者 Kenneth J Vega Sian Chisholm M Mazen Jamal 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第23期2878-2881,共4页
AIM: To determine the effect of ethnicity on the severity of reflux esophagitis (RE) and its complications. METHODS: A retrospective search of the endoscopy database at the University of Florida Health Science Center/... AIM: To determine the effect of ethnicity on the severity of reflux esophagitis (RE) and its complications. METHODS: A retrospective search of the endoscopy database at the University of Florida Health Science Center/Jacksonville for all cases of reflux esophagitis and its complications from January 1 to March 31, 2001 was performed. Inclusion criteria were endoscopic evidence of esophagitis using the LA classif ication, reflux related complications and self-reported ethnicity. The data obtained included esophagitis grade, presence of a hiatal hernia, esophageal ulcer, stricture and Barrett's esophagus, and endoscopy indication. RESULTS: The search identified 259 patients with RE or its complications, of which 171 were non-Hispanic whites and 88 were African Americans. The mean ages and male/female ratios were similar in the two groups. RE grade, esophageal ulcer, stricture and hiatal hernia frequency were likewise similar in the groups. Barrett's esophagus was present more often in non-Hispanic whites than in African Americans (15.8% vs 4.5%; P < 0.01). Heartburn was a more frequent indication for endoscopy in non-Hispanic whites with erosive esophagitis than in African Americans (28.1% vs 7.9%; P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Distribution of RE grade and frequency of reflux-related esophageal ulcer, stricture andhiatal hernia are similar in non-Hispanic whites and African Americans. Heartburn was more frequently and nausea/vomiting less frequently reported as the primary endoscopic indication in non-Hispanic whites compared with African Americans with erosive esophagitis or its complications. African Americans have a decreased prevalence of Barrett's esophagus compared with non-Hispanic whites. 展开更多
关键词 Reflux esophagitis African American Hiatal hernia Barrett's esophagus
Economic Impact of the Horse Industry: A Special Reference to Spain 被引量:1
作者 R. Castejon-Montijano L. Rodriguez-Fernandez 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第3X期326-334,共9页
The economy of the equestrian sector encompasses all the activities related to the equine world. All activities revolving around the use of a horse as entertainment, sport or business play a role in the "horse indus... The economy of the equestrian sector encompasses all the activities related to the equine world. All activities revolving around the use of a horse as entertainment, sport or business play a role in the "horse industry". These activities take place due to the existence of people demanding horses and a variety of goods and services associated with them Previous studies reveal that as income per capita becomes larger, the equestrian demand increases and, consequently, the global expenditure incurred by those individuals interested in horses. More than 500,000 horse, 9,000 breeders and 50,000 equestrian businesses, show the economic importance of the equestrian sector in Spain. That part of global expenditure that adds to the GDP of a country is what is generally defined as economic impact of the sector. Its relation will depend mostly on: the percentage of the expenditure that adds to national production and the participation in the country's global expenditure of those domestic goods and services associated with the equestrian demand. The activities related to sports are those with most economic impact, about 8,000 ∈ per horse, measured as total expenditure or with respect to the employment that they generate in the economy. 展开更多
关键词 Horse industry equestrian sector and economic impact.
The Double Life of Veronique in Jordan and Hemingway On the Autobiographic Implications in For Whom the Bell Tolls
作者 WANG Chao-fan MENG Fan-mao 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第3期225-232,共8页
Ernest Hemingway is one of the greatest American novelists. His For Whom the Bell Tolls, a novel on Spanish Civil War, is generally regarded as "his most ambitious artistic endeavor and a heroic epic of the 20th cent... Ernest Hemingway is one of the greatest American novelists. His For Whom the Bell Tolls, a novel on Spanish Civil War, is generally regarded as "his most ambitious artistic endeavor and a heroic epic of the 20th century American literature". The protagonist, Jordan, is a brave, unselfish, and stressful fighter for fascist, who is the more mature epitome of Ernest Hemingway in the reality. It is an example of application of"meta-fiction". Both of their views on war change from being pessimistic to being optimistic; both Hemingway and Jordan are the heroes of "Grace under Pressure" and both of them start to care for the society and love others. 展开更多
Social & Culture
《China's Foreign Trade》 2008年第11期6-6,共1页
Chinese Cultural Week Opens in Spain A cultural exchange event aimed at showcasing China's colorful culture opened on May 17 in Pozuelo de Alarcon,a city near the Spanish capital of Madrid.
关键词 文化周 西班牙 文化交流 际关系
Using the Chinese-Spanish Dictionary by Video: Methodological Guidelines for the Design
作者 Jesus Valdez Ramos 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第8期605-614,共10页
The purpose of this paper is to present and analyze the methodological guidelines that directed the design, production, and use of the video program 衹要功夫深,铁棒磨成针 or How to Use the Chinese Dictionary: Beginn... The purpose of this paper is to present and analyze the methodological guidelines that directed the design, production, and use of the video program 衹要功夫深,铁棒磨成针 or How to Use the Chinese Dictionary: Beginners' Level, as well as expose the development phases of the program and its use by teachers in the classrooms of Chinese as a foreign language. This program is part of a series of videos about the use of dictionaries in different languages, which have been designed, produced, used, and assessed in the framework of the project "Diseno y produccion de material didctico en video para la ensefianza de lenguas en la UNAM" (Design and Production of Didactic Materials on Video for the Teaching of Languages at UNAM), just as presented at the II Congreso Internacional de Lexicografia Hispanica (II International Congress of Hispanic Lexicography) (2006). The topic Of this paper is the use of Chinese-Spanish bilingual dictionary. The method used was descriptive and systematic analysis methodological guidelines for creation derived from the design model proposed. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese-Spanish bilingual dictionary design of teaching materials instructional video
The Coverage of Drug Trafficking: Peace and War Journalism in American, Mexican, and Spanish Online Newspapers
作者 Maria Teresa Nicolas Gavilain 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2012年第7期758-770,共13页
Galtung (1998a) held that there are two ways of covering a conflict: the low road and the high road; each road is different in focus. The first is called war journalism and the second is called peace journalism. Ba... Galtung (1998a) held that there are two ways of covering a conflict: the low road and the high road; each road is different in focus. The first is called war journalism and the second is called peace journalism. Based on this, a specialized journalism model on conflict coverage was created: peace journalism. The principles and actions of this model could be used to analyze the making of news that responds to the criteria of peace journalism. In other words, they can be applied in two separate ways, either as tools for the analysis of information on conflicts or as guidelines to create new information. This article focuses on the first approach, the content analysis, to determine if the analyzed news is oriented to either War journalism or peace journalism, according to what peace journalism proposes. The author cares about how the ideology influence in this point. The author analyzed three major newspapers, on its online version: The New York Times, USA; La Jornada, M6xico, and El Mundo, Spain. The first two could be considered left-wing newspapers and the last one is right-wing oriented. The issues covered by the newspapers were the Mexican government war against drugs principally, and issues related with the war against drugs in the world. The results show that the newspaper who scored best and was located within the standards of peace journalism is El Mundo. 展开更多
Hispanic Women's Presence in the Actual U.S. Congress
作者 Antonio Daniel Juan Rubio Isabel Maria Gareia Conesa 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2015年第11期593-606,共14页
The Hispanic population of the United States has become, in recent times, into a powerful electoral force whose vote is historically oriented towards the Democratic Party of the incumbent US President Barack H. Obama.... The Hispanic population of the United States has become, in recent times, into a powerful electoral force whose vote is historically oriented towards the Democratic Party of the incumbent US President Barack H. Obama. Obviously, this growing electoral strength is reflected into its political presence in the American life that has been accomplished with their numeric inclusion in the US Congress. Although in the recent decades several studies have arisen on the status of the Hispanic community in the United States from both sides of the Atlantic, these have been primarily focused on casuistic, demographic, developmental or educational aspects. But only a few of them, if any, has focused exclusively on the numerical and symbolical representation of the community in the political arena, and more specifically into the main legislative body of the country, the US Congress. And therein it lays the purpose of this article. We intend to investigate not only the historical presence of Hispanic legislators in Congress but also and especially their political influence in the current U.S. Congress. Finally, and prior to the conclusions drawn throughout the paper, we will analyze the political influence of the Hispanic congresswomen in the current 114th Congress. As we will be breaking down, this group has been changing gradually from a poor oppressed minority into one of the most dynamic groups of the country, introduced at all levels of government. 展开更多
关键词 Hispanic population political presence Hispanic Congresswomen Hispanic political influence
Efforts for Revitalization of Northeast China
《China's Foreign Trade》 2004年第5期25-25,共1页
Recently,China Europe Nusiness School has signed a partnership agreement with Jilin government,starting the
关键词 西班牙政府创业中心 东北地区 老工业基地 人才培养
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