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作者 李勇 《特区经济》 2012年第5期198-200,共3页
现代物流业作为正在兴起的2.5产业(生产性服务业)的典型代表,在我国经济社会尤其是制造业发展过程中,将会发挥越来越重要的作用。重庆作为一个地处西部内陆的老工业城市,重新研究和审视重庆发展现代物流业的基础条件成为当前亟待解决的... 现代物流业作为正在兴起的2.5产业(生产性服务业)的典型代表,在我国经济社会尤其是制造业发展过程中,将会发挥越来越重要的作用。重庆作为一个地处西部内陆的老工业城市,重新研究和审视重庆发展现代物流业的基础条件成为当前亟待解决的问题。本文将从重庆发展现代物流业的优势、区位、综合交通网络、产业、布局、大通道战略等方面予以阐述。 展开更多
关键词 西部格局 重庆 现代物流 研究
陆海新通道建设与西部开发格局重塑 被引量:17
作者 马子红 《思想战线》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第2期84-92,共9页
西部陆海新通道是我国推进区域协调发展的重要组成部分,对西部地区的经济社会发展具有十分重大而深远的现实意义。目前,我国2000年以来实施的西部大开发战略,呈现出东西部差距收敛停滞、西部地区产业升级缓慢、开放型经济发展不足等三... 西部陆海新通道是我国推进区域协调发展的重要组成部分,对西部地区的经济社会发展具有十分重大而深远的现实意义。目前,我国2000年以来实施的西部大开发战略,呈现出东西部差距收敛停滞、西部地区产业升级缓慢、开放型经济发展不足等三大新特征,其背后的深层次原因是西部地区普遍存在产业政策不合理、市场机制不到位等方面的问题。西部陆海新通道的建设,有助于充分发挥市场在资源配置中的决定性作用、产业政策的合理引导作用,加快推动新时代西部地区的区域一体化进程,着力打造“通道+平台+产业+制度”的区域协调治理新体系,在有效解决上述问题的同时加快实现西部开发格局的重塑。 展开更多
关键词 陆海新通道 区域一体化 西部开发格局 重塑
中国经济学视角下的西部发展新格局 被引量:2
作者 冯彦明 《财经理论研究》 2023年第2期1-15,共15页
西部大开发已经取得了巨大成绩,但距离解决不平衡发展问题、全面建设社会主义现代化国家、实现共同富裕还有相当的距离。西方经济学及其在中国的改良派新供给、新结构、域观经济学都是家计学、富国策,其本意是以利为本经利济资,其结果... 西部大开发已经取得了巨大成绩,但距离解决不平衡发展问题、全面建设社会主义现代化国家、实现共同富裕还有相当的距离。西方经济学及其在中国的改良派新供给、新结构、域观经济学都是家计学、富国策,其本意是以利为本经利济资,其结果是胜者通吃两极分化,因此不可能解决中国不平衡发展的矛盾,不可能适应贯彻新发展理念、构建新发展格局和实现高质量发展的需要,因而也就不可能依此实现西部大开发的目标。中国经济学的本意是以人为本经世济民,目标是实现个人的全面发展和人类可持续发展,因而是解决西部问题的根本依据。西部大开发要破除对西方经济学的迷信,以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,以中国经济学为理论依据,在观念转变和体制机制改革基础上,构建自立发展、利人发展和利物发展的新格局,具体体现为以人的全面发展为核心,以人与自然协调发展为前提,以地区经济实现自循环为基础,以融入国内大循环为主导,以参与并引领周边国家共同循环为补充,为共享发展、共同富裕起示范和带头作用。这样一种发展格局要求在处理好乡村振兴与新型城镇化、产业发展与生态保护、人的全面发展与城市优先发展三个方面关系的基础上,体现出以人为本全面发展、利用优势不唯优势、人才引领数字提升、重视研发深度挖掘、内外一体共同发展五个方面的特点。 展开更多
关键词 中国经济学 西部大开发 西部发展新格局
新时代新征程在构建西部大开发新格局中促进共同富裕研究 被引量:8
作者 陈健 《新疆社会科学》 CSSCI 2022年第6期61-72,共12页
新时代新征程在构建西部大开发新格局中促进共同富裕,主要是基于促进西部地区实现共同富裕、铸牢西部各族人民中华民族共同体意识和发挥先富带动后富等现实,而进行的实践创新。同时,新时代新征程在构建西部大开发新格局中促进共同富裕... 新时代新征程在构建西部大开发新格局中促进共同富裕,主要是基于促进西部地区实现共同富裕、铸牢西部各族人民中华民族共同体意识和发挥先富带动后富等现实,而进行的实践创新。同时,新时代新征程在构建西部大开发新格局中促进共同富裕也被赋予了西部大开发成果的共享共建共富性、西部大开发推进的可持续性和西部大开发布局的延展性等新内涵新特征。因此,其实施意义重大。但是,还应看到新时代新征程在构建西部大开发新格局中促进共同富裕机遇与挑战并存,如其面临实施乡村振兴战略、“一带一路”建设和“三新”背景带来的新机遇。基于此,应充分利用这些机遇,在应对东西部地区之间发展差距大等挑战中提出实践方案:一是构建凸显共同富裕导向的西部大开发新格局与乡村振兴战略融合对接共同体;二是打造凸显共同富裕导向的西部大开发新格局与“一带一路”融合对接的高水平开放新局面;三是构建凸显共同富裕导向的西部大开发新格局与“三新”融合对接的高质量经济发展新格局。 展开更多
关键词 党的二十大 共同富裕 融合对接 新时代新征程 西部大开发新格局
推进西部大开发形成新格局是统筹国内国际两个大局的重大决策部署 被引量:1
作者 李晓华 李贽 金炳镐 《贵州民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第11期159-162,共4页
在大力推进西部大开发的过程当中,应该始终遵循以习近平同志为核心的党中央所制定的原则,真正确保各个区域均能够实现协调发展。深刻理解和全面把握西部大开发新格局战略创新的历史必然性和基本要求、实施途径等多方面内容,并始终坚持... 在大力推进西部大开发的过程当中,应该始终遵循以习近平同志为核心的党中央所制定的原则,真正确保各个区域均能够实现协调发展。深刻理解和全面把握西部大开发新格局战略创新的历史必然性和基本要求、实施途径等多方面内容,并始终坚持对国际、国内这两个大局的把握,应从两个层次共同体建设的高度认识西部大开发新格局战略的重要意义,在此基础上把铸牢中华民族共同体意识、实现各族人民团结发展的梦想纳入新时代推进西部大开发新格局的工作之中。 展开更多
关键词 西部大开发新格局 国际国内两个大局 两个层次共同体建设
作者 刘勇 祁今燕 《西北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第4期115-118,共4页
在我国城市建设快速发展时期,保护现存的具有悠久历史的人文遗存,是城市规划及城市建设政策制定者的历史责任。在西安传统民居比较集中的地带,现仍保留了相当数量的“坊上”建筑和老街区。其地域性与民俗方面的独特性,应该上升到学术的... 在我国城市建设快速发展时期,保护现存的具有悠久历史的人文遗存,是城市规划及城市建设政策制定者的历史责任。在西安传统民居比较集中的地带,现仍保留了相当数量的“坊上”建筑和老街区。其地域性与民俗方面的独特性,应该上升到学术的高度加以研究,其中蕴涵着丰富的民族文化传承、民族感情和审美习惯。这些人文社区将人的行为与外部环境和谐地融为一体,经过长期的历史演化,应与现代城市形成统一的风貌,包括周边地区的各个景观类别以及地域文化特色和地方地理特貌。 展开更多
关键词 新旧混合 人文街区 农牧业结合 传统西部城市格局
新时期四省藏区基本公共服务均等化时空分异 被引量:1
作者 卢阳春 刘敏 《开发研究》 2020年第4期36-43,共8页
推进西部大开发形成新格局的新时期,四省藏区基本公共服务均等化问题,不仅是关系到当地民生改善、绿色发展、城乡协调、民族团结、和谐稳定以及全面小康等多种利益关系的重点和难点问题,更是缩小东西部差距,实现区域协调发展面临的重大... 推进西部大开发形成新格局的新时期,四省藏区基本公共服务均等化问题,不仅是关系到当地民生改善、绿色发展、城乡协调、民族团结、和谐稳定以及全面小康等多种利益关系的重点和难点问题,更是缩小东西部差距,实现区域协调发展面临的重大现实问题。采用Moran’s I指数、LISA集聚图等探索性空间数据分析法(ESDA),对2013—2017年四省藏区10个自治州基本公共服务均等化的时序变化和空间特征等进行空间聚类等研究发现,近年来四省藏区5类基本公共服务均等化水平的变异系数均呈缩小趋势,变化趋势与西部大开发新格局要求基本一致;5类基本公共服务中,教育均等化的现实程度和提升幅度均最高;10个自治州之间基本公共服务均等化水平具有显著的空间正相关性,存在较为明显的集聚效应。对此,提出改变部分地区基本公共服务较低水平的聚集发展趋势,建设四省藏区基本公共服务均等化高水平集聚辐射区,政策分类指导提升四省藏区基本公共服务均等化水平,缩小各自治州基本公共服务均等化水平的区域差异等,适应西部大开发新格局的四省藏区公共服务优化路径建议。 展开更多
关键词 西部大开发新格局 基本公共服务 Moran’s I指数 变异系数 四省藏区
A Method for Spatial Heterogeneity Evaluation on Landscape Pattern of Farmland Shelterbelt Networks:A Case Study in Midwest of Jilin Province,China 被引量:12
作者 SHI Xiaoliang LI Ying DENG Rongxin 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第1期48-56,共9页
On the basis of landscape ecology, combining the Spot 5 high resolution satellite imagery with GIS, a method evaluating the spatial heterogeneity of shelterbelts distribution at landscape scale is put forward in this ... On the basis of landscape ecology, combining the Spot 5 high resolution satellite imagery with GIS, a method evaluating the spatial heterogeneity of shelterbelts distribution at landscape scale is put forward in this paper. The distance coefficients of reasonable and existing landscape indexes of farmland shelterbelt networks were com-puted, and then through the classification of the distance coefficients, and the establishment of evaluation rules, the spatial heterogeneity of farmland shelterbelts was evaluated. The method can improve the evaluating system of previ-ous studies on shelterbelts distribution, resolve the disadvantages of lacking spatiality of overall evaluation, and make the evaluation results have more directive significance for shelterbelt management. Based on this method, spatial het-erogeneity of shelterbelt networks was evaluated in the midwest of Jilin Province, China. The results show that the re-gions with fewer shelterbelts and no closed network account for 34.7% of the total area, but only 4.9% of the area has relative reasonable pattern of shelterbelt networks. Many problems exist in the distribution pattern of shelterbelts, therefore, much attention should be paid to construct farmland shelterbelts in the study area. 展开更多
关键词 farmland shelterbelt spatial heterogeneity Spot 5 distance coefficient
China’s Western Development Strategy for Modernization Drive 被引量:5
作者 Yang Kaizhong 《China Economist》 2021年第3期62-83,共22页
The Western Development Strategy(WDS)is a key aspect of China’s coordinated regional development strategy and effort to build a modern country.The world is undergoing profound changes that have not been witnessed in ... The Western Development Strategy(WDS)is a key aspect of China’s coordinated regional development strategy and effort to build a modern country.The world is undergoing profound changes that have not been witnessed in a century.This paper discusses the WDS’s importance in regards to China’s modernization drive and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.First,this paper identifies the WDS’s mission to improve people’s livelihood in China’s western regions,promote common prosperity for the Eurasian continent,and support the green transition of China’s and Eurasian energy economic and environmental systems,and safeguard ecological security in Asia at large.Second,this paper suggests that the key to the WDS is to reshape the geographical layout of economic activity in the western regions to avoid inefficiency.Specifically,China should develop a compact geographical layout of economic activity in the western regions,introduce a unique competition strategy,as well as find solutions for coordinated regional development based on key river basins.Finally,develop smart internet and inland free ports within the western regions. 展开更多
关键词 China modernized country coordinated regional development Western Development Strategy(WDS) spatial diseconomies
“一路一带”的战略开创对我国经济的发展分析 被引量:1
作者 邵知春 《经贸实践》 2017年第6X期130-130,共1页
在我国经济发展经过快速增长的一个阶段后,开始平稳回落并处于常态阶段,再者是我国区域经济发展严重失衡,我国沿海区域,长江以南区域的经济发展速度和经济比重远超于我国西部区域和东部区域,虽然国家曾提出西部大开发战略但是东西部的... 在我国经济发展经过快速增长的一个阶段后,开始平稳回落并处于常态阶段,再者是我国区域经济发展严重失衡,我国沿海区域,长江以南区域的经济发展速度和经济比重远超于我国西部区域和东部区域,虽然国家曾提出西部大开发战略但是东西部的经济发展最终没有太大的变化。一路一带经济战略的提出对我国的区域经济发展目标和带动有着举足轻重的作用。文章简述一路一带的内涵,分析"一路一带"经济战略对我国区域经济发展作用。 展开更多
关键词 一路一带 陆上丝绸之路 海上丝绸之路 西部发展新格局
Spatial patterns and storage composition of woody debris in a natural secondary forest dominated by Pinus tabulaeformis on Loess Plateau, China 被引量:2
作者 GU Li GONG Zhi-wen LI Wei-zhong 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第9期1839-1851,共13页
Woody debris(WD) is an important par of natural Pinus tabulaeformis mixed stands, and i affects the forest ecosystem stability and developmen The WD spatial patterns are especially importan structural characteristics ... Woody debris(WD) is an important par of natural Pinus tabulaeformis mixed stands, and i affects the forest ecosystem stability and developmen The WD spatial patterns are especially importan structural characteristics that can provide insights into forest dynamics. In this paper, the WD storage WD spatial patterns and WD associations among the main species were examined in the natural secondary forest on Loess Plateau in northwest China. Data were collected in a 1 ha(100 m × 100 m) permanent plot and all the trees with a diameter at breast height o more than 3 cm were measured and stem-mapped Ripley's K functions from the spatial-point-pattern analysis method were used to analyze the spatia distribution and associations. The results showed tha(1) The total storage of WD was 10.73 t/ha, fallen wood was the main source of WD, and the majority diameters were greater than 20 cm, and in intermediate levels of decay;(2) The overall spatia pattern was closely related to the spatial scale, which exhibited an aggregated pattern on a small scale, and a random pattern on a large scale. The spatia patterns of coarse woody debris also gradually transitioned from an aggregated pattern in fine scales to a random pattern in broader spatial scales, which matched the overall spatial pattern. The spatial intensity was gradually decreased with the increasing diameters, and increased with the decomposition classes;(3) The WD of Pinus tabulaeformis species was negatively associated with Betula platyphylla and Populus davidiana on a small scale but positively associated with these species on a large scale. The spatial pattern and interspecies relations were the results of long-term interactions between the natural secondary forest community and the surrounding natural environment. These findings would provide a scientific basis for the sustainable management and protection of natural secondary forest ecosystems on Loess Plateau. 展开更多
关键词 Spatial pattern Spatial association Storage Woody debris Natural secondary forest Loess Plateau
Spatial pattern analysis and associations of different growth stages of populations of Abies georgei var.smithii in Southeast Tibet,China 被引量:3
作者 SHEN Zhi-qiang LU Jie +1 位作者 HUA Min FANG Jiang-ping 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第12期2170-2181,共12页
Abies georgei var.smithii is an important plant species in Southeast Tibet,China.It has high ecological value in terms of biodiversity protection,as well as soil and water conservation.We analyzed the spatial pattern ... Abies georgei var.smithii is an important plant species in Southeast Tibet,China.It has high ecological value in terms of biodiversity protection,as well as soil and water conservation.We analyzed the spatial pattern and associations of A.georgei var.smithii populations at different growth stages by using Ripley's L function for point pattern analysis.The diameter structure was a nearly reverse 'J' shape.The amount of saplings and medium-sized trees accounts for a large part of the entire population,suggesting a high regeneration rate and an expanding population.In the transition from saplings to medium trees or to large trees,saplings show a significant aggregation distribution at small scales,while medium trees and large trees show a random distribution.There are significant inverse associations between saplings and medium trees and large trees at small scales,while there are no obvious associations between medium trees and large trees.The natural regeneration was affected by interspecific competition,and it was also affected by intraspecific competition.The joint effects of biological characteristics and environmental factors contribute to the spatial distribution pattern and associations of this A.georgei var.sm ithii population. 展开更多
关键词 Southeastern Tibet Abies georgei var.smithii Point pattern analysis Distribution pattern Spatial association
Considerations of Forest Distribution and Native Tree Species for Afforestation in the High Altitudes on the Eastern Tibetan Plateau 被引量:1
作者 SHI Peili ZHENG Lili +2 位作者 ZHOU Tiancai HOU Ge ZHAO Guangshuai 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2022年第1期100-106,共7页
Forests are the main components of terrestrial ecosystems and play an important role in the protection and construction of the national ecological security barrier. For a long time, China’s large-scale afforestation ... Forests are the main components of terrestrial ecosystems and play an important role in the protection and construction of the national ecological security barrier. For a long time, China’s large-scale afforestation had been practiced in areas with rainfall higher than the 400 mm threshold, but the issue of afforestation in high altitudes on the Tibetan Plateau remains elusive in both practical experience and theoretical exploration. It is worth thinking further about what principles should be followed in the selection of tree species and suitable altitudes for afforestation in high-altitude areas, as well as what experiences and lessons of previous afforestation efforts should be applied in high-altitude areas. As per the law of vegetation zonal distribution, this paper argues that afforestation at high altitudes should comply with the principle of vegetation zonal distribution and the low temperature limitation,and points out that afforestation is feasible only within the forest distribution area and below the altitudes of climate timberlines. Furthermore, we demonstrate the potential spatial areas of afforestation, and determine the local tree species that may be used for afforestation based on the existing problems of afforestation in eastern Tibet. In summary, afforestation in high-altitude areas of the eastern Tibetan Plateau must comply with the law of zonal vegetation distribution, focus on the upper limit of altitude and the selection of suitable tree species, and adopt only suitable native tree species. 展开更多
关键词 eastern Tibetan Plateau natural forest distribution climatic treeline low-temperature limitation afforestation upper limit afforestation species selection
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