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《西藏民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2006年第6期87-87,共1页
关键词 礼仪文化 西藏学 出版
西藏则学地区俄穷瓦二长岩体的年代学、岩石地球化学特征及构造环境分析 被引量:5
作者 丁鹏飞 魏启荣 +6 位作者 王程 张小强 孙骥 卜涛 刘小念 王敬元 高满新 《地质科技情报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期37-45,59,共10页
西藏则学地区在构造上属冈底斯弧背断隆带。以西藏则学地区俄穷瓦二长岩体为研究对象,从野外地质、岩石学、LAICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年、岩石地球化学特征等方面对其进行了研究。结果表明,俄穷瓦岩体的岩石类型主要为细粒黑云母石英二长岩,... 西藏则学地区在构造上属冈底斯弧背断隆带。以西藏则学地区俄穷瓦二长岩体为研究对象,从野外地质、岩石学、LAICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年、岩石地球化学特征等方面对其进行了研究。结果表明,俄穷瓦岩体的岩石类型主要为细粒黑云母石英二长岩,次为细粒黑云母二长岩。形成于晚白垩世(K2),其LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄为(85.58±0.66)^(81.78±0.74)Ma。主量元素表现出低硅[w(SiO2)=62.31%~66.59%]、富Al[w(Al2O3)=14.96%~16.02%]、高K[w(K2O)=3.38%~4.33%]、低Ti[w(TiO2)=0.68%~0.99%]和高钾钙碱性系列的岩石地球化学成分特征;稀土元素配分模式为轻稀土元素强烈富集的右倾型,其(La/Yb)N为20.70~27.20,具中等程度的负铕异常(Eu/Eu*=0.64~0.74);微量元素显示出富Rb、Th、U元素和强烈亏损Nb、Ta、P、Ti元素的特点。俄穷瓦二长岩体形成于陆缘弧环境,是雅江洋板片北向俯冲于拉萨地体之下所形成的冈底斯弧背断隆带(GRUB)中燕山晚期构造-岩浆活动的岩浆产物。 展开更多
关键词 俄穷瓦岩体 锆石U-PB定年 岩石地球化 构造环境 西藏地区
资源一号卫星04星数据在西藏假学地区地质矿产调查遥感地质解译中的应用 被引量:3
作者 郭奇奇 李志军 +1 位作者 李武毅 赵润东 《地质论评》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第B04期147-148,共2页
自20世纪70年代遥感技术应用于地质调查以来,随着科学技术的进步和国家发展的需要,遥感技术在地质调查工作中,尤其是区域地质矿产调查、矿化蚀变信息提取、遥感地质解译等方面发挥着举足轻重的作用。过去,由于我国遥感卫星领域还不成熟... 自20世纪70年代遥感技术应用于地质调查以来,随着科学技术的进步和国家发展的需要,遥感技术在地质调查工作中,尤其是区域地质矿产调查、矿化蚀变信息提取、遥感地质解译等方面发挥着举足轻重的作用。过去,由于我国遥感卫星领域还不成熟,被动依赖于国外的产品,如Landsat、SPOT、ASTER、QuickBird等系列数据,这种状况既增加了经济成本又降低了科研人员研发的积极性。 展开更多
关键词 资源一号卫星 西藏地区 地质矿产调查 遥感地质解译
公元前6世纪至公元10世纪的西藏医药学纪年 被引量:19
作者 宗喀.漾正冈布 《中国藏学》 CSSCI 北大核心 1997年第4期96-111,共16页
一、诸邦部时代(约公元前6、7世纪——公元6世纪末) 1、公元前六世纪 象雄长松协伯弃希大帅()用象雄文著《疗毒雍仲旋》()。 2、公元前126年 泽拉嘎玛约德()与聂赤赞普()述说“有毒就有药”()。用解毒药。 3、公元前一世纪 能制手脚触... 一、诸邦部时代(约公元前6、7世纪——公元6世纪末) 1、公元前六世纪 象雄长松协伯弃希大帅()用象雄文著《疗毒雍仲旋》()。 2、公元前126年 泽拉嘎玛约德()与聂赤赞普()述说“有毒就有药”()。用解毒药。 3、公元前一世纪 能制手脚触之即可侵染,置人于死地的毒药。出现野牛角早产儿急救术。 展开更多
关键词 公元前6世纪 公元10世纪 西藏医药 历史发展
《西藏大学学报(社会科学版)》 2004年第3期F002-F002,共1页
强俄巴·次央,女,藏族,西藏拉萨市人,藏史学教授。1975年毕业于中央民族院民语系翻译专业,1979年被中央民族学院古藏文班录取。1999年7月初至9月底在伦敦David Game College和牛津The Swan School of
关键词 西藏 强俄巴·次央 翻译论 西藏女性 研究
作者 邱椿莉 《西藏科技》 2022年第5期47-49,60,共4页
新媒体促进了教育教学体制改革,拓宽了授课渠道、更新了授课方式和方法,但也给教育教学带了一些问题。西藏中等职业学校学生多为未成年学生,且多为农牧民子女进城住校就学,在价值观念、意识形态领域没有形成牢固的态度立场和行为约束,... 新媒体促进了教育教学体制改革,拓宽了授课渠道、更新了授课方式和方法,但也给教育教学带了一些问题。西藏中等职业学校学生多为未成年学生,且多为农牧民子女进城住校就学,在价值观念、意识形态领域没有形成牢固的态度立场和行为约束,容易受到各种社会思潮的意识形态渗透,迫使西藏中职学校和教师不得不更新德育方式方法,提升中职学生道德素养。文章从对西藏中职学生道德教育新媒体使用现状出发,分析了新媒体给西藏中职学生道德教育带来的重要价值和存在的问题,提出西藏中职学生道德教育新媒体使用创新路径。 展开更多
关键词 西藏中职教 道德教育 新媒体教育 教育创新
作者 张德瑛 《好日子》 2022年第27期70-72,共3页
数学学科是各年级,各学段需要学习的基础性课程。学好数学不仅是为了让学生能够取得好成绩,更是以学习数学为手段来培养学生的理性思维和实践应用能力。数学学科的知识和内容在我们的生活中应用广泛,无论是几何还是代数都与生活息息相... 数学学科是各年级,各学段需要学习的基础性课程。学好数学不仅是为了让学生能够取得好成绩,更是以学习数学为手段来培养学生的理性思维和实践应用能力。数学学科的知识和内容在我们的生活中应用广泛,无论是几何还是代数都与生活息息相关。因此即使是中职学校,也应将数学当作一门基础性课程,将数学的学习重视起来,理论与实践相结合。然而当下西藏中职数学教学的现状并不理想,无论是在教学环境还是教学手段以及教学理念上都存在着问题,因此本文将对西藏中职数学教学现状进行简要分析,然后再从立足课本抓好基础,改变学生固有观念、丰富数学教学形式,增强数学课堂趣味性、开展课下实践活动,助力理论融于实践、完善教学硬件设施,塑造良好学习氛围、立足民族地方特色,选择合适教学素材这五个方面对西藏中职数学教学的对策进行分析和探讨。 展开更多
关键词 西藏中职数 现状 建议 分析
费孝通与日本学者中根千枝的学术交往和友情 被引量:3
作者 索文清 《中央民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第1期12-17,共6页
中国著名学者费孝通和日本著名学者中根千枝,早年师从英国人类学功能学派大师马林诺斯基门下,学习社会人类学。回国后,都用在西方学到的现代理论和方法指导实践,在各自的国家创建了辉煌业绩。从20世纪70年代中期,两人开始接触。本文介... 中国著名学者费孝通和日本著名学者中根千枝,早年师从英国人类学功能学派大师马林诺斯基门下,学习社会人类学。回国后,都用在西方学到的现代理论和方法指导实践,在各自的国家创建了辉煌业绩。从20世纪70年代中期,两人开始接触。本文介绍了他们之间近30年的学术交往和深厚友情,同时介绍了他们为两国年轻学者的成长、建立拓展两国学术交流合作所付出的辛勤努力,反映了两国老一辈人类学家、民族学家的道德风范和学术认同。 展开更多
关键词 费孝通 中根千枝 术交流 西藏学
西藏则学地区结仁-朗日火山岩锆石U-Pb定年、岩石地球化学特征及构造环境分析 被引量:2
作者 王敬元 魏启荣 +7 位作者 郝伟 梁云汉 孙骥 张小 强王程 丁鹏飞 卜涛 刘小念 《矿物岩石》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期52-62,共11页
针对西藏则学结仁-朗日火山岩的野外地质、岩石学、锆石U-Pb定年以及岩石地球化学等方面的系统研究,结果表明:结仁-朗日火山岩为一套中酸性的火山熔岩及碎屑岩,火山作用以爆发作用为主,岩石类型主要为粗面岩、英安岩及流纹质晶屑岩屑凝... 针对西藏则学结仁-朗日火山岩的野外地质、岩石学、锆石U-Pb定年以及岩石地球化学等方面的系统研究,结果表明:结仁-朗日火山岩为一套中酸性的火山熔岩及碎屑岩,火山作用以爆发作用为主,岩石类型主要为粗面岩、英安岩及流纹质晶屑岩屑凝灰岩。其LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄为50.2Ma±2.2Ma^56.18Ma±0.60Ma,并非前人厘定的嘎扎村组(N2g)火山岩,而属林子宗群年波组(E2n)火山岩。结仁-朗日火山岩具有高K(K2O质量分数为2.68%~4.09%)低Ti(TiO2质量分数为0.69%~0.85%)、高钾钙碱性-钾玄岩系列的主量元素岩石地球化学特征;其稀土配分模式呈轻稀土富集的右倾曲线,LaN/YbN比值为9.13~14.29,普遍出现负铕异常(δEu=0.35~0.84);微量元素方面表现为Nb,P,Ti的亏损;结仁-朗日火山岩具有高放射成因Pb的同位素组成特征。总体上,结仁-朗日火山岩形成于雅鲁藏布洋壳向北俯冲到印度板块与欧亚大陆碰撞的过渡环境,岩浆起源于楔形地幔部分熔融所形成的基性岩浆在上升过程中混染陆壳熔融所形成的酸性岩浆。 展开更多
关键词 结仁一朗日火山岩 LA-ICP-MS锆石U-PB定年 岩石地球化 构造环境 西藏
西藏传统古物学中早期佛教造像风格的分类与品鉴 被引量:1
作者 班旦次仁 《中国藏学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第6期35-44,213,共11页
根据目前所掌握的史料,公元12世纪左右,藏传佛教萨迦派大德们奠定了西藏古物学的雏形。14—16世纪左右,出现了一批精通不同门类文化的大学者,构建和完善了西藏古物学的理论体系。随着多元文化的融合,西藏古物学的分析对象逐渐扩大到佛... 根据目前所掌握的史料,公元12世纪左右,藏传佛教萨迦派大德们奠定了西藏古物学的雏形。14—16世纪左右,出现了一批精通不同门类文化的大学者,构建和完善了西藏古物学的理论体系。随着多元文化的融合,西藏古物学的分析对象逐渐扩大到佛像、瓷器、乐器、兵器、丝绸、纸张、茶、马鞍等“外来之物”。在过去几十年里,国内外学者从不同角度对这些文本进行了研究,但直至今日,对相关文本的挖掘仍不够深入,研究成果零散,尚不足以体现该传承的重要性,诸多相关问题有待发之覆。文章通过3部布达拉宫馆藏古籍文献,以佛教造像作为考察个案,分析西藏传统文化中对南亚、中亚以及汉地和西藏不同时期佛像的认识。从“地方性知识”的角度,对不同时期和不同材质、地域、风格的佛像进行了分类和描述,希冀对构建西藏本土的“古物学”或“艺术考古学”有所意义。 展开更多
关键词 西藏古物 佛教造像 品鉴 布达拉宫古籍
Assessment and spatial distribution of sensitivity of soil erosion in Tibet 被引量:7
作者 WANGXiaodan ZHONGXianghao FANJianrong 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2004年第1期41-46,共6页
Based on Universal Soil Loss Equation and methods of mathematics model and GIS analysis, this study classified influence of precipitation, soil, topography and vegetation upon sensitivity of soil erosion into five dif... Based on Universal Soil Loss Equation and methods of mathematics model and GIS analysis, this study classified influence of precipitation, soil, topography and vegetation upon sensitivity of soil erosion into five different degrees which are extreme sensitivity, quite sensitivity, sensitivity, less sensitivity and no sensitivity. Assessment map of each factor was generated separately. Integrated assessment map of sensitivity of soil erosion has also been drawn by overlapping function with Arcinfo. Furthermore, the study analyzed distribution characteristics and spatial difference of sensitivity of soil erosion under special plateau environment of Tibet. According to sensitivity degree, some important controlling regions was confirmed so that departments of water conservancy, traffic management and agriculture could make scientific and reasonable decisions for their respective subject planning. 展开更多
关键词 soil erosion sensitivity spatial difference TIBET
Variable hydrological effects of herbs and shrubs in the arid northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,China 被引量:1
作者 LIU Ya-bin ZHANG Ying +5 位作者 FU Jiang-tao YU Dong-mei HU Xia-song LI Xi-lai QI Zhao-xin LI Shu-xia 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第7期1532-1545,共14页
This study aims to assess the hydrological effects of four herbs and four shrubs planted in a selfestablished test area in Xining Basin of northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China. The RainfallIntercepting Capability... This study aims to assess the hydrological effects of four herbs and four shrubs planted in a selfestablished test area in Xining Basin of northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China. The RainfallIntercepting Capability(RIC) of the herbs and shrubs was evaluated in rainfall interception experiment at the end of the third, fourth and fifth month of the growth period in 2007. The leaf transpiration rate and the effects of roots on promoting soil moisture evaporation in these plants were also assessed in transpiration experiment and root-soil composite system evaporation experiment in the five month's growth period. It is found that the RIC of the fourstudied herbs follows the order of E. repens, E. dahuricus, A. trachycaulum and L. secalinus; the RIC of the four shrubs follows the order of A. canescens, Z. xanthoxylon, C. korshinskii and N. tangutorum. The RIC of all the herbs is related linearly to their mean height and canopy area(R^2 ≥ 0.9160). The RIC of all the shrubs bears a logarithmic relationship with their mean height(R^2 ≥ 0.9164), but a linear one with their canopy area(R^2 ≥ 0.9356). Moreover, different species show different transpiration rates. Of the four herbs, E. repens has the highest transpiration rate of 1.07 mg/(m^2·s), and of the four shrubs, A. canescens has the highest transpiration rate(0.74 mg/(m^2·s)). The roots of all the herbs and shrubs can promote soil moisture evaporation. Of the four herbs, the evaporation rate of E. repens root-soil composite system is the highest(2.14%), and of the four shrubs,the root-soil composite system of A. canescens has the highest evaporation rate(1.41%). The evaporation rate of the root-soil composite system of E. dahuricus and Z. xanthoxylon bears a second-power linear relationship with evaporation time(R^2 ≥ 0.9924). The moisture content of all the eight root-soil composite systems decreases exponentially with evaporation time(R^2 ≥ 0.8434). The evaporation rate and moisture content of all the plants' root-soil composite systems increases logarithmically(R^2 ≥ 0.9606) and linearly(R^2 ≥ 0.9777) with root volume density. The findings of this study indicate that among the four herbs and four shrubs, E. repens and A. canescens possess the most effective hydrological effects in reducing the soil erosion and shallow landslide in this region. 展开更多
关键词 Plant hydrological effects Rainfall interception capacity Root-soft composite system Transpiration rate Moisture evaporation rate Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
Variations of trace elements under hydrological conditions in the Min River, Eastern Tibetan Plateau 被引量:1
作者 Xuetao Zhu Yun-chao Lang +4 位作者 Jun Zhong Hu Ding Huijun He Zhifeng Yan Si-liang Li 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2018年第4期509-518,共10页
In order to better understand the relative importance of hydrologic variation and anthropogenic disturbance and their complex interactions within the trace elemental geochemical cycle, water samples were collected mon... In order to better understand the relative importance of hydrologic variation and anthropogenic disturbance and their complex interactions within the trace elemental geochemical cycle, water samples were collected monthly over 1 year in the Min River, eastern Tibetan Plateau, and analyzed for trace element composition. The dissolved trace elements exhibited different relationships with increasing discharge compared with major elements.The elements analyzed can be divided into three groups according to their behavior in response to changing discharge:(1) elements that showed weak positive correlation with discharge, e.g. Cu, V, and Ba;(2) elements that exhibited weak negative correlation with discharge,including Rb, Sr, Pb, Sb, Zn, Cr, Cd, and U; and(3) elements that displayed no significant correlation with variation in discharge, e.g. Ti, Fe, Co, Ni, and As. Cu was strongly affected by anthropogenic activities and flushed into the river with increasing discharge. Ba has a strong solubility in the terrestrial environment, dissolved quickly,and was released into the river. The positive relationship between V concentration and discharge may be attributed to secondary reactions, such as precipitation and adsorption on oxides and aluminosilicate clays. Conservative behavior had an impact on the geochemical behavior of Sr and Rb across hydrologic variation. Pb, Zn, Sb, Cd, and Cr underwent a mild dilution effect connected with anthropogenic activities. The chemostatic behavior of U was regulated by carbonate dissolution and biological uptake.In addition, higher temperatures enhanced biotic activities,affecting the concentrations of Fe and Ni. The relationship between power law slopes and coefficient of variation for discharge and solute concentration suggests that concentrations of trace elements vary significantly with increasing discharge compared with major elements. Silicate mineral weathering had less effect on the fluvial solutes with increasing discharge. Mining activity may exert an additional control on concentration–discharge dynamics of anthropogenic trace elements. 展开更多
关键词 Trace elements Concentration-discharge relationship Tibetan Plateau RIVER
Effects of Freeze–thaw Cycles on Soil Mechanical and Physical Properties in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau 被引量:34
作者 XIE Sheng-bo QU Jian-jun +2 位作者 LAI Yuan-ming ZHOU Zhi-wei XU Xiang-tian 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第4期999-1009,共11页
Extreme freeze-thaw action occurs on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau due to its unique climate resulting from high elevation and cold temperature.This action causes damage to the surface soil structure, as soil erosion in t... Extreme freeze-thaw action occurs on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau due to its unique climate resulting from high elevation and cold temperature.This action causes damage to the surface soil structure, as soil erosion in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is dominated by freeze-thaw erosion.In this research,freezing–thawing process of the soil samples collected from the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau was carried out by laboratory experiments to determinate the volume variation of soil as well as physical and mechanical properties, such as porosity, granularity and uniaxial compressive strength, after the soil experiences various freeze–thaw cycles.Results show that cohesion and uniaxial compressive strength decreased as the volume and porosity of the soil increased after experiencing various freeze–thaw cycles, especially in the first six freeze–thaw cycles.Consequently, the physical and mechanical properties of the soil were altered.However, granularity and internal friction angle did not vary significantly with an increase in the freeze–thaw cycle.The structural damage among soil particles due to frozen water expansion was the major cause of changes in soil mechanical behavior in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. 展开更多
关键词 Qinghai Tibet Plateau Soil erosion Freeze thaw action Mechanical behavior
Geoscience landscape division and tourism zonation in the mid-southern section of the Hengduan Mountains, eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 被引量:3
作者 CHEN Xing SHI Xian-lin 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第4期894-917,共24页
The mid-southern section of the Hengduan Mountains is a typical region of mountainous landscape in western China and is the core region of "Shangri-La", a world-famous ecotourism destination. The landscape c... The mid-southern section of the Hengduan Mountains is a typical region of mountainous landscape in western China and is the core region of "Shangri-La", a world-famous ecotourism destination. The landscape classification system is an important scientific basis for landscape protection and tourism development in this region. By combining geology and geography and referring to the concepts of "system tract" and "tectonic system" in geology, this paper comes up with grading standards for the geoscience landscape system of this region. Based on the regional stratigraphic structure, tectonic fault marks and geomorphological differentiation, this paper comes up with 2 Grade Ⅰ geoscience landscape system tracts, 8 Grade Ⅱ geoscience landscape systems, 21 Grade Ⅲ geoscience landscape areas, and 165 representative Grade Ⅳ geoscience landscape attractions. According to the main classification methods for the geological heritage and tourism landscapes, the geoscience landscapes can be divided into 4 categories, 16 types and 19 subtypes. On this basis, 23 eco-tourism areas of the mid-southern section of the Hengduan Mountains can be delimited. The study provides a theoretical direction and method reference for the geoscience landscape division and tourism zonation, which has an importantsignificance on the mountain landscape protection and tourism development in the regions of complex geo-environments. 展开更多
关键词 Geoseience landscape Landscape system Tourism zonation High mountain canyon area Hengduan Mountains
Boron isotope geochemistry of Zigetang Co saline lake sediments,Tibetan Plateau 被引量:2
作者 Xiaodan Wang Congqiang Liu +2 位作者 Zhiqi Zhao Shijie Li Gangjian Wei 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2017年第3期437-439,共3页
The origin of boron in boron-rich salt lakes in the Tibetan Plateau is highly controversial.In this study,we carried out a detailed study on boron geochemistry and isotope composition of lake sediments collected in Zi... The origin of boron in boron-rich salt lakes in the Tibetan Plateau is highly controversial.In this study,we carried out a detailed study on boron geochemistry and isotope composition of lake sediments collected in Zigetang Co,central Tibet.Evaporites had high boron concentrations of 172.3–418.6 lg/g and δ^(11)B values of-8.2%to-3.3%,suggesting a non-marine origin for the saline lake.The boron isotopic fractionation factor,a,between evaporite and brackish water(a_(evaporite–brackish))decreased systematically with depth,from 0.9942 at the top of the drill core to 0.9893 at the bottom;the linear variation between α_(evaporite–brackish)and depth reflects boron isotopic fractionation associated with progressive crystallization.The positive correlation between δ^(11)B versus[B]and δ^(11)B versus depth in the evaporite phase reflects pH and boron speciation in the solution control on the adsorption of boron,and B(OH)_3 species incorporated preferentially into Mg(OH)_2 precipitation at high pH. 展开更多
关键词 Boron isotopes Zigetang Co Equilibrium isotopic fractionation Boron concentration
Our Stories of Tibet——An Interview with Three Foreign Students at Tibet University
作者 Dawa Yangjen Lozang Samdro 《China's Tibet》 2017年第5期43-49,共7页
It is a sunny,early-spring morning,and three foreign students from different countries have just arrived at the new Tibet University campus.Linda I Am Pema Metok from Northern TibetFrom the very end of the foreign stu... It is a sunny,early-spring morning,and three foreign students from different countries have just arrived at the new Tibet University campus.Linda I Am Pema Metok from Northern TibetFrom the very end of the foreign student dormitory building comes one student in front of the others,and that is Linda from Indonesia.On the classroom’s blackboard, 展开更多
关键词 Tibet Linda classroom sunny campus comes morning Australia talking everywhere
作者 Jens LEHMANN Ines WENDLER +2 位作者 Jens WENDLER Helmut WILLEMS Xiumian HU 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第2期105-112,共8页
A section in the Zhepure Mountains near Old Tingri in SE-Tibet,ranging from the Upper Albian to Paleogene,was described in detail by Willems et al.(1996).These authors worked on the litho-and microfacies and set up th... A section in the Zhepure Mountains near Old Tingri in SE-Tibet,ranging from the Upper Albian to Paleogene,was described in detail by Willems et al.(1996).These authors worked on the litho-and microfacies and set up the biostratigraphical framework by planktonic foraminifera.Willems et al.(1996)established their section as a standard for southern Tibet and compared it to the Gamba area.During the 2004 Tibet-expedition of Chengdu University of Technology in China,in co-operation with Bremen and Kiel universities in Germany,the locality was revisited for the purpose of collecting invertebrate fossils.This field-work included only the Upper Cretaceous part of the Tingri section and its invertebrate faunal content.Until today almost no ammonite and inoceramid data existed for this section.This is true for most Cretaceous sections in Tibet,although the Upper Cretaceous succession was interpreted as shelf environment.which in other parts of the world contains rich faunas of these macrofossil groups.The newly discovered continuous record of rare ammonites and inoceramids is probably limited since the preservation in the wacke-and packstones is poor.In addition,sampling conditions were unfavorable and the environmental conditions disadvantageous for most groups of invertebrates,as possibly indicated by larger amounts of small bivalve debris(filaments)in the upper part of the Gamba Group.Although the collected fauna is sparse and poorly preserved,the following biostratigraphical data can be added to the hitherto described microfauna:Calycoceras?from the Upper Gamba Group is Late Cenomanian in age and is accompanied by indeterminable juvenile desmoceratids.Superjacent follows a record of the ammonite Forresteria sp.,indicating that this level in the upper part of the Gamba Group belongs to the Lower Coniacian.This supports the finding of Inoceramus(Cremnoceramus)waltersdorfensis?hannovrensis?from the same interval.Anagaudryceras?is an individual ammonite finding from the Zhepure Shanbei or Zhepure Shanpo Formation,corresponding to the Santonian-Maastrichtian part of the succession. 展开更多
Application of Interferometric Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar to Morphotectonic Research in the Bengcuo Area of Tibet
作者 Ning Shuzheng Ren Jinwei +2 位作者 Shan Xinjian Tao Wei Zhou Dentin 《Earthquake Research in China》 2006年第4期460-468,共9页
Using ELLS-1/2 radar satellite data, we generated a Digital Elevation Model by Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar, and the ERS-1/2 DEM that we generated is obviously superior to both the 1/25 ten thousand-scale ... Using ELLS-1/2 radar satellite data, we generated a Digital Elevation Model by Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar, and the ERS-1/2 DEM that we generated is obviously superior to both the 1/25 ten thousand-scale DEM of the National Fundamental Geographic Information System of China and the 90-m spatial resolution's SRTM DEM that America published in 2004 when it showed the characteristics of tiny structure relief. By analyzing the relief characteristics of the Bengcuo fault zone based on ERS-1/2 DEM, we find that the relief on the connection location of the Bengcuo and Pengcuo fault zones has complex characteristics. A structure relief that is similar to the Pengcuo fault zone crosses through the Dazi-Dasha fault on the the Bengcuo fault zone, while the Dazi-Dasha fault crosses through a gully at this place. This indicates that the Dazi-Dasha fault has been active at this place recently. At the same time, the Naka-Naduiduo fault is severed by the gully which was cut through by the Dazi-Dasha fault. Therefore, the Naka-Naduiduo fault was formed earlier than the Dazi-Dasha fault. 展开更多
关键词 Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Digital Elevation Model Strike-slipfault Pull-apart basin
Multivariant statistical analysis for diagenetic information of chert from southern Tibet,China
作者 HE Junguo ZHOU Yongzhang +1 位作者 FU Wei LI Hongzhong 《Global Geology》 2011年第2期94-101,共8页
There are large scale chert formations of different ages exposed widely in southern Tibet, along Yarlung-Zangbo suture zone. The typical chert specimens were sampled from Pengcuolin, Xialu and Zongzhuo profiles. Multi... There are large scale chert formations of different ages exposed widely in southern Tibet, along Yarlung-Zangbo suture zone. The typical chert specimens were sampled from Pengcuolin, Xialu and Zongzhuo profiles. Multivariate statistical analysis is applied for effectively extracting the geochemical information of the chert, and the raw data are processed by R-factor analysis. The first, second and third factors representing terrigenous, authigenic and hydrothermal constituents are extracted from the analysis results. From Pengcuolin, Xialu to Zongzhuo chert profiles, the variance ratios of continental and authigenetic factors become higher ( 51. 1% →62.9 % →91.6 % ), while hydrothermal factor rapidly decrease ( 40. 9 % →32.2 % →0 ). This tend- eney also present in the analysis for traee elements, indicating that Pengeuolin chert is hydrothermal origin, The Zongzhuo chert belong to normal sedimentation and the Xialu chert exhibit normal deposition interacted with hydrothermal sedimentation. The facts provide significant implications for understanding the diagenetic and palaeomineralization information of southern Tibet. 展开更多
关键词 factor analysis chert diagenetic information southern Tibet
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