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作者 丁传英 《国际研究参考》 1988年第1期13-16,27,共5页
一、自然环境1.地理位置:南沙群岛分布在我国南海海域的最南部,位于北纬3°40′~12°00′,东经108°00′~118°00′。北接我国大陆,距湛江1280公里(以南沙群岛主岛太平岛为基点,下同),西临中南半岛,距越南金兰湾611公... 一、自然环境1.地理位置:南沙群岛分布在我国南海海域的最南部,位于北纬3°40′~12°00′,东经108°00′~118°00′。北接我国大陆,距湛江1280公里(以南沙群岛主岛太平岛为基点,下同),西临中南半岛,距越南金兰湾611公里,东邻菲律宾,距马尼拉902公里,南望马来西亚和文莱,相距约630公里。它地处苏美两大海军基地即金兰湾与苏比克之间,扼守西太平洋至印度洋通道的咽喉,战略地位十分重要。2.面积:82万平方公里。3.岛屿分布:南沙群岛是南海诸岛中岛礁最多、面积最大、分布范围最广的群岛,总共有岛礁、沙洲、暗沙、滩230多个,其中已定名的有170个。面积大于0.1平方公里的岛屿有7个, 展开更多
关键词 太平岛 苏比克 西太平洋 战略地位 分布范围 南海海域 西礁 司令礁 北子岛 南子岛
作者 黄山 《上海集邮》 2016年第1期26-28,F0003,共4页
迈阿密是美国佛罗里达东南角的一个大城市,因为我们要到迈阿密搭乘邮轮去加勒比海岛国,故顺道在那里逗留了3天。 佛罗里达曾经受西班牙和英国统治,1845年成为美国第27个州。迈阿密大部分移民来自古巴和其它加勒比海岛国,我们在市区游... 迈阿密是美国佛罗里达东南角的一个大城市,因为我们要到迈阿密搭乘邮轮去加勒比海岛国,故顺道在那里逗留了3天。 佛罗里达曾经受西班牙和英国统治,1845年成为美国第27个州。迈阿密大部分移民来自古巴和其它加勒比海岛国,我们在市区游观了小哈瓦那区,在一个广场看到很多人围着桌子在打麻将,但仔细看却和中国的麻将不同。迈阿密终年气候温暖,有美丽的海滩,但并没有很多历史古迹可看,大部分人到迈阿密旅游会去3个地方,迈阿密西面的大沼泽地国家公园,南面的西礁岛和北面的西棕榈滩。 展开更多
关键词 大城市 英国统治 历史古迹 西礁 打麻将 《老人与海》 英雄树 短篇故事 国家公园 白头鹰
作者 林之 《新经济》 2015年第31期14-27,共14页
上世纪八十年代末,中国有一部热播电视剧《北京人在纽约》,开头的两句话,至今给很多观众留下深刻印象:"如果你爱他,就送他去纽约,因为那里是天堂;如果你恨他,就送他去纽约,因为那里是地狱"。这个让人又爱又恨既是天堂又是地狱的地方... 上世纪八十年代末,中国有一部热播电视剧《北京人在纽约》,开头的两句话,至今给很多观众留下深刻印象:"如果你爱他,就送他去纽约,因为那里是天堂;如果你恨他,就送他去纽约,因为那里是地狱"。这个让人又爱又恨既是天堂又是地狱的地方,我们会怎样去认识? 展开更多
关键词 热播电视剧 奥兰多 肯尼迪航天中心 旅游主题 城市经济 西礁 八十年代 海滨旅游 主题公园 岛民
Regional hard coral distribution within geomorphic and reef flat ecological zones determined by satellite imagery of the Xisha Islands,South China Sea 被引量:3
作者 左秀玲 苏奋振 +3 位作者 赵焕庭 张君珏 王琦 吴迪 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第3期501-514,共14页
Coral reefs in the Xisha Islands (also known as the Paracel Islands in English), South China Sea, have experienced dramatic declines in coral cover. However, the current regional scale hard coral distribution of geo... Coral reefs in the Xisha Islands (also known as the Paracel Islands in English), South China Sea, have experienced dramatic declines in coral cover. However, the current regional scale hard coral distribution of geomorphic and ecological zones, essential for reefs management in the context of global warming and ocean acidification, is not well documented. We analyzed data from field surveys, Landsat-8 and GF-1 images to map the distribution of hard coral within geomorphic zones and reef fiat ecological zones. In situ surveys conducted in June 2014 on nine reefs provided a complete picture of reef status with regard to live coral diversity, evenness of coral cover and reef health (live versus dead cover) for the Xisha Islands. Mean coral cover was 12.5% in 2014 and damaged reefs seemed to show signs of recovery. Coral cover in sheltered habitats such as lagoon patch reefs and biotic dense zones of reef flats was higher, but there were large regional differences and low diversity. In contrast, the more exposed reef slopes had high coral diversity, along with high and more equal distributions of coral cover. Mean hard coral cover of other zones was 〈10%. The total Xisha reef system was estimated to cover 1 060 km2, and the emergent reefs covered -787 km2. Hard corals of emergent reefs were considered to cover 97 km2. The biotic dense zone of the reef flat was a very common zone on all simple atolls, especially the broader northern reef flats. The total cover of live and dead coral can reach above 70% in this zone, showing an equilibrium between live and dead coral as opposed to coral and algae. This information regarding the spatial distribution of hard coral can support and inform the management of Xisha reef ecosystems. 展开更多
关键词 coral reef geomorphic zone remote sensing Xisha Islands South China Sea
Endemic Marine Benthic Invertebrates on the Brazilian Reef Ecosystems
作者 Monica Dorigo Correia Hilda Helena Sovierzoski 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2013年第10期672-682,共11页
Knowledge of the biodiversity of Brazilian reef ecosystems has expanded in recent years with several new species. Brazil is considered an important province because it has the only true reefs in the South Atlantic. Th... Knowledge of the biodiversity of Brazilian reef ecosystems has expanded in recent years with several new species. Brazil is considered an important province because it has the only true reefs in the South Atlantic. This study identified the endemism of benthic invertebrate species of the Brazilian reefs. The reef coast is approximately 600 km long and extends from the state of Rio Grande do Norte to south coast of the Bahia state, with many coral and sandstone reefs near the shoreline and in the offshore zone, where the platform top remains exposed during low tides; and also on the Abrolhos region has isolated columns and offshore banks. Four offshore sites within the EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone) were also included in this review. This study was based on the invertebrate benthic diversity existing on the northeastern coast, represented by Porifera with 450 spp, Cnidaria Scleractinia 16 spp and Echinodermata 51 spp. Of these, 102 species are endemic to Brazilian reefs, including Porifera with 86 spp (18,44%), Cnidaria Scleractinia 8 spp (50%), and Echinodermata 8 spp (2.93%). The results reflect the recent increase in taxonomic studies, and identify a large number of endemic species among the benthic invertebrate fauna of the Brazilian reefs. 展开更多
关键词 Biodiversity Brazilian reefs Endemic Fauna Marine Invertebrates.
Running Head: Foram Assemblages from Three Substrata Comparison of Foraminiferal Assemblages from Three Kinds of Substrata, Durney Key, West-Central Florida, USA
作者 K. Anderson P. Hallock 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第9期1239-1244,共6页
As part of a project that assessed a proposed artificial reef site, this study compared benthic foraminiferal assemblages from three substrata: sediment, natural lime rock and recruitment tiles. The assemblage from s... As part of a project that assessed a proposed artificial reef site, this study compared benthic foraminiferal assemblages from three substrata: sediment, natural lime rock and recruitment tiles. The assemblage from sediment samples included 21 foraminiferal species representing 12 genera and was dominated by stress-tolerant taxa, especially Ammonia and Elphidium. Natural lime rock and recruitment tiles yielded 21 foraminiferal species representing 11 genera, which were dominated by miliolids. Intersample variability was characterized by "pulsating patches" as has been previously described for Florida estuaries. The predominance of stress-tolerant taxa in sediments was consistent with other observations from the site, which indicated that proposed artificial reef structures were not likely to recruit significant coral-reef biota. 展开更多
关键词 Durney Key recruitment plates FORAMINIFERA artificial reefpre-emplacement assessment
作者 佚名 《北方人》 2016年第5期19-19,共1页
画家丰子恺尤其爱猫,他曾养过一只大白猫,肥白可爱,取名"白象",像爱自己的儿女一样爱它。"白象"丢失后,丰子恺非常伤心,写海报重金寻猫。遍寻不着后,他又养过一只黄猫,再往后,又养了一只小白猫,取名"阿咪"... 画家丰子恺尤其爱猫,他曾养过一只大白猫,肥白可爱,取名"白象",像爱自己的儿女一样爱它。"白象"丢失后,丰子恺非常伤心,写海报重金寻猫。遍寻不着后,他又养过一只黄猫,再往后,又养了一只小白猫,取名"阿咪"。阿咪可爱而又淘气,通人性,与主人亲厚,给丰子恺的生活带来了很多乐趣。丰子恺很喜爱这只小家伙,甚至专门为它写了一篇散文《阿咪》:"阿咪者,小白猫也。除睡觉外,毫无片刻静止。地上尚有一物,便是它的游戏伴侣,百玩无厌。人如理睬它一下,它就用姿态动作代替语言和你大打交道。"把猫的活泼调皮、娇姿憨态写得惟妙惟肖。齐白石也爱猫,画画时,他右手边是笔墨纸砚,左手边就是猫,喵星人倚着大师的手就睡着了。 展开更多
关键词 丰子恺 左手边 右手边 白象 达利 西礁 考斯基 纽约苏富比 巴勒斯 四只
去迈阿密 来一场暧昧的旅行!
作者 郭萍 《明日风尚》 2015年第15期48-53,共6页
"有椰子树的城市就是傲娇……"一下飞机我们就能感觉到椰林海滩吹来的暖湿空气,打在脸上有点黏黏的,但是瞬间可以引爆你对这所城市的心理期望值。墨西哥的暖流在离迈阿密海岸约15英里的地方流向北向,使得这个城市的气候终年... "有椰子树的城市就是傲娇……"一下飞机我们就能感觉到椰林海滩吹来的暖湿空气,打在脸上有点黏黏的,但是瞬间可以引爆你对这所城市的心理期望值。墨西哥的暖流在离迈阿密海岸约15英里的地方流向北向,使得这个城市的气候终年温暖而舒适,连这里的海鸥都懒得出去觅食,终日拖着肥硕的身子,闲庭信步般的在海滩上晒太阳。 展开更多
关键词 暖湿空气 闲庭信步 西礁 速度与激情 南滩 欣然前往 宾利 承载区 维加 玛莎拉蒂
作者 朱卫华 陈小布 《中国民兵》 1990年第6期7-7,共1页
“要是两年前呀,你到下面走走,一提组建预备役部队,县乡镇和企业的头头们,能推就推,推不了就要减人。”“现在怎么样?”“你们自己下去看看再下结论吧。”主管武装工作的佛山市副市长欧阳洪马上要去参加一个会议,说完冲着我们神秘一笑,... “要是两年前呀,你到下面走走,一提组建预备役部队,县乡镇和企业的头头们,能推就推,推不了就要减人。”“现在怎么样?”“你们自己下去看看再下结论吧。”主管武装工作的佛山市副市长欧阳洪马上要去参加一个会议,说完冲着我们神秘一笑,就告辞了。预备役二团的团部就设在军分区的院子里。进大门往右一拐,那一排低矮的旧平房便是了。团长梁忠明,看样子兵龄不短了。 展开更多
关键词 预备役部队 武装工作 预备役官兵 三营 兵龄 训练基地 成建制 西礁 国防教育 射击表演
作者 沈通 《江苏钱币》 2014年第3期67-68,共2页
你知道吗?世界超级大国——美国境内也会发生闹独立的事情,据说还宣布脱离了美国联邦政府,成立了一个名叫"海螺共和国"的国家。这不是道听途说,这是真的。这个"海螺共和国"就建在美国佛罗里达州最南端,有一座美丽... 你知道吗?世界超级大国——美国境内也会发生闹独立的事情,据说还宣布脱离了美国联邦政府,成立了一个名叫"海螺共和国"的国家。这不是道听途说,这是真的。这个"海螺共和国"就建在美国佛罗里达州最南端,有一座美丽的海岛名叫"西礁"的岛上。这事发生在30多年前的1982年4月23日,当初西礁岛民宣布脱离美国联邦政府是因为他们不满联邦政府在西礁北方公路上设置边境路障,盘查偷渡客和毒贩。 展开更多
关键词 美国联邦政府 西礁 岛民 美国总统 小布什政府 美国政府 建国大业 永别了 武器 度假胜地 军事制裁
Late Paleozoic reefs and their significance for tectonics and oil-gas exploration in the Hinggan-Inner Mongolia area 被引量:8
作者 TIAN ShuGang ZHANG YongSheng +1 位作者 WANG JunTao NIU ShaoWu 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第2期212-222,共11页
Many reefs of the Late Paleozoic have been discovered recently in the Hinggan-lnner Mongolia area. These reefs clearly are geographically extensive, and possess distinctive features and well-developed reef-facies. The... Many reefs of the Late Paleozoic have been discovered recently in the Hinggan-lnner Mongolia area. These reefs clearly are geographically extensive, and possess distinctive features and well-developed reef-facies. They have been found to contain five reef-building communities and were constructed in four periods. Colonial coral-algal reefs at Aohan and Chifeng represent a warm shallow-sea in the Carboniferous. Different reefs in the Xiwu Banner were formed in three periods: early Late Carboniferous, late Late Carboniferous and Early Permian. These reefs were built in warm sea conditions. Their buildup types include colonial coral frameworks, algae-buildings and lime-mud mounds. Bryozoan reefs in the Zhalaite and Dongwu banners were built in the late Middle Permian and thrived in a cold shallow-sea. All reefs grew independently on two kinds of sedimentary platforms, carbonate and carbonate-clastic mixed platforms. Four reef-forming periods occurred later from south to north, along a collisional course between the North China Plate and the Siberian Plate. These reefs can be arranged into three 'reef-links' or reef zones that extend along plate margins. Among these, the Aohan-Chifeng reef-link indicates a northern margin of the North China Plate, the Zhalaite-Dongwu reef-link marks a southern margin of the Siberian Plate, and the Xiwu-Beishan reef-link reflects the former existence of some inter-plates. The strata of each reef-facies are thick and contain rich asphalt deposits. Overlapping and heteropic layers are very thick and contain dark oil/gas-rich horizons; TOC analyses verify that most of these are good hydrocarbon source rocks. This study shows that the study area is an excellent candidate for oil-gas exploration. 展开更多
关键词 REEFS Late Paleozoic Hinggan-Inner Mongolia fold-zone oil-gas exploration
Evolution of the Late Miocene atoll systems offshore Xisha Islands 被引量:3
作者 KUANG ZengGui GUO YiQun +2 位作者 WANG LiaoLiang LIANG JinQiang SHA ZhiBin 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第12期3084-3096,共13页
Modern atolls have been studied systematically and thoroughly in the South China Sea.However,the knowledge of a paleo-atoll and related sedimentary system is very limited.Here we used the newly acquired high resolutio... Modern atolls have been studied systematically and thoroughly in the South China Sea.However,the knowledge of a paleo-atoll and related sedimentary system is very limited.Here we used the newly acquired high resolution 2D seismic data,and discovered three late Miocene atoll systems in the offshore Xisha Islands for the first time.We named them atoll system A,B,C,respectively.These three atoll systems,all developed on the horsts dominated by normal fault,consist mainly of atoll reefs,patch reefs,fore-reef slope deposits,and lagoons.On the basis of the interpreted sequence stratigraphic framework and the identification of fore-reef slope deposits,we suggested only the atoll system A continued to grow until Quaternary,and both of atoll system B and C had been drowned in Pliocene.In late Miocene,the atoll systems in the study area were most developed,either in magnitude or in maturity,which indicated late Miocene was the most flourishing period of reef builders,and this was in accordance with the drilling result of ODP Leg 184 in the South China Sea.Pliocene was an important reef drowning period in the study area,and both atoll systems B and C were drowned and hemipelagic deposits prevailed gradually.Quaternary was another reef drowning period in the study area,two large atoll reefs grown on the atoll system A were finally drowned,and hemipelagic deposits begun to drape and fill the palaeo-atoll systems.The growth and drowning of atolls are controlled mainly by tectonic subsidence in long term,but global eustatic can impact it in short term also. 展开更多
关键词 offshore Xisha Islands atoll system DROWNING EVOLUTION
Coral community dynamics and shallow-water carbonate deposition of the reef-flat around Yongxing Island, the Xisha Islands 被引量:4
作者 SHEN JianWei YANG HongQiang +2 位作者 WANG Yue FU FeiXue ZHAO Na 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第9期1471-1486,共16页
Microbes and microbial carbonates in reef-flat and coral community dynamics and submarine geomorphologic features in reef crest and fore reef of Yongxing Island,the Xisha Islands,South China Sea,were studied by means ... Microbes and microbial carbonates in reef-flat and coral community dynamics and submarine geomorphologic features in reef crest and fore reef of Yongxing Island,the Xisha Islands,South China Sea,were studied by means of scuba diving,underwater investigation,and line intercept transect survey.Studies indicate a very high coral mortality with few living corals in the reef flat of Yongxing Island.Moreover,macro algae,sea grass and cyanobacteria are common in reef flat.Microbes and microbially induced carbonates occur in reef flat.Living corals grow mainly in the reef crest and fore reef,but are also declined dramatically.From coast to off shore,the southeast reef flat of Yongxing Island can be divided into beach,inner reef flat,outer reef flat,reef flat front(reef crest and fore reef),and fore-reef slope settings.Sedimentary facies include coast,reef flat,reef crest and fore reef,and fore-reef slope.Reefal carbonate sediments are composed of coral skeletons and framework,coral fragments,bioclasts,and lime mud.With the deterioration of environment and water quality,the coral communities tend to be distributed in the reef crest and fore reef with clean sea water,well circulation and moderate water energy.Reef flat is occupied mainly by the macro algae and Heliopora coerulea communities.The coverage statistics on the reef crest demonstrate that the coverage of Acropora cytherea is more than 28% and represents a dominant species with wave-resistant ecological type.Sedimentary characteristics and geomorphologic features are different between the southeast and northwest reef-flat fronts(reef crest and fore reef) of Yongxing Island.The former shows discontinuously tidal channels in outer reef flat and different dimensional and deep reef ponds in reef crest and fore reef,and the latter presents a typical spur-and-groove system.Microbes(cyanobacteria Lyngbya sp.) occur generally in the inner reef flat and reef ponds of reef crest with restricted water circulation.Widely algae growth indicates a eutrophic environment,and the common microbes on the coral surface in the reef flat and reef ponds also demonstrate eutrophication in seawater and deteriorated water quality. 展开更多
关键词 Coral community dynamics and shallow-water carbonate deposition of the reef-flat around Yongxing Island the Xisha Islands
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