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全球化语境中文艺学建构的西论中化 被引量:1
作者 高楠 《文艺理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第1期33-38,共6页
新时期文艺学建构的30年,也是在全球化语境中西论中化的30年,全球化语境及相对于文艺学的西论中化,不仅是文艺学建构置身其中的时代背景,更是文艺学理论建构的过程本身以及文艺学的理论形态本身。全球化语境中文艺学西论中化的富于理论... 新时期文艺学建构的30年,也是在全球化语境中西论中化的30年,全球化语境及相对于文艺学的西论中化,不仅是文艺学建构置身其中的时代背景,更是文艺学理论建构的过程本身以及文艺学的理论形态本身。全球化语境中文艺学西论中化的富于理论意义的要点在于:1.作用于文艺学建构的全球化的双面影响,即全球化不仅提供了全球性理论建构的视野及理论资源,这也形成了被动的主体性压抑。2.传统在全球化中成为民族自我的身份根据。3.问题式研究是30年来文艺学主体性建构的身份标志。4.文艺学理论建构在全球化中体现出边缘化倾向。5.文艺学理论建构在全球化西论中化中形成复合性话语表述。 展开更多
关键词 文艺学 全球化 西论中化
动之为风 律则为格:西论中化的中国文论主体性
作者 高楠 扈航 《辽宁大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期133-141,共9页
中国文学理论的中国风格见于西论中化,集中体现为中国文论的主体性,这是一个对西方理论进行中国文论主体转换的过程属性。西方理论的中国文论的接受之由在于"化","化"是主体性的消化与接受。"化"的主体... 中国文学理论的中国风格见于西论中化,集中体现为中国文论的主体性,这是一个对西方理论进行中国文论主体转换的过程属性。西方理论的中国文论的接受之由在于"化","化"是主体性的消化与接受。"化"的主体性机制体现为三个方面,即阐释性接受、问题性求解及转化性批评,它们都具有中国文论的接受特征。"化"的主体性实现于中国文论的本体规定性,在文论本体规定上一直纠缠着三个问题,包括传统何估、传统何在与传统何用,纠缠的原因是如何运用中西方标准。形成中国文论本体规定性的三个要点是伦理本体、尚用价值以及经验体验思维。 展开更多
关键词 西论中化 中国文论 主体性
作者 张义宏 《国际汉学》 CSSCI 2021年第4期129-136,203,共9页
美国《金瓶梅》研究的一个显著特征是将作品置于西方理论的整体观照之下,形成了《金瓶梅》研究“西论中用”视角下的独特理论基础与方法体系,具体表现在运用新批评主义、解构主义、女性主义、反讽理论、欲望理论等西方理论对《金瓶梅》... 美国《金瓶梅》研究的一个显著特征是将作品置于西方理论的整体观照之下,形成了《金瓶梅》研究“西论中用”视角下的独特理论基础与方法体系,具体表现在运用新批评主义、解构主义、女性主义、反讽理论、欲望理论等西方理论对《金瓶梅》的写作特色与思想内容进行“移植研究”。这些研究方法不乏亮点与收获,也存在盲点与误区,值得国内《金瓶梅》研究者借鉴与反思,同时引发有关国外在中国文学作品研究中“强制阐释”问题的再度思考。 展开更多
关键词 《金瓶梅》研究 美国汉学 西论中用” “强制阐释”
作者 祝志满 《信阳师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2018年第5期16-20,共5页
中国现代美育思想溯源于西方的美学理论,尤以德国古典美学为主要理论来源。其在对康德、席勒等美学家思想的援引中,又根植于中华传统的文化与特定的历史场域,在承继间发生了内向性的思想转化与变异,以此呈现为启蒙民思的功利性、润泽人... 中国现代美育思想溯源于西方的美学理论,尤以德国古典美学为主要理论来源。其在对康德、席勒等美学家思想的援引中,又根植于中华传统的文化与特定的历史场域,在承继间发生了内向性的思想转化与变异,以此呈现为启蒙民思的功利性、润泽人心的人本主义以及高扬的实践性所融汇成的理性特质。同时,"启蒙现代性"与"审美现代性"的争鸣纠结,"美育"与"宗教"的替代与主从成了内在的问题之域,也彰显了美育思想融汇交错中的焦虑性。中国现代美育思想具有思想承转间的时代语境性,对建构适用本土语境的中华美学理论具有可资借鉴的价值。 展开更多
关键词 中国现代美育 西论接受 征象
作者 高楠 《中外文论》 2009年第1期400-409,共10页
作为世界历史进程的全球化,在不同理解与争论中客观地展开,它的物质形态、精神形态及传播形态,以个体经历及群体性的社会交往方式具体地展现在人们的现实生活中并成为现实生活的直接方式。30年来的文艺学建构像其他学科的理论建构一样,... 作为世界历史进程的全球化,在不同理解与争论中客观地展开,它的物质形态、精神形态及传播形态,以个体经历及群体性的社会交往方式具体地展现在人们的现实生活中并成为现实生活的直接方式。30年来的文艺学建构像其他学科的理论建构一样,发生于全球化进程,受着这一进程的语境性影响,其特征性的理论体现便是在这一语境中的西论中化。这是集中体现着文艺学建构走向的特征,因此,对这一特征进行研究,有其历史意义与理论建设的现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 理论 建构 文艺学 全球化 现实生活 形态 语境 西论
英国“中华文明救西论”辨正 被引量:1
作者 叶向阳 《国际汉学》 CSSCI 2018年第1期151-158,207,共8页
本文对于周宁、葛桂录、黄丽娟等学者在近些年出版的论著中提出的20世纪上半叶英国出现的所谓"中华文明救西论"思潮提出商榷。首先,本文回顾了这些学者提出该命题的学术背景与理论支撑、文本证据,同时与西方同类研究著作的相... 本文对于周宁、葛桂录、黄丽娟等学者在近些年出版的论著中提出的20世纪上半叶英国出现的所谓"中华文明救西论"思潮提出商榷。首先,本文回顾了这些学者提出该命题的学术背景与理论支撑、文本证据,同时与西方同类研究著作的相关论述进行比较;其次,以本阶段四位被认为是"中华文明救西论"的倡导者或典型代表—英国人迪金逊、罗素和艾克敦乃至德国历史学家斯宾格勒及其《西方的没落》为例,来剖析其作品的主题与内涵;最后本文得出结论:把"中华文明救西论"看作是20世纪上半叶英国的时代思潮与重大命题缺乏足够的证据。 展开更多
关键词 “中华文明救西论 中国形象 20世纪上半叶 迪金逊 罗素 艾克敦 斯宾格勒
作者 丁宇宁 《明日风尚》 2018年第3期325-325,共1页
关键词 全球化 文艺学 西论中化
英语世界里的《诗经》研究 被引量:2
作者 吴结评 《宜宾学院学报》 2006年第9期89-92,共4页
本文从译介与研究两个发展阶段,对《诗经》在英语世界传播的基本面貌进行学理层面的梳理和评价:第一阶段(译介),主要是对《诗经》的选编与翻译,以及《诗经》的分类;第二阶段(研究),主要是对《诗经》的翻译探讨与阐释分析研究,特别是西... 本文从译介与研究两个发展阶段,对《诗经》在英语世界传播的基本面貌进行学理层面的梳理和评价:第一阶段(译介),主要是对《诗经》的选编与翻译,以及《诗经》的分类;第二阶段(研究),主要是对《诗经》的翻译探讨与阐释分析研究,特别是西论中用的尝试,在语言学、文化人类学、意象研究等诸多方面都有让人耳目一新的著述。 展开更多
关键词 英语世界 《诗经》 译介 西论中用
作者 吴结评 《燕山大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2010年第1期49-53,共5页
在中西文学交流史上,《诗经》在西方的流传一直占有一席重要的地位,汉学家运用西方文学理论对《诗经》的多视角研究建立起两种文学通过理论的移植而形成的比较关系,这是西方诗经学上的一大重要特色,而对《诗经》阐释史的深入探讨又是其... 在中西文学交流史上,《诗经》在西方的流传一直占有一席重要的地位,汉学家运用西方文学理论对《诗经》的多视角研究建立起两种文学通过理论的移植而形成的比较关系,这是西方诗经学上的一大重要特色,而对《诗经》阐释史的深入探讨又是其一大焦点,对这两方面的系列研究进行系统的梳理,考察其得失,借鉴其成果,有助于我们在既有对话的基础上延续中西之间的有效对话,从而促进中国诗学体系的现代化转型。 展开更多
关键词 西方诗经学 西论中用 阐释传统
作者 吴结评 《宜宾学院学报》 2006年第7期60-63,共4页
本文意在对西方诗经学形成的每一阶段进行梳理,并在此基础上对每一时期的特征进行分析。西方诗经学历时三百多年,经历了以下三个阶段:16—18世纪以教会学术为中心的第一阶段;18—19世纪还《诗经》以文学作品本来面目的第二阶段;20世纪... 本文意在对西方诗经学形成的每一阶段进行梳理,并在此基础上对每一时期的特征进行分析。西方诗经学历时三百多年,经历了以下三个阶段:16—18世纪以教会学术为中心的第一阶段;18—19世纪还《诗经》以文学作品本来面目的第二阶段;20世纪西论中用对《诗经》进行全方位研究的第三阶段。其演变历程为:从教会学术向世俗学术———即由神学研究转为综合性文化研究,继而向文学研究的过渡,再向西论中用对《诗经》进行再阐释与分析研究的纵深发展。 展开更多
关键词 西方诗经学 教会学术 世俗学术 西论中用
Evaluation of regional tourism competitiveness:a case study of southwest China 被引量:3
作者 Li Jia Cheng Shengkui Gan Hong 《Ecological Economy》 2007年第4期393-404,共12页
Evaluation of regional tourism competitiveness has been a hot issue of tourism geography and regional economics in recent years. This study introduces system theory and Professor Porter's National Diamond Model in... Evaluation of regional tourism competitiveness has been a hot issue of tourism geography and regional economics in recent years. This study introduces system theory and Professor Porter's National Diamond Model into constructing the evaluation index system of regional tourism competitiveness, which includes four decisive factors, namely production factor, market, industry and support competitiveness. And by comprehensive use of subjective and objective methods like Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP) the appraised values were calculated. At the same time, the method was applied to dynamic demonstration analysis of the tourism competitiveness of the provinces in Southwest China from 2001 to 2005. The result shows that their tourism comprehensive competitiveness has distinct differences. The comprehensive competitiveness of Sichuan and Yunnan are better, Chongqing and Guangxi are in the middle, and Guizhou and Tibet are weak. According to the competitiveness ranks in 2001-2005, comprehensive, production factor, industry and support competitiveness changed a little and market competitiveness changed a lot. This competitive pattern has been made mostly because natural resource conditions and economic development levels of the provinces are very different and are difficult to be changed in a short period. 展开更多
关键词 Regional tourism compettiveness Systems theory Evaluation index system Southwest China
Analysis of early history of Chinese by Cassirer's theory of language
作者 WANG Jing CAO Qing-hua 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2008年第5期59-64,共6页
The German master of philosophy--Ernest Cassirer's theory of language that covered most aspects ranged from sounds to forms was predominately related to his study of Indo-European languages. Whereas his fruitful rese... The German master of philosophy--Ernest Cassirer's theory of language that covered most aspects ranged from sounds to forms was predominately related to his study of Indo-European languages. Whereas his fruitful researches are applicable to Chinese, though they were not clearly mentioned in his works as well as to its western counterparts. The essay thus is carried out around the major linguistic aspects--phonetics, formation of words and syntax to detect the applicability of Cassirer's theory to the early development of Chinese. 展开更多
关键词 SYMBOLIC PHONETICS formation phonetic loan GRAMMAR
Regularity of Solution for a Class Zakharov-Kuznestov Equation
作者 MAYun-xin GUOTian-fen 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 2004年第2期192-197,共6页
In this paper, we consider the regularity of solution in S for Zakharov-Kuznestov equation in H^s(s>2). Meanwhile, by method of undetermined coefficient we prove that there don't exist and conservative integral... In this paper, we consider the regularity of solution in S for Zakharov-Kuznestov equation in H^s(s>2). Meanwhile, by method of undetermined coefficient we prove that there don't exist and conservative integral include 2 order of higher order derived functions. 展开更多
关键词 Z-K equation Cauchy problem conservative quantity Plainleve property
Ancient Respected and Modern Absorbed,Chinese Essence and Western Utility-Thoughts of the Integrated Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine
作者 Xiaofa Liu Diangui Li Shengda Lu 《Chinese Medicine and Natural Products》 2022年第2期107-111,共5页
Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)and Western medicine are two medical systems formed in different cultural backgrounds.The differences between them are that TCM focuses on the study of the invisible state while Wester... Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)and Western medicine are two medical systems formed in different cultural backgrounds.The differences between them are that TCM focuses on the study of the invisible state while Western medicine focuses more on the study of the visible state of the human body;TCM pays attention to systematicity and integrity,while Western medicine pays attention to local evidence;TCM attaches importance to dialectical thinking,while Western medicine attaches importance to materialistic thinking.For the development of TCM.it is necessary to take the initiative to learm from and absorb all the advanced scientific and technological achievements in the world today.To innovate TCM,it is necessary to need to adhere to(1)the integration of"research on TCM with the thought of TCM"and"research on TCM based on the thought of Western medicine";(2)the integration of scientization of TCM and scientization for TCM;(3)the integration of mobilization therapy and allopathic therapy;(4)the integration of treating patients and treating diseases;(5)the integration of preventive treatment and existent disease treatment;(6)the integration of individuality and commonality;and(7)the integration of the macro and the micro. 展开更多
关键词 integrated Chinese medicine and Western medicine TCM Chinese essence and Western utility theoretical innovation
Portfolio Diversification Using Information Theory Applied to Brazilian Stocks
作者 Hellinton Hatsuo Takada Raphael Assad Santos 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2014年第5期289-294,共6页
Using the concepts from information theory, it is possible to improve the traditional methodologies of asset allocation. In this paper, it was studied and extended the two existent approaches: the first is based on t... Using the concepts from information theory, it is possible to improve the traditional methodologies of asset allocation. In this paper, it was studied and extended the two existent approaches: the first is based on the Shannon entropy concept and the second on the Kullback-Leibler distance. In modem portfolio theory, the investor has two basic procedures: the choice of a portfolio that maximizes its risk-adjusted excess return or the mixed allocation between the maximum Sharpe portfolio and the risk-free asset. The first procedure was already addressed in the related literature. One important contribution of this paper is the consideration of the second procedure in the information theory context. The performance of these approaches was compared with the three traditional asset allocation methodologies: the Markowitz's mean-variance, the resampled mean-variance and the equally weighted portfolio. It was used simulated and real data from Brazilian stocks. The information theory-based methodologies were verified to be more robust when dealing with the estimation errors. 展开更多
关键词 Information theory ENTROPY financial markets.
Study on Solitary Waves of a General Boussinesq Model
作者 HUANG Shou-Jun CHEN Chun-Li 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第5X期773-780,共8页
In this paper, we employ the bifurcation method of dynamical systems to study the solitary waves and periodic waves of a generalized Boussinesq equations. All possible phase portraits in the parameter plane for the tr... In this paper, we employ the bifurcation method of dynamical systems to study the solitary waves and periodic waves of a generalized Boussinesq equations. All possible phase portraits in the parameter plane for the travelling wave systems are obtained. The possible solitary wave solutions, periodic wave solutions and cusp waves for the general Boussinesq type fluid model are also investigated. 展开更多
关键词 bifurcation method general Boussinesq systems solitary waves periodic waves cusp waves
Joining Paths and Dividing Paths: Juiz de Fora, Brazil
作者 Luciane Tasca Antonio Colchete Filho Victor Nascimento 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2013年第9期1157-1163,共7页
The aim of this paper is to present the urban history of Juiz de Fora, a city with some 500,000 inhabitants in southeastern Brazil, and discuss how strategic decisions about the planning and construction of roads and ... The aim of this paper is to present the urban history of Juiz de Fora, a city with some 500,000 inhabitants in southeastern Brazil, and discuss how strategic decisions about the planning and construction of roads and highways can determine ways of life in a city. While paths may integrate landholdings and territories, they may also segregate communities and environments, causing deep rifts in the fabric of urban and land areas. The growth of Juiz de Fora is particularly marked by the construction of paths. This article reviews the local urban history from the establishment of paths in the city, to an analysis of the major impact and benefits they have had, notably on the local economy and demographics, as well as on the conservation of the local environment: Issues that are frequently relegated to a secondary role in the cost-benefit analysis of the city's planning decisions. After analysis of the case study, the authors concluded that citizens should be included on the agenda of the city, from spectators to actors of daily urban life. 展开更多
关键词 PATHS urban form HIGHWAYS planning history Juiz de Fora Brazil.
Research on the Shaanxi Urbanization and Agricultural Modernization Coordinated Development Pattern based on Game Theory
作者 Li Ying 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第11期52-54,共3页
In this paper, we research on the Shaanxi urbanization and agricultural modernization coordinated development pattern based on the game theory. At present, the industrialization and the urbanization, agricultural mode... In this paper, we research on the Shaanxi urbanization and agricultural modernization coordinated development pattern based on the game theory. At present, the industrialization and the urbanization, agricultural modernization in our country obviously lags behind, which hindered the synchronous development of them. Therefore, with the internal relations between the empirical researches, we explore influence of industrialization and urbanization of agricultural modernization and path, to promote three synchronous developments which have important practical significance. Based on vector autoregressive model and game thinking, at the same time, we analysis the influence degree of the industrialization and urbanization of agricultural modernization and path in order to provide experience for the synchronous development of reference. 展开更多
关键词 Shaanxi Urbanization Game Theory Agricultural Modernization Coordinated.
Perspectives of the Brazilian Poultry Industry for the Chinese Consumer Market
作者 Cesar Augustus Winck Miguelangelo Gianezini +2 位作者 Clandio Favarini Ruviarot Joao Armando Dessimon Machado Homero Dewes 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2012年第1期24-37,共14页
The objective of this article was to analyze the poultry and derivatives commerce between Brazil and China, taking into account the current market and the perspectives for the next years. The method used was the bibli... The objective of this article was to analyze the poultry and derivatives commerce between Brazil and China, taking into account the current market and the perspectives for the next years. The method used was the bibliographic review and analysis of secondary data from different sources, associated with the Market Orientation Theory and the Value Chain Theory. Nowadays, China is Brazil's main commercial partner in the international market, but taking into account the chicken meat and its derivatives, having Brazil as the first worldwide exporter and China, the second largest consumer, an effective commercial relationship has not been established yet. To understand the poultry market exchanges between Brazil and China, a framework was built to demonstrate the characteristics and factors found to influence country negotiations, considering current reality and future perspectives. Considering the Theory of Market Orientation, it is concluded that Brazil has effective conditions to consolidate itself as a major supplier of chicken meat and derivatives to China, because it shows determinant characteristics and market factors that allows the association of the national poultry value chain to the demands of the Chinese consumers, but some adjustments are needed in the sphere of international politics. 展开更多
关键词 Chicken meat market orientation Brazil China agribusiness.
The Vietnam War in the New Century: The Evolution of Apocalypse Now Redux (2001) in Narrative Perspective
作者 SHAO Bing-qing LIU Xiao 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第2期100-106,共7页
Apocalypse Now is a 1979 American epic war film set during the Vietnam War, directed and produced by Francis Ford Coppola. It was originally adapted from the novella Heart of Darkness (1902), which was written in th... Apocalypse Now is a 1979 American epic war film set during the Vietnam War, directed and produced by Francis Ford Coppola. It was originally adapted from the novella Heart of Darkness (1902), which was written in the colonial era. Apocalypse Now Redux (2001) is a refined version of the 1979 edition. In previous researches, most scholars only focused on either of the two adapted versions in terms of thematic discussion and narrative analysis, which have ignored the significance of the evolution of the film and the changing historical contexts. Accordingly, on the basis of narrative theory and cultural study, the thesis makes a narrative analysis of the evolution of Apocalypse Now Redux (2001). It indicates that through some newly-inserted narrative elements in Apocalypse Now Redux (2001), more attention is paid to minority groups, darkness in war and media quagmire, which is related to different historical and political contexts and endeavors to remind the American public of the harsh lesson of Vietnam War in the 20th century. However, efforts to restraint the war seem to be ineffective, which is fully exemplified by Iraq War in 2003 展开更多
关键词 Apocalypse Now Redux (2001) Vietnam War narrative theory new century
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