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西道诸王合丹、阿只吉、小薛事迹考辨 被引量:2
作者 闫天灵 《中南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第2期53-62,共10页
西道诸王合丹、阿只吉、小薛三人事迹存疑之处尚多。通过考辨认为,窝阔台六子合丹既非直接从别十八里赶赴开平拥戴忽必烈即位,也非直接由此东下参加耀碑谷大战,而是经过了1257年随蒙哥右翼军入川伐宋一环。合丹参加了昔木土脑儿之战但... 西道诸王合丹、阿只吉、小薛三人事迹存疑之处尚多。通过考辨认为,窝阔台六子合丹既非直接从别十八里赶赴开平拥戴忽必烈即位,也非直接由此东下参加耀碑谷大战,而是经过了1257年随蒙哥右翼军入川伐宋一环。合丹参加了昔木土脑儿之战但未参加巴昔乞之战。察合台曾孙阿只吉移驻山丹大体在中统、至元之交,山丹不是其世袭分地。至元二十二年(1285年)阿只吉自别十八里罢归太原,《史集》所记成宗时他仍驻守别十八里有误。世祖末到仁宗年间活跃在晋豫之间的名王小薛是合丹之孙而非阔出之子,这可由两个家族的政治地位差异、阔出后王不驻中原食邑地、荥阳洞林寺地属郑州、小薛势力从郑州伸入平阳路的具体过程得到证明。 展开更多
关键词 元代 西道诸王 合丹 阿只吉 小薛
西道孔子 大儒揚雄
作者 黄劍華 《蜀学》 2020年第1期-,共10页
揚雄是漢代著名的文學家,被稱譽爲西道孔子。揚雄學問淵博,著作等身,撰寫的漢賦與學術文章不僅稱譽當時,而且流芳後世,影響很大。他的人生經歷亦非同凡響,堪稱傳奇。關於揚雄的故事,早已膾炙人口,但梳理史料,發現有許多細微之處,還是很... 揚雄是漢代著名的文學家,被稱譽爲西道孔子。揚雄學問淵博,著作等身,撰寫的漢賦與學術文章不僅稱譽當時,而且流芳後世,影響很大。他的人生經歷亦非同凡響,堪稱傳奇。關於揚雄的故事,早已膾炙人口,但梳理史料,發現有許多細微之處,還是很值得重新玩味和深入探討一下的。 展开更多
关键词 揚雄 西道孔子 蜀中文豪 漢代辭賦 天府文化 名人故事
作者 于润石 《文史杂志》 2024年第4期81-83,共3页
汉代的扬雄因为对历史文化的杰出贡献,在他的身后获得了一些尊称。扬雄撰写《法言》等著作,对儒家学说进行“圣化”,恢复了孔子的正统儒学,被尊称为“西道孔子”;扬雄的赋想象瑰丽,辞采飞扬,奠定了他在中国文学史上的重要地位,《文心雕... 汉代的扬雄因为对历史文化的杰出贡献,在他的身后获得了一些尊称。扬雄撰写《法言》等著作,对儒家学说进行“圣化”,恢复了孔子的正统儒学,被尊称为“西道孔子”;扬雄的赋想象瑰丽,辞采飞扬,奠定了他在中国文学史上的重要地位,《文心雕龙》将他与司马相如并称为“扬马”。扬雄博通五经,是“百科全书式的奇才”,被《三字经》尊呼为“扬子”。又因为“荀况、扬雄、韩愈,皆发明先圣之道,有益学者”,宋神宗熙宁时诏令“扬雄封成都伯”。 展开更多
关键词 西道孔子 扬马 扬子 成都伯
清世宗给分巡关西道全文的敕书 被引量:1
作者 郑行健 《档案》 北大核心 1990年第2期39-39,共1页
武全文,山西孟县人。顺治三年进士,四至十一年任崇信知县,升刑部主事,陕西按察司佥事,十五年任分巡关西道。清顺治十五年六月初二日世宗皇帝给分巡关西道武全文的敕书,是一份委任状,所指管辖范围清楚,职掌任务具体,纪律要求严厉,隶属责... 武全文,山西孟县人。顺治三年进士,四至十一年任崇信知县,升刑部主事,陕西按察司佥事,十五年任分巡关西道。清顺治十五年六月初二日世宗皇帝给分巡关西道武全文的敕书,是一份委任状,所指管辖范围清楚,职掌任务具体,纪律要求严厉,隶属责任分明。是研究平凉地区历史的珍贵资料。现标点后,予以公布,以资参考。 展开更多
关键词 巡关 陕西 崇信 西道 按察司
作者 王清雷 王研充 徐长青 《艺术学研究》 2023年第4期84-92,共9页
海昏侯刘贺墓北藏椁的乐器库出土了一套编甬钟,其中5件甬钟的器表刻有铭文。在学界已有的相关研究基础上,对这5件甬钟铭文进行全面释读,同时结合它们的铭文内容和测音数据展开分析,可知这些铭文来自3堵(架)不同的编甬钟,属于两个不同的... 海昏侯刘贺墓北藏椁的乐器库出土了一套编甬钟,其中5件甬钟的器表刻有铭文。在学界已有的相关研究基础上,对这5件甬钟铭文进行全面释读,同时结合它们的铭文内容和测音数据展开分析,可知这些铭文来自3堵(架)不同的编甬钟,属于两个不同的宫调,而将其拼入刘贺墓乐器库编甬钟(10件)主要是基于音列的整体考虑。刻铭“东道”“西道”首次被发现于先秦和西汉编钟铭文中。有研究认为这“与文献记载的‘天子左五钟,右五钟’或存在联系”,但无论是从出土位置还是从音程关系以及刻铭阶名来看,海昏侯墓与此记载尚无一定的逻辑关系。 展开更多
关键词 海昏侯刘贺墓 甬钟铭文 铭文释读 东道 西道 “左五钟 右五钟”
鲁迅与浙东经史文化 被引量:4
作者 陈方竞 《中国现代文学研究丛刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 1993年第2期36-52,共17页
关键词 浙东 鲁迅精神 浙江西道 浙西 清代乾隆 乾嘉学派 自然地理特征 唐宋诗 越国 清代学术
从地理角度分析项羽失败的战略原因 被引量:4
作者 宋杰 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期31-41,共11页
项羽作为国君和统帅,在确定战略方针时未能考虑地理因素的重要影响,以致出现了一系列决策失误。例如选择资源匮乏、无险可守的"梁楚九郡"做根据地,建都彭城,而没有占据形势完固、物产丰饶的关中,结果其后方屡次被汉军攻破摧... 项羽作为国君和统帅,在确定战略方针时未能考虑地理因素的重要影响,以致出现了一系列决策失误。例如选择资源匮乏、无险可守的"梁楚九郡"做根据地,建都彭城,而没有占据形势完固、物产丰饶的关中,结果其后方屡次被汉军攻破摧毁。他将主攻方向放在狭窄的豫西通道,无法展开兵力,发挥擅长野战的优势,致使刘邦得以集中人马成功地对其实施阻击。项羽对关东的韩、赵、魏、燕、齐等地区未予足够关注,没能实行有效的控制并征发那里的人力、资源来补充自己。尤其是对号称"东秦"的齐地举措失当,导致上述各地被刘邦轻易占领和利用,使楚汉双方的实力对比发生了逆转,造成了项羽的最后失败。 展开更多
关键词 楚汉战争 项羽 刘邦 关中 彭城 豫西通道 齐地
Characteristics of Semi-diurnal Internal Tides in the Western Equatorial Pacific Ocean Around 1°45′S,156°E
作者 鲍献文 张义钧 +2 位作者 孙丽 杜涛 方欣华 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2006年第2期12-20,共9页
The analyses of a data series obtained during TOGA- COARE show the existence of remarkable semi-diurnal intemal tides in the western equatorial Pacific Ocean around 1°45'S, 156°E. Some characteristic parame... The analyses of a data series obtained during TOGA- COARE show the existence of remarkable semi-diurnal intemal tides in the western equatorial Pacific Ocean around 1°45'S, 156°E. Some characteristic parameters of the internal tides are vertical wavenumber -1.6×10^-3 m^-1, horizontal wavenumber (wavelength) 3.3×10^-2 km^-1 (210 km), vertical propagation speed -3.8 cm/s and horizontal propagation speed 2.0 m/s. The waveforms propagate downwards slantingly, that is, the wave energy transfers upwards slantingly. Depth-distribution of the'rotary spectral levels is a saddle-shape. The depths of the trough and the deeper peaks are almost coincident with those of the south boundaries of the South Equatorial Current and the Equatorial Undercurrent, respectively. The mean orientation of the rotary spectral ellipse changes with depth: 30° from north to east at 40 m, and changes into 14° from east to south at 324 m, and generally, it points to northeastward, which indicates "that waves come from the southwest. 展开更多
关键词 internal waves internal tides western equatorial Pacific Ocean TOGA-COARE
Current Situation and Prevention of Soil Erosion from Construction of West-East Natural Gas Transmission (Ningxia-Shaanxi Section) 被引量:1
作者 李永红 高照良 周茂玲 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第6期1320-1327,共8页
In the research, problems and damages of soil erosions in West -East Natural Gas Transmission were analyzed; the reasons were summarized and the characteristics of soil erosion were researched in order to explore prin... In the research, problems and damages of soil erosions in West -East Natural Gas Transmission were analyzed; the reasons were summarized and the characteristics of soil erosion were researched in order to explore principles of pipeline prevention and seek countermeasures. 展开更多
关键词 West-East Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline project Engineering construction Impact on environment Soil erosion
作者 胡耀飛 《魏晋南北朝隋唐史资料》 CSSCI 2016年第1期74-112,共39页
<正>前言唐代後期中央與地方關係主要涉及兩方面:中央與藩鎮關係和中央與州關係。中央與藩鎮關係如今探討比較多,不僅有專門著作,還有大量個案研究。~①而中央與州的關係,雖有研究整個唐代州(縣)制度的論述,~②也有關注某類州,以... <正>前言唐代後期中央與地方關係主要涉及兩方面:中央與藩鎮關係和中央與州關係。中央與藩鎮關係如今探討比較多,不僅有專門著作,還有大量個案研究。~①而中央與州的關係,雖有研究整個唐代州(縣)制度的論述,~②也有關注某類州,以及對單個州(包括藩鎮治州和屬州)的個案研究,但單個州千差萬别,他們與中央的關係,尚有很大探討空間。特别是唐代後期作爲財賦供應地的江南各州,他們在具體承擔各自職責方面。 展开更多
关键词 刺史 浙西 嘉泰 吴興 于頔 杜牧 李栖筠 湖州茶 浙江西道
作者 黄震云 《淮北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1991年第1期116-116,共1页
《木兰诗》极其有名。只是木兰其人其事是真是假,诗歌是什么时侯、什么人写的,至今仍然是一个谜。近代以来,一些学者在这方面提出了不少见解,归纳起来主要有两种:一是北朝后期写成,记录与契丹之间的战事;一是唐朝写成,以真人真事为基础... 《木兰诗》极其有名。只是木兰其人其事是真是假,诗歌是什么时侯、什么人写的,至今仍然是一个谜。近代以来,一些学者在这方面提出了不少见解,归纳起来主要有两种:一是北朝后期写成,记录与契丹之间的战事;一是唐朝写成,以真人真事为基础,结合平阳公主等形象组合而成。二者争持不下,其焦点在于宋人郭茂倩《乐府诗集》卷二五《横吹曲》前的一段话:“《古今乐录》云:‘木兰不知名,浙江西道观察使韦元甫续附入’。” 展开更多
关键词 《木兰诗》 韦元甫 横吹曲 《乐府诗集》 郭茂倩 浙江西道 观察使 于宋 木兰县 临汉隐居诗话
作者 李殿元 《蜀学》 2021年第1期86-96,共11页
在中國歷史上影響時間最久且最大最深刻的儒學并不是僵化的而是不斷發展的。西漢時期,爲加强封建統治,董仲舒提出的以儒學面貌出現的讖緯學説,强調君權神授、天人合一、天人感應。而揚雄對孔子儒學,不是神化,而是聖化,他反對讖緯迷信和... 在中國歷史上影響時間最久且最大最深刻的儒學并不是僵化的而是不斷發展的。西漢時期,爲加强封建統治,董仲舒提出的以儒學面貌出現的讖緯學説,强調君權神授、天人合一、天人感應。而揚雄對孔子儒學,不是神化,而是聖化,他反對讖緯迷信和章句之學,所闡述的儒學思想體系是對儒學道統的正確承繼。揚雄的研究方法及其學説論述,使被董仲舒改造的儒學重新恢復了本來面目并有所發展。由於有正確理論的指導,揚雄堅持與維護的正統儒學在之後的一千多年間始終發揮着影響,對唐宋時期形成中國封建社會的最强盛時期也不無助力。 展开更多
关键词 西道孔子 正統儒學 倫理道德 社會和諧 堅持與維護
作者 袁俊鹏 江静 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2011年第2期120-127,共8页
Tropical Cyclone (TC) tracks over the western North Pacific (WNP) during 1949–2007, obtained from China Meteorological Administration/Shanghai Typhoon institute, are classified into three track types. These types are... Tropical Cyclone (TC) tracks over the western North Pacific (WNP) during 1949–2007, obtained from China Meteorological Administration/Shanghai Typhoon institute, are classified into three track types. These types are the main pathways by which TCs influence the coast of East Asia. The relationships between local sea surface temperature (SST) in WNP and TC tracks are revealed. Results show that the local SST plays an important role in TC tracks, though the relationships between local SST and the frequencies of different TC tracks are very dissimilar. The local SST has significant positive correlation with northwest-path TCs, and negative correlation with recurving-path TCs. However, the west-path TCs do not have statistically significant relationship with the local SST. The upper sea temperature anomalies which influence TC tracks last about six months before TC occurrence. Further analysis indicates that the ocean conditions influence TC tracks by modifying the atmospheric circulation, and then the modified atmospheric circulation can affect TC’s genesis location and motion. 展开更多
关键词 tropical cyclone track western North Pacific SST
Avalanche activity and characteristics of its triggering factors in the western Tianshan Mountains,China 被引量:11
作者 HAO Jian-sheng HUANG Fa-rong +2 位作者 LIU Yang Amobichukwu Chukwudi AMANAMBU LI Lan-hai 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第7期1397-1411,共15页
Snow avalanche is a serious threat to the safety of roads in alpine mountains. In the western Tianshan Mountains, large scale avalanches occur every year and affect road safety. There is an urgent need to identify the... Snow avalanche is a serious threat to the safety of roads in alpine mountains. In the western Tianshan Mountains, large scale avalanches occur every year and affect road safety. There is an urgent need to identify the characteristics of triggering factors for avalanche activity in this region to improve road safety and the management of natural hazards. Based on the observation of avalanche activity along the national road G218 in the western Tianshan Mountains, avalanche event data in combination with meteorological, snowpack and earthquake data were collected and analyzed. The snow climate of the mountain range was examined using a recently developed snow climate classification scheme, and triggering conditions of snow avalanche in different snow climate regions were compared. The results show that snowfall is the most common triggering factor for a natural avalanche and there is high probability of avalanche release with snowfall exceeding 20.4 mm during a snowfall period. Consecutive rise in temperature within three days and daily mean temperature reaching 0.5℃ in the following day imply a high probability of temperaturerise-triggered avalanche release. Earthquakes have a significant impact on the formation of large size avalanches in the area. For the period 2011-2017, five cases were identified as a consequence of earthquake with magnitudes of 3.3≤M_L≤5.1 and source-to-site distances of 19~139 km. The Tianshan Mountains are characterized by a continental snow climate with lower snow density, lower snow shear strength and high proportion depth hoar, which explains that both the snowfall and temperature for triggering avalanche release in the continental snow climate of the Tianshan Mountains are lower than that in maritime snow climate and transitional snow climate regions. The findings help forecast avalanche release for mitigating avalanche disaster and assessing the risk of avalanche disaster. 展开更多
关键词 Snow avalanche Snow properties Snow climate Triggering conditions Risk management
Equatorward shift of annual Rossby waves in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean 被引量:1
作者 马晓 孙澈 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第1期212-218,共7页
Annual Rossby wave is a key component of the ENSO phenomenon in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Due to the paucity and seasonal bias in historical hydrographic data,previous studies on equatorial Rossby waves only gave ... Annual Rossby wave is a key component of the ENSO phenomenon in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Due to the paucity and seasonal bias in historical hydrographic data,previous studies on equatorial Rossby waves only gave qualitative description. The accumulation of Argo measurements in recent years has greatly alleviated the data problem. In this study,seasonal variation of the equatorial Pacific Ocean is examined with annual harmonic analysis of Argo gridded data. Results show that strong seasonal signal is present in the western equatorial Pacific and explains more than 50% of the thermal variance below 500 m. Lag-correlation tracing further shows that this sub-thermocline seasonal signal originates from the eastern equatorial Pacific via downward and southwestward propagation of annual Rossby waves. Possible mechanisms for the equatorward shift of Rossby wave path are also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 equatorial Pacific annual Rossby wave equatorward shift Argo profiles MOAA-GPV gridded data
作者 马丽萍 陈联寿 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2009年第1期38-44,共7页
The relationship between global warming and the variation in tropical cyclone (TC) genesis frequency is analyzed using the data of the Tropical Cyclone Year Book by the China Meteorological Administration and the Nati... The relationship between global warming and the variation in tropical cyclone (TC) genesis frequency is analyzed using the data of the Tropical Cyclone Year Book by the China Meteorological Administration and the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis data from 1949 to 2007. The observational results indicate that the average sea surface temperature (SST) in the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) region (10°N– 20°N, 100°E– 140°E) increases by 0.6°C against the background of global warming, while the frequency of tropical cyclone geneses in this region decreases significantly. Generally, the rise of SSTs is favorable for the genesis of tropical cyclones, but it is now shown to be contrary to the normal effect. Most of the tropical cyclones in the western North Pacific (WNP) are generated in the ITCZ. This is quite different from the case in the Atlantic basin in which the tropical cyclones are mostly generated from the easterly wave. Our research results demonstrate that the ITCZ has a weakening trend in strength, and it has moved much more equatorward in the past 40 years; both are disadvantageous to the formation of tropical cyclones. Furthermore, our study also found that the ridge of the subtropical high tends to shift slightly equatorward, which is another adverse mechanism for the formation of tropical cyclones. 展开更多
关键词 CLIMATOLOGY tropical cyclone frequency long-term variation ITCZ
Composition and Origin of Ferromanganese Crusts from Equatorial Western Pacific Seamounts 被引量:2
作者 WANG Guozhi JANSA Luba +2 位作者 CHU Fengyou ZOU Can SUN Guosheng 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2015年第2期217-227,共11页
In the equatorial western Pacific, iron-manganese oxyhydroxide crusts(Fe-Mn crusts) and nodules form on basaltic seamounts and on the top of drowned carbonate platform guyots that have been swept free of pelagic sedim... In the equatorial western Pacific, iron-manganese oxyhydroxide crusts(Fe-Mn crusts) and nodules form on basaltic seamounts and on the top of drowned carbonate platform guyots that have been swept free of pelagic sediments. To date, the Fe-Mn crusts have been considered to be almost exclusively of abiotic origin. However, it has recently been suggested that these crusts may be a result of biomineralization. Although the Fe-Mn crust textures in the equatorial western Pacific are similar to those constructed by bacteria and algae, and biomarkers also document the existence of bacteria and algae dispersed within the Fe-Mn crusts, the precipitation, accumulation and distribution of elements, such as Fe, Mn, Ni and Co in Fe-Mn crusts are not controlled by microbial activity. Bacteria and algae are only physically incorporated into the crusts when dead plankton settle on the ocean floor and are trapped on the crust surface. Geochemical evidence suggests a hydrogenous origin of Fe-Mn crusts in the equatorial western Pacific, thus verifying a process for Fe-Mn crusts that involves the precipitation of colloidal phases from seawater followed by extensive scavenging of dissolved trace metals into the mineral phase during crust formation. 展开更多
关键词 ferromanganese crusts biomarker HYDROCARBON REE trace element hydrogenous origin
Effects of soil and water conservation and its interactions with soil properties on soil productivity 被引量:2
作者 郭旺 李忠武 +7 位作者 申卫平 王晓燕 曾光明 陈晓琳 张雪 张越男 刘桂平 王曙光 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第8期2279-2285,共7页
The effects of soil and water conservation (SWC) on soil properties are well documented. However, definitive and quantitative information of SWC and its interactions with soil properties on soil productivity is lack... The effects of soil and water conservation (SWC) on soil properties are well documented. However, definitive and quantitative information of SWC and its interactions with soil properties on soil productivity is lacking for hilly red soil region of southern China. Experiments were conducted in the hilly red soil region of southern China for seven years in three rtmoffplots, each of which represented different SWC forest-grass measures. Principal component analysis and multiple regression techniques were used to relate the aboveground biomass (representing soil productivity) to soil properties. Based on the final regression equations, soil organic carbon content (Sot) is significantly correlated with soil productivity under the condition of forest-grass measures, whereas pH value and cation exchange capacity (Cee) are the main factors for soil productivity without SWC. Therefore, SWC plays an important role in sequestering Soc and improving soil productivity. 展开更多
关键词 hilly red soil region soil erosion soil organic carbon soil productivity
Role of Equatorial Wave Transitions in Tropical Cyclogenesis over the Western North Pacific 被引量:3
作者 CHEN Guang-Hua HUANG Rong-Hui 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2008年第1期64-68,共5页
This study associates tropical cyclone (TC) activity over the western North Pacific (WNP) with the equatorial wave transition from an interannual viewpoint, revealing that the tropical cyclogenesis mean location may b... This study associates tropical cyclone (TC) activity over the western North Pacific (WNP) with the equatorial wave transition from an interannual viewpoint, revealing that the tropical cyclogenesis mean location may be modulated by a longitudinal shift in the transition of Mixed Rossby-gravity (MRG) waves to off-equatorial tropical depression (TD) disturbances from year to year. To a large extent, the wave transition is attributable to the monsoon trough in response to the thermal state of the warm pool (WP) over the WNP. During the cold state years in the WP, the basic flow confluence region associated with the monsoon trough penetrates eastward, leading to an eastward shift in the location of the wave transition. Such an environment, in which wave accumulation and energy conversion occur, is favorable for tropical cyclogenesis; as a result, the averaged cyclogenesis location moves eastward. The condition is reserved during the warm years in the WP, resulting in the prominent westward-retreating mean TC formation. 展开更多
关键词 equatorial waves tropical cyclogenesis west-em North Pacific
Parikh-Wilczek Tunneling as Massive Particles from Noncommutative Schwarzschild Black Hole 被引量:2
作者 S.HamidMehdipour 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第11期865-870,共6页
In this paper, we apply the tunneling of massive particle through the quantum horizon of a Schwarzschild black hole in noncommutative spaeetime. The tunneling effects lead to modified Hawking radiation due to inclusio... In this paper, we apply the tunneling of massive particle through the quantum horizon of a Schwarzschild black hole in noncommutative spaeetime. The tunneling effects lead to modified Hawking radiation due to inclusion of back-reaction effects. Our calculations show also that noncommutativity effects cause the further modifications to the thermodynamical relations in black hole. We calculate the emission rate of the massive particles' tunneling from a Schwarzschild black hole which is modified on account of noncommutativity influences. The issues of information loss and possible correlations between emitted particles are discussed. Unfortunately even by considering noneommutativity view point, there is no correlation between different modes of evaporation at least at late-time. Nevertheless, as a result of spacetime noncommutativity, information may be conserved by a stable black hole remnant. 展开更多
关键词 quantum tunneling hawking radiation noncommutative spacetime black hole entropy information loss paradox
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