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作者 卢磊 唐金 +1 位作者 王瑾 刘树侠 《北方果树》 2024年第5期12-14,共3页
为丰富伊犁河谷樱桃栽培品种,作者从哈萨克斯坦引进‘西里西娜’樱桃在特克斯县进行试验栽培,观测分析其适应性、抗寒性等。结果表明,‘西里西娜’樱桃能够适应伊犁河谷温室栽培,树体生长健壮,易成花,丰产,稳产;平均单果重10.59~11.23 g... 为丰富伊犁河谷樱桃栽培品种,作者从哈萨克斯坦引进‘西里西娜’樱桃在特克斯县进行试验栽培,观测分析其适应性、抗寒性等。结果表明,‘西里西娜’樱桃能够适应伊犁河谷温室栽培,树体生长健壮,易成花,丰产,稳产;平均单果重10.59~11.23 g,可溶性固形物含量12.7%~12.9%。但半致死温度为-27.77℃,而伊犁河谷冬季最低温度常常是比-27.77℃还低,在伊犁河谷不宜露地栽培。 展开更多
关键词 西里西娜’樱桃 伊犁河谷 抗寒性 适应性
作者 J.Safanda 王广福 《地球物理学进展》 CSCD 1991年第3期111-111,共1页
对上西里西安盆地捷克斯洛伐克部分的49口钻孔中的焊化数据(镜质组反射率,R_m%)进行处理,求出了在纳穆利安阶和早威斯特伐利安阶时期占优势的古温度梯度。在纳穆利安阶A时期,至少在盆地西部,计算出的温度梯度很高(平均95K/km)。在此时期... 对上西里西安盆地捷克斯洛伐克部分的49口钻孔中的焊化数据(镜质组反射率,R_m%)进行处理,求出了在纳穆利安阶和早威斯特伐利安阶时期占优势的古温度梯度。在纳穆利安阶A时期,至少在盆地西部,计算出的温度梯度很高(平均95K/km)。在此时期,俄斯特拉发层位(FM)以很高的沉降速率沉积,相应的热流密度200mW/m^2不可能反映该地区本来的热流密度,但可代表最上部2—3km厚度层内下表面的值,它可能是由盆地内部对流系统维持的。在纳穆利安阶B.C和威斯特伐利安阶A时期,温度梯度偏低(在卡尔维纳层位平均77K/km),这里指出梯度阶降低与盆地发展变化相关。纳穆利亚阶内的缺失出现在纳穆利安阶A和B的开始时期。根据南缘的俄斯特拉发层位的R_m数据得出,卡尔维纳层位的沉积以低热状态为主,由此形成了盆地的卡尔维纳部分(平均梯度为60-65K/km)。由于在这些地区,俄斯特拉发层位相对较薄,而卡尔维纳层位却较厚,故在卡尔维纳层位沉积时俄斯特拉发层位的沉积达到了最高温度。固此,RM数据应该反映较低梯度。利用两个层位中求得的古温度梯度和这两个层位的现代平均热导率,计算出热流密度是115-130 mW/m-2。这个值与用同样方法在鲁尔盆地求得的威斯特伐利安阶A的热流125mW/m-2非常一致。 展开更多
关键词 俄斯特拉发 西里西 卡尔维 利安 热流密度 层位 威斯特 温度梯度 对流系统 沉降速率
作者 丁时光 周正军 《民族音乐》 2015年第5期97-97,共1页
关键词 西里西
作者 张子楠 《大众科学》 2020年第1期60-61,共2页
景区风光绮丽独特,高原风光浓郁,登贵州屋脊小韭菜坪,可领略唐朝诗人杜甫的"一览众山小"之气概。韭菜坪的天,是一种独特的蓝。不同于青藏高原那般,它蓝得非常的纯净,令人肃然起敬的同时还让你有一种亲近的感觉。站在山顶,人... 景区风光绮丽独特,高原风光浓郁,登贵州屋脊小韭菜坪,可领略唐朝诗人杜甫的"一览众山小"之气概。韭菜坪的天,是一种独特的蓝。不同于青藏高原那般,它蓝得非常的纯净,令人肃然起敬的同时还让你有一种亲近的感觉。站在山顶,人的心似乎也像这蓝天一般纯洁无暇,与山浑然一体。 展开更多
关键词 韭菜坪 一览众山小 风光绮丽 杜甫 西里西 浑然一体 青藏高原
作者 倪立洁 《音乐天地》 2004年第2期26-27,共2页
  [教学内容]   义务教育课程标准实验教科书   音乐二年级上册   [教学目标]   1、初步学会歌曲<阿西里西>.   2、在参与活动中逐渐培养学生的音乐记忆力.   3、学生能积极参与即兴表演,且动作协调.……
关键词 西里西 录音 音乐 声乐曲 歌曲 歌词内容
作者 煤炭部规划设计院情报组 《煤炭工程》 1981年第2期47-48,共2页
关键词 井型 生产集中 建井 生产管理 产煤国 地面设施 技术管理 西里西 地质条件 设备更新
作者 本刊编辑部 《中国西部》 2008年第8期116-119,共4页
西部44座名山入选中国避暑榜,川渝九山名列其中,联合评价机构特别委托本刊向西部入选避暑名山致函祝贺。日前,由中国城市竞争力研究会(GN)、亚太环境保护协会(APEPA)、中国城市研究院(CUI)、中华口碑中心CPPC、中国城市杂志社、亚太人... 西部44座名山入选中国避暑榜,川渝九山名列其中,联合评价机构特别委托本刊向西部入选避暑名山致函祝贺。日前,由中国城市竞争力研究会(GN)、亚太环境保护协会(APEPA)、中国城市研究院(CUI)、中华口碑中心CPPC、中国城市杂志社、亚太人文与生态价值评估中心、中华绿色版图工程生态示范基地等联合调研与评价机构,在香港发布"2008中国避暑名山榜"。令人感到欣慰的是,虽然遭遇震灾袭击,但峨眉山、西岭雪山、青城山等仍然名列其中。 展开更多
关键词 青城山 峨眉山 西岭雪山 韭菜坪 西庐山 云南大理 鸡公山 西五台山 梵净山 西里西
作者 王继良 《煤炭经济研究》 1984年第12期48-49,共2页
关键词 建筑物下采煤 技术改革 商品煤 西里西 技术考察 可缩性支架 泥质页岩 围岩条件 大型矿井 缓倾斜
乌蒙山脊 碧海荡漾
作者 金秋时 程佩佩 《当代贵州》 2023年第45期22-24,共3页
关键词 深秋时节 草原 乌蒙山 西里西 喧嚣
作者 屈诗琦 张洁(指导) 《今日教育(作文大本营)》 2022年第7期69-69,共1页
“冲!冲!冲!”“呜呼!起飞啦!”“啊!救命啊!”……车厢中兴奋的欢呼声和惊恐的尖叫声夹杂在一起,伴随着发动机的轰鸣,一辆越野车沿着一条笔直的坡道冲刺上去,仿佛下一秒就会脱离地面直冲云霄。别担心,这不是危险驾驶,也不是特技表演,... “冲!冲!冲!”“呜呼!起飞啦!”“啊!救命啊!”……车厢中兴奋的欢呼声和惊恐的尖叫声夹杂在一起,伴随着发动机的轰鸣,一辆越野车沿着一条笔直的坡道冲刺上去,仿佛下一秒就会脱离地面直冲云霄。别担心,这不是危险驾驶,也不是特技表演,这是在阿西里西大草原一段名为“冲天路”的自驾公路上才能感受到的特别体验。位于贵州省赫章县的阿西里西大草原,成就了我们这次暑假自驾之旅中最疯狂也最畅快的一段旅程。 展开更多
关键词 直冲云霄 危险驾驶 西里西 越野车 自驾 旅程 疯狂
作者 蒋徐武 《学子(理论版)》 2015年第11期20-20,共1页
很多学生,甚至是教师都将小学音乐课程看成是唱唱歌,顶多再是掌握相应的音乐知识。事实上,即便是小学音乐课程也绝非这么简单。作为一名音乐教师,应该在常规的音乐教学努力构建主题性音乐情境课程。这一课程的内容不是纯粹的音乐加上文... 很多学生,甚至是教师都将小学音乐课程看成是唱唱歌,顶多再是掌握相应的音乐知识。事实上,即便是小学音乐课程也绝非这么简单。作为一名音乐教师,应该在常规的音乐教学努力构建主题性音乐情境课程。这一课程的内容不是纯粹的音乐加上文化内涵。而是教师在对应主题内容的关照下,将与之相关、匹配的音乐元素整理糅合在一起,引导学生用心的品鉴、自主地歌唱,从而有机将音乐融合社会文化的有机体系中,促进对音乐的有效感知与整体理解。 展开更多
关键词 文化课程 整体理解 有效感 主题性 品鉴 主题内容 有机体系 劳动号子 西里西 认知方式
坚持民族团结进步 聚力赶超跨越发展
作者 李正荣 《当代贵州》 2014年第31期40-41,共2页
在2014年9月28日召开的中央民族工作会议暨国务院第六次全国民族团结进步表彰大会上,中共威宁自治县委员会获得国务院第六次全国民族团结进步模范集体表彰,中共毕节市委副书记、威宁自治县委书记杨兴友参加了会议。这是威宁自治县的荣幸... 在2014年9月28日召开的中央民族工作会议暨国务院第六次全国民族团结进步表彰大会上,中共威宁自治县委员会获得国务院第六次全国民族团结进步模范集体表彰,中共毕节市委副书记、威宁自治县委书记杨兴友参加了会议。这是威宁自治县的荣幸,也是对党中央、国务院和省委、省政府,国家民委和贵州省民委等对威宁民族各项工作的充分肯定。 展开更多
关键词 威宁 模范集体 国家民委 县委书记 民计民生 旅游基础设施 民族问题 民族政策 民族文化保护 西里西
作者 高佩芬 《生活教育》 2011年第12X期68-69,共2页
教育的使命是通过有组织地教学,让学生建立起知识、技能、情感、道德的价值体系,从而获得民族的、世界的价值观和信仰认同。我们的教育虽经历了多次改革,虽改变了教育模式、教育技术、教育制度乃至教育观念,但是依然缺少点什么,或许就... 教育的使命是通过有组织地教学,让学生建立起知识、技能、情感、道德的价值体系,从而获得民族的、世界的价值观和信仰认同。我们的教育虽经历了多次改革,虽改变了教育模式、教育技术、教育制度乃至教育观念,但是依然缺少点什么,或许就是缺少一种深厚的文化底蕴和大智慧的贯通。 展开更多
关键词 文化特性 教育模式 音乐主题 长江之歌 西里西 文化元素 乡土音乐 人生哲理 人类文化 情境教学法
Thales of Miletus, Archimedes and the Solar Eclipses on the Antikythera Mechanism
作者 G6ran Henriksson 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2014年第12期757-769,共13页
Thales of Miletus (640?-546 BC) is famous for his prediction of the total solar eclipse in 585 BC. In this paper, the author demonstrate how Thales may have used the same principle for prediction of solar eclipses ... Thales of Miletus (640?-546 BC) is famous for his prediction of the total solar eclipse in 585 BC. In this paper, the author demonstrate how Thales may have used the same principle for prediction of solar eclipses as that used on the Antikythera Mechanism. At the SEAC conference in Alexandria in 2009, the author presented the paper "Ten solar eclipses show that the Antikythera Mechanism was constructed for use on Sicily." The best defined series of exeligmos cycles started in 243 BC during the lifetime of Archimedes (287-212 BC) from Syracuse. The inscriptions on the Antikythera Mechanism were made in 100-150 BC and the last useful exeligmos started in 134 BC. The theory for the motion of the moon was from Hipparchus (ca 190-125 BC). A more complete investigation of the solar eclipses on the Antikythera Mechanism reveals that the first month in the first saros cycle started with the first new moon after the winter solstice in 542 BC. Four solar eclipses 537-528 BC, from the first saros cycle, and three one exeligmos cycle later, 487-478 BC, are preserved and may have been recorded in Croton by Pythagoras (ca 575-495 BC) and his school. 展开更多
关键词 Solar eclipse exeligmos cycle saros cycle seasonal hour equinoctial hour.
Spanish Last Names in the Naples Periphery
作者 Lucia Buttaro 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第7期535-541,共7页
The purpose of this study is to shed light on the southern part of Italy where Catalonians ruled. Great numbers of Spaniards, principally the Catalonians, headed to that country. This affected the language, and, in tu... The purpose of this study is to shed light on the southern part of Italy where Catalonians ruled. Great numbers of Spaniards, principally the Catalonians, headed to that country. This affected the language, and, in turn, the history of people's last names. At first, some of the Spanish last names were used as nicknames for Italians. The method 1 used to get the data from primary sources was from spending time in Italy for four consecutive summers and visiting towns in the Naples area while I collected surnames found on houses. The Catalonians came to rule Sardinia, and their language and subsequently Spanish were official on the island. The linguistic influence of Spanish does not stop with surnames. A list of Spanish and Basque surnames which is redolent of the history of southern Italy and Sicily is appended. The geolinguistics interest lies in the way that the study of language, both ordinary words and proper nouns, offers important clues to the lives and movements of people of ages past, reflects political and economic aspects and also explains the ethnic origin of people who live in Sicily and Italy today or are descendants of Italians who have been important immigrants in the Americas, in Australia, and indeed around the world. 展开更多
关键词 ethnonyms nicknames NAPLES Castellano vernacular dialect
Urban and Architectural Design of the Piazza del Governo in Enna
作者 Franca Restuccia Mariateresa Galizia Cettina Santagati 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2012年第6期606-621,共16页
The paper deals with the urban space of Piazza del Governo in Enna, a town located in the center of Sicily. This square was realized in 1935 by the architect Salvatore Caronia Roberti and is representative of the 1930... The paper deals with the urban space of Piazza del Governo in Enna, a town located in the center of Sicily. This square was realized in 1935 by the architect Salvatore Caronia Roberti and is representative of the 1930s' fascist regime. The aim of this research is the knowledge of this urban space: the historical references, the compositive choices, the planimetric layout and its geometric rigor, and the monumentality and representativeness of the buildings overlooking the square. The research used the tools of Survey and Representation to better understand the dimensional ratios both at the urban and architectural scale. We have carried out an integrated survey (direct, photogrammetric, 3D laser scanning) in order to acquire a whole set of information essential to describe, document, and appreciate all the features of this urban space. Our investigation started by analyzing the historical documents preserved at the Historic Archive of the city of Enna (project drawings, letters, and historical images) to better understand why some decisions have been taken. The final result represents the historical memory up-to-date of the whole urban space, and it allows any academics to investigate more about the project: the initial decisions, the conservation state, and the possible and more coherent interventions of maintenance and preservation. 展开更多
关键词 urban design architecture history survey laser scanning 3D reconstruction historical preservation
Youth and Employment: The Effectiveness of the Youth Guarantee Plan in Emilia Romagna and Sicily
作者 Fiorella Vinci 《Sociology Study》 2017年第1期43-55,共13页
The paper presents a comparative analysis of the "Youth Guarantee Plan" implemented by two Italian regions: Emilia Romagna and Sicily. Within the tradition of the sociology of public action, the study proposes a de... The paper presents a comparative analysis of the "Youth Guarantee Plan" implemented by two Italian regions: Emilia Romagna and Sicily. Within the tradition of the sociology of public action, the study proposes a deepening of the institutional and cognitive analysis of public policies. From the comparison, two distinct models of public action emerge: The first model that implemented by the Emilia Romagna Region, appears more procedural and more founded on the involvement of institutions present in the territory (employment centres, universities, chambers of commerce, professional bodies), whilst the second model, implemented by the Sicily Region, seems founded mainly on the emphasis placed on the economistic definition of the policy. From the study, most of all, the processes through which the distinct regional public actions succeed in interpreting the innovative potential of the Youth Guarantee Plan and the relations existing between the effectiveness of the policies and the collective meanings that institutions and individuals assign to them, emerge. 展开更多
关键词 YOUTH EMPLOYMENT public action South Europe
Durum Wheat Bread: Old Sicilian Varieties and Improved Ones
作者 G. Gallo M. Lo Bianco R. Bognanni G. Saimbene A. Orlando O. Grillo R. Saccone G. Venora 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》 2010年第4期10-17,共8页
In Mediterranean countries and particularly in Southern Italy, durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) is traditionally used for bread production. Market globalization has created, also in these regions, the spread of br... In Mediterranean countries and particularly in Southern Italy, durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) is traditionally used for bread production. Market globalization has created, also in these regions, the spread of bread made with soft wheat flour (Triticum aestivum L.) standardizing this product flattening consumers' taste. With the aim of re-evaluating the old Sicilian local varieties, some landraces, chosen from the genebank of the institute, have been multiplied on farmers' fields to have enough material for making bread and for comparing this product with bread made by improved new varieties. Before milling in the pilot plant, the different wheats were characterized for their merceological indexes. The semolina obtained was analyzed for its chemical parameters. Rheological tests were conducted on dough and, finally, using standardized methods, one-variety breads were produced. On the bread slices, computerized image analysis was performed to measure colour and morphological parameters of crumb and crust. Sensory analysis, achieved through a descriptive profiling test, was conducted with trained judges using touch, fragrance and taste attributes for the different bread types. The different merceological, chemical and theological properties of raw material, grain and semolina were reflected in the breads prepared using old or improved varieties. Finally, the data obtained pointed out that the bread prepared with old and improved varieties can be clearly distinguished both by objective morphological parameters (image analysis) and by sensorial evaluations, for a potential traceability of typical product. 展开更多
关键词 Durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) old and improved varieties biodiversity BREAD image analysis sensory evaluation
初中音乐课堂教学中的师生“互动艺术” 被引量:2
作者 杨春 《课程教材教学研究(中教研究)》 2014年第Z1期32-33,共2页
随着课程改革的深化,尤其是在应试教育向素质教育转化的背景下,学校音乐艺术教育的重要性已越来越被人们所认识。新课程标准要求在音乐课堂教学中师生要共同营造和谐、愉快、合作的教学氛围,因此教师要激发学生学习音乐的浓厚兴趣,变&qu... 随着课程改革的深化,尤其是在应试教育向素质教育转化的背景下,学校音乐艺术教育的重要性已越来越被人们所认识。新课程标准要求在音乐课堂教学中师生要共同营造和谐、愉快、合作的教学氛围,因此教师要激发学生学习音乐的浓厚兴趣,变"厌学"为"乐学",从"被动学习"走向"主动学习",最终达到素质教育的要求。根据新课程"互动"的原理,我结合多年教学实践,在初中音乐教学中,进行了"互动式"教学模式的实践探索。 展开更多
关键词 音乐课堂教学 初中音乐 教学氛围 课程标准要求 乐学 新课程 活动课 感受力 理念要求 西里西
“分治”走向“共治” 立法共护美丽韭菜坪
作者 吕跃 《人大论坛》 2023年第1期50-51,共2页
省十三届人大常委会第三十六次会议批准《六盘水市韭菜坪景区保护条例》《毕节市韭菜坪景区保护条例》和毕节市、六盘水市人大常委会《关于加强韭菜坪景区共同保护的决定》,两市共同立法保护韭菜坪画上圆满句号。“百闻不如一见,韭菜坪... 省十三届人大常委会第三十六次会议批准《六盘水市韭菜坪景区保护条例》《毕节市韭菜坪景区保护条例》和毕节市、六盘水市人大常委会《关于加强韭菜坪景区共同保护的决定》,两市共同立法保护韭菜坪画上圆满句号。“百闻不如一见,韭菜坪风光名不虚传,花美景美日出美。”到过赫章县阿西里西韭菜坪的游客陈先生常常向朋友们推荐,每年秋冬之交,万亩野生韭菜花相继盛开,置身漫山遍野的紫色韭菜花海,常常让人流连忘返。 展开更多
关键词 韭菜花 韭菜坪 六盘水市 毕节市 赫章县 野生韭菜 立法保护 西里西
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