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作者 陶久胜 《英美文学研究论丛》 2024年第1期30-48,共19页
16世纪是英国海盗盛行和海上贸易迅猛发展的时期,国家海外扩张的远大抱负促成海盗形象的转变。海盗成为构建英国海上贸易帝国的中坚力量,曾受谴责的海上私掠得到正义化书写,转变为获取国家财富和权力的重要途径。本文从海上贸易引发海... 16世纪是英国海盗盛行和海上贸易迅猛发展的时期,国家海外扩张的远大抱负促成海盗形象的转变。海盗成为构建英国海上贸易帝国的中坚力量,曾受谴责的海上私掠得到正义化书写,转变为获取国家财富和权力的重要途径。本文从海上贸易引发海盗形象转变的语境出发,发现托马斯·海伍德的戏剧《西部美少女》中海盗和海上私掠的含混性质:海上私掠之合法性备受质疑,同时海盗被视为海上探险和贸易的民族英雄。该剧与伊丽莎白一世时期的特定语境互动,将海盗形象与贸易帝国构建相联系,呈现海盗有助于英国民族身份构建与海洋帝国扩张的历史逻辑。 展开更多
关键词 托马斯·海伍德 西部美少女》 海盗 海上私掠 贸易帝国
作者 翰成 《当代文坛》 1985年第4期51-51,共1页
关键词 西部美 西部电影 文艺 肖云 十二月 新时期时代精神 主要观点 朴淳 硬汉子精神 中国西部
作者 郑军 《海洋世界》 1998年第5期31-32,共2页
在美国人的心目中,恐怕没有什么能比生命更值得他们珍惜的了。为了拯救一个美国公民的生命,他们可以花掉大把的金钱,甚至不惜诉诸武力。这就是美国人的价值观。然而,在第二次世界大战的太平洋战场上,却发生了一件令全美国上下都无比悲... 在美国人的心目中,恐怕没有什么能比生命更值得他们珍惜的了。为了拯救一个美国公民的生命,他们可以花掉大把的金钱,甚至不惜诉诸武力。这就是美国人的价值观。然而,在第二次世界大战的太平洋战场上,却发生了一件令全美国上下都无比悲伤和震惊的壮举,美国海军重巡洋舰“芝加哥”号被日军击伤将沉之际,全舰300余名官兵置总统的弃舰命令于不顾,毅然决然地拥抱着他们的“ 展开更多
关键词 西部美 太平洋战场 国海军 第二次世界大战 国人 巡洋舰 芝加哥 国公民 诉诸武力 价值观
作者 宋寒冰 《西部皮革》 2003年第11期38-38,共1页
由四川省贸促会、成都“西部鞋都”管委会主办,四川西部鞋都有限公司承办的“成都中国西部鞋都中美研讨会”于2003年11月6日在成都武侯区政府会议中心隆重举行。成都武侯区政府副区长高红兵、中国西部鞋都工业园管委会主任熊柱举、四川... 由四川省贸促会、成都“西部鞋都”管委会主办,四川西部鞋都有限公司承办的“成都中国西部鞋都中美研讨会”于2003年11月6日在成都武侯区政府会议中心隆重举行。成都武侯区政府副区长高红兵、中国西部鞋都工业园管委会主任熊柱举、四川省皮革学会副理事长李开华、西部鞋都有限公司总经理彭军、武侯区皮革协会秘书长贾燕茹和来自美国及香港等地的跨国企业CEO、从事法学、财经、人力资源、企业管理、市场营销的知名专家教授以及成都“ 展开更多
关键词 成都中国西部鞋都中研讨会 2003年 制鞋工业 企业管理 品牌经营 产业投资 金融服务
缝锤小蠹与美西部云杉小蠹的声学特征与比较 被引量:4
作者 潘杰 刘翔 +4 位作者 邵沛泽 颜柳松 秦国勋 安榆林 温俊宝 《环境昆虫学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期395-401,共7页
害虫声音探测技术作为一门新兴的技术方法,在植物检疫领域具有独特的应用优势。目前国内外已开展了针对林木蛀干害虫的声音探测技术研究,也取得了较好的成果。为此本文利用声音探测技术对口岸经常截获的有害生物缝锤小蠹和美西部云杉小... 害虫声音探测技术作为一门新兴的技术方法,在植物检疫领域具有独特的应用优势。目前国内外已开展了针对林木蛀干害虫的声音探测技术研究,也取得了较好的成果。为此本文利用声音探测技术对口岸经常截获的有害生物缝锤小蠹和美西部云杉小蠹成虫的取食和爬行声信号进行了探讨分析。结果表明,同种小蠹的取食和爬行声信号差异明显,两种小蠹间取食和爬行声信号差异也较大,声信号脉冲持续时间、主频差异显著,利用害虫声音探测技术对林木蛀干类害虫进行监测具有可行性。 展开更多
关键词 缝锤小蠹 西部云杉小蠹 取食 爬行 声学特征
中国西部电影的美学意蕴 被引量:2
作者 陈悦青 《辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 1988年第2期47-51,共5页
我国大西北独特的山川地貌风光景物、独特的民族风俗宗教礼仪、独特的文化心理结构和伦理道德观念,塑造了西部人独特的精神气质和行为方式。而西部电影则是以当代人崭新的视角对西部世界进行观照与探索,它在对自然景观的取景造型上,在... 我国大西北独特的山川地貌风光景物、独特的民族风俗宗教礼仪、独特的文化心理结构和伦理道德观念,塑造了西部人独特的精神气质和行为方式。而西部电影则是以当代人崭新的视角对西部世界进行观照与探索,它在对自然景观的取景造型上,在对人物性格心象的深层开掘上,以及对摄影、构图、色彩等表现手段的创新上,都有其新的审美追求。因此,西部电影具有独特的审美价值和深厚的美学意蕴。本文谈及的是这个问题的主要几个方面。 展开更多
关键词 学意蕴 中国西部电影 西部 追求 自然景观 大西北 文化心理结构 西部美 中华民族 黄土高原
西部美 黄土情 民族风——冯健雪的歌唱之路
作者 黎琦 《人民音乐》 1987年第8期32-35,共4页
当今的歌坛,群星荟萃。冯健雪的歌唱,以中国西部清新的朴素美、纯真美,以黄土般温馨芳香的生活气息,以清醇浓郁的民族风格,在探索中国民族声乐道路的扑朔迷离中,拂来一缕清凉……西部,又一颗明亮的星西部,产生过象郭兰英、刘燕平、贠恩... 当今的歌坛,群星荟萃。冯健雪的歌唱,以中国西部清新的朴素美、纯真美,以黄土般温馨芳香的生活气息,以清醇浓郁的民族风格,在探索中国民族声乐道路的扑朔迷离中,拂来一缕清凉……西部,又一颗明亮的星西部,产生过象郭兰英、刘燕平、贠恩凤、王昆等著名的歌唱家。 展开更多
关键词 地方戏曲 生活气息 艺术处理 艺术个性 戏曲演员 西部美 中国民族声乐 民族风格 中国西部 陕北民歌
作者 王维倩 李顺春 李世存 《江苏技术师范学院学报》 2011年第5期42-46,共5页
作为一种诗意载体、精神境界和审美风格之西部具有丰富的现代诗学内涵,体现出撼人心魄的诗性之美。其诗性之美乃在其诗意栖居的家园意识、灵魂与生命交融的西部体验以及独特的西部精神。中美西部诗人的西部体验成为一种超越时空的诗性体... 作为一种诗意载体、精神境界和审美风格之西部具有丰富的现代诗学内涵,体现出撼人心魄的诗性之美。其诗性之美乃在其诗意栖居的家园意识、灵魂与生命交融的西部体验以及独特的西部精神。中美西部诗人的西部体验成为一种超越时空的诗性体验,他们将这种体验融入诗歌的艺术形式之中,揭开西部厚重而神秘的面纱,重新发现人类诗意栖居之新大陆,表现出一种崇高的精神境界和超越地域意义的现代诗学价值。 展开更多
关键词 西部诗歌 诗性之 诗意栖居
作者 何红梅 《中华儿女》 2002年第17期32-35,共4页
关键词 阿坝州 西部美 阿坝州发展 少数民族地区 生态建设和环境保护 国内生产总值 精神文明建设 州政府 四姑娘山 农牧业产业化
作者 别江云 《戏剧之家》 2016年第18期162-162,共1页
无论从历史背景还是文化背景来看,中外的西部电影都存在着巨大的差异,但《无人区》作为一部西部公路片,与获得奥斯卡金像奖的《不可饶恕》相比,两部片子的主人公都经历了一个人性回归救赎的过程,且两部片子都无一例外地模糊了正义和邪... 无论从历史背景还是文化背景来看,中外的西部电影都存在着巨大的差异,但《无人区》作为一部西部公路片,与获得奥斯卡金像奖的《不可饶恕》相比,两部片子的主人公都经历了一个人性回归救赎的过程,且两部片子都无一例外地模糊了正义和邪恶的界限,所以这两部西部片中都表现了人性的双重性。 展开更多
关键词 西部 人性
《中国科学美容》 2004年第6期82-83,共2页
关键词 容展会 品牌意识 容业 第六届哈尔滨亚太博会 第八届西部美发化妆品洗涤用品博览会
作者 李凌 《同舟共进》 2003年第9期34-36,共3页
20世纪八十年代,我的两个孩子先后到西德留学。我于1996年7月到西德探望他们,安顿下来后,在商量旅游景点时,我提出首先要看柏林墙。孩子们笑着说:"爸爸,我们想到一块去了,我们原来就打算先请你看柏林墙。"然后,她们就给我介... 20世纪八十年代,我的两个孩子先后到西德留学。我于1996年7月到西德探望他们,安顿下来后,在商量旅游景点时,我提出首先要看柏林墙。孩子们笑着说:"爸爸,我们想到一块去了,我们原来就打算先请你看柏林墙。"然后,她们就给我介绍柏林墙的来历和遭遇。二战结束后,根据有关协议,战败国德国被美、苏、英、法划分为四个占领区。1949年8月14日,西部美、英、法区合为一体,宣布成立德意志联邦共和国,即"西德";同年10月7日,德国东部(苏占区)也组建了政府,成立德意志民主共和国,即"东德",两个德国就此形成了。作为战前首都的柏林位于东德的中东部,它也曾划分为四个占领区。 展开更多
关键词 柏林墙 东德 德意志联邦共和国 占领区 德国东部 八十年代 民主共和国 旅游景点 西部美 国会大厦
《外向经济》 1995年第7期35-35,共1页
烟台开发区位于烟台市区西部美丽富绕的黄海之滨。这里风景秀丽、气候宜人,是闻名遐迩的避暑疗养胜地;区内交通便利,形成了海陆空立体交错的交通网络,基础设施良好,有着优越的投资环境。座落在开发区内的烟台开发区国有资产投资经营公... 烟台开发区位于烟台市区西部美丽富绕的黄海之滨。这里风景秀丽、气候宜人,是闻名遐迩的避暑疗养胜地;区内交通便利,形成了海陆空立体交错的交通网络,基础设施良好,有着优越的投资环境。座落在开发区内的烟台开发区国有资产投资经营公司为其平添了几分姿色。 该公司成立于1992年2月,注册资本100万元人民币,经营资本9034万元,年实现利税1000万元。下设两个直属公司和两个联营公司。 该公司以“开拓、创新、务实、高效”为经营宗旨,多方筹集融通资金,使开发区国有企业的发展得以保障。同时,运筹帷幄,对企业进行科学经营与管理。 展开更多
关键词 国有资产投资经营公司 烟台开发区 联营公司 注册资本 西部美 避暑疗养 烟台市区 区内交通 经营资本 资兴
Feedback Control for Ecosystem Management:The Case of Wolf-Elk-Hunting Dynamics in the US Mountain West 被引量:1
作者 Kevin MACKSAMIE Jeffrey WAGNER Juan C.COCKBURN 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第4期850-865,共16页
The purpose of this paper is to explore the promise of utilizing some relatively new feedback control techniques in ecosystem management. First, we set forth a basic ecological-economic model of a predator-prey-huntin... The purpose of this paper is to explore the promise of utilizing some relatively new feedback control techniques in ecosystem management. First, we set forth a basic ecological-economic model of a predator-prey-hunting system in which both the predator and prey have use(flow) and non-use(stock) value and when the predator can inflict transboundary damages. We then use new data from the US Mountain West to show how a particular feedback approach—linear parameter-varying(LPV) control—can be utilized in this context. Our LPV model is able to quantify the cost of managing disturbances that inevitably arise as a manager tries to keep the actual path of the system "close" to its optimum. The results suggest management strategies in mountain ecosystems that feature large, mammalian carnivores. 展开更多
关键词 Feedback control Linear parameter Optimal vontrol Robust control PREDATOR-PREY Recreational hunting
作者 李星 《唐都学刊》 2000年第4期110-117,共8页
文章全面论析了李若冰的散文创作 ,认为 :不随波逐流 ,不人云亦云 ,永远保护自己信仰的纯真 ,将笔触对准祖国建设的步伐 ,将一腔的爱心献给社会主义的实干家、奉献者、殉道者 ,这就是李若冰 ,就是李若冰的文学。
关键词 李若冰 散文 石油 跋涉者 西部美 抒情诗人
Improvements in seismic event locations in a deep western U.S. coal mine using tomographic velocity models and an evolutionary search algorithm 被引量:7
作者 LURKA Adam SWANSON Peter 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2009年第5期599-603,共5页
Methods of improving seismic event locations were investigated as part of a research study aimed at reducing ground control safety hazards. Seismic event waveforms collected with a 23-station three-dimensional sensor ... Methods of improving seismic event locations were investigated as part of a research study aimed at reducing ground control safety hazards. Seismic event waveforms collected with a 23-station three-dimensional sensor array during longwall coal mining provide the data set used in the analyses. A spatially variable seismic velocity model is constructed using seismic event sources in a passive tomographic method. The resulting three-dimensional velocity model is used to relocate seismic event positions. An evolutionary optimization algorithm is implemented and used in both the velocity model development and in seeking improved event location solutions. Results obtained using the different velocity models are compared. The combination of the tomographic velocity model development and evolutionary search algorithm provides improvement to the event locations. 展开更多
关键词 seismic event location tomographic velocity model an evolutionary search algorithm
Coal pillar mechanics of violent failure in U.S. Mines 被引量:7
作者 Maleki Hamid 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2017年第3期387-392,共6页
This paper seeks to enhance the understanding that the horizontal stresses build up and release during coal pillar loading and unloading(post-failure) drawing upon three decades of observations, geomechanical monitori... This paper seeks to enhance the understanding that the horizontal stresses build up and release during coal pillar loading and unloading(post-failure) drawing upon three decades of observations, geomechanical monitoring and numerical modeling in bump-prone U.S. mines. The focus is on induced horizontal stress in mine pillars and surrounding strata as highly stressed pillars punch into the roof and floor, causing shear failure and buckling of strata; under stiff stratigraphic units of some western US mines, these events could be accompanied by violent failure of pillar cores. Pillar punching eventually results in tensile stresses at the base of the pillar, facilitating transition into the post-failure regime; this transition will be nonviolent if certain conditions are met, notably the presence of interbedded mudstones with low shear strength properties and proper mine designs for controlling seismicity and dynamic loads. The study clearly shows high confining stress build-up in coal pillars resulting in up to twice higher peak vertical stress and high strain energy accumulations in some western US mines in comparison with peak stresses predicted using common empirical pillar design methods. It is the unstable release of this strain energy that can cause significant damage resulting from pillar dilation and ground movements. These forces are much greater than the capacity of most common internal support systems, resulting in horizontal stressinduced roof falls locally, in mines under unremarkable far-field horizontal stress. Attention should be placed on pillar designs as increasing support density may prove to be ineffective. This mechanism is analyzed using field measurements and generic finite-difference stress analyses. The study confirms the higher load carrying capacity of confinement-controlled coal seams in comparison with structurally controlled coal seams. Such significant differences in confining stresses are not taken into account when estimating peak pillar strength using most common empirical techniques such as those proposed by Bieniawski and Salamon. While using lower pillar strength estimates may be considered conservative,it underestimates the actual capacity of pillars in accumulating much higher stress and strain energies,misleading the designer and inadvertently diminishing mine safety. The role of induced horizontal stress in mine pillars and surrounding strata is emphasized in coal pillar mechanics of violent failure. The triggering mechanism for the violent events is sudden loss of pillar confinement due to dynamic loading resulting from failure of overlying stiff and strong strata. Evidence of such mechanism is noted in the field by observed red-dust at the coal-rock interfaces at the location of coal bumps and irregular, periodic caving in room-and-pillar mines quantified through direct pressure measurements in the gob. 展开更多
关键词 Rockburst and coal bumps Field measurements Stress analysis Mechanics Horizontal stress
A Feminist Analysis of Alexandra in O Pioneers
作者 LIU Xi WU Yi 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第12期959-963,共5页
Willa Cather was the first woman frontier writer in American literary history who devoted herself to the portrayal of frontier life of pioneers in the Middle West America. She has successfully created a series of movi... Willa Cather was the first woman frontier writer in American literary history who devoted herself to the portrayal of frontier life of pioneers in the Middle West America. She has successfully created a series of moving women images. Most of Cather's female images are strong-minded and independent, attempting to take the fate into their own hands. In a sense, she can be regarded as a precursor of modern feminism. 0 Pioneers is the first mature book of Willa Cather, with the heroic protagonist, Alexandra, the representative of such women characters. With the application of the feminist literary approach, the thesis makes a detailed analysis of the heroine Alexandra in an attempt to illustrate and prove Cather's feminist thinking tendency. The present paper aims to analyze the feminist thoughts of Alexandra from the perspectives of her Revolt against "Woman Myth", her struggle against patriarchal society, and her longing for a real equality between men and women. 展开更多
Geochemistry of Tertiary sandstones from southwest Sarawak,Malaysia: implications for provenance and tectonic setting 被引量:1
作者 Nasim Ferdous Atikul Haque Farazi 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2016年第3期294-308,共15页
Tertiary sandstones collected from southwest Sarawak, Malaysia, were analyzed to decipher their provenance, weathering, and tectonic setting. The studied sandstones have a sublitharenite composition and are dominantly... Tertiary sandstones collected from southwest Sarawak, Malaysia, were analyzed to decipher their provenance, weathering, and tectonic setting. The studied sandstones have a sublitharenite composition and are dominantly composed quartz with little mica and feldspar, and a small amount of volcanic fragments. These sand- stones were generally derived from quartz-rich recycled orogenic sources. They have relatively high SiO2 content with low Na20, CaO, MnO, and MgO contents. Values of Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) of these rock samples vary from 71 to 93, with an average of 81, implying intense chemical alteration during weathering. A felsic igneous source is suggested by a low concentration of TiO2 com- pared to CIA, enrichment of Light Rare Earth Elements, depletion of Heavy Rare Earth Elements, and negative Eu anomalies. A felsic origin is further supported by a Eu/Eu* range of 0.65-0.85 and high Th/Sc, La/Sc, La/Co, and Th/ Co ratios. This work presents the first reported geochemical data of Tertiary sandstones of the Sarawak Basin. These data led us to conclude that the sandstones were dislodged from recycled orogenic sources and deposited in a slowly subsiding rifted basin in a passive continental tectonic setting. 展开更多
关键词 GEOCHEMISTRY Tertiary sandstone PROVENANCE Tectonic setting SW Sarawak MALAYSIA
WZ Sagittae Space WeathermGIobal Warming
作者 William Sokeland 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2017年第3期154-174,共21页
The planet responds thermally to the impacts of nova WZ Sagittae debris by heating and cooling. The result in the first 19 years of the nova WZ Sagittae cycle is global warming that is hemi-spherically dependent and i... The planet responds thermally to the impacts of nova WZ Sagittae debris by heating and cooling. The result in the first 19 years of the nova WZ Sagittae cycle is global warming that is hemi-spherically dependent and is detectable in South America ice core data and Antarctica surface mass balance data. Planetary thermal data are correlated in the past by calculating the debris impact times from the super outbursts times of nova WZ Sagittae. The shape of the arctic ice cap is dependent on the 220 degree path of the debris and does not exist southward between the western extension and eastern termini of nova WZ Sagittae that define the Arctic heating path. Future global heating from nova WZ Sagittae will begin in 2020-2021. The increase of 6 to 8 magnitude unusual earthquakes in recent years is the results of nova WZ Sagittae and SN 1054 debris impact. Unusual occurrences in the biosphere indicate the starting time of impacting supernova debris streams. The Antarctic sea ice distribution in November of 2016 defines the termini of maximum particle concentration impact from supernova 1006 in the southern hemisphere. The killing heat in India of the northern hemisphere is associated with the western terminus of this supernova. Novas and supernovas times of impact correlate with plague outbreaks in the western USA marking the particles in the debris streams as the cause of the disease. 展开更多
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